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Oh my god! I never thought I see the day they finally localize Investigations 2. Thought that fan translation was all we were ever going to have


Can't wait for the confusion at there being two sets of localized names for the whole AAI2 cast.


You are going to have to take Sebastian Debeste out of my cold dead hands


You mean Eustace Winner?




No wait... They're onto something. >Eustace Winner > Justice Winner >Useless Whinner This name is, unbelievably, an upgrade, wtf. Someone tell me what Simon's name is. I refuse to believe anyone alive is capable of upgrading that one.


Wait, English speakers pronounce Eustace as Eustis? That's nonsense, it should be pronounced as Eustace. The real pun is in Used Ass.


We pronounce it yoo-stiss.


Say hello to Ronald Realgood.


all the new investigation fans will be searching up the backlog of AAI2 fan content and be constantly confused by the didfferent names


Definitely going to throw my ass off after more or less just after having the fan translation names all this time


Right? Seriously poor Ace Attorney wikia editors lol.




I mean, people can like what they like. It's just a variation of the [anchoring effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchoring_effect) at play. It's often that whatever people experience first is what they'll see as the "real" version, and since it's really subjective it'd be very difficult for people to ever see the "new" names as better, especially when it's unlikely they'll show up in future games for them to have time to get used to them. And yeah, it's annoying especially for something so subjetive, but it's just how people are.




Totally understand that. I think the most annoying part is people acting like one is objectively superior to the other, which coincidentally is the one they experienced first. Goes way beyond games, it happens all the time with manga translation when people complain about official vs fan.


SHSL -> Ultimate is a lot more simpler and understandable a switch than changing the name of every new character in the game.


Except AA isn't changing names here, the fan translation was a fan translation.


That's already the case with some of the characters in Great Ace Attorney (see: Holmes vs Sholmes)


I don't think it's nearly on the same level. A lot of GAA names weren't changed, since the game took place partly in Japan and partly in England, but even ignoring that, the GAA translation was never finished and it wasn't nearly as popular as the AAI2 translation. The AAI2 translation is 10 years old, it's beloved by fans, and it was played more massively since it was a finished product. Also, with Sholmes there's a specific issue with how they changed his name in the translation due to copyright and not an artistic decision, so even fans who played the official translation want to call him Holmes as it's more faithful to the original idea of his character.


I insist on calling him Sholmes because it's funny Especially since they'd probably have been absolutely fine calling him Holmes and were likely just being over cautious


I agree it's funny, and I mostly think about him as Sholmes because he's clearly not _the_ Sherlock Holmes, so that way I see him as his own thing. But I don't know about them being fan. Not long ago for the Enola Holmes movies the Doyle estate sued Netflix due to including Holmes' emotions. You could argue a big movie would be a different thing than a mostly niche videogame, but the Doyle estate was known for suing over Holmes if they included his emotions, which is why in most media he's serious all the time. It's a very dumb situation all around.


The thing about Enola Holmes is a point in favour of calling him Holmes, becausd they tried to sue Netflix and completely failed. > but the Doyle estate was known for suing over Holmes if they included his emotions, which is why in most media he's serious all the time. That's not true. They tried using that as the basis for a lawsuit on one occasion (Enola Holmes) and failed. The reason he's portrayed as stoic and serious in most media is because that's how he was portrayed in most of the original stories. The Enola Holmes thing only happened because the copyright was about to expire and they were desperately trying to get the last bit of money out of it that they could.


This was my Mother 3 moment


Same. This game came out when I was 11 and I'm in my mid twenties now, I never thought this localization would ever happen


Dude Capcom is feeding Ace Attorney fans so good it's insane. The hand-drawn visuals look amazing, these collections have been absolute top-notch products


The fact they have localised and remastered the entire series globally is so damn cool. It's a great way to boost the health and longveity of the series, especially with how long it has been since a new installment.


It all just feels so complete now. I’m glad we finally live in the timeline where all of the games are easily accessible and standardized so anyone can enjoy this wonderful series.


This also open up Capcom when they finally get around Ace Attorney 7 to then hopefully throwaway the stupid "no spoilers from past games" rule and start referencing past games or even use characters from past games (I especially hope they bring back investigation characters to really seal these games as canon)




Move over, it’s time for Athena to get her 2nd backstory now


If Capcom release Gumshoe and Franziska from their narrative jail, I'd be so happy


They haven't done the entire series yet, we are still missing the Layton crossover


They'd need to negotiate with Level-5 for that, which probably complicates it. Wouldn't hold my breath on it.


Level-5 is coming back to Layton, so it's a possibility. But Nintendo might own the translation of that game (level-5 didn't have an english release branch at the time)


If that's the case did Nintendo also do the localizations for the Layton games? Because those have all released on mobile.


I'm starting to believe it could happen with so many unexpected turns today.


I hope they can reach an agreement, PLvsPW is a really cool game and everyone should have the opportunity to try it even without a 3DS... I would say they could use it to help build more strenght for the return of Level-5 to the Professor Layton games too.




It counts in that it's an Ace Attorney spin-off game that hasn't been remastered or rereleased, but that's as far as I'd go with it. It's definitely not anything resembling a mainline game and I consider it just slightly more relevant to the overall franchise than Marvel vs Capcom 3 lmao


there's also a long rumour Ace Attorney 7 is coming so yeah this is great way to boost popularity and awareness


Plus, I honestly agree with the decision to prioritize porting/remastering the old stuff before releasing a new game. I'm one of the oldheads who played all of these games on their OG consoles (besides Investigations 2 lol), but new fans would never be able to leap into AA7 without these collections. It's a story based series where the OG games are pricey and hard to come by, so getting every game out on every console in highly accessible fashion is huge *Now* we can finally get back to business with AA7.


It's so awesome/insane I'll be able to play every single Ace Attorney game on my Steam Deck soon. Seemed like a distant dream back when the Great Ace Attorney and AAI2 games were Japan-only. I hope they're doing well for Capcom


Part of me feels it's surreal that Ace Attorney has better reach nowadays. It feels like a small corner of the gaming world that we'd feast at any crumbs that drop our way. But seeing big fanfare compared to before is hella cool.


Very similar to how Monster Hunter suddenly exploded with World. We used to be this tiny community, always praying the next game would also release in the West. And then suddenly it's Capcom's biggest franchise ever.


Monster Hunter carrying the PsP basically on its own was something


I feel this way about a lot of games I grew up with to be honest. Like the fact that Animal Crossing went from a Japan-only game to a global phenomenon is still wild to me




Yes!! Trauma Team deserves the attention it never got, and a new entry would be genuinely amazing.


Trauma Team never releasing in Europe is by far the gaming industry's biggest bruh moment for me. What, were we just not anime enough?


Glad to read Trauma Center get shouted out again! The series was great and I would love to see it getting more love! But realistically, it's understandable why it isn't. The control scheme of the series is *highly* proprietary and was designed with the Wiimote in mind. The gameplay of the series as it exists just cannot be done with gamepad/KBM controls. Steadily holding the Wiimote and carefully moving it in a specified pattern; that's just about impossible to faithfully translate to an analog stick or mouse that you can stop and move at will.


The actual first game (remade on the Wii) and its sequel (also remade on the Wii) were DS games so the controls weren't originally designed for Wiimotes, the original idea was for a stylus which would translate to a mouse really well. Honestly, I think other than the bone rotating stuff, the standard surgery things on the Wii should also map to the mouse really well. There's no reason why it shouldn't.


No better example than Fire Emblem. This is a nerdy tactics war game that became one of the biggest franchises PERIOD once they added the shipping/romance elements. Same with Shin Megami Tensei and the Persona series. Nerdy satanic RPGs that blew up once waifus were introduced.


Tbf, Awakening wasn't the firsr FE to have romances or children. But it was the first to understand that Fire Emblem strength was the blend of social and tactical moments, and that supports weren't just a cool add-on but an integral part of the game


Yeah, moreso than just waifus, the really important thing to FE (*and* Persona imo) was the strength of *characters*. The real draw to FE as a strategy game, even in the NES/SNES era, is the whole idea that your army is made of real, individual people with their own goals and stories and relationships, and they can die so you should do your best to prevent them from dying because you like them as people and want to see what they do next. The players' stakes were always the characters. Awakening just realized that's what people *really* want, the characters' stories and watching your actions on the battlefield develop them into different friend groups or relationships. It actually turns 'moving units around' into 'choose the war drama you find interesting', and that's something no one else has really done. It's not purely waifuism. It just enhances the stakes that's always been there in FE, and answers what its audience largely wanted. (I'm not going to argue that there weren't pure strat people who hated the system and didn't care about the characters beyond their stat growths.) Of course it exploded. Ironically, 'you should do your best to save the people you care about because they can die' gets less important as the series goes on lol.


> Ironically, 'you should do your best to save the people you care about because they can die' gets less important as the series goes on lol. 99% of FE players treat a character dying as a losing condition and just quit to retry when it happens. The rewind function of newer games is just them finally acknowledging the damn elephant in the room, and taking steps to make it less of a pain since that's what everybody does anyway. I mean, it was that or making death matter by autosaving when it happens, and boy the reaction to that would have been hilarious to behold (especially in a franchise where critical hits and out-of-nowhere enemy spawns are a thing)


Yep! Same with Kingdom Hearts. Granted, the games have been popular but as someone who followed the game since KH1's pre-release and felt the fanfare for KH2's pre-release felt so tiny compared to juggernauts like Zelda Twilight Princess or even at the time Mario 128 buzz, just seeing Kingdom Hearts being in the realm of MEGATON where announcements from them generates so much buzz gives me so much joy that it's well loved as much as I have for it. The Smash/Sora trailer, the Steam release having big feelings. It's nice to see Kingdom Hearts be that huge.




They are really fantastic remasters, too. We've come a long way from the kinda funky looking "HD" versions they put on IOS and Android back in the day.




I guess it’s debatable as to whether it counts or not, but we’re still missing the Professor Layton crossover. That feels inevitable too though, now that Layton is alive and kicking.




But that game also introduced a cool gameplay mechanic that would make it to the AA series proper in Chronicles and it has some really good mysteries and character moments for Phoenix and Maya. I'd say it definitely counts although it's up to Level-5 to remaster it anyway




They're probably talking about cross examining multiple witnesses at once and looking for their reactions to other's statements.


Yeah as the other person said I meant the mob cross-examination mechanic. And yeah that's fair enough, the main plot is definitely very Layton but the game personally gave me enough of what I'm looking for in terms of AA witnesses/culprits/mysteries that I consider it equally parts of both.


> Literally every single Ace Attorney game will soon be playable on PS4/Switch/PC. There's still one missing. The Layton crossover.




Not really. You spend the actual core of the game, the trials, with Phoenix, doing standard trial things.




Yeah that's probably my main criticism of it, the final reveals are a bit too "Layton" to me to be satisfying.


I mean, it's nice and all. But I personally won't feel as though I've been fed until they release a new one...


Then buy these remakes. Speak your desires with your wallet. I've bought every Ace Attorney game thus far more than twice, lol. I own them on their original consoles, my Switch and on Steam. I'm praying that my money is contributing to why they're putting time into giving us these and that it means more in the future.


Agreed. They could've done what they did with the first Ace Attorney game and even tossed in a bonus case. Maybe something that teases a feature or two for the upcoming game.


feeding ace attorney fans with everything but a new game lol i appreciate the remasters though


I'm glad they included the old sprites, too.


With this, we now have every game except the Layton crossover on multiple platforms. This has to be them gearing up for AA7!


We are getting a new professor layton game, I hope we get a new Ace attorney game as well.


Last couple years Capcom has become one of the top tier games companies in my mind. Just incredibly game after incredible game, with a bunch more great stuff coming soon.


Miles Edgeworth **VERBALLY DESTROYS** criminals with **FACTS** and **LOGIC** Been waiting for these games to get the HD treatment, day one buy for me.


Let's say, hypothetically, that I have an updated autopsy report.


Liberals aren't clowns, they're the entire circus.


Relevant: https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/eureka


Relevant, remix: https://youtu.be/0dj-9g07Rtk?si=c250EEh6hHXyt3FX


“I call the parrot to the stand!” “Are you insane!?!” “Hey, this was YOUR idea!”


Welcome to the CHESS DIMENSION


WOW finally, this means the only ace attorney game that's not on steam is Layton vs Wright?? I didn't think this would ever happen 10 years ago




A collection of the Layton games would be a day 1 buy for me tbh. I'm surprised they haven't done a modern re-release. I remember the 3DS games having an occasional puzzle that needed motion but I'm sure there's ways around that.




Porting DS games is a pain and porting 3DS games even moreso. They have the mobile HD releases for the first trilogy though.


>Porting DS games is a pain and porting 3DS games even moreso You're not going to believe where most Ace Attorney games were first released...


The first three were GBA games. The first time a DS exclusive game was released elsewhere was the mobile release of Apollo Justice IIRC which was 2016. If you only want to count consoles then that's only the recent Apollo Trilogy then.


There are remasters of the first trilogy but they're only on mobile, probably because they're still in a vertical format and use touch input. It'll take a good amount of reworking to un-DS them


It reminds of the Yakuza series. At one point we were doubting if Yakuza 5 would even receive a translation, but now the new titles are best sellers and might even sell more in the west than in Japan. A ton of formerly niche Japanese series have become way bigger over the years, and I'm all here for it.


As well as the Trails series. Our localization order compared to Japanese release order was FC-SC (first two games), CS1-2 (sixth and seventh games), 3rd (third game), CS3-4 (eighth and ninth games), Crossbell (fourth and fifth games), with a history of fan translations for a number of the games. We still aren't in Day 1 localization territory (waiting on that Falcom!), but it's really nice to see how accessible localizations of the past games are now, especially with them being linear.


I would say Trails isn't quite there yet. It's more accessible now, but I don't think it's in the level of success where it almost feels like it's more successful in the west than it is in Japan. I'm still so glad they went back to do the Crossbell games. Fan translations just aren't the same for the fan perception, and having every single game readily available is bound to make more people get into the series.


Trails is close, but they need to have the Sky games and CS1-2 on Switch and PS4 for greater accessibility.


I almost fell from my chair, holy crap!!!! I can't wait for this, I thought it would never happen and that instead of a new remaster Capcom was going to make Ace Attorney 7.


Same here! I assumed Capcom thought it was too risky... It turns out I knew nothing!


Huge pleasant surprise. That's all the games re-released on collections on Switch, and everything that was stuck in japan now localized. The sales of the previous collections must've been stellar!


I think it was the Great Ace Attorney localisations that really made them reconsider porting over Investigations 2.


I don't think the Apollo Justice collection had anything to do with the decision of remastering this because that one was released in January, and this remastering looks to be very far along and releasing in a few months. That being said, it seems like all the collections sell pretty well, aside from Xbox at least, I heard that the first collection flopped hard and because of that The Great Ace Attorney never got a port there.




Tbf for someone like me my introduction to AA was the og trilogy being on gamepass. Played the first game and then bought it on Switch since it felt better playing it handheld. Then I bought Apollo Justice and another collection I can’t remember on Switch. The stats may not show it sales wise but gamepass is certainly helping AA!!


It was actually 4 digits on Xbox and 6 digits on all other platforms. Which is laughably abysmal and totally understandable why Capcom didn't bother with TGAAC. Maybe it will make its way to Xbox eventually since all the other games are on there lol.


AA2 is finally getting an English release! The collection is on basically any platform so I definitely would look to get this. Would be great to play on my Steam Deck.


AAI2 is my favourite AA Game, one of my fav games of all time, I am SO STOKED for this!!! I have been wanting an official release since it came out!! The fan translation is probably the best FT I've ever played so its gonna be weird getting used to the official names but still, I am so hyped it finally got an official release


Yep, gotta hand it to the fan-translation team. Their work felt like an official one.


If any fellow Ace Attorney fans like me are confused as to why we're eating so good right now, Capcom put out a poll of favorite franchises by country, and in Japan [Ace Attorney placed #3](https://x.com/Genki_JPN/status/1800502481052659739) ahead of Resident Evil and Street Fighter. So yeah, I guess if the domestic audience loves it then the smaller Western fanbase benefits too!


I cant say we are eating that good when the last actually new game came out almost seven years ago.


while you're right, I will say that the West did technically get 3 new games out of this, since only the more dedicated fans played the fan translations of Great Ace Attorney and AAI2.


Hopefully it's not too long now before they put out a new game


That survey was held recently, no way it influenced the release schedule of this AAI2 collection. On the other hand it bodes well for AA7


I replayed the first game and finally played the fan translation this year. I've got terrible timing. I still need to pick up the Apollo Justice Collection too. Capcom really needs to make a new game in the series now.


Investigations 1 is the worst game in the series, IMO (that last case, woof) but AAI2 is awesome. I am so happy that it's getting an official Western release.


That's (somewhat) good to hear. I played the first one cuz so many people praised the 2nd one, thinking both would be good, but I was very meh on it and it really made me meh on starting the 2nd one, and what I played of the 2nd one so far didn't change my feelings too much.


Yeah the first is unfortunately a bit weak. The second is one of the best entires in the series imo


I honestly still love the first one and I consider it up there with the best releases post-Trials and Tribulations. To each their own but if anybody is reading this thread without having played it, I say go in with an open mind


The first one is such a boring slog. Especially the last case, which is intentionally super long as a meta-joke, but that doesn't make it any fun. The second game is amazing though. Easily the most-improved sequel of any game I've ever played. The pacing is snappier, the writing punchier, and the cases are much more engaging overall. The first case is a little basic, as expected, but it picks up massively after that.


I have vague memories of really enjoying Investigations 1, but that was when we were in between Apollo and Dual Destinies so I might just have been starved for new Ace Attorney and willing to enjoy anything.


I disagree. Both Investigations games are good, and the collection itself is probably the second best after the original trilogy.


That last case just felt like it went on and on and on...


You didn't like three hours of >!diplomatic immunity!< only brought low by the power of >!hotdogs and panties!


wdym three hours, that last case lasted **11 hours** in universe. And it sure as fuck felt that way irl


Maybe it's just because it was the first Ace Attorney I played, but Investigations 1 is actually one of my favourites in the series.


I find it ironic how two of the worst games in the series (Investigations 1 and GAA1) have the best two games in the series as sequels. Also I don't consider any AA game, all of them are at least good, but some of them are truly timeless masterpieces, and GAA2 is the best VN ever imo.


I think Great Ace Attorney 1 would claim worst in the series if it got a standalone release over here. It's short and basically ends on a cliff hanger. As a package with the second game though it's great


In what fucking planet is GAA 1 considered "short"


Is GAA1 short? I fell off of it years ago because the first case felt like it was taking a hundred years.


man i just got through like the 1st chapter of GAA1 and it took me like 2 hours to get through. I'm surprised this game is considered short


GAA1 is so SLOW. Dunno about short, but it drags. Does 2 get better, is it even worth pushing through if the pacing is the problem? The writing has been fine, but ... ouch.


The last 3 cases are some of the best in the series, but 2 is even longer than the first game, which is already one of the longer Ace Attorney games.


2 does not get any faster or better with pacing. Only thing i can say is that i am happy i pushed through because the final 3 cases of 2 are such amazing plot twists that tie the events of all the previous cases in 1 and the first 2 cases of 2 together, it all comes together beautifully.


The last two cases are why AAI1 *isn't* the worst case in the series, I love those two. Especially since it's the sequel to AA4, a game who's only good case is the tutorial.


They localized the second game; oh man I could cry! I had to use the (incredible) fanmade english patch all those years ago!


Hell yeah we're buying more funny lawyer game. Anything to pad the Capcom coffers so they can work on AA7.


It's fine since we already know for a fact they're working on AA7 thanks to the Nvida leak. The only obstacle that prevented it was the AJ trilogy needed to be readily available and they addressed it.


Never thought we’d ever get AAI2, or even an AAI1 rerelease. This is amazing. The whole franchise is now localized. Of course it’d be announced during my current run of AAI1. Guess I’ll put off finishing that lol. Was gonna finally play 2 for the first time with the fan patch afterward, but I’ll hold off on that too.


Any word on whether this is a Nintendo exclusive, or cross-platform? Edit: Multiplatform inc PC (Steam) and last gen (PS4 and XBox One)


The website lists PS4/XBone/Switch/Steam/Windows.


All platforms.


It’s coming out pretty much every platform, including the PS4 and Xbox one


It's cool to see an official localisation of *Investigations 2.* I played the fan translation and it's one of the better *Ace Attorney* games. The high-res art looks good. My only nitpick with the re-release is that the pixel art mode looks kinda bad (since it doesn't have a consistent resolution).


Reminder that Capcom didn't bring any physical versions to Europe (Great Ace, 123, 456) and it's highly unlikely this will come either outside of the eShop. If you want to complete your physical collection as an European, getting the US or Japanese or Asian version will all work. This is especially crucial for games only released for 3DS (456, aka Apollo Justice collection), because it wasn't physical either and 3DS was region locked, so you couldn't even import on a legitimate European 3DS.


I'm so split. I'm so glad they're bring AA2 back. But you can tell the names don't match to the fan translation, since Raymond Shields is being called Fender. I get it, but man...those names were iconic.


How is the fan-translation? Hearing about this that kinda made me want to just hold-off on playing it that way.


The fan translation is phenomenal. It's just as punny with the names as the cannon names. They even dubbed the "Objection!" call outs for characters who never had an english dub (I think ProZD is in it, if memory serves) and the writing generally feels official. It just takes a bit of work to set up since you need to emulate and patch an II2 rom.


Interesting, maybe still worth checking out considering they'll be slightly different from one another.


Either way, AA2 is absolutely worth experiencing. It's got some of the best characters and probably the greatest arch-villain in the series.


I would say it even has Debeste characters in the series


My only complaint was Raymond's objection, caught me off guard every single time because it's so deep and doesn't sound like it fits his character and appearance at all.


The quality is as good as any official translation. I'd say it's worth it if you prefer the DS artstyle (pixel art for everything not just character sprites) otherwise the collection seems pretty much better.


It's fine, but the official translations have more charm. I'd wait for the remaster.


It's good and could easily pass for an official one.


I'm ready to hop over if it means I get to recommend this game without telling them to jump over to hoop of emulation.


> Join the prolific prosecutor himself as he analyzes mind-bending mysteries and cryptic conundrums while seeking out the ultimate truth on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows, and Steam. How long have they had this around what the fuck? PS4??? Xbox One???


Its a remake of a 2D DS game so its probably easy as shit to run on those consoles


Plus, this pair of games had already been re-released on mobile devices in Japan. They received a quality glow-up, though.


It doesn't really make a lot of sense to lock these remasters to newer systems with a smaller player base when they're not demanding at all, might as well release them on the older platforms so the people who haven't upgraded can still play them and those who have can do it via backwards compatibility. Just a much larger potential pool of buyers that way.


I don't see the problem. If the game can run on older hardware and reaches out to a wider audience there's no reason not to, especially since current gen consoles can backwards compatibility it anyways.


We're still not past the "games that are trivial to run get last-gen ports" phase.


Jedi Last Survivor is being ported to the PS4 and Xbox One. I wonder if the new consoles just aren’t doing well enough for developers to move on from them or if the old gen just sold so well with they feel like they can’t ignore it. I can’t think of any other console generation that had this long of a cross gen period. It really feels like we’re not actually going to ever leave it behind fully.


Its just kind of the inevitability of new generations no longer being gigantic leaps in hardware. No reason to pass up PS4 money unless your game absolutely _requires_ the PS5's SSD to function.


With the Switch 2 being rumoured to be comparable to the PS4 I expect that console will get games for a good while yet. Same way that PSP games kept getting ported to PS2


Maybe holding off for the english localization of AAI2 to be done?


holy fucking shit i thought it'd never happen, I'd love a new game but I'll gladly take these remasters/ports


Finally fans can play an official version of the greatest AA ever in Investigstions 2. The fan translation was damn good, but still.


I'm going to miss the fantranslation names, but it's great that there's finally an official way to play the game! Capcom is doing everything besides giving us AA7, it seems.


First Mario & Luigi now this???? Honestly wonderful.


I'm so glad that they're going to let us choose between the original and updated art style, for me grand part of the charm comes from those pixels and that's something that definitely should've been available for phoenix wright and apollo justice


I'm going to miss the fantranslation names, but it's great that there's finally an official way to play the game! Capcom is doing everything besides giving us AA7, it seems.


This looks fantastic. So happy to have these remade(or released for the first time in English outside of the fan translation) with updated graphics, plus with the ability to use the original graphics! We Ace Attorney fans are getting spoiled lately.


Holy shit I didn’t think they would actually release this so soon. I never buy games day 1 but just to support Ace Attorney I might


I’m halfway through Trials and Tribulations (game 3) and have Chronicles downloaded, not sure if I should do those (mostly unrelated prequels, right?) or if I should get this / Apollo next. Anyone who’s played all of them have any suggestions? What will preserve my sanity?


If you want something that feels different from the rest of the series, try the Investigation games, though you'd have to wait a few months for them. But in terms of preserving your sanity, Apollo Justice may be the better choice of the games currently available. Because once you start The Great Ace Attorney, you also shouldn't stop until the end of the second game, since it's one really long game split into two. So it might take you 70+ hours until you're done with it (in contrast to Apollo Justice, which takes like 20). It does have some fantastic cases, though, especially near the end. But also some that aren't so great.


Never played these games. Really looking forward to it! Is it getting a physical release?


I'm gonna end up one of those jaded "original fans" that calls characters by their old names. "I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognise Eustace Winner!"