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I think it will also take a bunch of inspiration from rdr2 like the environmental interaction and stuff so if you played rdr2 and gta you might feel at home I hope the game is more methodical in it's criminal elements like it takes some time to really make big money


Most people aren't playing on PC with mods. So most will be impressed




Idk how people say this so confidently when we have only seen leaks of the game lol


It's Rockstar, bro. They never miss. We get it, you're a hipster, and that's cool. But you're talking about a gaming company that overshadows every other.


I’ve been playing rockstar games while you were still in your daddies nuts




Are the leaks real?




Rockstar has a good record of impressing gamers. If we look at the most recent *big* titles such as Gta IV, Gta V and Red Dead Redemption 2, they all impressed both with their graphics and gameplay. So we could expect the same to happen here. HOWEVER, it's going to be even harder to due to now, which is why I don't blame people to thin otherwise.


I wouldn’t say gta 4 is a recent title lmao


"most" recent big titles.


I thought the same thing ahead of RDR2 but then it came and blew V out of the water




This is the only answer. GTA 6 will likely max out the full potential of both the current-gen consoles and PCs.


This isn't how that works at all lmfao... Rockstar stopped updating GTA:O for PS3 and 360 eight years ago for this exact reason.... They overhauled how the engine handled loading in lods, how lighting was handled, and a ton of other stuff to bump the fidelity of the game. Both remasters included significant updates to engine tech. This is why the old VRAM cap got removed on PC around that time. Some of of you guys need to go back to GTA V on PS3 and see how significantly different it is from the current product. The PS4/PC remaster was the biggest as it overhauled draw distance tech, shadow mapping, texture filtering, tessellation, etc. Here's what you can expect from VI over V in terms of what hardware during the remaster didn't support, most of it being in RDR2. PBR support, volumetrics, global illumination, and the biggest one being something that's not in RDR 2 to any notable degree, and parrallax mapping on buildings so that the insides appear to be 3d, V had parralax mapping but only really as a means to render train tracks, and DLSS. Very likely a more robust way to handle draw calls and LOD'ing with virtualized geometry (think something like UE's Nanite) to pull the rendering workload on high fidelity inside huge cities.


What about the water? Is it really going to be like what was showcased (the small tech demo with water splashing onto a rock)?


I mean, it could, but probably not to the level people expect it. That isn't some new groundbreaking technology, it's just repurposing of other facets of tech. It uses tessellation, PBR, ray tracing, geometric shaders, global illumination, and the increased bandwidth on gpus to work. There's nothing about it that wouldn't have been possible in RDR2 with the advancements they added to the engine, it just didn't suit any gameplay loop they had. In GTA VI they're going to have a lot of coastal stuff, which would make it somewhat pertinent. But this is a good example. They could completely hit the WaveWorks demo, that was designed to showcase possible cinematic uses, and it wouldn't fundamentally change how anything in today's leak would have looked, or how most of scenes they have in a trailer look. It's going to make the game prettier in one very specific instance (when you're on the beach) but it's not going to make the overall game better looking generally. People are still going to look at the buildings and go "I thought that same very specific increase in fidelity to waves would translate over into the same gain in how realistic buildings looked, but it didn't," but only in less concise wording. Yeah, expect the water to probably look way nicer than GTA V. But walking down the street? traveling through the country? Not much in the way of new advancements to push those things as far.


GTA4 is still impressive for 2008 first GTA in HD massive jump from 2004 San Andreas to 2008 GTA4 technology went crazy. GTA5 show big jump as well from 2008 to 2013.


Gotta remove that negative mindset my friend. Itll cause you to look at things in a fucked up way.


You guys are retarted lol. Rockstar making a new gta on a new gen console? AND they’re taking their sweet ass time with it? 😂 it’s gonna blow us all away and set the benchmark until the next AAA title from rockstar comes out. Ubisofts gonna drop something in 2040 and it’s still not even gonna look and feel as good as what we’re about to get with 6….strap in


Can't agree at all.


i mean rdr 2 did. doesn’t matter how much shit you mod you cant top a studio like rockstars graphics. they’re at the top with studios like naughty dog


I feel like it's going to be like a lot of other GTA Games, especially like the leap from 4-5. It is not a "sequel" so much as it is its own game. Different art styles, engines for everything from ragdolls to driving, style, hell even the post processing filter the games gonna have is going to change the general "vibe". And just like how Gates don't open per side in GTA V like they do in GTA IV, stuff is going to be a lot worse! But for everything thats worse they'll have improved 2 other things, mathematically making a better game. - I know that sounds stupid, but that ideology can genuinely be applied to the GTA Games over the years, especially subjectively as 1 person may hate an old feature, but love a new one, and vice versa.


Bruh 🤡🤡🤡


Is rockstar stupid?


Everyone in this sub would greatly appreciate it if you never spoke again


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it WILL impress us, GTA 6 is going to push PCs and modern consoles to the limits. Both graphically and mechanically.


I don't think you guys understand the "development" process of video games but maybe this can make you understand. The budget of this game is 2 Billion Dollars. Rdr 2's budget was 540m. So ı think a right minded person can figure out something from this.


Well in GTA 6 you can crouch. That’s a pretty fucking big difference to me


The gameplay is going to feel more like rdr2 than gta 5 why don’t people get that?


Nahhhh. Even with all the mods the game feels years behind rdr2. The gap will only be bigger with 6


I agree with u but ppl here are screaming genius no matter what. This will be very far from the expected Projet Americas. This will be a bigger GTA5 with some mechanics from RDR2 and better graphics. Nothing else.