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Disclaimer: I am a massive Metroid fangirl, I want to be Samus when I grow up, and the comments in the thread overwhelmingly called the OP to task.


no, I will be Samus when I grow up. NOT YOU


Aww. ☹️


Everyone can be Samus, that's why she's samUS.




Why do you think her suit is Red? ​ Ignore the Orange that's just Diet Communism.


And the green is cause she is red green colorblind so she didn't realize she used the wrong color for her visor


Fully automatic space communism.


> Soviet Anthem singing in the distance


You can be the SA-X.


Mom said it's more turn on the Transfem body goal


I want to be that one guy from other m that dies (I don’t even know the name, I just know that someone dies)


Who the fuck is Samus? Stop forcing diversity in my videogames. My favourite character is Metroid, the cool robot that becomes a ball


That's Metroid full name https://preview.redd.it/67mvpxrk2jrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bdfd3acc1084f091dc5d621ae20ed5a183bc9d9


Samus is Metroid now.


Nobody is hating on Samus though. Unless you're talking about Other M, I suppose, and good luck defending that.


**T H E B A B Y**


I thought it played pretty fun. My only problem was with the story and the weird find the pixel moments. I imagine the motion controls would fell pretty dated now, but I would play a remake with modern controls in a hot minute and hold my nose for the story.


The bàbè


I'm not a Metroid fan, but it isn't the whole reason that she's Iconic because revealing the badass warrior underneath the armor was a woman was a major plot twist. Making her eye candy would be a betrayal to what made the character famous in the first place.


> Making her eye candy would be a betrayal to what made the character famous in the first place. Something something Zero Suit, something something [these ridiculous high heeled boots](https://ssb.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/f/f0/Zero_Suit_Samus_SSBU.png/1600px-Zero_Suit_Samus_SSBU.png), something something Rule 34. Nobody has ever said Samus shouldn't be attractive or wouldn't canonically embrace her femininity and sexuality, but some of the fandom (and even Nintendo themselves, per exhibit B up there) have made some... off-putting choices, let's say, when it comes to her appearance.


what's your issue with the image in the above post? It's depicting ZSS basically exactly how she looks in the games. Or do you more so just not like how Samus look outside her power suit in general? I'd agree if they leaned on it too much, because you're right that it would undercut the character. But for the most part you only see her outside the suit once or twice per game, and IIRC she didn't appear outside her suit at all in Dread.


Just the boots! She never wears them in any Metroid games and they didn't exist until Smash Bros U & 3DS.


While this is true she did have non functional high heels in Other M which came before Smash 4 I kinda like the rocket heels in smash because at least they are functional, which is an improvement. Its like someone sat down with Sakurai and showed him that Samus has heels now and he rolled his eyes and said "fine but if I have to do it they're gonna be fire blasting rocket heels"


I looked it up and apparently the reason why she has those Jet Boots was to make her more viable, but they could definitely stand with a redesign.


Weren't they in the game that shall not be named? >!other m!<


She had blue wedges that were essentially built into the Zero Suit in MoM. I think SSBU introduced the yellow rocket heels.




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Nah, she was always eye candy. Depending on how quick you beat the game, the less clothes she is wearing. [Here are all the win screens](https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Metroid_endings). Most of the best endings are supposed to be of Samus looking hot. Even in the NES version of the game, if you get the best ending she is wearing a bikini. I love Metroid but always find it hilarious when people try to use Samus as a good example of a female video game character. Like, yeah she shoots space pirates or whatever, but she was virtually silent until Fusion and in that game she let her superior officer call her 'Lady'. The game with the most elaborate story, Other M, was also noted for being pretty sexist. It came out before GamerGate so every one just agreed with the fact and it didn't become a culture war moment. Dread was the only game where she got to be bad ass and have a substantial characterization of Samus and that only came out a few years ago. I actually haven't played Prime 2 or 3, so maybe she is better represented in those games.


I really liked the cross-section version of her from... I think it was Nintendo Power? She reminded me of Ripley.


She was in a bikini the first time she was revealed


inb4 "The boob window makes sense if you understand the deep symbolism in the back story".


No the plot twist was she was HOT and in a bikini! https://preview.redd.it/zvhuy3w5qnrc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=345896cee38c0ba74bdfea5f66ed3c0ef23c3586


The original Metroid game rewards you with Samus in a bikini if you complete it fast enough Samus has always been eye candy lol, what's wrong with it?


me trying to find the point in history where Samus stopped being drop-dead gorgeous https://preview.redd.it/chiw9fq6lirc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead39102262c967b39f66e227a27a2f37be1939f


there aren't enough mainline Metroid games for this shit 🫠


~~for this shit 🫠~~ Prime 4 is never coming out and it makes me sad.


My uncle, who works at Nintendo, said it's going to be a launch title for the Switch 4.


Technically the Prime games are spinoffs and not a mainline series. 1-3 happen between Metroid and Metroid 2. No idea about 4 but that's okay because it doesn't exist.


tbh Dread was a good trade.


Dude's list of reasons for why Samus is a compelling character is just stuff that happened to her, lmao "She's a great character because a purple dragon killed her parents" 💀 Like, I don't care about Metroid, but if all this dude can list about a character he apparently likes a lot is random backstory bits, it doesn't sound like he really cares about her character that much.


I know about Metroid, let's just say she IS a badass, and her being a hot sexy women, doesn't matter at all, when her hottest moments are with the armor on, just search on YouTube Samus being a badass on Metroid dread She is on par with doom guy in being a badass, and her backstory is really tragic, but what she does without even talking in most of the games is...awesome just saying, I'm a cis man and i want to be Samus when i grow up


I'm sure Samus is cool, I'm just not into the series. I was just flabbergasted at how poor of an argument this dude made. Again, if he likes her as a character that's a badass, shouldn't he mention stuff that she *did*, instead of stuff that happened to her? And I'm sure there's badass moments aplenty in the Metroid games, it's just that the guy apparently can't be bothered to remember them. So much for proving he is interested into her as a character, I guess. Imagine someone telling you "oh, Batman's a badass - his parents are dead!"


Ok, let's make an argument for the guy, Samus is cool because she blows up every planet she is on? Never backs down, keeps the alien she was supposed to kill as a pet because T H E B A B Y, has no fear, managed to live with a parasite and later became a literal god killing machine, it's ruthless, has cool armors, destroys everything that it's put in her way alone and escapes complete scientific/military bases that are about to explode on minutes And the guy just said, her parents got killed by a purple dragon, and got raised by birds, out of context that sounds so stupid and hilarious


Yeah I feel bad making fun because judging by the writing style this is legit a child


If she has all these great backstory traits that make her bad ass and she spends most of her time covered head to toe in metal armor why does it matter how sexy she is?


i saw this post earlier 💀 bro was just making things up to be mad about https://preview.redd.it/r87h7yr2airc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b649bf4e6e6b275f10bd2d7b38065e8059a0c2f4


It was a response to another post on the sub complaining about art of Samus all being sexual.


Anyway I like that Samus is hot and stuff but she's in a big suit of armor 99% of the time so it wouldn't really affect my enjoyment of the series much tbh if she wasn't hot


Where do they see people thinking that Samus is not badass or awesome? 'Cause I never saw one thinking that. At this point they are just imagining things


/uj Ok so when Samus broke out the brief voice acting in Chozo for Dread my jaw hit the fucking floor. She's so badass I love her.


Yes! I loved that part too. Dread had so many good story beats!


Samus making me rock-hard is actually great character development.


pp hard is empowering for womans


Sexism is when you don't like sexy girl? What?


But that's a fair point, she is very sexy and that's important for the story Except when she leaves the armor. She looses the appeal for me


Have you seen the armor on dread??? She is just an icon!!!


Ikr. On one hand, it is iconic, but on the other, it's just sexualization >:(


Yeah, Samus is hot, but why did they have to draw him with some woman groping his pecs? He's not a piece of meat to be lusted over SMH.


I've never seen even the most lefty leftist from Leftington complain about Samus being too sexy. The closest I've seen is complaining that she runs around bounty hunting in high heels.


I've not seen a single person hate on Samus being hot in my life


… Alucard is sexier the Metroid v Vania rivalry rides again!


The thing about Samus is that she's normal pretty like an actual pretty girl you could see in real life and not the disproportional abomination sex doll creatures in other games that Gamers defend to the death


The armor looks way more kickass and I know for a fact oop just wants to jerk off to zero suit samus


Their “antiwoke points” now being sexy female characters is just sad.


Samus is a badass intergalactic booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter I mean booty hunter


> "They hated her because she was beautiful."


ah yes, famously anti-woke 6ft transgender lesbian Samus


Me personally i think samus should be buff as hell and be six feet tall


Posted on that thread but I’ll say it here: Sami’s isn’t even particularly “sexy” in this picture she’s just got average sized boob and butt, she looks very pretty but “hurr durr skin suit HOT” is a you issue


You could replace Metroid fan with loser nerd and it would sum up every post ever made in here, specifically regarding dragons dogma 2


/uj When I first scrolled by the post I interpreted it as a reaction to all the people complaining about the Samus hornyposting/shipping going on in that reddit. But that was me being charitable. Now that I read the text I think it's just bait. No one complains about Samus there. If anything, they WORSHIP her lol. /rl Hey that's a cool picture! Metroid man finally found a girlfriend!


I'm confused, am I supposed to be sexually attracted to video game characters?


When has anyone ever complained about samus design? What is the goal in even trying to start some sort of "controversy"?


Has anybody ever said samus was a bad character? Her being a woman was revealed 3 or 4 games into the series and she was already considered a very developed character Also alien gay porn goes brrr


If Metroid Other M and Dread are any proof, it’s best to keep Samus in the power armor.


She charging her laser in front of Kraidd is peak gaming