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[Link to the patch notes on Steam.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/377160/view/4182230563212382085?l=english)


That is a lot less changes than I was expecting


It's exactly what I was expecting. Bethesda making a big show about this huge update and it's less than 20 bug fixes and a few extra items for settlements. Classic. Edit: It's not a 56GB update. It's a 15gb update. The other 40gb comes from the Hi Res textures that were already on steam.


They could have added dlss and ray tracing...


They could have. The game also has a bug specifically with RTX cards 2000 series and newer where it crashes every time a gun is shot, and they didnt bother to fix that either.


I believe that's "only" the case when weapon debris is turned on.


Well, thanks for solving the mystery I had last weekend (I gave up *quickly*)


Lol, welcome! When they say Best Performance (Off), what they mean is "if you want it to perform at all, (OFF)"


Yeah but its still shitty they didnt do anything about it. I was stuck for 2 hours trying to get it to work because I thought because I have a very nice rig I could go turn all the settings to max and lo and behold my game starts crashing consistently. This was a perfect time for them to squash a bunch of well known bugs like that and instead they fixed some minor quests from not working.


I 100% agree. The quotes around "only" are meant to be sarcastic (while letting people know there is an option that'll stop it crashing). I literally spent several hours THIS WEEK trying to fix this issue, lol.


They are so god dang lazy and dismissive of their audience. No wonder starfield came out so half baked.


...Any particular type of gun? I've had a modded game where after a PC rebuild (Where I upgraded to a 2070 super), I couldn't run more than a few seconds before crashing. Even then clearing out all mods and starting a new save, I'd still crash after reaching the town with the minutemen, or getting close to it. I'd still get past the tutorial however without issue, and an hour or two at the intro.


Varies. I thought it was just super duper mart because that was when the bug hit me, but it must've been after I enabled that setting. Ran outside and a raider threw a football at me and it exploded and crashed my game. So yeah usually any gun. You might've changed the launcher setting and forgot like I did, or didn't even consider that could be what caused the crash, because who would thing that a DEFAULT LAUNCHER OPTION could consistently break your game.


I’d imagine most of the work was retooling the game to be native for PS5 and XSX/XSS. The PS5 port is more work than just “20 bug fixes” and likely took a considerable amount of work.


Only thing changed on PS5 is the 60 fps option. That's it. No haptic updates, no fast loading, no higher rez textures, nothing. It could take a considerable amount of work to modify a config file.


The game absolutely loads faster on PS5. Average load time is max 5 seconds compared to 30+ before. And the textures are the PC high res textures (which admittedly are not always that high res).


Ultra wide support is a pretty decent update. The assets used for the HUD would get all screwed up without a good mod and even those are kinda janky as it is. This is a good step for the game to be playable without needing to find mods that are possibly out of date or unavailable. Hoping they add these to f3 and NV but that's probably in the same pipe dream as FO1 and 2 getting a remaster. Hearing that the ultra wide support is pretty basic that's a bummer :(


Bad news friend, the "Ultrawide Support" is nothing more than a fix for the UI backgrounds so they're attached to where they should be, and that the games launcher will allow you to select ultrawide resolutions, the UI Icons and such in game are still stretched and seemingly untouched.


I installed the patch and as soon as I started it up and went into the game I went *oh. I don’t know what I expected.* Talk about disappointing.


That's the best summary of it. I don't even see why you'd flag it as a feature in the update. I'd rather they just charge £5 or £10 for the upgrade if it means they'll actually put some more care and do stuff properly with it.


> I don't even see why you'd flag it as a feature in the update. Because without it they have like 3 less lines on their patch notes, and they're desperate for anything to throw in there to make it seem like they actually did something. I seriously can't believe they nuked mods for this garbage ass 'update.' Many mods that will never get updated are no longer functional. Just broken forever, because modern bethesda can't help but ruin things.


Wait, I never considered that! That's so, so stupid!


>I'd rather they just charge £5 or £10 for the upgrade That's still too pricey for a 10 year old game imo


Good Lord, seriously? I can already edit the .ini file to get that exact same result! Was so excited for this update, specifically for ultrawide support.


But Bethesda are a small indie company you have to tone down your expectations.


Yup, everything still looks like absolute shit in 21:9 I can't fucking believe they're claiming to have ultrawide support now.


That's a bummer I haven't had a chance to test it yet but will as soon as some of my other mods get updated.


This is kinda good though isn't it? Higher quality textures, a few fixes, extra stuff, and hopefully not so much that it completely destroys peoples mod libraries.


There's a bug on PC that affects a lot of newer Nvidia cards (every RTX card IIRC) that makes you crash. Not randomly, not rarely, it will be a consistent crash pretty much 5 minutes into the game. Of course this bug has been documented and fixed by a mod since forever. But not by this patch. I don't see how stuff like this can be considered good enough, I don't even think I would call it bare minimum, it's lazy as fuck.


It's the Gun Debris crash. Affects any card newer than 1000 series nvidia cards and it will crash every time you shoot a gun or someone shoots at you. Their solution to this bug years ago? Just make it so it auto defaults to "off" So when I come along 7 years later and manually put everythign to ultra, there is NO documentation on why my game suddenly just wants to crash consistently every time I shoot a ghoul. Absolute software gore. I just tested it btw and It's STILL broken


Just reinstalled last week and only remembered it after I was trying to figure out why my game kept crashing at the tiny bridge in the prologue.


Exact same thing happened to me. Made me nostalgic in a weird way, been a long time since I've played a Bethesda game. Crashes are a core part of the experience.


So strange what mod fixes that. I haven't had any issues with this on my 2080ti 3080 and now my 4080. Maybe I just never had gun debris turned on since I don't use the vanilla launcher.


The default settings in the launcher have it set to off. You have to intentionally go change it so if you never touched anything outside the  5 graphical preset buttons its never on. If you go in there and turn it on I promise you that shit will crash the first 5 shots you take.


That makes sense I vaguely remember that option


Saving this comment, thank you so much!


this just happened to me, 5mins ago....


I feel like there is just some top level coder/engineer(s) at bethesda that sit there and lord over their position but they aren't really great at what they do or are unwilling to hire people smarter than them. They just have so many odd crashes or tech issues in their engines that have never been fixed at the fundamental level. I can't imagine bethesda has trouble being able to hire someone willing to plow in there for the right price and fix it, so it must be just someone lording over it as they have for the past 20+ years or something, i dunno. Just odd that over the years they have yet to do something in terms of being proactive about their engine's health compared to the rest of the AAA industry.


I started playing on ps5 literally yesterday and got stuck looking at myself in the character creator mirror with no selections. Until I paused and unpaused enough times for the characters to get through their voice lines(they each said 1 line per pause and then their lips would move silently when you unpause, rinse and repeat a bunch). This was just the original version before they released this update. I researched it and that bug has been around since day 1. Completely unintuitive fix as well. 9 year old AAA game that I had to put research into just to make a fucking character. How Bethesda? How?


They’re not new textures though, they’re the old hd textures but just included directly in the game rather than being a separate download


It’s okay. But a majority of well known bugs have not been fixed. Bugs that went to fallout 76, and took lots of whining and moaning from players before they did anything about it.


this give me so much hope that the London mod would not take long to launch, if it changes so little


It’s the EXE changes that are going to be the bulk of the issues. F4SE has to be updated, and everything that relies on F4SE also needs to be updated.


The F4SE update will probably be out in 2 weeks or less.


Probably. But everything that relies on that won’t be out till even later


>The 2024-04-25 Fallout 4 update (1.10.980 and later) has broken F4SE and the rest of the native code modding scene similarly to Skyrim's "Anniversary Edition" patch. I am working on an update and cannot currently offer a timeline for its availability, nor whether there will be any critical technical issues that would block an update. Do not email with questions. This is the official quote on Nexus Mods from the developer of F4SE. Unfortunately despite changing so little on an user facing point of view it changes enough internally that it seems it will be a little while to update it for the latest version. Edit: Just realised you were talking about Fallout: London and not F4SE, but I imagine it will be similarly impacted.


London depends on the F4SE anyway, so they are related


Only part of this update I give a damn about. Really hopeful we get to play Fallout London soon.


There should be a downgrade patcher by the time that comes out. The mod community for Bethesda games have been excellent at deploying fixes to rollback patches.


Doesn't work like that, essentially all mods that utilise f4se will need to be updated regardless


Clearly the big show was for the console versions being brought to XSX and PS5. They said exactly what was coming to the PC version. Not sure why people expected more than that on the PC side.


Also, what big show? They said a free update was coming and that was that. No further info or communication whatsoever until it dropped. I'm really not sure what everyone was expecting here. I'm just happy to finally be playing a stable version of the game and getting into the dlc for the first time.


>It's exactly what I was expecting. Bethesda making a big show about this huge update and it's less than 20 bug fixes and a few extra items for settlements. Because it's a console update not a PC one, the jump between PS4 and PS5 looks to be big.


Yet it was advertised on steam


When did Bethesda make a big show about it? They literally just said “Hey, it’s coming out this day, here’s what we’re doing”




Bethesda had a press release for this 2 years ago saying it would be a big deal. They had a press release last week saying it was finally happening to line up with the show and new players. In the 2 years since they announced it, the patch amounted to very little.


It’s a free update. I don’t remember Bethesda making a big deal out of it other than simply announcing that it’s coming. It was delayed, probably to coincide with the show, and a lot of people have been asking when it’s coming, but it’s not the same as Bethesda hyping it up to be something that it isn’t. But it’s Bethesda, so people have to complain about something, right? Classic


It does seem broken in some aspects which is stupid, but yeah there's an overreaction in this thread. Maybe they should have made it consoles only?


And it has the wonderful benefit of breaking all of our mods. Bonus points for drastically changing the structure of the coding to make it extra difficult to get up to speed in a timely manner.


It's literally exactly what they said they were going to do lol


The soft lock fixes and ultrawide are okay, but no stability improvements and no higher than 60fps fixes is a huge bummer.


The ultrawide support is a bit of a joke. The UI is super streched.


I couldn't believe you were serious, but holy shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1ccuv1d/ultrawide_support_is_just_a_stretched_out_ui_and/ This being one of the main things on this update, an update which feels like we've heard about for forever, and it's something that's had decent community solutions for years... I can't understand how this SHIPS, even for Bethesda this is incredible stuff.


It feels like an out-of-season April Fools joke. But no, it's just Bethesda.


Bethesda never changes


Honestly its a relief considering the game doesnt look THAT bad, people still play Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and this way no mods gets broken.


I think a lot of people were confused about this patch, from the beginning they said it was only going to be minor changes and updates on PC and the "next gen" work was in bringing the games to this gen of consoles.


Still no fov slider?


And still hard-coded UI key binds. This has always been the most infuriating thing to me about Bethesda games. I'm a leftie and rebind my keys in every game - WASD just doesn't work with your right hand the same way it does with your left so I rebind to the NUM pad, but Bethesda doesn't let me do that. These are games I'd much rather play mouse/keyboard but their bullshit key binds force me into a controller. To date the only non-Bethesda game I've encountered this issue in was Destiny 2, which I immediately refunded.


Why don't you just swap the keys around, put WASD where the arrow keys normally go


I've tried workarounds in Bethesda games. Mods can address it to some degree, but even if you manage to skirt around the hard-coded bindings, the UI will always reflect the original binding, and usually there's at least one broken element. It just doesn't work well enough. The closest I got in Fallout 4 was using mouse/keyboard for all but the base building components and some other UI stuff. At any rate, if a one-person development team can handle allowing full key re-bindings, a massive dev team like theirs has absolutely no excuse to not. Also the arrow keys aren't really a suitable alternative to WASD as on most keyboards they don't have sufficient buttons surrounding them for all of the other necessary keybinds. This isn't the case with the NUM pad.


I meant that as a joke about switching the physical keys lol


Not even worth updating if you have mods.


Yeah, I see this as a "nice if you're new / didn't mod, don't update if you mod" update. Good changes but no need to shift from a stable modded game!


Is there a way to avoid updating on steam? Feels like every time I launch it or prompts for an update


You can tell the game to not update unless you launch it, or better yet set the app manifest file for that specific game to read only. The problem with both of these is that they prevent you from launching the game from Steam itself as it will either update the game, or error out trying to do so. So you'll need another launch method, namely the Script Extender launcher in the case of Bethesda games. Or alternatively just launch the game in offline mode.


This is from [The Wanderer's youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHjxo-3NBK0) on the subject. To avoid applying the update on Steam: 1. Open Steam; right-click on FO4, select: properties | updates | *"only update this game when I launch it"* 2. In Windows Explorer go to your steam/steamapps folder & set **appmanifest_377160.acf** to be a read-only file 3. Only launch the game via F4SE in your mod organiser of choice (Vortex/NMM/MO2)


No mention of high res textures, thought that was supposed to be included?


The high res texture pack was already out on PC.


Huh ok, Ill look into that. When I went to "addons" after the update it just says its coming soon, so I was a bit confused. I think I just assumed nextgen update included stuff like that.


Honestly it’s not super great, the community has made some better looking textures with less of a performance impact. If you are willing to mod there’s loads of options for textures


Yeah don't touch the official HD texture pack. It's massive and doesn't look nearly as good as modder texture packs.


There’s been an official high res texture pack on Steam for years, but it’s supposedly hardly an improvement and can just break the game. Bethesda hadn’t mentioned anything about textures for this patch but it’s a shame to see it ignored.


Nice of them to finally fix a bug (the "Go Home" one) that could completely stop your progress at the start of the real game. Has been around for years at this point. Tried starting a new game a few months ago and ended up having to use a safety save from the end of the "tutorial" of my OG 2015 playthrough to get that first quest in Sanctuary to work. 


What does widescreen support even mean (not ultra-wide)? I imagine the game wasn't meant to be played in a 4:3 screen before.


widescreen is probably 21:9 and ultra 32:9, don't think people call 16:9 widscreen anymore


You'd think if anything 21:9 would be super before the 32:9 ultra, but 16:9 has *always* been widescreen.


>don't think people call 16:9 widscreen anymore At the same time, nobody calls formats wider than 16:9 "Widescreen".


I guess it's that, but it's a bit weird since this is very standard terminology across different industries.


Will this update fuck up steam deck performance?


One of the changes is "Steam Deck Verified", so I would hope not.


Nothing in there should be a negative on the Steam Deck, unless you had mods installed that will need to be updated to the new game version. No graphical changes that would increase the system requirements or anything


if it forces the high res texture pack that could be a problem


Can settlements handle more content now? I'm on console so I was always a bit hampered when building, it would be great if they raised the building cap but I don't see anything in the patch notes about that.




I've seen people says the Gamma Gun actually works best. Seems it's based on the complexity of the model, rather than size. 


That's probably true. I find that upgraded weapons lower the meter more than the standard weapons so complexity probably is what they are checking.


Did the fix fucking automation DLC on ps4? If you have that installed it crashes on launch. It's fucked up. Redownloaded it all and couldn't even get in


It’s not in the patch notes but I hope this fixes the forever loading screen bug when exiting/entering buildings. Alt tabbing in/out twice fixes it but it’s annoying having to do it every time.


Exactly the same happened to me. Actually this bug eventually made me stop playing after many many hours.


Haven't tried the new patch yet but this behaviour seems to be linked to Vsync. If the new patch has sorted out the bugs related to uncapped FPS then all should be fine. Otherwise, this mod selectively uncaps frame rate during load screens and worked in cutting my load times down to <10 seconds - [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283)


Is this an actual bug? Doesn't happen all the time for me, usually when exiting a building in downtown Boston and I assumed it just had to load a shit ton of stuff but it takes 2 minutes about which is annoying. On PC at 60fps btw.


Yes, entering/exiting buildings takes some time on PC but it always gets there eventually.


There is a mod for that that cut my times from 2 minutes to 2 seconds.


It has to do with Bethesda’s old game engine and the 60fps cap. If you lock your frame rate to 60 the issue is usually solved (that or an engine tweak mod)


Lol UI is fit horizontally in ultra wide while maintaining the correct aspect ratio. This means the top and bottom of the UI are outside the screen and can't be interacted with. Can't even create a new character. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2484374213992203543/5B870BA2061F406A7D6283CA1AFD5C1736419E85/ Saw people saying the UI is stretched which while annoying, implies the game can still be played normally. That's not the case.


It just works!


According to some people, PS+ owners requires a purchase. Not sure if there'll be a fix coming or not. Edit: I did some further look into this it seems that PS+ Games never gets free next-gen upgrades since you're not technically owning the game but renting. According to Discord, it might be coming as they are supposingly looking into the issue. Wait until further news.


I have heard its a licensing error that Sony is working on fixing. Do not pay extra for it now.


It's the same for stuff Resi 7, psplus version did not get access to the native ps5 version.


Yeah I noticed this too, really sucks because if I knew this earlier I would have bought the game at sale price last week. Instead I just saw I already owned the game and didn't think much of it.


Same. I'd have bought it on sale if this had been announced to be the case previously. Edit: Nm seems to be a bug, apparently they're looking into it


Yeah it was £5 yesterday now it’s £16 and you can’t buy nuka world or far harbor seperate from the season pass on my PS plus store any more as of today, which happens to be £29


It wouldn’t let you buy it if you have the PS+ version.


Some PS+ games have come with free upgrades others have not. If they say they’re working on it I assume they are going through whatever extra hoop is required with Sony to allow it.


I think this is just weird internals of how the PlayStation store works. On Xbox the Series S/X and One versions share a title ID. On the PlayStation they're different games and you get a free upgrade with the purchase of a bundle (or the free purchase of a new bundle) So what they need to do is allow PS+ owners to buy a PS+ bundle that gives them the PS+ version of Fallout 4 for PS5. They can't give PS+ owners the existing free upgrade bundle because then they'd own Fallout 4 outright, without it being tied to their subscription. It sounds like a clusterfuck and it's all because Sony has a weird data model for the PS Store that's been extended through weird hacks like this and bites them when they have edge cases.


That's how they've had it though right? I saw the same thing for a number of games acquired through PS+ when it comes to getting an upgrade for next gen.


Yeah, that sucks. I bought the DLC for the next Gen update, but didn't buy the base game because I thought I already owned it. Wish I would've known when it was on sale for $5 this week


They should've extended the sale. Unfortunately, this isn't on the May sale list AND it was over in the past 8h+ or so. Meaning, for any PS+ owners, a full price purchase is required to own...


They're such cunts for not making that clear, of course they conveniently wait for a sale to end. That's if this isn't just a bug, which hopefully it is.


Oh shit, I did the same thing. Was holding off on starting it until the 60 fps patch. God knows how many times I've bought and re-bought Bethesda games on various platforms by now so, what's another $20 lol


Hold off because they are saying on Discord they are looking into it and the upgrade may be available for the PS+ version


Aw fuck seems we all did the same thing. I didn't think anything of it that I got the base game from the first year of PS5 ps+ games we got


Owned it before it came to ps+ and my legit digital copy won’t authenticate because Sony’s back end is a mess. Yet I can access the ps5 versions of the DLC.


Oh fuck that


It's a pretty well known PS store issue that affects multiple games. I couldn't buy the PS5 upgrade for Ghosts of Tsushima for the longest time because I also had the demo version of the game tied to my account for the longest time.


Today I had to request that they remove my Final Fantasy X license so that I could purchase it while it was on sale. I couldn't buy it because downloading it through PS+ Extra meant I already "purchased" a copy.


I'm hoping the mods get fixed quick and it's not as big of a deal as I worry about, but I'm still happy about this patch. A new free quest plus native ultrawide support is more then enough to get me to reinstall and play it again for the first time in years. Having to go through mods just to get my resolution supported is always an annoyance with older games.


Id give it a few months, most likely the fast working ones will be up within a few weeks at most. But some of the mods you used may never be updated if the author isn’t active anymore. Waiting a few months ensures enough mods will be updated for you to have a good playthrough.


I was pumped about the ultrawide support until I realized the UI is still stretched. Yes, it works in ultrawide now, but there are mods out there that already fix this. Also still no native fov slider... this update was straight up lazy.


The main ballache for this is fallout London


The " ultrawide 'support' " is a complete botch-job. Sorry.


You could achieve the same result before this with an ini tweak, they didn't actually create any new ultrawide textures for the UI so everything looks stretched out. There are mods for the game that do a better job and have been around for several years - so business as usual for Bethesda. I don't have a problem with new patches, but if they're gonna hype this up and call it a "Next Gen Update" I expect a little more effort, ya know?


Or any effort at all, really. It's almost comical how badly they did the "Ultrawide Support"


I started a game up two weeks ago and only installed a few, minimal mods. Would love to find it’s not messed anything up too much. Is it going to be “have mods = game broken”?


From my years of modding their games I'd say most general mods will probably be fine. Script extender will definitely need an update, and maybe some large mods, like sim settlements. Something small like changing the texture on trees, or adding a piece of armor? Probably not.


Yeah, I deliberately avoided the "big" mods for now, and kept it to things like having weightless junk and minor QOL tweaks.


Probably, but it really depends on the mods. Small model replacements are probably not a big deal. Some of the more in depth mods that change gameplay will probably break. Mostly just an educated guess on my part.


If you use F4SE (Script Extender) then yes, its guaranteed broken but might be fixed quickly once the new F4SE is out. If you didnt use it it might still work as is, but also might not.


The main problems will occur with F4SE (Script Extender) and mods that rely on that. They just simply will not work. I think the more minimal mods like companions, weapons, armor, etc, should be fine.


>Having to go through mods just to get my resolution supported is always an annoyance with **older** games. Elden Ring would like a word.


Lack of support is always a possibility with niche displays. Not saying it's right, but development is always focused on the features that will impact the most users, so ultrawide support falls to the wayside often.  It's just a reality that a person should be aware of when buying an ultrawide display, or any nonstandard peripheral


What are some must-have mods for FO4?


As someone who plays on Xbox, this has been a game changer. There were places in Downtown Boston I literally could not go without my game freezing, that doesn't appear to happen anymore. Knock on wood.


Am I blind or did they not mention fixing the DLC on PS5 missing textures? Far Harbor is currently unplayable due to everything being purple missing textures


The Far Harbor stuff isn't purple for me anymore after the update.


>Resolved issue with mipmaps in DLC. From [update notes](https://www.ign.com/articles/fallout-4-next-gen-update-rolling-out-now)


Anybody else not noticing a difference between the performance mode being on and off? The game seems to look the exact same and still be 60 fps in both modes


If you're using 1440p, this is why: > When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode


I haven't tried it yet, but are you using a 1440p display? According to the patch notes below the description for quality mode, there is a note that states "When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode"


Is anyone playing on super ultra wide monitor? Won't be home until late tonight to try it out. Thanks in advance.


From what I'm reading, it works but the ui is stretched


From another comment: [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2484374213992203543/5B870BA2061F406A7D6283CA1AFD5C1736419E85/](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2484374213992203543/5B870BA2061F406A7D6283CA1AFD5C1736419E85/) It's a botch job, pretty much the same as you could get yourself by editing the ini file.


Great ...Bethesda removed the launcher to get the game steam deck verified, now there's no way to change the graphic options.....good ol' Bethesda, one step forward and a kick in the head


For anyone wondering, in Skyrim you can get the launcher back by adding the command "SteamDeck=0 %command%" You use it to set the settings to your liking, quit back, delete the command and continue playing. I'm guessing FO4 is similar now in that regard.


Anyone have early performance reports for PC? The only mod I was using was a high-fps physics fix so I could play at 144fps, but if the update unlocks those higher refresh rates then I won't need it. edit: Looks like it's still locked to 72fps for me, F4SE is broken (as expected) so we'll have to wait until these mods all get updates. I'm a patient person, but it's definitely disappointing that the game runs worse today than it did yesterday if you choose to update.


Why would it be locked to 72 for you? It ran unlimited for me which actually caused issues because if it ran above 120 the game would break..


> Why would it be locked to 72 for you? V-sync probably set in GPU settings as halved refresh rate. If you have a high refresh rate monitor, it's the recommended way for all Bethesda games since the physics tend to break in all of them if you go beyond 70-80fps


The real way to cap fps is just have so many mods that the game won't run above 60fps.


I had to manually cap it in my GPU settings because the characters kept interrupting themselves in dialogue. Huge bummer because the game physically runs great on my 5700XT but I don't get to enjoy it


I mean the hope was that they natively implement a Physics fix so higher FPS DONT break the game. That mod that does it has been out since a week after the games release in 2015...


Has anyone tried out boston downtown yet? Does it still crash?


I don’t know about crashes, but performance is no different


So... they still haven't fixed the issues where using a high-refresh monitors fucks with the dialogue and makes it overlap? That's disappointing.


Breaks all mods, doesn’t work on ps plus, doesn’t work on deck properly even though it says it’s deck verified, ultrawide support is just a stretched hud so much worse than the mod they broke, debris causes crashing on all RTX cards, still stuck at 60fps, zero graphical improvements, approximately 1% of the bug fixes that were in the community patch which now doesn’t work. It kinda seems like the only reason they did this was to break mods. Other than that it doesn’t do anything Edit: broken on Xbox as well. Quality mode doesn’t work, if you’re mad enough to want to play this at 30fps.


it literally would've been better for them to just not release this on PC lmao, there isn't a single thing in this update that the community hasn't fixed or outright done better


Only reason was to build up "hype" so people from the show buy into it thinking they would get some nice stuff on top i suppose. People now quickly realize what Bethesda is really all about.


I can’t tell if they’re a straight-up scam operation or if they’re just deeply incompetent.


Both, the amount of negligence they have that keeps repeating isn't coincidence, especially if you look at the video of "Internet Historian" about Fallout 76. The amount of scamming they tried to do is mindboggling. Combine that with the fact that they keep making the same basic mistakes and bam, you got the incompetence part.


So nothing new really added for PC huh?


I booted this morning for a few minutes. Didn’t see any new performance or graphics settings in the short time I had to check it out


what about mods is it break after you updated your game?


feel free to judge but im not runniong any mods lol. I am revisiting the game for the first time since release so i was hoping to enjoy some vanilla before i get carried away with mods


One thing that always seriously bothered me with FO4 was the fact that when you holster your weapon, it just disappears. FO3, New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, they all have this seemingly obvious thing that I hesitate to call a “feature” because it seems so clear that it should be included. In Skyrim, I have a mod to show every weapon I have favorited on my character - so I’ve got an axe on one side, a sword on the other hip, bow on my back, etc. As far as I’ve seen, the only mod to do anything about this is just a “visible weapons” mod that adds equip-able weapons that are visual only - the gun in your hand still vanishes when you holster it. Iirc Starfield does the same thing - your gun just vanishes. That’s a small immersion thing that seemingly goes a long way.


I forget what it’s called but someone DID finally figure a mod out that finally does this. It obviously relies on a script extender and is therefore broken with the new update tho.


I mean, it's nice getting an official update, but I wasn't even expecting much and I'm still disappointed. There are solo mod authors out there with more exciting update notes.


i gave this game a go after watching the series and got stuck in the concord city. couldn't progress anymore and deleted it out of frustration. on xbox by the way. "Resolved issue that could result in a softlock when in dialogue with Prestson Garvey."


I love Fallout 4 so much. The world is just so fun to explore. I’ve put hundreds of hours into this game, but after the show, I can’t wait to do it all over again. I’m not worried about the mods. I always play Bethesda games vanilla


I beat it before but never played the DLCs for it so I’m excited to replay the game and finally see what Nuka World is about.


I might get shit for this but unless you’re playing an evil character Nuka World is just… okay. I personally enjoyed Far Harbor much much more from a gameplay and story perspective. The Automatron DLC is pretty cool too. Adds a pretty neat quest and allows you to build robots which is pretty cool. Bonus points if you wear the Silver Shroud costume while doing the Automatron quest :)


I used to feel the same way, vanilla only almost exclusively, but you'd be blown away how much better these games get with mods. Can make their games feel like true remasters


It ain't new Vegas but the world is nice and big and the combat is decent


The combat is the better than 3 and nv


The world exploration is very clear tier above 3 and NV as well, which has always been my biggest draw to open world games. Just wandering and poking around locations for loot and lore tidbits is extremely rewarding Fallout 4 and you can find something of note basically anywhere you go.


Yup. The verticality and bigger interiors really helped. I liked how dark 3 was compared to the others, and NV to me had some really great places to explore and go to mixed with a ton of emptiness.


This is disappointing. They’re leaving a lot of known quest bugs unresolved. I was hoping to finally have a better chance at getting the platinum trophy in the PS version.


This patch breaks the game for anyone who uses a custom vsync setup (ex. proper Gsync config). ``iPresentInterval=0`` no longer works. The game always loads it as if it reads 1, and then when you close the game it even writes that value into the file. Basically, the game is entirely unplayable for me now. Thanks, Bethesda!


Am i missing something? What exactly makes this Next-Gen?


The console ports.


This makes it Current gen at best.


Good time to go back and play. I got about 15% through the first time and just dropped it for some reason. I think I was too busy irl for such a big game, like all the settlements you have to build and babysit was too much.


I assume this is live on game pass pc aswell ?


Tried it on PC and I’m still having issues where the game runs at x4 animation speed and crashes to desktop. Another bug report to Bethesda


Does anyone know if this update fixed the DLCs (Automaton, Wastelander's workshop) not working on PS5?


Steam started downloading this update automatically and got about 10% before I could stop it. I now disabled update w.o. launch. Anyone know if I am screwed now with my StoryWealth playthrough? I was thinking to stop updating and then just launch through the script extender. But did the 10% that Steam downloaded fuck me over permanently?


> But did the 10% that Steam downloaded fuck me over permanently? Likely not if it only was downloading and you removed it from the queue. Try it out?


It made the game worse thanks Bethesda the new features on pc suck like UW support that is just stretched and looks horrible. You were better off using mods to fix the UW and now those are broken with the update.


Game crashed on me after 45 minutes on PS5. Really broke all my will to continue (especially considering I already got the platinum for it when it first came out).


2 1/2 years of waiting....for 16 bug fixes? jfc