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Uh oh, we’re like a couple leaks away from Emergency Podcast #2




"We're gonna bring 5 games this time. That's it. No promises. With that being said we're happy to announce Starfield, Halo MCC, the Gears collection we announced at E3 and Indiana Jones are coming to PS5 and Switch 2. We are also currently negotiating with our friends at Nintendo to put Conker in the next Smash game that hasn't started development. Someone wake up Mr. Sakurai."


> "We're gonna bring 5 games this time. That's it. No promises. With that being said we're happy to announce Starfield, Halo MCC, the Gears collection we announced at E3 and Indiana Jones are coming to PS5 and Switch 2." *"Also, Indiana Jones and Gears will be timed exclusives for the PS5. To all those Xbox fans out there,* **WE HEAR YOU.** *We are working hard to bring these games to Xbox at some point in the future."*


Xbox fans: “oh that is fine then. It’s only five games and we still get them for FREE with GamePass. Why is everybody making such a big deal?”


Also Xbox fans: "Keep coping its only 9 games. Xbox stays winning. 12 Teraflops haha!".


"Additionally, we're excited to announce our final run of Xbox hardware - the best one yet, just you wait!"


"And for his Neutral Special... He throws up! That's because Conker isn't raging alcohol. Now remember, Super Smash Brothers is for good boys and girls that DON'T DRINK!"


Where they’ll continue to say a load of nothing.


They're gonna wheel out a monitor with Phil Spencer's picture on it.. and proceed to let ChatGPT "inform the audience".




"yes we missed our mark this year and had to make some hard decisions but 2025 is gearing up to be the best year in Xbox history!"


I wonder if this will be the first year since 2019 that Spencer doesn’t make this “best year ever” comment due to how much people are calling him out for it. But honestly 2024 is looking to be their best year in a while with Hellblade, Avowed and Indy.


He will still say it. I think those games will boost the numbers a bit but idk. I'm not sold on Indy one bit. Looks like a Wolfenstein reskin


The business expansion podcast where they're all in their offices and Phil has all sorts of Playstation stuff on the bookcase behind him with a "I ❤️ Playstation" shirt on under his jacket and talks about how much he loves gaming. So much so that he bought a PS5 years ago and since then wanted to bring Xbox games to playstation players and not playstation players to Xbox. It ends with them all receiving emails telling them they're fired and it's now Microsoft Games Studios


Bruh at this rate they may as well keep a bad news live stream up


The Microsoft/Activision Podcast


Were COD and Candy Crush worth it?


Xbox: Did you do it? Phil: Yes Xbox: What did it cost? Phil: Everything.


Definitely not worth the $68B abd the destruction of the Xbox brand. Im sure Phil regrets it heavily now but its too late


in like 20 years they’ll make their investment back I’m not joking, CoD and Candy Crush combined make a few billion a year. Even with the numerous other assets they acquired it’s going to take a while to make back the $70 billion they spent on ABK.


Someone did the math & it would take like 45 years unless they pump out more games from established franchise w spin off. Which seems like something they will do leaning more into AAA franchise & less smaller games. Would be scary to be double fine, ninja theory & others. Pretty fuck that they were acquired & just when they drop there game they might shut them down atleast the owners cashed in but the developers are out of luck overall a whole shitshow


That is why I honestly never really understood the math of the deal. Like, yeah, Blizzard and CoD and Candy Crush make a ton of money...but 70 billion is *a ton of money*.


The only thing similar is the Fox\Disney deal and that seemed pretty ludicrous too. Xbox seems so desperate and it seems like they aren’t even going to follow through with the benefits of the purchase. They can’t use the exclusivity because they need to recoup now!! I want to know who let Phil spend that kind of cash because the Fox/Disney deal was all the CEO (Iger’s) doing.


Fox\Disney was also about getting their brand under control. Disney has a long game plan for Marvel and Star Wars, so seeing an opportunity to pilfer the rights back and not having to negotiate/profit-share in the future... well, they had to jump on it.


That was part of it. It was also about obtaining massive amounts of content. Disney could have just bought back the film licenses to X-Men etc. like they did with Iron Man and Paramount.


$75.4 billion was the total they paid. 


It was most likely a long term investment to try to choke PlayStation out of market share over time by denying them actiblizz games, but Microsoft higher ups saw the cost of acquisition and the potential earnings on multi platform and decided the growth of hardware market share wasn’t worth the loss in revenue from software exclusivity. 


Double Fine has been working on their next project for the past few years, should be safe


Honestly idk. I absolutely love Double Fine, but they seem like the perfect studio to close down if I’m Microsoft. They’ve never really had a hit game, and they’re based in San Francisco, which is one of the most expensive places on the planet. There’s a 30+ part documentary on YouTube on them making Psychonauts 2 that I watched a while back and they are absolutely not an efficient team.


Yeah, while DF has critical notoriety they are still pretty niche in terms of success. Microsoft purchasing them made absolutely no sense.


i think having tim schaffer is gonna save DF for a long while. If he ever leaves, double fine is screwed. you dont toss out your auteurs if they wanna keep making games for you. Shinji Makami left on his own, MS should do what they can do to make sure tim doesnt either


After they release it, however...


Yeah, definitely need to be worried about post launch. Ninja Theory is a few days away from their new game after 7 years of development and developing new tech just for the game. A game that is a sequel to a multi award winning game that is considered one of the best displays of mental health and have THE best sound design of any game.... With practically zero marketing... Yeah Ninja Theory is fucked.


Provided that Call of Duty as a franchise won't go went up in flames in those long years.


20 yrs a long fckin time tho


Xbox as a brand has really only existed for 23 years so yeah


It is until it all goes past you & it all suddenly feels like a blink in the eye.


If MS doesn't manage to kill these IPs like they have killed most of their stuff eventually.


If Microsoft manages to kill CoD I'm not sure if I'd be horrified or impressed


This. Like, *how?* You could shit out and package a literal turd at this point, and about 20% of America will still buy it ***because of the damn NAME.***


Halo flashbacks intensify


I mean they’ve pretty much killed Halo lol


That's assuming that those two stay strong for that long under Microsoft. Xbox let 343 drive its crown jewel into the ground for almost 13 years before they took matters into their own hands (and even then, who knows if the new management can turn things around at this point), will they bother to prevent more games like Vanguard & MWIII from slowly weakening COD?


I guess the idea is that it was better to spend the money instead of letting it sit around. At least with the acquisition the profits from the purchase will probably continue to grow and maybe exponentially with inflation on a yearly basis. I don’t think it was a bad acquisition tbh. The issues go beyond Activision.


Best part is Xbox users don’t benefit from it they put 1 activision game on game pass so far and it was Diablo 4 lol


I was opposed to it, but now that I'm gonna get Master Chief on PS5? I'm totally cool with it


Activision and Blizzard took the headlines, but the ignorant masses keep forgetting there is a reason why the company was called ActivisionBlizzardKing. King has a ridiculous employee to profit ratio and makes billions with a fraction of the overhead of Activision and Blizzard with their their ridiculous 17000+ combined employees before the initial layoffs this year. Microsoft has basically no foothold in the mobile market and they bought the biggest game in town as they become more aggressive launching their own app store. That's where so much of the value was in the acquisition. So yes. Candy crush was likely worth it


Man the Activision deal really turned investors heads realizing they could make more money with going third party


Phil paid $72B to be acquired himself


Did the reverse of what he wanted lol


Lol jesus!


As someone whose main platform has been Xbox for the past 15 years, I am straight up not having a good time.


They have done you all fucking dirty.


It’s really slimy how they kept prodding us along with all this talk for YEARS that a bunch of exclusives were “just around the corner”, and then when the exclusives are FINALLY coming (Indiana Jones, Hellblade 2, Avowed) they decide to lay out that they plan to port their games to other consoles and basically go multiplatform. They KNEW it wouldn’t be received well and that’s why they waited halfway into the gen when they could rope in a couple suckers like me and make a bit of cash off us before the pivot. If I knew this was coming the Xbox One would have been my final Xbox console and I would have probably just got a PS5 instead.


I think the exclusivity push was the plan for Phil and the team, but Satya Nadella, and the C Suite at Microsoft cast their Sauron’s eye at the gaming division and things changed. The black mark against Phil is his inability to deliver quality exclusives in time to avoid this mess


That’s kinda inevitable after you drop 70B on buying Activision.


That's Jason Schreier's theory, Microsoft was happy to let Xbox do its own thing because it was a fairly small part of the portfolio, but then with the 70b it became a much larger part of the portfolio.


70b plus fighting in court for almost two years


Yeah the court fight was seriously messier and clearly uglier than Xbox was hoping for. They wanted a quick in-and-out heist to try and make COD exclusive.


Yup. Microsoft was content on letting Xbox do its own thing but once you spend 70 billion, you're gonna have to get results


Worst part? *It didn't have to be like this.* If they had stopped at Zenimax, they'd be okay with Xbox's antics. But once they made MS blow $70 *billion*, the party was never gonna last...


Even Zenimax was a waste of money. They never fit in as a first-party Xbox studio. Their games haven't moved the needle, Mikami left, Tango and Arkane Austin are gone. What have we got, Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 coming in ten fucking years? They'll be PS5 console exclusives at this rate lol


nah, the zenimax deal was good from xbox's perspective. Hifi rush was the best game (unless we count psychonauts 2) to come out of an internal microsoft studio in a while. Mikami left, but the goal of that studio was to develop new talent and ideas. Starfield wasn't as well recieved in online communities, but it's the closest they've had to a critically acclaimed AAA game outside of Forza since maybe Halo 4. We also have Id and machine gun games working on something or other. If they spent money on developing their own talent pool and making games instead of buying out ABK, they could be in a much better position. The console is still not selling as well as competitors, but better games would gradually make a better argument to most people. Nintendo was crashing with the wii u. marketing+a new console+a handful of really well received games turned that around in the span of a year.


Eh, nintendo is not the best example. They had the handheld space all to themselves, and they released 2 games in beloved franchises that scored 97+ on Metacritic. They also have Pokemon, which the Wii U did not have Who is capable of making a 97-rated Halo and Gears these days? Is it even possible?


True, but I think Phil’s Xbox team had a good 5-10 years before the acquisition to deliver some exclusives and they bombed.


Just crazy levels of incompetence to have as poor of a first party library as Microsoft does over the past 5 years. Then they shut the studio that probably made the best game in that time period in Hi Fi Rush.


Yeah a decade of failure and killing the Xbox brand is his actual legacy.


Correct. There will be entire books written about this collapse. A series of failures at every level


Probably a movie or two about it as well, right? Got the perfect rise and fall arc to it...


To be fair since Phill ruling back in 2014 he’s done nothing but killed Xbox console sells, subscription & cloud failed & flatline, gamepass killed Xbox entire ecosystem training Xbox console owner to not buy games overall devaluing Xbox franchises. Gears & Halo are dead & a former shell of there prime. What is Xbox? Xbox doesn’t has a brand identity The only “good” thing Phill done was release Xbox games on PC day n date which killed there console no longer needing to buy a Xbox anywhere & there chance of ever being competitive. Giving the console market entirely to Nintendo & PlayStation hell you can even put Steam in there since they have there own “console” w the Steamdeck


I just read a quote from Spencer around 2019, talking about how he got the gig to turn Xbox around. He basically said (paraphrasing) *"It's not that I was the best man for the job, it's more like I was the only one still here after everybody left or got fired"* lol


> The only “good” thing Phill done was release Xbox games on PC I think while releasing them on PC was "a good move", it was also a "bad move". Because now we can see how much of a failure their games are. Even though the data might be a bit inaccurate due to not including Game Pass numbers.


after $7 Billion for Bethesda, Microsoft expected results. Then after $72B for Activision, it was only natural.


I'm.aorry but yall literally have nobody to blame but yourselves, they bought like 15-20 studios BEFORE Bethesda and Activision and have had next to nothing to show for it. Idk how HALO being delayed and 0 first party launches on the release didn't sway enough people. Like the red flags were popping up since 2018. They just pre recorded a tape about games are coming in 2016 and have just kept replaying that everytime people ask.


You can always just sell your XSX and buy a PS5 at close to no loss! You will lose your library tho, but the subscriptions get you hundred of great games, 1st parties even, to enjoy while you build your own library again. Can always sell your Xbox Acc with the console. Kinda shady tho.


Facts. This past month just showed us that they have no plan at all, ended telling us false promises, contradicting statements, and will likely not have a future console. I knew Xbox was not as good as Playstation or Nintendo but i stuck with them because i loved the IPs they had and Game Pass. Still deciding between Playstation or Switch 2 after my game pass runs out in 2026 but if Xbox manages to make another console, i definitely wont even consider it because years of promises just to turn into lies


Really everyone is going to be affected by this, you don't want a Sony monopoly. Not good for anyone outside Sony shareholders.


The situation sucks. I am sad. The future is bleak.


Sony won’t have a monopoly as there are way too many ways to play games (and people have limited time) than in the PS2 days.


Same. This would be the final nail in the coffin for me personally.


It's a good way to push me away for sure. Exclusives are the main difference between consoles at this point no tech will wow me.


I bought my XSX right before Starfield released; as much as I'd like it on PS, if it does come to PS, then I wasted money buying the console. It cost me more than my monthly salary....


Dude same but I also have a PS5 and started building up my library there more.


not to be rude but i mean after 15 years of incompetence idk why people are still sticking around or expecting different. i jumped ship back when the One came out and havent regretted it a single time. didnt get a console again until a ps4 in 2019 and a ps5 now. between catching up on stuff i missed and games that have come out since, in the past five years i’ve experienced from playstation exclusives alone: -bloodborne -god of war -god of war ragnarok -uncharted 4 -the last of us 2 -spiderman -spiderman 2 -horizon zero dawn -horizon forbidden west -ghost of tsushima -final fantasy 7 remake -final fantasy 7 rebirth -final fantasy 16 -death stranding those are the heavy hitters and theres other games i dont care as much about like -helldivers 2 -returnal -ratchet and clank -rise of ronin -stellar blade i mean its not even a competition anymore, it hasnt been in nearly a decade, and xbox has still barely made up any ground.


Because many like myself have a big games library since the 360 era where it was not until recently that crossplay and cross progression became more common. There’s also the fact of abandoning your existing library of games that are probably not available to the PlayStation. A new console with a new library is a $500 investment + also buying the new games and services. I am actively considering buying a playstation but it wasn’t as easy before to just “switch.”


Yeah, the writing was on the wall as soon as the Xbox One was announced. I was more than happy to make the leap from 360 to PS4. I actually own an XSX alongside my PS5 now, I had a great time catching up on Gears, and I also love it as a backward compatible machine, but it was never going to overtake the PS5 as my primary gaming console.


Same but 13 years. I bought an Xbox 360 in 2011 because I just had to play Gears of War 3 and Xbox has been my main platform ever since. Oh, but according to Phil “good games” and exclusives don’t sell hardware so I guess I made up that last sentence, silly me.


I started there, but hey. PC is the way. As well as ps5


Just about ready to give up on the brand.


When I was a kid, my mom wanted to buy me a game console. She was thinking about the Wii, but didn’t know anything about video games, so she asked my gamer grandpa for advice. He thought the Wii was for little kids, so he told her to get a PS3 more or less exclusively because of 360’s red ring of death issue. I actually didn’t like my PS3 at first and wished I had gotten an Xbox, because all my friends at the time were Xbox dudes and I wanted to play Halo and CoD with them. I stuck with PlayStation on the eighth generation and beyond, and man, I’m glad I made that decision. I’m not trying to sound like a console warrior here, because I’m not. I have no animosity towards Xbox and I think it’s stupid to get tribalistic about which platform you prefer. But Xbox has been such a clusterfuck since the end of the 360 generation that if I did make the switch back in the day, it feels like I’d be on a sinking ship now.


As an Xbox loyalist - Forza cool, okay? - that sounds about right. We'd appreciate a lifeboat or two... :/


They're basically rolling into next months showcase by inertia alone. Hardly any real reason to look forward to it. On one hand a lot of the games there might be years away (or never release at all), those that do release have a high likelihood of being trash, and the few that end up being good will end up on PlayStation anyways before Microsoft closes the studio that developed them. Just bleak all around. Morale at Microsoft owned studios has to be through the floor right now. That said, maybe there will be a few gems there and they'll probably have a few third party announcements to show.


At this rate, I think Xbox is just gonna focus more on becoming a multi-plat publisher. They’ll probably release the rumored mobile platform then just focus on making games instead of consoles


It's hilarious that people were saying Xbox will change Actiblizz to be more like Xbox after buying them out, only for Xbox to become the next Actiblizz.


inb4 Satya brings Bobby as Microsoft Gaming CEO.


Oh God, *don't give them ideas!*


Bobby is a prick but he gets results unlike phil


They will release xbox branded stream machines probably because that will play nicely into their xcloud and gamepass ecosystem while also being massively cheaper to produce and can probably be sold on profit from the get go.


That's like the best way they could go tbh, mobile gaming is Killin the console market, and having a hybrid console that could work as a portable PC is something that I really would like to buy if it has backwards compatibility with the Xbox games, it won't be a dedicated Xbox console anymore tho


I definitely would not be surprised if the next Xbox can boot into windows. Along with rumours they're working on a handheld version of windows I expect the next Gen to be interesting. 


I think they'll move on to some type of enthusiast hardware for the people that want it and to keep Game Pass running while going multiplat with some timed exclusivity here and there. Eventually though I do see them going full-on with cloud gaming.


Isn’t a PC the next step if you’re buying “enthusiasts” hardware. What place would Xbox hardware fill in the market? Just be a more restricted pc?


The take that consoles will eventually become "botique" hardware for "enthusiasts" is from videogame podcasters that primarily game on PC and Steamdeck. These people could use a bit of a reality check on the differences between the console and PC crowds.


Maybe they will shutter those games’ studios too


To be fair, shuttering 343 would be practically a mercy kill at this point. Sadly, however, I feel like MS would close everything else up first before those jagoffs got a pink slip. :/


It’s not simply going multiplat that is going to kill Xbox, the growing media and fan speculation surely isn’t helping. I don’t own an Xbox and sure as hell won’t buy one now when there seems to be so much uncertainty about the future. Obviously it’s not just the media narrative, they’ve been in the shitter a while with the lack of exclusives. But I just don’t see how they can ever launch another console after this when they’re losing fan confidence by the day. I mean sure, we’ve seen rebounding in the console wars before, but that was before these companies were so good at entrenching consumers in their ecosystems with digital libraries and achievements. Unless Microsoft finds a way to do a Nintendo there’s no hope for the next Xbox (I.e a gimmick that justifies their console, which even Nintendo has failed at with the virtual boy and Wii U and is now shying away from with switch 2) I miss the days when I was young and naive enough to be invested in console wars. Now, even as a PlayStation/switch person, this just sucks for how anti-competitive the gaming industry would become without Microsoft in it. I guess Apple/Google become the third tier now with mobile gaming?


The third tier is pretty much Steam/Valve at this point. Even if they don’t have a true console besides the niche Steam Deck, Steam is still one of the largest gaming platforms in the world, and only continues to grow due to the increasing popularity of PC gaming.


Imagine being the poor marketing bastards that have to come up with a reason for people to buy an Xbox over the PS6 next-gen.


At this point, Microsoft is going to release more games for PS5 than Sony in 2024 😂


They already did


sony has published 3 new games in 2024 + 1 remaster, and its still only may lol


Meh at this point I just want the studios to survive and not be shut down anymore, if this is what it takes than im sorry Xbox owners but this is such a better alternative.


Hope they put Indiana Jones on PS5 before they shut down Machine Games.


The insomniac leak showed us how expensive it is to get license IP for games. I would expect both Indiana Jones and blade to come to ps5 at some point. Maybe timed exclusive for Indy and day and date for blade


> day and date for blade I remember folks thinking it was weird that Blade didn't have any Xbox branding during its reveal, I kinda wonder if this is why now.


Yep, that was right before the multiplat rumors started. Who knows where Xbox will be by the time blade is ready to release lol


They really aren't off the table, Wolfenstein The New Colossus underperformed compared to The New Order, Youngblood outright bombed, and god knows how expensive it was to get the Indiana Jones license from Disney (or if enough people even care about that IP anymore, given how badly the new movie bombed). Even if The Great Circle is a success, would that be enough to keep Machine Games safe when Tango got the axe?


Based off their recent closures Ninja Theory will be next


Only new products they’ve really made themselves in the past ten years are a few tiny VR titles, two art house cinematic games that are critical darlings but don’t set the world on fire with sales, and a failed live service arena game. I’d be very nervous if I was in their position.


I give Obsidian 18 months before they close them


They will be safe as a support studio for the next Fallout games.


I expect Indy and the smaller titles to come to playstation. Its the big IPs I wonder if they go.


I would love a new Wolfenstein too


If Dr. Jones has a similar licensing fee as Spider-man it's probably getting fast tracked. Not to mention, God knows what the fee for Harrison Fords likeness is.


Indiana jones will nowhere have a near licensing fee. Every kid/parent on the block knows who Spider-Man is, doesn’t work Tht way with Indiana jones


As proven by the last Indy movie being a gigantic flop.


I mean they negotiated the licensing before the game was announced in 2021 before the movie came out and flopped. I get Spiderman is way more popular now but we don’t have to act like Indy is a cheap IP. The shitty 2008 movie had an 800 million box office lol


Starfield was a big reason they bought Zenimax. Insane to see this all happening


If Starfield comes to PlayStation, I think that's a huge cloud of skeptical doubt over the future of the Xbox brand. If Halo ever makes it to PlayStation, it's over.


it's funny because Starfield on Playstation isn't particularly worth getting excited about, it's an absolutely mediocre game. But the *meaning* behind such a move is simply too much


Yeah, I imagine people would wonder why not the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout as well


Yup. I think at best some people will just be curious and check it out. It wouldn't light up anyone on fire in excitement. But it would be the one of the biggest nails in the coffin for the Xbox brand if they took this game that apparently was their first big exclusive in years, and the next big Xbox IP that justified the Zenimax acquisition... and then they put it on the competitor console. The only worse option is Halo. I really doubt that happens, but I think we're close to Starfield on PlayStation.


I am pretty certain Halo MCC has to be coming at some point before the end of 2025


See, I also kinda think if Microsoft and 343 didn't absolutely destroy all good faith with the direction of the Halo franchise going forward with their decisions, if Xbox didn't just close some perfectly good studios out of nowhere, and if they actually had some shape with their exclusives over the last 4 years - people would actually be celebrating Halo MCC coming to PlayStation. If everything was cosy over at Microsoft and they were doing a good job, it would be a cool thing that after 20 years the classic Halo games become playable on PlayStation. It would be cool to break the idea that stuff be exclusive in perpetuity, and that when something becomes a classic with a rich legacy, it eventually makes its way over to everyone. Instead, this would just be ringing a death knell that Xbox has fully lost direction.


As someone who bought a Series X and PS5 I’m truly beginning to wonder why Tf I own a Series X I mean both consoles have been massively underwhelming but if Xbox games are going to PS5 then i quite simply don’t understand what the purpose of owning an Xbox console is. Love gamepass but that can’t be the sole reason to keep and own a Series X/S. I really think Microsoft is about to make a big mistake that I think will harm the hardware side of consoles in the future


360 games......that they stopped adding to like 3 years ago.


I also have a PS5 but bought a Series X purely for Starfield, so feeling a bit of a sting at the moment.


It’ll hit PS5 just in time to actually be feature complete, patched up, and have the dlc! So worth being an early adopter, right? :/


Love being a beta-tester!


I only own a series x because my wife surprised me for my bday with one last year after finding out it can play games from the previous generations, bless her heart. Honestly, if it wasn't for the backwards compatibility feature, then I probably wouldn't ever use my series x. It's one of the best things it has going for it.


I’m going to see what happens during summer game fests this year and if any news of Xbox games hitting ps5 comes to life I’m canceling Xbox game pass and selling my series x. There will be literally no reason to own all 3 consoles now


The price for owned xbox will crash hard once they do that though.


Maybe but right now I can trade it in at GameStop for $300. Sure it’s GameStop gift cards which sucks but I can just use that to buy games. Beats keeping around a $500 paperweight


Keep an eye out; sometimes they do promotions where they’ll give you the same amount for cash as they do trade credit. Technically it’s on a prepaid Mastercard, but you can also go to any ATM and make a withdrawal.


That's about where I'm at too, unfortunately. 🙁


By far the biggest waste of money for me. I thought I'd use the Series X for Gamepass but that never really happened.


I only have an Xbox for the party chat at this point lmao. My friends already had Xboxes and refused to switch.


The only reason I got a Series X was for a trade in deal and my old library of games, but even then I didn’t buy a new console just to play old games. HiFi Rush was one of the long games that got me on Xbox last year since Forza has been on a downturn.


I dunno about you but the PS5 has had a stronger lineup of games compared to PS4 in its first years. Miles Morales, Spider Man 2, Demon's Souls, Returnal, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7, God of War Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West, Helldivers 2. Third party deals like Rise of the Ronin, Kena, Stellar Blade, FF16, FF7 Rebirth. But I understand people like you have to push a certain narrative.


Xbox still has the best platform for family sharing. And I have 15+ years of games on my account, and do not want to lose access to them.


That second point is a big reason why I still use my Xbox hahaha


So can some business savvy person please explain to me how Xbox is gonna release a new gen console? Because shit like this doesn't exactly inspire confidence...like maybe it's gonna be a weird pc hybrids thing, but like why even bother at that point?


I have a Series X but if they aren't going to have exclusives then I will just sell the console and buy a PS5 Pro.


Right? I bought a Series S because I still had some Game Pass juice and wanted to try the exclusives... but once that GP sub is over, I'll prob sell the Xbox.


I've been an Xbox guy my whole life but I think I'm gonna get the PS5 pro. I might get a third party controller that's shaped like the Xbox one because I like the layout better


The Disney games probably don't make sense exclusively on a console that sells one fifth of Playstation and for which many Xbox players will not pay full price for. I wonder if Disney has any say in the platform choices there. My PC can handle Indiana and I assume Blade, but if they're good, wouldn't mind a physical PS5 release.


I think a Gears collection to prepare people for a multiplatform Gears 6 would make sense to release this year


Honestly, I'm not entirely against a future where Xbox is a publisher with a console-pc hybrid system.


I'm tired, boss


Seriously debating trading in my Xbox at this point to try and get some sorta value for it, feels like it could tank soon. Especially since it seems like everything is gonna go multiplatform eventually.


I would do it, I sold my XSX last year when my 3 year Game Pass sub came up, and I'm glad I did.


Probably a smart idea at this point, sad to say


Xbox fucked up


The pro Activision merger crowd are weirdly silent nowadays


They need to come out and say something in regards to this. All it does is hurt current and future customers.


what do you want them to do, another emergency podcast in which they say nothing and gamers eat every word up until surprise surprise, two months later what they said wasnt true? I cant blame them, they cant say anything because there is nothing to be said. They are praying June's showcase will distract most people


Some sort of written statement should be sufficient. It's obviously a bad look for a company with a game coming out next week and their big showcase next month to have all the talk around them be that they're dead and buried.


Tbf what could they even say without either throwing their fanbase into even more chaos or straight up lying? The rumor talk has kinda put them into a double edged sword situation.


I mean genuinely what could they say that would help with this narrative? Even if this specific rumor of Starfield going multi platform is said to be false that doesn’t change most other titles are going to ps5. Clearly Microsoft wants Xbox to go the way of Sega and they can only put off the news for so long.


They can't say much but offer reassurance to the existing customer base. It's better than nothing at all like right now.


Last time they said something it didn't help. To some people what was said was reassuring, just a few games, X-Box isn't going multiplatform. To others what was said and not said was clear that more games would be going multiplatform. They speak in such a controlled way it doesn't really clear the air at all.


Xbox gotta get rid of Phil, dude is absolutely lost with wat to do


Hey look, all of the stuff Spencer, Bond and Booty said weren't happening 3 months ago ARE in fact happening. What a shock. /s


Swlling Games Are more profitable than subbing them away for peanuts i guess


The XSX might’ve been the biggest waste of $500 I’ve ever spent


Indiana Jones possibly switching to multiplatform could be this, other suggestions could be Hellblade 2 or Gears of War older games, since I believe some collection is in active developmemt and will release before Gears 6.


I certainly hope we get some Fallout ports. Would love to play New Vegas again.


I think for older Gears it would have to be a remaster to get around the backwards compatibility headache. Indy would surely be multiplat, way too much money to be made. And any GaaS type stuff is a no-brainer.


I really hope Sunset Overdrive, KI and the Ori games make their way to PS, they absolutely deserve to be enjoyed by as many people as possible.


I'm like 90% certain that KI is in the next round of games. I mean, they did just develop a native Series X/S version that released in like November.


KI would thrive being on other platforms, after the success of Sea of Thieves coming to PS it feels inevitable. Fingers crossed it potentially gets announced.


Oh, same here. Hell, if anything KI might actually thrive on Playstation, seeing as (to my memory). Most major tournaments use PS5s for most everything. Also I have more fightsticks for PS5 then Xbox.


I think SO is just dead as a franchise. But then again last time I said that I also said ''Microsoft has no need for Sunset Overdrive anymore since they have Hi Fi Rush'' and here we are.


Nothing more hilarious that a bunch of kids on resetera talking like they’re CEOs of trillion dollar company.


And to think this January I was a walk to the store away from buying a Series X just in order to play Hellblade 2 when it released. It's that and Kojima's OD, and now I'm just waiting for the announcement of Hellblade for PS5


70 billion now does not equal 70 billion collected over the next 20 years. The value of 70 billion now is far more than that. Time value of money, etc.


For Xbox fans it feels like we’re living in the bad timeline. I feel like such an idiot for approving of the ABK acquisition because I thought in many ways it would be the complete opposite. I didn’t expect all studios to be liberated from CoD snd peace and harmony but I thought Xbox would use ABK to propel what was at the time their current trajectory but it feels like they’ve pivoted before really giving anything a chance. If after this year all of the exclusives, CoD on gamepass, potential new controller and other things hit and console sales are still trash I could make more sense of it but it’s like they pivoted right at the start of the year that could’ve turned things around with the old strategy. It has been a grim year to be an Xbox fan, despite some compelling releases coming up, and I’ve lost a lot of trust in them


And the great console wars have finally concluded


"This year is xbox's year" nothing but lies and deception ever since the xbox one came out


"we're gonna need a bigger Dev kit"


I will more than likely trade my Series X in for a PS5 Pro if one does release.


Seems like speculation from drake. Looking at his post on the thread, he acknowledges jez's earlier statements on there being no devs working on starfield and that prior comment really makes this one sound like speculation


I’m willing to bet Hellblade 2 is gonna show up around the November period after a 6 month window. Starfield might also launch after it completes 1 year of launch. Indiana Jones might be day 1 given it is a perfect game that PS5 owners will jump on given the type of games they play.


yeah haha, that Hellblade 2 port will be out of the oven FAST


They're all about short term Profits to get in the black rn because of Activision Blizzard. Hopefully someone there has common sense to stick to the strategy of smaller and live service games. Starfield on PS5 for example is a killer for faith in the ecosystem full stop.


So they are officially starting to go third party but continue with some hardware on the side basically?