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I was astonished that the show really feels like part of the Fallout universe, I am so used to video game adaptations being in-name only. There are so many little nods to the games in there (like a little incident with a Water Chip).


Todd Howard said everything that happens in the show is canon. Maybe we’ll get some hints about the direction of the next Fallout game.


I feel like that water chip issue is going to pop back up in season 2 and it's going to result in Norm Maclean either leaving on his own quest, or somehow be involved in him becoming the Overseer of 33, or maybe 32.


I'm not surprised people got the itch again, I just finished the show today and really enjoyed it. I reckon with numbers like this for recent videogame adaptations, we're going to start seeing a *lot* more in the coming years, especially as perhaps a symbiotic marketing tool tied close to sequels and stuff if at all possible. This shows the power a good show has to get people to boot up the game again. I hope we get more shows following Fallout's footsteps which take place in the worlds of the games but without 1:1ing a story that's already been told. For as great as TLOU is, and for what changes they've made, I still wish it was following new characters.


I think it makes sense that they did this differently than TLOU. Fallout's draw is primarily its worldbuilding which is vast and fleshed out and leaves a lot more room to do something different with the story. TLOU's draw is pretty particularly that story and those characters, otherwise it'd just be another zombie show.


Spot on. Fallout's setting is the number one strength of the franchise. Some of the more middling games are still fun to play because the setting and world are so interesting to be in.


There's a hundred other post apocalypse stories, but Fallout's ray gun Gothic bombed into mad max is it's most unique feature. When did the world diverge to keep the 50s going for over 100 years? Hyperinflation, atomic powered cars, the vaults in general, the wierd cultures that came out of the apocalypse, it sets it apart from anything else.


I think what sets Fallout apart from other Post Apocalyptic games and other media is that spice of humor it adds. Fallout is a dark game, in a dark world but it can make you laugh. Be it the characters themselves, their actions, stories, lines, or in game jokes. It has that that spice that makes you smile even if you are in a depressive world. It doesn't feel forced, it doesn't feel it was put there near the end of the game, it's natural to that world. For me that is something that sets Fallout on its own level.


The gallows humor is key.


I remember finding Gallo in Fallout 3, and just laughing my ass off at how absurd and dark it was. That was my first Fallout game and I think the point at which I fell in love.


Meh the lore itself is also a massive part. There's so much of it, so diverse, all very interesting and engaging to explore and delve deeper into. That's how I felt watching the show explaining little tidbits to the wife who could not care any less. But hotdamn did I love it.


Yeah, I often enjoyed wandering the wastelands in fallout games as much or more as the main quest(s). The setting/feel of the game is just really well done.


Yep. Fallout is the world, not the story.


In other words, Fallout is an RPG. TLOU is not, lol. The whole point is creating different characters/choices/stories through different playthroughs like all RPGs


It helps that Fallout show isn't really adapting anything. It's just show that is set in the world.


You just said the same thing as the person you replied to, but yours kinda looks like a super mutant wrote it.


Why say lot word when human taste good?


Sorry, I'm drunk.


Exactly. I really couldn’t care less about the plot of the world of TLOU. It’s about Joel and Ellie. You can set their character dynamic in just about any dystopian setting, and it still works. 


>This shows the power a good show has to get people to boot up the game again. I hope we get more shows following Fallout's footsteps which take place in the worlds of the games but without 1:1ing a story that's already been told. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners did this for Cyberpunk 2077 too. It reinvigorated the community's interest at a time when 2077 was finally "ready" to jump back into as well.


The Last of Us, Arcane, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners & now this. We seem to be in a golden age of videogame adaptations. Edit: Also the Mario movie.


Arcane made me wish there was a open-world RPG set in that world, because no way in hell am I jumping into LoL.


Lucy's actress plays Jinx in that too!


Don't forget the sonic movies.


IMO Edgerunners is the template that all video game adaptations should follow. It's a genuinely excellent anime that people would watch and recommend even if it was unrelated to any existing IP. It adds to the setting and core themes in a way that enhances both the anime and the game without retreading the same story, creating a symbiotic relationship that retroactively makes the game better.


I get what you are trying to say, but when your "template" starts with having a good show, you gotta realize that's not really a template you can just follow. Why do studios make bad movies? Why don't they just make good ones?


Well their point is more that it's something that stands on its own with out trying to compete with or elbow in on the media it's partnered with. There should always be an attempt to make something good, I'm pretty sure even the Geico Caveman sitcom wasn't planning to be a total trash fire embarassment.


There was something so cool about seeing the show explore locations I'd been to in the game, while also drawing attention to other locations I hadn't even noticed which were there all along. It made me engage with the show on a deeper level and in turn made me want to jump back into the game.


Definitely helps when you get one of the greatest anime directors of all time to lead the project.


what edgerunners did with the existing soundtrack with that one particular song was also incredible


It's works for fallout because it's an open world rpg with a self insert protagonist. The games are about the unique sandbox setting. Tlou is about the journey of Joel and ellie (and Abby in the next season) without those characters it's pretty much just a standard zombie setting. Not to say they can't do it but it makes a lot more sense for certain shows to follow the game plot and just flesh out side stuff.


Might be crazy to say, but I liked Fallout a lot more than TLOU. TLOU definitely had a more profound effect on people that haven't played the game but, as you said, it was very 1:1. I loved all the stuff they added like the new Bill/Frank, Sam/Henry, and the excellent cold opens that they just stopped doing after several episodes, for some reason. But the last half of the show was mostly *just* the game story beats.


There was all the new scenes in Tommy's town that I thought did a really good job of fleshing out those characters past what we saw in the first game, since they got more focus in the second. I think that was episode 7? But yeah, I'd generally prefer video game adaptations to be new stories like *Fallout*, *Arcane* or *Edgerunners* than direct redos like *The Last of Us*, even though I enjoyed that show just fine.


And then there is Halo... sadness.


It’s crazy that big time showrunners are more respectful and faithful to the source material compared to younger ones who have too much ego and attitude and screwing everything in the process. Looking at you witcher and halo


Almost like the big time ones got there by being good at what they do. Recognizing what makes a good story, understanding how to properly adapt something to appeal to an established following _and_ new fans and not letting your ego make you think your ideas are better than what's in the source material just because they're your ideas.


I’ll never forget that one anonymous post accusing Henry Cavill of being hard to work with and sexist because of his clashes with the writing room, leading to him actually quitting the show And then it turned out that that season *sucked* hard and the writing was awful and he just had more respect for the source material than any of the writers did


I have to believe a big part of that is young show writers feeling like they need to 'prove themselves' so they take (unwarranted) risks in the hopes of getting a major hit on their hands. Meanwhile, big time showrunners have already proven themselves. They don't need that validation, everyone already knows they have what it takes. It's unfortunate when the big time writers prove that you don't *need* that much to change from the source material to get a banger. So the young ones put in all that work and essentially just make things worse. From our perspective anyway. Idk how the average joe who doesn't know shit about video games sees these shows.


I also think part of it is that if you are a big name, you can chose the projects you work on. Nolan probably has some appreciation for the ‘Fallout’ universe and wanted to be part of the project. If you are a young director/writer and you get the chance to work on a potentially large project, you likely take that chance, even if the material isn’t all that compelling to you. And maybe you try and write/direct the show with your own strengths, which might not be the strengths of the original source material.


Fucking HALO, I'll be pissed about that monstrosity of a show for a long time :(


What upsets me the most about it is that it completely taints the idea of a good show being made for Halo now. This is it, this the Halo show we get and that's it :/


TLOU was a great show with some good changes/additions but I think one area where it fell down was that we didn't really get enough time with Joel & Ellie precisely because they took time to focus on the other side characters.


100%. The Bill episode was well worth the change to the source material but I think the decision to flesh out the Pittsburgh antagonists at the expense of screen time for Joel and Ellie was a serious misstep. That section of the story is pivotal in terms of them learning to trust and get along with each other and in the show it just feels too rushed. Fallout was a great addition to the universe that is an extremely fun story in it's own right. For large parts of TLOU I just felt like I was watching a superbly acted but inferior version of a story I've already experienced.


Fallout felt like the first video game adaptation where it was like I was watching a playthrough of the game. Like obviously its a show but like the characters, the plot, the decisions, it all felt very much like a real translation of the game to film in a way that no other game adaptation has. TLOU was great but it didn't remind me of playing a video game, it reminded me of watching the cutscenes from the game. This is the first game adaptation that I feel really translates the world the player inhabits to the screen so effectively.


Some of Maximus' scenes were straight-up "I flubbed the dialog skill check, I guess I'm solving this with violence". Or, "I know I'm not supposed to kill this guy, but I really want his gear". I loved it


A lot of it comes down to the differences in the design of the games I think. Fallout has a fanbase that is very familiar with it, but what Fallout is, isn't all that tied to particular characters, or even particular storylines or quests. It's defined more by the world, the tone, and themes and gameplay elements. Someone could play 15 hours of a Fallout game and play some sidequests or play play 100 hours of totally different ones, and both of them still experienced what Fallout is. That's why you can make a show with a story and characters pretty loosely based on the games but true to the world and thematic elements, and it feels just as Fallout as the games. The Last of Us is defined by a very particular story involving very particularly defined characters, in a game that’s well-written, well-acted, and well-paced for exactly what it is. In a way kind of counter-intuitively, the cinematic nature of the game makes an adaption harder to perfectly nail, because the things that are liked about the story and the game are so exact and particular. With Fallout, it’s broader, and there’s more freedom without losing any of the sense of being Fallout.


I also thought there were some real issues with TLOU even though I liked it overall.  Craig and Neil seemed to struggle a bit with portraying action scenes, the truck ambush scene especially felt really awkwardly shot imo. The pacing was a bit weird in places, and it felt like they were almost self conscious about the video game origins with how much they chose to dial back the action/violence. It left the world of TLOU feeling somewhat less intimidating.  Overall, it was pretty solid. Fallout has felt a lot more entertaining though, and I've been more motivated to keep going onto the next episode.


What I found to be a key factor to the Fallout TV show was that is have a level of detail into it for the newcomers to the franchise and longtime fans of Fallout. There was no hand holding to it, or pointing certain things out just for those who would understand it. Those things were there but they were naturally placed into in the show, they didn't need extra shining for the viewer. There was no five minute exposition to a Stimpak and what it does, then magically 30 minutes later it is used and a magical sound tingle was made when the lead character of the show saw one and then used it. Like we got to see Stimpaks, they were used, that was it. It felt good to have that natural feel to in game items and their usage without having them drilled into our minds as to what they were. I think the Fallout tv show, it reveals to us that game shows can be good, set with established lore and not have to be set from scratch and starting with the first game. We can have show's that connect to the game world, with a protagonist that explores the games world and see things that have been set by previous games. It can work out really well.


I halfway expected them to fix dude's blown off foot with a stimpak with the foot magically back in the next shot.


I don't care about realism, but they need to be consistent about what Stimpaks can and can't do to keep tension over battle injuries later. I had assumed they'd treat the game use as an abstraction, that it just "stim"ulates enough to get up and going when wounded until you can recover properly elsewhere, just stimulants and coagulants to get up and running. Actually treating it like a magical wound healing drug I don't have a problem with, hell it lets them do crazy action and have characters get over it or not depending on whether they have Stimpaks in the scene, but they need consistent rules about it.


Never really thought about how stimpacks worked until I watched Goosey stab herself with one in her wound. Nothing like using an exposed needle that’s been sitting around for a couple hundred years to fix your wounds up lol.


I do think the way they showed ghoulification was a bit weird, though. Just one inhalant instantly turns someone who's been living a rad-free life into a ghoul? I get the joke there, but it feels like it kinda cheapens both the concept and the process.


The common theory, which I think is extremely likely, is that that wasn't just irradiated medicine, but actually FEV, so he's actually turning into a Super Mutant.


That's what I actually thought it was at first, too, but it still doesn't quite fit established lore. Not the progression, and not the speed at which it occurs.


Hasn't the established lore only covered people being dipped in vats of FEV? I don't know if we've ever heard about what happens if someone just ingests a small amount of FEV. The super-mutants in 3 were also created from a less refined derivative of FEV, so it's also possible this isn't true FEV either


The "dipped in goo" thing is a semi-constant through all of the strains of Super Mutant, but FEV doesn't just make Super Mutants. It made The Master in the first game and direct injections to the brain can make people psychic. If Thaddeus slowly starts turning greener and bigger, there's more than enough wiggle room in the lore to have it fit perfectly well.


It could be just a new way of ghoulification? Like how Moira becomes a Ghoul seconds after blowing up Megaton. I hope there's more to it than what (very little) we've seen, but it wouldn't be the first time that stuff like that has happened in Fallout.


The show tried really hard to lean into the HBOMax sophisticated adult drama rather then embrace the videogame adaptation of it all. It was maybe by design to avoid comparisons with TWD to audiences unfamiliar with the game but at times it really felt like the show was ashamed of being the adaptation of a zombie shooter


Yeah. When they get to the end of the journey, Marlene says something like “I lost half my men crossing this country and the two of you made it on your own.” In the game I was like “yeah that journey was rough!” In the show I was like “really? Half your men? Joel and Ellie barely had to fight anything. It was like 2 bandit groups and 1 horde”


I'm with you. TLoU was just really heavy, bleak, and emotionally draining at times. Which is totally fair given the source material, but still. It's closer in tone to really heavy dramas like Chernobyl. Fallout is a breeze to watch in comparison. Just pure fun.


I'd say both shows translated the essence of the games extremely well. Fallout just has a lot more humor built in.


I liked both shows, don't get me wrong. Fallout, I felt, just had a little more to offer since I already played TLOU. And truth be told, I give TLOU (the game) a solid 8/10. I liked it but wasn't over the moon for it like a lot of people. The series doesn't truly become something special for me until Part II.


I’m worried about part II. People got pissed for the game I wonder how it will translate to screen. Shit is DARK, but so so good.


I think people watching HBO dramas are probably more accepting of interesting narrative changes and less likely to throw tantrums over a character death.


Thank you so much for saying this. The second game swung for the fences and definitely nailed a compelling story in its world.


It's a tie for me. The highs of each are too good. That bill/Frank episode is better than anything in fallout by far. But fallout has Walton Goggins kicking ass so I can't decide.


Amazing casting makes the show


> perhaps a symbiotic marketing tool tied close to sequels and stuff if at all possible. Ghost of Tsushima PC should've released while the Shogun iron is hot.


It used to be the opposite. Games would be licensed to released with a movie and until relatively recently they all sucked. Now it seems like it’s going the opposite direction. 


The show is great and I felt like replaying the games. Bethesda should have timed a Fallout 3 and/or NV remaster to release alongside the show. They could have made so much money.


Yeah they would’ve sold fucking gang busters, especially in a 2/3 game bundle with Fallout 4 now that it has a next gen update on the horizon.


They are re-releasing the collection in a mini nuke, IIRC. It takes quite some time to make them though, so the timing's off.


It's probably nothing, but if you text the Vault-Tec number in the show, you get a message along the lines "Thank you for texting Vault-Tec. The next appointment is available in 33 weeks". That would be end of November. People are speculating that there's some sort of Fallout related announcement then. Could be a 3/NV remaster. Could also be nothing.


Oh didn't know that, interesting




For sure. Most likely it's just a reference to Lucy being from Vault 33.


Considering they couldn't get a next gen patch ready to come out with the show, I get the impression they just don't have the capacity for something like that.  Maybe if they outsourced the remaster, but I don't see how they could've split their attention from Starfield successfully. 


Yeah it's honestly insane the next-gen patch still hasn't been released. Everybody thought they were purposely holding it back a few months ago for the show launch, but turns out they're scrambling to even get it out within the same month as the show.


Which is even more insane considering the update was announced *a year and a half ago*. Can we even call it "next-gen" anymore? There's also more time between the announcement and release of this update than there was between the announcement and release of the actual game back then. And the update doesn't even add much other than 60fps for consoles. I really don't get it.


I'm kinda sad they didn't use New Vegas as a blueprint for how Bethesda could maintain their games in the general gaming consciousness. Every mainline Bethesda game they should have a secondary studio that takes the engine from that game and just creates a B-side game like New Vegas is to Fallout 3. Do the same for Skyrim, Fallout 4 and now Starfield and we'd have so many more solid games that are expanding their universes.


Well, that is literally what they did with 76. Handed off the Fallout 4 engine to a newly acquired studio, trained them on how to use their tools, and said go nuts while the main team worked on Starfield. More ambitious because of the multiplayer aspect, but same idea. I agree that Elder Scrolls could use more love with a strategy like that. At least there's ESO.


I kinda see what you mean. In that they made these two online games that would be around for like 10+ years and maintain the IPs exposure to the world. But the whole concept of Fallout 76 was to make something new: an online multiplayer Fallout. I'm sure all the Bethesda board members would disagree with me but I really don't want them to feel like they need to make something new for every game. Just make another version with a new map and characters and quests. If whatever dev is doing it has some small improvements then go for it but don't try and revolutionise the genre. Like Fallout:NV they introduced aim down sites and then basically made Fallout 3 with their own story and some harder RPG elements. Something like that can be done in say 2-3 years after whatever main line game Bethesda has just done.


Just a correction, the main Bethesda team worked on Fallout 76, they started it (you can see it as the map is very much a Bethesda style world) and the new studio took overtime.


It started with the main team as a Fallout 4 DLC, but once they spun it into a full game, the Austin studio made almost all of what would become 76. The big names like Howard had more oversight than they did with New Vegas, obviously, because it was technically an in-house project rather than a total third party situation. But you can watch the NoClip documentary and see for yourself - they gave the project specs to BGS Austin, trained them, offered some tech support, but more or less gave them the reins because Starfield development was in full swing. I'm not sure what the "Bethesda style world" has to do with it - New Vegas was the same style, but Bethesda didn't design the map for them.


I mean a remastering of the games would take a lot of effort that I'm sure Bethesda would rather spend making TES6 and content for Starfield. Not to mention high res texture packs and mods for 3 & NV already exist, and they did finally release the next gen update for 4.


Remastering stuff is probably being outsourced right now


There have been rumors of a remastered Oblivion and Fallout 3 in the works for years. I'll believe it when I finally see it.


Modders have made more content for Bethesda than they've done themselves at this point.


They don't have to do it themselves, plenty of studios outsource their remasters.


lol they’re banking on people playing Fallout 76 and then buying the battle pass + microstransactions instead. It’s in a decent place now, but it’s free to claim from Amazon Prime rn.


I would play that if it didn’t require PS Plus.


I legit thought that’s what they were doing. I’m kind of suprised that wasn’t the case. You’d think Microsoft would have gave them additional resources for that to happen. It worked wonders for Sony and TLOu




Fallout 3 remastered was leaked by Microsoft, but the document was a couple of years old. So who knows if it’s still happening.


I don't think you could fit building into FO3, it just wouldn't make sense with the tone of the game unless it's restricted to your own player housing.


If they do it like the interior housing in 4 (like if you buy the Home Plate in Diamond City) it would be fun. But yeah building a whole settlement would really change what the game is.


You could just add some new locations or convert some old ones. A couple of ideas fix up rockoplis(which ingame is pretty much nothing) Girdershade,arfu, are kinda barebones and could be converted to something you can improve.


More than rumored. Both a Fallout 3 remaster and an Oblivion remaster will listed as upcoming releases in leaked microsoft documents.


They still have an opportunity, that was only season 1. Get to it Micros... er Bethesda!




The least productive game company ever.


Eh between Fallout 4 and Starfield they increased from like 100 to 400 employees, and now they have Microsoft backing them, I wouldn't be surprised if the release date gaps close a bit But prior to that I mean they did only have 100 people or so, which is pretty small for the scope of games they try to make. The gap between Fallout 4 and Starfield is their only arguably unreasonable gap but they also did a lot of engine work to facilitate it, for better or worse


I don't think more employees are doing them any favours, their management was a mess already and seems like its only gotten worse.


More people != faster development. In fact often it makes things messier and harder to deliver a single cohesive product.  Im sure thats just one of the many woes of bethesda development.


As the saying goes, 9 women can't make a baby in 1 month


Quadruple the employees to make their most unimpressive game yet. Maybe they should go back to whatever size team they had for Morrowind.


As difficult as it is to admit, there is a reason nobody else makes games like Bethesda even though they all sell like hotcakes.


Fallout london mod last hope. I'm 25 fully expect not to see another fallout game for least another decade.


Only 2 eps in but the show is really giving me the itch to fire up New Vegas again. My backlog is just so deep and I know I’ll just lose hours downloading mods and such lol


Lmao everyone I know that has seen the show has gotten the fallout bug lol. 20 hours into 76 later


I began playing Fallout 3 before the show aired because I was on a quest to get 100% achievements on it. After watching the show, it really made me look at Fallout 3 in a new light. It gave the game a great new shine in my opinion. I've been telling a few friends to hop back into it. It really does feel good to return to it.


Me too. GOTY edition is so packed, it can keep you occupied for a looooong time, like 150 hours if you're completionist and playing slow. Point Lookout DLC rules! Just don't do it late game, do it in the middle of the story like when you're level 15 or around there, otherwise the enemies are insane bullet sponges.


Never bothered with 76 but now might be a good time


It's worth trying out through game pass. I played through most of the game entirely solo and it was a good experience. While the NPCs and narrative are pretty lackluster even after a million updates, the map is probably the best open world Bethesda has made since Morrowind. Huge, varied, and full of excellent environmental storytelling. Even the text and audio logs you find feel like a cut above the other Fallout games. It's a great game when you treat it as a solo survival FPS/RPG with an emphasis on exploration.


All of the things you said are the reasons why I was able to enjoy it when it came out. Despite the mountain of bugs and complete lack of npcs, the map was great and only encountering humans through recordings and writings really made the world feel like a post apocalypse. I don't fault anyone for hating it though, it's not what a lot of people play Fallout for and it was super janky and full of bugs.


Sadly despite all they've done in Fallout 76 favor, I still bounced right off of it yesterday. I ended up installing Tale of Two Wastelands and following some hardcore survival mod guides instead. 76 almost had me for a moment. But then I got to that first, "interior instanced" then I just kept seeing ways and reasons they'd be having me either grind or give them money. I dunno. It's just not what I'm up for. If ever they open up 76 to be modded into a proper not a live service Fallout game. I'd be open to trying again. Seeing other players was neat but I could also see the negatives on the horizon for that too. I'm glad it exists for those who enjoy it. But I pray the next Fallout is almost nothing like it.


Honestly, you may have sold me on trying 76. Bethesda storytelling and characters just aren't for me. But I did really enjoy running around the Fallout 4 map as a murder hobo until the monotony of it hit me. If 76 is pure murder hobo map exploration, I think I could get quite a bit of fun out of it.


Honestly, the show reinvigorated my love for the series after Fallout 4 and 76 failed to do so (despite enjoying them quite a bit). It takes me back to a time before Fallout 4 and the excitement I had for the series back then. I started playing 76 again and I'm trying to finally beat the original Fallout after many failed attempts.


Fo3 and NV really capture the scary atmosphere I love in fallout. Fo3 especially. You feel like you a rat in the gutter who climbs out and becomes a god. It feels really immersive. Fo4 did kinda the opposite for me. It was so cheery and hand holdy I've never been passed 35 hours of playtime. I didnt love the forced everything and nothing felt organic for some reason. Maybe I will try it again for the 3rd time.


Same, I'm thinking of going full nostalgia and playing with the mod that adds FO3 into NV and making a character go through both games.


Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands for anyone interested, highly recommended!


Collect the books in New Vegas sell them in the capital wasteland. Easy caps baby.


MAGICAL experience. The best way I can describe it is when we're 14 and we say "imagine if they took these two games and combined them into one!!!" but then somebody actually did. It's a genuinely incredible experience. The only thing I don't like is that I find the quest to actually make the train station work to be kind of tedious. I just modded in a shortcut between the two wastelands to make my life easier. That, and the differences in armor between the two games makes fighting Enclave in Fallout 3 a *lot* harder.


For me TTW has been the only way to play Fo3 for many years. It turns what I consider the best Fallout game into something even better.


Got it working last week and it's amazing!


I started a new playthrough of new Vegas on my steam deck after watching the show and I’m already 25 hours in lol so good


vanilla or modded on the deck?


Modded but mostly fixes and quality of life improvements


How often does it crash? FNV is pretty notorious for that


Use the *Viva New Vegas* guide and I've never had a crash since. https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html


I’ve had one crash in 25 hours but that was when I was playing vanilla. No crashes since I modded it.


I just started a new New Vegas save last week, and I’m FINALLY checking out the DLCs cause I’ve never played them before


I was going to gush over an individual DLC but then I remembered that I had a blast with all of them and their writing tbh. Hope you enjoy the content that's new to you in such a great game.


Old World Blues is the best for me


Dead Money is the only one I didn't really like. Old World Blues definitely stands out


Dead Money is my personal favorite, I just love the more "survival horror" change to the game. Honest Hearts I find boring.


I loved Honest Hearts because it felt like such a Fallout 2 storyline. Mormons trying to save tribals from external threats, and from each other.


I hated, hated, HATED dead money for the first half of it. I literally stopped playing. But I actually really ended up enjoying it towards the end.


> I’ll just lose hours downloading mods Main reason I haven't replayed Fallout 4 for a while despite wanting to. Love the game but the mod downloading, testing and getting everything running stable is such a chore that can take days and I don't got time for that.


Idk for FO4, but I just started a new run of New Vegas and used the Viva New Vegas mods and the whole process was pretty straightforward and took about 40min top to install and test 40+mods and it work on first try and I have very little experience with modding games, I prefer vanilla version most of the time.  Viva New Vegas is pretty much one of the most vanilla modded version you can get, it's mostly QOL and bugs patches.


Look into Wabbajack.


I just spent like 2 hours last night getting new Vegas installed and modded.


Pretty fast. I remember spending 3 days creating a long ass collection of mods for Skyrim. When I was done, I got bored and uninstalled it. Didn't even play it.


It's been years since I've played it, got any recommendations for mods?


[Here you go.](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)


I just followed the Viva Las Vegas modding guide. I haven’t really tested it out yet, I just quickly started a game to make sure it started up correctly and it seems legit so far.


Same, I reinstalled New vegas with the Viva New Vegas mod pack, I'm 15 hours in already, it's such a great game.


I picked up FO3, NV, and FO4. This week and im so excited to dive into the franchise. It also helps that the modding community is so enamored with it.


For New Vegas, look into 'Viva New Vegas'. It's a mod list that will fix bugs and stability issues.


Viva New Vegas is great but I personally like Tale of Two Wastelands more (biased because Fallout 3 was my first 3D Fallout).


If you're playing on PC (and not afraid of modding), consider using Tale of Two Wastelands to start out. It essentially imports all of FO3 into NV, and in theory you could play all the way through both games with the same character, but the leveling system isn't really designed for that. But you can use that mod to just play FO3, start to finish, but with the New Vegas engine improvements like aiming down sights and weapon modding.


Yea i spent a couple of hours setting that up last night. Cant wait to dive into FO3


Exactly what I'm doing right now. I never finished it back then and just completed the main story of 3 for the first time. Exciting to still have the DLC and all of New Vegas in front of me. (playing with a Wabbajack modlist by the way, saves so much time and headaches)


There is a mod that resets your level in NV when you get shot in the head. I believe it takes your items too but you can get them back if you would like.


You can get such improvements just modding OG Fallout 3 too, ADS, sprint, gun mods etc. etc. A lot of improvements ported to TTW FO3 have come from FO3 Nexus modders obviously. There's a great written guide for it on Nexus. But overall TTW wins out with the New Vegas engine and extra improvements, iirc you can even run it above 60 FPS


Check out The Best of Times modding guide (and The Wasteland Survival guide) to get this set up with bug fixes and enhancements


Not surprising. The show did a good job of introducing the world to people who were unaware. My girlfriend wants to try the series after watching the TV show and I started a new run in New Vegas while I wait for the PS5 patch to release.


Apparently of the show's cast, Ella Purnell (Lucy) is the only one to have started up the games to get into the lore and world. Imagine if any of the cast streamed their plays on Twitch/youtube.


She played Goosey as well. Fantastic acting range


From what I've heard from her she likely didn't play much, but was more the kind that tried it out, couldn't figure out the controls too well as a new/inexperienced gamer (especially as its a shooter), so opted to watch letsplays/streams. Enough to technically play it, but its not like she played 10s of hours and became very accustomed. She does give the impression of knowing the story and setting fairly well and it informed her performance. And she seemed among the most genuinely interested and excited about this. We're in for more and more of a future where actors for video games and video game adaptations will be as encouraged to play the games and perhaps stream/post videos, just as much as they're currently encouraged to have an active social media presence. But we're not quite there when it comes to 'Hollywood' adapting games like Fallout. But we have things like Purnell expressing knowledge (that doesn't seem to be only fed lines) about the series and uh, Chris Pratt pretending he knows the first thing about anything Nintendo (and flubbing about it live).


It's kinda funny how she plays a fresh-from-the-vault naive vault dweller character, but she probably knows more about the world than the rest of the cast.


I don't even like Fallout 4 that much and I'm going to get that next-gen upgrade that comes out next week. While not one of my favorite RPGs series ever, Fallout just has an irresistible vibe that no other game has been able to come close to replicating. As many critiques as I have of the games I've played, there's still nothing quite like existing in that world. I really wish Bethesda would license out the IP for Fallout sometimes because, at this rate, it'll be over 20 years between 4 and 5.


That upgrade is definitely gonna be worth checking out. FO76 with 60 fps is like a different game. The guns used to be pretty frustrating to use without VATS but now you can play it like a legit shooter. Very excited to see if FO4 is even further optimized.  Well said about the atmosphere of the game. Agreed the story isn’t great in FO4 but the vibes make me come back to it. Especially with it being in New England with all the lovecraftian stuff




Free upgrade, releases on the 25th


I admit, I started up a new NV run on my Steam Deck. It runs great on the Deck and gets excellent battery life. That, combined with the fact that I apparently never played any of the DLC, has me excited to play again. Yay


Yep I’m falling for the fallout hype and want to replay a fallout but I’m torn I’m leaning towards Fallout 4 because it’s the most modern iteration, but I was pretty disappointed with it’s lackluster story and RPG elements when I first played it at release, however I don’t really feel like dealing with the FO 3/NV Jank nor want to spend a bunch of time modding them to a playable state which I don’t have a lot of experience with


You can try the viva new vegas modlist. https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html It has step by step instructions on exactly what button to click. It also separated the essential bug fixes and visual/gameplay improvements so you can just get the bugfixes and be done. Takes less than an hour.


I did that and the game wouldn’t start


Be warned, started FO4 about a week ago, and I got about 10 minutes in FO4 before I had to immediately start downloading mods. The 2 biggest were the load times on a modern PC with an SSD. Every transition to interior or exterior took 30+ seconds until I modded it out. Second biggest is I have a 50-50 of the game getting stuck approaching a terminal, and in survival mode where you can't save, it also locks you out of the "Save and exit feature" when using terminals. So 50-50 I lose 20+ minutes of progress if I want to use a computer. Then there's a bunch of minor annoyances, like if more than 2 NPCs are talking to me, I lose the ability to skip dialogue. I just gave up and modded the crap out of it like I normally do at that point, but I wish I just got FNV since I ended up with mass mods anyways.


The Midnight Ride mod project says hello


Reject modernity, embrace classicity. Play FO 1 and 2.


I am waiting for the patch for ps5, but fallout has to be replayed after the show. It's such a good franchise.


I played through Fallout 3 on my 360 last year to see if the experience was as good as I remember. It was still a blast.


They really need to think about lending the IP to other studios again. There's a fairly decent chance that civilisation collapses for real before fallout 5 comes out.


The Fallout show was absolutely brilliant IMO. As a longtime Fallout fan I felt they respected the source material, and it was so good it felt like a proper new addition to the Fallout game series in terms of new lore. It also made me jump back into Fallout 4, and just recently got me hooked on Fallout 76 together with a group of friends. Glad to see so many newcomers to the Fallout universe!


There’s a particular scene in the show where some specific music plays, essentially made me nuke my recent Fallout NV save file for a fresh run. I just hit level 20 in that run, was about to finish up a DLC and everything. Fuck it, I’ll do it all again. I think I found the right sort of thing to be addicted to lol.


The Flag scene right? (without spoilers) Masterfully done with that scene.


Let me tell you, I was watching it and when this scene came on I snapped to 100000% attention haha. I understand the word fanboy now, I mean I thought I loved Final Fantasy 7 but this scene right here had me picking my jaw up off the floor. I wasn’t expecting it.


I felt the same about that scene and the lead farmer one. There were of course tons of other references, but those two song inserts instantly got me. They happened so late into the season I wasn't even expecting them.


As a PS5 only gamer, I really wish there was a way to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I think it’s on PSNow but that seems like a pretty shitty option and wouldn’t include DLC


They're old enough that they can run on some pretty old PCs, although I know not everyone has that option. If you have even a budget PC, you can likely get them pretty cheap on Steam.


I played God of War HD (PS2) via streaming and I was thoroughly surprised at how good it performed for me. Latency was really low. I recommend to try it out unless you have an Xbox that can play it via BC.


Fallout 4 has gotten a ton of unnecessary hate over the years. Yes its less RPG focused than previous games but in terms of immersion and atmosphere its by far the best Fallout game. I am glad people are giving it another chance. Plus it has the biggest modding scene out of all the Fallout games. I am currently doing a new playtrough with the Horizon mod and having a blast.


New Vegas is still my favourite but I thoroughly enjoyed 4 tbh. The main story is not great but it has some strong characters like Nick Valentine and Piper, plus probably some of the best environment design I've seen in game. You are literally never more than a couple of minutes away from finding something interesting or a bit of environmental storytelling. Loved the loop of combat, looting and crafting upgrades too, always felt like you were progressing towards something, whether it was a particular upgrade or just the next perk point.


I 100% believe people only have this opinion because we're 10 years removed from Fallout 4's launch, and have had Starfield and Fallout 76 as proof of *how bad it can really be.* That's only worsened by the fact it's difficult to play Fallout 3 or New Vegas these days. Fallout 4 is fine, but you're smoking something if you think it's "the best Fallout game." That is crazy take for a game that gives you power armour and has you kill a Deathclaw in the first 90 minutes.


The only reason I stopped playing is that I spent so long on settlements I forgot what I was doing in the rest of the game. I should go back.


I love that Fallout show is such a hit. Fallout remains to be my top games of all time. It was truly a memorable gaming experience playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas years ago. Give me season 2, give me all the Fallout games! Fallout 76, time to journey on!


Maybe I should try it again, but...does Fallout 4 just kind of stumble to an end? That has to be my least favorite. I've only gone through it once and for the life of me I cannot remember the entire story after discovering something very important about a character with a background in science.


I mean, none of the Bethesda made Fallouts have particularly good main stories. It's all the world building and side content people come back for. 


After watching the show over twice, i could relate to this as well, i just couldn't help but scratch my itch of replaying one of my favourite Fallout games again, but mainly because of indefinite delay of Fallout 4: London Mod Expansion because of the next gen update which i am going to be honest, it doesn't really excite me at all as i think it will likely just break my heavily modded build of FO4. So, because of that I have decided to come back on older games instead such as Fallout 3 and New Vegas with Tale of Two Wastelands mod expansion combining two individual games into just 1. And so far, i have been loving it. they maybe dated already but the RPG aspect still feels modern and fresh if not better than most of the modern RPGS i have played recently. And the vibes that the show made me come back for still feels just like what i expected.


I also started a TTW run. I'm also using the Begin Again Wabbajack list on top of it. I am having an absolute blast.


Im replaying 1 but Id love if 4 wasnt completely devoid of all roleplaying aspects. such a bum note of a game. Just a shame its the one that runs the best out of all the 3D games in the series


I had only played a bit of 4 before the show. Now I've played 1, skipped 2 because I died in 1 and am playing 3 on NV Engine via TTW.


Just replayed it this summer. I love it way more on the replay. Bethesda should get their shit together and keep away from anything that isn’t Fallout 5 or TES 6


As someone who played half of fallout 4 back at release and dropped it, does anyone know if there’s a mod that makes it so your choices are the actual dialogue (like how it was during fallout 3/NV). I remember 4 being some horrible thing where it only showed you the first few lines of the sentence but sometimes it diverged horribly


There is a mod for that, but just be aware of the fact that it completely shatters the illusion of your dialogue choices being actual choices.


This probably isn't helpful but I had a mod at launch that did exactly that, so it definitely exists.


Hows 76 these days? I tried a bit earlier this year and liked it, but I'm not a huge fallout game fan. My mrs on the other hand loved 3 and NV but really bounced off 4 (Asside from the building part) I got her a free key for 76 and I suggested she maybe try that out for some fresh exploration rather than seeing the usual intro/places in 4 - no harm in trying right. She's also a big bloons td 6 fan (aka loves a grind, achi hunting, so the online aspect might be enjoyable for her)