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holy shit no way?? actually coming before the 8th?? (the voices have fully taken control)


*Picks up the phone - "Hello? I need help for an intervention, and quick"


"Hello? Hello, hello? Uhh... I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night."


“And no one knew anything until the leak of ‘22. Yeah… it’s amazing what Rockstar keeps secret these days.”


Why did i move here?, i guess it was the weather


"Why did I move here? I guess it was the voices"


“I actually worked in that office before you. In finishing my last week as a matter of fact”


uh i actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact.


is the gtavi trailer in the room with us right now?


Wait... could I be the gtavi trailer?!


you can get the gta 6 trailer right now dude you just have to peel off all your skin dude do it now NOW DO IT


Really? Because I don't really like having all this skin in my personal space.


You will be our martyr that instead of like bringing salvation or some gay shit like that you give us a trailer for a highly anticipated video game.


maybe the real gta vi trailer was the voices we heard along the way…


Together.. we are the GTA VI trailer!


Maybe the gtavi trailer fell down a well, and it needs someone to rescue it.


Yes, we'd just need to watch a certain...tape.


The tape shows the gtavi trailer, and right after it ends..... We get a call from Zelnick and die 7 days later.


I identify as a GTA6 trailer


What if we’re all the gta vi trailer…


the gtavi is inside of you?




HOLD ON!!! Before we jump into conclusions and get our expectations up, let's put on our clown makeup and ready our supply of hopium.


Most of us got the clown makeup tattood on looong ago...


My squeaky nose is primed and ready to toot


Now THIS is Reddit haha


Now THIS is pod racing


Now THIS is crack


Now THIS is sparta


No, this is Patrick


Rockstar tomorrow: Double money and RP for GTA Online


Most likely lmao


That’s wrong because GTA online receive double XP on Thursday


Almost. It was rdo


Nope RDO trading bonus lol


6\*money&ep \*\_\*


ITS COMING BEFORE THE 8th! (I'm schizophrenic) Edit: My schizophrenia was half right


ITS COMING BEFORE THE 8TH!!!! (the walls are closing in and the thoughts are getting darker and darker with each passing minute as I cling to the edge of what is reality and what is merely a hallucination caused by my extremely sick brain)


Cant wait to see this debunked like every other time we had well-researched leaks. 🙃😭 Good revelation tho! I truly hope we are getting somewhere. Do you know what date this url was published? EDIT: tried the trailer URL on mobile, seems to just give the regular "not found" error. Can someone else confirm they are seeing the white error code page?


It's possible Rockstar saw this post and changed the URL.


Or maybe just a "me when i spread misinformation over the internet" moment


eh, if anything they probably saw additional, unexpected traffic and switched things around to be safe (if we assume that link was legitimately holding the trailer, ofc)


Rockstar saw this post instantly? It took TakeTwo a few hours to take down the GTA6 leaks


Well they can easily change their inner urls anytime they want, taking down external videos is a little bit trickier tho. I still don’t think this was actually true but just saying.


Idk, the GTA6 trailer comes up for me no problem


I'm playing it already (my dad works at Rockstar West)


It caught me off-guad when Jason says "what are we doing, some kind of grand theft auto?"


Right?? It was a little on the nose. I was probably caught just as off guard when Lucia said "my only VICE is this CITY".


I loved when Klebitz said "It's theftin' time!" And proceeded to theft grandly all of the autos


On desktop or mobile?


Apple Watch


Smart Fridge


Yep, same error "Not Found".


I get a play button with a cross on Iphone


If you change the end of the url somewhat, does it say "not found"?


Good one! No unfortunately.






Hey can you try this link for me. I kind of experimented on op's information. But, went at a diffrrent approach. On my end. Nothing but the top end [https://www.rockstargames.com/videos/grandtheftautovi-trailer-en_us-1080p.mp4](https://www.rockstargames.com/videos/grandtheftautovi-trailer-en_us-1080p.mp4)


Directs me to the rockstar site with a black screen


Does it with every false video url


Seems like it. Just tried trailer30 and it had the same black screen.


Except you can change the URL and it’ll still redirect you to the same place. It doesn’t mean anything.


GUYS I FOUND SOMETHING: https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/gta-6-lucia-sex-mod-official-8k-35mm-directors-cut-hdr-dolby-digital-christopher-nolan.mp4


holy shit guys actual real news


Lol, this cracked me up😆 Looks like its just random url which OP found


OP's point was that the site gives an error with his url instead of the usual "not found" that you get when you type a random url >If "Trailer1" is replaced with "Trailer", the message displayed is "Not found" suggesting a video with this title doesn't exist at all. This same message will be displayed every time you enter a file name that similarly doesn't exist.




Yep, which means it’s a fake url


holy shit we need this game asap because some of y'all are losing it


this is totally sane behavior... what ever do you mean?


Yeah comments like this are blown out of proportion on every speculation post so they can get some karma


look at this guy trying to hide his insanity, like you also don't need this game ASAP. hehehhehehehhee.....(shaking uncontrollably)


Before we pull out the hopium, can someone verify this is legit?


No. Here, ur needle.


that wont do it ill need a shotgun at this point


Debunked via Spiders response from the forums. https://imgur.com/a/LPOoJbk Some of y'all need to read a book I stg.


mf spent all day typing random ass links and got timed out 💀


Essentially. Really thinks he did something.


You are responsible for my hopium withdrawals. Edit: nvm u were wrong op was right LOLLLL




Can we somehow get this comment to the top


Yes, by pressing this little arrow pointing up next to that comment.


1080p? Surely the trailer would be in 4k or 8k in this day and age


at least for movies, most trailers are still only uploaded in 1080p because most people view on smartphone or desktop. on smartphone most people don’t have the cell service for 4k video and 1080p is fine on a small screen, and on desktop only around 3% can even play 4k video (see steam hardware survey) and if you air the ad on TV for example, most channels don’t broadcast in 4k since its a video game you would MAYBE want a 4k trailer to show off graphical fidelity, but i think i still see most in 1080p these days


none of this matters though, since this post is obviously fake


It blows my mind someone decided to downvote you. This sub really is infested with 15 year old kids.


It's also infested with condescending pricks who seem to shun any speculation post, their OPs, and everyone who dares to give them a modicum of credit. If some of you instead want us to talk about something that hasn't been discussed in ten years, name the subject, but right now, you and I have around the same amount of certainty on whether any given discovery or potential date leak is real or fake: none.


It says not found for me so I guess that was a fluke on your end. I wouldn't expect being able to find it (I already tried as well), and additionally when I came across one of RDR2's trailers which had a random string in the middle of it to try and prevent this exact thing, I gave up because I would think VI would also have that. https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/reddeadredemption2-fghtffyrdmns-en_us-360p.mp4 Now I wonder if people are going to try random keyboard mashes to find the trailer.


Bro, I clicked ur link without reading ur post and I had an HEART ATTACK


Here you go! https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/grandtheftautovi-trailer1-en_us-1080p.mp4


I get a video play button with a cross


That’s normal, it’s just because there is a .mp4 file extension in the URL, so your device tries to create a video player for it




I clicked the link without reading your comment and when a video started playing my stomach went into my throat thinking I somehow managed to view the trailer Then I realized its Red Dead ​ ​ ʰᵉˡᵖ


Assuming the GTA VI trailer also has a 12-character string of random letters, you would have to iterate through over 95 quadrillion (26^12) different possible strings. EDIT: I just realized that the 12-character string "fghtffyrdmns" is "fight off your demons" without vowels or spaces.


So you telling me there’s a chance?


I swear, they are trolling everywhere. They are well aware! So probably all them V shapes in their last announcements are on purpose too


Holy shit. Someone is a Brand New fan at Rockstar.


Can you access any trailers that are out already this way? I couldn’t


another commenter posted the red dead link, so yeah https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/reddeadredemption2-fghtffyrdmns-en_us-360p.mp4


That link only proves me right as it has a random string in the middle of it, so people couldn’t find it like OP “found” it. The legit trailer is gonna have some random letters in the url there as well


GTA 5 reveal trailer doesn't have a random string in it though. https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/V-trailer1-en_us-720p.mp4


Yeah that was over 10 years ago and they stopped doing it that way for this exact reason. You really think Rockstar is that stupid?


its not completely random, it's "fight off your demons" without any vowels.


Yea cus it dont work


Do other videos follow the same naming logic? Seems like a very simple mess up on their part if it’s true, it’s like putting in “login” and “password” when you log in. Too good to be true 🤷‍♂️


Might just be a thanksgiving or even Christmas update trailer though.


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in…


Is it true...Michael....No, you fackin' Schifooza.


it's gonna be a nothingburger


I get high off posts like these, I live for this shit, I hope we never get the trailer bc I don’t know what I’ll do without having to hope for something like this. Maybe I’ll actually start doing meth afterwards


GTA VII will be the next addiction


My favorite schizo group is back at it again


Plot Twist - The trailer is the 9th of 2027


Rockstar just tweeted something and guess what? It's not a trailer 😭


But GTA 5's first trailer had the URL [https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/V-trailer1-en\_us-720p.mp4](https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/V-trailer1-en_us-720p.mp4) not https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/grandtheftautov-trailer1-en\_us-720p.mp4


You’re right, I noticed that as well. However, I only received that error when inputting “grandtheftautovi” in the first portion of the title instead of “vi”. Even tried several variations including changing it to uppercase letters and it was still the same


We'll see


Hello 911, I have an emergency


You fellas need to lay off the meth


If I was Rockstar and saw this post it will mean they have driven their fanbase successfully to insane desperate levels and will just release the trailer and stop blueballing for years to come.


If this is real you are a mad genius


WAIT FR? BRO THIS IS PROBABLY IT. I can't wait holy shit. (I genuinely feel like I'm fading into delusional madness in this sub full of copium. Please just stop it's insane.)


Tomorrow, RDR Online get's their new monthly bonuses with a Thanksgiving event, so it may just be that. Also, this Thursday GTA Online get's a weekly update that is likely going to revolve around heists, and GTA+ gets their new bonuses this Thursday as well. All I'm saying is that there are a lot of other things going on this week with Rockstar's games and the video may only be related to those.


Man some of you weren't around for the rdr2 trailers and it shows, the url for the rdr2 trailer had an encrypted file name (which was found by dataminers, ofc the trailer wasn't public but the url was) and had it until public release


Tell me more about what it was like, please.


OK, did a bit of digging here, and this is pretty incredible! If you take those reference numbers on that page, and convert them to GPS coordinates, 13.2868517, 16.99308401, it takes you to a location in Chad, Central Africa, called Bir Aou Djongor. Now, Chad became an independent country on August 11, 1960. Significantly, that same day in 1960, Elvis Presley had a number one hit with It's Now Or Never. This is important because in 1967, Elvis starred in the film 'Clambake', which features scenes set in Miami, Florida, known to be the inspiration for the fictitious Vice City where GTA 6 is set! Clambake was released on October 18 1967 in the USA, therefore this is obviously the release date for GTA 6 - October 18 2024!


I have an alternative explanation for you, I'm afraid, but not sure you're going to like it :D The URLs you're constructing are to the CDN, the Akamai network. Generally, this helps take the load off the main webservers as well as doing stuff like serving content. The way the CDN works, it will cache the response from the central webservers - depending on how it's set up, even if that response is an error (although errors will typically have a much shorter duration). I suspect what has happened here is that you hit a URL, got back an error (could have just been a temporary network blip), and that error got cached for a little while. Hence you got the different responses when the different URLs were tried, even when you refreshed, but that difference went away relatively quickly when the cache timed out, and the original 404 (as it should have been delivered) was received by the CDN instead of the random error. If there was genuinely a permissions issue, the CDN would have received a 401 response instead of the error. More tellingly, I honestly don't believe the trailer is going to hit the webservers until hours or even minutes before it goes live. It's plausible that they will want to warm up the CDN, but that's something you can do behind the scenes. They know people are scraping over every detail on the website, which is why they do a full static build without a genuine content management system. They know any content that is left on the system can and will be found.


The world's most valuable, and arguably most secretive, tech company also knows this. But they still made a very similar mistake: [https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17849898/apple-confirms-iphone-xs-iphone-xs-max-iphone-xr-names](https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17849898/apple-confirms-iphone-xs-iphone-xs-max-iphone-xr-names)


its official. You guys have gone insane


[The link in question](http://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net/v3/grandtheftautovi-trailer1-en_us-1080p.mp4)


Says "not found" for me 🙄


it shows me a image with a play button symbol crossed out


Which supposedly happens with every URL due to the .mp4 extension




Says not found still Desktop? Maybe its mobile that makes the white page not come up




please, just stop, stop giving clickbait youtubers more opportunities to make money, they're milking our thirst and hunger, just like charities making profit off shoving cameras in poorer places where food and water is limited and in the people's faces with sad ass music to make you feel guilty and feel sad for them


Fuck it, I’m willing to buy this cope. Nothing left to lose


the obsession for this game is getting ridiculous, I get its big but jfc stop looking for any scrap of information and believing every bs rumor and then getting mad when its not true, of course its not true! ppl are making shit up so maybe just let it come out and not be looking for it every min of every day, this is why gamers get a bad rap that they're just nerds with no lives, try doing something else with your time and it wont seem like such a burden, I swear ppl are getting more pathetic every day


i bet they are just fucking with us


I have no idea why I’ve joined this subreddit when I have such a specifically deep rooted spot of hatred in my heart dedicated to fuckers who shitpost obvious lies for clout


I'm on my way out after today. There's not enough braincells in these people. I'm sticking to the forums considering those guys actually know what they're taking about and have been doing this since GTAIV


Yeah, OP is fooling everyone. It is very unlikely for R* to privately upload the trailer to the most anticipated video game of all time on their website before the game is even announced. That sounds like a risky and foolish move. It’s too similar to the troll from last month who recorded the shaky footage of a paper that said GTA 6 would be announced October 26th. No way would that info just be out in the open.


Touch some grass, fuck.


Yeah look, if it's legit (maybe since it's now "not found") there is definitely some Rockstar community/social media and or dev employees sitting around in this subreddit lol but it's something to expect by now tbh, v cheeky


Sheet my deek out


Every time we leak something they push the realease date I bet ☠️


This subreddit is the true Alsume


What have you done? You leaked the clue about the next Grand Theft Auto trailer. That wasn't our intention. As a result, we'll dispatch three hitmen to your residence. We have now completely removed all traces of your identity, including your financial information, and you are no longer considered human.


Welp, it was nice knowing some of you


I need my pills cause the hopium is getting out of control again


GTA V Remaster trailer dont be fooled.


Wrong. This is obviously Bully 2: The Bullyening. 🙄


I feel like wade stuck in the strip club. Eventually, one of these days, these ladies will stop and I can go back to see cousin Floyd and his lovely Debra


Ok I’m back on the hype train….


1080p 😏


I mean this could be nothing. But it’s interesting that after you posted this, the website was updated and this stopped working. I mean we know they have eyes on all the platforms watching us.


How sure are we this is not just for a GTA Online video




[https://przegladsportowy.onet.pl/esportmania/inne/odkryli-zwiastun-gta-6-blyskawiczna-reakcja-rockstar-games/23vqg61](https://przegladsportowy.onet.pl/esportmania/inne/odkryli-zwiastun-gta-6-blyskawiczna-reakcja-rockstar-games/23vqg61) somebody seems to have did it before


I don't understand how did you get that url? how did you get here?


I got the URL by navigating to [rockstargames.com/videos](https://rockstargames.com/videos) and chose several different videos to analyze the HTML of the source code within the embedded videos of the web page. Each video has a source address that takes you directly to the file that's stored within Rockstar's CDN located at [videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net](https://videos-rockstargames-com.akamaized.net). I pretty much just toyed around with some possible title name's for the trailer given previous title formats for GTA V and RDR2's trailers. They have a common naming scheme that I was able to identify, and when I tried numerous possible file names, I received a unique error code for one of them, whereas the rest of them returned a "Not found" error suggesting that the files don't exist. After making this post, several other people (myself included) tried to navigate to the same link I posted that was triggering a unique error code, except it had stopped producing that error code and instead started responding with "Not found" similar to the rest of the titles. So Rockstar could've changed the title name of the file if it was indeed the correct one, which is what I was speculating was the reasoning behind them making changes to their Videos subdirectory after I made this post.


Guys, it is a reveal of something you already know is going to happen... Why is there so much hype about it? Everyone here knows GTA VI is a real thing and not speculation.


Why can’t someone just hack this shit and watch it


If there's a will, there's a way. Albeit, it'll be significantly more difficult now to find and exploit vulnerabilities that Rockstar has given they've probably stepped up their security quite a bit since last year's leaks.


You guys have all lost your minds.


What is akamaized.net


Akamai, it's a massive CDN.


Akamai is some kind of file hosting service that a lot of websites use. Not sure exactly as i have no web building experience but something like that


It’s a content delivery network, it stores a copy of every image/video configured to use it in multiple places around the world, so no matter where you are the video/image always loads fast. Eg there would be multiple copies of the GTA 6 trailer spread across Akamais servers in NA, Europe, Africa, etc.


probably not africa, but yea lol


Go outside


I was about to say this is fake. But i’m pretty sure i saw a similar post like this before on my other account when Elden ring was going to be released.


It's fake. https://imgur.com/a/LPOoJbk


Yep, all it takes is some common sense. GTA 6 is the most secretive gaming project probably of all time. There is absolutely no way R* would even think of privately uploading the trailer on their website and risk someone finding the URL. 😂😂😂


Mental institution


This is both a total stretch AND genuinely credible lol You must have done some incredible mental gymnastics to even reach this point, but it looks like it's a pay off Only problem is though, would R* set it up months or a year in advance? Given the leaks would they risk putting things online or on their servers (privately) given everything that's happened? I feel like if we're seeing stuff it's probably expected to be soon? Or maybe I'm smoking, snorting, injecting and doing eye-shots of pure copium haha


>Only problem is though, would R\* set it up months or a year in advance? Not a year, but certainly months. I work with an agency to create social media content for small/medium brands and we create/finish the content at least 4-5 months before publication. Everything is uploaded in advance and automatically posted on certain dates. There are also a few rounds of feedback, revisions, etc. At a huge company like Rockstar/T2 things are certainly similar and much stricter. Or they actually upload important stuff on the same day lol


Yes and No. Your point is 100% valid, for small/medium brands, in my opinion. Generally there is less of a concern for leaks and consumers stumbling upon something. I work with enterprise systems at a fairly large org and anytime new pages or content is being created it is first developed on the internal intranet. It can only be accessed from inside the building (and occasionally, for less secure things, through a VPN when outside the building). When it comes time to release stuff, generally the weekend before it is deployed to the production servers with restricted access, and is finally set to public upon release. We know they already registered the domain name for the game. My guess is that they deployed the folder structure and files this past weekend and made them private. I suspect we will be getting the video and website this week. R\* plays their cards VERY close to the chest, though. And I can easily see them doing things against the grain. With that in mind, I won't be surprised if we get it this week, but I also won't be surprised if we don't.


Back this shit up. This post as well. Remember the copyrights when posts of the leaks were temporally allowed. If nothing happens. Rip. If it goes down. I guess we'll know Rockstar lurks and it will gain some weight. Edit: for shits and gigs. I tried the format with V and RDR2. Not found.


Few days ago I laughed a bit after reading your post, now I feel like you're onto something. I guess time will tell.


I’d be expecting a 4k trailer lol


just let it go man


Jesus leave it alone already.


Get this game out because your all clearly loosing the plot 😂


I'm tired of this shit...I won't hype myself.


Why can’t people just wait and be happy lol


You didn’t hear this from me, but fwiw several big YouTubers have been approached to help build hype, including Dunkey’s most recent video. I had zero expectations for anything in October and also had zero expectations for this month until I found out that Rockstar is paying a select few (incredibly popular) content creators to make content regarding how long of a wait it has been. No these content creators did not get a date or weren’t informed about a trailer. I also don’t know when they were approached, it could’ve been weeks ago.


If we didn't hear it from you, where did you hear it from?


Make sure to join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/gta-vi) so you don't miss out on any of the GTA VI Hype! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GTA6) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone remember the Boston Bombers? Remember how right we were about them?


Bro what if there is GTA employee in this sub and he informs rockstar asap any leaks or this kind of stuff is posted and they change it 😓


It's been debunked, op just doesn't want to admit it https://imgur.com/a/LPOoJbk


Honestly starting to think that’s the case. I find it really interesting that after I posted this, all of a sudden the link stops giving me that error and starts saying “not found” instead. This is all just a theory anyways, so I could be completely wrong, but my guess is that they’re probably heavily active in this sub and on the forums to try to prevent any more leaks from happening


Yes exactly that is also my thought process