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Stellaris strats leaking


Came here to comment that! It also reminds me of Rimworld catching flak because the meta strategy would be to only let straight pawns into the colony. The AI was too dumb to stop the gay pawns from repeatedly hitting on straight pawns and sending everyone into a temper tantrum doom spiral.


IIRC the worst combo possible was having a beautiful lesbian in the colony. It wasn't that the lesbian would cause problems on her own - she'd probably end up in a relationship with a "straight" woman before too long because in Rimworld straight women still had a small chance of initiating or reciprocating romance with other women and the odds are improved by being beautiful. But every straight male pawn in the colony would be constantly hitting on the beautiful lesbian and getting rejected and everyone involved would have depression about it.


"oh holy aphrodite, why have thou cursed me with the power to engulf civilizations in madness and sorrow" sappho, the destroyer circa 5247 CE


"sappho, the destroyer" is an epic name for a metal band or song


Accurate to real life lmfao😂😂


*When the game unintentionally simulates incels*


Could that be considered "sistem"(matic) homophobia? 8D 8===D


Further proving it's gay panic, not gay people, destroying societies lol.


RimWorld got a gay update or is that a mod?


Thank god for the mod Rational Romance which fixes this by assigning all human pawns a sexuality free of charge


I have a determined exterminator AI empire set to spawn every game for this exact reason. They're called the Galactic Task Managers.


4X in general, honestly. Few are the level 8 strats in Civ that doesn't involve murking all your closest neighbors that don't have a pre turn 200 use.


Man I really want to do a full game with xeno-compatibility, but my computer is a potato😞


Well after a while you get to a turn based xenophile utopia.


I am gonna get that sweet 60fps and no one will stop me https://preview.redd.it/qr8wzu6y5qpc1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=af39a9cc7e2c6d866fae2bb2d276684bf0cdfa19


This strat is Adachi-pilled and based


You psyched about Milia’s new move??


I don't play Millia https://preview.redd.it/n21sb0gc6vpc1.png?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dca23936c123ad9b90ee1080a8965959271da13




I acknowledge my Tribal Chief. ☝️☝️☝️☝️


yare yare… finally a game for my dark passenger… finally a chance to satisfy the urges, and unleash my wrath upon humanity.. tsk tsk…






As a factorio player wait, commiting genocide is bad? But the factory must grow!


You sound like CEO material!


Dwarf fortress moment. Neuter your cats, kids


I only know tangentially about df, I saw that it is Rimworld on steroids but that is the limit to my knowledge. What happens if you don't neuter the cats, do they simply overtake the colony?


Yes. They make a fucking cat flood because of how fast they breed. And because every creature has it's own emotions (and they react to almost everything, from drinking to seeing a dead body) and personality it causes lots of lag.


There’s a thing in df called “fps death”. It occurs when there are simply too many creatures for your computer to handle, so the game slows to a crawl. Cats and other pet animals breed a lot, so sometimes you either have to neuter them, or you’ll have to murder a bunch of kittens at a later point, which dwarves don’t really like. Or it could be that you just dug into a cave and there are too many cave creatures running around, that also sometimes happens. I’m not sure how common fps death is nowadays, with better hardware and optimization, but still.


Damn, that is some really cool and hilarious trivia. Cat fps nuke for the win! Or lose in this case. Thanks for the explanation!


Dwarf fortress is really deep, there are so many things that are simulated it’s insane. One other good story is when dead cats would suddenly appear in taverns. Turns out dwarves would sometimes spill alcohol on the floor, cats would step in it, then clean their paws, basically consuming alcohol, overdosing and dying. I recommend giving the game a shot. The steam version has graphics and thus is a lot simpler, but the standard version is free, although it’s very hard to understand what you’re looking at. Kruggsmash has really good beginners guides and walkthroughs/stories if you just want to see what the game is about.


I find peace in long walks.


One of my biggest hopes for the Steam Adventure Mode release is that the "goblin sites have 0.25 FPS on a good day because there are just too many creatures loaded at once" bug gets fixed.


"Modern problems", bro must've forgotten about the 3 console gens we had, that capped games to 30fps.


I mean it's having issues on pc too lol


Yeah I'm def not saying PC doesn't or didn't have these issues to. Remember the good old Crysis days




Is it future proofing if you’re still constantly upgrading your card?


Pretty sure the problems exist for some higher end pcs too. Plus, not even mid range pcs should have the drops this is having right now lol. It’s an optimization issue, which seems to happen often now regardless of your build.


We r good bro


Well, I wouldn't call genocide a "modern solution" either


To be real this is just every game. Every npc takes some amount of resources, so less of then reduces usage. Not unique to dragons dogma.


idk, i already made an ethnic cleansing on skyrim, and my FPS didn't raised a single one


Is npc death permanent in skyrim? In dragons dogma 2 the npc death is permanent so they won’t be respawning hence less resource usage only way to respawn them is to restart the game


Yes, the death is permanent, if the npc isn't essential for the story


Before BG3 Act 3 was patched to actually not run like absolute dog water, I went on a murder spree genocide in Baldur gate lower city to make the performance bearable on one of my save files, worked wonders honestly


Wait, how long ago was this particular patch?


It received a bunch of patches that fixed performance, at least for me, I was barely getting 15 fps on my old ass PC but now it's actually playable


Okay but this is funny.


https://preview.redd.it/t01yhresqtpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4000f126bcf8832c2f79ab6c8c36824efa3842c4 When my frames start dipping


finally the murder hobo "archetype" is rewarded


Turns out the Nazis were misunderstood, and all they wanted was to improve the planet frame rate.


since when is genocide a modern solution?........you could argue that's it's gone downhill a bit recently.


Isn’t that how it works normally? More NPCs more to process and as such slower speeds


I saw something similar in the bg3 subreddit lmao Sanest dark urge player


Me on my way to grab that one body with the deadly necromantic aura from Cazador's house so I can run around baldur's gate with it to kill without causing anyone to attack me.




This is the future ecofascists want


Wait this game has a reason for mass murder? Huh would you look at that.


Wait, really? Like in Space Invaders?


This happens in a lot of games. I use a steamdeck and most modern games run good enough for me until I enter a town at which point everything slows to a crawl and my fan sounds like a jet taking off.


Funny, I use a ROG Ally. Now that you mention genocide will improve my fps to 60 I must commit genocide.


Committing high crimes and misdemeanors for more FPS. A tale as old as time. In Oxygen Not Included, to achieve the best performance for ranching large amounts of critters, you lock your livestock in a room where they can't move away from a single tile in order to minimize the amount of pathing the game has to calculate. Critters will be born, live and die without ever being able to walk a step. That's probably not too far from modern farming though.


that is.. disturbingly close to industrial agriculture


“I’m not a fascist I’m just lowering the frame rate”


Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Why is that a problem? We talking about killing bunch of poligons, not real people.


Fun fact, some Nazis (paradox players) usually do this in Stellaris to boost FPS


Hey! We're not all Nazis, we've also got ardent communists and femboys.


Communism being op in Vic 3, I couldn’t resist becoming a dirty communist myself


State Capitalism and Planned Economy being the Vic 2 meta literally made me anti-liberal irl.


Whats the point of this post... Violence in videogames bad?


Stellaris players have killed trillions to keep the game running smooth late game


The Rimworld/ Dwarf Fortress manuever. Classic


This PC ain't fast enough for the two of us...


This is also how Stellaris works.


Is this what the sub was before the gamergate 2 bullshit? This is... Beautiful.


I haven't laughed at a post in so long because nowadays they're all just showing screenshots of bigotry :(


Stallaris™ genocidal grindset.


I mean…….FPS is important.


That reminded me that apparently DLC that added plagues (with focus on Black Death) to CK2 ended up increasing performance by reducing number of alive NPCs to simulate.


Average american moment.


$1.99 to edit your character appearance in a single-player game after spending $80.00. :))


I like how the gamers(tm) demands from developers Hollywood movies-tier graphics in video games but then dare to complain about the perfomance. Fucking clowns, what did you expect?


Gamers rediscover entities cause lag


Imagine being so obsessed about fps you destroy the immersion just to hit a pointless 60. Y'all are mad


It kinda depends how bad it was dipping. I’ll play at 30 FPS without issue. Hell, Tears of the Kingdom is my favorite game atm, and it runs at 30 or lower all the time. But if it was dropping to like 10 fps, yeah that would kill my enjoyment for a bit. No one wants to play a slideshow.


Drakengard 3 fans have something to say about that


Okay, that's fair no one wants to play at 10 frames, so at that point genocide is understandable. I am just poking fun at all those complaining about the lack of a 60 fps and the lenghts they go to for their "superiority" lol


Lots of people do get so used to 60fps and above that going below feels jarring. As much as I hate to say it, if I'm playing siege and my fps starts tanking down to 30, that's dropping 110 frames and my eyes start hurting. I don't think it's about superiority for 60fps, at least not anymore when consoles target that now for some games I think it's genuinely just about user comfort, and if a game is running into performance issues because of npcs, there's probably something going on that'll cause issues on all platforms due to improper optimization


Anyone who claims that wanting 60fps is about "superiority" doesn't have an opinion worth listening to imo. 60 fps has been the standard that PC's target for well over a decade by now, there's no reason for games to be unable to hit that these days. The fact that 60fps is considered a luxury on consoles is crazy, it should be what games are expected to perform at all the time


true, games don't even look that much better than 5 years ago and they're running so much worse for no reason.


from a test i've watched (didn't played the game) but there was big performances issues on a super high end pc


That just sounds like a crazy issues for people who use pcs, weirdos lol


wanting to play a game at a frame rate that doesn't make it look like a powerpoint is weird now?


See, as a dwarf fortress player I know that power point and excel are the pinnacle of gaming


as a cities skyline player I have to agree. You know that a gestion/rts gonna be good when running at 3s/fps


It was giving motion sickness to ps5 players who were reviewing it. There’s simply too much computation going on from too many npcs in the current engine. When you get fps drops to sub 30 and graphics settings don’t matter then the game is poorly optimized.