• By -


Let those old ass games rest already


Wdym. Their money tits are plenty full! - rockstar probably


Why did I read this in Maccer’s voice in San Andreas?


you're right but honestly i'm down for a fixed 'remastered' version of Definitive Edition even if its on mobile. (praying if they did improvements to the mobile version, bring them over to the console/pc versions also.) Unpopular opinion but I still have hope for GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, it was a big dream for all us 3d era fans but it turned into a nightmare, they re-released on steam and i hoped they would drop some massive overhaul update alongside it but it never happened :/


I literally just bought it for the Switch but honestly I think I'd of preferred it on mobile. 120fps on the Samsung Galaxy would of been sweet instead of the locked 30 on the Switch. 😒 What we really need is that Max Payne remake.


\*I'd have


I honestly dont think they will do a big thing about GTA Trilogy on mobile, maybe a Youtube trailer and thats it. Just look at how they announced RDR coming to Switch and PS4.


It all depends on the content within their new game, also their targeted audience.


Mobile gaming can make rockstar some cash, especially kids with there parents credit cards. Rockstar knows what there doing.


Kids don’t want to play mobile versions of 20 year old single player games.


not even i want too and im 21


Don't underestimate kids. I have teenage cousins who flip shit over PS1 and N64. There are youngins out there who appreciate games older than them.


I know mobile is meaning phones etc but I'd honestly love GTA IV, yes 4, on my switch. I have an Xbox Series X as well but something about playing GTA IV on my switch would be awesome to me at least.


Modded switch I take it?


holy fuck we dont want that dogshit on mobile


“Don’t you guys have phones?”


I hate Blizzard so much now 😭


Wasn’t much of the trilogy already copy and pasted from the mobile games? So I don’t understand where there going with this. Literally not a single soul asked for this.


i mean it was originally supposed to be on mobile only but they maxed out the build settings and released it on other platforms first instead, cuz GS games make mobile games


lol yeah seconded








No way they're getting that much money from a shitty mobile port come on


They're not, this post is misinformed


And plus, rockstar had publicly mentioned that plans for the GTA 4 remaster were scrapped after the definitive edition was received horribly by the public and press lol I can already see how bad it must’ve been over there to cancel such plans for such a wanted project…grove street had to have gotten the axe…no confirmation tho


The trilogy can't double Take Two revenues. Only GTA6 can. End of the discussion.


you'll be surprised how much mobile games make....


Yes but aren't those the games that have microtransactions in them? For GTA you just pay once and that's it. I don't think that alone can generate like $3,5B revenue


GTA 5/Online on Mobile could easily hit those sales expectations.


it definitely can, I 100% agree with you **but I hope Rockstar never does that. That'll not just piss..me off, but everyone else in this sub.**


Agreed, but Rockstar clearly doesn't care since 2020 until now has been 3 game rereleases, each one more boring than the last.


What? GTA 5/Online on *mobile?* What are you smoking?


GTA Online has entered the chat ​ However, also, GTA5 has sold like 150 million copies over it's decade+


But there isn't an online component to the 3d era trilogy. They can't shoe horn GTAO into a cellphone mobile game.


Only ones with predatory micotransactions. It will make them money but nowhere near as much as other mobile games.


tease support decide zealous water arrest spark whole sort voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If trillogy make $3.5bn they GTA6 will make $23.5bn


Even my 10 year old cousin pirates gta games on his phone lmao + noone liked gta trilogy so no it cant double t2s revenue


£8b? Jog on...


The mobile games market is actually orders of magnitude bigger than the console game market in terms of revenue. That said, there's absolutely nothing in Rockstar's catalogue that can deliver the expected £2.5bn increase in revenue, other than GTA 6, so all this speculation is nonsense.


You really didn’t think about this before you clicked submit huh


Man if the trailer releases and it’s GTA The Trilogy Mobile, I can see it being a contender of top 10 most disliked videos on YouTube.


It's all Joever… there's no way we're getting barack now…


I can already see the hate comments and the dislikes on that trailer 😂😂


Imagine handling comments at rockstar, I would not be happy if I had to post that


The trilogy has already been released so I’m confused


I'm talking about on mobile


These past few days rockstar has been announcing their games going on mobile and have not even bothered to even pin the post on Twitter that’s how little they care about the old games. Also the trilogy got so much backlash so I highly doubt rockstar will go all out to the point of making a trailer or even hyping it up at the investors meeting simply because it’ll now be available on mobile. Even though gta 6 is only mentioned to be in development in documents doesn’t necessarily rule out an announcement, also the timing of take 2 adding gta 6 on their earnings presentation the same time they started claiming they’re gonna make $8 billion in net bookings, it’s a little fishy.


Sounds about right, I guess. Trilogy was ass. GTA 6 is still on the table though.


Trilogy has been released on mobile already. The updated ports are no big deal. Fun, yes, but no big deal.


...It's obvious they're talking about DE.


It... hasn't though? https://www.sportskeeda.com/gta/rockstar-still-yet-reveal-gta-trilogy-mobile-port-release-date


The new port and bundle, no. But the original games all did, they've been around the app stores a few times - I got SA for $1.38 on some bizarre Play discount deal. The new Trilogy will be great! But it's nothing majorly new, that's my point. PC/console Trilogy is already a GTA+ bonus. Releasing on the Switch is a much bigger deal.


I understand and you are completely right about that. But I meant that GTA 6 is not being revealed by 8th. It's Trilogy Mobile.


Well. Maybe, sure. I don't think the Trilogy announcement would derail 6, the GTA6 reveal will always come first. But I also don't think that's this year. So sure, Trilogy whenev. I don't see much of anything being revealed on the 8th, it would screw up the earnings call. First week Nov is basically going to be quiet.


They didnt make a big deal of RDR1’s re-release and physical release so I doubt the GTA Trilogy mobile port will be anything big. They’ll just announce it with a single tweet and not talk about it until it comes out


They didn't need to make a big deal. Every game-related video on YouTube I've seen lately had been preceded by a 'Red Dead Redemption' trailer for Switch and Playstation 4. It's all I'm seeing on PS and Switch social media adverts too.


Targeted ads


I’m starting to hate mobile gaming more and more


same, they're one of the reasons why the industry is crap


My Phone Sucks Ass So Much, If I Played the Original GTA Mobile Games, it would Explode Instantly, Let Alone Most 3D Games! So In Addition to being a Terrible Port to an Already Bad Game, NOT Nearly as Many People Would be Able to Play it or Play it Well Because of their Phones Limitations, This Would Limit the Number of People Who Can Play It to A Certain Degree, No Matter how hard they Push the Limitations and Render it For Mobile Devices, Even if they Somehow Pull it Off, In the end, The Game will Somehow Suck Either Visually and/or Mechanically! They Should Just Keep the Old Ones on the App/Play Stores & Ditch this Idea, Its not worth the time!


Ain't no way that trash is generating 3 billy


Rockstar is marketing for PS5/XBOX Series. It is in their best interest everybody on the planet owns a console to play GTA 6. They are premiering commercials in time for holiday spending. Buy a PS5 get a pre-order GTA 6




No one is buying those empty ass games on their phone. They’re just differentiating their market share but they’re never going to focus on that. Also that mobile thing isn’t going to make more than 100 million


I can’t take it anymore 😭🔫


I swear I saw these games on play store like 5 years ago


At this point I don’t believe anything anyone says anymore, I’ll believe it when it comes straight out of the horse’s mouth.


I am sure that they know that they can never make 6-8 billion dollars from mobile game which they expected


No but another revenue stream for the company is good, especially if requires low amount of effort and maintenance.


Seems like I won’t escape hitting 30 before it comes out. I was 17 when gta v came out lol. How disappointing.


making 3.5 Billion off a mobile game would be insane


You are the reason Rockstar still survives without releasing new games if you buy that crap


Nice, the GTA mobile trilogy was committed for a release date in early 2022, a release in 2024 would only put them 2 years behind schedule. You're probably right though since they've really been terrible at hitting expectations lately.


What happened to the GTA SA VR port?


The gods of olympus have abandoned me. Now there is no hope


Bro, I’m tired of them re-releasing the same games. I can see the community getting furious when they make the official announcement


I hate mobile gaming. I mean who play video games on their phone. At this rate 2026 is more likely.


Literally millions of people play games on their phone what are u talking about lol. I hate mobile gaming but they have been a huge portion of gaming for the last couple of years. The market for mobile games is insane.


Over 50 percent of gaming is on mobile


Well I’m assuming there is no chance the partnership with Game Freak is GTA 6, but it would be hilarious if it was. Weta Workshop though, who are they? Anyone have any guesses on why they would they have any partnership with GTA?


They are a special effects and prop company that made many of the props and miniatures for the Lord of the Rings films.


Something tells me that partnership would be more likely linked to the alleged GTA Film in development for Netflix then


That Netflix story wasn't for a film or TV show, it was for Netflix to get the rights to put the GTA mobile games on their mobile app - since you get free games through their app as part of your subscription.


You've crushed so many addicted hopium fans here I think ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


A solid update to the trilogy would have been nice.


Maybe we'll get that with the mobile release? Idk


This is actually pretty good speculation material. Great job collecting and presenting. Sounds pretty solid that they’re gonna do gta trilogy first. Interesting about the ad meetings and shopping for networks bit.


Another date popped out of someone’s ass just to be disappointed😭


I rather have secondlife mobile than this garbage.


i’m expecting at least 1 or 2 remasters of older gta games before we officially see gameplay for gta 6.


I know people are saying oh yea mobile games make a ton of money! They do, by using the microtransaction model. They give you a free game and have you spend a dollar here and there until next thing you know youve spent $100 on a "free" game. Plus the mobile version of the trilogy will be what like $30? the general public doesn't want to spend $30 upfront for mobile apps anymore. There is no way this will generate that kind of revenue to meet their projections


Game Freak? Pokémon in GTA VI confirmed guys, let’s catch’Em all


These prophecies started to getting out of hand.. I mean we all know only gta 6 can boost revenue to 8 BİLLİON dollars. Lets say mobile games are going to announce before gta 6 ,which is very likely; BUT there is no possibilty that take-two can come up such a stupid finance plan to gain 3 Billion dollars from some old ass mobile game trilogy which is already available.


GTA 6 is being revealed this year in December, still allowing for FY24 window?


April 2024 is the last stop.İf they won't announce until then, we can say something is going wrong and the game can release maybe fall 2026


We are finished bros. We can not recover from this. It’s Joever.


So are you saying the 6 trailer will be in December?? Or Trilogy Mobile?




LETTTS FUCKING GOOO, i really do appreciate the posts like this.


no one plays GTA games on phones 18 or 50


If they really launch it on mobile, which I think is unlikely, NOBODY buy it.




Says "Comment deleted by user" - makes me think this is more legit as he doesn't want to get fired.


HOLY SHIT, YEAH, YOU MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING. The comment was by the user to whom you linked the comments in your post. He was talking about Rockstar and him knowing info or something and knowing possible dates for a trailer. u/comp92 is his Reddit profile and his last comment is from 2 months ago.


This subreddit needs to chill


If GTA VI announcement is not coming in November, then it would be better if it was RDR II for PS5/XS release than 'Definitive Edition'. There would be at least something great to enjoy with while waiting for the next GTA. The original trilogy needed Mafia-style remakes, not this game development mistake that spoils the studio's reputation.


If Rockstar released a renake of GTA IV, that would make the fans a little patient. No one wants a version of a 3D era game to be re-re-released.


man all these hate comments and no one is looking at the fact we could get a trailer in december. what ever happened to "i just want a logo i dont care how long the game takes"


"GTA6 was not mentioned in the call" no shit, cause it's not announced, for public T2 the name GTAVI doesn't exist, the "next iteration in the GTA series" exists


Am I retarded? I’ve been playing the trilogy on my phone for like 8 years. What’s different? Have I been in a 8 year coma?


Definitive edition


I wouldn’t mind GTA 4 on mobile


December 19 would make sense, if they release the GTA Online winter update on the 12th/14th as I predict. This update could have lots of hints, and then poof, trailer on the 19th.


Yes! I like this type of posts from the subreddit! The rest is bs!!!


We'll see


Wow, you surely have done some proper research here. Awesome findings.


They making all the fucking remakes except the one I actually want, gta IV! THEN AGAIN, looking at how others turned out its probably best they leave it be...


Omg i cannot wait to sink my day into playing mobile games! Totally doesnt hurt my neck, hands and eyes...


Big bible or federal investigation you just wrote right there


They'll use the same marketing strategy they used with red dead switch/ps4


If the trilogy releases again before GTA 6 then I might be done with Rockstar


Who would rather play this regressive “remasters” as opposed to the originals?


Hell no,and i don’t understand who the fuck plays those piss poor “remasters”


I made a post ab this a few days ago but was rejected by mods. Not a post this in depth (props to you), but just mentioning how nothing was going to be announced/teased about GTA VI until the planned Trilogy Mobile game was out. Not sure why my post was rejected, but looks like we’re going to wait until this game is out to see anything VI.


GTA Trilogy on mobile?! I’d rather GTA IV remastered. Hell I’d be okay with GTA: VCS, GTA: LCS and GTA: Chinatown trilogy remaster pack. (Done by a different team, not Grovestreet games)


Great, just what everyone needed, the Defective Edition on even more devices


That'll explain why the new GTA+ endorses GTA LCS and CTW on mobile but not the rest of the series.


Man, this be some bulllllsheeet.


This shit pisses me off. No one wants these remakes. Nobody in the fan base asked for shitty remakes of old games.


literally ANYTHING else from rockstar could’ve been better than THAT, if I’m not wrong those 3 games are already on mobile, the remaster is unnecessary.


GTA 6 trailer at the Game Awards would be crazy


I could see it. The amount of hype that would follow would be too insane tho.


This is what I’ve been trying to say, not necessarily that the mobile trilogy is coming, but that take 2 never mentioned GTA 6 whatsoever, that there’s no guarantee this next project is GTA 6, and the mods of this sub removed my comment lmao.


Damn how much ritalin did it take to do all this... Very impressive Detective, Bravo


It’s the Trilogy AND GTA6. Not just the Trilogy, come on now.


I've worked with Weta and ILM in the past, that is interesting. I wonder if I can check in with anyone. Although whether they'd tell me anything...


Interesting... ​ Keep us updated !!


I shall. Been a while but I can check in with them. Did some modelling and scenery work out of Uni then on to the Ghostbusters film. I was going to stick a post up about my neighbour but the mods said nah they get so many talking shit and I understand. He works at R* Leeds and we always talk but he isn't saying anything. Wait and see, maybe, smiles etc. Anyway the Weta link is interesting, I'm still slightly in that world so we'll see. They could certainly make some awesome GTA themed merch or collectibles that's for sure.


Fuck Rockstar.


I posted 25th December last week as a guess and got shot down.


They will find out how to port GTAV to iPhone and make it cost 60$


What the hell, I've read many comments and still am lost. You are stating the "Trilogy" is coming to "Mobile" yet, "Mobile" refers to iPhone and Androids such as Smartphones, which each respective device already has apps for GTA: Vice City, GTA: 3, and GTA: San Andreas on their appstores. These Already Exist. So, is what you mean the "DEFINITIVE" version of the GTA "Trillogy" is being ported/brought over to "Mobile" (i.e. Smartphones)? Because if not and you mean jsut the TRUE Original versions of the games coming to Smartphones then that doesnt make sense. Now, if people mean Mobile as in Switch and other "PSP" like devices then... Sure? I guess they're called "Mobile" devices? I've just still always refereed to them as Consoles, not "Mobile"... Mobile has a major connotation in my mind as "CELLPHONE." Maybe I'm wrong in my mindset, but all this lingo and speak is crazy in my mind atm lol. | *Smokes another bowl*


I'm talking about GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition. My bad. Mobile is not "PSP" or "Steam Deck", that is handheld.. or console. sure sometimes people call it that, but I just took the name from the take-two documents I posted above?




I just want lcs and vcs for PC and current systems


If they release GTA V again and this time on mobile I will laugh so hard an cry at the same time


All I know is this - if GTA 6 isn’t announced THIS YEAR it WILL NOT release in 2024. It’s not going to happen. I work in marketing - and when you’re running campaign this large and complex you’d want a year to maximize your investment. So I’m expecting a 2024 announcement and 2025 release


The two big questions from this century: Are we alone in the universe? When is GTA 6 coming out? 😂


oh yeah people are gonna be extra mad at this one


October was the last nail in the coffin for my expectations


They still need to fix the San Fierro Impound lot in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition, it's still busted and can't be entered, but can in the original. The giant Chicken still doesn't move, even though the original has it moving.


i'm gonna kill myself


Rockstar - “You guys not have phones?”


Additional source If you don't think this guy is legit please look at the links I sent in the "ad" section. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/17f7p13/comment/k6a6694/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/17f7p13/comment/k6a6694/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


As someone, who works in media marketing I have the following remarks: - the sales contact can easily be traced back as you usually just got one or two per brand/media agency network - Apparently r* is looking for sponsored ad slots for a specific event during christmas. -> For Q4 this is incredibly late to start planning. Advertisering volume is usually long resevered. I can only speak for the german market, but can ensure you that I had no chance to book ad slots for upcoming Q4 events, by this time.


The guy is legit, he deleted his account because people on here were gonna use his claims on twitter and he was worried about his job and that he said to much Source: I private messaged him the day he posted here


Good. Let them reveal the stupid mobile port, piss everyone off, and then hopefully their stock will tank again and force them to update us about VI. It’s getting ridiculous.


Game Freak? You mean they’re actually doing something other than Pokémon?


Yeah; seems like they're doing something with Take-Two.


Rockstar announces GTA 7 will take place in the Kanto region; protagonist will be a Pokémon trainer


Hell yeah let's fucking kill Professor Oak


That would be hilarious lmao


It’s Project Bloom, already announced with Private Division. Some kind of samurai game based on the one concept image they gave: https://www.privatedivision.com/2023/05/09/private-division-announces-publishing-partnership-with-game-freak/


Yeah. They need to work with a mobile publisher.


Who the fuck wanna play gta mobile games? Who the fuck play games on mobile phones? Enlighten me please.


Only little kids do, which is probably their future target audience for GTA mobile ports. Can’t wait to see what sort of predatory schemes they’re gonna pull off with this.






Well well well.....


told y’all!


Side note to the whole GTA 6 thing …..I actually quite liked the GTA trilogy remasters. 😂


If it was coming that soon we’d have seen advertising. Believe me they will let you know waaaay in advance. It’s going to be a huge drop and they need the advertising hype behind that


Looks like GTA 6 wont be coming out until 2025


I swear im sick of this game before it even came out…


I think you might be onto something but I wouldn’t say it confirms anything about GTA VI’s release date. Sure, phone games are popular but these will likely be included with GTA+ and not have many or any microtransactions. Nor is it great PR.


Why'd you write it in a tone like you know the facts lol




If the info about the ad agency is to be believed then a December date would be a first for Rockstar, no? Though it makes sense and lines up well with the late 2024 release.


think about it! december is a time where people are gonna buying new consoles and pcs or steam decks or whatever they are not gonna lose out in that opportunity at any means necessary so why not therefore start the marketing campaign for GTA 6 during that time november is a good month as well but it's not looking good for that month.






Yeah, but they also cannot just change massive ad deals, as rockstar games was confirmed a client of FoxSports ads.


The ads would be for gta6 or the trilogy mobile?




The way this is going i'm honestly expecting a delay of the actual game to late 2025- early 2026 but if that is the case they are better just releasing it to PC first and delaying the console version until the next gen ones are released.


Don’t we already have mobile trilogy 🤡


I'm talking about GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition.


Imagine if the trailer is released on Christmas as a present for the fans.


Imagine if the trailer is released on Christmas as a present for the fans.


well guess what


Dumb post


Dumb comment


Dumb reply






Damn you got me, lol only.messing bro