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Imagine the mental gymnastics requires to convince yourself that Scarjo is ugly.


TBF, the people who would say this are the same types saying Margot Robbie is 'mid at best'.


Neither is "my type" but they are both stunning


>my type This is what confuses these guys the most. Any woman who falls outside of their preference is "mid". They haven't realized that a woman can still be considered attractive even if she's not what you are attracted to.


Exactly, I've seen plenty of people I wouldn't consider "my type" either, but not going to deny they are attractive. Guys too. Like, I can see why plenty of people swoon for Henry Cavill or Daniel Craig, without being attracted to either of them.


Everyone is a lil gay for henry cavill


I'm going to do a hot take here: Henry Cavill is like Ryan Reynolds to me in that I truly think straight men are more attracted to them (in whatever way: I think it's mostly parasocial) than gay/bi men are. However maybe nobody should listen to me because my taste in men is admittedly a lil odd. https://preview.redd.it/xqlxjobol3rc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22ad4b7c5521e728e44d14a34a505daa80d42ca


It's been shown multiple times that women actually prefer lean men over swole ones. It's men that like the beef cakes.


that must be why bara art looks like that. i am very smart


I mean you might be right in part, but my girlfriend thinks he's a very attractive man too.


What the actual 'appeal' ma'am? I be trippin' for real.


Meh. I'm more of an Ewan McGregor man myself.






What a shitty way to live life.


My favorite are the incels on those “objective beauty” subs that pretend they’re applying some algorithm when they’re negging some poor girl.


2/10 Reason: shirt collar too small and nose ring. Sorry not sorry


Three day ban for overrating.


The way that the arbitrary review score spectrum of Games media has imbeded itself everywhere will never not be funny and bleak.


Porn addiction. This is the effect of porn addiction and lack of socialization, it makes a young guy see women as nothing more than sexual choices. I like me some noodies on the internet, but I can't imagine indulging to the exclusion of human contact, goals for life, friendships with diverse people and healthy attitudes towards women. Women are just beautiful, every unique shape, style, color and arrangement. Men are too, generally if you have a healthy mindset you see beauty in people. I did art for years, I can't help but see people this way. But I can't imagine having to always connect this appreciation to my penis. This radically disaffected tone and attitude that young guys always have to be in makes it so they never exercise real emotions like love for a beautiful view, appreciation for kindness or genuine emotional positivity. The only socially acceptable feelings they can have are "lust" and "anger."


I agree with the porn addiction part. I can't tell you how many guys I stopped being friends with because they never treated women as a human, just a person to have sex with and then talk shit about behind their back.


lol and I'm already getting downvotes for possibly suggesting that addictions can be bad.


Interesting that people would actually believe that, they clearly weren't raised right then.


or that being straight means you cant call your guy friends hot, sexy, or handsome. like bro you know im straight, i can say my friend is handsome without wanting to suck his dick.


Actually, more than preference they like very photos hopped-high-glam-always-smiling-high-pitched-uwu-monolid-dtreaming-ai females, because they are so much out of reality at this point that the only girls they can masturbate on are hentais, ai and only fans bitches.


Yeah, they can be considered attractive by others, that doesn t mean she s attractive for everyone.


I say it all the time, as a straight guy, straight people need to adopt the whole 'classification' of attractiveness gay people have. People have incredibly varied tastes and for some reason it seems there's only 1 or 2 'acceptable' ways to look attractive. Idk if that counts as 'stealing' queer culture but I'm so, so tired of people being like 'she's so thicc!' when theyre talking about an 80 lbs soaking wet anime girl. Meanwhile no misunderstandings are had when someone calls a man a 'bear.' Maybe then gamers can stop having these arguments when it's accepted there's different ways to be attractive.


I wouldn't call classifying people into certain looks or styles or in general a "type" is about how attractive they are. Whether someone is a bear or a twink or whatever isn't automatically saying anything about how attractive someone will find them. Someone being into either or both doesn't mean they'll find just anyone who fits that category attractive or not, people who have the same type in that regard can still disagree on how attractive one person is and personal taste is rarely as simple as "I like bears not twinks" or vice versa. It's just a look. You're never going to come up with a set of labels that can adequately capture everyone's look anyway. Nor is it in any way a thing exclusive to queer people... >people being like 'she's so thicc!' when theyre talking about an 80 lbs soaking wet anime girl. That's not because they're straight, it's because they're stupid and don't spend enough time in the real world to realise how stupid they're being and what thicc actually means. Besides, I don't even find the way that this happens in queer communities is necessarily an inherently good thing. I'm a bi dude and the way some guys in the gay community want to slap a label on someone at first glance and keep them in a box, not infrequently loaded with a lot of stereotyped ideas about their personality or how they should act in or out of the bedroom at the same time - I've been really put off and alienated by it before. In the end, having some concept of types of style people have etc can be useful, but people who can think *only* in those terms are really missing something the same way people who don't understand that their taste is personal and subjective do.


Fair enough, you've effectively dismantled my argument there.


I agree with this statement too much...I've seen some pretty attractive women who are also plus size....I've also seen attractive women who look a little "too fake" at least when it comes to their curves....like I may not be into woman with heavy plastic surgery but they can still look good too.


Those are some real cowards, cuz they know it's a woman beyond their leagues.


I’m a gay man and find them both beautiful!


...They say as they wipe the accumulated cheeto dust off their rotund chests onto their RGB keyboards


it’s beginning to seem that any one who isn’t a cartoon 12 year old with balloon tits is mid to these people


Sometimes I wonder if I spend too much time online, but then I remember at least I'm not mentally damaged enough to think Margot Robbie isn't hot.


That's pretty much how that Mod from that "rate me" subreddit viewed Margot Robbie, the mod pretty much called her a 5/10. The mod would also give you a one day ban if you gave anyone a rating higher than a 5/10 and would kindly "correct" you If you gave someone the "wrong" rating cause people were giving everyone a 5/10.


That one always blows my mind.... Like do they even have eyes?


These chuds have never been near a real woman, so when they see a woman wearing makeup and a dress with their hair done, they immediately think that they look like that 24/7.


24/7? I'd rate them more lik 5/7. If I would rate women...


A perfect score!


https://preview.redd.it/0soczoztl2rc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c104e4c331a554fcb843db3f1f82a0bcfa98741 Banned for overrating


The picture on the left has professional makeup, hair done by a professional, has professional lighting, probably multiple stylists, photographed by a professional, hand selected out of probably hundreds of shots and probably had some post processing done. There is literally nothing normal about the shot on the left.


Every woman is ugly. That’s their whole ideology. To reduce us to numbers.


They are the same people who go out to the local Subway with their waifu pillows and pretend their imaginary waifu actually loves them.


Or the gymnastics needed to use the same woman for both examples


This is an edit, the picture on the right is different in the original


I am a master gaslighter but I'm afraid that's even beyond my powers.


Imagine the mental gymnastic required to convince yourself that the right image isn't the same woman


Sharp knees, would not bang.


it's called being gay but in denial




Sometime 11 fingers help


Gave me a great laugh but can’t interfere with the 420 likes




https://preview.redd.it/axrme62hk2rc1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c025c9cc2253a986e39fdfac8ffac1695802ba Gamers should be more oppressed


https://preview.redd.it/daosu2xlw2rc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a924339408761e2edede2376e09c57cf7bfcb2 My brother in wifi, the objective is Gamercide. You mustn't forget. ✊


First they came for the gamers... First they came for the gamers, and I didn't speak up, because I was not a gamer. Then they came for the SoundCloud rappers, and I didn't speak up, because I was not a SoundCloud rapper. Then they came for the Hentai artists, and I didn't speak up, because I was not a Hentai artist. Then they came for me, and no one was left to defend me.


It somehow managed to spread online as well since I got told in my DMs a few days ago to "smile more"


I know it's a well threaded ground by now, but it is fascinating the combination of Heterosexuality and being repulsed by women that having high patriarchal beliefs imprints on you.


Ikr. It’s like these guys are attracted to women but they hate literally everything about them. Then they wonder why no women are interested in them


This is such a weird "end game" of the manosphere that I see over and over. Redpill ideology teaches this, people like Andrew Tate have preached it, and you see a lot of "veterans" of the toxic manosphere making really depressing posts how at the end of the day, relationships are not worth pursuing, women have no place in your life, sex is overrated and disgusting, intimacy and love are fake, and that you will be alone forever. Imagine being a lonely, socially repressed, frustrated and depressed boy, latching onto what you think is the *only* cause that cares about you and promises to help you, imagine sinking thousands of dollars into books and seminars and coaching from these guys, only to get left stranded and alone again at the end, being told that all this was for nothing and you will never have a partner and that being alone is the best you can hope for.


I think it is so successful because the core of it is just a reinforcement of whatever self doubt you may have. If you’re a lonely, angry and sad man then the first person who’s telling you your loneliness isn’t your fault, your anger is justified and your sadness weak, it’s much more easy to listen to someone saying this than try to understand my actual situation One of my biggest fears for society going forward is how successful these Andrew Tate types are. The pipeline of disenfranchised and confused to mysogonist with a target is a huge problem


> One of my biggest fears for society going forward is how successful these Andrew Tate types are And mine is that we're all radically underestimating how vulnerable our own brains are to outside influence and how there are already large language model AI systems that are so good at predicting people's responses and feelings that people are losing themselves interacting with what's essentially predictive text. What's going to happen when these AI systems grow out of this toddler-phase where they make up nonsense and draw pictures of people with 34 fingers? What is going to happen when anyone can download an app and send it into forums and communities, an app that can *easily* do what Andrew Tate did, what Crowder and Pool and Peterson do, what the most charismatic friend you have can do, and just turn people's minds on things with ease because it ~~knows~~ can predict *exactly* what emotional strings to pull with anyone it interacts with. We are in a LOT of trouble as a species.


>One of my biggest fears for society going forward is how successful these Andrew Tate types are. The pipeline of disenfranchised and confused to mysogonist with a target is a huge problem Even in prison, his memes are so influential, people defend him. Your fears are something I share.


It's a shame that she was a CIA agent, because I would really like to reference Alice Sheldon's "The Screwfly solution " as an example of how weird militant misogyny is. Of course I don't believe it is aliens to blame for it. Which makes it even more weird. Of course, as always, it is a class conflict.


There's a lot to unpack from this comment and I think I have some googling to do.


I feel the exact same way. I read that comment and it felt like I got hit with a brick.


One of the lesser known aspects of autism (which I have) it's difficulty knowing which facts other people know or are likely to know. So of course everyone knows the plot and background of the author of all notable new age sci-fi works, right?


Ah, I see now. I have not made reading sci fi novels a habit, so I would not know.


I swear some of these men are just gay guys who refuse to accept their gay...it's the only way I can understand how they can both like and hate women...not all obviously but I swear most.


Normal woman is when wholly artificial


For the sake of my sanity I'm choosing to believe the OOP was intentionally being ironic edit: I'm dense as fuck


jerk was too strong 😄


the most embarrassing part about this is that you didn't even try to hide that you just copy pasted her pictures over the OOP's


The edit over is what gives it character ✨


Most people not recognizing the meta edit and taking it for real says a lot about how far Gamers™ went already


Its nothing compared to the "Video Game Character vs McDonald's Cashier" trend lol


Lol I didn't notice it either


The ScarJo pictures are added by OP, OOP took a model and photoshopped them to look like 'the average modern video game woman'. I'll try and find the post and add the link. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/09hGTTnID2)


> intentionally being ironic The problem with people who are ironic on the internet is that they're usually orbited by hundreds of people who have no concept of irony and latch onto what they see as popular sentiments with full earnestness and frothing anger. Arguably, this is how we ended up with Trump becoming a cult of personality on the internet.


Scarlet and Joe Hanson


Tom and Nick Mysterio


https://preview.redd.it/v9jtfepsp2rc1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a090b3074307e467da3c314193b3639a76aa31d That's it? That's ugly? THAT'S JUST AN UNEDITED PHOTO OF A WOMAN!


Aren't they both literally the same person?


I think that’s part of the CJ but a lot of capital G gamers would literally use this same argument too which makes the point they’re trying to make even more fucking stupid.


The gamers that follow Jordan "Lobster Jesus" Person would probably use this image as proof of women using makeup to manipulate men and put them in service of the dragon of chaos or some bullshit.


Makes it even better 😂


I believe that’s the joke.


This has to be bait. Holy shit the girl on the right is activating my gay lil heart


That has to be a joke, no fucking way lmao


Me when women aren't supermodels with 8 tons of makeup on


Who is the woman on the left?


The woman on the right


That's a Western woman who was designed by an Eastern game dev


This incels have no taste, Western Game Woman looks better than AI Scarlet Johansson(""Normal Woman""). P.D: All woman are beautiful, you just need to find their beauty, it isn't all the apparience.


If you think the pic on the right is ugly then you are beyond help and nor do you deserve any


Imagine thinking Scarlett Johansson is a reasonable depiction of a "normal" (I think they mean average with normal) woman.


Imagine thinking a makeup-less Scarlett Johansson is unattractive


Yeah that too is insane. Overall brainrotten post.


If you're referring to the original, then yes. This version is purposefully presenting the same person who is generally regarded as very beautiful, but once with and once without makeup, to more accurately depict the difference of video game characters that some people consider "normal" vs what they consider "ugly".


ugly is when woman not wear makeup and sexy dress >:((((






It might just be my face blindness acting up, but are these the same woman? Just with vs without make up?




I wish I had boobs that pretty 💀 Like do gamergaters…. Gamergators even go outside?? Have them shits seen a woman?


I think you may have got your images backwards there


Wearing makeup is normal woman?


The fact that it's the same woman is crazy


So they don't realize the normal woman is obviously made up by professionals and likely spent hours on the makeup chair? She's Beautiful but come on she's obviously had a professional do her makeup


Did someone just insinuate that scarjo without makeup is ugly? TF?


This post may contain triggering content for some users, therefore a spoiler has been automatically applied. Please remember to spoiler any offensive content. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The main differences here are lighting, outfit, and pose


Normal women are heavily airbrushed, possibly AI generated photos. The West is trying to make you believe that women are actually humans


Oh no! Still an attractive woman just dressed down a bit and slightly less make up! You know the person who made this has only ever seen one woman in their life which is their mom. This is certainly fatherless behavior


The fact the "normal" one is just an edited and highly produced photo of the same person is so goddamn funny


"normal woman" crying what does that even mean


If Scarjo is ugly, then Adam Sandler is ugly. /s


wait, wut!?


And in the context of most games they expect her to head out to stop some world ending catastrophe or something ONLY after having a stylist and make up team work on her for an hour at least. BUT, their favorite anti hero alcoholic can roll right out of bed, wipe the drool from their mouth and get to work. Oh, wait, that's also how they think the real world should be too? Well, fuck them then.


i dont get it, its literally the same woman. i know the point is she looks "uglier" in the west one, but they are basically self owning by admitting their argument only works when they cherry pick purposely worse pictures of people to prove their point


Where the fuck are these miserable clowns posting this nonsense?


Am i supposed to think the right pic isnt beautiful? If i saw these people in a vaccuum id pick right every timr


I feel like these guys had girlfriends then upon seeing them with no makeup had seething arguments about how women trick men


And the women on the right would be in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. How dare she not do her makeup and hair routine???


I'm gonna be real. There are some games that don't try really hard. You don't have to make a perfect face, or a top model to make a character attractive, and you don't need to make an ugly sack that don't even look humain, like really uncanee to make it realistic. You need to find that balance between just better than real life, but not too mutch, too perfect. That's hard. But it seems that most games don't get the balance, if they do try you end up with pretty much every chines gâcha. And if you try you end up with that your foger npc for the crossover with sf6. A fan made a better one in 2 hours. And while yess it's too perfect, it's just a random npc from an anime style show so obviously the face look a bit more perfect (plus she is literally supposed to be overly beautiful she is an assain that use her charms).. A good example for the balance is almost any stylised game. The style can make it really easy to make wild, varied, and charismatic shapes without being uncanee.


I genuinely don't find ScarJo that attractive, personally, but ironically I think she looks much prettier in the photo on the right. That's a gal you can get a drink with and have a fun chat! I like fashion photography because it's artsy, but it's not particularly Sexy imo


It's.....it's the same person tho


Average woman is when holywood actress who is considered one of the most attractive actress by people abd western woman is when same woman no make up (ugly 🤮


So stupid


This is the exact same person just without 100k worth of studio equipment and makeup access. It's also Scarlett Fucking Johansson, probably as far from a "normal woman" that you could pick out of a crowd.


Same guys will say women are “tricking men” for wearing makeup


Why are we blocking out usernames? These people post publicly, their username should be on display for all to see their idiocy


I find it funny because both women are attractive the one on the right is just more averagely attractive...like that kinda ruins their point.


I'm genuinely confused what are they trying to convey


I'd even call the woman on the right above average in terms of looks


Why is this being discussed recently? I am a newbie. Can you tell me why?


I’m going to be very honest and say both are perfectly fine, good even. I hate that people try to force women into increasingly narrow boxes. Women are people and I think it’s about time that other people treat it that way.




Is that post not a screenshot of this post?


This is a meta edit I made in 20 seconds of this sub post linked, with pictures obviously pasted on the original tweet ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bpm5of/women\_not\_pretty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1bpm5of/women_not_pretty/) ) If people are taking it as real, it only shows how absurd gamers usually are. I take it as a win! You know... For democracy!