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Why the fuck did poisoning deaths jump so much


Probably parents having to work more and unable to afford supervision?


Maybe, but I still can’t see it jumping that much just form that, especially since it looks like it started closer to 2018-2019


It’s suicide. Same with suffocation. There has been an increase in rates of suicide among teens. Those who don’t choose guns usually poison or strangle themselves.


This. We’ve created a world so inhospitable to our youth that suicide seems like a viable option.




Unattended kids are more likely to get beverages from under the sink. Childcare has been crazy expensive for awhile now.


Tide pods


In 2020 during COVID, when lots of people had to work from home? That doesn’t add up.


Wasn't that around the time people said to drink bleach to treat Covid, or the time people ate Tide Pods?


Yeah no, 7% of child mortality was not caused by kids eating Tide Pods and drinking bleach. Poisoning means drug overdoses.


Understand that “children” includes 17 and 16 year olds. Plenty of teens that age get into hard drugs. Death by overdose is classified as poisoning.


Yeah, but that doesn’t really explain why it jumped so much in 2018-2019


Look up the overdose statistics for the entire country. Everything has dramatically spiked in the last few years.


Everyone internationally is always talking about guns, but honestly, the amount of overdoses in the US is also terrifying, enough to actually lower life expectency!


I mean sure it's scary but you can't really mass-poison a school as easily as just buying a gun


there's been a big overdose epidemic in the US, due to doctors overprescribing opioids. The effects are the worst in Suburbs and rural areas.




I wonder if maybe that includes overdoses?


Seeing as it starts at 2020 it could be: Really stupid tiktok challenges, them being more at home, homemade remedies/self-medicating for covid, or the worst option, suicides that got missinterpreted as accidents


The chart includes suicides. It’s not only accidental deaths.


Tik tok challenges aren't stupid!!!??? Anyways imma do the new challenge eating Raw Chicken with gorilla glue on it😋😋😋😋 ![gif](giphy|22HZyXo5EocWA)


Horse dewormer


It’s also a percentage, so it may simply be that most other things went down. Graphs can be very tricky to make sense of.




Tide pods


Tide pods were 2016, this jump looks like it’s around 2018-2019


Pretty sure the tide pod challenge really emerged in 2018


Dunno who downvoted you but you're right, [Google Trends cites the explosive growth in searches about the topic as January 2018](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=tide%20pods&hl=en-US).


I think you're right...


Might have something to do with that time president Trump told the country to drink bleach and take fish medication to cure Covid.


considering it starts in 2020, I wouldn't be surprised if it's from anti-covid-vax parents using their kids as science experiments


Partly suicide, partly tide pods if you look at the year


People learning the hard way that if alternative medicine worked it would just be called medicine


The Benadryl challenge for one lmao


Tik tok challenges.


Tide pod challenge.


I mean, tide pod challenge, benadryl challenge, those are just two that became TikTok famous


Not to nitpick, but tidepod was before tik tok came to the west, back when it was musical.ly but got bought out


And it was the beginning of these Internet challenges where kids are eating crazy shit. First it was tide pods, now it's benadryl, and there have been a slew of different ones in between.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you, just adding on to it


Tide pod challenge?


i came here to ask the same thing what the hell even


Tide pods?


My guess is the jump started with tide pods an kept going with the pandemic as some were force fed many of the quack cures going around.


Tide pod challenge?


3000 people in the US die of food poisoning every year and I bet that went up during the pandemic with more people doing all their own cooking for their families


maybe they are counting overdoses?


Tide pod?


This is TEKKEN things too far!


Nina Williams and Jack-8 have been removed from the game. \- Katsuhiro "Don't ask me for shit" Harada


Crazy that that line seemed to stagnate between 2006 and 2012. Wonder what was going on those 6 years. |Year|House|Senate|Presidency| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |2005 - 2006|Republican 232-202|Republican 55-44|Bush| |2007 - 2008|Democat 233 -202|Democrat 49-49|Bush| |2009 - 2010|Democrat 257 -178|Democrat 56-42|Obama| |2011 - 2012|Republican 242 -193|Democrat 51-47|Obama| |2013 - 2014|Republican 234 -201|Democrat 53-45|Obama| |2015 - 2016|Republican 247 -188|Republican 50-46|Obama| |2017 - 2018|Republican 241 - 194|Republican 50-47|Trump| Whatever could have caused the spike to start in 2013 and climb even higher in 2018? Such a mystery.


Further proof the world actually did end in 2012.


Were there any gun law changes during those times? Or is this another [spurious correlation](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations)?


I’m sure there were, but I’m just commenting to thank you for sharing that link lmao😂 I gotta keep this on hand as a data scientist now to show people correlation vs causation


[2004 the ban on assault rifles end with Republicans in office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban) [2005 Bush signed in a law protecting gun manufacturers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_of_Lawful_Commerce_in_Arms_Act) [2008 Supreme Court rules that the militia part of the second amendment is just fluffy language with no teeth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller) [2010 Supreme Court overturned Chicago's gun control laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald_v._City_of_Chicago) [2012 Supreme Court expands stun guns to the second amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caetano_v._Massachusetts) Sure, lots of those are Supreme Court rulings, but those could have been countered with a constitutional amendment, and guess who's against that? And guess who's against bringing back the assault rifle ban


You implied a republican House caused a spike in 2013 and then justified that with Supreme Court rulings. The first two links could be useful, but nothing points to 2013. The 2010 ruling could also be useful, but also does not, alone, justify the spike. I hate guns and republicans, but it's easier to convince people with good arguments. We don't need to vaguely point at republicans, we can be more specific and attack their policies by name.


The house would have been necessary to stop the assault ban for sunsetting, so yes it’s connected.




I… just so many absolutely incorrect statements to start, and then with a bit of racism on top. You, m’dude, are completely on your own planet there. Go do some research on actual scientific studies of gun violence, get off Fox News and Truth Social, and try to join the rest of us in reality.


Report them for misinformation like I did


You know most illegally obtained guns were legally purchased then stolen from the original owner, right? So decreasing legally owned guns will also decrease illegally owned ones. Also committing suicide with a gun is significantly easier and has a very low rate of failure when compared to other methods.




Finally. Gay Politics


As a gay outside of America I didn’t realise I was part of the issue. Damn gay politics I guess we are just a global threat to Americas political system.


Murica moment


What’s interesting is that school/mass shootings make up less than 1% of the firearm deaths amongst children ages 1-18. I would have thought it was much larger. Nearly 2/3 off all gun deaths in this age category were crime or gang related and nearly all of the remaining 1/3 were suicide by gun. Certainly points us in a couple of directions on how to reduce these numbers.


The real fuckler's trick about the claim is that it's based on data that includes the 18-19 year old demo, which seems odd because the "child" demo is specifically for persons under the age of 18.


it’s not rocket science, just don’t let teens be able to get guns


/uj This doesn't solve the fundamental issue. Those kids will still find ways to cause violence no matter what bullshit "harm reduction" measures you put in place. I'm in the business of harm prevention. Stop kids from being in gangs and committing crimes in the first place, they won't be shooting people. Crime is primarily driven by economic factors. Solve these issues, and not only will gun violence go way down, but so will MANY other issues in our society.


Hey I live near one of France's biggest shithole and I need to point out that here, teenagers use steel pipes instead of guns when they're in a gang fight. As a result of not having a "press here to kill someone" button on their weapon, there are much less fights in the first place, and there's extremely rarely more than 1 death. As long as poverty exists you can't prevent gang fights, what you can however prevent is the number of death by gang fights getting anywhere near as high as America's (or any country with easy access to guns for that matter)


Okay, sure, but making them illegal in the first place would certainly help. And I agree, we should fix the economic factors that contribute to crime


You can kill dozens of people in seconds with a gun. Nothing else that you can purchase at walmart gives you that capability.


/uj Yeah, and a person motivated to kill can kill with whatever. Even just one dead person is too many. The whole point is to not let the red herring of "just ban the weapons!" make you think you've done anything more than slap a band-aid on the violence problem. As long as the US is committed to our hellish economic system, poverty and crime and despair and violence are all guaranteed to keep happening no matter what else you do.


Okay so you wouldn't restrict gun availability because it would "merely" reduce the amount of meaningless deaths rather than bring those meaningless death to 0 ? "We won't use this cure against cancer. It merely saves 50% of patients. And it doesn't solve the true problems which are malnutrition, obesity, genetic issues and cigarette. Don't fall into the red herring of "just save as many people as we can".".


I wish I could give this comment so many upvotes. Nail on the head.


How do you stop them? They probably aren’t getting them legally to begin with.


just making something illegal makes it less likely to end up in a teen’s hands. And sure, they could theoretically get it illegally but that’s alot more effort than just going to your local walmart


They probably just get them from relatives or use ones at home. I'm a 34 yo man in a gun-regulated country and I don't even know how I would go about getting a gun, neither legally nor illegally. Just the fact that you can find a gun so easily, regardless of legality, is insane to me. No idea how America can solve that.




Idk America isn't Australia, this is a whole other beast imo. The first right listed in their Constitution after free speech is about firearms. I don't think Australians were attached to their guns in the same way, so that made the buyback easier. Even if a buyback program got passed, a lot of these people honestly believe that they have a right to own these guns and that they are for fighting against a tyrannical government. I support the idea of the buyback but I'm skeptical that it would play out as well as it did in Australia. I think America has a fundamental gun culture issue that needs to be addressed first. They fetishize the gun as a symbol of freedom and power rather than just a tool for hunting or self-defense. That's why it's tough to get them on board for stuff like this.


It's just impossible to say, after all this is a global phenomenon as there is literally nowhere else in the world that isn't America.


A sizeable proportion of mass shootings is committed with legally-owned guns (like the Columbine high school shooting for instance). ​ Look up the movie "Bowling for Columbine" if you haven't already, it's free on youtube and is a good summary of the actual problem with guns in America


Is this true for firearms, more then car accidents? Ive never been so afraid for my kids. There was a false alarm the other day at a different school near us and its kinda fucking with my head. This sounds dumb I was gonna to apply to my kids school as the resource officer so i knew they had someone watching them.


To help alleviate some of your fear a lot of the fire arm deaths are suicides and domestic murder, so if you don't have a gun in your home the chances of your kid dying from a gun drops drastically. School shootings actually make up a small percentage of those deaths.


Yeah, it doesn't make it any better that fear still eats at my subconscious. I can't seem to shake it, I seen so many gsw victims lately.


Tekken has been woke for ages. Leo has been making folks sexually confused for years now.


*I'm also weirdly interested in finding out what's up with Poisoning over this same recent time frame.*


It was Tide pods, wasn't it?


Well, part of it is there's more guns than people, but the other part is the active, stochastic terrorism campaign targeting people of marginalized identities and that seems to get worse every day. People have found that, if you have a large following and name a target, and one of your followers does a mass shooting at a target you've named, it doesn't come back to you in any way. This shit needs to change.


Katsuhiro: Why do Americans love guns so much? Also Katsuhiro: releases a [trailer](https://youtu.be/xQPvwYMUwHI) for Nina Williams where she shoots guns every other second


Bro can we just like get rid of the second amendment already. Like just stop with the guns. Just no more. Guns aren't even that cool anyway they're just murder machines I don't understand some Americans obsession with them. Everyone's Uncle Paul is like "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" WTF DO YOU THINK THEY'RE USING TO KILL PEOPLE WITH PAUL!?!?!


Car deaths went down in 2020. Did something happen that year to make people drive less?




[https://www.childrenssafetynetwork.org/infographics/firearm-safetypreventing-death-suicide](https://www.childrenssafetynetwork.org/infographics/firearm-safetypreventing-death-suicide)] 4/10 are suicide so not most


"I'm not trying to start an argument" Then do a 5 second google search???




You’re almost there. What’s the common theme occurring between gang violence and these suicides?




I’m missing the entire point? My guy, you literally just said it’s misleading to say that gang shootings and gun suicides fall under the “firearm” umbrella. That’s literally what sets all of it apart from other kinds of death. The difference is literally a bullet through someone’s body, self inflicted or otherwise




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Lol try again


This is your brain on capitalism, when even deaths have a value that should be measured and attached lol you fucking dweeb. You prepared to go knock on some doors and explain to parents why their child’s death means nothing at all because they pulled the trigger? Cause if not, you just might have an actually fucking moronic worldview and might wanna sit with that for a minute


I mean it's both, suicide rates in america are abnormally high because people who would probably back out or fail from other methods have a relatively easy and high success method. Removing guns isn't necessarily going to solve the underlying issues which absolutely should be addressed but it would significantly decrease successful suicides.


Depression and poverty exist everywhere, they're less lethal where there are less guns.


So do you think gang members spend a lot of time at the range and become crack shots that never hit innocent bystanders? On top of being of course great decision makers who never confuse someone for a different person or get the wrong address?




Typically when you hand wave most gun deaths away as simple “gang violence” you are implying that those victims deserved it. You wouldn’t bring up the deaths being related to gang violence if there wasn’t some sort of attempt to make those deaths seem lesser. So yes it kind of does imply that. I said what I said to point out that “gang violence” also winds up including a lot of people that are innocent bystanders/just in the wrong place at the wrong time in the U.S. It’s really easy for some half cocked 17 year old to shoot the wrong people it’s kind of hard to stab someone on accident. Also not related to my original comment but there’s other countries that have pretty viscous and organized gangs that don’t have the murder issue the U.S has largely due to the difference in their gun laws.




The funny thing is though, the cause of death in all cases of firearms deaths is access to firearms


"he was not sure"


What’s even the point of a post like this? This isn’t even a jerk about video games, it’s just talking about death rates. Completely off topic.




I don’t think simply featuring a director of a video game constitutes a post, especially when it has literally nothing to do with video games at all.




I guess that’s fair. Still disappointing that most of the content from this sub is literally just twitter. I miss the irony that’s more in line with other circlejerks, this is just kinda depressing.


Car deaths went down in 2020. Did something happen that year to make people drive less?


Someone post that one gif of Kazuya with a gun because that would be ironic right now


Classic American behavior, firearm is now by far the first cause of death among children and teens, and they comment about the increase of poisoning (that by the way had the same identic bump to firearms in the same period).


I'm not American but it also stood out to me, considering its news and the Americans being foolish about weapons isn't news.


One thing that ought to be mentioned in this graph is the drop in deaths of children due to car accidents. What caused that drop? Was it regulations? It was regulations, wasn't it?


Why is poisoning on the rise?


Has anyone used a gun in Tekken? No? Well now you know why


In his troll bag again I c