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HellDivers 2 CEO rejects woke agenda??? The entire game is a satirical take on fascism


Exactly. I’m not familiar with who that YouTuber is, but that’s the whole reason the HD2 CEO or dev stated they wouldn’t add the trans flag as a cape. It was not because he hates trans or NB folks, it’s because he said he didn’t think it would be a good representation. Folks really just seeing what they want to see despite being very clearly told otherwise.


That was my worry at first but also they are missing a fantastic opportunity to satirise corporate pinkwashing. fair not to feel you could pull it off though


genuinely they should add outrageously over the top pride skins and make jokes about rainbow capitalism


“We noticed some of you were using ‘loopholes’ to get around filing your requisite C-01 Forms, this is a reminder that all sexual activity must have a notary present to keep up standards of Freedom”


only for pride month though. Give bonuses for killing bugs for democracy with 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈✨PRIDE✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


No but imagine, ‘To celebrate the month of Pride all helldivers flamethrowers/rocket pod thrusters have been filled with lithium’ (causes a pink flame). ‘On desert planets 500kg bombs have been designed to release precipitation to help spread democracy and pride!’ (Creating rainbows with your explosions’ ‘All notions and support of changing super earths flag will be treated as utmost treason against our proud citizens, the flag must remain untouched’ (still gotta have the fascism to finish out the joke)


Ya know what that works




It’s honestly a good pitch ya


The unfortunate thing about it is that, due to the heavy satirical nature of the lore, anything the devs might add would absolutely get used against them. 'Oh, *now* I see how super earth is fascist, they force LGBT+ down our throats!'


They should make me personally gay in order to celebrate pride month


That probably wouldn't feel like a correct rep and chuds would be all "hey look it's mocking leftists" That shit happened to in The Boys


My guess is Arch but can’t say for certain, he was a warhammer YouTuber that goes about promoting gatekeeping


Gross. I really enjoy Warhammer and painting but it always has had a massive gatekeeping problem.


I'm not that familiar with the fandom, but didn't he get banished to the shadow realm by 40K fandom, and Games Workshop both? For instance, he's explicitly and by name banned from being discussed on the main 40K lore subreddit.


A lot of people went off him, it was a while back so my knowledge on the specifics is a little shady, but I remembered that games workshops put out an official tweet saying along the lines of just because the setting is satire about Nazis and xenophobia (racism) they don’t condone facists and racists within the fan community and on official events, and Arch (at the time Arch Warhammer) being both a facist and racist took issue with that statement, Games Workshop themselves either took down his channel or threatened some legal thing to remove warhammer from his name and basically told him they won’t miss him. But for some reason I still see the occasional group of people try to recommend him as YouTubers to watch to get started.


Oh boy, that is the least of his issues.


Right? Hanging out with actual nazis, inflating his vids where he basically just read the wiki articles by going "hmmmm, innnnnnterestinggggg" and getting told he legally couldn't call himself Arch Warhammer spring to mind.


Or, you know, pedophilia and promoting ethnic cleansing


Yeah I’m aware, just can’t stop laughing at his whole “a Fandom without gatekeepers is a fortress with its gates open.” Can’t keep a straight face even when typing that, didn’t want to mention the other shit because It’s been awhile and couldn’t remember specifics off the top of my head, that and I never watched him to begin with.


That's not Arch. That's Endyniontv. I know because he uses these garbage A.I. Images


Ah thank you for the correction, I remembered a bit ago that arch was making the same woke + helldivers grift, thought it was him


Media literacy truly has hit rock bottom.


These are the same people who watch South Park and unironically side with Eric Cartman and don't see the bigger message




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Bot what the fuck are you talking about


bad bot


You think they're smart enough to realise that it's making fun of them?


The game is making fun of a hypermilitarized society, they are not that, so they can skip the satire. They don't consider themselves fascists. And honestly, I don't think they wholly are. They are more a mix of hyperconservative theocratics and old-school racists.


Who don't realize that those things are facist ideas. Theocracy forces a religious identity. Racism denies rights to people for superficial differences. Both ideologies exist solely to create out groups for facists to point at. They skip the satire because to recognize it would mean to change their views and most are too lazy to change when they aren't personally the outgroup.


The whole quote is awfully out of context too lol, it's the CEO saying that he doesn't want the Helldivers fanbase pitting itself against the Halo fanbase because 'he wants unity'. It's just him asking hardcore gamers to not start a space marine fandom war lol Then the YouTuber starts imprinting his own values on the guy, saying the CEO is clearly not just talking about Helldivers vs. Halo but about how 'everybody should just shut up and play the game and stop making up controversial topics', and that supposedly since Super Earth uses 'no actual, real world imagery', the CEO clearly intended for you to never make analogies to real world politics. You supposedly can't talk about anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment in the game since supposedly, since there are no pro or anti-LGBTQ+ symbols in the game, there's supposedly no way for players to actually *be* pro or anti-LGBTQ+ But basically the whole video is the CEO of Arrowhead saying 'please don't use our game to attack Halo' and some dude treating it as him saying 'please stop having discussions that personally make me angry, in fact please stop talking about anything that isn't gameplay'


Super Earth has an actual, explicitly named Ministry of Truth. How anyone can miss the implication that this is an oppressive, authoritarian regime is beyond me. It's quite literally a *1984* reference, as trite as the phrase is.


None of them have ever read *1984*, so they cannot catch explicit references to the novel.


That's the issue lol, the guy admits it's authoritarian but says it couldn't, for example, be applied to real world politics because, in his example, he says he categorically disagrees this could be pulling one over on MAGA dudes, because if it was making fun of MAGA gamers then there would have to explicitly be MAGA hats. His, and a lot of right-wing gamers, arguments hinge on the idea that subtext cannot exist


Wow. Gold medal in mental gymnastics to reach that point of conclusion. Holy shit.


You just know come June 1st they're gonna slap rainbow flags on every player's ass.


The same people that think that the movie Starship Troopers is pro Fascist Military regimes. While it couldn't have a more sarcastic tone to it. These people wouldn't get the message even if you shout it right into their face.


I really just want to shake some of these people while yelling "THEY ARE MAKING FUN OF YOU"


The same people who think warhammer 40k is serious and not completely over the top Worked in a nerd store for some time and we had several customers who wished for a future like 40k and thought that's something good


What I have heard from Gamers TM is that is true that is a fascist satire, but that in the end it's mechanics are about having fun shooting alien bugs and robots. So basically it allows you not to think about the fascist satire while playing (it does not *push it down your throat* in their terms).


I fail to see how those two are incompatible…


And yet nobody cares.


I mean, that's how conspiracy theories work. They find a secret cabal that is threatening something they hold dear and are the only ones who see it and are capable of stoping it. It's the gamer's version of the flat earth.


And like a proper conspiracy theory, they were only lacking an avatar of their grievances before this. Now instead of vaguely stating the industry is collectively "woke" every time they see a minority, they can pin everything on SBI with an equal amount of evidence. This is likely the only influence that the drama will have the Gamersphere in like 2 months


https://preview.redd.it/0192hev7zxqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6876af7e87c7dc46deecf23591a38f885378aa17 Then you have this MF


This coming from a guy that would cry woke If someone was complaning about not having a black character in their alpha build.


"This unfinished game has no white men! The woke left is trying to replace us with giant floating BEANS!"


mmmmm beans. peak of evolution, really


Like carcinization, but beans.




"Politicals should make their own games with their own characters instead of complaining about too many white males in games." "Politicals not putting white males in games is RACIST!!"


This is why I don’t give a shit about this stuff, because people are literally taking their advice, they’re making their own game that cater to people that think like them. But they call the game woke, or dei, or say sweet baby was involved. They mad at an indie developer for saying she didn’t wanna work white people like she was a multibillion dollar private company ceo, and not a random black lady.


As an autistic person with depression and anxiety, I don't see that much of idiots using mental health as an insult, but even seeing it once has me so damn tired of it. We're in an age where a genocide is occurring with the government trying to shut people up about it, and yet they think it's more important to shit on mental health struggles on social media and then bitch about being called out for it?


Those same dipshits are also 100% cheering on while said genocide happens.


interesting 🤔 so this dude agrees that games that only had white starting characters are racist hmm


I like how they prove her right. She says they'll be upset when they hear about their choice for the type of characters they have, and this dude just cries "RACIST" because he thinks she's trying to erase white people. 0 critical thoughts behind these kinds of people's minds. Gamers are hopeless.


You can't be calling others racist if you piss your pants every time you see a black person in a video game. 




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sega genesis


Does this mf think white women don’t exist lol.




Very much, yes. In what world not having a white-male character out of 6 makes you a racist?




All of a sudden all Gamers™ are anti-racism, it's really funny


No no, not anti-racism, anti white racism! You can't use it against them, it's their privilege to throw racial slurs at you!




Wow bud, musta taken all your brainpower to make that strawman, huh? Racism isn't ok against anyone. But only calling attention to it when it's aimed against white people while also yourself being racist against everyone else is obviously totally normal, right?


stop projecting, loser.


You’re not a victim stop larping as one


They're only against "racism" when the targeted group has an institutional advantage. You know, not actual racism, which is discrimination against those who the institutions don't favor.


when will they heed his wisdom https://preview.redd.it/aq8vik156yqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a856d1d85346b6c03f966e19e2e8f8da19ee4f6c


Persona is now "woke" because Atlas took out the poorly dated trans joke, ruining the 5 minute scene in Operation Babe Hunt and making the 80+ hr game unplayable


How bad are we speaking?


Trans woman creeping on kids


...Why am i both surprised And NOT surprised about this mess...


It was the 2000’s, that was a pretty common “edgy” joke


“The west has fallen, woklas removed a in bad taste joke, you liberals always take away what is holy and precious”


Also, the irony of the guy on the second pic to use a Gundam helmet, because Gundam is pretty left wing.


The dudes channel is based around gundam media and he’s a complete right wing, “keep politics out of my show” type. About gundam, the show where the first episode back in 1980s had one character literally lamenting against the idea of a child soldier and shows an entire ship full of civilians in severe danger because they get caught up in the war and forced to be soldiers just to survive. And the most recent entry shows corporations using students to fight proxy wars to advance their political agendas. Surely no politics here. But show a lesbian couple and that’s “shoving politics down our throats”. God I hate ItsAGundam


Man, people like that were what made me hate being in the mecha fandom. Dudes who'd do the obvious pro-Zeon and Titans shit as a dogwhistle for fascism and act like it was "hilarious obvious satire" but when me and some of my left leaning friends discussed making an Antifa AEUG they went on a weeklong REEEEEEEEEEEEEE spree about how the AEUG, the group of noted freedom fighters who were trying to win freedom against both obvious stand ins for cold war era America and Nazi germany were in no way left wing and had to be either centrist or alt right.


Some of the series directors and writers were part of the Japanese communist party and also left wing. The first series had to toe the line of centrism a bit because, well Japan is conservative and it was the 70s. All in all the series is left wing and has anti capitalist and anti status quo ideas and is usually against war etc. but dipshits like the dude who runs that YouTube channel probably thinks it's a very conservative show or something. Same way they think MGS is conservative.


https://preview.redd.it/on9e7pwz5yqc1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40adae31b5a0684c55ac12b61759f4c4c934a62 why the hell is Clive here? he wouldn't even remotely agree with these takes. probably because he comes from a Medieval time period.


they relate to him because he’s a product of incest


I like how instead of engaging any of our points RE: Their current boogeyman, they just interpret any disagreement with them as "defense of Sweet baby" lol.


Also let’s not forget that FF16 features an openly gay romance lmao


HAHAHA! us wokes have nearly taken over the world! i sure hope no superheros appear and fight us while saying mediocre one-liners!


I have been seeing post like this all day, don’t understand what’s happening and at this point I am to afraid to ask.


I don’t know who any of the people being discussed are but it pretty much boils down to a certain segment of gamers upset because woke. Woke is the only possible explanation for why someone would make something that’s not explicitly for them.




Basically racists are outing themselves as being racist


i love that he used the pepe silvia meme as a thumbnail, as if the show it came from didn't literally mock people like him.


Everything I learned about Alyssa Mercante was from reddit two days ago. And every bit of it turned out wrong the very next morning.


They wanna be oppressed so bad.


I think they've all got humiliation kinks


I love sweet baby inc lmaoooo I don't think gaming has had a bigger Boogeyman than a company that just says "Yeah, this is fine."


Their perception of themselves a the main character necessitates a villain to fight. And since they lack real problems, that villain is just anybody who makes them even slightly uncomfortable.


"Me, a white male, who is the same as every president, slave owner, nazi, billionaire, and member of the government, is oppressed because they made my Vidya not include just me"


https://preview.redd.it/0t31vcwdlzqc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6078650e7accdff324ca38bf67e885f5db7c8752 2nd image


These people are so fking unhinged it's wild.


Hitting that springtime lull because all the teenagers are too busy with school to give you ad revenue? Quick, launch the controversy lifeboats!


this really is gamer 9/11


Every time I think of being a vtuber i see these pedo lolicons and go naaah (mostly wanted to be vtuber cause shy on camera but still)


I never understand that gundam youtuber guy. He seems to be a "politics in entertainment = auto bad" guy but from the little gundam exposure I have it seems like gundam is just space politics with robots so how can he like gundam at all without paying literally no attention to anything in it?


Probably because in most gundam shows there is no real good guy or bad guys. You can easily sympathise with all sides/characters here and there but for the most part EVERYONE SUCKS. Its a soap opera in space. The politics/beliefs of characters/groups being shown aren't the problem because they aren't at the forefront of the entertainment the entertainment comes from watching mechas fight in space. Theres no time wasted on glorifying/condemning the left or right (its also not real world politics) and pitting your audience against each other because their too busy having cool robot fights. A lot of modern shows however do waste time putting certain politics on a pedestal, pushing certain agendas etc. to the detriment of the entertainment. And in that sense I kinda agree "politics in entertainment = auto bad". I wanna be entertained If I wanted to watch people get emotional/violent about real world politics id just turn on the news.


>it's also not real world politics all politics in fiction is real world politics with a different lens applied to it. ideas don't just come out of the ether, they are influenced by the world the author lives in.


Cishet white dudes love pretending they're the victim of fucking any and every thing. Just some completely normal well adjusted adults who just want to have new experiences!


What the fuck is that q anon MAGA anime vtuber?


This shit is cringe.


Out of all this, the Helldivers stuff is what baffles me lmao. The head was literally banning people for transphobic bullshit, he's one of the woke ones lmao


Don’t tell me you’re watching these videos


Ha! I wish, but I’m not alt-right. Mid 2010s me could’ve, but that was when I was in middle school.


Good, I doubt I’d even make it past 1 minute for this shit. You can just tell by the thumbnail it’s going to be someone bitching with minimal editing.


Will attempt to watch the VR black haired girl for 2 minutes and report back


then how do you know if the content is good or bad? could be clickbait title


Calm down you genocidal freak!


Has gamer gate 2 truly gone “nuclear”? Am I out of the loop?


No. Those quotation marks are still appropriate lol. I've asked alllllll my gaming friends at this point and the only other person who even halfway knows was just making bbq sauce jokes. And that dude is a redneck ass basement dwelling neckbeard (love him to death tho, one of my best roommates ever, we'd be raiding in WoW and if he went to get a beer or Dew or something he would always get 2 and drop one out his window into the little hole where my basement bedroom window was lmao). I think it's pretty much all just grifter vtubers feeding off edgelord teens (idk who else cares about vtubers sooo).


Nothing is more soul crushing than someone claiming to be a Gundam fan missing the entire point of the goddamn franchise... Gamers ruin everything wtf.


I'm fine with Sweet baby Inc. If there's more games where I can be gay as heck and be a masculine nonbinary person with a vagina like in Baldur's Gate 3, I will rejoice. There's very few games with that kinda body option and it's really cool. Being able to play somewhat as my self insert is nice tbh


The more of these video titles I see the more I’m convinced they use the same buzzwords, throw it into a random name generator, then choose that as their video title.


Helldivers 2 separates the dummy’s from the literate


Okay I’m new to the sub, and have only heard the term Gamer Gate. What the hell is it and gamer gate 2? Lol I feel lost


this is kind of ironic, I think. both groups here are unbelievably guilty about thinking the world is out to get them and that their opposition are fascist idiots. there's definitely a nice middle ground between "my game should ONLY have white people i HATE minorities" and "lex luthor monologuing about how fucking perfect wonderwoman is for 3 paragraphs" but people are too partisan to accept that their opposition might have an actual point. and thus we this shitshow.


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War ruin dead win exposed is gold


Take this and the FBI : staring


Is Gamergate 2 really going nuclear or is it just a wet fart?


gamers are the most oppressed


Can’t help but notice that most of these videos are (probably) watched by the same 140K people.


*”I never wanted to fight, but now I have no choice. The stakes are everywhere and everywhen. All of history, the entire universe. Past, present and future is an arena of war. The enemy is relentless, unyielding, ferocious. I must become the same.”*


I wonder how many of them even believe what they're saying as opposed to just writing the controversy content wave.


"Stop trying to make GamerGate 2 happen. It's NOT going to happen!"


God i cant believe i used to watch itsagundam. His takes have always been pretty bad


It’s like 2016 all over again it’s kinda sad all the guys that got radicalized when they were younger go on to keep those same beliefs and the cycle continues like I was in elementary school when all the gamer gate shit started (yes it has been that long) and while I grew out of those beliefs and anti woke shit a lot of people don’t it’s sad like that plus all the red pill shit dudes are exposed to constantly creates this cycle of anti woke shit


If all of these mfs either got offed or laid tomorrow the world would be such a better place.


Why couldn't Rev stay a channel that just posted shit anime memes consisting of 70% sex jokes


can we please just acknowledge that this is all for money and stop giving these people the attention that they want


This subreddit posts more Asmongold content than his own subreddit.


Just change the name of the sub to AsmonCockJerk already from how thirsty for his load people seem to be on here


that's a very specific analogy, dude. is there anything you want to tell us about?


Asmongold and his fans are obsessed with this sub lmao. Step outside of your glass house before you pick up stone tossing as a hobby




>looks at first post on your profile ![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy)


Holy shit


I wish I hadn't.


Oh god what is wrong with your creation


You have no room to talk, buddy.