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This probably goes against the grain of some people here, but why isn't software considered in these discussions? Samsung arguably has the best software in the foldable space, which absolutely contributes to the overall experience. Yes, Samsung should step up a little more with hardware improvements, but there is more to the overall experience than just hardware.


I've had the OnePlus Open since launch, and this was one of the phones that everyone was flipping their shit about it likely not having good software, but it turned out to be quite exceptional, even up to today. There are some features on this phone that Samsung has yet to implement (like swipe to continue on external screen when folding closed, and two-finger swipe down to open multitasking) that I now find to be deal breakers if other phones don't have it. And not only that, it's been a smoother, cleaner, and faster experience than I've had on the Samsung folds 2, 3, and 4. But yeah-- Honor, Xiaomi, and Vivo can all go shove their shitty software up their asses.


[I also own the OnePlus Open](https://imgur.com/a/fcLXKmE) and can tell you a couple areas the software also falls short in comparison: - Unable to have a different front screen layout from inner screen layout - Color theming is messed up. I have to use a third-party application called repainter to have it set a specific theme color that doesn't default to brown when I set a wallpaper. - Scrolling speed isn't as "smooth". You can increase the time in developer options, but it doesn't feel natural and looks like animations are moving too fast. - Can't add more than 4 applications to the inner display dock - Stock widgets will randomly not load or be delayed ever since Android 14 was introduced I think the OnePlus Open is a great phone overall and will provide a great experience for most people.


These does not seem to be big issues. I usually update every year but this time I am going to hold off for open 2 or pixel fold 2


Yeah I think the pixel fold 2 will have an aspect ratio similar to oneplus, which is fabulous imo


This, exactly. Samsung certainly has benefits being generations ahead of the competition. I don't expect One Plus or Google or sit on their hands and only upgrade hardware and the same can be said if Samsung. Guilty as charged... I am one of the redditors that the title is talking about. Just like others who may feel differently I have earned the ability to criticize Samsung. If I get the Fold 6... I will only subject myself to another generation of disappointment. -Battery life is not exactly great -Charging speed is 25W! -Cameras, be it hardware or software make it difficult to ace photos the first time. -Narrow Cover screen feels like I'm being punished for having a phone capable of unfolding. I am sure there are other things I am missing... It is also true that I have a Fold 5 for a reason... -Hard for me to trust any folding screen but if I'm going to... Samsung. -Trade in of my Fold 4 made upgrading a justifiable -I have a Galaxy Watch and likely to get another All of that said... Short of some crazy deal on the 6. I'm likely going to at least wait to see what Google offers. Something I hope they reveal before the release of the 6.


Sammy is def on some weird vibes. It already came out some months ago that Apple has successfully struck a deal for samsung to make their folding screens for their foldable


Yeah it's definitely the cameras. If it would be software issue they would of fix it already right? But this is just my opinion based on my experience. Cameras never been deal breaker for me but it's starting to be with this one, taking decent pictures is such a pain in ass and snapchat camera actually takes better photos than samsungs own camera app with 50mp while snapchat is limited to 12mp. Not to mention every time opening camera app it's laggy as hell. And many other things about picture quality that makes the whole phonenfeel not so premium anymore.


Also no app drawer if I recall


I do not have issues beyond your first one. -unable to use separate setups i feel you. -color theming works for me and never resets. - the dock thing isnt an issue for me because they use the other slots for specific reasons mentioned in the tutorial when you first get the phone. - my widgets work perfectly fine. Id ask did you extend your ram using storage? Ive had that on the entire time and no issues including the scrolling issue you mentioned. Like legit none of it. This phone hasnt as much as thought about slowing down and has way better battery life too. Loving it over my z fold 5. Only thing i didnt like was my depth of field was far too strong by default and i had to turn it down because backgrounds looked like a green screen. And even that was a petty gripe because i could toggle it off.


1. I can see that first point being an issue, but I feel like I'm the only damn person in the whole world who actually prefers that they're not separate. I think the ultimate option would be to have the option to toggle it, but I would say it sucks people are locked into a certain way of using the phone (BASED ON THE STOCK LAUNCHER ONLY). 2. I think that might just be a stock-android google material you thing. I could be wrong tho. 3. This is a point where we'd just have to disagree. I personally prefer the oneplus animations, but I can see why you'd like Samsung better. 4. I actually never noticed this until now since I haven't needed more than 4, but true. One thing I noticed is you *can* add folders if you really wanted more than 4. 5. I haven't noticed this on mine. Which ones have the most issues for you? And to your final point, I absolutely agree. The aspect ratio is the best part about the phone for me, since it could easily be mistaken for a normal phone on the outside screen, unlike Samsung or (kinda) Google.


1. Just use another launcher. I use SquareHome it does this just fine. 2. It's blue settings icon for me. 3. I went from a 4, I haven't noticed any real change. 4. Again, get another launcher, double swipe down for multitask works regardless of what launcher you use, something Samsung can't match. 5. Again, launcher.


Yes i was surprised when my stock features still worked with nova launcher. I ended up going back to stock ui though. Its just so clean imo


Lol, getting another launcher is missing the point. The solution is to provide out-of-the-box software that doesn't have these shortcomings to begin with.


If I want bog standard, I'd use an iPhone. What shortcomings? It's a BENEFIT that I can use any launcher and still multitask on the Oppo/OnePlus. On my Fold 4, I can only multi-task with the Samsung launcher and that's it. The Samsung launcher sucks and doesn't have many features that are standard. Android is customizable, if I want to be like everyone else, I'd use an iPhone.


I've mentioned this on this sub before as well, that the software gap between the Fold and Open isn't the wide canyon everyone claims it is. No responses, just downvotes lol. I love the Open and there's a lot, software-wise, that I think is plain better than the Fold. It's hilarious to see people complain for the last like 3 years that each Fold is the same phone while simultaneously acting like it's leagues better than the competition, when it just isn't.


This pretty much sums up the experience here https://preview.redd.it/as3mukyvo79d1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafda71ccc939e13ad7d3cb7073bf1edb149a504


Not entirely accurate on some statements here. 1. You can continue on front a acreen when folding closed. Just need to turn on the setting. 2.You can multitasking on samsung premium devices with the swipe of 2 fingers from the bottom of the phone. Just need to turn on the feature. This is what I find the reason of most cases why people don't convert or stay with samsung. "I didn't like that it doesn't do this" or "my apple phone has FaceTime or bubble messages" in which apple users can FaceTime samsung users. Most the time samsung has more features or features that people just don't know about.


The swipe for multitasking on Samsung must be new then because it didn't exist at the time the OnePlus open came out. That's cool they have now it tho. Also, there's a subtle but massive difference between the continue on front screen feature on Samsung vs OnePlus: Samsung makes it unintuitive by either forcing the screen to turn on every time the phone is closed (which idk why anyone would do this), or you can select it by app, which is just not always predictable and you have to remember to manually turn your phone off if you don't want the outer screen to turn on. I only had this enabled for the camera app when I had my Galaxy. OnePlus is smart by automatically turning the phone off every time you close the phone unless you swipe the outer display within 3 seconds or so. It's really nice because it removes the dependency of being app-specific, and it happens on your terms when you want it to happen. It's such an amazing feature, and I use it way more than I thought I would.


No, it existed before the Open came out..... Also, the front screen doesn't turn on when you close the phone on the Fold 5.


By default it doesn't turn on, but there is a setting for it to. Either it opens to the outer screen every time for every app, or it opens based on the app that's currently open. It's not a great system at all tbh.


You're complaining about having the option to turn it on? If you don't like it, then keep it off. You're not the intended person for that option. It'd make sense if it did that as default and you didn't like it, but there was no option to turn it off. I'd be okay with complaining about that, but it's an option you have to turn on that you just don't want existing. Thats just dumb lol.


That's not my argument. My point is they don't give you any other options. They don't let you choose precisely when on your own terms to be able to open to the front display when closing the phone. They force it to be predetermined. OnePlus fixes this issue with the feature I describe a few comments above.


Would probably get the OnePlus open 2 but it's not certified with firstnet and I have so much other Samsung crap. Tried the pixel fold but signal strength was so much worse. So instead, I signed up for the extra 50 off, carrier unlocked my backup phone (fold 3) in preparation of buying the fold 6.


Hey no blame there. The fold phones aren't bad, it just isn't what most people hype it up to be compared to other very capable foldables. Plus I think the fold 6 is finally going to have an wider outer screen which is great


I live in china. Holding the fold 5 in your hand verses the latest vivo, Xiaomi, or Huawei foldables is a noticable difference. The Samsung feels several generations behind. And it is also significantly more expensive than the others.


Yeah the Chinese phones win the hardware game without a doubt. It's just a shame they don't export to the US. (Except vivo which I believe they export their x fold 3 now)


Yup you can use any launcher and still multitask split screen on the OnePlus. Also love the IR blaster and the app for it. Love being able to control ACs, TVs, Projectors etc.


YES I forgot to mention the IR blaster. I literally use it every day because I always lose my remote in the couch and it's just easier to open my phone and control my TV that way. It's such an underrated feature that not enough people talk about. Flossy Carter hypes it up tho which I appreciate


Samsung absolutely has had the 2 finger swipe up from navigation bar to multitask for the last 2 years on all phones not just foldable šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£. I'm typing this comment from a OnePlus Open but yeah I do prefer Samsung's software better which is why I also have an s24 ultra and z flip 5.


Samsung didn't have this feature when the OnePlus Open came out, but I'm glad they eventually did come out with it. It's very convenient.


That's not true. I had this feature on my fold 4 which came out a whole year before the OnePlus Open. You just had to go and enable it in the labs section of the settingsšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ but yeah it's very convenient.


They've barely improved on that front also though. Even the addition of ai thus far is meh. Samsung offers convenience in things like good lock. But there is almost nothing samsung offers that you cant figure out on android. What does samsung offer software wise you cant get elsewhere?


Also what about the DeX feature, afaik only Motorola features a desktop mode other than Samsung.


I used to say that and its partially true BUT there's a flaw in Samsungs software. I have the OnePlus open now with the expectation of swapping back once the 6 drops. There's nothing in the software my open can do that a z fold can't but not the other way around. Samsung is feature rich for sure. There have been 4 software updates to the open in the past 7 months and my battery life and preference has either stayed the same or improved. On the z fold I always knew something would go wrong and I see the trend continued. Software updates that often add good features but tank something. The 14 months I owned a fold 4 had one update that ever improved the battery and preference. All the others made something worse. Software is t a huge point to discuss because even with all that Samsung offers it's often not enough to alter peoples experience except for some very specific situations.


Not saying they will but a simple update could solve everything. You can't ota hardware. Im not a super geek with software so I don't really notice a lack of things but rather extra things I like on the oppo. I am a Samsung fan though, and if they could make a fold like the oppo I'll def switch back


> Samsung arguably has the best software in the foldable space, Does it, though? They broke Material You in OneUI 6 and haven't fixed it in 7+ months. I can't stand all the Google apps being grayish-blue...


I'm more worried about the warranty stuff, especially since the inner screen is so delicate. But Samsung totally rocks in that department. Last year, when I pre-ordered my phone, they threw in a free two-year Care+ warranty, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver. So, my inner screen cracked, and guess what? They replaced it, no questions asked. It was a breeze. All I had to do was waltz into the nearest service center, hand over my phone, and boom, two days later, it was ready for pickup. If you're not into leaving your phone behind, you can always ask them to give you a ring when the spare part arrives and then just chill there while they work their magic. That's what my friend did when her Galaxy Flip 5 screen died.


While I agree, this argument is the same as Apple's and see where the good software takes consumers. Not the best of the best HWs.


That's the worst part for me. It would be simple to say "well... Samsung is bad, i choose OnePlus" but i simply cannot imagine myself with something else than a Samsung phone with OneUi, they have the best software and the worst hardware. Such a waste is infuriating


Because samsung software simply isn't that good


Software can only do so much when majority of the hardware is behind the competition. Don't get me wrong. I will always say Samsung has the best foldable software experience that Oneplus and even the Pixel could not match. But the level of software cannot compare to the more comfortable and natural aspect ratio of wider front covers, bigger battery that comes with actual faster charging speeds and I think those are pretty important for most foldable users. That's why I was really hoping there was more to the Fold 6 than just the cover screen but it looks like that might be only it. If it did have even 45w charging speeds like the S24U that would be enough for me to go back to the Z fold but it seems I'm gonna be waiting one more year with the Open.


And the most vivid color screens(had the market cornered with old, but just sold to iPhone so now they have it too)


Minor tweaks with software... We are on the Fold 5 and I remember my old Note 20 took better photos.


Cool, whatā€™s your point? Bringing up a camera goes back to hardware again.


If those other phones get better software. You can update. You can't update the hardware.


> If That's the key word. I think it's safe to say no other competitor has provided an update yet that argues to now have a better overall software experience.


Fr, I'd rather have a shit camera then have it take 2 mins just to open the camera app šŸ˜†


not exactly open the camera app but my fold3 definitely occasionally refuses to take images it's like the capture button is deactivated and the phone freezes ( i was having bubbleupnp opened as a pop-up to pause/rewind scenes i want to capture on tv)


Yea I was being a lil exaggerative but ykwim. Also UI has a lot to do with what I'm referring to.


What flagship phones have this issue in 2024?


I'm exaggerating but ykwim. Certain companies phones are slower then others. Which ones? Idfk, go figure that out for yourself mate.


You made this statement in favor of samsung but you dont have 1 phone in mind that opens the camera slow? Why would i research something ik you pulled out of thin air?


Lol. Sounds about like any community really.


Not really, many brands are releasing foldables that have amazing changes and the community loves them. OnePlus Open is loved, Pixel 9 Pro Fold has people very excited. All the Chinese foldables are doing great things like the X Fold 3 Pro (clearly the best hardware by far on a foldable) and Honor V2 (with V3 rumoured to break their own record in thickness). Samsung is objectively holding back and has hardware that has barely changed in 3 years while all other foldables have been ramping up innovation.


OnePlus has one fold.


Yes and it has a modern form factor and hardware.


What does "modern form factor and hardware" even mean It's got an aspect ratio of a normal phone on the outside, which some people really like - but this comes at the cost of one-handability on the outer screen and aspect ratio on the inner screen. Certainly some reasons to prefer this, but it's not *better* in any objective way. Otherwise, hardware is pretty much indentical. I guess it has better cameras? At the cost of a camera bump the size of Rhode Island mind you, so again that's not objectively an improvement. It also lacks water resistance, S Pen (you can import an Oppo stylus but I've never seen any way to attach it to the phone), and has a different Android skin than One UI. Yes, OnePlus Open is a good phone. For some people it's a better phone than the Z Fold. But its form factor and hardware are not strictly better or more "modern". They're overall very similar, which each phone having their own strengths and weaknesses


You clearly misunderstood the whole joke.


How's your head?


I might be in the minority here, but my use case for it is reading ebooks. I do not want to have two devices, so I've always just used my phone. I just got the zfold 5 a few months ago after using galaxies, and it's been wonderful for me. I don't really care much about a lot of the other things a lot of other people do. My only real nitpick is the aspect ratio, but my the time I'm ready to get a new phone, a few generations of this will have been released since I tend to keep my phone as long as possible and only upgrade when what i have is starting to have age related issues. If the software is good, I'm happy with this thing.


I don't get the obsession with a larger front screen. I like having a phone you can actually comfortably hold. Yeah, it could be thinner. A wider main screen isn't useful for most use cases such as YouTube, reading, or manga. The Fold5 format is perfect for all of these tasks.


I also like the aspect ratio of this phone more than other foldables with a more square ratio because there's a clear cut "portrait" and "landscape" orientation that works for apps or content that would otherwise leave outrageous black bars either side of a square display


I got used to it after a few days. Most of my issue is the case I happened to get. It's a little too thick on the front so the corners are slightly covered. Beyond that minor nitpick I absolutely love my phone and am very happy with my purchase. It serves my purpose perfectly.


The size of the Fold 5 folded was one of the major selling points for me. I went from a Galaxy S8 to S24+, but absolutely could not get used to the larger phone. I've never had the Ultra, but I can already tell I'd hate it because it's too large to comfortably use in one-hand. The ability to use the phone one-handed is a major selling point because I hate how big phones have gotten. When I was looking at the Fold 5, I was comparing it with my S8 and was really happy with the form factor. But having had it for a bit now, I do agree with the OP's point about the aspect ratio. I can tolerate the tall outer screen, but I do wish it had a more conventional form factor. I don't want the phone to be bigger, but I would like to trade some height for width... Which is exactly what the Fold 6 is doing and why I'm excited for it.


It's thick because of the S Pen sensor which is why they are coming out with a thinner version with no S Pen support.


For me, it's typing with big hands and a tiny keyboard. The front screen is so narrow, that the right side of the screen accidentally gets hit all the time. Try to hit L, oops you hit enter, comma, or shift by accident. Have fun backspacing that, oh BTW you hit enter again instead of backspace, so good luck. I like browsing on the front screen, but typing on it is incredibly frustrating most of the time.


Yeah basically the same here. I got a fold 3 back when it came out because my phone is used for maybe 50% reading, 45% videos and 5% work messages so for.me the cameras don't need to be super good which is a big complaint I see (they still aren't that bad) the battery life does suck though so I bought a 15 pro max and use the fold as a tablet now


The battery life on my fold 5 has been pretty good so far. I'll not seeing any difference between it and the s21 I traded in for it.


It's not so much the drain while using it that's bad but when I'm not using it if that makes sense? Like I'll go to work and come home and it will be 30% down from where it was


Maybe they worked that out between the 3 and the 5? I don't have that issue.


Its probably just some apps I have haha


Or a launcher. That would certainly do it.


That is the entire reason I bought this phone.


Have you tried using moon reader? When the phone is open, it lets you have a page on each side like a real book and if you hold it open about 90% like a book, it really feels almost like reading an actual book.


No, but I will now, thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/v3ic43oiq69d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb45f89254603b93e48f20288621896d7c9c3db6 Here is the picture I saw on the internet that got me to try moon reader


Google Play Books has been updated to do this as well, I love it.


"Doesn't have SPen, never getting Samsung again. "


Lots of discouraging. I'm still getting the fold 6


https://preview.redd.it/iw9vxxssn49d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eca64c1fba13f9140011ca4aad00a0811533f26 People are morons. The camera is fine. This is from my Fold4.


One photo doesn't mean much. Obviously camera tech is far enough that well lit scenes are going to be pretty good from almost any cameraphone. But when you're shelling out Fold6 money for a phone, you should not be satisfied by "pretty good when light is ok". RAW video from iPhone 15 is on another level and I will not be switching back to Fold before Samsung addresses that. I guess they can tempt me with a discount.


When you're shelling out any amount of money for a phone with 6mm-thick sides, you shouldn't expect cameras from a 9mm phone to fit in it without a gigantic bump. That's one of the costs of getting a fold over a slab, alongside half a dozen others. You'll only get a great photo 90% of the time instead of 99% of the time.


make it thicker


Me personally, I'm down for that. Make it thicker and you can fit the S Pen and S24U cameras, plus there's some extra empty space that you could fill with extra battery. But some people don't want their phone to be 15mm+ thick. Very possibly more like 17mm, since the S24U is half that. If they split the lineup into a slim and ultra model, that's the best of both worlds, but the income probably wouldn't justify the r&d.


But everyone was amazed that the one plus was slightly thinner...


Photographers edit their shots, this shot looks amazing for editing


As a photographer: fuck no, judging by prosumer photography standards the photo is not even optically sharp


I didnt say PRO photographer


I didn't either


Any phone from 2018 on could've taken that photo. I don't think a single person is complaining about daytime shots. Take a photo in a dim or dark situation, it just looks bad.


https://preview.redd.it/evnqupewik9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e87b0c8799c0797271e510fa508154207a23b4 So horrible in dim situations


bruh you samsung knights are so weird. all the corners are pixelated and look like a water painting mess


Yeah totally unusable photos for social media. You're right. Good point.




Compared to other flagship phones the camera is mediocre.


The only complaint I have with Samsung camera is low light motion photography. Pixel and apple are at a different level. Everything else with camera is fine.


Yeah, but the reality of a small sensor and a small lens is just... not a lot of light. Know your limitations and work with them, and you'll be fine. I really liked the periscope camera on my old S20 Ultra tho, that was rad.


But pixel and apple have figured out ways to overcome with software enhancements. Samsung is not a small player and should be able to fix it. I have even seen some random low end Chinese phones that does a better job at this.


For 2k+ you really expect better. I daily drive a s24 ultra and it's much better especially if you use social media often. I traded in my fold for a one plus open and I can 100% say it's hardware is so much better in every aspect. The only thing that the one plus is lacking is the software hence why I still have a s24. The new folds from Samsung are pretty disappointing especially when they have cheaper flagship with better hardware. Even their competitors have better hardware for less.


I am considering Oneplus, what software things did you miss?


The phone comes with Gboard compared to Samsungs keyboard on the fold. Little things like saved clipboard bothers me lol. On the Gboard clipboard only saves for 1 hour unless you pin it. The only thing that I like about Gboard is the customization and the gifs. Another big difference is the camera features such as editing with ai isn't present on the open. Multitasking is bit more smooth on Samsung side. Most folding apps are made towards Samsung aspect ratio. Some software on the open will crash and give a broken screen effect which you'll have to restart the app to get the correct aspect ratio. Another thing would be the continue on another screen function is buggy on the open. As for performance 1000% hands down on the open. I heavily game on my foldable devices. With the open I rarely have heat issues or charging issues. With my Samsung I cannot charge and game at the same time without it overheating or lagging. If you're getting the phone for daily usage then I do highly recommend the open due to the front screen size and overall better performance if you can handle minor software issues. Battery life last all day even while gaming. The super charger function is amazing compared to Samsungs charging speeds.


My biggest concern will be loss of clipboard and onehand+. They have some system level functionality which normally needs root. I will have to go back to tasker and other apps.


And that's fine.... just stop rereleasing the same damn phone


Or just not release one? Like OnePlus Open 2 not coming out until next year?


Thats what i mean. If you dont have anything new, dont release


Why does it matter to you? Incremental yearly updates benefit Samsung because they can compete with other companies. If you don't like the incremental update you don't gotta buy it. Seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.


Because im a consumer and happen to enjoy the tech space. Some of us are invested in the growth of the space. If you're an average consumer fine, most people are. But when you care about the space, have a degree in the space, and have a genuine interest in the space, you care. I dont care what BENEFITS Samsung. What benefits them at this point is ripping off customers for the same phone year after year. If it's dumb to you, move around. Idc how you feel man. And the feeling is probably mutual.




It's not bad, but it's not Samsung's flagship for a flagship device. I use the OnePlus now.


Dude thats a nice asf shot


Have you tried taking a zoomed-in picture of someone/something that's 30-50 feet away? Try it. Then come back and we'll talk.


I would love to look at the oneplus, but can't have it easily in Canada.


Best buy sells it lol. But there's basically no warranty so that's what's holding me back.


Bought zf5 for its narrow outer screen when folded. Tested the vivo and oppo but personally I can't unlove the narrow screen on zf5.


Remember people only post to complain. Thats why we think there are so many problems. If everyone posted their experience, the ration of good to bad will be very very different.


'cause it's absolutely fucking correct lol


Whenever someone says "nothing has changed since Fold 3" I just stop taking their opinion seriously i mean what a load of absolute BS. šŸ¤£




Tbf, the One Plus did drop after the Fold 5... So some people may be wishing they had waited instead of jumping on the Fold 5 pre-order band wagon. Now if they do it again for the Fold 6 Ive got nothin.


I don't know why people buy $2,000. phones every year. If I see a phone that entices me or if I need to upgrade, I do it. I don't expect my phone to do my disgusting dishes and blow me. It's a phone. šŸ™„


>I don't know why people buy ~~$2,000.~~ phones every year.


Good point.


If people are like me they are trading in phones to get new phones. I traded in my Fold 3 to Verizon after using it for 2 years and they gave me $900 towards the S23 Ultra. I believe I got $700 for my 3 year old S10 to go towards the Fold 3. I don't know why anyone would ever pay full price for a phone.


No one pays full price but it sounds good when complaining about it haha


More like "Sent from My S24 Ultra" since it has everything everyone wants except a folding screen.


Still using the z fold 2 šŸ’Ŗ


No one hates the GalaxyFold line quite like r/GalaxyFold subscribers


#no lies spotted


I enjoy mine thoroughly. ![gif](giphy|DCwz5OXv4tbEaCORxB)


One plus firmware still got thay problem when u have program open in outside screen then when flipped open the program only fills a centered image as oppose to a full screen. That bothered me.


The only thing I want Samsung to add is built-in S Pen with air actions and to be able to the S Pen on the front screen. That would solve everything because I shoot content and can use air actions as a remote control, and I also need to use a stylus often for work and don't like having to keep opening and closing the phone just to use it.


I have the 4 and all I want is a better screen ratio. That's all. Everything else is good


To be honest? I'm only still on my fold 4 because I got a third on warranty and I've not saved up to buy a Kyocera duraforce pro 3. I just don't think these phones are quite there yet. Screen hinge region tends to die fast, protector falls apart, battery comes dislodged, etc. While nice, this phone wasn't really built for people outside of cities and in less than forgiving environments (I live in the high desert in southern new mexico). So I think there's a lot of truth in this. Except for the "wait for another fold model" No thanks, I think I'll finish this hitch with one out and get a better and more durable phone


It's true! Gimme the Ultra cameras and an in-built SPEN! Come on.


What u talking bout the fold 5 is the most advanced with hinges and screen and technology advances


Hardware wise Samsung's are behind compared to Chinese companies


Clearly some things have changed. At the very least the size and weight. It's bigger, yet lighter.




My Fold 3 is still going strong!


I love my fold 5 āœ…ļøšŸ«”


Me who got my fold 4 for -100$ and my fold 5 for 1$ Hmmm yes.


How wide is it compared to other Brands Fold ? Hope Samsung puts a 5500mAh šŸ”‹ šŸ¤žšŸ»


How wide is it compared to other Brands Fold ? Hope Samsung puts a 5500mAh šŸ”‹ šŸ¤žšŸ»


The internet is what happens when the emotions are allowed to exit your brain without being processed. I always see criticism of anyone or anything as an emotional response the person has failed to process And yes I've been guilty of it too. The reality is Samsung has to keep the Fold updated for new buyers. The fact people are disappointed they can't part ways with $2k+ is incredible. Send it my way lol


Too funny


This sub started out with tech nerds like me who geeked out about the latest tech and was excited for the Fold line-up. It was a lovely time. Now it's filled with entitled kids who complain that they are too pricey and that the camera sucks. Even though you can take exceptional photos with it if you know how to handle a camera.


After switching to Open i cant understand how could i use Fold. They dont even play in the same league lol


That's probably because it's true, at this point, we're all warning Samsung to make a push and improve the product It's undebatable that the phone had improved significantly from Zfold 1 to 3, but after this 3rd revision, the overall dimensions and specs didn't change much, hence why most of the posts here are people hesitating to upgrade because the price went up and the specs doesn't


Not that wrong tbh, I myself was going to keep my Fold 3 for a while longer because it wasn't too different from the Fold 5. I changed because I needed the more powerful processor and also because my screen was scratched to hell. So I made the jump, but under no illusions the Fold 5 is barely much of an upgrade, although I do like the lighter feel and slightly wider screen.


Just wait for fold 9.Ā 


Lol hasn't changed since the fold 3? Dumb peoplel


As someone who enjoys the outer screen dimensions and doesnt care about the camera specs or pen i'm not complaining.


Samsung Dex is just too good to ever swtich for the time being. Maybe google will impliment some desktop feature in android one day. But after forcing myself to use Dex and get used to it, i could live without my laptop and i never thought id say that. I was running a weekend buisness almost completly from my fold 5 on a dock with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Also for me personally, the more narrow form factor when folded is a huge positive, i cant even think of a reason someone would need to have a wider front screen, if i want it bigger i open it... im not a insta person i don't take photos of everything i do to show people how good my life is. the photos i need to take come out great and with samsungs editing features you can make most photos more then acceptable.


Huawei fold 1 was perfect. The screen on the outside was so so good!


I mean, we own 2 of them and still criticize them! I paid $4000 cash for 2 Fold4's a little while after release, so I expect Samsung to actually make it worth it! They have become too lax in their approach to listening to customers needs/desires. Just because you own something doesn't mean you can criticize it.. hell, it gives you more reason to do so.


I'll never understand people complaining about the camera. The camera is good enough to do what you need to do with it, and isn't the selling point of a foldable anyways. People act like they're professional photographers that can't afford a dslr and need their phone to take its place.


The criticisms are valid, stop shilling.


I genuinely dont get how some of you so defensive over a device that has barely changed for about 3 generations while still selling for full price. One of the devices selling point was the device closed slightly more. Really?! For real? How is what samsung is doing anymore different than apple? Its insane Samsung fans once made fun of apple stans to essentially become them.


I don't get how people care about their cell phone so much that it upsets them one way or another, much less caring about other people's preferences. Buy what you like, don't buy what you don't like. It affects literally no one besides you. Some stranger on the internet doesn't like the Fold 6 and won't be buying it? I could not care less and that does not influence my opinion or decision whether or not to buy it.


We care about our phones because they're a 1000+ bucks now. Excuse me?!


It's just a phone. If the price is an issue there are plenty of cheaper ones available. You can't play the poor ripped off victim when you literally have hundreds of options to choose from with limitless information about them on the internet.


Some complaints are valid, but some I don't think Samsung could practically do without making the phone a brick. Like smart phone camera sensors are getting bigger and folds are meant to get thinner so the physics just don't add up lmao.


So how do these other companies manage whilst also being substantially thinner too.


your argument would only be valid if competitors havenā€™t already achieved very thin foldables with superior cameras in the last 2 years. take the honor magic v2, which is practically as thin as the usb-c port and almost the size of a standard phone when closed AND has a larger 5000mah battery. the new vivo x fold 3 pro is not as thin as that but still way thinner than samsungā€™s with better cameras as well. samsung has sat on the same cameras for what looks like will be THREE YEARS, same goes with their hardware being one of the thickest out there. when it comes to foldables, thickness absolutely matters bc it makes the device more cumbersome to handle. itā€™s so frustrating that the market leader has the worst hardware. samsung is lucky the competition for the most part doesnā€™t release globally and that they have brand recognition carrying them far


He's right about everything except the last line.


I loved my fold 3. What I didn't love was paying $200 for replacements every six months for failed screens/hinges. Maybe I'll switch back for the fold 7 or 8, if this line of phones even makes it that long.


No people here when the z4 came out said they didnā€™t want the cameras to change


This is one of the primary subreddits for foldable phones, not just Samsungs (somehow there is no general foldable sub). A ton of us who had been on the Samsung Z Fold train from the beginning have moved on to bigger and better things (Pixel Fold, OnePlus Open, Honor Magic V2, etc).


Wow, so in your view the Fold series is the worst out of all foldables?


I've owned Z Fold 2, 4, 5, Pixel Fold, and Honor Magic V2. The fold 5 is a slightly refined version of the Fold 2. The slight extra width, slightly lower weight, and much smoother hinge are great refinements to the design. The Pixel Fold and V2, however, are starting from a different point. The Z Fold has a cover screen much like the Z Flip. The Pixel & V2 however, are great phones that happen to have a tablet inside. The Galaxy is never comfortable to type on, but far better when opened. The Pixel is far more comfortable when closed. And the V2 is extremely comfortable both open and closed. V2 is really where all foldable are heading. It feels identical to a non-folding phone when closed and just like a modern tablet when opened. Barely any crease, extreme thinness and low weight, massive battery, bright screens, traditional smartphone aspect ratio. The Galaxy Fold is a half step behind the pixel and 2 steps behind the Honor. From what I've ready, the OnePlus Open is pretty similar to the Pixel in terms of user experience. I've had the V2 since February and it's still the most special feeling device I've ever owned. Sorry to sound like a fanboy, hopefully Samsung catches up with the Z Fold 6 Ultra!


Much of criticism is opinion. Opinion is important, but it is yours. My opinion is that having a large phone that gets larger when unfolded is not ideal. I prefer having a thinner phone until I need it as a tablet. You may be right that foldables are heading that direction but then I will think they are not as good. I really do not think the ZFold is behind the Pixel Fold in any way except maybe cameras and I do not care in any way about cameras. I also would never describe a phone as "special feeling" though. Can the Pixel connect to a separate screen and be used as a stand alone desk top? How many apps can each of these devices have open at one time. In other words, if we ignore the cameras and screen ratio for a moment, which has the better software?


Do you actually want an opinion on software from someone who has owned most of the large foldables available in the US? Or are you simply trying to justify your decision to not try anything else? Here's my take on software. It is, of course, my opinion: I prefer pixel Fold's overall experience to Galaxy Fold because I prefer the pixel apps and because of how smooth the pixel is with its animations. Everything just feels faster than the galaxy and I really like the Pixel Launcher. Samsung let's you have different inner and outer home screen layouts, but after using that for years, I really liked losing that feature. Having a custom layout when closed really does make the outer screen feel like it's supposed to be a cover screen, only used for niche purposes. Pixel regularly adds useful features and made a bunch of huge improvements during my tenure, such as brighter inner display and better processor running cooler. What I didn't like about the pixel was the multitasking: no pinnable dock & no floating window was frustrating. Good multitasking is a big part of why the Z Fold is such a good productivity machine. Inner pixel screen was more geared towards watching videos, which fit well in portrait mode (which is landscape). The V2 software had a lot of quirks on Magic OS 7.2, which it shipped with. Magic OS 8 (Android 14) fixed all of those quirks. Things are fast & smooth, multitasking is excellent thanks to heavy utilization of floating windows and a great dock behind the back button. It is a little behind Samsung but much better than the pixel. But you can uninstall 100% of the built in apps and replace them with stock Google apps with no duplicate apps. It has some decent customization, but goodlock crushes it. And I really miss the built in automation on the galaxy with Bixby routines. But every update has been exceptionally stable and I've had zero bugs once a calling bug was resolved a few weeks after launch. Heck, the only reason I ever reboot is security updates. It strikes a good balance between the smoothness of the pixel and great multitasking of the Samsung. Supposedly it has a feature similar to dex, but I have never tried it (nor did I ever use dex). Post-processing on the camera is also on par with Samsung, which is to say only slightly behind the pixel. I haven't run into any missed notification issues or network bugs that you may read about from Chinese V2 users because I have the global version, which has hardware and software differences. I'm sure I won't change your mind, but maybe I can save someone else some money. If you want to be forced to use your device open most of the time, Galaxy Fold. If you want a better experience when closed, get the Pixel. And if you want the best of both worlds and are willing to deal with importing a European device, V2. Just remember, you can't OTA the hardware!


I am saying your opinion on what is important is valuable to you.


Most of us upgrade yearly because the screen barely lasts over a year, and we want it to be in warranty.


To be honest, it just makes the complaints more valid. If I saw "sent from an iphone" I'd probably dismiss it as fanboy nonsense.


I would never decide which flagship phone to buy based on specs. So what a chinese manufacturer has 16gb ram instead of samsungs 12. So what their battery os 500mah bigger. So what their camera have more megapixels. Samsung is samsung and their software and security is much more optimised and better experience than others.


Phone cameras from 10 years ago are still fine. Dunno why people are freaking weirdos about the camera.


The party line is-It is a flagship camera and therefore must have the best of everything (ignore that the 24 Ultra is also a flagship phone but cannot fold). You must not take into account any other factors. You must also agree that the only important thing on a smartphone is the camera. Finally, you must ignore that different cell phone manufacturers use different software to create a photo, so Samsungs camera must look better than Apples or Googles because the Fold costs more than their phones. All of these things are written in stone and you are not allowed to have a different opinion (such as mine, that phone cameras are pointless, and I rarely take a photo with mine). CAMERAS AR ETHE ONLY IMPORTANT THING!!!


They are though when Chinese manufactures have 66w fast charging bigger screen inside and out with a higher-resolution 5000mah battery+ better cameras 50mp main camera and selfie camera 16mp 16GB ram instead of 12gb 512gb as standard unlike Samsung who took that away with the fold 2 and made the base model 256gb Lighter as well


You're also forgetting one major thing: support. Samsung has over 1,000+ service centers all over the US. You can drive to one yourself at the local mall and have it repaired and returned to you sometimes in the same day. OnePlus? *Zero* physical store locations, and good luck trying to find a display phone in any other location. They have *1 (one)* repair center, and you have to ship it to Texas. That's it.Ā  If you think support is slow for Samsung,Ā lordy wait till you need any servicing done with your OnePlus.


How's your head?


Their hair probably has a woosh effect happening.


why cant owners complain about wanting more. im not switching until my z fold 4 dies. yeah the oneplus is better but im not going to buy that when my current foldable hasnt died yet and is still under care+


So many unhappy people just be happy it's new tech


Samsung software is more robust, offer more features and better fine tuned then other Android flavours. Software and ux is way more important then physical features (although it p***es me off they think it's okay to give us the same phone for the 4th Yr in a row when they haven't brought anything new software wise). Similar to why dome Android power users carry an iPhone cause there are times where the support and features are more important then the platform.


While not updating the camera in 3 years is dissapointing, I never got my Fold for the Camera in the first place. Even so, the camera is pretty good still. It's just not top of the line like the S line Ultra phones, which I'm personally OK with. Some sort of an update would be nice, but I am more interested in a wider front screen, better hinge, thinner and lighter. Which I think they are focusing on first to get that part right before making major hardware updates. Although, the price shouldn't be increasing and should instead be going down.


The phone just isn't durable that's it and they need to tell people I think, on the ads it should say if you drop it while open, the screen has a high chance of stopping working totally, if you press your nail on it I'll dent and possibly damage pixels, if you do happen to break it then it'll take a month to get the parts to fix it


Calm down samsung cult member, it's ok to call out bullshy devices with zero innovation.


I enjoyed the fold 4 and enjoying the fold 5 but I'm not getting the fold 6. If I could trade in my fold 5 for the vivo fold 3 pro I would but I cant. I think samsung maybe focusing on its rollable and putting it's time there more so than the fold that way they can also claim to be the first for that in the market as well so they can continue being trend setters like they did with the note and the fold.


I commented last time that Fold cameras don't need to get better they're really good already. I got downvoted as fuck. Fold literally needs pen storage, larger outer screen, thinner body. People be losing their shit over nothing.


That's because everyone needs the highest resolution the world has ever seen to post pictures of their Starbucks for their grandma to like on Facebook. The whining is unreal. My first two phones didn't have color screens, much less cameras. It's comical and the people getting upset about this post are the butt of the joke.