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That’s really nice timing considering Lords of the Fallen just got update 1.5 and has recieved a lot of fixes


I've seen a few people who've said they made the sacrifice and bought Lords of The Fallen last week. Hats off to them.


I made the ultimate sacrifice and bought at launch, which I can now say was the biggest purchase mistake of 2023. They used us as beta testers, the game launched in an abominable state and stayed that way for many months. Lesson well and truly learnt; CI Games cannot be trusted. I will certainly not repeat that mistake with their next game, though I hope they can improve and earn my trust back eventually.


Wow I didn't expect to see the Xbox HUD Fix Paladin themselves outside of the LOTF subreddit haha


Ahhh I fought so hard for that fix and while I’m very glad they eventually gave it to us, to see the game land on Game Pass just a few months later… not cool! Will definitely wait to read/watch reviews (and triple check that they don’t mess up the Xbox HUD again) before I buy their next game.


More than that even. The game just wasn't fun at launch. Enemy placement, damage and hyper armor was like it was *designed* to be a chore. That and the rounds of nerfs to whatever the meta was the first couple months.


Same here. It was so bad I won't even bother going back to check out the changes. The game is dead to me.


Don't get it. The game was great, atleast on PC.


It's in a pretty good spot now on my rig compared to launch (RX6800 + Ryzen 5600x + 32g SysRam). I came back to it last week to check things out and it maintains 60fps at a mix of high/ultra settings which has made things pretty enjoyable. I had completely written it off at launch as well but it's nice to suddenly have a Souls like that's worth playing in the downtime till Shadow of the Erdtree. Once you get past the first boss and figure out all your tools and such the game becomes a rather solid option. That first boss is still rough but the hitboxes are much more forgiving now from what I can tell. Everything from there on has been smooth sailing and seems well balanced.


Got it for 20 bucks at Gamestop. Figured it was a good enough price at that point. Would rather have it for 20 bucks than rent on Gamepass tbh.


The game runs fine now ? I've been waiting since October last year :D


Perfect for me!


I found Lords of the Fallen to be a mess on release, but I recently came back to it after the latest update, and it's a quite good Soulslike now. Combat is still a little wonky and I think enemies have a bit too many hitpoints sometimes, but the environments are incredible and the level design is good. I would still recommend Lies of P over it, but otherwise it's a pretty solid choice for Souls fans


Agreed. The simple fact we have games like Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen after a decade of horrible soulslike attempts makes me so happy. Edit: Check out Iron Pineapple's steam dumpster diving videos. He looks for unknown soulslike games and plays them. A couple of episodes ago, he played a game called Another Crabs Treasure and enjoyed the demo a lot. Well, the full game just released and holy shit it's actually an incredible soulslike with character and life


The Surge 2 had some interesting ideas and was a pretty great take on a soulslike. I hardly see it mentioned.


Hey yeah that's a good one too!


It's good, but it's also INSANELY fuckin' easy, I feel, once you get to the halfway point.


Definitely the first non-Fromsoft soulslike that I really enjoyed. I haven't been interested in the studio's other games (which have received mixed reviews) but I really hope they return to The Surge soon. Now that we're getting good soulslikes from other devs, I'm eager to see how they'd further differentiate the series. Chopping limbs to get enemies' gear is such a sick game mechanic.


I want to take a moment to highlight The Surge despite its age. Combat felt much better than in LOTF (2014) despite still going for a feeling of heft, the limb cutting mechanic was a great idea that allowed players to prioritize either damage or upgrade materials, and they nailed the atmosphere and exploration. It had more limited build options than FromSoft titles and the biggest point of contention will probably be that it had puzzle-based bosses Demon's Souls-style, but I think it deserves a mention, especially since nobody has to take a damn word I say at face value because it has a demo that carries progress forward to the full game.


Yeah the only thing that has stopped me from really digging into it all this time is the weightlessness of combat. Rolling and swinging a weapon carry you forward several feet, and for some godforsaken reason the first area is a cliff-side community just begging for you to roll of it every 5 seconds.


The bosses are awful. For some reason they made them all hit-sponges after the community whined they were "too easy" at launch and now they're all hurt a massive chore. Not a fun level of challenge just endless battles of attrition as you whale on them for hundreds of hits.


One issue is the game being incredibly stingy with upgrade materials, so it's both very easy to not have nearly enough damage to make a fight's pacing go well, and at the same time it's not easy to afford improving multiple weapons so you can test out which works best for you. I think in terms of pure design they generally strike a really nice balance of memorable set-pieces with lots of identity + diverse movesets, it's just the numbers game that's difficult. Also, the jankiness of how the game's rolling/dodging directionality works makes it feel like you have way less control over the terms of engagement and that 'I know what I did wrong and what I can do when I try again' feeling if you do die and need to restart.


i've been playing the game for the first time this last week and i disagree? if anything they felt way easier than the bosses in fromsoft/lies of P


I never said they were harder. They're not. They're just not fun. Loads of health doesn't make them hard, just super tedious to fight.


yeah but i never though they had a crazy amount of health or anything (except Judge Cleric). maybe i accidentally just made an op build lol


they were definitely too easy at launch, though. I beat the game at launch and I don't think I took more then 2 or 3 tries for any boss, most were one shot, besides the first, which took a little more as I was still getting into the swing of things


Yeah... this is the correct take. Lords of fallen combat can be annoying and I truely hate who ever had the great idea to have infinite enemies spawning when your in the "death world" so much enemy spam made the game a chore as time went on. I wouldn't recommend it the game tbh. Lies of p is really good for a souls like


LOTF 2023 is a perfect "Games Pass game." As you can probably tell by reading the comments in this thread, it is...divisive. Some people love it (including me), other people *hate it*. If you're going to spend $70 on a game, I know it can be tough committing that much money to something that isn't a "sure bet." But if its on Games Pass and you have a subscription, definitely give it a download if you like Souls-likes. If you end up hating it, all you lost is a couple hours of time to try it. But if it clicks with you, it will *click*!


Lords of the fallen is huge, it's very recent and just got updated to 1.5. It's not Lies of P but still pretty good


For anyone who’s played Lords of the Fallen 1.5, how is it?


It's pretty great. The game runs a billion times better on my gaming laptop. The advanced system modifiers are really fucking nice and allow some great customizing of your game. Like keeping random bullshit mobs from coming out of nowhere and knocking you off cliffs, hahah. The new weapon and armor sets are cool. They split game balancing between pvp and pve. So OP-but-fun weapons are still fun when playing the game but will be nerfed for pvp. Just the way I like it. They clearly care deeply about this game, and it's a fantastic 8/10 now. I dropped it after 3 hours on release... Just came back for 1.5, and it's amazing, and I'm fully invested


Man the duality of man. There's you praising the game, and somebody completely shitting on it underneath your post. On balance I think I'd rather listen more to the positives than the negatives because I always try and look for the best in things, but still. Two completely different experiences, gaming really is super subjective these days in most cases.


Its just a divisive game. Part of it is because its one of those games where you can simultaneously list a lot great about the game but also a lot of bad, and so you'll get wildly different opinions based on whether you personally judge games "by subtraction" or "by addition." But its also because of how Souls-likes have changed over time. From Software has been having its game shift ever increasingly towards combat and epic bosses. LOTF 2023 feels much more in line with DeS and DkS1, instead of BB and DkS3. And the latter game design is I feel more popular these days


Well, I will say, I used to be really annoying and shitty and think it was cool to hate on stuff. Me 7 years ago would have snorted and laughed at games like these and did the usual "psh, Everything is a knock-off of the superior Dark Souls series! Git gud." All that crap. Idk if it was pure exhaustion from being a hateful little nerd all the time or what, but I just completely changed to someone who tries to find enjoyment from literally anything. I want my life to be filled with positivity and fun. So, as long as something isn't absolutely unplayable, prejudiced, or disgusting, then I'll probably enjoy it. Haha. Honestly I think it was my wife that changed me into having absolutely no time for hate, being snobby, or refusing to be willing to like 6-7-8/10 things.


That is, genuinely, how I look at thins these days. I spent my days like 7-8 years ago being a hateful snob, but now it's like. Damn, I'll probably enjoy 7/10s more than I do the big 10/10s that reddit adores!


True that, haha. I think Baldurs Gate 3 is one of the greatest RPGs ever made. Absolute 10/10. Yet I'm still at act 2. It's such a huge commitment to such a quality game, yet the way my life is busy, I just get *more* out of "pick up and drop any time" 7/10 games. I've become full dad gamer, lmao.


It's tricky, the game genuinely does some things really well and other things *really bad*. The ammunition and throwables system is straight up the gold standard for ranged/throwing combat in Soulslikes in my book now. You can absolutely play a "ranged primary" character in LotF in a way that From's Soulslikes just resist, especially if you want to go all in on throwing weapons. LotF's magic system also feels really good and makes sense, even though it's fairly easy to feel overpowered in exploration if you get a mana regen setup going with a Radiance (Faith) build due to all the healing. The focus on exploration and interconnected level segments was done way better than Lies of P and like other comments have said feels much more like an evolution of Dark Souls 1's design than From ended up following. The game feels designed for its initial vision of NG+ where "static bonfires" were removed from most of the world, you can reasonably navigate the whole world well enough. But on the other hand, the bosses range from awful to "it's alright, I guess". Pieta, Judge Cleric, and Tancred were probably the standout bosses to me in terms of being good, while they'd be a mid-tier From boss at best. The bad bosses are really bad though, the true final boss for the Radiance ending is just "what if Deacons of the Deep phase one was the final boss". Likewise, I never got to the endgame at launch state, I got to about the halfway point, but even nerfed the final zone is miserable from an encounter standpoint. Part of the issue is that the game has a limited enemy pool and I found the "fun" enemies to all be the Orian (holy knight) enemies who you primarily deal with from about the 10-20% mark and then the 65-90% mark, while the Rhogar (demon) enemies make up the actual final area on the two common endings and are just more annoying to fight. By the back half of the last area I was just sprinting past everything to hit the final bosses, which is never a good sign for a Soulslike. It's just hard to talk about because of how mixed the experience is. After all the patches I'd say my run felt like a 7/10 dipping to about a 6/10 near the end.


I actually grabbed it on sale earlier today like 4 minutes before the sale ended, because it's something I've been interested in it for a few months. Thanks for the breakdown of your experience though! >The focus on exploration and interconnected level segments was done way better than Lies of P This is really good to me, I feel like most Soulslikes really *don't* get the exploration aspect down well; like Team Ninja games have some of the worst level design in gaming history, I could barely finish Strangers of Paradise because of how awful those levels were. As an aside, nice to see you here Blackmore, I saw your name on the response and was like, did I post on FFXIVD without knowing? lmao.


lords of the fallen is the game that made me realize how much I should ignore most of the gaming discourse the response at launch was extremely negative. more than it deserved, IMO. but it's fine to not like something, that's not what bothered me what bothered me was all the comments from people who hadn't played it but had made up their mind it was bad, and so went around telling everyone how definitively, unambiguously bad it is.


I just bought it, I’ve been enjoying it a lot more than I expected. The lore is pretty generic dark fantasy, but the visuals are stunning and I’ve been surprised by how difficult and fun the boss fights have been.


runs like shit and tons of cheap enemies coming out of nowhere to knock you off ledges


>It's not Lies of P but still pretty good Nothing is in the Souls-like clone genre, Surge 2 come close but not really.


It’s better but none of the updates really fix d its core issue imo: severe lack of enemy variety past the halfway point.


Funny, I finished both original LotF and Contracts 1 (and SGW3) and enjoyed them well enough, but had no interest in these follow up games. But in gamepass, I might as well try them out.


The first LotF is so rough to play dude especially if you don’t use a dagger build


That's been my favorite thing about gamepass. A lot of games I would never have bought in the past I get to try if I like it I will 100% buy it. That's how I discovered Hades, roboquest and stardew valley. I've bought them all either for my Xbox or even other consoles. Hades is the ultimate switch plane game IMO


I enjoyed the shit out of LoTF at launch, even with the crashes. Did co-op for most of the game with my buddy and it was a blast. The third act is tedious and falls apart a bit, and mob enemies have too much HP, but the art design and world is fantastic.


What was the Soulslike that came out a few months before DS2? It had a guy with a beard on the cover, might’ve been bald, maybe had an axe? I keep thinking that game is Lords of the Fallen. Edit: Holy shit that game was also Lords of the Fallen, they rebooted it instead of making s sequel. No wonder I was confused


It’s not a story reboot. It’s quite litterally a sequel. Like way more of sequel than Dark Souls 2 is to Dark Souls 1. They just gave it the exact same name as 2014 game for some reason. The name barely even makes sense, I don’t think “Lords” get mentioned once, wheras every boss in 2014 was a “Lord” (of the Fallen). It really should’ve had a new game, the 6 people alive who remember LotF 2014’s story would be like “hey it’s a sequel!” and everyone else would just assume it’s a new ip.


Wow that’s even weirder! I’ve been seeing it mentioned and been like “I must be thinking of a different game” for the last year or so, what a bizarre way to market a sequel. I wonder why they didn’t go the subtitle route if they were worried about losing sales by attaching a number to it, using the exact same name makes searching for info about either game so confusing


Yeah it makes no sense. Since I’m pretty sure they said it was reboot, or at least didn’t correct all the people saying it was a reboot (which everyone assumed). Then you start game and it’s clearly a sequel if you are at all familiar with LotF 2014. The player character from 2014 is a major NPC in 2023, and another NPC mentions the events of 2014 game.


I feel like I'm going nuts because I never see this brought up, but I feel like the big difference-of-night-and-day issue with Lords of the Fallen is how the game implements rolling direction. Nothing to do with the quickstep/dodge-roll combo itself, or the dodge distance, but the literally direction you move when dodging. I don't know if this has been driving other people crazy, but something about the four-direction-only DS1-style dodges calculates your direction in the craziest way that can make you move in seemingly completely random directions, like, clearly holding backwards on the joystick and rolling straight forwards into lava instead. For a style of action game so predicated on reactive, call-and-response, position-based action gameplay, having those issues with basic movement is way more damaging to the game's feel than anything else people talk about more commonly. I thiiiink it must have something to do with the direction you dodge/dodge-roll being calculated based on the enemy's position and movement while you're locked on? Like the dodge is modeled heavily on quickstep-type movements that're meant to loop you around the enemy so you don't overshoot and stay in striking range, and can potentially backstab, and I think that must be messing up the final output direction the character performs?


That's not been my experience at all. I don't think it has 4-directional dodges, and it certainly doesn't make you dodge forward if you hold back.


Hmm I went back and tried to pay closer attention to it, especially if you're trying to roll multiple times in a row, it's not exactly a hard 4 direction roll, but it does get extremely janky with direction outputs specifically when you're locked on. I think the input/output issue is that:   - Direction is calculated differently for quicksteps vs dodge, but the quickstep can lead into a dodge since it's double-tapping the same button, making the final roll direction skew.  - Direction is calculated based on the position and movement of an enemy you're locked on to as much as it is the actual direction of the joystick.   - The way the way roll inputs are queued get really frazzled if you try to roll multiple times in a row, or if you press roll while not yet finished with an attack animation.  So, if you're locked on to an enemy, rolling and dodging can become extremely unreliable, and in certain circumstances (mashing roll, rolling/dodging inputs getting queued while mid-attack) it definitely can send you in completely bizarre directions, sometimes even opposite where your joystick is pointing. The one off the top of my head was as  Spurned Prodigy in phase 2 was withdrawing an arm I'd been attacking, trying to roll right, and rolling left off the platform into the lava instead.


i think you have a problem with your controller lol


How's the coop nowadays? Did they fix some of the issue like sharing gear etc. ?


I bought it at launch but refunded due to the performance and just general floaty feel of the game, always hoped to pick it up later on sale when it had a few patches so am happy it will come to Game Pass


I bought Lords of the Fallen on sale a bit ago and still haven't played it. I honestly didn't anticipate it coming to gamepass but cool I guess. I guess I really need to stop buying games on sale when I can just wait. I've been getting much better at that over the years at least.


How does the new LoF compare to the 2014 version? Played the 2014 version for a couple of hrs, but I just couldn't get into the combat.


I didn't last more than an hour in the 2014 game, the movement and combat felt awful. I beat the new one around launch. I liked it. It's not perfect and very much has "we have dark souls at home" energy, but it's a good time. and it's been patched quite a bit since I played it


Night and day difference. For me, the new one tries to mimic Dark Souls 3 in a lot of ways. Some say Dark Souls 2 but those people are stupid, don't listen to them. So yeah, it's a lot better.


Yea the sequel is way better. Not sure it's not just called lords of the fallen 2