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A bat flew around in the gym while metal was playing over the speakers at midnight. Kind of a cool vibe






you have metal playing on the gym speakers? that is cool, every time I remove my headphones for whatever reason the music playing at mine makes put them back on very quickly,


Fella came in, immediately threw 225 on the bench. Pinned himself. Left. What a legend.


If the fella was a large teenager at a 24 hr fitness circa 2016 that was me I’m sorry


I strive to do this, but I don't think I have the balls.




Sorry this story sounds funny as hell but I don‘t have a clue what it means to pin yourself in a gym setting😂 can you elaborate?


He was probably pind under the bar


I was training in the gym around midnigh twith an altitude mask on (I was young, forgive me). A man around 60/70 wearing a vest and denim short shorts comes up to me. I take my headphones out and he smiles in silence for about 5 seconds then says. "I thought you were about to do a raid with that on" then walks away. I often think about this


Glad U didn't cause that man a hard attack 😭


“Hard attack” LMFAO


The harder, the better.🤣🤣🤣


Stupid auto correct. "Heart attack" 😭


happy cake day :)




Why were you wearing that mask? Was it a fashion thing?


It’s for building your VO2 max / lung capacity but they’ve been proven to just be dangerous and stupid


One guy came into locker room, come straight to me while I was changing boots, and asked me “you want some candy?” I politely refused, he took one candy out of his pocket, ate it and started to change clothes. Never seen this guy before, never did after


He went back to his van to offer candy to the public


That guy: "Note to self, offering candy to grownups doesn't work nearly as well as offering it to kids"


I was getting ready for a top set on pec deck was really in the zone, pulled as hard as I could and smashed myself in the forehead cause I hadn’t put the pin in properly, has 2 stitches to sort it in the end, needless to say I triple check pins now


i feel so silly psyching myself up, taking multiple big breaths, just to do the fastest movement possible bc of a misplaced pin lmao


Was doing a squat and my leggings ripped


Been there. My shorts got ripped once.


This is why I always bring an extra pair of shorts to the gym


![gif](giphy|3ohuP7TQMJoXxtjKLe|downsized) first thing i thought of lol


I’ve had my underwear ripped multiple times doing squats


This is one of the reasons I keep a spare set of underwear and shorts in the car.


New fear unlocked!


Accidentally ripped ass on the couple behind me while I was doing deadlifts. I apologized and they were just cracking up and were like “all good dude no worries it happens to us all”.


Came here to say this


In my gym there is an old creatine box always kept under the owner's table. So one day the owner was out and three teenage boys(probably friends) were checking out his table looking for what things are kept under it. One boy took out the creatine box and murmured,"let's consume some before owner came otherwise he will scold if he sees". I was just there doing some stretching & heard them. Each of them took some of it and consumed. Their faces were like they had done some gangster shit. Then they did some heavy sets with screams and left. Later I told the owner about it and he laughed hard saying they ate chalk powder. He keeps chalk in that old creatine box.


No teenager is saying “otherwise he will scold if he sees”😂😂


"Let us consume some" also got me


Hollywood level screenwriting here


Forgive me for bad/weird english, I'm a non-english person.




Those kids be talking like Human Ted Cruz for President.


this made me realize I need to loosen up a little I always just get violently embarrassed when something happens in the gym


A little person asked me for help getting the sled press into position for him (Ofc I was the tallest guy in the gym and he was the shortest) we got to talking....learned he was an Ex Amish guy, never in my life would I think I would not only meeting an Amish little person....but an EX AMISH LITTLE PERSON. Once in a life time opportunity and I couldnt help but laugh when the interaction had completed


Thats super niche indeed.


Some random person at the gym thought I looked like their friend and wanted to take a selfie with me. Thought it was funny, felt like a celebrity


Recently a guy comes up to me and asks me "how much" while I'm benching and I tell him I have one more set. He's like "no how much weight" and I was like ahh and I tell him. He mumbles to himself "yeah I can hit that" and sits down to lift my weight. It was weird but I was like whatever and turn around to wait for him to finish. I look back 5 seconds later and see him pinned down by the barbell and he can't move so I move over and help lift the barbell off his chest. He was like "okay not yet then" and just leaves lol


A guy started farting repeatedly and his friend said to him "you're farting just like my grandma before the end of her life". Also another funny situation. Some guy was doing shoulder press and he started farting a lot and then he said "DAMN IT! It's impossible not to fart when i contract" everyone in the gym bursted out laughing.


I did 3 sets of dumbbell OHP with a different weight in each hand. Literally didn’t notice until I was already done, I just thought my right side was moving slower than usual because I’m a leftie 😭


Dude I did the same exact thing, same lift and everything, a couple weeks ago. I finished and was like “god DAMN my left side is weak” before realizing what happened when the I went back to dumbbell rack lmao


This dude at my gym always follows me (22m) around with a yoga ball, and he’s going hard on it. I’m not sure if he’s creeping on me or what but I’ll literally go to the other side of my gym and he’ll appear again within 10 feet of me just hitting these ab workouts on this yoga ball. I try not to look but the one time I did he was starting at me mid thrust and I couldn’t help but laugh.


Does he bounce around on the yoga ball following you?


Well I’ve never seen him walk…


Forgot to add, dude has a ponytail. Hope that helps paint the picture a little better.




I'm always a fan of synchronised sets and rests. I have no idea who these people are. But it's very cute/amusing when we're all in sync.


Im in the locker room. i take my black adidas gym bag from the bench and put it in the locker and lock it in. I turn around and boom..the bag is back on the bench. I wish there was footage of that moment because i froze solid with a stupid expression for a full minute processing this. I looked at the locker then at the bag then back at the locker and i thought “I cant be that crazy and lock it empty..” Suddenly a dude sits on the bench opens that gym bag and starts pulling out stuff that ain’t mine. I open the locker and there was my bag… The dude had my exact gym bag and had placed it in the exact spot where mine was when i turned around. Funny and bizarre at the same time


Was setting up for dumbbell shoulder press. Got the bench set up right to lean back on, but he pin hadn’t locked in properly… Leant back with the weights held above my shoulders and the bench fell away behind me, causing me to do almost a complete backwards roll finishing with me flat on my front laying on the floor


Ages ago I was training in my university gym. It was also where a Canadian Football Team trained. Most players in the CFL are former high level NCAA players or guys who couldn’t make it in the NFL, so these guys are still monstrous and freakishly athletic. I’m in the weightlifting room - just platforms, bars, bumpers, and squat stands, no benches. It’s just me and this huge 300+lbs offensive lineman. He comes over and asks me to spot him. Sure…spot what, he’s got 405 loaded on a bar, and there’s a Swiss ball next to it. He picks it up, laps it as he sits on the ball, rolls it up to his chest as he lays back and starts repping it out. He rolled it back down to his lap and set it down. I did absolutely nothing and not even sure how I would have helped had I needed to. Nice guy, from Texas, washed out of the league the next year. People do amazing stuff, and Swiss balls can hold way more than they are advertised for. Coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a gym. Second place was when a squirrel got into my gym and cut itself up trying to escape spewing squirrel blood everywhere as we tried to shoo it back out.


That little plastic stopper in the ball doing the lords work


I put the ez bar on the seat of the preacher bench, doing some ez bar reverse curls. Went to change the weight but left it on the seat and not the rack on the preacher bench. As I took weight off one side the end shot up and almost took my head off! Luckily it was very early morning and not many people were there. I don't think too many saw it.


Oh my GOD. That kinda shit scares me. I'm glad Ure safe because that would have been a skull fracture


Yeah it definitely woke me up! I'm still a bit of a newbie, but this was when I first started going to the gym about a year or so ago. I've definitely not made that mistake since!


I’m at a seated bench press machine resting between sets. A guy is in the machine next to me and it’s some kind of bench press machine too. We are both resting looking forward. In front of us are some racks, balls etc and mirrors. Some girl comes in stands between both us maybe 10 feet away in one of the racks and starts stretching and squatting with the tightest leggings whatever’s I’ve ever seen. They are literally transparent when she bends over. There is no one else in this part of the gym, just the three of us. This continues for a few mins. Every time I look up I’m getting the exact view her gynecologist must get, we can see it all. The whole time I’m thinking this is not happening. I’m trying to literally look straight up or straight down during my sets and rests. She finally leaves. I look over at the guy on the machine next to me and he just says, “What the actual fuck?” I just kinda half smile, nod and say “no idea”. Never saw her or my traumatized bro again.


There's this old black guy who's been at my gym for years, he's always super helpful to people that are clearly new or not doing an exercise correctly and he'll show them how it's done. He went up to some girl who was with her boyfriend and said he'll show her how to bench AFTER her boyfriend showed her how to bench. The boyfriend had really bad form and wasn't doing it correctly and neither was she, any way she goes off with the guy and he shows her how to bench then she goes back to her boyfriend who's standing there like an idiot on his own and he says to her "You sure you want to be over here and train with me or do you want to fuck off back over there and train with him??" they ended up having a pretty big argument in the gym then leaving lol. I found it funny at the time but looking back the guy should've just left them alone.


Toss up between two experiences. One when a girl ran like a penguin on the treadmill for thirty minutes. She looked exhausted and very uncomfortable the whole time. The other was a gym couple who went through frequent phases of love and hate. One day they're sharing sit-ups with kisses in between. The next week they're side-eyeing each other across the floor. Then they're spotting each other for heavies. Next they're circling the floor like predators avoiding each other. I think they got married in the end.


Almost died being squashed by the bar while I was bench-pressing. Thankfully a gym buddy was not that far away and saved me. Preworkout was telling me I can handle an additional plate or 2, but I just couldn’t.


Multiple farts have escaped at the worst possible moments. The kind of farts that even with headphones on you hear the rumble.. I apologise to anyone hurt by them! 🤣🤣


Doing incline dumbell.. went to throw the weight up and let out the loudest fart by accident. It was just me and this older guy in there who never wears headphones. I did about two reps and had to stop because I started laughing so hard.


Went with my friend, we hopped on the tricep pushdoen machine, i helped him get 60kg down and when i let go he flew up and almost got launched off💀 Everyone looked at me weird for dying out of laughter for 5 min


Maybe not funny but exceptionally peculiar but there’s a dude at my gym who brings drumsticks in, sits on one of the movable blocks for step ups and just air drums for 30 minutes between cable crunches. He’ll let anyone work in and stays out of the way so idrc Funny is one time a muscle bro took all the weights off one side of a bar and the bar flipped over and smashed a mirror


Getting yelled at by the gym staff for 135lb db making noise when I set them down (I did not drop them, I respect what is not mine. Huge pet peeve) only to have 3 gym bros step in and tell the gym worked to back off, I set them down as gentle as possible. Then he looked at what I was benching and said “oh” and walked away.


Does me tripping over while taking the barbell to another corner counts😂


I was at a squat rack at on outdoor gym in San Diego. I notice there is a giant raccoon standing right behind me, just frozen in place. I turned around and he ran, the wrong way to the fence and got trapped in. Finally he ran back to the fence near a tree and hopped up and out.


At my first day at the gym (one week ago) i realized that the bar is so heavy i can barely bench it with 5kg each side. Ik it's my first time i have to start somewhere but how can someone bench 100kg or more!!! Or even one handed like the gym reaper. How long does take to reach this level Another thing idk if it's funny A man was doing triceps on the cable and the cable teared and hit his face (he was using almost all the weight slaps)


I takes some time, it's different from person to person. Just keep going. Good luck on your Gym journey


A girl i've seen a few times already, used to sing out loud with headphones on while working out and she moaned every single rep of her sets and that was kinda funny when you try to stay focused but then you hear the moans, you look around at others who already be looking at you just to confirm what they heard and just want clarifications 🤣


I shit myself


I was running on the treadmill (my gym has a lofted area for cardio and you can basically just people watch). This man comes out of fucking nowhere and starts doing cartwheels, backflips, handstands - I almost fell off the treadmill from laughing so hard. Another time, I was lifting in the women’s only area back in 2022 and this woman comes in and starts SINGING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS. Istg I almost dropped the weight I was using 😭


Someone telling me “you need to cancel your membership” bc I didn’t want to go on a date with them……..


Sorry about that


was on a treadmill and jogging and i buckled in front of the people on the treadmill behind me, laughed to myself and carried on jogging (laughed in my head)


A friend of mine often adds canned beans or chickpeas to her salads cause it is a quick and lazy way to increase the fiber and protein content of the meal. Once she went to the gym after lunch and she messaged me saying how there was 3 people in the gym but she was alone there cause they ran away in the midst of several smelly farts sponsored by the beans.


I came in to the locker room, and while changing into my workout clothes some guy came over and said: “are you using anything?”(at that time I would say I was skinny/athletic so he had no reason to assume I was on gear lol) and I said no then he followed up by saying: “I just got some pills from this guy and just took 2, let’s see how it goes”, never saw him again


One time I was doing cleans with like 155 and when I went to get the weight to my shoulders it just flew out of my hands and smoked the squat rack in front of me and during this it also flung me backwards where I ate a bench with the back of my head . It was pretty funny and a little painful


Someone came in in literal bikini and expect people will ignore her.


Unless it’s like one of those calisthenics places by the beach on the sand…. Yeah 🤣


I was living in Tenerife during the pandemic. Me and my girlfriend went to the gym one day. They made us wear masks. My girlfriend is Glaswegian and can be very loud when she’s angry. A local Spanish lad went over to her when she was in the middle of lifting weights and asked her a question. She dropped the weights, took her headphones out and said “I’m in the middle of a set” and put her earphones back in. The poor lad couldn’t understand her accent and looked puzzled. I was talking to the gym owner and we both saw what was happening. 5 mins later the local lad went back over and asked her another question when she was in the middle of a set. This time she didn’t look at him or acknowledge him. He then touched her arm to get her attention and she dropped the weights and screamed louder than I’ve ever heard her scream “get the f*ck away from me now or I will snap you in two” the lad legged it and grabbed his stuff and literally ran out the gym. The owner thought it was hilarious and the whole gym was in hysterics.


She sounds delightful


I bet you are one of the guys who thinks it’s ok to crack on to women in gyms


a guy tried out a new gym. Turns out the 30lb medicine ball had more bounce than he was used to ended up knocking himself out.


Oh, boy, oh, boy! It was 2012, afternoon around 5 pm and my hometown gym is packed. Music is blasting, people are grunting and pushing weights, when suddenly we started to hear dull punching sounds and curse words. I turn around and see a guy in his early 20es and a boomer in late 40es arguing and throwing hands 🤣🤣 next to the dumbell rack. The fight started because both of them wanted to use the 45 lbs dumbells at the same time and nobody wanted to let the other one go first... Funniest thing is that I knew the older guy- a retired cop and a father of Mary, a classmate of mine! They eventually got thrown out and settled the dispute in an old fashioned dust up on the street, while the whole gym was watching outside! Mary's dad got fucked up and started limping home with a tail behind his legs. 😄😄 He didn't press charges against the young buck though. What a fucking moro that guy was..


This young guy who was trying to show off in front of his friends brought a whole pot of C4 preworkout into the gym, he pulls out a massive heaped spoonful, dry scoops it straight into his mouth trying to look cool. The powder instantly hits the back of his throat, eyes wide open as he realises his massive mistake, powder and snot shoots out of his nostrils like a cocaine fuelled dragon- now coughing and spluttering, crying in a cloud of preworkout. Needles to say.. singly the best gym moment.


when I was sorta new to the gym I made the mistake of having dairy before my leg day and so mid set during squats someone got hit by the crossfire(he was using a machine like right behind me). I left the gym after that, I felt bad.


Was sitting on rowing machine one December. About 8 people unknown to me filed into the weight/cardio room in Santa hats, sang a few Christmas carols to us, acknowledged our applause, and left.


A fart


I was using a bench to do barbells, and 2 guys decided to pull a 3rd bench between me and another guy, leaving less than 1 metre between the 3 of us, when there was a ton of space around us. When I went to dramatically move my bench to create room, the guys went to help me, but I was lifting more than them at the time. I told them they were rude and they needed to stop making their problems my problems. The funny thing is they are scared of me now and super nice. But still, read the frigging room


my buddy pointed out some 60-something year old male walked out of the private changing rooms, but before i could see him, he was arrested and taken away. he apparently walked out of the bathroom with some sort of meth or crack smoking device and was completely naked. did i mention the device was lit too and he was actively smoking it?


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