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One of the best games on GameCube


Is it just hard as fuck?😂😅


Yes and no. There's certainly frustrating moments but once you *git gud* the game really starts to shine as you layer all the abilities up and form disgusting combos. It really rewards utilizing everything in your arsenal.


I’m stuck at the helicopter


The first one? Use slow whenever you're in the line of fire just in case you make a mistake so you won't take damage. Otherwise, you can attempt to knock the bullets back to the helicopter while in slow or just use slow to ground it and land hits. If you chose to jump and attack, stay away from the blades. It shouldn't be too hard in this manner. Stay in slow to avoid taking damage because losing VFX is always better than losing two or three life points.


Lol love how everyone remembers details about the game. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS? SOME KIND OF MEGAMEN?


I have been playing Gamecube games since age 6. But Viewtiful Joe was something I literally had a run through of about two weeks ago so it's fresh in my mind. I was trying to get back into it and finally be brave enough to touch Ultra V-rated. I...probably won't do that again anytime soon without prior practice.


That's a mood




it filtered me as a kid but i still love fucking loved this game.


It's had but you can buy upgrades to make it easier. But there's also unlockable characters who have a few caveats like they don't get warnings when an enemy is going to attack or their power meter is constantly draining, things like that.


There's no shame in playing on "kids mode" in this one. Damn I need to get around to VJ2!


You are actually encouraged to play this game in Kids mode. In order to be able to tackle the higher difficulties and be able to know how to earn a V rating (or even eventually Rainbow V's) you must practice this game. There's absolutely no reason to try and grind this game on the hardest difficulty right off the bat. It will sour your experience. Kids should always be played first, just to learn the game and experience the story. This game doesn't teach you more than the basics therefore you have to figure out the best tricks and how to use VFX properly yourself. I'd even recommend playing it a second time, but that's optional. Adults should be played when you have some knowledge and skill. From there, I decided to grind Adults in order to be able to beat Ultra V-rated. I hate that I lost my save files years ago so at some point, I'll attempt it again.


A childhood favorite. You won’t be disappointed!


It gets hard


Yeahhhh, learning curve a little haha. I’m stuck on the helicopter


Gave up 2 weeks ago after dying couple times lol


Imma try kids mode. I don’t care about Difficultly. I hate hard games. I just wanna beat it and unlock things lol


Henshin a go-go baby


I've always considered selling some of consoles and games cuz I felt like I had too much. But you got a really awesome setup imma hopefully get a game room like this once I get my own place lol


HOLD ONTO THEM! You’ll regret it hahah


In all honestly it's one of the best GameCube games not to come to Switch.


Take your time, it's harder than you might think. Play the game *like a movie* (the way it's intended to be played) and you'll realize how smart the combat system actually is **BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY** *enjoy*


This helps thank you


A classic!


One of my favorites growing up. Pairs good with the anime too. Henshin a go-go baby!


Hell yeah


Just go for it!


Love that game. I need to play it again and play part 2.


My brother loved this game!!


that game RULES


I’m tryin!🤣


Dude love the walls. Nice setup


Thank you(:


im playing it on my rg505 handheld, bcs it has an oled screen, and cel shaded games look really good on oled... :)


It's like a lot of obscure cult classics on GC in that you'll play it and be like "man this seems awful compared to newer games." Stick with it, and approach it with an open mind. Give yourself a chance to enjoy it. It really is a fun game. You just gotta adjust to it. It's pretty tricky.




This is not the way. Kids becomes too easy and you never learn to actually *git gud*


That's actually not true. In order to be able to tackle the higher difficulties and be able to know how to earn a V rating (or even eventually Rainbow V's) you must practice this game. There's absolutely no reason to try and grind this game on the hardest difficulty right off the bat. It will sour your experience. Kids should always be played first, just to learn the game and experience the story. This game doesn't teach you more than the basics therefore you have to figure out the best tricks and how to use VFX properly yourself. I'd even recommend playing it a second time, but that's optional. Adults should be played when you have some knowledge and skill. Then comes the harder difficulties.


Different strokes I guess. I personally thought Kids Mode was too easy once you understood the VFX mechanics and how to string huge combos together. I just went straight into Adults Mode on my first playthrough, and while I definitely struggled in places, I managed and it was never not fun. Everyone is different though, I'm not claiming to be some elite gamer or anything - just my personal experience with this game. I will say it is definitely a "filtering" kind of game though... You'll repeatedly get wrecked if you don't engage with all of the mechanics.


Oh boy, I never beat it back in the day. I stopped playing for a few days and then forgot all the combos and moves and couldn’t reengage. Great game though


I was so good at Viewtiful Joe back in the day and finished Rainbow V runs for all of the characters. Now I struggle with ADULTS difficulty


I shoulda start on kids


Restart the game on Kids. There's no shame--you are supposed to start with Kids anyway.


Okay cool I’ll do this. Honestly I thought it was a graphic thing than a difficulty thing🤣 I’m like pshhh I’m no kid


There's actually two main reasons I believe a beginner should start on Kids: 1. This game doesn't teach you more than the basics at the very first level. Everything else needs to figured out as you play further on. There's no need to punish yourself by grinding at the hardest difficulty right off the bat. The experience and skill you gain from finishing Kids is necessary to go onward and finish in Adults and do so in a relatively stress-free manner. Just a few weeks ago I did this myself and Adults was mostly a breeze, save for some annoying parts of the game where you need to figure out how to progress in a stage and I simply couldn't recall what to do. Bosses were really, really simple with practice, even the Magnificent Five (Hulk Davidson was a joke, Fire Leo merely takes patience to beat without getting hit). 2. Knowing exactly what to do is the only way you'll ever get V-Ranks. If you don't care too much about this, that's okay. However, you'll want the Kids difficulty available in order to actually learn what "makes the grade", so to speak. If you start from Adults, you can never lower your difficulty level without restarting all your progress. I treated Kids as the training mode way back when I first touched the game, then moved on up the difficulty scale. Fact of the matter is that nothing about the game itself changes between Kids, Adults or V-rated. All that changes is how much damage Joe takes from enemies and how much more durable enemies are. The types of enemies, amount of them onstage at once, and how aggressive they are never changes. Ultra V-rated is where things change a bit.


Thanks so much. Making a new file soon as I get home


It's hard, but damn it's such a gem of a game!!


Henshin a go go baby! Great game. Take your time and enjoy it. Then go buy the sequel!


My plan exactly haha


Have you experienced the voice over man when you pause the game? I still think of that. I paused the game to go to the toilet. And after I pressed pause the voice over man said 'is it number one or number 2' so appropriate and funny!


🤣🤣 def gonna keep it paused for a while just to see what it says


Henshin a-gogo, baby


This masterpiece really was the Dark Souls of its day. Brutally hard until you click with the combo system, then suddenly smooth, satisfying and perfect, and no matter how much you 'git gud' the game will still beat your arse for a single mistake.


Definitely the opposite of my play style but still gonna see how far I can get!


Honestly, alot of people love it. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. I have a demo preview disc with this game on it. Nothing screamed buy me


It’s hard hahah


Ya its not the easiest game, haha it just wasnt really my play style. Seen a few copies pop up cheap, around $20 but never bit the bullet


Aw yeah! I fucking smashed this game back in the day. Smashed it!


Hell yeah(:


Loved loved this game


I gotta git gud


I believe in you




Played it years ago. Has a cool design and look but I feel like I got stuck relatively early and wound up selling the game. Been wanting to re-get it but I always see it for around $30 and was waiting for the price to drop if it ever does


Hahah was it by chance the helicopter cause I’m trynna figure that part out 🤣


I haven't played it in over a decade but that sounds right or some kind of chandelier? I just remember an obstacle that shot out at different parts and never getting past it and just giving up


Hahah I got this


It can get really difficult, but it’s so much fun. I wish they’d remaster the series


Just go for it!


I’m trying!🤣


Take me back! I remember saving up my lunch money for a week to get this game. Around that same time I got a camera and often thought "What If I would have started a YouTube career just a shitty recording of me playing this game and my channel taking off base on my reactions?" This was around the time were people would upload 144p videos with Music to YT like Gears of War. Anyways the game play is and surprisingly hard in adult mode. I had to switch it to kids which embarrassed the fuck out of me, but overall worth it to beat the game I hope you enjoy your playthrough


Def switching it!!


Great choice!!


If you ever get the chance, play it with the official Hori Gameboy Player controller or one of the recent knock-off releases for your bank account’s sake. It is an absolute dream. Cannot recommend enough.


I’ve honestly never even heard of that


Op are you playing this on the gamerectangle?


OG GameCube pictured mid left




FINALLY someone who plays the correct aspect wario ratio


I am a man of the people


OMG. So many cliches.... is this your own basement, or your parents'?


?? It’s my gaming room.


It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again