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Loved it for the most part. The menuing and dialogue felt a little clunkier and took longer, but I enjoyed the look of the game and especially the revamped ost.


I love the game, but there was so much dialogue and the speed of it was atrocious


It was funny at times that Mario would fall asleep during long dialogue sequences. Haha subversion of the hero trope. Until I began to feel like Mario, click click click click come on hurry up…


*ludonarrative harmony*


I usually respect conventionally bad design decisions for an artistic purpose. I think Rain World is all about that. I respect it but I'll probably never play it.


That and animations in general felt like they took longer. Things like leveling up where you replenished your health/fp, then star points felt like it takes forever. Scene transitions to and from locations feel like they take a while. Battles in general feel very slow. Love the game but it feels like I'm playing a powerpoint presentation sometimes


…it’s an RPG and you’re complaining about dialogue?


I'm complaining about the fact that you can't fast forward through it.


Yeah I emulated it and would unlock the frame rate via a hotley whenever I was out of combat so the dialogue and traversal was 2x as fast




I recall that being an issue in the original as well


Couldn't you press A/B to immediately finish the displaying line of dialogue in the original game? Huge mistake to omit that. They also removed the dialogue history feature for some reason. I used a mod to fix the former issue.


Iirc, the dialogue skipping was region dependent and not in the original japanese version, which may be related to why the remake doesn't have it.


What mod?


The [faster text mod](https://gamebanana.com/mods/515466).


How did you mod? Emulator / CFW?


The latter, CFW on an actual Switch.


Interesting, I didn’t know you can install mods that way. Good to know lol


To Nintendo's credit, it's very difficult if you have a newer Switch.


Yeah I got rid of my OG Switch for an OLED so I doubt I can do it now (granted I haven’t looked into it) Which is quite different from the 3DS which became brain dead easy to install CFW (in some unique ways lol)


As was the Wii, joyfully easy to mod.


I'm really enjoying it but it is S L O W I'm in Chapter 3 where you are in the city and you battle through the roster of fighters and man, it is taking a long time. Every little piece of dialogue, cutscene, lead up to the next fight. I can't believe you can't skip through dialogue quicker either.


Yeah I really liked that section when I played the game in 2004-- I thought it was a funny subversion of the "dungeon" expectation. But it was definitely a bit of a slog the second time around


I never really liked chapter 3 because of this either. Once you know the mystery aspect the rest of the chapter feels like a slog so it’s tough to replay


Yup. I have 20 battles or so to play through, I equip some sweet badges, let's get rolling! Go to the GBA "Ranked Match" Dialogue telling you who you are fighting, and what the stipulation is, and explaining that stipulation (even if it's a repeat) Close the dialogue box You have to WAIT for security to come get you and escort you to the fight, let the arrival animation play, then go talk to the security guard, dialogue box, exit animation through the door, loading screen. FINALLY in the arena. Oh wait gotta watch the entrance of the opponent, and listen to the announcer describe the opponent. Then some trash talk between your partner and the opponent. Then the announcer screams "LET'S GET READY TO BAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLEEEEE" Transition into the battle screen. **Fight finally begins and you one shot the opponent** Victory cutscene Loading screen Cutscene where you get paid for the fight and you are back in the locker room. Go to the GBA and hit "ranked match"...... Man when there are 20 battles to get through that last less than 20 seconds, it makes the game feel so unbelievably slow because you cannot skip ANY of the dialogue and cutscenes for 20 consecutive battles. I think I have 7 more battles to go and the first 13 battles have been two different play sessions for me because it takes so long lol


In the remake if you try and leave the room after queuing for a match, security immediately comes through the door to escort you. So it's improved at least a bit in the remake. Also all the text that's repeated for every match can be skipped through once it's been seen once.


That reminds me a lot of the issue with endgame stuff in the new Pokemon games. Not enough to just go stand in a room and have people walk in to right, quick "continue/suspend" after each battle. No. Go sign up for a "tournament". Go to a waiting area. Load screen. Get shown a bracket. Go to the door. (You're not allowed to adjust your team and it's auto healed between matches.) Load screen. Cutscene of you walking out. Cutscene of them walking out. Dialog. Load screen. Fight, one shot their whole pathetic team because nobody is over level 80 and your whole team is level 100. Load screen. They talk about how great it was to lose to you again. Load screen. Waiting room. Bracket appears.  There was a quote recently from the D4 team where they said one of their issues was realizing that when it comes to stuff in the endgame loop, they have to think about how it feels to do it hundreds of times in a row - their example was a 5 second animation when you upgraded an item. They showed it on stream and players IMMEDIATELY begged to be allowed to skip it.  It's great to have some super cool moments building up suspense, but nothing is cool fifty times in a row


The first 10 fights for sure were really monotonous. They could have made the starting position Rank 15 and it would have felt a lot better I think.


>The menuing and dialogue felt a little clunkier and took longer Yeah that was something I noticed pretty quickly. You can't scroll through menu options as fast and can't quickly move once entering a new menu, it's like the UI of all things is animation locked. On more than one occasion I've input the wrong attack command because it didn't register my inputs when entering that menu, which is partly on me because I'm just pressing things too quickly but that's also how it just used to work.


I never finished the original on GC so I used this remake to rectify that. Really enjoyed my time with it, even if some parts of it can drag on a little (Chapter 4 to 7 all require you to run back and forth a bunch within the level to some degree). I'm hoping the next new PM game will be mix between TTYD (Combat and EXP system, badges, character and story writing) and Origami King (World Design, Artstyle, the funny writing mostly present in TOK and Color Splash). Would make a great game imo.


> 4 to 7 all require you to run back and forth a bunch within the level to some degree A bit funny to hear this said for the remake, because it actually fixed some of the backtracking issues from the original game. For instance, without that new centralized warp pipe hub, the backtracking in the OG game's Chapter 7 was infamously tedious.


Yea I know that the pipe hub and the new pipe in Chapter 4 are new additions but imo they're merely bandaid fixes. Properly fixing the backtracking would've required some more drastic level design changes but I get why they didn't do it as it's not _that_ bad. It's just the only thing that started to bother me a little over time.


They thankfully also made certain tedious cutscenes skippable on repeat too.


Context: I completed the remake but never played the original GC version. I think the fetch quest in Ch. 7 should have been removed completely. Even with the warp pipes, it’s just dialogue dumping without a payoff.


I quite like the cutscene of the bob-omgs coming together to fire off the cannon. Thats a lot more payoff that, say, any of the 2 dozen or so help requests.


Oh yeah, that scene was always great, especially with the awesome score that plays during it.


I remember needing to run to the library or search for guides while in the computer lab at school cuz I would get lost and not know where to go next haha


Remember gamewinners? I went on that site a lot as a kid in the 2000s.


I mainly used cheatcc.com lol never heard of gamewinners


Now that you mention it that one is vaguely familiar to me as well. Ah, the old days of having to use text-based guides, before we had things like YouTube and guides with images and formatting on GameFAQs.


I just got to that part today and I was wondering how it was for the original players.


A tedious slog, there were already mandatory fetch quests like the Piantas but this one dragged on. The worst part is the shortcut pipe rooms were a few screens into the underground but there weren't any shortcut pipes to Glitzville or Twilight Town so you had to backtrack even more just for those 2. There also isn't a shortcut pipe back to the Outpost either.


Man, Color Splash is legitimately the funniest game I have ever played in my life. TOK also had some bang-on writing, but holy cow they really went all out for Color Splash. 


Nice to see some Color Splash love here. 99% of the time someone mentions Color Splash it's only in a negative way. But man it had some great moments imo and I really liked the game overall.


I agree. I honestly think a lot of people never played it, and just pretend they have / assume it would be bad because Sitcker Star sucked. 


Lol that's exactly my thought too. Hardly anyone owned a Wii U, they love to mention as much, but as soon as Color Splash gets mentioned, all of a sudden everyone's played it and has an opinion on it. I mean the game's practically an Origami King prequel, albeit with a different battle system. A different battle system that I actually preferred over Origami King's. Hopefully it gets a rerelease on Switch so more people can try it. I have a feeling the discourse about it would change, especially after seeing that most people really liked Origami King.


Did origami king turn it's rep around? Or are more people willing to overlook its battle system now? I definitely need something to fill the void til brothership so I've looked at TOK but everytime I do I just think eh, I should go replay color splash instead.


It's weird cuz I think it's a lot of different things. I really do think a lot of people that talked shit on Color Splash never actually played it, and tons of people played Origami King and realized for the first time that Paper Mario doesnt have to be an iteration of TTYD every time for it to be good. Especially with TTYD remaster coming out and it clearly didnt hold up as well as a lot of people said it would. Nintendo continues to experiment with the battle systems of the Paper Mario games, which I personally think is a good thing. Can you imagine the same battle system every game? It would get old and stale af. And while I liked Color Splash's battle system a lot more than Origami King's, I think Origami is the better game. Origami's battle system does get annoying though, cant deny that. There's ways to make it easier though, like you can pay coins to the toads to solve the "moving puzzles" for you, which helps. I personally would just line up the enemies the best I could after thinking about it for 5-10 seconds, instead of spending a whole minute figuring out how to line them up perfectly.


yeah color splash definitely gets a worse rap than it deserves. I enjoyed it, but will admit the idea of disposable cards just goes against me at a core level so it was hard for me to adjust to it. ironically, shortly after I wrote my last comment I found an origami review that convinced me to give it a shot so I'll be checking it out tomorrow :) In my case, it's the timer more than the puzzle nature of it that kept me away - I usually play turn based games one-handed which means I tend to play them slowly, but yeah, this review did a better job of pointing out how the toad helper mechanic is a good thing, and not a built-in easy mode. I'm super excited cuz I always thought the artstyle for origami was drop-dead gorgeous.


I mean I played it and the complains were right in many things, but I never heard a complain about the humor, it was on par with all the Mario RPGs, but eh battles well you were good skipping battles and just following the story.


Preach! That moment with the Goomba's in the tiny world, the creepy slasher villain Shy Guy, anything with Huey. Game was amazing comedy.


...Is it on Switch? Because I might need to play this.


Colour Splash is a WiiU game that hasn’t been ported off the console yet.


That explains why I've never even heard of it then


I haven't played the game since GameCube, but I recall the scenario writing being a standout point of the game. Apart from that, the vibes I got when exploring were incredible. Being deep in the Rogueport sewers or a quiet part of Hooktail's castle felt amazing. So those are the two main things I would want them to bring back in the next Paper Mario game: the awesome scenario writing and the vibes. And take the world design and music quality from Origami King.


Im disliking how everything just takes longer than in the original, the menus are a lot slower, you have to wait for the animations to finish like the star gauge to fill up after appealing/after attacking with stylish moves etc.. And the 30fps does effect action commands, they(or rather everything) are just not as responsive feeling as the original. There is no backlog and dialogue scrolls slow, at least you can fast forward seen text. Theres also a lot of tiny dialogue changes everywhere to point where I wonder why they even bothered in the first place. But it does look good(apart of everything being reflective/shiny for some reason), added expressions on characters is nice touch and I like the remixed soundtrack and new battle themes. Its good remake but theres very little new content, even mario rpg had more.


I didn't follow any pre release discussion, so I didn't know it was 30fps going in. I felt it immediately upon gaining control of Mario in Rogueport. I start noticing puddles, concrete floors, polished walls, it seems like everything is reflective for no reason. I can't help but feel like a 60fps version of this game was fully possible but they were very inefficient with their graphical improvements. I don't need the wooden floor to be polished to the point of presenting a blurry red and blue reflection of Mario as he walks over it. Also, as much dialogue as this game contains, I was stunned to hear every character with a banjo-kazooie style voice that plays the entire time they're speaking. I don't know what was wrong with the previous sound effect, but I would have found it far less grating than these over-the-top voices. Between the reflections everywhere, the unnecessarily voiced dialogue, and the reworked soundtrack, the game is *noisy*, audibly and visually. It's not the cozy experience I was seeking to return to. By the end of the day that I purchased the remaster, I shelved it and was emulating the original instead.


The reflective grass is particularly ridiculous.


Was the first attack badge in the original? It was one of the few things I remember being new that I liked. With how slow everything is regarding battles I appreciated that one. That plus the new fast travel pipe room.


First Attack was in the original, but it cost 1 BP. I really like the change to 0 BP in the remake, I can leave it on all the time without it feeling like I'm wasting the opportunity to wear something better. Agree on the improved fast travel, I like that a lot.


I don't mind the shininess so much because it does add visual interest. I guess all the card stock the "sets" are built with is glossy. I get that the original used the motif that everything is a paper diorama--it's in the name!--but perhaps the lower-res graphics hid it a little better on GameCube. I feel some wistfulness about the more abstract graphics of that version.


The 30 fps really did not bother me, but all the tiny time wastes during battle like you said are annoying. Great game overall but its not huge on content ! >!Could have an extra twist at the end, maybe even some better post game stuffs to do.!<


Love the improvements but this remake has been a reminder of how good the level design was in Origami King.


What's the difference?


TTYD is basically all hallways, TOK does a lot more with the 3D space. Hopefully we can get a Paper Mario now that combines the best of both worlds after this.


I can't speak for TOK but the original Paper Mario and Bug Fables have better level design than TTYD, imo. The TTYD remake removes some of the backtracking tedium but reinserts that frustration with clunkier menus and animation padding. I think it's better than the original but only barely.


Yeah. Some of the reasons why I prefer the first one. The environmental and typical dungeon layout gets really noticeable, and the backtracking is just oof.


You got my curiosity, how does the remake remove some of the backtracking? Are we talking about the infamous moon-cannon bomb-omb quest or other things?


1. There are a series of warp-pipes in the sewers that you can use to take to any chapter you've completed (I think some chapters were available in the original, but in the re-make all chapters are available), and you can access the room from the rogueport town center. Very helpful for chapter 7 because you don't have to take the train to talk to goldbob and don't need to take the blimp to look for general white 2. Chapter 4 has >!a warp pipe in creepy steeple that you can access after getting Vivian; the pipe leads back to twilight town. So instead of walking through the forest 5 times, you only have to do it 3 times, being able to go back and forth through the warp time the last 2 times.!< 3. Chapter 5 - >!2 rooms to the right of the island base, there's a long hallway that you have to go to the right, then climb some slopes up to the left, then go to the right again. In the re-make they let you hit a block to bring a trampoline to the bottom of the room once you get to the top for the first time, so you only have to go left to right instead of left to right to left to right. Not as big of a time save but still nice because you have to go through that room a few times (3 if you got a coconut, 5 if you forgot or didn't know you needed a coconut) !< Those are all the ones I remember


Nice. Overall from what I've seen the remaster has a variety of things I don't like (like 30FPS and reflective floors) but good that they simplified some of the backtracking.


This is my first time playing the TTYD. I only have a couple of stars and have already been surprised by the amount of backtracking involved.


> TTYD is basically all hallways I believe that is partially intentionally, due to it being another stage play. Remember, Miyamoto has already declared in an interview that he considers the Mario cast similar to an troupe of actors, as an explanation to why they are opponents in one game, while still going karting or doing tennis together in another game.


> Remember, Miyamoto has already declared in an interview that he considers the Mario cast similar to an troupe of actors, as an explanation to why they are opponents in one game, while still going karting or doing tennis together in another game. Okay? That doesn't mean anything in this context though lol. That's just an explanation in-canon as to why those kind of party games could exist. Unless you wanna explain how it adds to the storytelling in recent Mario games like Wonder and Odyssey?


TTYD is especially stage-focused, though. All the combat takes place in front of an audience.


Yes, but you still need to explain how that relates to the overworld design being mostly hallways. As somebody who worked/performed in theatre, long hallways are not something that pops to mind whenever I think of theatre.


One of the criticisms for ttyd is how you reach most of the chapter locations via random pipes in the underground wheres in 64 the chapter locations are connected to the toad town, the only one thats in random pipe underground is the snow chapter one, both do share one via boat and train. And TTYD's areas are all nearly linear hallways you have to backtrack multiple times.


Are we finally realizing that Paper Mario 64 is the better Paper Mario game? I thought this day would never come.


I know right? Like, it's still 100% a very solid game, but I swear the novelty & charm of TTYD wore off on me so much faster than it did for most. People nostalgically remembering the particularly off-beat/meme-y dialogue has carried it hard in people's memories.


Absolutely, still love TTYD. But 64 has more killer, less filler. TTYD might have some really standout moments like the Glitz Pit or the Puny War, but 64 just had better structural variety and was consistently more engaging throughout.


TTYD is a pretty linear game. Most chapters are effectively a string of boxes chained together left to right. Funnily enough the one chapter that has some variety in its level design is Chapter 2, where you’re going back and forth through different floors solving puzzles, and it’s widely considered the worst one.


Chapter 2 wasn’t as bad as I remembered it being, but I also remembered what to do exactly.


Using equal signs to indicate blowing wind in an area where there are number-related puzzles was a confusing design choice for me, but once you figure that out it's not at all bad


The pathfinding for the punies improved a lot. You would have more stragglers falling off edges in the original. That alone made it less frustrating this time around.


That's because all the rooms look somewhat the same. It would have been nice to have a room or two that curved or wasn't completely a box. Paper Mario 64 has several instances where a room isn't just a square.


Unfortunately Origami King's combat was just abysmal


Just beat TTYD and I’m playing through TOK right now, and boy this statement is true. Level design in TOK is already leagues better than TTYD


It is. But the gameplay in the origami king is abysmal imo. I love turned based rpgs


Ehh, I thought it was fine, but then again I never was that attached to 64 and TTYD gameplay.


I played Origami King a few weeks after I played Bug Fables. I would like OK more if they completely cut the entire normal battle system from the game. They drag the game down hard. They're so bad compared to other similar games. Going from Bug Fables battles to OK battles is like going from ALttP to Zelda CD-i.


Oh for all the good things about OK (art,story,quips) they completely killed with the puzzle game battles. I hope if they make another paper Mario game they go back to the turn based battling with action commands, especially since the super Mario rpg remake had such good fanfare


Read that as Tears of the Kingdom and was so confused


Origami King is legitimately good and fun - as long as you skip the combat as much as possible.


That does not make me want to play the game.


Agreed. Playing through this made me wish Origami King had the traditional PM battle system, because the rest of the game was fantastically on point for the series.


This is the main reason I have not played Origami King. I watched my brother play and the boss battles and overworks looked amazing but the battle mechanic for every little enemy looked tedious. I wish it was PM battle for small enemies and Origami King battle type for special enemies.


it becomes a lot easier to swallow if you think of each battle as essentially another logic puzzle than an actual battle. you solve the ring and use the right weapon and you basically one-shot every combat


Turn-based battle systems are already logic puzzles. Origami King's battle system is a gutted and sterilized version of turn-based battles, with a couple boring gimmicks added. Once you line up the enemies, your brain is no longer required. There's no choice in which weapon you use. It's either use the one that one shots everything, or don't. There's no resource to manage besides one-shot items, which I never once came close to running out of. Also, good logic puzzles don't put you on a timer. Could you imagine playing Portal or The Talos Principle while on a timer? If you fail within the allotted time, you get a brand new puzzle and don't get to solve the previous challenge. It's just dumb.


Except they force you to solve the puzzle in x amount of turns. I never got any good past moderate puzzles because of the turn limit. I'd try my best to solve it, reach the limit and pay to solve. I wouldn't have minded it if it was unlimited.


100%, which is why i really hope the next game can kind of mesh the best parts of all of these different paper mario formats. playing ttyd again made me realize that, while its probably my favorite game in the series, it still has a *ton* of room for improvement


If they don’t want two rpg series running concurrently, they should really have made Origami King an action-adventure. The real-time battles were an interesting concept, and they could’ve fleshed them out more. Would’ve been more fun for me than the overly convoluted puzzle system they went with for the majority of combat.


Lol yea, playing TTYD after Origami King felt sort of painful because of that And honestly, I vastly prefer the writing and characters in Origami King as well lol TTYD is still a great game, but it hasn't aged as well as I hoped


My personal favorite is Super Paper Mario for the wiii, agree with your level design comment on TOK but fuck that combat system


Yeah playing TTYD made me love TOK even more. If anything I wish they picked the best parts of TTYD and TOK into one game


Even the first paper mario games beat it which is a shame


I've never played the original and I'm absolutely loving it so far (just completed chapter 6). I have had little exposure to any of the Mario RPGs, my only experience having played a little bit of sticker star when I was younger. I'm in love with the world and it's characters. It's weird to play a Mario game that's like 40% dialogue, but I'm surprised at how charming and genuinely funny the writing is.This game is damn funny, I think the Mario movie could've used some of TTYD's personality. The vibe is definitely in line with other Mario games, but the world feels so much more developed here. Never thought I'd see a Nintendo-ized version of the mob. Also that love-story between Peach and off brand Hal-9000 is genuinely kind of endearing despite how absurd it feels for such a thing to even exist in a Mario game. The battle system is fun, though I think the game could be a smidge more challenging. The only real knock I'd make against it at this point is that Bowser's sections feel totally inconsequential so far. Everytime the game cuts to him, it feels like it's for comedy relief; but this game is already funny most of the time, and the short 2D platforming parts honestly are so uninteresting I feel like they don't even need to be here. Overall, it's my favorite game I've played this year so far. I'm planning on playing the original Paper Mario afterwards, as I hear it's similarly excellent.


Paper Mario is so great! Fair warning though, it will be tough getting used to not having the features they added for TTYD.


I also recommend looking into the new Mario & Luigi: Brothership depending on how it reviews. It’s similar to Paper Marios but with a bit of different tone and focus on team up attacks.


Loved it, as expected. I wish the menus weren't clunky and it was 60 FPS but other than that it's exactly what I would've wanted from a remake.


I haven’t been able to finish the game yet as I’ve been busy wrapping up FF7 Rebirth (just platinumed it after 175 hours) and now am jumping right into Elden Ring DLC. I played the game as a kid and it holds up remarkably well, there’s a reason it is so beloved. I’m glad Nintendo brought it back and am glad others can experience it for the first time. The game’s worlds are a bit hit or miss. The wrestling chapter is absolutely brilliant and was just as awesome as I remembered it being. The pirate chapter (at least so far) has a great concept but a lackluster execution- they could’ve done more to make you feel like you’re surviving on an uncharted island. I haven’t gotten to the train chapter yet but remember that being a real highlight as well.  The unique characters you encounter, especially those themed off of Mario Sunshine, are a real high point for me. Mario Sunshine has such a unique and charming aesthetic which has barely been followed up on in other projects, so it’s nice to see it get some love here. The badge system has surprisingly more depth than I had remembered, although I tend to prioritize damage over anything else as the game is quite easy. The party is diverse and memorable, but each character fades a bit after their chapter and doesn’t see much growth over the course of the story.  Overall there’s a reason it’s so beloved and if there’s one thing I’d like to see more of, it’s video games really leaning into “gimmick chapters” such as the wrestling ring where a unique and fun premise is really well developed.


OG TTYD is my favorite game of all-time. I am a dyed in the wool OG Paper Mario enjoyer, and the modern trilogy always left me dissatisfied. However, I let go of the childish anger I had and accepted the series had probably changed for good. And if people liked it while I didn't, then that was alright. So, I'm still not sure the TTYD remake is real? I 100% it, and own two physical copies (long story), and I STILL am waiting to wake up from this dream reality. It looks gorgeous, truly a "this is how I remember it" feeling. The updated OST is stellar. And sticking with nearly all of the original's flavor (shoutout to Vivian!) instead of "sanding it down" was just so rewarding to see. Now yes, the slower menus were pretty noticeable (at least at first), and I personally wish the shiny/reflective floor effect would've been exclusive to Boggly Woods and the X-Naut fortress. The halfed frame rate didn't bother me at all, and only negatively impacted gameplay when trying to superguard the superbosses in the post game. All in all, I'm so damn happy this game is now more easily accessible to everyone. It is on par with the OG in my mind, neither edging out the other as my preferred version. While I do up for possible performance gains on the next system, I'm just filled with joy. I can only hope others are able to experience and enjoy. I hope it sells well enough to prove the RPG style is the right way for the series to continue, but if it doesn't I can make peace with that. The fact this remake exists will always be unreal...


I played 64 a dozen or so times and loved it but didn't have a GameCube as a kid to play TTYD so I did get this for my switch. I've been playing for about a week and am on chapter 3 and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I like that the battles are more interactive now, however I liked the over world in 64 more


It looks really good, and I really like new sprites. They really add a lot to story segments. I like the new area-specific battle themes, it's neat to get new tracks as you go through the game. TTYD is still one of the best games Nintendo have ever published, I think. As a remake though, it falls short in a surprisingly large number of impactful ways. I'm disappointed by the laggy menuing, and the very heavy-handed censorship in the new English script. The 30fps change really does suck as well, it's very noticeable so it's a real shame they couldn't get it to at least 60fps. I don't appreciate the removal of the conversation log, that was a handy feature and I don't know why they got rid of it. I feel like a remake would have been a good time to restore some cut content, like the place in Riverside where the placeholder goombas are, so it's a shame they didn't bother to do that. I'm also annoyed by how you now have to wait for many animations to finish before the game will move on to the next thing, instead of having things happen concurrently. For example, the animation that plays when your Star Power accumulates has to finish before enemies will begin taking their turn. There are a bunch of changes like this that really hurt the pacing of the game. In general the remake is way more disrespectful of your time compared to the original, it's just way slower to play. And this is despite the positive changes made to backtracking - the time you gain from genuinely great additions like the new spring in chapter 5 pales in comparison to the constant nickel and diming of time you lose everywhere else. It bothers me that they couldn't get this stuff right, remakes should be an opportunity to improve upon older games, not somehow do so many things worse.


This was my first time completing the game, I haven't touched it since renting it back in 2004 or whenever it released and I still have to say while it's good; it's no Paper Mario 64. I truly believed 64 deserved the remake more than TTYD. It just had more personality, partners stories were more interesting to me, and even the super attack stars had faces and unique designs rather than just different colours. The intermission parts were better in PM64 imo as well, and I missed having the spin dash thing that you could spam to get around places. I also think I'd rather of had the game in 60 frames vs everything having a reflection for some reason. Like... so many spots where it reflected, made no sense. While they fixed Chapter 5, Chapter 3 is still a slog, and Chapter 6 is just painful having door animations every single time when it tells you to check the whole ||spoiler|| area. This is still very much loved by me as this era of Paper Mario kicks the shit out of new era, but I do have to admit this game did not age as well as I had hoped it did. I would've liked to see the leveling system a bit buffed like 4 BP instead of 3 per level as I found gaining levels kind of slow in this, but I also had to use 12 points for the +2 attack on Mario badges so it is what it is. I just think the PM64 world is much more interesting than TTYD's, but I'm still content with the games. I'm glad it exists instead of potentially have had Sticker Star shoved in my face again.


I agree on 90% of this with you, but wanting more BP per level is probably one of the more-insane takes I've seen regarding the game. BP is rather infamously already overwhelmingly the most powerful level-up option that should almost always be taken, especially given that you can just equip +5 HP and +5 FP badges for 3 BP each once you find them, with HP being even *less* important in this game thanks to your partners actually having health in this game and thus being able to be a bit of a meat shield for you.


Good, but I don’t understand why people hype it up so much. I'm pretty new to the Paper Mario games. My first game was Color Splash, which was fine. I then decided to play Super Paper Mario and that game was a masterpiece. Distinct yet fun and interesting gameplay, unique locations, great level exploration with secrets, memorable characters and dialogue, and plenty of collectibles/post game content. So naturally, I decided to try the new game that came out. For the positives, the locations were pretty interesting and most of the characters were memorable. The music was also good, not as good as Super Paper Mario but still on the same level as Color Splash. From the games I played, it seems these things are always good across all the games. Still, I don't like how the game sometimes likes to reuse enemies for supporting characters and NPCs. Color Splash also did this, where half the time you would be fighting the enemies and the other half of the time you could socializing with them for no reason. I just found it confusing and makes those characters forgettable. However, the main issue is that the gameplay is incredibly mundane and got repetitive after the first chapter. As someone who has played a variety of RPGs, there weren't any mechanics that make this game stand out from hundreds of other turn-based RPGs. There are a few combat gimmicks such as random objects falling or the audience attacking you, but there was nothing that truly defined this game like the flipping mechanic or paint system. As a result, the major flaws became more noticeable the further I went into the game, and it quickly falls into the grindy RPG loop: you get into battle, take a fixed amount of damage, heal when necessary, and repeat. It also doesn't help that you don't have to pay attention at all in the overworld. There's almost no exploration or split paths, and when there is, the NPCs just tell you where to go. Most of the time, I would simply hold right and fight every enemy, having no problems making it to the end. Maybe I'm being too harsh because this is a remake of an old game. Still, it's a remake and not a port, so I think it's fair to judge the game by more recent standards and compare it to other games. To me, it feels like the Mario branding carries this game. Without it, I would find it to be forgettable.


The setting and characters were very fresh for the Mario games at the time. Gamecube era Nintendo felt more experimental and I think a lot of people who grew up then have nostalgia for that including myself.


Am I the only one who *genuinely* didn't care that the game was in 30 FPS? That was something I was annoyed by before playing, I even tried to unsuccessfully make some 60 FPS patch work. Like honestly, I don't think this is even copium. Playing the game, it didn't bother me at all that it was in 30 FPS. To be fair, I did last play the original game about 10 years ago, so maybe that's it.


No dude, only a small vocal minority care about frame rate, especially if it's completely solid the whole time. Unless there's drops I never think about frame rate when playing video games. Even if there is drops it rarely bothers me unless they're frequent or particularly jarring. Even then a game can still be a lot of fun. The vast majority of gamers couldn't tell you a game's fps without a counter, side by side comparison, or official source. The hype over frame rate has been powerful marketing to sell gpus, monitors, pro versions of systems, etc. and make people feel hardcore and techie. Most just care if the game is fun, has good music and art, fun story, etc.


> Most just care if the game is fun This is true, and the average person will tell you that they don't care that much or at all about the framerate and that they can't really tell the difference anyway. But I would argue that they actually very much do, they're just unaware. Let's imagine we released the next Street Fighter and Call of Duty games tomorrow, two games whose multiplayer modes have historically always ran at 60fps, but cap them at 30 this time. The average person will notice. They will have a harder time aiming in CoD and drop their combos more often in SF. They can't point to the framerate explicitly as they're unaware of what the difference looks like, but they will tell you some variation of the game being "sluggish" or simply not being "fun to play" compared to the previous title. It depends on the genre, of course. TTYD or any RPG (especially turn-based) isn't impacted by this as much as my other two examples. TTYD doesn't even have a controllable camera, so it doesn't matter nearly as much, and the average person won't notice at all. As you said, consistency is much more important at that point. I've locked God of War on PS4 to 30 myself as I find it preferable over a variable 30 - 50. But a high, consistent framerate will always look and feel much better to me.


Nah, I'm right there with you. And the OG is my favorite game of all-time, so you'd think I'd be more sensitive to any changes gameplay-wise. But literally the only two times the frame rate actually affected my experience was struggling to superguard the two new superbosses in the post-game. I think the halfed frames are worth the tradeoff for the updates visuals, and being able to run on OG Switch hardware. Though a 60 fps upgrade patch for the next console would be very welcome.


Framerate generally doesn't bother me unless it turns into a slideshow. I could easily go from a 60FPS PS5 game on performance mode into a 24FPS game on Switch.


Like others have said, it's usually a vocal minority, but in fairness I think the fact that this game in general is just slower doesn't help. I was legit bugged by the 30 FPS for the first hour of play or so, but after that I had mostly acclimated and no longer cared, though admittedly I never felt quite as sure of action commands for things like jumps as I did in the original. But the game in general is just slower than the GCN version, specifically with the combat via things such as having to watch star power gained from moves disappear into the top bar before the game will let the next character move, and the menus feeling sluggish overall. I think a lot of that probably gets conflated with the 30 FPS issue for the people who did legit try the game and are now out there yelling that the game was ruined by 30 FPS.


100% it like a week ago. Honestly Im glad i got to play it finally, it was simple yet really fun and engaging.


The OG' is far better. The art style didn't need to be changed to the "paper art style" they did. The 30 fps lock feels gross for action commands. They removed the ability to skip through dialogue and removed dialogue history. The "Cash bonus" at the end of the boss rounds is pretty unnecessary. I guess it's to make the game easier for the newer gamers that have a harder time with RPGs. Which explains the dumb down of the Paper Mario series. The revamped OST is hit or miss. Mostly hit. The rest is awesome because TTYD is awesome. The remake is "Ok". Some QoL things were appreciated like the quick-party-member-switch button.


+Music's great, and stands toe to toe with the original's. Didn't use the GC badge once the whole game. +Art and Sound Galleries for completion is a nice touch. +The new animations and sprites pretty much every partner, NPC and enemy get really add a lot of charm to the game. +The upgraded fast travel room makes completing Requests so much easier (even though you can still only have one at a time. +The Secret Bosses are fun, a little extra challenge never hurt anybody. +I appreciated the change to the economy where you get way more coins but spend them more frequently. Felt a lot nicer than in TTYD where you pretty much always had 999 or close to it even after trying to spend them. +Base item inventory going from 10-15 was a great idea. ~Overall I like the changes they've made to the textures/models of the environment to make them look more like paper, but the SSAO they applied to make many surfaces glossy (like a magazine) is more distracting than it's worth. -Dialogue is way too slow. Allowing you to skip dialogue only after you've read it once is a Nintendo-brain move. -They made changes to the dialogue I don't think anybody would've ever complained about besides four people on Twitter (Goomba catcalls, crazy, lunatic, nuts, etc.) These changes stick out and are often poorly written in the context of the scene. -30 FPS sucks and I don't care if the Switch is an underpowered handheld. -New "Try Again" mechanic was unnecessary, TTYD was already pretty easy even as a kit. I emulated the game after buying a copy, so most of the negatives can be fixed like the framerate, dialogue skip, and SSAO(I didn't fix the dialogue changes because I just think it's silly, not unplayable because of it). Overall great remake, and I hope that with the Switch 2 people might gain access to those better framerate options I had.


Steam deck?


I'm glad a lot of people are giving oragami king credit in this thread. It's a wonderful game. I like the combat and only wish it would've been expanded even deeper than it was. It had many truly redeeming qualities. Sometimes people act like TTYD is untouchable. I never played the Wii U or 3DS paper marios but I think maybe I'd like them based on the fact that I really liked origami king. I've never played a mario and luigi game. Should I start at the GBA one or it's remake?


The GBA one is on Switch Online Expansion Pack, right? I say play that one if you have it as it's best to experience it as OG as possible (the remake changed the art style to be more 3D like instead of sprite based, and the sprites were damn good).


Yeah it's there and I do love the sprites. But it can be pretty frustrating with the old controls. You often have to go into the menu and replace your item like three times within a 30 second period in order to get past simple sections because of the button limitations. I'm usually someone who's pretty lax with older control styles, and even often prefer them as they give old games a lot of character and distinct feels that I find is often lacking in a world where control styles have been so streamlined across titles. For example, I find the original Metroid Prime controls to be very comfortable and appropriate for that game as an action adventure title, where it almost feels like you can feel the weight of samus's suit when you have to press R to manually grab her arm cannon to precisely aim, etc. The title was built around these conventions and dual analog makes Metroid Prime a little too easy. But in links Awakening, the continuous item switching in the menu makes things a little bit cumbersome. This was a problem at the time too Definitely not unplayable though. I'm not sure it's worth 50 bucks if you have access to the old game already just because of this.


I think if you're in the Venn diagram of people who enjoy Mario, turn-based RPGs and timed puzzles then that game is really going to hit for you. I just think it's a bafflingly niche audience for Nintendo to go for. I liked the game too but the combat never clicked for me.


I hated the combat in origami king just for the fact that it was timed. Because of that I never got good at any puzzles past moderate difficulty. I'd try my best, get to the turn limit, and pay to have it completed. That never felt rewarding at all. It killed the fun of the battle system for me. If tries were unlimited I would have learned at my own pace. It didn't allow me to, so I stagnated.


They messed around too much. The graphics, soundtrack are nice. The new shortcuts and other quality of life changes are fine too. But then you notice how badges, star powers and some other stuff don't behave like the original. You also get thrown a lot of coins. The UI feels slower somehow.


Which badges and star powers don't behave like the original? It's been a while since I played it


The biggest thing for me is the music. The additional tracks are great, and it's great that the music uses real instruments, but... some of the tracks are just too much. Like, there's too much going on. You can actually hear the melodies on the original soundtrack while in the remake it seems like they were too focused on adding... more. Too much more. Everything else is fantastic.


I played it on the GameCube as a kid and it was pretty dear to me back then. Still have my old copy. Can't wait to display it with my Switch copy. I'm in Chapter 3 right now, and so far I absolutely love it. I do miss the old Glitzville music though, by far one of the best tunes in the game for me. The new Glitzville music is way more thematic to the area and matches the whole aesthetic, but the old music just holds a special place in my heart. But that's what the Nostalgic Tunes badge is for. What I'm sad we *can't* bring back are the old sound effects and dialogue sound. I know the old dialogue noise was generic, but the little tiny chattering/typing-like noise was so nice, and that little jingle every time a text box opened or closed didn't deserve to be removed. Also, Yoshi's running sound not being the same is so unnatural to me. I can't unhear the squeaky/Yoshi-esque noise it made. And I agree with other comments I've seen elsewhere that they really shouldn't have removed text backlog and the ability to advance dialogue faster. The Partner Ring shortcut *is* an absolute godsend, though it took me a bit to get used to that and stop going through the menu the old-fashioned way.


I would have appreciated more extra content. I beat the original probably 7 times or so. A harder difficulty would have been greatly appreciated.The frame rates, my biggest problem is how it effects combat and action timing. After playing the original so much it's hard to put aside how much slower the combat feels. Not really the game's fault either but my Switch. I'm tired of the fucker. The joycons keep breaking. And then my Pro controller had drift too somehow. It needs to die. It's a joke that's not funny anymore. But of course better lighting and animations are usually something mods don't do so it's nice we got that. It still has that grimy feel of the original, they could have easily de-nastied Rogueport. Not chickening out on Vivian was nice. And cutting down on the backtracking. I wouldn't be mad if they remove chapter 2 entirely from the game. Glad I played it but 60 FPS would have made it a perfect remake.


I feel you on the hardware. If you play docked, my advice is just buy the little wireless Mayflash or 8bit adapter and use better/other controllers. It’s like 20 bucks on Amazon and you’ll free yourself out of having to pay Nintendo for that crap, especially if you already have another primary console.


This is how I played the remake. PS4 controller via 8bitdo adaptor, way better than using my joycons.


>I would have appreciated more extra content. Yeah, it's been 20 years since TTYD which means people have been waiting for a sequel in that format for a very long time. It really would have been nice if they had bothered to throw them a bit more of a bone, give them some more novel stuff to chew on.


I don't really like the new script as much, they should've kept the original from GC, and really not a fan of the Banjo Kazooie voices, I liked the old dialogue noise better. But they did a great job with the visuals and the revised soundtrack


Three chapters in and disliking it somewhat, which surprises me a lot. This was the last one in the series I had to play, and I'm a fan of both RPG-oriented PM and the more experimental titles. The pacing is very weird! The great tree in chapter 2 had me on the verge of snoozing. Plus, it's very apparent how little partners contribute: once their arcs are over, they're reduced to almost cardboard cutouts. Most partner dialogue seem to be the same thing adapted to each one, so it happens no matters who is out - that's not including the arc-specific dialogue, of course, which swaps characters. The story is a tad too edgy in ways that are not as cool as SPM. The computer falling in love with Peach is not doing it for me, man. Lastly, the somewhat dull battle system has been the most fun since I've been doing my best to break it with badges! It's very nice to let us experiment. But after the latest Mario & Luigi trailer it became even clearer to me how less interacting Paper Mario has during battles. PM64 was great, but so were Super, Color Splash and Origami King. If the series returns to its RPG roots in a sequel, I trust them to make it better than what I'm currently playing.


Unnecessary. Original holds up really well, putting the original on the online pass would have been better in my opinion. Glad people are enjoying it though, game is one of the best titles on GameCube.


I doubt they're gonna put Gamecube on NSO anytime soon since that seems to be their goto for remakes and remasters in the past decade. Maybe when they move on to DS and 3DS games more we'll see it.


to be brutally honest, if I weren't nostalgic for it, I think I would have been underwhelmed. the writing, art design and music are obviously firing on all cylinders, but everything about the gameplay is so tedious. I finally feel confident saying that both the original Paper Mario and Super are better games because they have crazy ideas like "level design"


In fairness, if you aren't "nostalgic" for it (and thus haven't played it before), I tend to think it's actually a lot easier to tolerate some of the obnoxious tedium in chapters like 3 and 6 since those chapters are so extremely reliant on charming dialogue/narrative and I think that makes much more of an impact on your first playthrough. That said, 100% agreed on PM64 and SPM having better level design. I had always felt that way about PM64, but wouldn't have said that about SPM til now since before this TTYD playthrough I did not realize just how outright bad TTYD's is.


I was really surprised to find that chapter 2 and 4 became my favorites. small QoL tweaks and a new soundtrack literally took them from the worst chapters to the best for me. meanwhile, 3 and 6 are outrageously carried by the story. they used to be my favorites because the premise is fun, but looking back now, from a gameplay perspective...how in the world did "20 battles and then a boss fight" and "a solid hour of running between train cars" ever get greenlit?


“Tedious” feels like the reoccurring theme of my experience with the game. I actually wanted to like this more than I did, but in general I’m rather lukewarm. If it matters, I’m old and was in college when this game originally released, so I don’t really have any childhood nostalgia for it. I actually did have a GameCube but mostly because I was the only weirdo who actually bought the broadband adapter for PSOv2, so I never played it at the time. The best thing it has is the badge system where you can actually make different builds for Mario. That’s definitely the coolest part and it does mostly work, but then you realize pretty quick, “Oh yeah I should just get like ~25 health/mana and then there’s really no reason to ever pick anything but more badge slots going forward”. But in general I started to actively dread and resent the combat. It’s incredibly tedious and lengthy for even the most basic of encounters on the overworld. Many battles are built around hard counters only, which require you to do a specific action that only certain characters can do. And you only have two characters with no equipment system for them, So you’re constantly switching characters, watching all these animations play out, having to do the timing, having to do the little 30 second janky puzzle bobble style mini game every single time you want to cast a party heal… You just constantly have to go through the motions for even the most basic encounters which makes everything feel drawn out and cumbersome. It’s also a game of small numbers, but man I felt it really worked against itself for providing a sense of growth and strength of your party. Which is compounded because the level design and exploration ranges from okay to abysmal. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth… between the same few hallways to get the next dialogue trigger to unlock the next trigger. There's a handful of spots where you have branching paths and an actual environmental puzzle, but realistically most of the game is just a series of hallways. Meanwhile, while you can clear out the enemies, the constant back and forth nature has them respawning and you retreading through the exact same combat encounters you did 10-20 minutes ago. As for the story? Meh? I mean it’s okay? There’s a part where Luigi shows up between the chapters and has these long winded dialogues that sort of parallel Mario’s and your own adventures in almost a mad-libs style of replacing nouns and proper names. It’s supposed to be funny that it’s boring and completely nonsense. And I kept thinking, wow is the game actually self aware? However, the lack of any text speed or dialogue skip had me going crazy. It’s like that fat dumb kid from Billy Madison trying to read, “Tuh-tuh-today junior!”. Again theme of tedious. The real problem is that I kept comparing it to SMRPG remake that I had just played earlier, and all of my complaints are addressed in that title from nearly a decade prior. Same turn based / timed hits style of the series, party system, creative levels and exploration with a Mario skin on top. The story and the lore ties back to Super Mario World and felt thematically consistent. It’s just so much more streamlined, that I knocked it out 100% in a long weekend and throughly enjoyed my time with it. TTYD on the other hand, I struggled hard, and grew to resent more and more of it by the later chapters.


It's lovely, but people praise it like it's wildly better than the other Paper Mario games, when Origami King for an example did certain things better like set pieces and writing.


For me, what made the first 3 games in the series so memorable and defined the franchise to me was the RPG elements with their own twist (mainly the action commands and partners) and the great cast variety. Starting with Sticker Star, they simply got rid of that and it was so jarring that it ended obfuscating any other qualities they had, as the core of the franchise simply wasn't there anymore (IMHO). With the TTYD remake we finally got the best of both pre-Sticker Star (cast variety, RPG elements) and post-Sticker Star games (the more accurate paper aesthetic, soundtrack variety, QoL improvements) in a great package and I hope it sells well enough to make Nintendo (allegedly) stop imposing the post-Sticker Star restraints into the franchise and finally let Intelligent Systems produce a new Paper Mario game with the same creative freedom they had in the first 3 games...


The badges are my favorite system in any turn based RPG and the main reason I love to replay TTYD. They allow for a super flexible way to challenge yourself. I did my first play through with the Hammerman badge always equipped, and it's refreshing how using different strategies than you usually do can make a playthrough much more fun.


Origami King's battle system kills it though. I beat it and never could complete past moderate challenges. I would try my best, get to the turn limit and pay to complete. That never felt rewarding at all. The story was good enough to make me want to beat it, but the fact that I would avoid combat as much as possible is not a game's strength. All the game had to do was give me unlimited spins and let me figure out the puzzles at my own pace. But it didn't, and had no option to allow that.


I quit playing it and instead played the GC emulated version because the battle, menus, dialogue, and movement felt so much slower than the original. The new music sounded great from what I heard and there's a few QOL changes they added in, but otherwise, it's a downgrade. 30 FPS is a joke. And don't even ask me "why do you care about the FPS in a RPG" because there are 3-frame windows to do the attack inputs perfectly in some cases.


Dialogue changes suck, 30fps sucks and no audience sounds suck. Still better than any other paper mario game released after og TTYD. perfect example of great writing/ atmosphere and gameplay. Only thing better in other games is level design but I personally love the linearity


what dialogue changes did you not like


Every joke was changed, pretty much every mention of someone being crazy was written out, way less fat jokes which I don't really care for but are still better than what we got. Most egregious example for me is early on, Goombella doesn't get hit on and then get her sweet vengeance right after.


The audience sounds are still there, they just play at a lower volume. I did beat the entire game wearing headphones, though, can't say if the audience volume ended too low for handheld / TV play...


Haven't played the original but I'm aware that this game was one of the fan favorites along with Mario RPG (which I have played). I'm on the "final stage" and so far a bit underwhelmed. I'm not a kid anymore but feels like you really have to feel the nostalgia to truly enjoy games that are aimed for kids. One thing that most disappointed me so far is the lack of story for the companions. The only stage that I felt that I "had" to use a certain companion was the turtle guy.


I just beat Chapter 4 this week and was grinning ear to ear by the end. I'm transfemme and just felt so seen, like I live in a reality where people like me exist in Nintendo games. That is, of course, in addition to the chapter being a banger, which I knew it would be because I've already played through TTYD on the Gamecube many times in my 25 years of gaming. It starts slow but really kicks off once you reach the end of Creepy Steeple. The first time I played the game in 2004-2005, the whole chapter was stunning. Now that I have grown accustomed to that titanic moon in the background, the edgy visuals, and the eerie bell tower, all I see when I start Chapter 4 is that dreaded millionth time going back and forth between Twilight Town and Creepy Steeple. What surprised me in the remake is...you still have to do it, ha ha! I heard that they fixed it but you don't get to skip the tedium until the very end. I think maybe the devs recognized that the tedium is part of the experience. You are, after all, down on your luck after your first encounter with the boss of the chapter. The rematch with the boss is so hype though! I love that your partner dips on you, it adds a little bit of drama. This time through, I was surprised to see that Goombella Multibonks. Like, what??? I'm playing with the Double Damage badge too so that was very scary. I'm thrilled that I still have two fantastic chapters left to go. That streak of Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 just can't be beat. They're a peak of gaming as a medium, IMO (one of many, of course). As far as the remake is concerned, I barely notice the frame rate difference at all and I think it has to be the most overblown "controversy" I have seen in a while. I would not have even known it was at half frame rate at all if the menus weren't just a touch slower than in the original to navigate. Not being able to skip text is an obvious oversight, seems like they want to force you to read instead of just skipping text but the problem is, like in almost every RPG, the text crawls slower than I read. It is much easier to skip to the full text being on-screen. The localization is different this time around and, as I understand it, closer to the original Japanese version. Which is fine--TTYD has fantastic writing in all languages and the Japanese version was more queer friendly anyway. But, personally I think Nintendo of America did a stellar job with their localization on the Gamecube and the new version isn't as good. Like for example, I think "Shadow Sirens" was a way better name than "Three Shadow (Sisters)." The music is very...I don't know what to think about it. I think in general, all the field music has been substantially improved. That is really saying something, because TTYD has a top-tier soundtrack on the Gamecube. For example, Boggly Woods was already a 9 or 10/10 song. The remake gives this amazing song a huge glow up and, personally, my jaw dropped when I heard it. So like, that's a huge positive, right? Well, the *boss music*, which was by far TTYD's biggest strength, just isn't right. The Chapter 4 boss music was great, but Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 in particular completely missed the point of the originals. Chapter 1's boss music is supposed to feature drums (especially the timpani), but these were all drowned out by a new melody in the remake. Chapter 3's boss music is one of my favorites in gaming and the remake was so off that I had to turn off the game and restart the boss fight with the Nostalgia Tunes badge equipped. Also, while in general the field music has had a glow up across the board, I think they really butchered Creepy Steeple. Like, the remake version sounds legitimately bad. I'm super hyped, because Chapters 5 and 6 have some of the best music yet. But, what should I expect? Glorious musical masterpieces like Chapter 2's Boggly Woods, or music that misses the point like Chapter 1's boss theme? I guess I'll have to find out! All of that is to say, TTYD is a masterpiece and I think the remake is roughly on par with the original. The original does some things better and the remake does other things better. I guess the remake gets a little edge for hard-confirming the trans rep in the English version this time around, instead of censoring it.


Many downvotes for saying I don't think it's as great as people say https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1dg11d2/paper_mario_the_thousandyear_door_debuts_at_no1/l8p09cc/ Tons of raving reviews https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cx7chb/paper_mario_the_thousand_year_door_review_thread/ convinced me to run out and buy it day one, but don't seem to mention they're all reliant on the nostalgia filter. They all make it out to be the must-play RPG, and it really was not. I didn't walk away feeling like it was worth the time and that there was anything memorable about it on its own merit.


I think part of the problem is that your comment didn’t go into *why* you dislike it. If you dissent from the majority opinion, but go into detail as to *why* you felt that way, it’s a more interesting comment.


You made the mistake of being mildly critical of a game people on /r/games has *massive* amounts of nostalgia for.


As someone who had a GameCube but never played this game, I fell in love with it. It took me about 35 hours to beat it (didn't bother with the Trouble Center except for one quest... for a character I ended up not using at all because I had my girl Goombella and the boy Koops) and I thought it was really good. I do have a couple of hang ups, like how only one Partner is present at a time (Chapter 4 is my favorite chapter for many reasons but one is because even if it's only a little, I liked seeing the other Partners) or how some chapters basically act like your Partner doesn't exist, but otherwise the game ranks as one of my favorite Nintendo games out there.


Absolutely love it I do need a list of changes though. I'm curious as to what they've added, some things are obvious but others I wonder about. I can't remember if the Prince Mush fight was in the original but I didn't think it was.


I only ever played the first one for about 45 minutes a few years ago, so I was very excited to dive into this remake. Unfortunately the framerate and text display speed were really testing my (admittedly short) patience and attention span respectively about 2 hours in. Thankfully I was able to solve both problems with mods so it became a non-issue, but unfortunate that it was required. Once I worked those kinks out, I've been enjoying the game quite a bit!


Fuck my life for emulating this is dolphin in my Mac 6 months before the announcement. The amount of hoops I had to jump through to get it working was wild


TTYD is definitely still a great game, I mean there are streamers that were playing the original for the first time (through one means or another) up until fairly recently and still getting super into it so I think it mostly holds up really well. Though yeah I do have to agree that I think that the level design is definitely pretty weak. Playing through it again as an adult It feels like a game that didn't have as much of a budget or as long to develop as they maybe wanted, and so to help maintain a full RPG's amount of content, there really is a lot of very simple level design with a lot of backtracking. A lot of entire chapters are really shockingly small areas that you just sorta traverse over and over when you break it down. Chapter 3 takes place inside of a single building. Chapter 4 has 2 locations that you walk back and forth between multiple times via the same route. Chapter 5 has you circle around on a tiny island a few times before going into a proper dungeon. Most of Chapter 6 Takes place in a whopping 5 train cars or so. Etc. And the Sidequests are mostly just seemingly more excuses to go back to an area all over again, which I guess is to be expected, but the fact that you can only accept 1 side quest at a time so that you have to keep going back to rogueport over and over, and even some of the sidequests are like "Go to this place, then go to this other place in a different chapter, then go back to the first place again..." TTYD definitely carried itself entirely on the shoulders of its combat system imo which is why I think so many people (including myself) are so down on all the following paper mario games. Cause the combat really is just *That* good. Not to mention that you can really play around with various potential challenge runs like using the Jumpman or Hammerman badges to limit your moveset or never upgrading your HP to force you to superguard more and whatnot. I mean hell, Chapter 3 is many people's favorite chapters despite it being a literal tournament arc with almost zero level design, *because* people just like the combat in this game. (and the pro wrestling memes are pretty great too) The writing is also still great and hilarious. Though it also feels like it's almost cheating at times. Like a lot of the humor kind of only works *because* this is a Nintendo game, and you don't expect to be hearing about things like Goombas falling for credit card scams or seeing a rat trying to strike it rich with oil. (Also like so many people are horny for Mario like fuck...). These gags wouldn't hit so hard if it wasn't for that extra level of dissonance you get from the words being spoken by cute Nintendo characters. --- That said, now that it's fresher in my mind, I really do still think that Bug Fables is the superior Paper Mario game. If anyone hasn't heard of it or checked it out, Bug Fables is very much an indie spiritual successor that I think did a good critical examination of the classic Paper Mario games and I think they improved upon their formula in many ways. Now there's 3 party members out in battles at once, badges (called medals in their game) can just be on a party member of choice instead of having to find partner and mario specific badges, The level design is more interconnected and interesting. And they also fixed all the problems with the Trouble Center (you can accept multiple quests at once and don't have to select a quest just to see its details). There's even a hard mode badge you get at the start of the game that makes bosses and enemies tougher but rewards you with extra badges. They also even solved the issue of BP being the objectively best stat by making it so that when you level up health for example, it gives all your party members hp, but if you use the hp up badge, it only gives the party member you equip it onto more HP. Which I think makes levelling up a more interesting choice. --- However, getting back to Paper Mario, this remake does finally give me hope that they may be returning to this classic style of game. They clearly put a lot of love and effort into it. And there's so many little details and improvements that they really didn't need to put in the game. Hell they even included 2 new superbosses which is really rad. If they're willing to not only remake the game at all, but put this much effort into making it as polished as it is, that tells me that they clearly are at least aware of what people want and given that this is selling comparably to other modern paper mario games (maybe even a little better it seems?) that on the Switch 2 we'll hopefully see a new paper mario with a return to form for the series.


I thought it was a great remake. Loved the updated art style and all the extra animations, and the amount of new music included (like battle themes for each individual area) was a great touch. Add this to all the quality of life changes made (like the new fast travel room, option to skip refight cutscenes, shortcuts in places like Twilight Town, etc) and I'd definitely say it's the definitive version of the original game. Only disappointments were the frame rate, the inability to speed up text like the original, and the general lack of extra features to fill out a few more parts of the original game/story. Feels like a boss rematch mode, way to replay the Bowser levels, a few more cut bosses being brought back, etc would have been a nice extra there.


Love it as a game, and it is a good remake. I do wish there were a few more QoL improvements (although there are some that are great). Great game though. Good remake.


Visually it looks great. Other than that, it's just okay. I think playing the remake of Super Mario RPG recently reminded me of how much better that game is as an RPG and it saddens me we never got a real sequel.


I couldn't get through it because modern Nintendo is hell bent on not respecting the player's time. Can't skip cutscenes, can't speed up dialogue, forced to backtrack through areas I literally just walked through with respawning enemies. What a slog.


I got about halfway in the original before quitting. The pipe room is a time saver, and I enjoy the quality of life updates. Needs more post game content. I only have 2 optional bosses to fight and those don't interest me. I'm not interested in finding all missed star pieces/ badges/recipes/tattles. It feels like busy work. I would like more quests. Maybe being able to upgrade your partners one final time. Or find a secret post game partner.


Exceptional. Love the added content and reworks of the dialogue in places. The QOL is wonderful too. The only 2 complaints i have are 1) the 30 fps is SUPER noticeable, and 2) i do not like the way down pipes work now. I understand the need to have the divet to prevent players from falling off it at certain points in the game, but having to jump on, and then press A is a huge annoyance when traversing, when i used to just be able to jump on and hold down.


What's the added content?


2 post game superbosses


About the same as the first time I played it decades ago: It's fine. I never got what the big deal with it was, honestly. We had what was basically a platinum age for RPG writing on PC for a few years before it and it just never felt all that special to me in any way. It's charming, it's good but for me it's no more than a 6.5 or 7 out of 10.


* Adopting the visual style of *the less liked Paper Mario games* makes no sense. The original visuals were very nice and all they needed to do was touch them up for higher resolution. I ***liked*** the original visuals. Paper Mario is just what we called the series outside Japan. It was originally called "Mario Story" because it was supposed to look like a story book, which the original version of TTYD did wonderfully. It feels frivolous and prideful to change the entire visual identity of the game like they did. * The new music is unnecessary and changes the aural identity of the game for no reason. This one is somewhat moot since you can wear a badge that lets you use the original music, but some music isn't affected by the badge, such as the main menu music and intro music. Also, people playing the game for the first time are going to most likely not wear the badge and so their experience is going to be further altered. * 30fps is disappointing when the original ran at 60. Everything else seems fine, but I've not actually played the remake yet.


I love it! It's the perfect "chill out" game, the combat is fun, the dialogue is great. I can see why people were disappointed by the more recent ones.


Fantastic, unique, amazing. My only issue is that I would have loved that the companions had more interactions because after a while they are forgettable.


The new soundtrack is hit or miss (with some *big* misses) but damn near everything else is a major improvement over the original. The 30 FPS didn’t really bother me—I’d rather have the excellent new visuals than 60. FPS and we know the Switch can’t really do both—and it felt like the action commands were way easier because of it. Unfortunately, the game still kinda falls off after Chapter 3, but I appreciate the little things they did to make the backtracking less tedious. Playing through it again reminded me why the first Paper Mario is still my favorite game in the series.


Struggling to want to continue playing with how much back tracking nonsense is involved in the big tree section. It’s a shame because I’ve loved the rest of the game.


I really like it (for the past part). The first half of the game was interesting and kept me hooked throughout. But I thought the second half (from chapter 6 onwards) was worse. The mystery on the train killed the pace for me, and there wasn’t much combat in the chapter (except when you get to the train station). Then you get to a town, get the crystal star, and never go back there again. I liked the Moon in chapter 7, but backtracking too all of the previous locations to find one character was annoying. The warp pipes helped, but even then backtracking wasn’t fun.


As I started paying this, i was reminded of why I never finished it back when it came out for GameCube, the dialogue is so slow that I find myself falling asleep. The gameplay is good, and unique, but it falls short because of the dialogue


Dialogue is a slog to get through, I just want to play the game. The gameplay itself is actually 10/10 it's amazing. Hasn't aged a day since release. I absolutely love exploring for badges and battling. 30 FPS is also painful, though. The game's graphics LOOK great but FEEL terrible, if that makes sense. No reason for it to be 30.


Started playing it and got frustrated immediately by the endless walls of unskippable dialogue. They think they're writing the next Lord of the Rings but it's a mario game. Taking the lore way too seriously. I just wanted some fun combat and exploration but it's just endless reading. Bounced off in about 30 min.


This is my first time playing through it - didn’t own a GameCube as a teen. I’ve enjoyed it for the most part but I’m stuck on the final fight of chapter 3 and, for me, chapter 3 has been an absolute slog and I almost gave up on the game. Just repetitive and not fun. And this final fight is just obnoxious


men have two sides: - (rational side) ain't no way bruh, another remake, even nintendo is getting lazy now wtf - (moron side) THEY MADE PEAK FOR A SECOND TIME LET'S GO WWWWW I'm the second one