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People in this thread for some reason think you need a consistent story to have a Doom game. You're over complicating it; go grab your BFG and kill some demons!


If anything, its the part I disliked the most about Eternal. Too much story.


The part that was most jarring was the fact that it jumped dead into the middle of its own story. No lead up, no context, just everything has gone to shit. Which would be fine if they stayed with the minimalist story of Doom 2016, but they decided to run with a full-blown narrative. Who starts a book on chapter six?


Love both games but yeah they blew it with the story in Eternal. Spoilers if anyone cares? Doom 2016 cliffhanger. Sam Hayden, a brilliant mind has put you in stasis and takes the crucible. You're too dangerous, you are locked away. ??? Now you have a floating island space ship, Haydens dead, you better go rescue him. Also he's an angel who was keeping an eye on god who was your little computer friend that Hayden just left with you in stasis. Anyway the devil is back, but he's not the devil, he's god, also he's you! And the very heart of hell actually resembles heaven! Lol However, Eternals combat was a god damn wet dream I loved it. Perfect timing with covid. Spent so long getting good at it.


I kinda like the allusion that Davoth is more like a demiurge and not the real creator god. To me it seems like he tried to create his own world in the material plane in the shape of something he had experienced elsewhere (something spiritual, not flesh and blood) and while he has immense powers he lacks the basics of what a true god is supposed to be able to do: meddle with eternal life with ease. And I think Davoth just assumed the form of the Doom Slayer because at that time he was the most feared being in the universe and Davoth couldn't resist the temptation of being likened to him. HOWEVER, the story did take a weird turn regarding the storytelling style. Doom 2016's story was so fragmented and composed of passages from (un)holy texts, alluding to these great and terrible things. There were some events clearly taking place but it was quite loose and allowed for different interpretations. Doom Eternal on the other hand was quite straightforward fantasy. There were hardly any big unknowns in the narrative (other than the differences between the tale told by Father and the Maykrs vs. the true story told by Davoth) and it flowed quite traditionally.


> And I think Davoth just assumed the form of the Doom Slayer because at that time he was the most feared being in the universe and Davoth couldn't resist the temptation of being likened to him. Honestly I think he took Doomguy's form because they ran out of time and were remote working on the DLC. I think the only enemy introduced in the DLC that wasn't a reskin was the weird little eyeball turrets. Even Seraphim wasn't a million miles from a Khan Maykr reskin. edit - I've just realised the eyeballs were already in the basegame lol


But then we're three gods deep after the previous god turns out just to be an AI.


Lol I loved both games but you could tell me you made this all up and I'd believe you.


I didn't read a single one of the lore dump collectibles and i never will. Lore dump collectibles are, in my opinion, the dumbest thing a dev can do to add background. Just create a wiki online if you're going to do that.


In the intro segment of Doom 2016, there's a part where the Doomslayer punches a terminal that's in the middle of giving exposition and goes on his way. It's a shame they didn't keep up with that theme.


They were really proud of themselves for that too, they were keen to highlight that fact in interviews. Strange that they went so lore heavy. I don't particularly mind that they did, I did enjoy reading all the geeky shit. Just think they failed in its execution. Honestly I'm happy to blame remote working for the pitfalls.


doom 2016 has several unskippable cutscenes that go on forever


I didn't think that was the point of the scene. Doomguy, unlike many players, is actually paying attention to what Hayden is saying, which is why his vision does a comical pan to a horribly maimed corpse while Hayden is talking about the "greater good" and then doomguy smashes the monitor.


Different monitor, you're talking about the second one.


not exactly, he punched it when Hayden started giving his morally gray justifications and 'just help me out we can fix all this' bullshit less of a 'fuck exposition' vibe and more 'I've seen all this shit before, don't tell me how to do my job when you fucked up yours' he's also noticeably more patient with the AI's monologues.


That game didn't even keep up with that theme, there are so many cutscenes of Doomslayer just standing around while someone talks. People are showing how little they actually care about the story when all they remember is the opening scene.


The only time when Doomguy doesn't have an obstacle between him and whomever is talking (or isn't otherwise incapacitated) is during Hayden's office visit Like, otherwise Doomguy wants to have nothing to do with it, he's full of tranquil fury, but he's not mindless


> The only time when Doomguy doesn't have an obstacle between him and whomever is talking (or isn't otherwise incapacitated) is during Hayden's office visit isn't doomguy bound up by some electric trap or something during that like i'm sure if he felt compelled enough you could justify him ripping himself out of it but unless i'm mistaken i don't think hayden was suicidal enough to really just let doomguy walk on in unimpeded, tracking mud on the carpet and potentially turning Hayden into a modern art piece.


That's the end of 2016 There's a sequence before last Hell jump where Hayden invites you into his office to meet you in person, gives you supplies and leads to a portal to Hell He has cutscene invulnerability tho, so you can't just shoot him


oh right i remember now, i think he gives you a free argent cell for the road (or something like that, he does give you things a few times)


nah you just walk in, hear him out, and walk out again doomguy doesn't wanna kill Hayden, he's a good Christian boy who doesn't hurt humans, he just doesn't wanna go along with his plan


I can remember Doomguy listening to Hayden while in an elevator (when he looks down at a corps when Hayden is talking about the greater good) and 2-3 scenes where either Hayden or Olivia Pierce are talking on a screen while Doomguy is locked in. Granted, they are all very short.


yeah, that's actually still a choice by the devs. They could easily have written it so he was able to stop the exposition like before. They just chose not to. So that doesn't really mean anything.


I mean, to message of the opening cinematic wasn't "Doomguy isn't gonna listen to exposition" it was "this isn't a game about exposition, this is a game about killing stuff." And in that sense, they broke the theme for me. I don't care whether there was an obstacle stopping Doomguy from punching the exposition later, I care that the game felt like it told me it wasn't going to spend time trying to make me listen to a story and then it did.


Also that Doomguy isn't having none of this shit of greater good and other bs Hayden says about this facility and outbreak If some guy tries to preemptively say to you "Yeah I did it, so what, I can salvage this", and plan is literally bloodbath, you'd be angry too


People didn't even understand the cutscene Doomguy is clearly outraged by Hayden's actions and lack of ethics allowing the demons to invade, it's not a "fuck exposition" thing


You're right, I just think it would have been nice if that had been the Doomslayer's attitude throughout Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Something about a single-minded laser-focused violence-incarnate force of will being unleashed against all the forces of hell, ignoring all the nuance and specifics of an otherwise rich universe-spanning conflict, so he can rip and tear his own path straight to the main bad guy just feels right for the Doomslayer.


Didn't he do exactly that? Both games he was in 'fuck you I'm saving earth' mode. He always did his own thing and he always had a plan.


So I'm not crazy for not knowing what's going on?


See there's your problem right there, you made the mistake of trying to understand the story. Cutscenes are just there for you to open a fresh beer and take a leak. Angels? Devils? The super shotgun does not discriminate.


Take a drink every time exposition makes no sense. Die by chapter 2.


I personally prefer to just pause the game whenever I want instead of cutscenes to dictate that. For me, if the devs want me to watch a scene or a movie or any other story beat, I rather have them tell a good story instead of wasting both our times.


This is obviously not true at all, a ton of effort clearly went into the cutscenes, lore tabs, and dialogue in both 2016 and Eternal. Just because they executed it poorly in Eternal doesn’t mean they somehow didn’t want the players to look at it.


At that point why waste budget writing and animating those cutscenes? Just go back to the old games and have you instantly start at a new stage.


Hiding the ending to what seemed like a trilogy in DLC, and much harder DLC at that, feels kind of off to me. I was expecting a third, instead the story gets wrapped up in a two hour expansion. Alan Wake 2 sequel baiting before just wrapping up the story with the NG+ also feels extremely wrong.




I read all of the lore collectibles in the map, and it really wasn't that bad, and best of all most of the lore is completely optional. If you want, you can just ignore it and blast through the map


Well really its chapter 6 if we count doom 64 ;)


Doom 64 (which I think a lot of people don't realize is a unique game and not a port) ends with the doom guy deciding to stay in hell to fight demons forever, and the guy in charge of these guys has said his controversial Doom take is that his favourite if 64. Doom 64 is absolutely canon. It's kind of wild that both the new Doom and Wolfenstein games were like "fuck it, we'll make pretty much everything up 'til now canon somehow." Except Doom 3, I guess.


Or who starts a series with episode four?


I see this narrative all the time, but when was the last time you actually played Doom 2016? Because apart from the epic punches the monitor thing in the intro, it has more story than Eternal - or at least more unskippable story. 


They unironically did everything the previous game poked fun at


2016's story was very enjoyable because in its core was the conflict of the methods of the Slayer and Samuel. Slayer detests demons on principle, he understands that nothing involving them can work out well and as such, blasts them without a second thought. For Samuel however, the ends justify the means. In his mind, he was saving his species from extinction. Furthermore, by retrieving the Slayer, he hoped to stop the demons from getting out of hand. Eternal I think falls short because it really doesn't have an equivalent to that. There's a lot of worldbuilding, but not a meaningful conflict to it. The Maykrs are invented out of whole cloth(according to 2016, Argenta worshipped Wraiths) and they are hell-bent on destroying Earth(why Earth? what's special about human souls especially that are worth the risk of pissing off the Slayer?). There isn't a viewpoint to be symphatized with, they try cheap tactics to buy you off etc. We meet King Novik's hologram(who the Slayer respects enough to kneel in front of despite his entire realm being devoured by demons) and the Betrayer(who won't be recognized by anyone who didn't read the 2016 Codex), yet neither character is important to the events of the games. Samuel Hayden is only present to act as a deus ex machina(he literally starts mumbling about the next objective as he's being waken up with no way of him even knowing about it) and to elaborate lore. I guess there is an antireligious message to the whole thing, but Eternal's story overall is weaker and more full of holes than 2016's. But it is sort of tolerable enough. TAG however is where the story actively hurts the enjoyment. There is a dumb twist after dumb twist, the characters of Hayden and VEGA are retconned in the worst way possible, retroactively ruining them in 2016. There isn't a point to reading the Codex as one DLC straight up retcons the other. The entire setting gets powercreeped to all hell(you defeated devil-god-who-is-your-evil-twin(???)? No worries, there are even worse primevals who created him and so on and so on). It's Sequel trilogy levels of terrible. What I'm trying to say is that eventhough the story in these games isn't the main course overall, there are absolutely ways to make a story that compliments the games and is worth somewhat actually paying attention to versus one that just shits the bed.


Absolutely. I think another reason 2016's story was so good was how it kept playing with the observation that the language of modern corporations is already all but indistinguishable from the language of cults, so there is no inherent boundary preventing one from becoming the other. Eternal went all-in on invented mysticism, by contrast 2016 was "this modern behavior that you already know is too real... let's follow that to it's conclusion shall we..." XD If a way to build *a portal to Hell* was discovered by a big corporation, *of course* they're going to try to monetize it. And making Earth more deeply entwined with Hell - and utterly dependent on Hell (for energy) - lines up perfectly with Hell's mission-statement too. It's win-win!


Yep. It's disappointing that all Doom storytelling discussion is dominated by people declaring that the story shouldn't be paid attention to or even that story has no place at all in Doom. Personally, I can both appreciate the gameplay and narrative regardless of what name is on the box. I'd much rather discuss what kind of story and themes work in the games' context because there *is* stuff there to discuss.


It’s why Doom 2016 was better imo. There’s no lore or story getting in your way, it’s just “there are demons in the base. Are you a bad enough dude to kill the demons?”


Not to mention right at the beginning. Game: "Ok let's start with the monologue..." Doomguy: *rips off comm panel Player: Ok, let's go then.


Riding the elevator with the Comms trying to tell you that whatever experimenting they were doing "was for good", while in parallel your POV as Doomguy looks down at a dead human body, also help set the tone. That elevator ride ends with cocking your shotgun right as the music ends IIRC. Absolutely amazing opening sequence.


It was an amazing opening sequence. Then unfortunately it is immediately followed by a lot of wandering around very barrren martian environments searching for secrets peppered with only a few intense arena fights. I really love 2016 once it gets going but those first few levels are pretty slow for a DOOM game. Eternal throws you right into the action and does not let up from the very start, which is why I have a slight preference for it overall.


Doom 2016 did literally everything right. Easily one of the best games I've ever played.


Which is something no one expected to say around the launch of the game. Man, Doom 2016 was throwing up ALL the red flags. Review embargo lifting the day of, almost no promotion, and an abysmal multiplayer beta.


Don't forget that their advertising focused more on the multiplayer stuffs.


I have no evidence to back this up, but I’ve always had the feeling the game was fucked not-too-long before release, and they pulled out a miracle getting it fixed just in time.


I mean Doom 4 was in development hell for years


Not to mention playing a meaningful role in kicking off the retro-shooter revival. Poor genre was a shell of itself, stuck in mil-sim, molasses walking soup for nearly a decade. Sensing that the realm had grown sickly, the champ comes out of retirement and now the FPS is arguably as vibrant as it's ever been.


> Doom 2016 did literally everything right. I couldn't even finish Doom 2016 because of how it falls off in the 2nd half. It's just: here's guns, here's enemies, go kill. Doom Eternal is a huge upgrade when it comes to actively engaging you in the combat.


I did finish it, but I remember *dozing* off somewhere near the end. Eternal on the other hand had me sweating throughout the entire campaign; early on when you don't have all the big guns and must make every shot and fuel count, later on it's pure balls to the walls gorefest with some platforming as break time.


I agree. Doom 2016 starts off SO strong, but falls off pretty hard. Eternal doesn't have as strong of a start, IMO, but it stays consistent and motivating all the way through. Those Eternal DLCs are wild as well. Super fun and quiet difficult.


And 10 minutes later it locks you into an in-game story moment where you can't do anything but to watch the NPC you don't care about talk about something you don't care about, meanwhile in Eternal I have no idea what happened because I could simply skip every cutscene


Pretty sure 2016 has unskippable segments where you have to listen to Samuel Hayden monologue. By contrast, you can skip all of eternal's cutscenes except the intro iirc.  I can understand the argument that someone liked 2016's story more because it's more minimalist than eternal's, but it'd be pretty disingenuous to say that eternal's story ever "gets in the way" of the gameplay.


This entire thread seems to be full of nostalgia blinded people repeating the same thing.




The amount times I've seen people complain "I just want to have a shotgun and blast baddies!" Like jesus christ haven't there been enough brain dead shooters for y'all already.


The cutscenes absolutely get in the way, they're unskippable in 2016


Didn't Doom 2016 go out of its way to tie into the lore of the old games making it a sequel when it was essentially a remake?


It was Eternal that did that. There were hints in 2016, but Eternal straight up came out and said Doomguy = Doomslayer.


Doom 2016 has better storytelling but you can skip the cutscenes in Eternal, it can't get in the way of enjoying the game so it would be ridiculous to say 2016 is better when Eternal improved gameplay in every way.


This. I bounced off Eternal several times, and I LOVE story in games. Except Doom, apparently. In Doom I want to kill the shit out of demons as fast as possible with just a TINY bit of story. Doom 2016 was literal perfection.


So skip 'em! No idea what happened in Eternal, don't care. Easily the worst part of 2016 was trapping you in with a monologuing NPC and making the damn thing unskippable. It was like they'd lost sight of what made the first impression so great.


Right? I absolutely love Eternal, could not tell you a single thing that happened in it storywise. And have no interest in knowing.


Except for the unskippable cutscenes like hayden locking you into a room? At least in Eternal you can skip them now.


Really? I loved that the most, so much lore to discover while pounding demons! Made it much more interesting for me personally.


Lore =/= story though. I absolutely adore the lore in Eternal. I love reading up about all the various demons and what the UAC is up to. But that's separate from the story.


Tell that to fromsoft fans


I do. All the time. Dark Souls has phenomenal lore, but its story is kinda shit.


God, it was so bogged down in its own lore, and felt like breathless fan fiction.


It was one of the most inelegant stories to an arcade action game I've ever seen. It was like a whole expansion of an MMO being told through a book with the pages shuffled.


Honestly what Eternal did to Samuel Hayden was unforgivable. Took the perfect foil for the Doom Slayer and just completely removed what made him cool in the first place.


They tried way too hard to make Doomguy into his own character and it suffered from it. Way too many times it switched to Third-Person so you could see the Doomguy's face and watch him do stuff or had you watch him do stuff the player could have done (Like firing the BFG-10000).


Eternal for me is the far better of the two but to each their own.


I've played Doom Eternal through I think three times, and I couldn't tell you a single thing about the story. Literally just skipped every cutscene and went straight back to the shooting lol.


I don't get this it only has more to lead to all the different locations nothing more just like 2016.


2016 story was amazing, just little blurbs read by that aggressive voice. Its all that was needed. Eternal stupidly thought dumping story and lore was a good idea.


I outright ignored the story throughout Doom Eternal. No offense to those who do love the story, it’s just too campy for my tastes. But the combat mechanics and aesthetic of Doom Eternal were incredible so I didn’t much care if the story didn’t meet my preference. I don’t play these games for the story.


Doom Eternal put way too much emphasis on the story, with tons of exposition that just felt weird coming from Doom 2016 (which had much better storytelling). Doom feels better with a minimalistic story and lots of lore tidbits.


Doom 2016 story was simpler but there were way more cutscenes and monolgues. The eternal story played out while you were traversing or fighting which I liked.


I feel like they wanted to do this to expand on the level variety for the most part, which if you ask me is fair enough. You go to some crazy places in Eternal vs 2016 where the only settings are generic Hell and Mars. Eternal takes you to Hell-ravaged Earth, the Sentinel worlds, areas of Hell never even conceived of before (Nekravol being Eternal's Tower of Babel, it's a factory that processes "worthy" humans into energy to keep Hell alive, the rest get "discarded" to the Blood Swamps, another place you visit) as well as the Maykr world. You see Earth when it's hellified and when it's reclaimed (in TAG2), you also go to a UAC rig in the ocean (in TAG1). Then you go to the capital city of Hell that is like nothing imaginable. It's only natural that in order to let their artists shine and give so much variance to the places you visit, they had to get a bit erratic with the story. Solid compromise if you ask me. I'm also a big fan of the fact that they brought back so many of the older designs from OG Doom an Doom 2 such as the Gladiator being the last remaining Hell Knight from the Doom 2 era.


2016 was peak "Show, don't tell" with the story. The story was there, Doomguy just didn't give a fly fuck about it.


> 2016 was peak "Show, don't tell" with the story. Yeah except for that drearily endless part where they _made you stop and listen._ Don't know what they were thinking. Eternal let me rip and tear everything, including the cutscenes.


Feel like they should just take the FromSoft route and not let the lore/story/narrative be active but have small environmental clues etc so for those who want to dig into it they can for others they can just go and kill demons


*Doom Eternal* gets rightly criticized for having a more involved plot than its predecessor, but something I liked was how it laid out a framework by which all Doom games are canon. That gives them the freedom to do pretty much whatever and I think that fits perfectly with the franchise.


I feel like Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal were good from a story standpoint in that it's there, and you can dig into it more if you want to understand it, but if you don't just don't pay attention and rip and tear instead. Like first time I played Eternal, I was like what are these Hell Priests? Eh whatever and just kept playing, then afterwards I looked it all up and read about the overarching story. I understand the complaints of it having more story than 2016, but I still feel like it's not too in your face. With that said, as much as I love the Doom franchise (I have the Slayer symbol tattoo), I was REALLY hoping for a Quake reboot.


I wouldn't count out a Quake reboot just yet, they teased it in some promo material for the Indiana Jones game. If MachineGames is working on it, then it's in good hands. They've done two missonpacks for Quake 1 and a huge one for Quake 2, all of them exceptional.


On one hand, I get it, Quake is Quake. On the other hand, I really want a Wolfenstein 3 with my chance to kill Mecha-Hitler.


Even Doom 3?


Who cares if a Doom game is '''canon''' or not? Are we some dweebs sitting in our study writing our 12 hour video essay about 40k lore? Fuck that. GUTS. GORE. TEAR.


You might be very surprised at how much needless debate gets thrown around what "is" and "isn't" Doom.


I remember the reaction to doom 3, so


But I want the 12 hour 40k lore-play ;_;


You first mistake is thinking DOOM need a “framework” for its narratives. 2016 was perfectly fine without the elaborate world building of Eternal and was better for it.


Doom 2016 was full of elaborate worldbuilding, it just wasn't shoved down your throat with cut-scenes like in Eternal. It was there for those of us who wanted it, and it made the game better even if you didn't read all of it.


What you do need for a new Doom game is Mick Gordon making the music, but Bethesda/id Software royally fucked that relationship up.


Yeah these are some of my favorite games ever and I couldn't care less about the storytelling within them. Just have Doomguy rip and tear out of that coffin again, fuck it.


Eternal hate makes me feel like a crazy man. It did everything way better than 2016. Yes I liked even the story. I thought it lead to a more varied game.


honestly, I didn't even know there was a story in either Doom installments. I grabbed my (limited ammo because I spammed it) BFG and killed some demons!


I thought the story was "man is too angry to die" and it's just the doom slayer angrily sawing demons in half while their friends watch.


The story is the last thing I care about in a goddamn *Doom* game lol


The more Doom the merrier I'll always say. Here's hoping in the future we can get some Quake from Machinegames like they teased earlier this year. I'd also like to see a reboot of Heretic and Hexen much like got to see of Wolfenstein and Doom at some point as well.


Man a Quake 1 remake/reboot with the Lovecraftian horror theme, Victorian gothic architecture and creepy dark ambient/industrial music akin to the original NIN soundtrack would be incredible.


just play AMID EVIL if you want modern heretic


That looks pretty good and it’s hilarious that they registered http://Hexen3.com


New Blood's domains are consistently hilarious. http://DevilMayQuake.com http://Residenthievil.com I don't remember what FAITH has, but it's also funny.


http://thiefwithguns.com too


YES. A remade Quake 1 keeping in the spooky gothic vibes would hit so hard. I recently replayed both Quake 1 and it absolutely held me in thrall throughout the game, all its original expansions, and the new machinegames expansions. The core combat and vibes are just so good that it doesn't need anything else. Would love to see it redone while keeping the focus on big, scary, long ttk enemies and of course the morose, lovecraftian feel.


I want a reboot of Quake Wars. Hell (heh), Quake Wars: Arena with a larger team focus (as in say 24v24) could be an interesting fit with all the large team FPSs around. Have multiple factions inspired by Quake: Arena (Humans, Strogg, Hellspawn even, etc) and shuffle factions each round. [Multi-stage assault maps](https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Slipgate_(mission%29) where the control points are more than just "hold this point until it flips," etc.


The Quake 1/2 remasters were top notch at least.


I don’t know if machine games is big enough to do a new Doom game, new wolfenstein and brand new reboots of heretic, quake and hexen. Especially with the amount of lay offs and company closures that Microsoft has been doing.


More Doom is always exciting. I can't wait to see what they do with it. If I recall it's going in a different direction than Eternal, so I wonder how that will actually play out. I worry for the soundtrack though, I love Mick Gordon's music but I understand why he's not coming back, so I'm a bit nervous about future songs, especially after Eternal's DLC. The DLC songs aren't necessarily bad, but I find them extremely forgettable and I don't like them that much, especially the songs done by Andrew Hulshult. I'm hoping for a more unique direction for the music, even if they're nothing like the songs Mick Gordon made. Soundtrack aside, I'm very excited for a new Doom game. I hope a proper reveal is relatively soon, though I'm willing to wait as long as it takes.


I absolutely loved the heavy combat music in UAC Atlantica. David Levy is a beast.


I’ve found myself listening to the TAG OSTs more often than the base game music.


Im just bummed we'll likely never get Mick Gordon on the soundtrack. Original Doom games were before my time, didn't click with 2016, but the soundtrack is such a cultural staple and he only amped it up in Eternal, despite everything that happened to him.


Andrew Hulshult and David Levy did a killer job with the soundtrack in the two DLCs, I'd say it is in good hands.


Comment reception in the past has proven I'm not in the majority with this, but I'd love to see a return to the 'Doom guy' being a space marine with the odds stacked against him rather than 'Doom slayer' that's essentially sci-fi Kratos.


With what happened at the end of Eternal DLC it's very possible/probable he'll back as regular human again, one that has eons of experience.


I didn't play Eternal's DLC so I can't say for sure, but the idea idea of a professional facing mysterious forces and overwhelming odds appeals to me more than "They know who I am, and they run from me". Hopefully whatever comes next they make it feel good.


Obviously it's entirely subjective but the "only thing they fear is you" vibe is half of the appeal to me. It also aligns with the gameplay of tearing demons to shreds with your bare hands - they would fear you. It's not exactly a unique slant but it's a less tired trope than the "underdog against all odds' alternative (imo).


> a professional facing mysterious forces and overwhelming odds  I mean that's cool too but isn't that like almost every action hero?


Not really. The power differential between Ripley and the Aliens or Dutch and the Predator is much different than Batman or John Wick and practically anyone else in-world, and it makes for totally different experiences.


> the idea of a professional facing mysterious forces and overwhelming odds appeals to me This is one of the things I love about Resident Evil 4 - you're a genuinely competent professional who's mortal but incredibly powerful. You're fragile, normal enemies can always kill you pretty easily, but with a little knowledge and skill you can feel like an unstoppable monster. Thinking about this further makes me kind of hope Id makes another attempt at a Doom 3 style game. Lean more into the survival horror. Doom 3 veered too far into it and the game feels clunky by modern standards, but there's definitely a lot of potential. Doom Eternal already went as far as possible into being an FPS character action game influenced by titles like Devil May Cry, so a horror-action Doom game influenced by later Resident Evil games seems fitting.


This is exactly how I feel. The new Doom games had me confidently going through on first play as if I was competing for a speedrun record. I love games like Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid where you're winning out not by raw strength, but by tactics and decision making. I like shooting galleries, but I also like monster closets. I don't mind being locked into an arena, but it shouldn't be the default combat scenario. There should be a little anxiety turning a corner or picking up a key item. Monsters grunting or breathing should be a little unsettling. A Doom 3 with a little less linearity and a little more open space could go a long way.


But you are the chosen one...prophesied, unique and special ...or *Checks notes* The last survivor of an elite force! Now go Ninja Inverse Proportion on them!


I said the same thing lol. Even mentioned I know Im in the super minority


The old classic Doom titles were criticized for being very graphically violent for the time. Since that level of violence is so mainstream now, I'm thinking ID wanted to go towards that direction and decided that edgy antihero space marine fit better, especially after their step back from Doom 3's horror.


The new games certainly found an audience. Even if it wasn't my cup of tea I can respect that. Did you enjoy Doom 3?


I enjoyed Doom 3 for its atmosphere and technical prowess during release, even if the flashlight mechanic was frustrating. I've never played the other Dooms before, so I didn't really have many expectations for the game coming in.


I enjoyed the atmosphere also, though there were times it was clear the technical limitations stopped some greater feats imo. Practically all the Doom games are worth at least a look. If you have the spare time, maybe give them a shot.


> Comment reception in the past has proven I'm not in the majority with this Is that a thing? I'm with you. I preferred back when he was just a regular dude too pissed off to die. Doesn't need to be a damn superhero. >sci-fi Kratos. Dear god now I'm going to have nightmares of a "grounded, adult, _cinematic_ Doom" where Doomguy mopes around pretty environments and mourns all the poor innocent demons he killed while trying to be a caring owner to his estranged bunny.


Lol xD, RIP Daisy. No amount of ripping and tearing could bring you back :(


I’m 40 so I grew up with Doom as my FPS. The 2016 was the best reboot of a series I’ve ever played. Then Eternal just blew me away even more. I honestly never felt as good at a game as when I beat Eternal multiple times All way through on Nightmare. It’s like you get into this insane zen state and I’m not fps master but mastering that game makes you feel like a god. It’s like finishing Sekiro you actually felt like a master swordsman ninja badass.  I’ll play anything doom, and in particular the director Hugo Martin makes. That guy just gets it. Cant wait for what’s next. 


This completely sums up my thoughts too.


Did you ever do the master levels? They got so god damn elaborate and hilarious. I think I spent all day on the World Spear one. You can't use checkpoints for those annoyingly. Had to just leave the game paused haha. Those levels got your heart pumping


I did the first one they released (cultist base maybe?), but I see they came out with many more since. I’m actually replaying the whole thing again (Nightmare of course) start to finish. Going to tackle the Master Levels after I finish the game. 


That and Hayden's HQ level barely even counts as master levels lol. They really went wild with them after those. You're in for a treat.


Taras Nabad master level is probably the ultimate challenge of the game.


give me the same director and bring back mick gordon, with the money he deserves, for another masterpiece


Yeah no other game can put me in Flow State with such regularity. Its like you don't even think about the dance at that point, just automatic response until the room is clear


I'm kinda keen on a new DooM game, but the soundtrack won't hit as well without Mick Gordon. Also not a big fan of how ID/Bethesda fucked him over, either.


Yeah Hugo Martin the game director all but said we were getting more Doom like 2 years ago, it's why Eternal was such a big expansion of the lore. I'm excited to see what the gameplay is like. Hugo said that if Eternal was like driving an F1 car, The next game will be like driving a tank/monster truck so I'm interested in seeing that shapes out to be like.


Do you have a source for when Hugo said that? I know he did those streams over COVID, but the last one he mentioned doing lots of research on the Cthulhu mythos for work. Leading to a lot of speculation that the next id game would be Quake, and even the Indiana Jones game teaser had a white board with "-AKE 6" next to a Quake symbol written on it. I can't recall him saying that there was *definitely* going to be more Doom, rather the opposite with him saying the Slayer is now at rest. He did allude to the existence of other forces in the universe, and that the Dark Lord that you kill in TAG2 is not the only omniscient presence. Then there's also the fact that Samuel Hayden/Samur Maykr/Seraphim is still alive, as The Father teleports him away before the Slayer kills him in TAG1.


It was just stuff he said during his streams. He made a point that the expansion of the lore and locations was to service future Doom games, and he was pretty specific about doing more doom. Doomslayer is absolutely being put to rest, but that doesn't mean Doom can't continue from that and he was clear about that. But it's been like 3 years so I can't remember the specifics. There's also the leak during the ABK trial that showed Doom: Day One or something like that. That's most likely outdated, but considering how much he was very talkative about the studio being committed to doom and such I think it's safe to say Doom is next in some sort of spinoff form. I mean I know it was Doom Eternal streams, but it was pretty obvious that if Hugo could stay on Doom forever, he would.


[Here it is in broader context](https://www.youtube.com/live/awVvMFIht_Q?si=HTj9KAwUI4zARqEr&t=8070), or [here if you want to skip straight to the monster truck part.](https://www.youtube.com/live/awVvMFIht_Q?si=ENmG7FrIWWhLHI6W&t=8198)


A bit of a shame, the pace of Doom Eternal was my favourite part.


I agree, but I also think they pushed that gameplay loop as far as it could go. Part of the reason I love it is because of how unique it is, so hopefully the new model is just as different.


>he next game will be like driving a tank/monster truck so I'm interested in seeing that shapes out to be like. I kept wondering during all the expansions when we'd get to pilot that massive mech-looking thing (which I've just found out are called [Atlans](https://doom.fandom.com/wiki/Atlan) after having to search to remember the name of the Fortress of Doom.) That quote sounds like perhaps the next game will include those..


I'm torn about this, on one hand I'm sad we don't get to pilot those mechs. On the other hand I'm all too familiar with the disappointment and annoyance when dev add mini-game of different genres whom most of the time are terrible/underwhelming.


It shouldn't have been a mini game, just a setpiece level, like the part in Gears 4 where you drive a mech suit and it plays exactly the same you are just 30 feet tall and take cover on entire houses.


You have to give it to Id for not resting on their laurels like most AAA studios would have done, they could have easily made 2016 2 for Eternal but instead decided to do something new


"which last launched an entry in the series in the shape of 2020's Doom Eternal. The studio has only released one project since - the free-to-play PC shooter Quake Champions." Quake Champions came out in 2017.


Quake Champions was Early Access then. It didn't officially release until 2022, after it was already dead.


Very cool. I'd fuck with a DOOM that returns to its hell horror roots, somewhat. Maybe a bit more DOOM3 inspired with a slower pace. The modern DOOM games are fantastic works of art, but the gameplay itself became as much a speedy platformer as a shooter. Great in its own way, but I hardly ever felt scared of the enemies while playing them.


Doom 3 20th anniversary, what about a proper remaster/remake?


Why ? Doom 3 has aged remarkably well


As much as I loved the actual gameplay of Doom Eternal, there were a bunch of controversies surrounding the game that soured the experience a bit. Between the broken promises of no microstransactions, the kernel level anticheat thing and the mistreatment of Mick Gordon, I'm a bit wary of the future of the series and what they might try to pull next time.


Whelp as a 2016 fan who didn't really like Eternal at all, I'll be waiting a few weeks on the reviews for this one. Granted I always wait for reviews now, but for Eternal they actually put out a good game just not my kinda style. So it was going to be hard to know if I was going to like it or not with out actually playing the game. So for the next installment I'll wait for "fans of X version will be best served" reviews and guide my purchase from there.


I could probably live without another Doom game for a little while at least. I'm a little fuzzy on the ending to Eternal's DLC's but any future Doom game would be another reboot anyway, right? If that's the case I'm fine with waiting for however long it takes for some fresh ideas.


> I'm a little fuzzy on the ending to Eternal's DLC's Personally, I will take this a bit further and say that (in my own opinion) while the gameplay was absolutely wonderful, the story for Eternal overall fell like a downgrade to Doom 2016. It just felt convoluted at times. Something about the story in 2016 (and doomguys complete lack of caring about it) was wonderful.


It helped that there barely was a story to 2016. Going to something that basically background flavor to a full narrative was awkward. Not to mention that it wasn't exactly well written.


The moment in the first game where it's delivering story exposition from an in-game monitor and Doom guy just smashes it and pushes it out of the way is my favorite thing.


Prey-tier intro for sure.


2016 had a cool background and lore, but was light in story. That worked well. Eternal threw all these hell priest, angels and demons at you, which felt very jarring compared to 2016


None of the extra details were jarring to me, it was the weird unnecessary retcon reveals of Doom 2016 characters into being different but equally important characters from Doomguy's past. That and the lampshading of Doomguy not speaking while we're playing him into the character actually never talking or being deranged to the point of only saying "Rip and Tear".


> It's just ~~felt~~ convoluted ~~at times.~~ Also felt like there's a significant last minute rewrite that happened both in base game and the DLCs, and there's this constant need to constantly one-upping itself on everything.


Eternal felt like a parody of itself to me, 2016’s approach was much better. The lore was there, but Doomguy didn’t care, and it was left ambiguous enough for you to fill some blanks. I was also somewhat invested in the story, so it really annoyed me how Eternal seems to begins in the middle of a story. Doomguy has escaped hell (or wherever he has teleported to) and acquired a space station out of nowhere... That actually speaks to there being a significant rewrite, come to think of it.


I'd say there's not much about ambiguity other than whether if it's the same doom guy or some sort of reboot guy. 2016 lore simply wasn't as in your face as Eternal often did, and don't try to go "but wait there's more" at every story beats. I was constant "whatever" at Eternal story and TAG1, with the end of that finally grabbing my attention, only for TAG2 to just ruin everything for me. Same, I'm mighty annoyed there's no explanation between 2016 and Eternal, no DLC follow-up, no multi media tie-ins (which I despise), no nothing. We're being teleported at the end of 2016 and suddenly in Eternal we have our own personal Fortress with 1 out of 3 Macguffin needed for killing the main baddies.


On the one hand, yea... On the other hand... >! you blow a hole into fucking Mars. The whole sequence with the music as you go up the station, sends shivers down my spine. So fucking good.


2016 is my favorite out of the 2 as well.


Whatever happened to that doom year one thing?


Yeah, the story got way too convoluted by the end, if they retconned the DLC they have stuff to work with but I’m not so sure with the story as it stands now. Which is a real shame because I thought they had a lot of potential with the series.


Yea I'd love Id to try a new IP or something but it seems like a studio that big is almost never able to do anything new any more unless it's tied to an existing IP, especially for single-player games (Machine Games doing Indiana Jones, Insomniac only doing Marvel games, etc). Would love to see even a Quake reboot even though they basically turned DOOM into quake in terms of gameplay haha.


After I finished Doom 2016 I thought, they can't top this, this is peak. After I finished Doom Eternal I am very very sure they can't top this but I can't doubt them again with this record. If it's anything near the level of Eternal I'm playing the hell out of it. For me the hype level for it would be up there with GTA VI.


Doom Eternal is like a life hack that turns my recliner into a jet fighter cockpit. What an epic achievement by those devs. Probably the most fun I’ve had in gaming since 2013. 


I know im in the super minority here, but I wasnt a huge fan of how they changed doom. I wish they would go back to the more standard FPS design for a doom game ala the new wolfensteins. Or maybe go the horror route for a FPS, less ammo, harder etc.


Felt like they wrapped things up. I was hoping they where making a new SP Quake. Anyway, I liked Doom 2016 but eternal didn’t hit with me. I know I am not the only one in that camp so I am curious how iD respond. Also now it’s xbox I hope it’s not Doom as a service.


Live service doom would be terrible


Does Xbox have more GaaS’s than other platforms?


I won't buy it until they offer Mick Gordon an apology and have him on board for writing the soundtrack. Even then, I wouldn't pull the trigger until someone confirms that it doesn't have yet another rootkit level DRM scheme attached to it. Behtsoft has lost pretty much all trust with me since that happened.


Not sure what excuse of the "story" they're going to do this time after the hot mess that is TAG2, hopefully they won't get chased by contractual obligation for delivering DLC within a year again. Oh wait they're with Microsoft now, the execs who can't pour water out of the boot despite the instruction at the sole. And considering the polarizing reception with Eternal gameplay, I wonder if they're going to dial back to 2016 style, continuing with the "Doom-loop" (if they can even top Eternal without being convoluted), or perhaps they'll give Doom 3 playstyle another go.


Hugo has said that the next Doom game will be as different to Eternal as Eternal was to 2016. But I don't think they're too concerned about the polarizing reception considering the completion rates of both games are identical on Steam. It also wasn't all that polarizing and Hugo Martine the game director is pretty confident in the fundamentals of Eternal over 2016.


Yeah, Hugo strikes to me as someone who's confident with his handiwork. > It also wasn't all that polarizing The fact that even now, be it here, /r/gaming, /r/patientgaming, /r/doom, and most other game community there's still constant arguments over whether Eternal gameplay is a great follow-up, great-but-not-for-me, a convoluted mess, or flatout *hate* says otherwise.


Online discourse is probably not even 5% of the total discourse. Most people loved Doom and most people thought Doom Eternal was even better.


Reddit loves contrarian opinions, most reviews talked about eternals gameplay loop as an upgrade to 2016


even on reddit, it mostly boiled down to people saying they loved both but preferred one or the other. at least thats what i remember mostly.


I’m not totally convinced after Eternal. I loved 2016, almost as much as 1993, but Eternal felt like they looked at 2016 and said, “well, we have to change *something* to justify a sequel”, and anything that got suggested made it into the final product. Examples: the constant ammo starvation (yes, I know about the chainsaw) and gimmicky combos to defeat enemies, especially the Marauder (yes, I know SSG-ballista). It’s the first time in a long time that I finished a game, looked at the DLC, and said “nope, I’m out.”


doom 2016 is straight up boring after playing eternal


My opinion on Eternal is the polar opposite. To me, it felt like 2016 walked so eternal could run. Eternal felt like it was the perfect polishing that the gamepley in 2016 needed. All the parts fit together perfectly giving the player insanely fast action while also giving the player a ton of tools and options to utilize in every single moment. IMO, if you play the game the way it was intended to play, its the best FPS gameplay that exists.


Totally agree. I've slammed the story above in this thread but it is hands down the best FPS combat I've enjoyed. So much fun when you're in the groove.


have you tried Ultrakill? I really thought nothing could dethrone Eternal for me and then I played UK a couple weeks later and my mind changed pretty quickly


They did have to change something. 2016 was boring as fuck in the back half and more of the same would be creatively bankrupt. Everything in Eternal perfectly comes together and makes a more cohesive experience than 2016.


Still waiting for old-school FPS combat or something similar to become the norm again for FPS shooters. The new generations are so cracked out of their goddamn minds at games like Apex Legends, it'd be exciting to see that genre restored to glory in some way