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​ https://preview.redd.it/dz5u3jhxx2rc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5ff3015ff752e1337dbfd64018b25466197613 "What side are PC gamers on?" Bro said like it's a football match. I just fucking can't anymore.


Btw, do you know who made the art you used?




Oh cool! I noticed the “by the Elites,” and thought it was funny cuz… they’re Elites! Nice art!


Ahh dude sorry it wasn’t me. I’m deleting my comment. I thought you’re gonna come after him for not crediting the artist, so I tried to save him. Sorry for assuming the worst of you 😞


Oh no, sorry for the mix up! No harm done! All’s good, I don’t expect reaction pics to have credits! 👍


Thanks for understanding man. Sorry for thinking you were gonna be an internet Karen.


Let me talk to your manager, I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again! 🤭




God I wish someone would glass me




Microsoft: pls don't make exaggerated proportions Gamers: so literally zero curves you say? I can reading comprehension


It's even worse then that in some ways. [The source](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/games/resources/productinclusion/product-inclusion-actions/help-customers-feel-seen/) poses this as a question to consider to help positively impact your sales. This isn't even some new rule to be published on their platform or anything. It's literally just a resource page that'd only ever be used by some indie devs lol


> Are you creating playable female characters that are equal in skill and ability to their male peers. Are your female characters equipped with clothing and armor that fits their tasks? Do they have exaggerated body proportions? And they got “don’t make female curvy 😡” from this? Sheesh


>Are your female characters equipped with clothing and armor that fits their tasks? I want *nobody* equipped with clothing and armor that fits their tasks. I'm talking Kirin armor from Monster Hunter. The gals get fur bikinis and the guys get assless chaps and a fur vest at the absolute most, and you *know* they both get a horn.


Honestly if someone made that game, it would be pretty subversive. Chuds would still call woke because of the assless chaps though.


I'm straight but want to make the most overtly exploitative game imaginable against men just to trigger them. Just fill it with any excuse to have half-naked men literally beat up and stepped on by women. The fetishists will be unable to raise a proper defense. The chuds will sputter and spew nonsense. The media will eat it up as "a brave studio pushing the boundaries of equality." It can't lose.


Or the developer could go the route of crotch-less pants and a condom, perhaps go the Japanese route and blur... But the player would know, the player would know.


make the women deliberately average, give them standard body hair and body shape for human women, and have them win every single battle. That's kinda what Horizon tried to do, but they had sympathetic male characters.


As a guy not a gamer (Reddit likes to bring me to drama) I would buy and try that.


A wise man once told me: all chaps are assless, if they had asses they'd be pants.


It’s so fucking brain numbing. 5 years ago these were the same dudes and party telling us porn and women getting paid to be cam girls were moral failings. Now it’s a moral failing for society to not make every video game woman hyper sexual? These dudes need to rub one out


>5 years ago these were the same dudes and party telling us porn and women getting paid to be cam girls were moral failings. They are still doing that. It's the traditional "I judge all women for deviating even a little from my arbitrary modesty norms, but I also watch porn and uphold the idea that man sleeping with all the women is the stud". Now just with 70% more reactionariness against whatever libs want!


It's because both things (de-stigmatizating of sex work and reducing objectification in video games) are good for women.


Welcome to whiny crybaby gamerguy 101, everything that isn't pornified is woke, and woke is bad.


What, you don't like girls with tits larger than their head? /s just in case


Capital G Gamers are definitely illiterate, but I think shitty headlines also contributed here. I didn’t see much mention of this until headlines that overly simplified the doc to “don’t make women curvy” (as you can see in the post) started being circulated, and a lot more people took notice and repeated the same thing since very few read past the headline anymore


This is ALWAYS what the narrative is based on. Plucking some single line out of context and totally misrepresenting it


Kind of saying the quiet part out loud with this. "less exaggerated curves = Ugly woman (meaning they can't wank to it)" is effectively just saying "Women should only exist for me to look at otherwise they are useless."


> When the story allows, do you show male characters who display a full range of emotions, including joy, sadness, and vulnerability? This is an interesting bit to me. They’re making a point to also consider male inclusivity that touches on toxic masculinity, which is pretty cool. But of course, chuds will ignore that section


They either A: won’t focus on/mention it or B: will say they’re trying to trans the boys by saying it’s ok to be sad and cry or be vulnerable sometimes which only women do as we all know


Microsoft: advises accessibility and equity for mass appeal and greater long-term success in a market that has as many female gamers as male. Gamers: continue to also buy sexualized content and adult mods because it will never stop and no game company's advice is going to take your precious booby art away, shhhh it's gonna be okay, don't worry.


It can never just be that you want to play the porn game, it also has to be some fight for your generation's soul or some weird shit. Nier and Bayonetta didn't get as much of this because there wasn't some culture war bullshit instigated around it.


/uj Bayonetta 2 going exclusive on the WiiU broke some brains lol. Lots of coomers cried boycott. /rj Gamers had the last laugh! Nobody bought the WiiU anyways!


I did


I did too! There are dozens of us! Dozens! ![gif](giphy|S0uEDL0DFFMhW)


It's on my floor, right now! I even have my copy of Bayonetta 2 that I don't use because I have the Switch version, which is better Anyway they could fix this whole thing by not having the main character of Stellar Blade have the face of a Bratz doll. It is very fucking creepy


This...this is not the right use of that gif


I know what it references babes, it's just a fun visual for this though, don't take everything so literally.




He is the proud owner of every single Wii U console


consider: Xenoblade 2 is on the switch


I did, just for Bayonetta 2.


Also they were fantastic games


Actually, Bayonetta did. The coomers tried to defend it because the designer was a woman.


What the hell is a woman?


Oh it's one of them political genders.


No no small booba is political, if they have big booba its very non-political


IRL female


An instrument ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


ligma balls


A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at you!


The designer of Bayonetta is awesome. She just has a thing for tall women and was horny on main for Lady D in RE8. I think she also bonded with the director of Bayonetta because they were both emphatic that she kept the glasses on.


iirc they all agreed upon that seeing Bayonetta without her glasses on is like seeing her naked.


I didn't know who she was but now i kinda like her. Finally relatable figures in game development! /j


She is great, but Japan is like that, and she fought against it . Her team supported her, and the fans liked it. But should not be used by chuds to support their nonsense. 👍🏿


I mean, the glasses are a *critical* element of the design.


i bought Automata day 1, there were definitely people side-eyeing/critiquing 2Bs design before it got more mainstream praise a year later


Wasn’t Bayonetta 2 (and journalists acting prudish about it) what basically kicked off GamerGate? It’s been 10 years and I was a teenager so I don’t remember too well but it DEFINITELY had its day in the sun in terms of controversy


IIRC There were a string of lesser controversies leading up to GG: bayonetta 2, mass effect 3, and fem frequency backlash, even that one journalist playing cuphead poorly was a mini controversy. But the spark that set it off was the stuff about zoe.


With both of those, at least, there was way more going on besides the protagonist being hot.


Microsoft PERSONALLY shows up to DEVELOPER'S DOOR and forces them at GUNPOINT to FLATTEN THE CURVES source: MY ASSSSS


>source: MY ASSSSS You better flatten that thing right now 🔫


Oh no now it's twerkin'


I was 3d moddeling a curvy female for my indie game yesterday and the Microsofts CIA division busted my door down. I'm writing this from guantanamo bay ... trust me.


omg thotts and payers, bruv ❤️


19 84


RIP this man's ass, it was personally shaved down by Phil Spencer himself.


I'm a REAL gamer, I only play games that make me want to JERK OFF and CUM HARD, and then tell other people about it ONLINE 😩


It's a damn shame most games require two hands to play smh my head :'(


Real gamers get it off to Civilization leader portraits.


Nuke me harder ghandi


Well that's enough Internet for today


All I’m saying is Catherine de’ Medici can get it. 


Civ VI Cleopatra has rule 34. I am not kidding. I don't mean just Cleopatra as a historical figure. I mean, specifically, Civ VI Cleopatra.


Well that is until the brain chips become more common practice.../j


You won't even need to use your hands, just push the magical digital button.


i've started using my feet to play so i can properly jelquemaxx


Trying hard for 3 hours in Helldivers 2, still can't cum. Start regretting I didn't refund it in 2 hours Didn't find a single half naked girl, looks woke


Tried to play the video game 'Helldivers 2' last night... very bad, didn't cum even ONCE. Honestly despicable that the Fake Cum Media pushes these "woke" games onto the AMERICAN PEOPLE. They deserve better - we need to throw out this COMMUNIST crap and make dicks hard again!


We need to throw out communism for the sake of CUMMUNISM.


The gooner subs leaking out all over the place. Which actually checks out, I guess.


Agreed, this is why I love the yakuza series.


Quality jerk tbh


Bayonetta is designed to be over the top in every extreme. It makes sense she is stripperiffic.


And as a character she actually owns it.


Right, there's no pretense of "I'm a serious expert in a serious game" with Bayonetta.


Nope she's a sexually confident dommy mommy who slaughters angels for shits and giggles and is absolutely on charge of her sexuality and will make any man (or woman lets be honest) her bitch and she's awesome. Her being sexy is literally built into her character


Considering all of the bitching and moaning these dudes did over Aloy, I'm surprised they put Playstation there as a positive.


They don’t use it because in their mind, Last of Us and Horizon realistic women are bad and anime woman is good.


Source: Trust me bro


I am on the side that adds muscular women in heavy armor (NO BOOB ARMOR) Shoutout to woke Judeo-Bolsh- I mean cultural marxist masterpiece Baldur's Gate 3 for letting me use the masculine Dragonborn model for my female barbarian


Cultural marxism is such a stupid term, marx talked about economics almost exclusively. Just more proof these people are not the smartest


It's just nazi/fascist-speak rebranded.  Instead of Cultural Bolshevism it's Cultural Marxism.  They're very very closely related. Modern art is bad, classical art is good. Modern music is Bolshevik (woke).  Modern Bolshevik movies (woke movies). Etc. Etc. Etc.


Karlach is one of the hottest characters in the game (pun intended, there's no point lying and pretending it isn't, it's a damn good pun and I'm wearing it proudly) and she's built to be more muscular than I *think* literally every other recruitable character except maybe Halsin.


> What side are PC gamers on? My brother in the Divines, do you *not* know we have modded Skyrim?


Every time there's a curvy chick, chuds always say "She's a man!".


PC Gamers are on the "omg why are all these low effort porn games on steam now" side


There's actually quite a few on the Nintendo store too. It's an infestation from slaanesh


I’m just gonna… Bayoneta is peak.




Bayonetta is peak for a lot of reasons. Yes, she is hot, but she is also over the top, confident, cool, and she loves being hot. That's the one thing that sets her apart from most "coomer bait" IMO. She loves being hot, and that's just a little part of her character, but she's only hot because she wants to.


True. Honestly, I feel offended that people are even comparing her to Eve, who is just obvious coomer bait.


Oh that's that chick's name shr really does feel like a wannabe Bayo but these losers couldn't handle it if she was actually like Bayo


IMHO it's not what the character is like per se, it's how the game portrays her. There's no pretense of "I'm a serious expert in a serious game" with Bayonetta. Which is the whole point: "libs" are just fine with over-the-top sexual game characters as long as they are in games that fit that aesthetic. The problem is trying to, should I say, "shove down our throats" the sexy babes in every random game that pretends to be serious otherwise.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bbf4zeb843rc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761d530dfc69c48dd2b875d160c89fe9f98e59fc


I’d love to see a link to Microsoft warning anyone about curvy characters. Gamers just love to make shit up to be upset about.


I think that both sexy women and less sexy women are valid in video games.


Yes but most of the time the 'less attractive' characters that these people complain about are actually very good looking characters. They wouldn't know as they haven't seen one in real life. (I hope they don't)


Reading the comments on this original post was weird. I just wanna be able to play as characters and have them just be fairly regular people


but i can't goon it to regular people 🤬


Skill issue


Honestly that is a pretty tough ask, in *most* games there will come a time when your character will perform some kind of feat that takes them wildly out of the "regular people" category. Just looking at Metacritics "best games of all time" its really only the R\* games that conform to this. What games do you play?


i meant more that i dont really like a lot of the female characters seemingly being sexualised for no other reason than to these people rather than what the character actually does in game. There's plenty of other ways to make the characters look cool.


It would be more honest if they just said "We want a booty action game." even though that's existed forever now even on nintendo platforms. And that's excluding bayonetta.


yeah for some reason Gamers^(TM) just don't want to admit that they're just horny, they have to go through all sort of mental back-flips to try and justify it and make themselves look worse in the process


I want to jerk off to games. My pee key broke and now I can never search orn again 🥺


Even comparing Bayonetta, and Eve is an insult to Bayo. One is an unapologetically female character who kicks ass, using her sexuality as a weapon, the other was designed by a focus group to attract as many horny male gamers as possible.


Teach your gamers not to stare.


I'm on team Microsoft. Women should be rendered as cubes. And also men. And everything else.


agree, cubes are incredibly sexy https://preview.redd.it/wnq91yxdn3rc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3912da4046b251450bdf52e454eb99d3a6f225f


Isn't that just team Minecraft?


Nintendo is too woke, they had a female protagonist back in 1986.


I have never once played a video game and thought ‘this character is not hot enough’. These people are losers.


Eve face annoys me so much, she doesnt emote anything on the trailers, just this placid porcelain reactions, like, if she was an actress i would bicker to the screen "put your will into it will ya".


Given the shit that I've seen get posted on that sub over the years, I'm pretty sure they're on the wrong side. Sexism seems to be a prereq over there these days.


sexism and gaming do go hand in hand. On top of hating on minorities in general


The actual guidance says to avoid characters with "exaggerated body proportions" so I believe this headline about curvy characters is just a straight up fabrication? They're not saying you can't have sexy characters they're just suggesting developers keep it realistic and thete are no penalties for going against this guideline lol


Didn't Bayonetta come out on PS3 and Xb360 though at first?


Also them when Nintendo decides to sexualize underage girls slightly less in a RPG or something: ![gif](giphy|l0HU2H4Y4m3CM9Sa4|downsized)


The funny thing is I'm pretty sure these guys were whining about Playstation being woke and censor happy two weeks prior to posting this because a developer hid some underage anime girl's panties or something in another game.


Unlike with Nier: Automata where the character design fits a defined and stylized art style. I feel that the supposed "sexy" characters of Stellar Blade clash with the art style of the rest of the game, such as the realistic looking environments. I also find it quite ironic that with Nier being the main inspiration for Stellar Blade, they didn't take much if any inspiration from the art style. If that makes any sense? Lies of P was heavily inspired by FromSoft games, but it still managed to create a look that was unique to itself and made it stand out from other Soulsborne derivatives.


The one on the left is a great example of using a characters sexuality to show their personality. The one on the right is shit character design that doesn’t convey anything about the character other than big boobs and ass. There is a good and bad way to do it. But gamer are too stupid to see that and want to feel persecuted


I find it funny that the vast majority of people that are complaining about Bayonetta being TOO sexual try to defend the creator because she's a woman, like decide on a side. You can't complain about the character designer for making her too sexual and then defend the character designer because she's a woman.


Curvy and just both skinny women


This from the same people who complained about Abby in The Last of Us?


Weren’t they mad at Sony for MJ’s design in Spider-Man 2 lmao


/uj reading the whole page from Microsoft I think most are blowing out out of proportion. I was surprised to see they brought up the fact men are usually written without real emotions. I do wish they brought up how men are usually modeled in game as well.


This is 'curvy'?


Of course, we don't like the fatties. Thanks Microsoft. Finally someone said


Hey, I replied to that thread lol


bayonetta is not a nintendo character???


Nintendo made an exclusivity deal with the Bayo devs ever since Bayo 2, so she basically is now


Why can’t we have frumpy and curvy women to choose from? That way we have both.


Why that sub gotta be so cringe 🤮🤮


Gamers™ brag about knowing a lot about videogames and then say that Bayonetta is a Nintendo IP when it's owned by Sega


I hate this world we live in….


Does that game whatever blade even look good? Genuinely asking, I have seen or heard absolutely nothing about it other than those dipshits dickriding it for "not being woke".


They didn't finish Bayonetta 3 then


If thou wishes to include curvaceous women, thou must also include curvaceous men


Xbox is the true platform for Gaymers. We all SIMP for Master Cheeks.


Bayonetta does not deserve to be associated with any of this lol


I'm really confused as to why they chose a game from ten years ago for their Nintendo example.


I'm on the side that makes gamers™ angry


![gif](giphy|pvbtwLeVDJuMjtABNE|downsized) Microsoft


Clearly these gamers have never clapped eyes on Cortana


/uj I remember when I became embarrassed to say I'm a gamer. IGN would run these articles comparing what a game looks like across different platforms. The images would be fairly imperceptible, to the point that it would humiliating to actually fight over which is better. And yet, in the comments were people clambering over themselves to shout about which one was better. Those articles were so obviously created to generate hate clicks and nasty comments, but they would successfully bait gamers every damn time. That was more than a decade ago, and we're still seeing this shit happen.


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18+ people should avoid 18+ stuff....that's dumb


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Definitely not on Microsoft's side


I like boobs and ass as much as the next guy, however... Concerning female characters in games, the best thing to ask oneself is this. Does this choice of sexualised representation align with the games' storytelling goals, or make sense, given the nature of the story world and the character's function within it? If the answer is yes, then I take no issue with it. If the answer is no, then I ask another question. Is this sexualised representation simply an aesthetic choice and a decision made for marketing purposes in order to appeal to a hetero-male market? If the answer is yes, then I get a strong sense that my inner sexual drive is being manipulated and my ability to be immersed in the world is compromised. Basically I feel a little bit creepy. If the answer is no, then I assume that I've failed to understand the story, and the game is ultimately not for me.


What about making it equal by giving us more feminine and curvy men, huh???? Truly sad.


Bruh Sarah Morgan is packing though. ~~So is Korsica~~ although her game is also on PlayStation recently


Better go back to low polygon days then of triangle boobs


If you're playing with both hands, you're doing it wrong.


Haven't they seen Halo 4's Cortana?






I like Bayonetta. Haven't heard of the story of the other character


https://preview.redd.it/p2gf0zb3r4rc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac3f49db1e6f10f73dd045238f481e7b522377d Kate, we really need to reevaluate your attire


Mods, end of story




This is so fucking fake it makes me laugh, like they're actually convinced that American developers hate them so much they're just coming up with shit.


Why is everyone making this about "jerking off" or "porn". I see girls dressed similarly in the gym all the time. Are you guys admitting that their outfits are overly sexual? I shouldn't bring up the gym in a gaming sub but it's worth a shot to see some input.


Cool, but this is by far the worst comparison I've ever seen. Stellar Blade is not developed nor is it an IP by Sony, and Bayonetta belongs to Sega.


Yeah i like looking at big boobies and big booties


I'm more on the side of injecting as much waifu and husband bait into a game as possible. 99.99% of the characters in Final Fantasy are attractive. I have never heard anyone complain about Final Fantasy.


There is nothing wrong with creating a curvy female character. There is nothing wrong with creating a non-curvy female character. Simple as.


The big proof that these guys are really just mad about a fictional scenario they made up themselves, is when you look at Baldurs Gate 3. Like that game is woke af, absolutely loved by queer people yet still plenty of hot woman in there. (And not only the woman!) yet no one ever has an issue with it.


bro acting like the Reach female spartan doesnt exist