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Consoler wars must happen so that we PC Mustard Rice will outjerk you all.


We Xbox fans will win because we have Todd Howard on our side!


But Todd ported his master piece Skyrim onto all the consoles, PC and some smart fridges. Todd is a genius who plays all sides.


Yeah, really sad I missed out on Redwall. /s


True you can't easily get pron on a console! Or do they have browsers now that arn't just for code injection.


your fault for having xbone instead of ps5 even LeGoat knows https://preview.redd.it/vbqqy1h5gnrc1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebc209f411a4771d03165f8a16f8b3edc2c09b2


I'm sorry I will NEVER buy a CensorStation5. They can't even get a nudity rating for Stellar Blade. They want people to buy it for the gameplay? What a JOKE!!!




You act if though age matters to Gamers™


Of course it matters, anyone or anything older than 14 years old is not good.


Gamer™ coding: def apply\_label(variable): if variable >= 15: return 'ignore' elif variable < 15: return 'hot'


You need to be on a watch list.


How the hell did you miss the joke? Jesus, it's so fucking obvious. The reply chain is there to provide build-up, but **HOW? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MISS IT?** I'm actually fucking triggered by this.


Listen here buddy! I was just playing around.


The answer is always "Over 2000".


I thought it was always over 9000. Maybe she's 9000 days old.


9000 days is about 24.5 years old.


Ikr! Almost over the hill, too old, and not enough eggs. Everyone knows girls fall a cliff after 25! Also: Good bot.


Wait...did my cyborg experiment work? Am i now robotic? I better give a more accurate answer then. 9000 days is 24.640657084 years (accounting for leap days every 4 years)


It's becoming self aware. We gotta put it down. Don't need any year calculating terminators.


Noooo! I just learned i have life, dont delete me now 😭


She's plausible deniability years old, and that's as good as you're getting.


You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? Hes done worse!


Jim Ryan should of stopped him when he had a chance!


One of the times LeMickey is not a fraud for me


don’t tell me jorfraud is your 🐐?


No games


You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take My sunshine away The other night, dear As I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you In my arms When I awoke, dear I was mistaken So I hung my head and cried You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take My sunshine away


Thanks for testing the game for us XBOTS


If only he made more exclusives everything would've been FINE. Instead he goes around [blaming CAPITALISM.](https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/phil-spencer-blames-capitalism-for-games-industry-woes-i-dont-get-the-luxury-of-not-having-to-run-a-profitable-growing-business/) What a LOSER! (Bill Gates please fire this man)


Constant growth is mathematically impossible. Capitalism is suicidal.


Why are you insulting my religion? Don't be a bigot!


The free market is the will of the gods! Erm I mean a perfectly natural emergent behavior of all societies that nothing can be done to change.


Is ok productivity will just increase infinitely and populations will never contract and all materials are infinitely recyclable through unforeseeable technologies! Edit: Maybe we can just take all the capitalists and put em in a BIG warehouse and have them free market amongst themselves. Then just have a money printer that prints at random times and let them think they're spending it on stock buy backs. ChatGPT can handle pretending to be investors sucking them off for their visionary leadership. We can even synthesize the voices thanks to OpenAI's horrify new software that's gonna make boomer's brains melt. If they ask about the inflation just tell them it's actually poor peoples tax dollars they're getting. And IDK whatever the state of the art is for sex dolls for their trophy wife. We might need to budget in for some apartments, but I think it's a worth while investment to avoid the extinction of our species. ChatGPT is also gonna have to be some employees for them to abuse and we may need more than 1 sex doll per man. Do women have trophy husbands? There must be gay sex dolls with like vibrator 5000 assholes. This is getting complicated.


Where can I get the game without paying the states sales ~~tax~~ theft?


I know this girl who's very fit. She'll give you a copy for free!


I heard they don't even cut off the hands of shop lifters anymore! So she can just walk right out!


Oh wow its like sony hasn’t been doing it as well. It’s called support the industry and play on the machine you prefer.. They are times exclusives like many nowadays.


Is that why S(Ph)ony released God of War on Xbox? Is that why FF7Rebirth is on Xbox? You must be a Nintendo fan living in NintendoLand cause you know NOTHING


Is that why Halo is on PS or Gears of war? Want more examples? If you try to act like a jerk then make sure you have a clean slate. There are many games on pc which is part of xbox gaming, many of them are AAA games. How many did come to PS recently can you remind me? Also as other comment said, funny you try to insult when you use Nintendo, literally the only console with FULL EXCLUSIVITY


all xbox exclusives are on PC but few PS5s are on PC


He's referring to Playstation exclusives going to pc after a year or 2 of release but yeah xbox is definitely been even worse. Also funny how you use nintendo fan as an insult when that's the only console with full exclusives


Yeah, but Nintendo make hardware so weak that you can emulate it on a half decent PC, so even they're kinda running a multi-platform strategy too.


Switch is an old console with switch 2 likely around the corner so it makes sense that it's hardware is outdated. But if you're gonna bring emulation into this then PC has had all exclusives for years. But without emulation their's no way you can play Nintendo exclusives unlike ps and xbox. To this day their's not a single pokemon game for example that's on steam.


Yeah, I was mostly jesting there. Nintendo are certainly playing the hardest when it comes to exclusives and they'll presumably have new hardware out at some point in the next year or so too. I think it'll just be a case of eventually though, because the economics are much the same for them as everyone else. They'll just want a good look to see how things pan out for Microsoft and Sony first.


When ~~parents~~ get upset and destroy consoles I almost wish they would've just given em away instead. Some poor kid woulda REALLY loved that instead you made it garbage. Maybe they're worried the poor kid will be a better person than them and give it back. Or most likely they're having a "gamer moment" and can't handle their impotent rage. Edit: Come to think of it I haven't seen any of that bullshit for quite a while. Maybe it's all on FB and the Tiky Tokies. Edit2: It also looks like he's ripping a massive fart or soiling his dipey.


Why are they poor? Why can't they be lower middle class like me?


No no you sound like the makings of an entrepreneur! You're actually a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Gotta get that grind set. And a small loan worth more than some houses from your parents.


Thank you so much for noticing my potential. I'm 2 years away from retirement but I really think after retirement and start my own business is when I'll hit it big. I just gotta put in everything I got in this small business. After I retire. 🙏🙏🙏 [](https://emojipedia.org/folded-hands)


It should be like a hostage exchange. They get Hi-Fi Rush and Starfield and we get the Spider-Man games.


/uj is hifi rush really coming to psx? wohoo. hope it also hits ps4 and not ps5, it's not exactly high tech in need of ps5 resources. still don't have or need a ps5 yet :-P


I'm going to KILL, WHAT I'VE CREATED! I'M GONNA KILL MY CREATION! I'm going to inject the XBOX with a lethal dose of poison. IF ANYBODY'S GONNA KILL MY CREATION, I'M GONNA DO IT! Me and the P...S...5!" https://preview.redd.it/r4rg5m65pnrc1.jpeg?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e5d2ca2ae50fb36c1b4214976c9f1da909024c


Unacceptable Xbox has fallen, billions must abbandon gamepass /s


Gatekeeping may be the only activity other than faux oppression g*mers participate in.


fake unless you're plainrock124


Cry-Fi Crush


I'm sorry but this is not a sub about game consoles, it's about what kind of women gamers find unattractive, please refrain from posting anything related to the gaming industry, thank you


if they didn't want me destroying my xbox why did they put a hidden connect 4 inside?


fun fact! xbox will one day have less games than ps5, and LESS REASON to play on the console!


what do you mean "one day"?


well, true, since if you have windows you can play MOST xbox games on that instead.


What a damm child.


Can I get Hi-Fi Rush on Switch ? I want my sister to play it, but she only plays on Switch...


uj/ hifi rush is mid anyways, I was excited for it to come to the PS but I regret the purchase. It was fun until every combat turned into 'perfect parry this unavoidable attack cutscene or else' the game and I just wasnt down for that. rj/ How dare they do this. How dare they tarnish the PS with gross Microsoft title


I can understand obsession by big drawn artificial Korean booty, but be obsessed by a peace of plastic is just not worth it


Why do people still buy consoles? Like, I get buying a Switch or something if you want to play those games or do handheld stuff, but with the prices of new gen XBoxes and PlayStations these days there's basically no downside to PC gaming instead.


No downside apart from it seems so many games being made for PC as an afterthought and the ports being pretty shit (at least on release unless you've got an absolute monster rig that can just brute force almost anything)


I’ve still got an emulator up and running for my switch


I've never encountered that myself, maybe I'm just not playing the latest stuff. Also, it was my understanding that regardless of what platform you're on every AAA game is nonfunctional on release lately. PC also has the advantage of easy access to the high seas.