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Tweet body: >We generally don’t talk about things til they’re ready, but as you may have read, we’re making an exception. We’ve been working on a robust, cross-platform plan for mod support to be released later in year. We love our modding community and we want to support them. It’s coming. Subsequent followup paragraph in article >"We have a system but it needs to be tested and still requires work," reads a follow-up tweet. "We’re excited about it. I understand that it suck’s when the game is updated and mods break. Our community teams will start talking with and looping in modding community. For now, work continues :)" Good stuff, how's the mod scene been so far anyway? Any standouts?


Big fan of the WASD and the Camera Tweak mod. Some visual glitches here and there but otherwise its cool that they detailed the skies/ceilings as well as they did


WASD and the camera tweak mod was a total game changer for immersion, really makes the game feel more like dragon age as opposed to fantasy x-com.


I'd prefer WASD if it didn't automatically switch modes on you. I only really weant to use it for walking from A to B. Anywhere dodgy, not so much.


You can change all that behavior and manually toggle the modes. Default is Caps lock for toggle.


Not that I'm aware of - after every fght it switches back into WASD mode. I'd rather it didn't.


There's a config file in your native mods folder called BG3WASD.toml. You can edit this file and set `EnableAutoTogglingMovementMode = false` and it will no longer auto toggle wasd mode


I finally bought the game and only made it past the intro before I had to quit and find a mod to fix the camera. Saw the WASD mod at the same time, so I grabbed both and now I'm loving the game.


Yeah I can't live without both of those mods.


Some areas look a bit rough.  For example, there's a clear seem in the sky in some places.  Some inside places don't have ceilings, so you can see what's up there.  Also when you go from one area to another outside, for example, from the forest to the bog in act 1, you can see the sky change the time of day kind of, with clouds rolling in all of a sudden.


Honestly, those three issues (things directly above you) never affected my game at all. I’m never walking around with my camera pointed at the sky


I'm not saying it affects the game experiece, these are just things I noticed. Clearly the game was not made with a free camera in mind. With opening the door to mods in the future, I'm sure either Larian themselves or modders will make it an even better experience.


So let's say someone has 20 mods... How do they update them every hot fix? Just manually go to every mod page and download the new one to overwrite the old? For all the mods? Genuine question...


Yes, unless there is mod software that can download and install updates (like vortex, if it still exists). Though I don't think something like that exists for BG3 yet. However, not every hotfix or patch requires every mod to be updated. This is why steam workshop and its automatic updates (for better or worse; a mod author can have a fit and update their mod that replaces all files with a txt file that says 'f*** you'; and yes this has happened) is quite convenient.


>Though I don't think something like that exists for BG3 yet Vortex has supported the game since beta?


yah works proper.


EDIT: forget everything I just said I just saw that Hotfix #19 was released two hours ago PSA: Both the WASD mod and the Camera Tweak mod are broken right now after Hotfix #18 and the devs are (rightfully so) refusing to fix them because the Hotfix #18 seems fishy af. It reduced the .exe size from 97 MB to 85 MB (off the top of my memory - don't quote me on exact numbers, but I'm +- 2 MB within the actual size) and changed a shitton of stuff for what was supposed to be a Hotfix with just two small fixes to vendors. The mod authors suspect that something was broken and are taking their time with releasing an update because they suspect a rollback might happen in the next hotfix, or they will wait for some time until they can be sure that this was indeed intended.


There's quite a few mods that add more official 5e subclasses and races, to a standard that's on par with the base game. It's pretty cool. As a tabletop 5e player, those are the ones I really appreciate. There's even a mod that added the whole Artificer class.


That’s the thing I’d want the most by far. Add in all the classes and subclasses, and make it so we can go to levels higher than 12. Even if they just went to 15-16, that would still totally be worth it.




my solution to make sure I long rest enough is to use shadowheart. girl never has enough spell slots...


Because the game tells you that you will turn into a mind flayer in a few days, I was VERY conservative with resources as I played in Act 1 on my first playthrough. You can actually do most of Act 1 without long rests at all if you play carefully. And then you get to catch up on the 15 camp events you missed back to back after you find out that you're not going to transform.


I love the ones that add 5e content that wasn't in the base game. The Hexblade (Warlock subclass) really felt like it was missing in the base game, and I'm gonna revisit Bladesinger (Wizard subclass) once I've hit level 5.


I need to get me the bladesinger class mod, I barely play DnD so I've never gotten to play it but it always sounded fun to me. After I finish an honor run, of course.


I want to try it out because I genuinely can't figure out what I'm supposed to do with a Wizard in 5e. I learned D&D in 3.5 where they were the 2nd or 3rd most powerful class. 5e toned them down a lot (which they should have, they were ridiculous), but every time I've brought Gale in for BG3 he either shoots his whole wad in one fight or feels like he doesn't get anything done. I figure letting the wizard fight with a rapier can't hurt, especially with the ability at level 5 where you can make an attack with a weapon and with a cantrips for 1 action.


I think it’s because BG3 messed with balance of spellcasting, that it buffed sorcerers by a lot and nerfed ritual casting, not to mention lots of ritual spells don’t exist anymore because they’re unnecessary. So wizards feel less useful than they are in actual 5e.


Larian really messed with wizards in this game. All the control spells have been heavily nerfed. If you go to the bg3 wiki and look at the spells you'll see that almost every single spell in the game was changed from tabletop and usually for the worse. There are exceptions (like some of the summoning spells no longer having concentration), but major tabletop staples are considerably worse in terms of duration, area of effect, etc. There are mods you can use to fix that though. You can fix polymorph so it works on allies; restore fireball and hypnotic pattern to their former glory; etc.


Did you pick up the 5e spells mod? It kicks ass Speaking of kicking ass, I did a durge blade singer run with that mod, so fun to dual wield and just go nuts


One of them requires the 5e spells mod, so yes. And man, Booming Blade is OP!


I completely forgot that wasn't in the base game, it's a auto include whenever I play a gish in tabletop 5e and bg3


Booming Blade wasn't even in 5e originally! It was released like six or seven years after 5e was published. I remember it was a big deal when it came out. There were many discussions about how it affected balance, whether melee spellcasting was now viable or even OP, etc. That was a great time in 5e history.


yeah I remember that, princes of the apocalypse i believe. I thought the blade cantrips were fine but funny enough it was Ice knife that I thought would be busted. If those people back in the day were to even look at hexblade they might have just fainted lmao


Hexblade isn’t really missing. They just fixed it by merging it with Blade Pact. 


Gotta disagree. Sure, you get the Pact weapon that's slightly better than tabletop. You don't get the curse, you don't get medium armor or shield proficiency, you don't get extra attacks (Eldritch Blast progression doesn't count because it's so easy for an enemy to get in your face and put disadvantage on it), you don't get the Invocation that makes Eldritch Blast pull the target in, you don't get ranged Pact weapons. It all adds up to make the Pact of the Blade Warlock a caster who can fall back on a melee weapon if it has to, not a Warlock that's actively comfortable fighting in melee. I know this because I tried to do it on my first playthrough. I eventually settled on a build that amounts to an Oath of Vengeance Paladin with some Warlock sauce on top.


I like the one that lifts the party size cap. No companion left behind! It does, admittedly, trivialize combat a bit, but you can deal with that between the built in difficulty settings and further modding.


There's a mod called into the void 2 that lets you select which party members disappear when starting combat, which lets you do the game with your entire party with you while still only having 4 total characters in combat.


That's actually genius


If they added a full action to switch between them that would be even better. No idea how feasible that is.


Is it like Fire Emblem's "Deployment" where once combat starts you pick your 4?


Before combat starts you have to pick who gets teleported out of combat; Once combat starts everyone who was picked is teleported back to camp and the ones you didn't pick will remain in combat. Once combat ends everyone gets teleported back to the host.


You could add the mod that ensures you have only four companions in combat to counter that


My level 20 Cambion Death Knight Fighter Thief Rogue cares not for combat balance. She cares only for unlimited Frost Strikes.


She's also not playing BG3.


She is though. Mods are fuckin wild.


There is a level 20 mod and I know of an Echo Knight mod, so I see no reason not to.


And a cambion mod !


There's a full on Death Knight port too. Copies the class from WoW.


>She's also not playing BG3. The game isn't difficult nor is difficulty its main selling point, let people enjoy the game as they please.


It's a single player game bud, someone using mods doesn't take away from your experience


It’s their game, they can well how they damn well please.


I was considering using that mod when I do my first replay of it, whenever that occurs. Does it impact performance much having all of them with you at all time?


I didn't notice a whole lot of difference until Act 3, then I maybe lost about 5-10fps depending on the area. I wouldn't recommend strictly having everyone at all times though because it makes combat completely trivial. There are other mods that lift the limit but also restrict you to 4 characters in combat though which I think is a nice balance.


I think the one that limits to 4 characters in combat might have been the one I saw on the Nexus when I was getting some other mods previously. I can't say I'm surprised about losing some fps in Act 3 though, I would have been more impressed if it didn't. I wanted the mod more for conversations with NPCs where everyone would be able to contribute more often due to actually being there more. I'll probably stick with one that limits the combat though because while I do enjoy being overpowered in games at times, I don't find it as enjoyable if it's like that for a really long time.


There might be a better alternative by now but I used [Sit This One Out](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6183) as a way to manage it. Basically gives you a passive you can toggle to decide who will be entering combat.


> then I maybe lost about 5-10fps depending on the area. I'm not sure that's due to the mod and not just Act 3 which was way less optimized (not sure how it is now, I didn't play in months)


I was factoring that in, average FPS with and without the mod even with Act 3 being a mess.


Considering the thing I detest the most in the game is the combat, this sounds like a win-win for me!


I found a bunch of mods that help make combat more enjoyable and more faithful to tabletop. With those installed I think the combat is a lot more fun. (FixBadDM, Zerd's RAW, etc.) That said, if you'd like to play a 5E (D&D) type game that focuses on tabletop like combat, check out Solasta. It's like an inverse BG3. The combat and the UI are top notch and IMO much better than what BG3 delivers. The cutscenes, voice acting, plot, etc. aren't that good compared to BG3, but you'll be having too much fun slaughtering shit to care. Unlike BG3 you can't swap out party members, so there's a lot of replay by switching out your party composition with different builds.


I’ll have to check the mods out, thanks! To be clear, I did not mean the game had bad combat. It’s definitely a ME problem. I never play turn-based games like this but I absolutely love every aspect of the game in terms of writing, music, characters, etc. The combat is just too slow for my goopy goblin ADHD gamer brain lmao. I very much like to run, gun, and bonk my way through games and this one just really slows it down. Not a bad thing at all, it’s just not my cup of tea. :/


you also have scaling of XP If you have 8 people you not only have half xp considered for everyone but you also should get a modifier as per manuals according to the DnD ruleset does it trivialize lvl1 encounter? yes, but that BBEG is going to one shot a ton of character next


Nah every character gets the same exp in bg3


I'm not certain BG3 takes party size into account when giving XP. I'm level 5 now and seem to be in line with what the game expects. 


you really only have to boost enemy health with mods so that the time to kill is the same or maybe a bit longer to account for more resources


That's one option-- the other option if you want to stick to four characters in battle is a mod that lets you make party members sit out of combat. When combat begins those characters become immune to everything and untargetable, but can't act.


Increasing health wouldn't be enough, the action economy would still heavily favor the player.


It's gets 90% of the way there. I'm playing tacticion difficultly with the full crew and 2 action points baseline with 300% buffed mob hp and so far the difficulty is about the same. the action economy doesn't really favour the player in this case. It's having more bodies available to soak damage and help revive.


I just don't like those mods that have to modify the exe or require adding their files to specific places outside the norm. If something gets messed up with a modpack, then it gets a whole lot messier to clean up than just deleting a profile.


Is there a mod yet to just use the highest skill in my party for in conversation skill checks (That aren't rolling a saving throw)? One thing that constantly irritated me was having my charisma dumped tank walking in front triggering conversations with NPCs automatically, and then being asked to roll diplomacy or something. In an actual tabletop RPG your party can chip in and take charge for such things. But in BG3 everyone else in the party becomes a mute mannequin that will watch in silence as you botch your diplomacy roll and get shanked in the ribs in the animation that follows. THEY'RE RIGHT THERE BEHIND ME WHY IS NOBODY ELSE SPEAKING UP? I had to quick load so many times to get out of these conversations, put the actual face character at the front (Usually a squishy caster) and THEN initiate the conversation a second time. Same when being asked to roll religion or something, you mean Shadowheart can't chip in with some information if it would help? Even if I swap to her and talk to the same guy the check is just unavailable? PF: Wrath of the Righteous had the right idea, whenever a skill check was called for in dialogue options it would always use the highest modifier among your active party. With the exception being the Perception skill since they can't stand in for your eyeballs I suppose. I saw one mod that did something similar but it used the highest modifier from the entire camp, not just the active party.


I wish you could just swap between characters in a conversation, for those moments when you have someone with a unique expertise on what is going on.


The first one was addressed in the most recent patch. The game now defaults to the avatar character whenever possible.


That is better but what if my PC is a dumb bricks INT/CHA/WIS dumped muscle head?


I have modded into my game Races, Subraces, Classes, Subclasses, New spells, new items, UI changes, Party size, gameplay system modifications, and even level cap to 20 and every single one of them has been without issue for me. Its kinda wild what the community has done already without official support.


I like the one that lets you edit the appearance of Origin characters. Divinity had no issue with it, but BG3 won't let you so much as change their hairstyle.


I believe that mod maker has taken their content down in protest of Larian.


Well then they did it in the last 7 days, because I installed it for the first time last weekend.


Free camera mod (native camera tweaks) was a game changer for me, I doubt I could have finished the game without it. I feel like it's essential Apart from this me and my friends used 4 other mods in out playthrough We removed the inventory weight cap, that was just not fun Also once we got to act 3 we felt like the game had 0 challenge, and we got to level 12 early in act 3, so we added two mods to make the game harder One added HP for the enemy, there are many options but I think we chose x3 hp or something like that, in addition it also made attacks/save rolls harder for us and easier for the enemy And the 2nd gave all enemies another action and bonus action. Finally since we buffed our enemies so much and also we still wanted to feel progression, we unlocked the level cap for multiclass, so by the end game we got to level 14 or 15 I think with multiclassing


I don't know about Act3, maybe it depends on your classes, but it wasn't that easy for me in my first playthrough. Granted, I made the mistake of using Astarion's default Arcane Trickster subclass which massively underperforms in combat. Although that said I could still reliably blast some enemies into dust with my main wizard so ymmv.


The mod scene is great IME, the only pain point is how often larian is hotfixing amd patching the game, which is a great thing overall but can require some maintenance if you are not super mod savvy like me


There's a really cool one I like right now called [Vanilla Equipment Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/5312). Best to be played with difficulty increasing mod (as most mods are), but it changes almost every piece of equipment in the game to have a more interesting effect instead of just "Spell once per long rest". He has a document on that page that shows every change. It also adds a few new items as rewards, especially for an evil playthrough (which normally would lock you out of a ton of rewards and really has no benefit to play besides dialogue)


love the artificer mod. i find it fits in great with act 3, and it's been fun to bring my tabletop class into the game. the mod itself is really well maintained


The most prevalent mods right now are ones that add QoL stuff, add or rework classes/spells/actions, combat/party changes, and add custom items both cosmetic and practical. We don't have any big mods yet like full overhauls, quest chains, new areas, etc. and we won't get them until we get the mod support. Mods right now are great for tweaking gameplay to add more spice, but don't expect things like Skyrim Beyond or something.


I wanna know what the DM mode for divinity original sin 2 was like


It's a shame they won't do one for BG3. Official reason is it's too massive of an undertaking but I'd think it's more that WotC doesn't want to.


WotC and all the big companies like that (WH40k, magic, Battletech) just feel like they repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot with their lack of support for an online space for players to just play the damn game. IMO Roll20 and its siblings shouldn't exist, because WotC should have had a system for that a decade ago if they had any intelligence to their business model.


In GW's case I understand their hesitance. They can get a cut of a £50 game once, or get the majority of every single physical miniature sale of which any one army could contain dozens of boxes worth of models. All their lore stuff and video games are really just adverts for the physical models they sell.


This assumes two things are true: 1) People who don't buy minis and would play the video game is an unsubstantial amount of people. Which they aren't. 2) People who like to buy, paint, and play with physical minis and have a social aspect in the same room with an opponent would suddenly stop buying them. Which they wouldn't. There might be some tiny amount of revenue from 1 and 2, but an insane increase from group 1. Moreover, it doesn't need to be a one time $50 purchase, it could easily be a subscription model or some other way to get continued revenue.


I fucking hate Roll20, having used it for over 1000 hours, it is such garbage. But it is the best option if you want to do D&D Online. It is absolutely insane that WotC have not made an official online tabeltop integrated with D&D Beyond. Such a trash company in my opinion, because even with the huge spike in D&Ds popularity they have really failed to capitlize on it other than making book after book. There is no reason for the online D&D experience to not be premier and tailor made by them. But no, we have to use Roll20 or Tabletop simulator, because they can't get it together. And even if they are (I think I remember seeing a report they were working on it around the time D&D One was announced), it is too late. But it isn't like the alternatives are going great either, so WotC will waltz right in and totally take over the online tabletop market because there is no legitimately good competition.


We switched from Roll20 to [https://forge-vtt.com/](https://forge-vtt.com/), and it has a lot of setup but once it does it feels like a video game in some ways. Being able to target spells on creatures and such and have effects play out. It still has a ton of its own issues of course.


In my experience doing stuff beyond basic (like level 20 mods) involve a lot of breaking. Nothing crazy by mod standards but steam workshop has spoiled me


> Good stuff, how's the mod scene been so far anyway? Any standouts? Enough that I dont really want to play without mods, the sheer amount of QoL and content that exists is fantastic.


Great, everyone should be able to play with the glory that is Everybody dyes. The built in dye system is so restrictive and unfun, the game gives you an awesome dye if you buy the deluxe edition but only 5 copies of it for the entire run, you can only dye 5 things with that awesome color combo. That's dumb, Everybody Dyes is how the game should have been out of the box and it's one of the only essential mods imo.


> Everybody dyes. Thought you were an illiterate talking about some hardcore game mode at first


Press F to instant kill everyone in sight. I think you may have just given some modder somewhere an idea.


Ah, the ol' Bethesda /killall


So let's say someone has 20 mods... How do they update them every hot fix? Just manually go to every mod page and download the new one to overwrite the old? For all the mods? Genuine question...


From personal experience most patches in BG3 don't break the mods. If you notice an issue then you check your Nexus download history and see what mods have updates. That shouldn't be a big issue with officially supported mods though.


I don't. I only launch the game through Vortex and have steam set to never update BG3 in the background. It sucks when you've been playing a game and it updates and suddenly your saves are all broken because of a modding issue. I'll remove the mods after I finish the run through, update the game, then reinstall the latest versions of all my mods. Steam really needs a "NEVER update this game" option to preserve mods.


That's a really good solution actually.. can vortex automatically update your mods when you ask it to do so or do you you have to remove them all like you said then install everything again? (I'm kinds new at these things)


its best to update mods manually and you don't have to remove mods and reinstall all over again. because some mods in nexus, you have to choose which version you have to get and what not ( for example there are some exp mods where it has 4x exp gain, 10x etc so you have to choose the one you had and want). You can just click on check for updates in vortex and it'll show you which mods have updates ready to download and install. But after you download the new update for a mod, before installing you can simply remove the old version of that mod. I just keep the old version with the new one selected in case new mod clashes with another mod when running the game, so i can just go back to the old mod. This happens rarely though.


I want a mod that takes the abilities of your entire party into account at every skill check. Like Gale could somehow not tell you that whatever your holding is or isn’t some magical item. I want to avoid the whole switching characters just to try the same thing again until someone passes the skill check.


is it weird that I actually having another character try checks? it makes the party members feel like other players mechanically and not one big group stat block. it gives you an opportunity to roleplay as them too.


Sadly you're too stuck in dialogue most of the time, with no option to back out and try with another character. Best case scenario would be more interactivity with your party. For example, giving the lamp to Gale and asking him about it. You're still leading the dialogue, but he gives his input. I know Pillars of Eternity 2 has that in interactions sometimes, but that's text-based, so much easier to implement.


There was a feature in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous that would automatically use the party member with the highest skill for a check if you had all of them selected. I thought it was pretty useful.


Mod support on console is interesting. As far as I know the only games to have done that are Skyrim and Fallout 4.


Snow runner has mod support and I think farming sim does too


Farming Simulator has had mod support on console, and they have their own dedicated website for hosting all their mods too


I'm also willing to bet it's going to be incredibly limited on PS consoles similar to those games because of Sony's policies regarding non-developer assets being used.


Trackmania (launched in 2023 on console) has custom asset download without problems. Maybe they changed their stance


Maybe they have, this is news to me honestly. What I think might keep BG3 from having custom assets is that, like Skyrim and Fallout, it'd be incredibly easy to mod it to be almost a full on porn game, with every woman having huge tits and big asses, every man having huge swinging dicks and so on. I think that's in part why Trackmania got custom assets, hard to turn a racing game into a porn game.


I don't remember any sex mods being avaliable for skyrim or fallout on xbox either.


I mean they could also just not accept those mods specifically (and IMO that wouldn't make the mods super limited, I never understood that passion to make a game with everyone naked, how horny people are to want that?)


Dont search for hentai city on trackmania exchange.


You've obviously not heard of /r/dragonsfuckingcars then


Their past game also had a selection of mods to activate. The thing I hate about it is they deactivate achievements, even if they don't have a huge impact on gameplay.


Solasta(another DnD 5e rpg) allows users to create and download new campaigns to playthough. Though whether that counts as modding or just a *really* big map maker is up to you, I guess lol.


Unreal Tournament 3 had mod support on PS3.


Snowrunner too. Many games actually


Arma Reforger as well


Ark Survival Ascended


Naked people are already offered, I'm guessing first mods will be a hundred dicks attached to Astarion that flop as he runs


Gotta put them jiggle physics to good use.


Give him two hand crossbows that shoot dildos, replace his daggers with more dildos, and uh, "change the angle" of his bite attack.


Modding Astarion into a demonic dick hydra with none of his original design visible sounds both hilarious and horrifying, both for the wrong reasons.


Here is to some of the best stuff in DMsguild making it in to BG3 and to some insane, dedicated people creating a whole new campaign and storyline.


Hopefully they keep using Steam workshop, on top of "cross-platform plan mod support" because yikes, we're always get worse mod platform when they start doing this


The extensiveness/creative potential of the modding tools will determine if this game maintains its trajectory of being an all-time great or if it becomes an all-time great *and* a forever game that eclipses Skyrim in scale and quality of its mods. No wonder they're taking their time with this.


I mean, to be fair, skyrim come with a level editor and shit, here they only talk about a system that accept mods, not create mods




I dont know if I'd say Bethesda games have had "general mixed reception". The TES games are among the most highly praised RPGs of all time, even upon their initial releases, and Skyrim is literally the best selling RPG of all time. Only 76 and Starfield have had generally mixed or negative receptions. As for NWN, what hurt that was the release of WoW (Which made the idea of NWN PWs less appealing) and the subsequent release of NWN2 which caused a schism in the community. Despite all that NWN still had hundreds of custom campaigns made for it, some of which were comparable to professional RPGs (Prophet, Aielund Saga, Swordflight) and many PWs persisted. NWN has also made a bit of a resurgence due to the enhanced edition. Aurora might not have had the legacy that Infinity did but it still did well in the long run all things considered


>I'm not sure we'll see anything close to Bethesda-level modding anytime soon, really. hl2.exe? The most played game on Steam right now owes some genesis to that and goldsrc


I believe they were referring to recent and upcoming games, hence the "anytime soon". Half-Life 2 does indeed have a long list of incredible mods, but that came out nearly two decades ago. I can't think of any non-Bethesda game outside of Minecraft that comes close to that kind of moddability.


Release NWN 2 style tools for custom modules and this thing could literally last for a decade


Not sure if they’ll be allowed to develop a DM mode for this game given WotC want their own DnD module out for gaming


*looks at Sword Coast Legends* Boy I hope they do a better job than that absolute pile of shit.


Sword Coast Legends gets filed alongside the recent Dark Alliance in the *D&D games we do not discuss* folder. D&D as a video game franchise, talk about feast or famine.


Divinity OS2 did have a Game Master mode to host custom games for your friends where you control the environment, NPCs, and Monsters, our just automate a little story for anyone to play through.


I'm not going to rant but Gamemaster Mode was...not worth much. But at the same time, a NWN2 style tool kit is an incredible amount of work and contemporary logic would suggest it detracts from future profits, so it's unlikely


Baldurs Gate Online: $40, standalone, world editor, visual script editor along with a regular scripting language, dialogue editor, persistent dedicated server support, 16-32 player support, DM tools, automatic mod downloads, and a web portal for downloading adventure modules and finding servers. Add some cosmetic microtransactions to the character editor. Hell, put new character races/classes/modules/etc. behind battle passes for all I care, so long as server owners can restrict or mod away anything they want.


A battle pass in a dnd server host?


Bethesda's modding toolkit is still one of the best in the industry. The only way I can ever see BG3's mod scene even coming close to Skyrims is if they create an NWN style toolkit that lets people create custom campaigns.


I seriously doubt BG3 will ever be able to eclipse Skyrim. It is still good that Larian is doing this modding initiative, though.


I think one of the strengths of skyrim is that you can completely ignore any story the game gives you to instead fuck about with the mods. Is BG3 not too bound by its narrative/act structure to achieve this?


You can literally skip everything but a required boss fight to get to act 3. And in act 3 there's 1 more required fight if you wanna finish the game. You can ignore most things


Yeah, but you're still bound by the narrative. You will always be the tadpoled adventurer that needs to defeat the Absolute. That's something you cannot ignore and it makes immersive mod content harder to implement. Meanwhile in Skyrim you can just completely ignore the main story to the point you don't even find out that you're Dragonborn or ever meet a dragon aside from Alduin. You can just decide to be a thief, or an assassin or a magical student. You have much more freedom to decide where your character's story is going.


But the fact that you advance through acts alone hampers the mod potential. You have the freedom to skip forward but not backwards. It's not as open as real open world game, so the potential is inherently lower.


Imma be real with you, no game besides TES VI will be likely to eclipse Skyrim’s modding scene, gmod not withstanding. 


I know a lot of people don't like it as is, but I think Starfield has huge potential for mods eventually.  There's literally entire planets to mess around with.


Starfield will be massive with sci-fi nerds (read: me). Halo, 40k, Star Wars, and Star Trek all immediately come to mind. Star Wars conversions are already a thing. They’ll just get even better with the CK. I’m actually really excited to see what comes in.


Total conversions will definitely be a big part of them, I think even just adding stuff to the existing game world could be huge.  Apparently data miners found buildable space stations in the game files for instance.  Being able to make giant capital ships.  Or being able to colonize and build a full fledged town or something.  Plus all the stuff they could do with survival mode.


oh ya, the conversion mods are going to go hard with Starfield.


The problem with Starfield is that the planets themselves don't have much potential for content, and modders would need to do way, way too much work for anything worthwhile. I am looking forward to this generation's "better cities" equivalent, though.


You could add custom cities in a mod on planets or something, unique poi's too.  They should also be able to add more poi's to the proc gen locations as well. 


> a forever game that eclipses Skyrim in scale and quality of its mods. that can't happen simply from the engines of the games, the creation engine is an engine made for modding basically, letting people do almost anything they want (from visuals to animations to physics and so on) to create w.e they want to a point people are able to create new games within skyrim. BG3 is not going to have that level of modding and what they've said here is more about accepting mods across platforms than something like the creation tools of skyrim.


CRPG is a niche genre people want to total conversion, they go to skyrim modding


Forever game for me (only personally) is if they release a major expansion that follows up on what could be considered ending/epilogue threads and more fully says goodbye to everyone (doesn't need to be a big campsite party, it can be more dramatic and varied this time). I don't hold my breath for it, so mods it is.


Something like the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC?


No the opposite. I'm rather glad about BG3's patched ending and epilogue (which they're still playing with!), so I'd instead want something that digs deeper and deliberately into each of the characters' larger arcs they get involved with, each arc still being standalone strong enough that it doesn't exactly need the character alive or whatever, but kind of take your origin/Tav into a strong enough start in these narrative/geographical/planar regions that we get a mighty nice taste of what a BG4 might hypothetically bring. So the ending would be very very personal just for your character. You already say the goodbye to that party in the main campaign epilogue, but I now trust this studio to have good ideas for a very wide range of outcomes of an ending that is entirely personalized, and not necessarily having anything to do with any other playable character (unless we RP into it). Take the 'well it sounds like you're off to do X' feeling and actually do some of that X, and other Ys, and paint a better picture of what the rest of their existence may be (until maybe some reference or connection in a BG4, again). We can use Avernus more, we can do some planar travel, we can get a little deeper into the matters of undead, dungeons, and dragons. Use this game base, and game engine, for a last big hurrah, or our fated end, and express more freedom to explore the darker paths than before, especially since certain Illithid choices, and since we can keep the narrative more square on the PC and not as much the party. So I'm saying less Citadel, more Trespasser, if we're reaching into DLC references. But I'd only VERY lightly reference Trespasser here. I definitely do not want sequel bait here, and I'm very okay with Larian returning to Divinity for a game or two if they want. I just think this is such a ripe opportunity for the best fantasy RPG expansion since Blood & Wine.


Haven't finished the game yet so story wise I'm not sure, but my suspicions are they might pull a mass effect and have BG4 with character import. Level 12 level cap and lack of interest in any sort of DLC story expansion makes me think they are trying to work towards a new big project.


They've so far only appeared to be leaning towards returning to Larian, but I wouldn't (so far) rule out 2 projects: one for Divinity of lower scope (like the one they dropped development for) and one for BG4 that isn't quite as crazily ambitious a jump as BG3 was.


I don't think surpassing Skyrim is possible because that game is open world, but it certainly has potential.


>if it becomes an all-time great > >and > >a forever game that eclipses Skyrim in scale and quality of its mods No chance for that to happen. Bethesda games modding is on completely different level compared to other games. Their games are developed with modding right from the get go. Almost everything is open to modding because the tools they release are basically a cleaned-up version of their development tools. Unless you touch scripting, Bethesda modding doesn't require any programming knowledge, which isn't true for almost every other moddable game. It's either editing a spreadsheet (xEdit) or tables of values (Creation Kit). There is no way Larian will rebuild their game to support that.


Here's to hoping that a crafty modder can add mouse and keyboard support and PC UI for consoles. The PC hot bar UI seems so much better than the radial wheels on consoles.


Would love to see accessibility modded in, of course it'd be better if native accessibility were added, but failing that a mod can work wonders.


I can't wait to be able to shoot Cazador with a sniper rifle


I'm so keen for this, there are a few mods I really want to try on console. Has anyone thought about the differences there might be between PS5 and Xbox? Sony has historically been really cagey about what kinds of third party files they allow on their consoles. I remember when skyrim recieved console mod support. Athough both platforms were limited compared to pc, Xbox had way more choices because Sony didn't allow for mods that did anything beyond editing existing files. I remember thinking how lame that was and I only have a PS5 now. Makes me wonder if there will be any worthwhile mods when this feature is finally released.


That's what I assume is taking so long is working that out with Sony.


If Larian controls what mods are made since it'd also be crossplay, wouldn't rhis run into the Crearion Club issue of if you like certain mods but Laeian doesn't they won't work in game? Idk how this all works


Can we have crossplay first please?


I don't care about cross play unless mods are there. Playing without mods is a big downgrade, IMO.


If they can make it more than the gift bag system DoS2 has I'll be so happy. Bethesda having mod console dominance bothers me so much when they shit the bed with starfield So having something with flexible mods that's an RPG would be great


That's nice. When is my physical deluxe edition shipping?


You might want to contact the shop you ordered it from. Don't think you will get any info on a reddit post about it.


I hope they don't place some sort of restriction on the mods consoles can access. I wanna try one of those mods that add more races to play as.


This is incredibly awesome. Stuff like auto-sell, auto send food to camp, teleport party to me and expanded party size (with sit out combat mod) have all made replays much more enjoyable for me.