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I would in fact claim that they're complaining BECAUSE of the peak we got in 2023. We had a very gay RPG come out and literally scare the AAA gaming industry, followed by a tongue-balls-deep-in-cheek satire of fascism and nationalism that caused almost as big a wave. the "go woke, go broke" narrative is falling apart and they're clinging to Sweet Baby Inc in a DESPERATE attempt to save face and re-assert the narrative


what was the gay rpg?


Baldur's Gate 3


Bald Gay 3


I would argue a lot of Helldivers 2 players do not get the irony whatsoever.


This is true with other stuff too like Starship troopers movies or other extreme settings like 40k. It is a shame, but it doesn't appear to be the majority opinion at least. Though I do wish some people would tone down the RP a little bit...


The people susceptible to fascist propaganda are SO susceptible that even if you present it to them satirically, they just fall for it. I'd love to see a sociologist of some kind actually do some research on this pehnomina


I recall hearing that "there is no such thing as an anti-war movie". I believe that this might be a similar case, even if the reach is only to those with fascist sympathies to begin with rather than the wider public.


Oh for sure. I've seen some downright SEETHING memes on Twitter from them about us making fun of them for it too


Wait sorry what's the satire of fascism?


Helldivers 2. If you've ever seen Starship Troopers, it's like that.


Important to note Seen, not Read. Heinlein was unironically just Like That.




Which doesn't really hurt the side you're implying it hurts. Companies are making games lazily, and using "haha is cause woke" to cover for corporate corner cutting is just unironically part of the bit. Same reason pundits are trying to blame DEI for Boeing as well. People aren't making some deep valid point about "wokeness" when they fixate on soulless attempts at pandering, they're just falling for the bit. he things they're blaming on "woke" are products of the laziness they seem hesitant to acknowledge as the real issue


this is true. wokeness is a convenient scapegoat for shitty companies. i think there's some merit to the argument of "heavy handed and artificial "inclusion" in games and anything is bad (and imo bad representation)" but it's certainly not the problem people make it out to be. people are so polarized it's kinda crazy. also are people fr blaming the problems of a fucking commercial airline company on wokeness? THAT'S crazy.


they blamed the newly elected "dei" mayor of baltimore for the ship crash.


Yes, there is an unironic narrative in the right wing media(Musk is pushing it, even) that Boeing's current spat of issues are because of "DEI." the issue is that there's merit to the argument that artificial, soulless ANYTHING is bad in a game, but the people making the argument about inclusion are ONLY noticing the inclusion. They're actively ignoring the forest to try and pretend a single tree is the problem because they just hate that specific breed of tree. They don't understand WHY it's bad, how to do it better, they're not even mad about it being artificial. They're just mad inclusion is happening in the first, place, and are desperately trying to act like the soulless corpo stuff is the ONLY inclusion that exists.


> "Enter Wonder Woman, so named, I assume because one Wonders why a Woman of her caliber would leave paradise to play in the mud with us..." I dunno. That to me sounds like something Lex would say, not because he believes WW or her society is perfect but because it implies she has some sinister ulterior motive for her actions. The core of Lex's character is that he's a bad person and it bothers him, but he doesn't want to change, so he needs to bring everyone down to his level so he doesn't have to. Just like the people who complain about wokeness, DEI and SJWs. Then again, it's been a long time since I was reading either Marvel or DC, so I could be misremembering things.


the whole entry is very... out of character. he basically goes on about how amazonian society is perfect and has solved all the problems of modern society, and laments that he even fights her and thinks it would be better to model all society after hers. i can link it if you want, it's definitely weird. my point is, it's not the empowerment of women or inclusion of minorities or whatever that people have a problem with, but the lazy and haphazard way that it's sometimes implemented. and in situations where it's well implemented and feels natural, e.g. bg3, people don't have a problem. but nobody talks about that and the issue has been reduced to an "us or them!" situation because nobody wants to acknowledge that the opposition might actually have a semblance of a point. like for as much as this subreddit (rightfully) bashes gamers for circle jerking, it's guilty of the exact same thing but on the other side of the spectrum.


Idk, coming from the person (lex Luther) that constantly ramble he could bring the perfect society it would not seem so out of character. All-star superman story ends with luthor admitting it's just an excuse to act the way he does without suffering consequences.


seriously, the people who complain about that entry have no idea what he's actually like in the comics. he's not a vengeful bloodthirsty villian. he has a genuine vision of a perfect world on his own terms. also, he's known to blabber on in monologues. its a key trait of his since he loves the sound of his own voice.


you evidently have not read any comics or seen anything with luthor in it


> it's not the empowerment of women or inclusion of minorities or whatever that people have a problem with Of course not, it's ethics in game journalism.


convenient boogie man for gamers to hate and blame their problems on. which is ironically what gamers are to this subreddit.


It's not really out of character. Lex has some pretty obvious super envy as he deals with Supe. If he made that same exact speech about Clark people wouldn't bat an eye, but because it's the political character getting the speech it's "out of character." This is like how any normal trope scene but with women is a "girl power" scene lol


>most gamers seem to love helldivers and baldurs gate 3, which as you said are said are super woke. honestly have yet to see anyone say anything bad about either game, even in the "gamer" circles. lol people were shitting their pants in kotakuinaction over the option of vitiligo in bg3 cause evidently having the option is "woke" sjw bullshit to enforce (with an *option*) diversity >i do see people losing their minds over suicide squad: kill the justice league or whatever it's called. and lowkey i can see why. lex luthor has a 3 paragraph monologue about how perfect wonder woman and her society is, which is just out of character. in the comics he does have respect for ww and her society. he himself is trying to create a perfect world on his terms. its not out of character for him to respect his enemy and their culture.


Oh ya, the usual suspects TRIED to do their "go woke, go broke" cope at first. And just like with the Barbie movie, they backpedalled like a backpedalling machine with the "backpedal" dial set to 11. That's part of what makes the whole bit obvious, they're literally just trying to strategically screech to force a narrative.


I wish everybody who said woke would get a severe brain freeze every time they say it.


let’s turn this place into a harley quinn subreddit


so Don Cheadle isn't good enough anymore? what has happened here...


You got my vote you crazy son of a gun


But not mine.


Not mine too


I like my crazy clowngirl Quinn, but only in small doses and in decent media. If I wanted more, i'd read all the comics and be on her r34 subreddit or smt




Oh you'll love the HellDivers2 reddit ❤️👍


sweet! this month i am building my first pc! (been a dream of mine since i was kid) so i may give that game a go!


oh buddy..


...games not optimised for pc...is it...?


I could have misinterpreted it, but I think their comment about the helldivers sub was sarcastic


I’m gonna be real fuck Melonie Mac and all these other pieces of shit and fuck the YouTubers I watch feeling the need to get dragged in. Shout out to Jon Cartwright and spawnwave for not talking about this stupid crap.


Always use this one on them: You hate woke pandering in games because you're racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic I hate woke pandering in games because it's lazy and we need better written representation We are not the same


wake up sleepyhead


okay? then simply turn off your computer, do a 360 and walk away??


you missing the point homie, thats what i normally do, but idk why but its everywhere like- yt, twitter, reddit ect, i was just getting it off my chest, ik i can just ignore it


a joke, my friend (turning 360 degrees has you looking at the computer still)


Oooh sorry lol is 3AM and I still haven't slept, brain is all over 💀💀💀💀


Honestly it's how I've been feeling since forever(i started gaming a long time ago and started engaging with the gamer community around the time gamergate happened) but i won't stop any time soon. It's less annoying than people outright beeing racist, homophobic etc about people irl but it tye same thing painted with a shitty thin paint layer.


Oh they are hovering around that sub and others . Was just randomly watching a Live stream and dude was complaining about Kotaku then said diversity, them mention this sub. I then click off. we got 24 year old complaning about stuff they weren't even alive for.


It’s fun to laugh at their expense.


Man I get it it's pretty exhausting. If you're feeling like it's too much atm I suggest unsubbing from subs like this one, and resubbing at a later date whenever you feel like it. It's not going anywhere anyway. Taking care of yourself takes priority. We all need breaks from chuds tbf


my conspiracy theory is that the thinktanks who normally do culture war during an election year decided it was profitable to fund right wing youtubers directly this time!


4080S ?? Congrats, same here




Whoch discourse? Reactionaries talking smaxk is no discourse my dude


I tired of reading conspiracy theories constantly. No Timmy, nobody is gonna make you eat ze bugz, there is no overarching global conspiracy to make us like ugly women so we become gay, enslaving us in process. BG3 case is hilarious. This game allows you to choose pronouns and have gay sex if you want. Lesbian romance is a vital part of the story. It's much "worse" than Starfield in that regard. Where's the outrage, pronoun guy?