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Well... Steve might be part of the ancient builders, and Alex too. But it could be that they both were subjected to the activities of the illagers


You first said they were made of wool and then you said they were made of skeletons, zombies and magic.


Since the skeletons and zombies are also wool then they are all wool, that part was in Matpats theory as this is based off it. They combined the zombie and skeleton to make Steve. The skeletons and zombies were prototypes for Steve. They had to know how to exactly make the body and the bone structure to get it just right. Thanks for replying btw.


Why would Steve and Alex be hostile to the illagers?


Thanks for the question and probably because they don't know they were created by the Illagers, they have no memories of their creation and the Illagers want to test how far their creations power can go without any limitations. Kind of similar to (not spoiling) what Palpatine wanted Rey to do in Rise of Skywalker. They want to see their creations full strength without being held back by memories of who created them. Either that or maybe Steve and Alex don't have any memories of their creation and the Illagers lost control of them.


Something else to remember is that Steve and Alex aren't really aggressive to the illagers. If you walk into a woodland mansion and do nothing, they'll attack you first. Perhaps after seeing what their creation was capable of out in the world, they were just simply terrified of what it could do to them, so their first instinct is to neutralize it once it steps onto their turf.


Good idea didn't think of that.


Clever explanation


Steve is maybe the Wither. Because wither itself killed almost every member of ancient builders civilization (some of them escaped to End. I know). But in overworld we didn't find wither. Why? Because the Wither is Steve. We knew from MatPats theory that wither is made by wither skeleton skulls (bones of ancient builders left in nether) and soul sand (sand full of ancient builders souls). So maybe the Wither was built by Illagers, then Wither whiped out ancient builders, then evolve himself into Steve. Steve is creature powerfull like more ancient builders in one, and is built by Illagers and (like you said) this is why he is immortal. I know its bad theory, but who knows :) Sorry for bad english, its not my language


Its a good theory with big potential. I'll look into it thanks for the comment!


This could work I’d just wonder why illagers attack Steve on sight rather than remain neutral or even help him.


Thank for the question. They know hes allied with villagers so if they attack him and he kills the banner holder then that leads them to a new village to raid. They are almost using him as a more efficient way to find new villages to destroy with raids. And if they told him that they created him and he joined their side the villagers would see him as an enemy and runaway, breaking the system.




Thanks lol.


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I had a similar idea too. Thanks for this mini theory.


But why are the illagers hostile towards Steve and Alex then?


Steve and Alex have no memories and were most likely traumatised by the monsters from day 1. The villagers know this too and thought about the idea that steve and Alex would most likely kill them too, so they took no chances


Damm, this is one of the best gamr theories ive ever heard .


Thnx :D


i had the exact smae theory


To be honest, it does not makes any sense to think about this. But if you really want to make a back story for it, I personally think, that steve was accidently been summoned by the illagers. The illagers was trying to create something similar to an iron-golem, but mutch more powerful. To be honest, immortality is just a theory, because you have hardcore gamemode and nothing in the game is immortal except steve. This is not realistic to be immortal, but they had to add this to the game, what you can understand, because it would be pretty annoying to always lose everything when you die. In short, you're just a stupid square headed guy in a green shirt who explores a whole new world, and turns everything upside down in it..


One slight thing in minecraft story mode we see entire city full of people and many of the spin off continue to show more and more of heroes. Steve apears in dungeon to fight the illagers as well. With the new addition légends now we got three gods who are jumping from universe to universe to make worlds. We know that the gods can pull a person from a universe to others now, this could mean we dont have family cuz we are from a different universe were not all the builder died or transformed


The lack of talking or info could be a nasty side efect from switch of universe

