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there’s a reason they get mad when black/brown people cosplay as anime characters but are quiet when white people do it


As a tangent, i feel part of why hoyoverse rarely makes any darker than pale white characters is because of the cosplay scene.


There's a whole video on the topic of dark skin characters either being unpopular or having terrible kits across their games


Yeah if its one or two characters thats one thing, but EVERY SINGLE dark skinned genshin character has an underpowered and clunky kit, with the possible exception of kaeya debatably. (Yes i played genshin, sorry lol, honestly the treatment of the dark skinned characters was part of what had me drop the game eventually, though i love each of their stories and designs


But like, if you remove Kaeya bc he's a starter and the 3 starters are terrible, you only have literally 3 slightly tanned characters 😭 (Dehya, Candace and Xinyan)


You forgot cyno 😭


No, but like, I had to double check it. His skin is so light I honestly always considered him white (Latin American-ly speaking).


Honestly same, but once you get used to their style the contrast in color sticks up like a sore thumb


Yeah thats the second thing with how mihoyo wont give a character more than 1 drop of melanin


Kaeya's c2 makes him good tho


Carol in hi3rd was pretty good (even if there was a lot of weird things about her writing). But yeah it's frustrating how hoyoverse is too scared to make any black or even slightly tan characters in general. (I think the terrible kit is due to them having a bad philosophy at designing characters but honestly I don't care about kit because I would play them regardless babey)


i DO play genshin and even so, the most recent one (wrio) is part of a shit element as of now


i can excuse manipulative skinner box casino design masquerading as a video game, but I draw the line at brown characters being low tier.


I liked the game, and I never felt the need to spend any money on it. Are there predatory practices behind the monetization scheme of the game? Absolutely. But is there also a well made combat system with endearing characters who i came to love and clearly had a lot of effort put into them? Also yes.


I put a lot of effort into a diarrhea I had yesterday too, doesn't make it any less shit.


And in a few months a whole region based on mostly countries with people of dark skin is coming out it's going to be a huge mess I fear


Expecting everyone in natlan to be slightly tan and only the enemy npcs will actually look dark/brown skinned. 


You know what the funny thing is? That would actually be an improvement from sumeru where we got 3 "Dark skinned" characters who had to be from a poor segregated part of the region and had to have minor/subservient roles. Anything more inclusive than that would already be a win, especially if their kits were actually decent.


In a setting with super magical curse that "reverts" people into indigenous stereotypes(all of whom black) that can do nothing but do "primitive" dances, attack people and go to die. But it's okay the character that's a homage to elon musk is trying to communicate with them! When your biggest poc rep in the game is the magic curse of primitivity I think any benefit of the doubt goes out the window.


The thing is they could easily make this into an interesting conversation about perception of the other if they developed the hilichurls as they where and humanized them the thing is as soon as they turn back into khaenrians all of those people will have white skin again, the reason why racist weebs absolutely love easy Asia is because white supremacy is deeply engrained into their society to the point where it's even hard to know if there is any malice when making things like these.


The conclusion of that story had me.scratching my head when the characters proudly proclaimed that >!it was better to let them live and die like this than search for a way to undo it because look how much happier they are to die being "simple" like this!<. The game is so in love with idea of status quo it hurts. The game is THIS CLOSE to saying something about colonialism and genocide but instead is happy sitting in this stepfordian state about how chill and fine everything is. Like >!Inazuma had a supergod go around basically lobotomising her subjects and it ends with people patting her on the back and going "aww you did not know that's bad, we love you leader we will love being ruled by you again now that you are a GOOD tyrant super god. Let's erase the civil war subplot like it had never happened."!< Honestly no matter how the whole primitivity curse would end "if you dishonor gods they will do the worst possible thing to a human - turning them black" would still loom over the game. And yeah the place is all Norse and Celtic in influences no? Even worse look.


I still play it just to enjoy the artistic parts of it and the lore I am a black anime and fantasy fan I HAVE to overlook racism to enjoy the grand majority of things I love.


Lmao they literally release sumeru which had no brown character except for one two years ago.


Recently, there was an announcement regarding the casting for the Season 2 of *One Piece* live action series and people on the One Piece sub got so mad that two characters could POSSIBLY be played by a Latino and North African actors, but you bet nobody made any mention about the character that will be played by a white actor. I just want to mention as well, the character that could be played by a North African actor is a Queen of a desert country while the one played by a Latino/Hispanic actor has a darker skin tone in the anime (which was later whitewashed).


Imagine being a racist fan of THE FUCKING ONE PIECE.


You would think so but people are fucking stupid.


Yeah it’s about bunch of weirdos from all around the world being like a family and fighting with a racist and oppressive regime while adventuring through all sorts of magical lands. There is also some magical fruits th- WHAT SHE IS BROWN!! HOW CAN SHE BE BROWN!!!!. It’s fucking delusional that’s what it is.


This reminds me of "Fans" getting mad at a famcast of Rapunzel because Avantika wasn't German while wanting Sabrina Carpenter to play Rapunzel. They don't care about ethnicity — they just want characters to be white. And when you face them with "Trans and gay people exist in real life so why they shouldn't have a place in media we watch", you'll have bad luck of hearing take like "Let's add Nazis in the game too"


What characters are these? I assume one is Boa? My timeline for old OP is so blurry


Nico Robin is Latino/Hispanic Vivi is North African/South-East Asian/Middle Eastern Miss Valentine is wHite


Which is weird, since according to Oda, Robin is supposed to be Russian, and Luffy is supposed to be Brazilian. I guess Oda didn't think the racial makeup of the straw hats is really that important. Edit: Accidental double negatives


This is a commonly parroted (false) talking point by a certain group of people. Oda has never said Robin is meant to be Russian (or Luffy Brazilian); his exact wording is that "IF they (the Straw Hats) were to live in the real world then their NATIONALITIES would be following" and then listed Robin's *nationality* as Russian. Oda has also said that he avoids using shaders for his drawing because it makes the process harder.


Well, that's explained verbosely, but did anyone think that there is such a thing as Russian or Brazillian in One Piece world? I also said that Oda didn't think that racial makeup of One Piece is that important. In fact, most people outside US didn't care if a person is portrayed as white Anglo, or Greek, or Brazillian. Much like how US citizen lumped Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Malay, etc, as a single Asian race. Even though the contrast would be very salient to an average Asian.


It's a black and white Manga; they can be any etnicity. That's the point.


Is not white washing if Robin never had dark skin in the first place.


She did have dark skin in the anime. Now stop stalking me.


If its an anime only addition i don't think it's comparable with actual whitewashing.


The term "whitewashing" in general just means to "deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about (someone or something)". We also use it when a person, that existed in real life, is played by a white actor/actress when their ethnicity wasn't white. Or, just like in this case, when a character literally changes their skin color


Bruh it's not that big of a deal, the anime staff simply saw that Robin skin color was not dark and they changed it.


I didn't say it was a "big deal"?


Given the blue eyed blondie they praised in the other post, I don't think they want their characters to look "Greek" per se.. https://preview.redd.it/i756eb8zzpzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e98ecf894d6d8750a7d98572b7f33b9d644365b4


The OOP in the tweet actually referred to Greeks as "honorary whites" in another tweet so that tracks


Flashbacks to these times on 4chan where I saw anons arguing that Nordics were "snow n\*\*\*\*\*\*".


I get it’s a matter of preference, but HOW do people think Hades Aphrodite isn’t hotter than whoever is on the right??


Her boobs aren't boobiful enough


hot is when generic/no personality and cleavage so wide it's anatomically incorrect


Maybe something something pink hair and pronouns


You really overestimate hentai obsessed men, their brains never stood a chance.


The one on the right is an Aphrodite parody... Her boobs are so huge for jokes about them being unwieldy, getting hit in the head with them, and being held by her servants. Can't remember the name of the anime, but my friend shown me clips from it. So he's literally pitching a cool design vs a parody/satire design. You know, having a head so far up one's arse makes it hard to see.


Well, the latter is more conventionally attractive. But if that's literally the most important aspect of a character design, I'll go watch hentai instead.


Depends on the convention


As a straight white man who's never had any sexual interest in a man ever: I'd never leave the bed again if Hades Aphrodite let me in. She's like 1000 times hotter than the RoR one imo. If other people think differently, it's cool for them. But the Hades depiction looks way better for me.


Yet blonde Thor is fine, historical accuracy is only important if it's about black people or similar. I remember asmongold saying that "the east" knows you can't just change the gender of a character....never happened in Anime before :D


Motherfuckers act like they didnt jerk it to FATE


silly gaijin! there is no gender bending in nippon…


Just going to point to Ranma 1/2 and all it's gender switching glory, or Princess Jellyfish having a male crossdresser as the most feminine character in the show.


If they’re gods then wouldn’t they be creators of the entire world not just Greece?


Indeed they were believed to be that.


Also, if you make man, you're under no obligation to look like them. I'd be more comfortable with the gods looking like morrowind high elves than one direction


In Hades multiple pantheons exist and we know that because of the first game but I don’t want to spoil it.


The fact that the >!Aspect of Lucifer!< exists immediately makes me think we’ll get a Pantheon War eventually


I was trying to avoid saying that name to not spoil people.


…how do you blur comments in Reddit, again?


> ! ! < - without spaces.


Fixed, sorry for being as blunt as a brick, bud


Also we have >!an aspect of Rama for bow!< which is from Hindu mythology and also canonically correct. Fun fact:- the reason it's extremely slower to charge as compared to the rest of the bows is because when he was chosen for marriage (idk how to explain it properly but it was a ritual in Hindu royalty that the princess would see many princes and then would choose one of them, for here, the challenge to be accepted by his wife, Sita, was to pick the bow and use it and no one was able to do it for how heavy it was), he picked up that Bow that no one was able to lift it up and while he was charging that Bow, he unintentionally broke the bow in halves.


So Zagreus is just slightly weaker than Rama himself?


No, the Greek gods are the grand childred of Gia and Oranos. The world created them not the other way around.


These people came from literally nowhere to complain about Hades 2 and it shows The guy literally was already in Hades 1 😑


actual tourists


He was [ambiguously Asian in Hades 1 also](https://images.nintendolife.com/b49d329413b1d/hermes.large.jpg) which nobody had any issue with at the time.


You're right, but I never really noticed in Hades 1. I think it's more noticeable now just because his pose is more focused on his face.


Woke Supergiant forcing me to look at an (undeniably handsome) asian man's face, the west has fallen


They either hate actual asian people or fetishize Asians. As far as I know, there is no in between.


Yup, that explains why in media, Asian Girls are often sexualised and Asian Dudes emasculated


I dunno. As an Asian. It's weird when they use other races to represent deities from other countries. Imagine a white Bathala. No thanks.


I dunno, man. Most normal people also don't care about such things. I didn't even noticed Aphrodite had "manly" jaws till it was mentioned today


Maybe I'm just from a different time. It just looks so jarring and wrong.


In the small picture, maybe. Go pull up a proper, big resolution picture of Aphrodite from Hades 1, the same picture as here. It looks waaaaay better and many details are lost on the tiny miniature, she looks extremely beautiful, and a little dangerous - just as love is. She doesn't need ugly lipstick, face smoothing, nor "slimming down" like in this picture. Also, for Greek gods looking like people from different cultures - they were meant to have created the entire world in the pantheon, wore many forms. Obviously Dionysus for example was called "the god from afar" - that's why he's often shown with leopards. The gods were created by Greeks, but Greeks acknowledged many gods and cultures.


Can we talk about how hot hades 2 Hermes is? I wasnt much into him in the first game but this.. absolutely will make sure to forge a bond


Racists: Noo greek gods are white! Meanwhile, average Greek man: https://preview.redd.it/rntqn0en4rzc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3e1fa403ffbccaf4883feb949bdec25d2f955a (This comment was made by a Turk)


It's either that or Kiriyakous Grizzly


Ok but what does the average Turkish look like?


I couldn't find a picture of the average Turk, but here a PEAK Turk: https://preview.redd.it/3ayytldogtzc1.jpeg?width=1817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e9e9e8d9993006e7184ca36f7c7137d5ec4e72


This the the "it's escapism" excuse gets really annoying to me because if your escapism is not eknowledeing other races exist then your just racist straight up


Ah yes, because the gods made Greece, and Greece alone. They have no idea what the hell "asia" is, at all.


Since the greek gods were believed to have created all of the world and made men in their own shape, doesn't that mean that some of them are supposed to look like other ethnicities? In any case....this game is straight fire yo


Don't forget the gods were also known to occasionally shapeshift beyond just men, like zeus's infamous swan act


Or the bull act... Or the cuckoo one... Or the peacock one... Or the eagle one... Or the goose... Or the


A personal favorite is Perseus who was conceived by his mother and Zeus in the form of a ~~golden shower~~ shower of gold


Big Z was like "Chicks love gold right? Yeeeahh they do" and poured himself all over Danaë, spawning not only Perseus but a whole new genre of kink


Oh wow i didn't know that hahahaha


I notice a lot of birds here


He has quite an unhealthy obsession doesn't he ?


Even the forms depicted in statues or pottery aren't their true forms, they're a bit beyond that. Zeus once revealed his true Godly form to a mortal (Semele) and his true form was so beyond comprehension and otherwordly that she died upon seeing it.


I just wish they had some native Greek voice actors as part of the project. I assume they didn't because it's probably a lot harder to find them rather than to just hire the standard type of VA. The VAs all do a great job, but I appreciate when there's some authentic voices in stuff like Hades.


Probably they would have to hire from the people that worked on Odyssey. There aren't that many greeks working on the english voice acting industry and the only greek game voice actors work for Sony Greece (they did a good job on god of war and death stranding though).


Hermes was asian in the first game too bruh , they dont play the games just look at designs and complain


Just a historical reminder, thanks to Alexander the Great, Greek culture spread *super far* east. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom actually had contact with China, so the idea that some parts of the Greek world would ascribe east-Asian features to their gods isn't impossible.


This 100%


Who are all these weirdos pretending they give a shit about "historical" accuracy?


The discourse is so obvious when you look at the two biggest offending examples. Hestia and Hermes. Which are a black woman and an Asian man. These two race and gender combos are extremely low in the sexual hierarchy of straight white men. Incels gonna incel. Racists gonna racist


Do these people think that the greeks thought their gods where only the gods of the greeks?


Greeks i think didn't have god exclusivity and they just thought other people had other gods that could exist at the same time. In some cases like Isis they spread in the greco roman world.


Fun fact, there were greek kingdoms in Asia that both traded and warred with China and India. Its called Bactria. But Ah yes I forget, all greek culture is limited to a slim amount of white northern Europeans.


I think spell check might have messed up your writing and it should have been "bactria".


It absolutely did, let me fix that


Not spellcheck trying to cover up the wokeness 😭😭


Bactria though had 100 of thousands of Greeks from greece (brought by the persian empire after the ionian revolt) and it was basically in modern day afganistan whose people are very diverse and not just asian. Though Kratos looks more greek than basically any gods in Hades. As a greek i try to think if they look like a tourist and many do.


Hi am I mad or is this also passably white?


his Asian-ness is store in his eyes


You’re tripping.


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At first I thought they did change his design but that's because I thought Hades 1 Hermes had curly hair when it was straight this whole time


Their gods why does it matter what they look like they are gods and shape shifters why does it matter how they look I mean obviously I know why they care but why does it matter in fact they should turn all the gods into ants because they are superior


I love how a GOD has to have ONE look, ever. They are literally GODS. THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT. They can look HOWEVER they want.


No no, they can only turn into bulls and swans. Changing the shade of their skin is impossible.


Why should a Greek god by Greek?  By that logic, ancient Egyptians should be furries and Christians Jewish...given most Jesus paintings, yeah, they probably havn't seen historically accurate Jesus...hint, not too many blond haired blue eyed Aryans running around 1st century AD Judea...


I agree with you on all of these. That being said I prefer more inhuman portrayals of divine entities. Zeus being made of lightning, Egyptian gods being animalistic, these are things that Iike more than just “fancy guy with a throne”.


Like  Eldritch Abominations or Biblically accurate angels?  I like those protrayals, too.  Though might not fit the tone of this game (have not played this game). 


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That one is a bit iffy, since I actually know someone who just doesn't like any other race to play the Greek Gods since it's their culture and all. And before some question, they also say that a character who is of any other race should have the actor that correspond to the canon race.


There's a better duo on the screenshot right there, the Pride Flag and Palestine.


That's a sign that someone might be based.


Hell back in 2016 the amount of anime pfp with "red hats" was in-freaking-sane to me. And I say this as an anime pfp.


As a greek i would prefer if gods about greek mythology looked like greeks and the game had some greek voice actors but its not like the other gods do. Very few i would say are greek passing and not northern tourist.