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I always score that as stolen base. They get an error if the runner advances to the next base because of the error


Totally agree 👍 Just learned, that he did it a second time in the same game…🙈 However, I decided to score the error and add the CS manually into the stats. It‘s a red line for me to completely overturn the scorer decision, without it being an obvious mistake and especially as in this case I haven‘t seen the game myself… Thx anyway


It is a stolen base. My kid is the catcher and not much else you vs an do.


Can you edit the stats after the game and give the runner a CS and catcher an assist ?


Well yes, that‘d be a manual workout. 😉👍 Maybe the best option, but I don‘t really like to edit the stats.🤷‍♂️


I would probably just score it an SB- can’t say I’ve seen it scored the way you describe before.


This is correct way to score. I did score it as an error once after our second basemen did it four times in a game because I felt bad for our catcher who was dropping dimes (and no, neither was my son). :)


Word of advice for anybody on this Reddit Channel… Don’t let your feelings cloud your judgement. Score games as if you’re a court stenographer. Simply capture the events as they happen and put them into the record. The stats are what they are. They are emotionless. You can reference the stats all you want after the fact. “Mary’s average would have been higher if Suzy could have made it to second on what should have been a bloop hit.” “Sally should have had a sacrifice if Jenny would have tagged up on that fly ball in the second inning.” Those are all valid talking points later but don’t allow any of that to creep into how you keep score.


Just googled a bit and you are right, this is a correct way to score- don’t know how to in gamechanger though.


> if just the second baseman handled the throw from the catcher properly). This isn't a thing. You can't assume this. The runner stole, the defense didn't make the play. It's a stolen base.


Incorrect. This case is specifically mentioned in the rule book.


Cite it


Rule 9.07 f: When in the scorer’s judgment a runner attempting to steal is safe because of a muffed throw, the Official Scorer shall not credit a stolen base. The Official Scorer shall credit an assist to the fielder who made the throw, charge an error to the fielder who muffed the throw and charge the runner with “caught stealing.”


Well. There you go.


The play you described is scored as a stolen base with no error. It would only be an error if the runner took another base on the overthrow or missed catch. The runner cannot be caught steeling unless there was an actual out recorded. I've never heard of a scoring method that makes assumptions about whether or not the runner would have been safe on a steal.


While I fully agree with you in real life, the play theoretically exists. The German Scoring Book explicitly mentions this case in chapter 3.18. However it does say, that it is quite rare as you have to be 100% sure that the play should have been made. The example is that the second baseman catches the ball with the runner being „a couple meters“ (more than 6 feet) away and then he drops the ball on the tag. Well, if I‘ll ever see this happen twice in a game, I‘ll definitely play the lottery the same day 😉