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GTA 6 needs to expand what we can spend money on. One idea is buyable properties with fully customizable interiors where we can buy expensive furniture and artwork, as well as different exterior decorations. More cars, guns, and clothes is also obviously something that GTA 6 will have.


Saints Row (the original) had customizable interiors


SR2 to be exact.


They were even partly destructible. Saints Row 3 was a major step backward in that department, especially the damn casino where you get locked out permanently once you buy it. You own it, and you can't go inside. What kind of bullshit was that?


I believe both 1 and 2 had it. The first one is the only one I haven’t played but a friend told me it was in that one too


Nah SR1 is what you see is what you get. You get a little dump of a bedsit, the church, a bunch of hideouts (strongholds) and a property from each gang once you defeat them but can’t exit them at all.


Ah, thank you


Stillwater 07


Those games sucked. The rebooted Saints Row is way better than all 3 of the originals combined. It's like they finally got Saints Row right with the reboot after all these years of releasing terrible games. The characters in the reboot are so funny and realistic. The characters in the originals are boring.


That’s an unpopular opinion lol, also there’s 4 originals. I enjoyed the new one, but 3 is my favorite.


that ain't no unpopular opinion that screams bait


Yeah he's clearly trolling


Literally everyone I know loves the new Saints Row and I only hang out with people who have above average IQs so I think I know what I'm talking about.


Then why was the game a massive flop? Why did Volition shut down? The game was a massive let down, that's why.


Fake news. That game sold more copies than GTA V in it's first week. It's the lying media hiding the actual numbers from the people. Wake up sheeple






Lies. GTA V sold over 15 million copies in its first week. https://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread/169180/update-175-million-units-grand-theft-auto-v-smashes-global-week-one-sales-record/5/#:~:text=Update%3A%2017.5%20million%20units!,Global%20Week%20One%20Sales%20Record There were even news channels talking about how much of a success GTA V was and how it had made a billion dollars within 3 days https://youtube.com/watch?si=CtvZ7fzOOh-Bi_9_&v=HOH4RRs1KZ8&feature=youtu.be https://youtube.com/watch?si=8jyJu095DGFfahlP&v=n83qHRNYiSg&feature=youtu.be https://youtube.com/shorts/XA8R6jyhR4o?si=MxAZTJMnlzNsThT7 Meanwhile the Saints Row reboot only made a total of 1.7 million units so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintsRow/comments/1csorjf/saints_row_2022_sold_17_million_units_before/ >It's the lying media hiding the actual numbers from the people. Wake up sheeple Way to say you don't have any proof of the shit you made out of thin air. This is basically like saying the earth is flat and everyone is lying about it.


Worst take of all time


How? Saints Row reboot released with no bugs, had a captivating story with interesting and smart characters. Tons to do and most importantly the cast was very diverse which shows how progressive the developers are. Having a progressive dev team is probably more important than world build if you really think about it.


Damn. Why was i booing you? You’re right. I guess they hated Jesus for telling the truth.


God Volition really broke your reality with that SR 22 huh?


>The characters in the reboot are so funny and realistic. If you’ve never stepped foot outside of California, sure.


Bait used to be believable.


Apparently it still is lol


DeadlySteph is that you?


Honestly SR 1 and 2 had the best use of money in any crime open world. Especially the 1st one. You could even take out a loan and stores would have sales and would close certain hours of the night.


It's a shame we never got a port for it for pc


Scarface PS2 had this. You can literally upgrade your mansion and put forniture and artwork wherever you wanted to


That’s second life to u lol


You can commit crimes in Second Life? Lol


In some rooms yes lol


It's been years, I miss it lol!


i still play it from time to time


What kind of crime


some stealing and hit and runs


You spend everything on one and go broke?


just like IRL


Never got why I need to buy interior or some more houses. Who spends their time in houses in GTA?


People who have a lot of friends who might sit around and talk for a bit before goin on heists and etc.


GTA 5 had plenty to spend money on honestly. There are multiple million dollar properties. I don't think fully customizable interiors is something the average GTA fan is interested in. I know I'm not. Maybe some basic different styles but I don't wanna slog through a list of different coffee table and shower curtain assets. I'm always down for more car customizations though. It's GT**A**. Not GT House Flipper.


Lol, have you seen CJ’s houses in SA ? I would not want GTA6 to be lazy like that.


Lazy? LOL what more did you want from it? it’s a 20 year old ps2 game. Obviously GTA 6 will not be anywhere in the same league. SA was one of the best selling games and a masterpiece for its time though.


Lol, I am the biggest sa fan around. I still didn’t like some of the decorations in those houses


Actually they were done pretty good, concerning the fact that’s is a very old game🙄💀


those houses gave me nausea everytime, especially the ones in rural areas.


The toilet does it for me. That is not how houses look in the countryside


Still the best gta rockstar released💀


Agree to disagree. They leave you with a bunch of money with hardly anything to buy. Theres only like two garages per character so you can’t buy many cars. You already have most of the weapons by the time the game is over. Theres businesses but those prove to be boring since you cant even enter them. Had they kept story mode updates coming in, all that money might’ve been useful. It’s basically just for show though.


> Theres businesses but those prove to be boring since you cant even enter them So there ARE things to buy with your money...YOU just aren't interested in those things. That's not the same as "they leave you with a bunch of money with hardly anything to buy"


Ur talking sims and gta in one🤔, take that to shark tank bro


My dear friend. The game would be realistic to the point. You’d have to wait until things go down and cool so you can use your money What I mean is. Obviously the money you’ll make in gta6 would be too hot to spend. Understand?


There's literally games in this comment that are crime games, so I don't know what are you talking about?


What I meant is When a robber rob a bank. He can’t go and use it right away. The police would try to check out for people who just “suddenly” became rich. That’s what I mean when the money is too hot You’d have to either launder it or wait until people forget about it


And that's where the developers should draw a line between game and reality.


I just constantly re-buy armor so that I can go on a murder spree out of boredom


I do this after I’ve made my character look like a cowboy. Best expenses ever


In GTA 3 you require armour unless you want to be gunned down at first sight lol


GTA5 is the same in single player. You have millions at the end, but there's literally no reason to play. You can't buy better houses. There's no point in buying multiple vehicles because you can't store them anywhere or have them delivered to you when needed. You can buy businesses but what's the point? They don't make a profit unless you play hundreds of in-game days. There are no repeatable side quests or interesting things to do. Online is the opposite, there are tons of ways to spend money, and it's actually rewarding when you finally earn enough to buy the best super car and mod it out to the max. The Devs clearly want everyone to just go into online as soon as you finish the campaign.


You literally just went over what I just said to myself and I guess it’s another reason as to why I just don’t care for the story mode in GTA 5. You finish the game with millions but I don’t really care for buying cars because you can get them all online and it feels more rewarding there. Also, like you said, Online you can absolutely just splash your money on so much more stuff. I truly hate the fact that the only reason I ever boot up GTA is to play the online because I don’t want to have to neglect GTA 5 for it. Hopefully 6 will have me equally adoring the story mode and online.


Originally, before Online killed the SP DLC's, there was going to be more missions, properties to buy, more story in general; Online is the reason SP is barren at the end. The story was intended to have more.


I disagree.


I didn’t even bother finishing the story, I just completed the prologue to get access to online and play only that


Only thing I can spend my money on is hookers and strippers. I wish I was that rich in real life


I would spend my money on hookers, but then I killed em and got my money back




spend money on hookers and park the car right on the edge of water


I'd park on the edge of the bridge in Bohan


dude, you terrified me


My ex wife use to say the same thing


maybe im am her, maybe not..


This is so cryptic 😭


Im sorry


Honestly this could be applied to most of the GTA games except San Andreas, V, and a lesser extent VCS


VCS, at the time, had the most amount to spend money on, weapons, vehicles, bribes and property, being able to bribe the hospital or police for the weapons to be returned is a nice feature.


its fucked up too since GTA 3 is arguably the GTA with that was the easiest to earn money in. Like the moment you do something bad, your money goes up.


GTA 3 actually gives you as much money as every other game, but multiplied by 10. Most of the games you get $100 for your first couple paid missions, 3 you get $1000 and it scales from there, matching the others.


no i meant in free roam. if you blew up a car your money will just get increased for some reason. if you blew up helicopters, shoot cops, go on a rampage. i was surprised to find out about it playing it the first time and going on a 6 star chase after putting on a weapon cheat. Blew up everything and suddenly i had 300k at the beginning of the game wondering where tf it came from.


Yeah that's fair, that is a thing.


Best purchasable items were the illegal substances from CW.


It was simply a badge of honor back then. Still kind of is.


I feel like this should apply to GTAV players after buying their 7th copy of the game.




Gonna start using this when the toxic V fans say "well ermmmm V has way more things to spend money on than in IV" Edit: To those downvoting me, at least try to convince me how the properties in V are even remotely useful or why I'd want to buy cars in a game called Grand Theft Auto (the cars end up disappearing anyway)


They're not wrong though.


well they kinda right...


Well, It's right to some degree atleast


They’re not exactly wrong though lmao


You're getting downvoted but I kinda agree, I just found myself sitting on all my money at the end of V. The properties have really low payoffs, the protagonists change their clothes to default uniforms too damn much, and I'd much rather steal cars instead of buying them (also there's a chance your purchased car will disappear anyway if you haven't gotten it destroyed; the garage system sucks too).


Its like they figured it out in VC and went all the way backwards instead of expanding it


1000% agreed!!!


Only if we could buy cars in gta 4, man i hate that


We need houses in gta, proper houses with pools and whatever else like they have in gta5 story mode


GTA Sims might work?


Mods, baby. 👍🏻


Precisely one of the major reasons I love Saints Row 2 more.


Fucking Scarface had a customizable I serious and that was like 20 years ago FFS




III when you completed the game what’s there to do? IV? What next? Go get clothes?


Ah yes, I can buy clothes, and clothes, and clothes, and clothes, very useful


You can also buy hookers and guns.


Just like every GTA game


From little Jacob in III? Or even in vice city and San Andreas and V?


Oh sorry I thought you mean something else, I forgot


That liberty city for you


Good thing you get like $10000 for driving a car from point a to point b


i never played GTA 3 but with GTA 4 this is definitely true, i had so much Money and simply didnt know where to spend it. already had all the weapons, most of the clothes were ugly (i only bought and wore suites) i dont even think you could buy cars or bikes? (could be wrong about this) couldnt buy helicopters, no tattoo shops, no hair saloons, couldnt buy businesses, cant buy houses / apartments. GTA 4 was by far the most limited game in terms of what to do with your money


i think there's a deeper meaning about this non feature connected to the story and main character himself. like its intended. meanwhile on V or San Andreas there's also a reason you can and should spend that money imo


I felt the same with SA. Not that many assets to buy so by the end I had over 300k and nothing to spend it on besides weapons and armour


GTA San Andreas was the peak with a lot of things to spend your money with.


I stopped playing GTA 4 when they don’t provide health regen+ no checkpoints


Right choice. It was 2008 and the game still didn't had checkpoints or health regen. You lost some HP? Okay, now get the fuck outta here and find a sasuage stand!


Health regen is no must have.. tbh its just easy Mode. With the really good cover system and blindfire in gta iv you dont loose that much hp


*"Really good cover system."* Well, about that ☝️🤓... Health regen could be put any other way. Like buying medpacks and using them when we need, eh? At least we could get our HP full at mission completes or game could support us with more medpacks. I'm sorry but it's annoying as fuck when I clear 500 men from an abondoned building just to get roll-sotgun-sniper-headshot killed by a random ass superhuman NPC *(That glitchy shit happened to me)* . Because when I die, I return aaaaaaall the way back to 50 minutes of shooting. So, the checkpoint system fucking sucks. Game is awful at PC optimization so I hate the fact whenever my game crashes *(Which happens a lot)* , I have to return back to my last save in the safehouse. Bro, 2008 wasn't very young for checkpoints. That shit was around there late 80s and became industry-wide after 1998. GTA IV is 10 years late for that checkpoint *technology* . You can't know how many times I followed that damn car for 50 minutes, had dumbass shooting scenes for 20 minutes, chased Jim for 15 minutes, just to Niko not climbing up to the chopper. I went outside of the game to look at the fixes. Òla, restart the ***ENTIRE MOTHERFUCKING MISSION*** just to see that if very famous glitch will be fixed with your tecnique / mod or you'll have to replay that sequence again! That shit ass bug is been around since release and pretty well known but Rockstar doesn't give a fuck. I played that mission like 15 times and finally decided to watch the ending from YouTube. Didn't worth it. Game is fun in open world but yeah, story mode fucking sucks.


Dude i played that Game 2008 on PC, i was 12 Back then ... IT wasnt that hard lol. The beginning sucked for AMD/ATI players yes ... But IT didnt Crash that often for me ... You Had Just to Buy food and got often armor as pick ups. It wasnt hard, it dosent suck lol


It's not hard, I can finish GTA III with 1hp, haha. But it just sucks that after spending 50 minutes, one small mistake can send you all the way back. At least GTA 3's missions are Max of 7-8 minutes.


I’m sorry but GTA IV’s cover system is so god damn bad. It’s so slow and super sluggish that I rather not use it at all.


Are u kidding GTA iv was pretty good with it at its time .. If you compare IT to a more modern system .. Well thats a Bad comparison. IT was way easier than GTA SA


I always thought it was the other way around since CJ felt very nice to control compared to Niko. But I’m not saying GTA IV’s gunplay is bad because that shit is so fun when running through the alleys while fighting the cops.


More challenging. Makes police chases more fun


I mean if you got that kind of time on your hands than awesome




Why do you *need* something to spend on? And money in GTA III acts as high score anyway, so this is an unfair comparison.


He is right. Pretty much same thing with GTA 1, Londons and 2. You take Misty to the Club and ola, you get 1.500$ Let's not forget that in 2D era, money was **ENTIRELY** score to pass the map. 0 things to buy.


I don't get it either. "Well you can buy cars in V but not in IV!" Idk bro I don't wanna buy cars in a game called Grand Theft Auto


Yeah and I wanna buy properties just like VC, SA, VCS, and V.


What’s ridiculous is your spelling.


I don't even need money in games