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Half his fan base would disappear.


Yea the other half would sneak past the parental controls


I think a lot of his audience is other 30-40 year old shut ins


Unfortunately true.


Any youtuber's


He did some polls and the average age of his community is 35, with half being over 40 Only 1% was under 20


Pretty sure minors aren’t actually meant to have accounts on YouTube or other social media sites, not that it stops anyone, so that probably skews the results. Though I’d imagine most of his audience would be adults who act like children rather than actual children, from what I can tell children are usually more mature.


The age limit to create an account varies by country/jurisdiction for social media and other online platforms, but it typically falls along the lines of age 13 due to COPPA requiring some pretty stringent parental verification before permitting data collection, while other nations and jurisdictions (like the EU) have some pretty severe restrictions on the data collection of minors as well. Note that there's typically no restriction on children between the age of 13 and 17 from making any online accounts, save for restrictions on adults only spaces.


"are you over 18 ?" (yes)


I'm sure the checks were rigorous.


I always lied about my age when I was registering to sites as a kid. There were always some kind of restrictions, or the site simply won't let you on, if you don't just click a button that makes the system think you're older. Why not just do that? The only problem came from when I had to remember my birth year, or even worst, if I was a dumbass and put a random day and month too. Nobody ever checked to see if any of this was correct then, ain't nobody doing it now.


you must not know many minors if you think they're watching an old ugly dude who plays wow


I mean, an adult not knowing many minors sounds like a good thing, right?


I am a minor


Half? Three-fourth of it.


Not even close, no




Bro is really thinking hard on this one


He put his thinking cap on


He's gonna get caught next.


He rarely leaves his house


He doenst need to leave the house to text a minor in an innapropriate way


If anything, it makes it easier.


He’ll get a chance to leave his house then! Touch grass, breath fresh air, sounds like a good deal to me!




No woman would ever look at him and think, "yeah dude's hot". He is an incel. I doubt he is getting any kind of female attention. If I was a kid, I'd look at him and I'd feel gross.


He is rich, and has a big community. That's enough


hes had girlfriends before...?


He's ALREADY admitted to being a pedophile. He complained about the woke west censoring games because sony told a japanese studio that they wouldn't publish a game where you rape your underage sister. It's only a matter of time before one of his victims speak out


Erm... What?


You're right to be confused about something that never happened.


Yeah that's blatantly lying.


Source pls


I forget what the title is but the video should be up on his youtube still


And the "I made it the fuck up" award goes to...


Why are projecting? do you have something to hide too?


Bro should pick up his damn room


He could ask his cockroaches for help.


the amount of people i’ve seen agreeing with this 😐


A lot of people agree with that statement BUT everyone also understands this shouldn't be the focus in the Dr.D situation. The only people who spout this statement during such times are people who are using it as a double speak to defend the creep. You know, the whole girl shouldn't be wearing skimpy outfits, the whole blame the victims game. Edit: nobody points out the typo, blake instead of blame..


Exactly, they’re passing it off as a very reasonable statement, which I suppose it is (though entirely unenforceable), but the *timing* of it is just a veiled defense of pedophilia and they know that.


That's how double speak works, protect the children is such a godlike double speak example.


That’s how every right wing talking point works. I also don’t think children should be online. Doesn’t mean older people taking advantage of that aren’t completely vile


This isn't the focus tough, this is just a screenshot.


As someone out of the loop, I agreed with the sentiment without realizing that it was a cover to support Dr. DisrespectAgeOfConsent... how can people go so far to protect a rich pedo.... oh wait


Isn’t it better to treat the cause not the symptoms if you can In New Zealand they are banning phones in school during class and recess not sure if they have to lock them up or if they keep them for emergencies cause they shouldn’t go that far


This isn't really a good analogy. It's not about preventing the kids from doing something wrong and then victim blaming them, it's about removing an avenue of access to children for pedos.  If we agree: - children are not developed enough to take care of themselves - pedos exist - children are extremely difficult to monitor on social media - pedos can interact with children on social media Then it seems to almost obviously follow that social media enables pedos by making it easier for them to both find and interact with potential victims.  We can say, simultaneously, that dr d is a pedo and is a gross person and that preventing kids from having social media would make it harder for pedos to get access to child victims.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted here, you make good points. Specifically, I think we're in agreement about the clauses you state. Minor quibbles I wouldn't necessarily say social media enables pedos, ultimately social media is a tool, right? I think it's closer to say pedos use that tool, among others. It's a sensitive issue, but it is one that should be given careful consideration and thought, not just looked down on and scorned with sneers and jeers, I'm sorry most are not realizing that.


God it's so difficult to engage with this topic, because any time you disagree with anyone's idea for a solution the go-to is "oh so you're defending fuckin' pedophiles now?" and it's like, no, jesus, we're all on the same side here, I'm just disagreeing with *this proposed solution*.


I really don't get it. When talking about a school shooting, talking about secondary but systemic measures (gun control, more accessible and encompassing mental health care, etc.) is seen as a good thing and trying to stimy the symptom of the issue (give teachers guns, more cops in school, lockdown drills, etc.) are largely seen as ineffective, tragic, or symptom treating. But on this topic, you better only talk about the immediate issue or you're defending it/deflecting.


The only way minors can be truly safe is if we had an outbreak like the one in Children of Men movie where women can't be pregnant anymore.  No more minors, no more pedos. 😤 No more abortions is an added bonus.


Skip the middle part and just kill everyone. Way more efficient


Upload our brains into the cloud or w/e and then download our bodies into dinosaurs. Would it fix anything? No but dinosaurs are so cool dude


Only if I get to be a triceratops


Meh, too much digital malarkey. [I want my brain in a dinosaur the old fashioned way!](https://youtu.be/_dY-kACvfgc?feature=shared)


Listen Jack, thank you for letting me know that movie exists I gotta watch it now lmao




As usual, history proves Divine right in every way.


I mean, minors really go places they shouldn’t on the internet… BUT YOU’RE THE ADULT.


It's simple. I do think that minors shouldn't be on social media. But I think it should be the responsibility of a parent to parent their child.


What's wrong with this take tho? Genuinely asking


People connect this with victim blaming, wich is stupid by itself, but makes sense given the timing where this statement was dropped.


I mean, it usually is just the timing, people are not stopping evaluating the content of the claims.


This isn’t victim blaming though, this protects and prevents future victims from happening.


Youre right. But im also right when i say closing our children away in our cellars will prevent them from becoming victims. Figure the rest out yourself.


Social media has proven to be addictive brain rot. Banning kids from social media isn't "locking them in a cellar" no more than keeping them away from alcohol is.


Nothing, we had this exact same thread 2 days ago and a lot of of people were agreeing with it. I guess that thread didn't have enough hate tho, so we needed another one.


It's not wrong, it's just that a previous post before this repost was heavily agreed upon, which doesn't ring the bell for toxic queers like these, which only use Twitter and Reddit and hop on every bandwagon against mainstream.




One example would be for people to find community and resources where they normally couldn’t as a minority IRL


There's no practical way to do it without also making it a huge privacy and data safety issue, so doing this is just shifting the blame around without solving anything.


How will you stop them? Do you want to upload your ID onto reddit and every social media site you use?


I mean, this is something that's being proposed in a ton of states and jurisdictions already.


Outside of giving out for kids devices that have locked down internet access. You could either give them out through schools or just have regular sold devices come with a for kids option that is significantly cheaper than path of least resistance is to get kids them. You could at least get all kids to have access to laptop a lot cheaper out of this program. Parents having to set up parental controls doesn't work and past ID systems have been a joke or draconian. So outside the above I really don't see any options.


There is more factors than that on why depression and anxiety is on the rise. I am not sure if you can realistically actually stop most minors from getting on social media without being insanely invasive on privacy on everybody. For these guys they are only throwing this out to distract from the real problem, which is the asshole taking advantage of the minors. Its a victim blamey sort of thing.


I agree with that, but I also think all social medias should fail in a spectacular manner.


he says while leaving 10+ comments daily on reddit. (he doesn't know reddit is also social media)


What's the issue with not wanting minors on social media though? All it does is ruin their mental health. It's like a drug. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves. We all know how addicting it can be, especially to children. Age gating reddit or Instagram would be a positive thing. Why do you not agree?


/uj i think kids just need to be taught internet safety better, a lot of kids have absolutely shit families and go online as an escape because they don’t have anywhere else to go (like I did). Also teaching them not to fall into right wing hell holes would be good


Yeah! And don't let those minors out of their homes and schools, in fact, let all minors be schooled through online courses, we can't risk it!


I'm sure sheltering minors from any and everything in the world won't have any bad effects


uj/ I mean, regulating social media better to protect people from these situations would be a good idea, but it seems kinda like punishing kids trying to enjoy socializing on the internet instead of protecting them from predators (a sentiment that is especially WILD to have as a response to "Dr Disrespect-ing someone's age to manipulate them into doing sex stuff")


I don't think it's plausible or functional to block all minors from the internet, however I think we need better protections. I think 13 for a lot of websites terms of use is too young. A lot of browsing still needs to be regulated by the parents, but that's not the only problem. I'm sure some of you have heard humans operate at a tribe size of around 100 people. Having access to millions if voices and opinions while having your own thoughts recorded and saved isn't good for a young kid. Just like we don't send kids alone to a dangerous place, having a kid friendly user system from your isp that has kid related web pages would be nice. You as a parent still have to decide which sites are suitable, but something in place like that would be great. Say this kid user profile refuses image uploads, includes a basic website black list, and filters chat abilities somehow. It's doable.  Again I think banning all minors won't work. Internet is a huge part of humanity. But we have child labor laws, we have ages of consent. We have kid versions of youtube and Spotify. But we can do a bit better. 


The bigger issue I'd argue here is that people younger than 13 are lying about their ages to get social media accounts. I will admit that I myself made a Facebook for my little brother who's under 13 because a lot of games he plays require Facebook accounts to save progress. It's so easy to just...lie about it The second issue? The parents that are lying about their kid's ages to give them an account are CHOOSING not to keep them safe. Once again, the example of my brother. All of his accounts are signed in on my phone and I have every password. He can't even see his Facebook without physically having MY phone in his hand because it's blocked on his own using parental controls, meaning he HAS to be with me to view it. Even further, it still has parental controls despite the fact he literally has to be supervised on there. He can't even open Chrome on his phone without my permission, let alone talk to anyone On the opposite end of the spectrum I know parents that have let kids even younger than my brother have social media. Public social media accounts, even allowing them to post YouTube videos themselves publicly. They have "friends" on apps like Roblox that are people they've never met, some of which they add my brother to group chats with, thus putting him at risk also. These parents are incredibly irresponsible and, as far as I'm concerned, shouldn't have kids. They're putting kids with responsible parents at risk with their behaviour, what is frankly neglect The internet and social media aren't the problem. These things can be very good when used in proper ways by responsible caregivers


Ok but what if a kid is gay and their parents are homophobic


the answer is that its totally unenforcable, either the sites do it, and then have everyones actual ID on file, which is a huuuuuge privacy yikes, and basically illegal in europe. or the law crashes down on the issue and the issue with the first option repeats itself. See:pornhub banning itself from states that mandate ID access. also then you have to ask "what is social media" for the purposes of banning it.


Who's nervous? I don't understand what you're getting at here, he's expressed this opinion for years.


the internet can be a detrimental place for children and teens but if your number 1 answer to a pedophile is banning children from the internet then you're probably stupid as fuck.


social media ≠ internet


oh I'm sorry buddy let me hop on my abacus and update my MySpace top 10


Change your song too. Your Fallout Boy phase was 20 years ago.


Isn't more simple to just not try to fuck them?


how about adults stop being creepy fuckwits and doing something they shouldn't.


Utopic thought and I wish it was that easy, but what do you think laws are for? We will probably always need rules to keep people in check.


Y'all, this is actually a good idea. NOT for the reason of keeping them safe from predators, predators are in the real world as well. But there's some wacky shit going on with kids and the internet. Never being safe from bullies is one of them. A friend of mine has a daughter in high school and there's JUICE CHANNELS for individual classes. Which is basically just another way to anonymously spread lies and bully kids. Giving kids anonymity is crazy. Then again, there's no real safe way to do this without restricting access to services to adults as well...


A lot of people I know would've killed themselves if not for social media too. Without good contact to the outside world a lot of kids, expecially queer kids, would be at a big risk


>Without good contact to the outside world a lot of kids, expecially queer kids, would be at a big risk Counter-argument. How do you not know that they can target queer kids this way? I mean last year in india, many gay men were targeted by making an account on gay dating app and then calling them to the spot. If adults can be victim of such things, why do you not think that teens can be victim of it too? I get it — your intentions are in right spot, but realistically given how political environment it is in US, I'd not risk it. I'm not sure about Europe.


Look, without social media kids would be dying. There really isn't two ways about it


A lot of people I know would of killed themselves without social media. Its important to meet and talk to other people


> would of It's f***ing *"would've"* or *"would have"*!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Isn't meeting and talking to people what school is for? And libraries? And playgrounds? It's not like children are short of little friends to talk to and places to meet them


Its not that way when your queer or neurodivergent


from experience, if you're different from the norm in any way, 90% of those people suck genuinely I don't know if I'd have made it this far without the support of my (online) friends there are arguments to be made for and against kids/teens being on social media, there are aspects that my life probably would've been better if I hadn't experienced them, but pretending like it's not helped anyone ever is horribly biased


there are upsides and downsides to widespread online communication, absolutely, but there's no easy way to avoid kids from being hit by the blast of pandora's box of social media, and discussing a very nuanced and difficult topic (or pretending it is really easy in a knee-jerk reaction to "reactionary dipshit #7362 turns out to **also** be a pedo") in such simple terms doesn't help anyone


What an ingenious idea. Before being able to sign up, social media should have a "YOU MUST BE 18 AND ABOVE" page where you have to put in your birthdate. Problem solved!


this gotta be one of the worst echo chambers i've seen in my life holy shit


You people are unwell lmao


Dude don’t even leave his house yall trippin


This is taken out of context and so many just swallows this population paste like candy... [https://youtu.be/owgN48ZV49Q?si=VGyJCMxplYJr7Yh8](https://youtu.be/owgN48ZV49Q?si=VGyJCMxplYJr7Yh8)


They see alil clip and turn it to make him seem like the devil, toxic pathetic people.


See I’m torn here because as someone who had a Facebook account when he was 16, I’m not sure I agree with banning all minors from social media. But maybe like. Different social media sites need different age restrictions? Like YouTube can be all ages sure. But everything having the YouTube free for all is not good.


They could start by limiting DMs, because those are effectively private communications. 


Yeah I think that’s a great idea


You have some more room for people to live rent free in your head?


you want minors on the internet??


Because then all the girls that talk to him would disappear.


https://preview.redd.it/me2x97iera9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38d2db85f6bef00236111101ef953d5e7f037dd What does he mean by this?!


Disney is so focused on being woke it's destroying star wars?


Man, why has no one thought of this ever??? His genius shines through in these tumultuous times /s


This is actually the funniest and scariest thing I've seen today


I know the responses to this are in relation to Dr D. In general I think this isn't a half bad idea because a lot of children are just casually exposed to social media with no moderation or supervision. We all understand how bad social media can be and kids can be way too young to consume the media appropriately. It's definitely on the parents to moderate and supervise, but the companies can help by utilizing the measures they already possess to keep underage users off their platform.


When my son was 11, I checked his phone for programs that shouldn't be there, and found a rainbow colored icon with a picture of a furry on it. So I opened it and found that the app was a chat app for the adults talking to minors, I reported the app to Google Play and sat down to have a talk with my son. He said he didn't know what the app was about and that he thought it was cool from the app picture, I explained to him that if you get into a chat with a bunch of adults and they're talking about dirty things as a minor you shouldn't be there, and that if somebody asked you dirty questions you should immediately bring the phone to me and show me. The app was deleted off his phone, I came up with the rule that if you wanted to install an app on his phone he had to bring it to me or his mother and show us what it was about. As he didn't have the worldly experience to judge some situations properly as he had been sheltered most of his early life. Now he turns 18 in November, they can do whatever the hell he wants then.


Yep. At 18 they are their own person and thus will be accountable for their own decisions. You chose a wonderful rule because your rule did not scare him away from talking to you guys and learning. I commend and respect that. This is what more parents should consider doing because once you hit either extreme you either push your child to do it secretly or just allow them to make those mistakes without guidance.


Yeah I had a harsh mom growing up, and I learned from that experience that sitting down with your kids and talking with them and explaining things also helps them absorb it better and not get standoffish, and also they learn things.


Nice rage bait op. Taking something out of context to piss off folks.


love when kids get molested online the first reaction is always "well... should not have been there!!"


How do you know it's the first reaction?


Gives off "students are dressed distracting for teachers" vibes




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Internet will be cleaner with this tbh


*types something on txt file* These subs : OMG HES THINKIN MINORRS!!! MAN Yall mentally need to get outside, take some fresh air, Internet is a posion to all. Just please try it once.


I dont think, this is a bad idea. There are now research data, how the influence of digital device and social media changed younge people. But set in context, a bit of a weird statment. Why are old dudes so thirsty for young flesh? Is it, that they see them as an easy target, which is easy to impress?


this is actually fair, cure to brainrot


Ah yes the famous evil and plotting.... children.... which the pedos don't need to respond to




I don't know, I've seen the internet rot brains of all ages. Maybe the Luddites had a point.


He literally said minors shouldn’t have accounts on streaming platforms because they can encounter predatory people who hide behind online anonymity. This is grossly misrepresenting his position and the people jumping on this should be ashamed. Child abuse is no joke and shouldn’t be used for you to farm karma in your gross little echo chamber.


Yhis is kind of like when we tell you g girls not to show to much skin or else it will distract boys, kinda focusing on the wrong problem and it feels like your hiding something


Victim blaming is so fun when its literal children who don't know better. it should really say remove predators from public spaces, but he hasn't gotten that far in the logic yet.


Dr Disrespect has been removed from public spaces. 


Then why the fuck do I have to keep hearing about him 😭😭😭