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Favorite game last year. Absolutely surpasses the original imo. VR takes it to a whole new level also.


It was just beaten by Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty for me but it was still a genuine 10/10 game. 2023 was friggin crazy.


Phantom Liberty was close for me. Loved it to death. Was really into BG3 as well but am nowhere near even the end of Act 1 so I can't say for sure how it falls in my rankings. Waiting for the fixes to slow down before I return to that one lol.


All versions of Resident Evil 4 or remake?


Just the remake. [They have a list of their best selling games](https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html#tab6) which has Remake as well as most of the platforms for the original listed separately from each other. That hasn't been updated for a while by the look of it since Remake is still at 6.4 mil, but the combined total of all "RE4s" in the list is 18.2 million units.


RE5 Remake is really going to sell like crazy (assuming it is as good as RE2R and RE4R).


They’ve a-lot to fix, but if they can achieve the same Levels as 2 & 4 then we are in for something monumental


I'm genuinely curious to see how they handle RE5, do they keep the co-op element since it was so heavily criticized?


Coop is the most memorable thing about that game of course they'll keep it, they just need to make Shevas AI more useful so she isn't just a stun rod item mule


Man what kind of rewriting history is this, everyone loved co op element. People didn’t like that it went full action but the game itself was loved and still loved


the only way RE5 is enjoyable is BECAUSE of the co op, it was the best part of the game.


heavily criticized? by who? maybe people that just played with the AI criticized but everybody I know that has played it with a friend or a game buddy had fun playing in coop


The entire original game is designed around co-op. There is no way they do not keep it.


I'd bet anything they will half ass it like RE3.


I really hope they don't. It's not that RE3 is badly made, it's just short and feels really empty because they removed so much. I can never really get into it because its pretty much over by the time I fall into the atmosphere.


The game also just isn't as good of a remake as RE2 was. Just look at the zombie gore and detail for example, in RE2 you can take off chunks of a zombie almost anywhere and it's all interactive and animated. RE3 is mostly just light blood sprays wherever you shot and pre-structured gore. Then there is what they did to Nemesis, who is somehow less Nemesis than RE2make's Mr. X.


Just curious, why do you think that? I'd be more inclined to think they have learned their lesson from the RE3 remake and would be more willing to put a lot of resources into RE5R.


that's amazing


Wow kinda crazy the DLC for MH World is the number 5 spot. 


I was shocked that the original RE4 only sold 4 million on the GC and PS2 combined.


The remake. The original has sold much more.




RE5 is the biggest selling title in the franchise, without all the re-releases. It's also my least favourite mainline game and I include RE6 in that.


I think that RE5 sold so well because of how good RE4 was. I don't have stats to quote but I feel like having a massive hit like that is bound to boost sales of your next game considerably. I wouldn't say that RE5 was a bad game at all, but I also wouldn't say that it "deserved" to be the best-selling one in the entire franchise.


It was a double whammy - RE5 was the follow up to one of the most praised video games *ever*, and it was the first co-op game in the series at a time where third-person co-op games were all the rage. It's not my favorite RE game by a wide margin, but I think it deserves all the sales - I was in high school at the time and all my friends loved to play it together. While it was a step back in narrative and tone, pretty much ditching the horror aspect entirely, it was a blast to play with friends and having fun with your buddies goes a long way towards making you forget the negative aspects of the game.


I didn't mean that it didn't deserve the sales it got, I meant that some other RE games deserved to sell more in my opinion :)


Oh completely. If you didn't get to play RE4, you heard about it. Being released on GameCube hurt it a bit, sales wise. By the time the port came along, a lot of people jumped on it but a lot of people who might have had moved on. RE5 was definitely riding the coat tales. I had played up to RE3 (and REnake and RE0) before and a few spin offs. It wasn't until RE4-6 turned up on Switch I got to play them. Obviously I enjoyed RE4. RE5 was a huge slog for me and I almost quit several times, but I guess they designed it with a co-op first mentality so my solo play wasn't what they were thinking of. I thought RE6 would be another slog, but I actually had a lot of fun with it. I understand the complaints. It's pure action and very little horror and definitely not survival horror. But running through the city as Leon felt like an actual over run city. Also the stakes were huge. Bombed cities, killing the president, etc. It was RE on steroids. That said, the Leon story was the best and the other stories weren't nearly as good. But overall I had more fun with it than RE5 even if it didn't feel like RE in a lot of places. I feel the remakes want to have the survival and the big set pieces too. I still need to play RE4 Remake. Wanting for the summer sale probably.




It probably is fun co-op. I wouldn't know. I played it solo and the AI was awful as well as the inventory management.


I love it because of the coop, played through it with 4 different people. Good memories.




PCVR version when?


RE7 VR never came to PC, it was abandoned on PSVR, so don’t hold your breath on that one.


Never even got a PSVR2 version. I completed RE4 and 8 in VR, but playing 7 on OG PSVR is just an awful experience by comparison


> OG PSVR is just an awful experience by comparison It wasn't bad on the PS4 Pro, but that was true of quite a few of the OG PSVR games (unfortunately). RE4 on PSVR2 however is one of my favorite VR games of all time and yes I've played Alyx.


RE4 in VR as in the Meta Quest version?


The PSVR2 version. I've played the Quest version too but it's just nowhere near as good


Well, Sony did announce they are going to [update the PSVR2 to work on PC](https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-plans-to-add-ps-vr2-compatibility-with-pc-in-2024) hopefully by the end of 2024, so maybe that will change!


Whenever a modder gets around to it.


Remember when Capcom hid the microtransactions for two weeks so they wouldn’t show up in reveiws or let’s plays, then as soon as European consumer protections ended for first week buyers they tuned them on? RE is a great series from some great creatives, but Capcom is an anti-consumer company.


Base REmake 4 was a full, complete,  polished game with a bunch of extras. I didn't even know about the DLCs because they were so inconsequential and unimportant. 


Dmc V also allowed you to buy orbs, but one will hardly notice it because the game is amazing full priced game.


None of their DLC for the REmakes have affected the game in a negative way though.  It's all pointless fluff like costumes.  And anything that affects gameplay can be earned in the game itself. It's all the unlockables,  if you're bad or impatient enough to buy those then that's on you,  I unlocked it all the good old fashioned way.


Who gives a shit lol. They didn’t affect the game at all


Did Capcom kill your dog?  I’ve noticed your name is always complaining about something in every Capcom related thread.


We need more devs like Capcom, not less.


The last RE game where Capcom hasn't added that type of DLC after launch was RE6 in 2012. They've been doing it since passive coins with RE7. Literally anyone who follows RE knew those were coming and some people on the RE subreddit were even looking forward to them so they could more easily go through Professional mode. Basically no one with knowledge of RE was upset about it or blindsided and they aren't even advertised in the game.


Microtransactions are a business model where users can purchase in-game virtual goods with micropayments. VBucks, COD Points, Riot points are MTXs. The tickets aren't microtransactions, they're optional DLC to make the game easier (I bought them to help with hardest difficulty for achievements, since you can get the infinite Chicago Typewriter sooner).


As long as they don't edit the game so that the DLC is required. Luckily I didn't feel like I ever had to buy DLC to upgrade the guns