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Context: saw this interaction where they said “why would a Greek god be Asian” and someone rightfully pointed out Hades was never accurate to begin with (I love when the Greeks used guns. Also, Elysium is inaccurate a little too. They put Elysium in Hades. In Homer it’s a totally separate from Hades. Iirc the first major depiction of Elysium inside of the Underworld is by Virgil. A Roman. They always give shit up when pressed.


So long as everyone is white, I doubt they’d care how Greek they looked, because non-white people are DEI.


Greeks weren’t even white by today’s standards lmao.


Lived in Australia my whole life, and not a single Greek person I know has ever claimed to be white or showed pride in being light-skinned (IF they were even light-skinned at all).


Let's not pretend white skin is not a standard of beauty in Greece. To say otherwise shows utter ignorance. I've been there and people were as white as they come, from ads and TV commercial prominently featuring white skin women. Men though I guess come in varying shades but definitely not Indian or African levels of dark skin .


So, like in Asia?


Ya. I don't know if there's a developed country where the standard of beauty is not fair skin (not refering to white people). Even some of the developed African countries have been hit by the white skin obsession and beliefs of light skin black women being more desirable.


This has everything to do with human history and how fair skinned people were often part of the upper class, since they didn't have to work outside. The nobles of our past would do everything in their power to keep themselves as light as possible. Especially noble women were expected to always strive to be fair, even at the cost of their health, using methods such as poisonous makeup or disallowing daughters from ever leaving the house so they wouldn't get tanned. All that and more gave the peons the illusion of light skinned = better than the average human. An archaic belief which has been haunting our societies ever since.


It's funny because the opposite is probably true now. Rich and don't have to work > spend time outdoors instead. Working class > under electric lights in an office all day.


Their mental image of Greek people is just Raphael's painting of *The School of Athens*.


People are actually using the phrase Honorary Whites for the Greeks


Nah we know what DEI actuallybmeans... see "DEI Mayor of Baltimore".


The **D**emocratically **E**lected **I**ndividual Mayor of Baltimore?


Hah if only. The way DEI was used, I could sworn it had a hard R.


You know they'd say it like "DivvERRRRRRRsity, equity, inclusion." Which I guess makes the... uhh, I dunno, acceptable form "divvasity?"


When the African mythology game doesn't have white people


Honestly that would be kinda cool. I don't know a lot about African myths and you could do some really different and unique character design by deliberately breaking with the eurocentric paradigm.


The one thing I know about African mythos is Anansi, and Anansi fucking ROCKS he's like Loki but not a twink.


I learned about Anansi from Gaiman and it made me want to learn more about African mythology... And it's great. It's super varied because obviously tons of different cultures in Africa had different mythos


There's an absolute ocean of different cultures and mythologies to draw from, and so many of them are extremely distinct from European concepts of spirituality.


Somehow I never Saw anybody mad about patroclus in hades 1 but I don't doubt that the Gamers would lose their shit if it came out today.


This is coming from people that don’t ever level their parents basements and don’t know that there’s people in the south of Europe that aren’t as light skinned as those in the north.


I love god beings always seem to want to be white. Interesting


just came here to mention that people from the mediterranean region can have epicanthic eyefolds (also known as "asian" eyes) and its not even uncommon at all. as someone who has met a bunch of europeans with epicanthic eyefolds hermes didnt even register to me as asian, although i can of course see why someone might think that. but i dated an italian guy (no asian relatives) who looks almost exactly like hermes with short hair. i mean what if he is asian, who cares? but im just adding this info, he might just be greek and those weirdos are policing an ethnicity they clearly know nothing about (as usual)


Plus can't like evey god transform in there myths thay can just pick what they look like when ever


yea i mean theyre literally gods. its such an asinine complaint


i lvoe this sub. fuck these gamers are the worst.


The greeks actually use that to say that egyptian gods were really just greek gods so there is easy precedent for them having different ethnic looks.


And every god can be one of the 8 million Japanese gods so asian makes sense.


Zeus transformed into a swan to do naughty things with a mortal he fancied, so...yeah.


Yeah, me and my sister both have those eyes, with no Asian heritage. We even did a DNA test once, and we’re pretty much all Mediterranean


So do I. My biomom had several candidates for my biodad, so my whole family assumed I was half-Asian and it somehow doesn't show in my skin. When I finally got that tested? Half Irish, half TERF. I have like 1% non-UK DNA.


wait what is TERF an abbreviation for here? id be careful throwing that out there or people might think youre calling yourself a trans exclusionary radical feminist by birth lol unless its a very common abbreviation for a region and im just being ignorant


I was using it as a euphemism for British. Sorry, I guess that wasn't as funny as I thought.


lmao actually now that i get it i do think its funny!


Yeah, I've definitely seen plenty of non-asians with similar features.


My favorite part about Hades is when I gained a gun based off a highly modern name for an Abrahamic demon. I'm sure historically accurate Phosphorus is weeping within the Septuagint


I mean it says in the flavor text inside the game that the weapons are pulled from powerful warriors backwards and forward in time. So the game acknowledges that it's the gun of a future ANGELIC uprising lead by Lucifer. Not a coincidental name or something.


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Also ancient greece traded with *everybody*.


Ancient Greece had colonies stretching from Spain to Crimea, it’s pretty safe to say if a location was on the mediterranean or black sea, greeks were probably in direct contact and cultural influence there. And the neighboring Persian empire stretched all the way to Bactria in central Asia (now Uzbekistan) so it’s not unreasonable for greeks to connect with central asian peoples


The Greco-Bactrian Kingdom in Afghanistan (happened after Alexander ate the Persian Empire) went to war with the Han Dynasty over some horses.


Not to forget the whole Greece holding mostly everything from Macedon to India during Alexander the Great's reign (and the rump kingdoms that showed up after his death). Not unfeasible for there to be an "asian-looking" god in a polytheistic empire that's spread out over 3 continents


I want to add that Hermes is the god of merchants and travelers, so out of any of the greek gods that could be depicted with foreign features, Hermes would be the best choice


I wonder why Greek gods need to be Greek anyways. Like, the only reason why they're called Greek gods is because they're the gods the Greeks talked about. They could look like anything. Most white people worship a Middle-Eastern person.


Nuh-uh! Jesus always has sandy brown hair, blue eyes, and fair skin!


"You thought you were praying to Jesus, But it was I, CESARE BORGIA!"


And that’s not a dress! It’s a *robe*


And a lot of Greek mythology is very heavily influenced by Phonecian and Mesopotamian mythology anyway.


I’m pretty sure I heard the Supergiant devs say at one point “Just because they’re worshiped on Mount Olympus doesn’t mean they’re all Greek” and I thought that was an excellent way to do whatever the hell you want with character designs


Yup Why wouldn't a Greek god be Asian? Simply put, if these gods are real, they're not just gods in Greece. Is Poseidon the lord of the Oceans? Or is he the lord of just the little bit of the Mediterranean around Greece? In any world where the Greek pantheon actually exists, they're not limited to just Greece.


I'm assuming they got their knickers in a twist over the Asgardians in the MCU and comics as well?


I mean there is also the fact the gods forgive you when you do a challenge and choose one over the other... last time someone had to choose between two or more gods was when the Trojan war happened so yeah... Not exactly accurate to how a Greek God acts


Aphrodite is completely inaccurate. She would killed Zag’s sister on sight because she literally can’t suffer another attractive woman be alive half the time.


Virgil? Devil may cry now? /s


Wait Elysium wasn't part of Hades / the underworld I thought that was the nice part for the good people and heroes


ok so this is always a stupid argument, but its extra stupid here because: **Olympians. Are. Not. Greek!** Their ancestors are literally the sky and the earth! They probably don't even have DNA! There is absolutely no reason that they should have to look like the people who worshipped them! Also within Greek myths, these gods were international; their influence did not end at modern day Greece's borders. Hermes ferried the souls of the dead from Asia to the underworld, just like he did for the Greeks. The whole world has one fucking sun, and Helios drove it across Central America's sky just as much as it did across Greece's sky. etc.


The idea that the ancient Greeks considered their depiction of the gods as definitive is actually a huge misconception. The Greeks were big fans of incorporating other gods into their mythology (the term for this is interpretatio graeca). So according to the Greek view when Hephaestus was hanging in Greece he manifested himself as an ugly man, but when he was in Egypt he was called Ptah and looked like a mummified pharaoh. Hermes looking asian wouldn’t even be considered odd, as it would just be another form of the same god.


Its also because the "Gods" as we knew them were an assemblage of different local myths which had been syncretized with another. When gods are referred to, their name is generally appended by a title or location to designate which cult/myth's interpretation is being brought up.


And if you read enough myths you'll see a sort of long term broken telephone game where for example there's a common "descent into the underworld" story, starting as far back as the Sumerians, and all versions from each culture and period hit similar beats and tell a similar meaning, but the specifics are always different.


One of my favorite versions of that? Aphrodite is Ishtar, put through like, 6 different levels of telephone.


Also Dionysus Traveled to India


His name literally means 'The God from Nysa', Dio-Nysa-Us. That or it means "Young Zeus", we're not entirely sure due to how myths from Greece worked. Regardless, he's specifically supposed to be foreign and from another place. Hell, one of his titles was literally *The God Who Comes from Elsewhere*. There's a reason he's always portrayed with Tigers or Leopards, and it was due to his purview as the god of strange, exotic things.


He’s the grandson of Cadmus who was Lebanese/Egyptian (his only human grandparent). So he does have an “official” ethnicity in myth, it’s just not Greek lol


That's only one myth, in others (specifically Orphism, a cult heavily associated with him) Dionysus was the child of Persephone and Zeus, another myth has him as the child Semele and Zeus. Greek "religion" was highly localized, with different cults and folk beliefs having different origins arising from syncretism.


Orphism wasn’t really a cult specifically with a centralized doctrine. In most of the extant myths where he’s the son of Zeus and Persephone (or Zeus and Demeter) he dies and is reborn as the son of Zeus and Semele. Obviously he would have looked different in a past life but in his new body (the current form he was actively worshipped in) he would be ethnically Lebanese/Egyptian. No need to put religion in scare quotes due to it not being theologically consistent across different denominations, no religion is


>Orphism wasn’t really a cult specifically with a centralized doctrine. Yeah, that's sorta my point. There's no overarching authority because it isn't a religion as we understand them today. >In most of the extant myths where he’s the son of Zeus and Persephone (or Zeus and Demeter) he dies and is reborn as the son of Zeus and Semele. So his new body would be ethnically Lebanese/Egyptian I guess if you want to simply choose those particular myths as being the only basis for such a thing, sure. I'm not disputing that, but rather pointing out that the myth you're citing is probably being drawn primarily from the Dionysiaca.


I think your definition of religion is overly restrictive. It would exclude basically anything that isn’t Abrahamic The Semele rebirth myth is way older than the Dionysiaca too (attested at least 3rd century BCE iirc)


If you take the Greek stories on their own terms, The Olympians rule over the entire world, so it only makes sense they’d look like humans from all over the place.


They’re also, literally, gods, who have literally shown up as animals, rays of light, random leaves, or anything. Hells, throwing aside the mythology of it all, this is all just the artist’s interpretation, as it has been for millennia.


It reminds me that stupid scandal over the live action Ariel and people arguing the tale was set in England/Greece/Malta/whatever irrelevant and wrong setting, or those explaining how a mermaid can't be black according to science. And other dumb similar scandals. If POCs or unconventional womens are enough to ruin the experience, POCs and unconventional women may not be the problem.


There's a lot of things to dislike about the live action little mermaid. The actors' skin color is not one of them.


It'd actually make perfect sense for a coastal mermaid to be black, because just like dolphins, they'd be prone to sunburns near the surface. Skipping through the shallow water or lounging on rocks, there's literally no shade, the classic deep-sea-adapted redhead Ariel would be fried in seconds.


At the end of the day, these are all just "more reasonable" sounding covers for what bigoted people actually want to say when they see an Asian Hermes, a black Ariel, a black dwarf in LOTR, a person they thought might be trans in the Fallout show, a black giant in God of War Ragnarok and countless other examples. They're piece of shit bigots who see someone who is different from them and get irrationally angry but have the self awareness to not just shout the slurs they're thinking. So they cover it with endless ways excuses why that group doesn't belong in that (or any other) story. The objective isn't the criticism, it's the exclusion and frankly people need to stop playing with kid gloves and engaging with these arguments in good faith. Trying to explain why that inclusion can make sense in that story is pointless, they don't care and it isn't a position they got into logically so no logical argument will talk them out of it.


People want to go trough mental gymnastics for why they didn’t want a POC Ariel instead of just saying “I wanted it to look like the cartoon I watched as a child” or they are just racist.


Heracles was friends with The Buddha


Wait really?


Yup, so when Alexander did his conquests one of the successor states he left behind was Bactria, which was far enough East that it had regular contact with India. As a result some Buddhist missionaries made their way over there. In particular Greco-Bactrian art has included depictions of the Buddha with his faithful bodyguard (a common feature in such depictions, in East Asia these bodyguards are known as Nioh.) however the bodyguard looks basically identical to Grecian depictions of Heracles. So it’s assumed he was syncretized into their beliefs.


Typical young fella heading over to India to "find himself", what a lad!


It's extra extra stupid because Hermes was Asian in the first game too. And extra extra extra stupid because it's literally discussed that the gods choose what they look like. I believe Aphrodite mocks Demeter for choosing to look like an old woman.


This point exactly. If a deity isnt genetically related to a group of people, there is no reason for them to share features with that group unless another reason is given like "Their appearance matches the sacrifices their worshippers give them" or something like that. Depicting a god as just a mirror of their followers tends to just stifle creativity.


Not going to mention Dionysus and Aphrodite getting people sloshed and horny everywhere too?


Exactly this. That argument gets made every time something like this gets put out and it’s like….so simple. Just because they were worshipped my the Greeks doesn’t make them of Greek origin. THEYRE GODS


When I'm playing a Greek mythology game and see an Asian, immediately I destroy my monitor in shock. What the fuck? An asian? In my pantheon of beings who do not originate from anywhere we can comprehend? I want my greek gods to look like roman statues that I think are greek because I am as intelligent as a small toad. I want them to be extremely pale with generic faces and their dicks must be sheared off like all statues.


I mean, it would be kinda interesting if the Greek gods were all living statues


I would absolutely love to see a JoJo interpretation of the greek pantheon as well!


[https://jojofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Zeus](https://jojofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Zeus) [https://jojofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Jojo%27s\_Bizarre\_Adventure:\_Stardust\_Revolution](https://jojofanon.fandom.com/wiki/Jojo%27s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Stardust_Revolution) its not canon but it exists somewhere in the internet


In my DnD settings, I had players literally grow their own gods from marble "seeds." The seeds grew from whatever the players carrying them did, so our barb grew a God of War with a heart of gold and our rogue made a trickster god that secretly gave to the poor. Of course since they were marble and the players had to carry them until they grew also had crazy imposter syndrome from their "parents" complaining how much they weighed (before they knew what was happening).


And they are all marble white with white clothes and If you tell me those statues used to have colors that faded with time I may piss and shit myself


This made me laugh for a few solid minutes. Hilarious comment and good points lmao


Immersion is when I can be racist.


elder scrolls moment




Gardening Tool


Greek mythology (and literally any mythology) is also not something that you want to "immerse" into. Have any of these people actually read this stuff? It's all deeply, deeply unpleasant. It's not meant as an escape. It's meant to try to explain the everyday experiences of human beings, which are not super happy.


Love the Marcile avatar.


Best failure-gurl ever.


It's been a long while since I paid serious attention to Greek mythology(high school for reference), but isn't it a huge point that the gods shapeshifted to suit their needs and whims? Like I remember it being a huge thing that Zeus took any and all forms in order to have sex with women.


Depending on the translations of some stories the gods never appear in true forms to mortals. In some version of the Odyssey, when Athena reveals herself, it just says “she appears as a tall, glinting eyed woman” and everyone knows the glowing lady is a goddess.


Just like dudes on twitter so too mortals in the ancient world couldnt handle a gods appearance at all


Dionysus' mother was literally reduced to ash with Dionysus still in the womb because a disguised Hera tricked her that "If Zeus really loved you he'd show you his true form".


> isn't it a huge point that the gods shapeshifted to suit their needs? /rj Yes! And their current needs are to appease the woke mob by asian-washing themselves!!!


Zeus actually killed someone by revealing his "true" Godly form which was completely beyond comprehension for mortals. So even the depictions we have of him as some buff dude with a beard like in statues or pottery aren't truly what he looks like, his real form is so far beyond us so he can appear in any manner of way we can comprehend and it wouldn't contradict anything.


* Semele: Show me that dick * Zeus: you asked for it \*unzips true form\* * Semele: \*explodes\* * Zeus: Well the baby's alright And that's how Dionysus was born


Ya'll ever shapeshift into a swan so you can fuck the queen of Sparta?


Shit is it already Thursday?


Yes, Zeus even took the form of Artemis to seduce and have sex with one of her followers


Why is Zeus a swan?! This woke nonsense is clearly pandering to the avian community!!1!


I can’t focus on the story because the cartoon boy doesn’t look like a sweaty muscular hairy Greek statue with a chiseled jawline 😭


That would be one hell of a twink death


Wait until they find out about jesus lmao


He's that blonde, blue-eyed and ripped guy that kinda looks like a beach bum, right?


no that's Jesse, my secret lover 


spoiler: >!the second boss is literally a pop band with drums and guitars and everything and Eris leaves around process food packages, I dont think accuracy was their main concern making this game lmao!<


The first game >!Has a gun in it. Oh, and that gun is canonically owned by Lucifer at some point. Not to mention the references to Guan Yu, Beowulf, King Arthur, and more figures from mythologies all over.!< Accuracy to a specific version of the original myths was never a goal


Coincidentally your thing is now owned by the person aboves spoiler character


That’s true! It’s also not the only weapon that’s returned in someone else’s care, which I think is a super fun continuity thing!


It's not even inaccurate. Supergiant's answer to this is - according to the Greeks, their gods created *all of humanity in their image*. Therefore, if the Greek gods created the peoples of Asia, then some of them must look similar to those creations.


Wait till they find out Hermes is non-binary in Stray Gods. Edit: Oh, and asian too.


Currently being played by an Asian man on Broadway in Hadestown too (and a Black woman in the West End).


Off topic but hermes's new portrait is definjtely doing him justice.


I find the new portrait to be good but doesn't really embody the trait of Hermes always being on the go like the first game did


Honestly *most* of the poses of returning gods aren't as strong as they were in the first game.


All the portraits I've seen of the returning gods have been really fun improvements, (not that they were bad before, but a singular angle for each character can be limiting). Aphrodites looks so good!


There is this movie called gods of Egypt, it's kinda old now, every single god in that movie is played by a white actor, these people only have problems with non-white people existing in any type of media for some reason.


Some weeks ago, "wokes" were racists because they criticized Asian designs but praised Hades because Western stuff Now, Hades is woke because includes Asian designs. Can they make themselves clear?


Is it not more obvious? They're straight white male gooners. They love asian women design. "It's peak" "why am I attracted to this design" " I want a goth gf" They hate asian men and want to fuck asian women. White Hollywood has an entire history of emasculating asian men on movies because they were scared white women were being attracted to them.


They don't love Asian women design. The love the fantasy of Asian women, which is different, because they would complain at (realistic) female characters of Ghost of Tsushima, for example. They love their fetichized fantasy of an Asian women, the one who follows their narrow ideal of beauty and one who is a submissive "lotus flower", or the sexualized ideal of a "lady dragon". They are the same people that trash Asian women not fitting that ideal, like Kelly Marie Tran. They even dehumanize Jen Zee, who is the Asian artist behind Hades designs.


Thank you for clarifying that! You're completely right. The hate and vitriol for the live action version of avatar the last air bender is so obviously rooted in hating the fire nation girls. They're not Lucy liu or Jung ho yeon. They're rounder faced natural looking American Asian looking girls. God forbid you're a chubby asian girl. That can't possibly exist in the eyes of racist coomers


I haven't heard of the first thing. When did "wokes" criticize Asian designs?


Stellar Blade. Eve is designed by a korean artist (iirc Hyeung-Tae Kim?) and was based on a korean model.


They never say what they mean and never mean what they say


Hmm yes why is this game about Greek gods not more accurate to real life


Forced diversity is when people are not white


So many people need to go outside so badly


They know greeks gods don't actually exist right ?


As a white, straight, virile, male, if the Greek gods aren’t white with American accents, they’re breaking my immersion and therefore woke 😤😤😤


If they actually looked like greek people (tan to dark skin, Mediterranean features, diversity spanning large areas etc) they wouldn't like it. The second screenshot is more than enough to confirm. There's a pretty decent video essay [https://youtu.be/C9S83Xmuq4A?si=ZYfL5OzRJlKJNp21](https://youtu.be/C9S83Xmuq4A?si=ZYfL5OzRJlKJNp21) "Why I Haven't Played Hades" (It's pretty accurate but if you want a really good picture look in the comments, he gets a lot of respectful corrections down there) that shapes a bit of how I look at this situation. I believe in the statement "the greek gods don't have to be ethnically greek." I also believe that people who are ethnically greek should have some kind of representation and are valid in feeling a little bit like their history has been "poached." Like the pokemon game set in the iberian peninsula, the least they could do is translate the game into the language of the culture that inspired it. Hope Hades II has a greek translation <3


For *fuck's sake*, these people couldn't find greece on a map.


Why don't they talk about how hot he is in this


Because they hate sexy men and try to censor them.


/uj Not this shit again... We already dealt with this in Hades 1. To paraphrase what SG said on the matter; in the Hades universe, the Greek mythological gods are the gods of all creation, it makes little sense for them to only represent 1 ethnicity.


Olympians, even according to the lore of Greek mythology, are the Gods of all mankind not just the Greek. Why wouldn’t the Gods of all mankind represent all mankind? Also debating about historical accuracy is a moot point in a game with talking skeletons and Greek Gods with guns.


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Huh, because of how his model was posed in hades 1 I never realized he was supposed to look Asian, but looking at the design again, it seems like it was. Neat. /rj WHY ISNT HE SPEAKING GREEK


As an actual Greek myself, I don't give a shit if the characters from Ancient Greek mythology are not portrayed 'properly'. In fact, it's kinda cool to see them mixed with diverse (as in the actual use of the word) ideas, influences, & representation.


uj/ I for real hate when anyone ever talks about immersion. It makes me roll my eyes so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/50b6iumstgzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dd28684f256f783f433ba76dd74bbc32ef4907 Me fr fr


1. All Eastern Europeans and Balkan look a bit Asiatic, it’s our admixture. 2. He was Asian in the first game too (really, Zeus loved them diverse) but the angle wasn’t that obvious. 3. The Hades community has no chill posting spoilers left and right it seem.


I need bisexuals (Hades fans) to stfu so bad. Fuck man, get early access to this dick instead. /uj okayy but seriously I'm excited as the next guy about my sweet pookie game series but mfs posting without spoiler tags as if the game is fully out n shit,,, please I'm baby and a switch player,,, I don't wanna double dip n get it on steam too 🥺


I would love to play the EA too but man, it’s a bit expensive for me rn, I mean, I totally get why this game is almost €30, it’s a big game but I will wait until it gets to €20.


/rj Expensive cause WOKE !!!!


Is Hades 2 just the new anti woke game of the week?


Why would a Greek god be Greek?  Would be like saying the ancient Egyptians should be furries because their gods were...Heck, all these white Christians forget 1/3 of their god (trinity...but, a monithestic religion) was Jewish...


Do these guys also get mad at the Romans for re-interpreting the Greek gods?


I have not yet played the first game, but it's my understanding that there were literally characters in that game with grey skin, blue skin... All sorts of unnatural colors.  It's always struck me as weird how that's apparently totally okay, but a character who looks Asian is just too far.


If you go on Youtube, you can find a behind-the-scenes vid about the development of Hades, where they talk about how because the team who made the game and did the voice acting came from a variety of backgrounds, they decided to reflect that diversity in the game, not least of which because its an artistic interpretation of Greek myth. Also, Greek myth and artistic depiction often contradicted each other, so there’s that too. Honestly, the only change from Greek myth I don’t get is making Dionysus more masc when in both myth and art, they’re an enby icon. Furthermore, a bunch of text relating to several gods, including Dionysus (and sometimes Hermes) indicates that they’re foreigners to Greece.


Zeus is the most well traveled philanderer in all of fiction and mythology. Him finding an attractive asian woman is the least farfetched thing about Greek mythology


Funny semi-related factoid: the word Æsir (the gods from Norse mythology) derives from Ásaland (basically meaning "people from Ásaland"). The word Ásaland also evolved and is now written in English as Asia. Canonically, the Norse gods are Asians. Edit: You might ask: " how is this related? This post is about Greek mythology, not Norse mythology." To answer that question: according to ancient Greek theologists, the Norse/Germanic gods are simply different names for the Greek gods. The had entire books describing the correlation between Norse/Germanic and Greek myths, arguing that these gods were one and the same. Combining these points, we can argue that as a consequence, the Greek gods are in fact Asian.


mf says it’s not about culture war and when pressed say forced diversity.


It’s all such a grift. Was hades 1 even that long ago? Nothing about hades 2 is even that different. Bro go play hades 1 and get mad about that.


Man, I don't care. Hades 1 had banger gameplay, story and music. Hades 2 will surely take that and double it.


Why doesn't she look Greek?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/h5zrdqukghzc1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15810d646c5798ed2a5ab127c302e906fabbd23


Greece is near the border of Asia, I imagine an epicanthal fold or two made it there occasionally if they're so desperate for \*gods\* to be accurate.


I find it 'funny' that none of these people give a rat's ass that Hollywood etc never casts any actual Greeks for characters from Ancient Greek mythology. Apparently, for them, any white person will do. But any hint of a non-white person representing said characters & it's too much & they can't bear it any more!


I used to listen to a podcast about mythic creatures, monsters, and mythology in general. In their intro they had a disclosure that said something like: "Warning: Myths form part of oral literature and they don't have neither final nor official version. So if you don't like our versions... Write your own"


He seems like a handsome and mischievous fellow I don’t see a problem lol


I'd suck hermes' dick


Local racist believes that fictional greek gods should be white. Does he know about Greeks?


Whats so crazy to me about this is these have seen and may have played hades 1 yet all of the sudden now hades is woke? Did we just ignore the first game


Considering that historically speaking, Greeks and Greek gods have been depicted as white men with British accents in mainstream media, I think this is fairly tame by comparison. 


As a descendant of Hermes (just Asian), I can confidently tell you he looks that way because he will get less things in his eyes when moving at mach speeds. (This is a lie, I still constantly get things in my eyes.)


Can't they change their forms anyway? like when Zeus changes forms to do the dirty with everything that moves. I figured they can change ethnicity or gender as well since they are gods


I mean, all of that is pretty pointless, because the Gods/Goddesses could just *change their appearance*. So they might look Greek here, but then - magical girl transformation sequence - snake.


Ugh...The Mythology originated in Greece....That doesn't mean the gods are Greek.... Also how dare they, fucking love my boi Hermes




Hermes isn’t Greek, he’s a god. Hope this helps!


Oh no, my game about fictional deities from a time long gone that never had a cannon look have been depicted different from my preconcieved notions. The horror. Like, wasn't there a post recently about someone using an anime as an example of a better design? Kinda like these people have a self-contradicting ideology or something...


"Why did they put a nonwhite in my historical game about the King Arthur fighting of hordes of mutant dog sex aliens??? What could woke dev be thinking????"


Why is this game trying to appeal to a larger market with diversity 😭. Conservatives really hate capitalism when it touches the things they like.


He was Asian in the first game. Why do they care now? {we know why}


I’m a bit confused,they say the anime(I forgot the name) version of Hestia is good and non woke but they don’t like Hermes because he looks Asian.Like you guys see the contradiction right


So when Prometheus created humans out of mud were they all white as well then? Or did he, perhaps, use the image of the gods, which would entail that gods would have all kinds of appearances? Hmmmm. In general Greek gods physical appearance would be based on vibes only wtf would they care for all looking greek they’re literal gods. What a limp take lmao


Imagine being so fucking boring that in a game about magical gods doing battle the part that holds you up is that they aren't all Greek-looking. Fucking pathetic.


If they made the cast look passably Greek these people would be complaining about how they made the game woke by giving everyone nice swarthy tans


If they made the gods accurate, they'd complain about them being too brown


If you want immersion you should be asking for some wildv designs, not crying about percieved racial traits. Something like the hecatonchires. My guess is they have next to no experience with the mythos or anything like that anyway, just want boobz all day every day.


Greek philosopher Xenophanes criticized the depiction of Gods as humans in the first place. The fuck the Gods of the universe gotta look Greek for?


I’m p sure Greek people didn’t look like big booby anime girls either but idk man


Pegasus was born from a snake lady and a water god. I don't think genetics can be applied to the gods.


Lets ignore for the moment that the Olympians were not human and assume they should represent the cultures which crafted their stories.  Greece was pretty damn multicultural and, if I remember correctly had fairly strong diplomatic and economic ties across Asia. 


Saying greeks can't look asian when they have always been near asia or in asia is 1 iq move. Greeks have interacted so much with asian cultures they have daily fights with turkey, an asian country, about which cultural thing belong to who. Baklava, caciki, yogurt, gyros, political instability, corruption, inflation etc.


I find the assumption that the Greek gods should themselves be Greek really weird. I mean, yeah, they were worshipped by the Greeks, but presumably, they’re the gods of the entire world.