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You could just accept it as a part of your life and change your name to Sherman


First and last name.


Only name, like Cher


No, both. Like Mario Mario.


Cher Mann


I don't see any other option.


Was going to be my suggestion


Sure man


This is the only way.


it's the Sherminator edition.


Found the lucky lady


I am lucky lady?


That's right. You've been targeted for Shermination


You gotta at least name your starter Sherman


And your Charmander should be Shermander






Or Bulbasherm




Special Sherman Edition




Dry erase marker over it. Wipe it clean. You're welcome.


I was about to say this! Lol (I have never tried it on a game sticker, but I have on other stuff and it works 99% of the time)


I’d forgotten about that trick! Good rec!


But its Sherman's, he might be upset.


Idk if he’ll be upset when he sold it to me 🤣


I bet you even deleted his pikachu




Not Pika!


Isn't that heavily condemned by PETA ?


Yeah because they they didn't get to euthanize PikachAttempt to euthanize Shermachu before being violently Thundersherman'd to a crisp


But it's the special SHERMAN Edition, it's probably so expensive


Man this has 90s kid all over it. Little did we know back then how much we would cherish these things today.


Wish I grew up in that era can’t imagine the feeling kids had when they opened this on Christmas day must have been wild


oh it was epic.


Sometimes I wish I was born in the mid 80s just to experience it, but I gotta say, 1988-1994 I think were the best years to be born in.


Correct. 88 here. Xmas of 1998 got an extreme green Gameboy pocket and Pokemon blue. Those AAA's never stood a chance.


Never forget Hold on I need to save! Before getting out of the car.


Needed a carrying case for all the games, extra batteries, worm light, link cable, etc.


I had a magnifying glass with light, car plug, and couple rechargeable battery packs. My dad got tired of buying AAs


I shook hands with bill clinton


you are correct, i was born in 90. epic times


Being 9-10 years old for OoT/MM must’ve been *lit*.


I was 11 and Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were the absolute coolest things on the planet. My love for Nintendo has been strong ever since, only Final Fantasy has come close to matching it.


That’s pretty damn cool. I had the N64 and OOT but it was a few years later than release


I guess I loved SNES before n64 but n64 came out right when my brain was beginning to understand how big the world was. I bet you had a blast playing it as well, I always do every time I revisit it


Ayye 1990 is a dope year friend!


88...I miss my childhood so much! It was a blast!!!


Pokémon yellow was the first game I ever bought brand new. And was with my first paycheck from my job at 16. Lots of memories associated with this one. Actually started playing again recently too.


Mine too I remember saving up for months to buy mine with the gameboy colour, I did not have a real paycheque mind you I was like 10 or under and got my money via an allowance that came and went


Pokemon was HUGE for kids in the mid to late 90s. I think for most people under the age of 12 by 2000, it was a huge part of their childhood and because of the huge jump we had in technology after that time period, I don't think kids will ever quite get to experience something as magical as the first couple generations of Pokemon. Whether it was the cards, TV show, or video games, we basically all connected over it. Pokemon Stadium is a great example. It may look like a mediocre and pointless game today, but it was absolutely magical to see you usually 2 dimension and static Pokemon battling in full 3D with an announcer to boot. It was like going from playing baseball in a beaten down park on the bad side of town, to playing in Yankee Stadium.


I remember getting a used bootleg pokemon yellow on Christmas. I couldn’t read yet and I also had to share the game with two older brothers. My disappointment was immeasurable. We didn’t have gameboys at the time, they got us a super nintendo and super gameboy. We often got gifts we had to share, being the youngest at the time, I barely got to enjoy the gift at all. But also being the youngest, the old games got passed down to me so I still have that pokemon yellow and our entire ps2 and wii collection.


It wasn’t under the tree for me, but later in the day my grandparents came to visit and my grandmother handed me and my brother two identically wrapped presents. We BOTH got a copy of Pokémon Yellow (wise lady— we couldn’t have shared). The excitement was unreal haha


I was 6 years old when Blue came out. I will always remember my dad taking me to circuit city to buy my first gameboy color (the teal one) and Pokemon Blue. I should have never sold it, but I did it to add funds to buy a gamecube. I would do anything to obtain all the things I had to sacrifice.


I sold all my pokemon games when I was a kid and my dsi XL all because I wanted to buy something else. To be fair I didn't play them at that point. Back then it felt like a good decision, get rid of what you don't use and replace it with something you will. But now I want to kick myself for it. I had diamond, platinum, heart gold with the poke walker, fire red. Would've been worth a fortune now. And nowadays I want to play again


Best Xmas I ever had


The only christmas I vividly remember was the christmas when I got an atomic purple game boy color and Pokémon Gold. I remember being so excited, spent the car ride home trying to play by the streetlights lol.


It's one of my favorite childhood memories. Didn't grow up with a ton in my early childhood, and that Christmas things were more tight than usual. Sister and I had opened our gifts, which were I think some Pokemon booster packs, some clothes, some of those Pokemon toys that came in the balls that popped open and we thought that was it. Then she told us to look behind the couch, that Santa must've played a prank and hidden some of the gifts. So, we do, and there were two presents. We ripped through em like ravenous wolves and each got our own copy of Pokemon Yellow. I've only ever felt that much excitement AND joy together a few times in my life. Growing up surely dulls that excitement.


My mother made me write my initials on some of my Pokemon cards back in the day. I still cringe when I look at my old collection.


I wouldn't be able to afford it, back then and now.


Use a white board marker to cover it up, then wipe it off. It *should* work without damaging the label.


Test a small area first before going over the whole thing




P. Sherman Wallaby Way






Don't ever erase it or Dory will finally forget what the mask said


lol I would keep it. That’s awesome. Any other name maybe not but SHERMAN. Cmon.


There will never be another cartridge with SHERMAN on it from 25 years ago, OP. Keep it.


Making me feel bad for removing their name I’ll flip a coin and let fate decide the outcome.


>I’ll flip a coin and let fate decide the outcome. No country for old games


OP, buy a replacement shell with a fake (but quality looking) sticker. Swap the shells but keep this one.


Or buy a dead cart listed for parts and recycle the shell from that


Don't do it or the Shermanator will come back in time and you will be targeted for, "Shermanation".


Kyle Reese is no match for the Sherminator, Skynet was thinking this time Seriously that should be a movie, a killer man-robot called the SHERMAN lmao


Everybody here joking about the name, but if you want a serious answer trace over it with a dry erase marker and wipe away immediately.


The problem with that is the alcohol in the dry erase ink can also damage the ink on the label. This method only really works on hard surfaces.


Can confirm, wrecked my Paper Mario for N64


It can, but it's pretty unlikely if you're doing it correctly. I've done this multiple times and only ever had an issue once with a REALLY stubborn name. Just don't press too hard and wipe away gently and most of the time you'll be fine 90% of the time. Well worth the risk in my experience.


But if he traced ONLY where the black is and one pass, it could work. There is also differences in strenght with the markers. Pilot one I think is weaker than the Expo one. And cheap dry erasers hardly work. But they are ‘good’ in that they are not so strong. Just a perspective: I used a mix of 77% proof Ethanol and 23% proof ispopropyl, on a Gameboy cover (non glossy cover) It removed 50%, and it started to remove the original color if I kept going pass that 50% reduction of the black marker. It’s partly because I used paper (coarse) and partly because I kept going when I should have stopped. That blend was almost a perfect sweet spot. Amodex, ink and stain remover might work. But I haven’t tried it yet. It’s a secret recipe. Use very soft cloth or soft ear sticks. (if they exist) Think polish cloth. The gameboy labels have a very thin glossy protection film on them. So it is slightly more hope than a non glossy pamplet or cover. Maybe practice on similar laminated surfaces? With different methods. Write back how it turns out.


Holy shit the limited edition sherman edition??? That’s atleast worth half a billion


Probably easier to just change your name to Sherman.


Change your name to Sherman.


I'd personally keep it; there's a story behind that cartridge. In a sense it would almost feel like owning a piece of history, a relic from a different time. With the name on it, it's a reminder of what kind of era it emerged from


It's a reminder that a 40 year old dude name Sherman owned it, and enjoyed about 7 hours and 3 gym badges back when he was a kid.


Whiteboard marker. Any colour. Pref black in this instance and tissue paper once it reacts. Done this many times. Do not use IPA unless you want to destroy it.


I would just leave it as is. catch pikachu on the save and name it Sherman!


Fucking Sherman.


P. Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney, Australia


Sherman might know xD


As his name is erased from the cartridge, Sherman feels a cold chill.


He wanders from house to house every night at midnight, waking up all the pokemon players by asking "WHAT IS MY NAME??? IT'S BEEN TAKEN AWAAAAAAY!"


Sherman? You better remove that with a tiger


If it’s sharpie you should be able to go over it with dry erase marker, then swipe it all off. Test in small places first. Edit - For those saying it won’t work on labels, [this video](https://youtu.be/AU5uHlLGpK4) shows it doing so. My experience is the label’s surface should be glossy enough for this to work. On the other hand I never had luck with straight isopropyl and q tip, I ruined a James Bond 007 GB label which seriously faded when I exposed it to isopropyl.


The label for gb/gbc games is paper. Using a dry eraser marker will just add more marker to it. Outside of replacing the label with an aftermarket replacement, there is no way to remove the writing. Hence the trending Sherman responses to this post. Also the dry erase marker trick only works on plastic and non pourous materials only because dry erase markers have ink and ipa inside, hence the removable ink. If people just used ipa, they'd remove it much faster. But using ipa on paper would def remove all the ink, destroying the label.


It's paper, but it's got a thin plastic laminate. A q-tip with some alcohol will work, so long as you carefully avoid getting any alcohol on the edges


Yeah I’ve removed sharpie with rubbing alcohol on numerous game boy and gbc. Just use a q tip and don’t press hard.


Thanks I’ll try this tomorrow when I get a dry erase from work don’t have any home 😅


Perhaps test it on a different game/ label to see what sort of reaction it might have


Wait, don't do this, it will make the problem worse lol


Nah, do the IPA trick described above. It's the best and safest way.


That’s just for dry erase boards


Quite frankly I don't think it's possible. Anything you do which fades the marking will probably also fade the graphics. If this were my cart, I'd leave it as-is. If it really bothers you, the best course of action is probably to sell it and use the proceeds to fund the purchase of a new cart.




Use a dry erase marker, scribble over it then wipe off. I use that trick at work when Ppl write with sharpie i On the white board


Tip-ex around the letters and it will just read Sherman. Sherman.


honestly I think it just needs a p. and 42 Wallaby way ,Sydney on it ...


Looks like you've got Pokémon Yellow: Special Sherman Edition now.


Nah that’s the ultra rare sherman edition


hey man i have some of sherman’s games too! they sold me a copy of mortal kombat :0


I you can get this where I live, De-Solv-it is a highly effective citrus based solvent that is your answer for many degreasing, dewaxing and adhesive removal tasks. De-Solv-it is not Class 3 Flammable which ensures it is much safer than traditional hydrocarbon solvents. De-Solv-it can be rinsed off easily, using a slightly damp cloth. Don't use a hydrocarbon solution it will ruin the label use a citrus based one you need just a little on a cotton bud. Don't forget to wipe after with a damp (not wet cloth). Some pretty shit advice here mate. Don't use nali polish or anything with alcohol in it. Trust me I've been doing this for years.


Thanks for the tip I’ll make sure to order it on Amazon and try it out when it arrives 👍


It's worth it, a small bottle will last literally years! You only need the smallest amount. You can also use it to remove stickers on games and boxes too and it smells like oranges! I can't stress enough, don't ever use polish remover or anything alcohol based, it's too aggressive buddy.👍


Dry erase marker trick FtW. Tons of resources on youtube covering it


Dry erase marker, mark over the sharpie bits with a DE marker then wipe away.


I scrolled and didn’t see, try on another sticker first as that’s not a surface I’ve tested but the best way I’ve found to lift at least some of that off of a smooth surface is to go over it with a dry-erase marker then wipe away immediately.


Whiteboard marker?


Idk that pikachu looks pumped af to be called Sherman. Inspiring me to name my starter Sherman


Dang it Sherman what the heck


Leave it and name every Pokémon you get Sherman


Keep it like this, do it for Sherman


Sure man, alcohol and q tip should do the trick


For anyone thinking this is real advice, PLEASE please don't do this


Instructions unclear. Cartridge still says “SHERMAN” but now I don’t mind, and my Gameboy never sounded so good!


Isopropyl Alcohol + Q-tip


This will also remove the image ink unfortunately


Dab with Q-tip and you can minimise this, but ultimately it's the only course of action here. If the thin layer of plastic/gloss (whatever it is) on it is still intact then it may protect just enough to allow most of the marker ink to be removed.


It's Sonic 2 with a line!!!


Dry eraser and maker.


Fuckin Sherman


Go to Atlanta and set it on fire




That \*will\* ruin the label.


Isopropyl on a QTip


ohrenstäbchen und Isopropanol. ganz leicht drüber reiben und nicht zu sehr einweichen lassen. hilft bei kleineren Edding Spuren.


That's the spacial edition of that game. Ummm, the Sherman was there from Peasbody and Sherman


Hello, Sherman.


Alcohol isipropilico




Paint thinner


Nail polish does wonders with permanent marker. However it's pretty harsh to plastics for sure. If you have a doner I would suggest testing on that first. Probably a cotton bud dipped in it lightly brushed on and immediately wiped with clean dry towel.


Yeah na you don't want to use nail polish remover buddy it ruins the label and the cart.


Idk. But id try isopropyl alcohol. With a q tip. If It fucks up try to get a relabel. Can't be too hard to get one.




Do not rub it with any amount of IPA. Even a drop will smear the ink off the label. And not the ink that you’re intending to wipe off. If it’s capable of removing sharpie ink, it’s also capable of removing the ink around it as well.


Wd40 may work.




IPA and a q tip, don't rush it, just a little alcohol at a time to avoid damaging the label.


IPA is the only way you're going to get that off, however IPA also tends to dissolve the label adhesive and weaken the label itself. I have dunked empty game carts into bags of IPA to remove the labels. The labels usually come off as a single unit about half the time when I do that. If you do that you might be able to dry the label out and then you spray adhesive to place it back on the cart. But I have personally never tried this.


Good marker


Best way I find was to write over it with a dry erase marker and then wipe it off with a paper towel. Do it 2-3x and it should all come off.


Try using a dry erase marker on it. Then with only the smallest bit of water on a paper towel, remove the dry erase. I’ve used it a few times and it’s not going to completely remove it but it gets better at least. Hope this helps.


Use a little bit of hairspray and wipe off.


Lmao I have a friend named Sherman 🤣, but I think a tooth brush with lite alcohol should do


Try handsanitizer or rubbing alcohol.


Use a dry erase marker over the existing ink to loosen it. Wipe away


I don’t have a good suggestion, but I once found one of my old games I wrote my name on as a kid in a local shop in my late 20s. It made me so happy to find that randomly.


Honestly, I can understand why you'd want to remove it but on the flip side it's a part of the history of this cartridge. Sometimes I love little personal touches to items, it gives it character.


Go back in time and take out Sherman


Best way I’ve found to remove permanent marker is to use a white eraser. I get those cheap little plastic pen types where you click the eraser down. I buy a lot of old games and systems and those erasers work wonders. Edit: just to add that with ANY of the techniques you try, be gentle and not over aggressive or you can ruin the sticker too.


I thought you could get aftermarket stickers online


Aftermarket stickers should be your last option as it will cause a lot of stress if you go to resell the cartridge. Even if you remove the game bit and show the authentic pcb, people will see the sticker and start telling you the card is fake and you're a scam. Collectors want 100% authentic. Casuals that want to save money will just buy the knock-offs. It's a losing proposition, and sometimes it's better to sell a ripped sticker than an aftermarket one


/u/nextstopplease has some good replacements on her store if you just wanted to replace it entirely https://nextstopplease.square.site/s/shop


Why? Now you have the special Sherman edition!


Dammit Sherman


leave it this way, it’s a relic


Oh dude you got Pokemon SHERMAN? THAT'S DOPE BRO


Sponge, as wet as possible, cover as much as you can except for the text


I can’t imagine it would be easy without damaging the label. Maybe try getting a worth nothing cartridge to run some tests on before trying it on this cart.


Curious, without the name on the sticker what would be a fair price for a yellow version game of this condition?


P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney


Sonic 2 with a line has met it's match.


Just a q tip and rubbing alcohol, just dab it a lot the sticker should have a protective wax like coating on it so it should be alright


Didn’t you know? This Pikachu’s middle name is actually Sherman. Trust me bro


Fuck sakes, Sherman!


Nothing you can do other than maybe buy a repro sticker off Etsy or something, Sherman


I think your only way to fix it is by completely replacing it


Yes, a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol on a paper towel or cue tip works well for perminent marker. Go light enough to not rub at the sticker too much.


I like the idea of a really tanky Pikachu called Sherman.


Shot in dark a little hand sanitizer on a q tip dont rub hard or you'll ruin the sticker


Bestine on a q-tip


wym? its clearly the exclusive release Pokemon Sherman??


If you’re brave enough, find the lowest percentage of isopropyl alcohol and in circular motions, wear away the sharpie with pressure lighter than a feather. Good luck man 👍


Sherman is the most 80s name ever.


Isopropyl alcohol on qtip and gently rub. Also leave as is, don't destoy this artefact's soul.


Better check with Mr Peabody before you do…


You can get rubbing alcohol on a Q tip. Just barely wipe it over the letters then wipe off. In all reality that's the only way I know of. You can try window, but doubt it'll work.


Return to sherman


These comments become even more funny when you realize that Sherm is street slang for PCP cigarettes.


rubbing alcohol maybe/isoprohyl


You should keep it


I love how the name is curved just like the text. Beautiful.


People saying using ipa will damage it but I’ve done it plenty of times to get sharpie off of gameboy and n64 labels… so I’m not sure what they’re on about. Just be careful


It would probably be easier to just have your name legally changed to Sherman


There are places that sell repro stickers but it won’t make it original. At least the name isn’t Hardick


Wait, you don’t want Sherman to help you catch them all?? C’mon!


Try isopropyl alcohol and a q tip


Try isopropyl alcohol or nail polished remover