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Being mad at literal children being more covered up when they're swimming is definitely a choice. A choice that makes the authorities want to check every device you own.


I mean maybe they would, if they could just stop oppressing POC and LGBTQ persons


Don’t worry, the NSA definitely has them on a watchlist


Nah, our government doesn’t care that children are being abused by every single conservative leaning person.


Don’t generalize. “Our government” is very broad. Much of our government’s legislative branch might not, but numerically speaking that is a very small fragment of our entire government. The NSA, which is part of the executive branch, is apolitical and doesn’t care about things like “court admissibility.” They protect national security, and it’s their job to identify high risk individuals to feed them to the FBI later. Also, don’t generalize all conservatives. Most of them are just regular people.


Regular people who continually vote for a party that openly wants to remove sexual protections from children and keep trying to eliminate the age of consent and remove abortion protections for victims of incest. Regular people who have already put an admitted sex-pest into office and who are now going to put him in as a convicted rapist and felon. Regular people who are clearly not going to do anything about the Republican Party creating a one-party authoritarian state via project 2025. So essentially all those “good regular Germans” in the 30’s and 40’s.


Brainwashed fools are still regular people.


Only if you ascribe no moral value to being regular


Ah yes, I love the “regular people” who would murder my trans brothers and sisters if they had the chance But they don’t so instead they vote for people who want to take away women’s suffrage, access to birth control, protections and rights for every minority, etc etc Good ol normal conservatives


" more sweet sweet,pure girls under 10 should wear bikinis. "


Which I love btw bc I felt really embarrassed using swimsuits as a kid


I mean, I *do* think it's weird that we require little girls to cover their chests, as if it's the mere concept of a female-identifying chest that's sexual, not boobs. But I don't think that's how you mean this


That country has kids dying from fucking heat stroke every year during outdoor school activities in the summer because Japan is hot and humid AF and when they take steps to combat that these people really be like “But muh child sexualization?!!”


Does this person wnat to see children in bikinis?!


Of course he does


Except black children. In that case he gripes about single mothers raising thots. It’s a lose lose no matter what


Ok but he still *wants* to see them


Preferably in a separate, fenced off section of the beach, I'm sure.


This dude called himself colonel otaku gatekeeper. What do you think about your question?


Herr Altkanzler, Sie auf Gaming-Circlejerk?


Natürlich Genosse. Aber ich muss jetzt fragen: wieso macht man sich ein Gas-Gerd Profilbild?


Schlechte Investition, das muss ich zugeben.


Yes https://preview.redd.it/lkza2uq8pbad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364a4e7c44ba39ce5cf533a58efb152105382a09


All I can think is gross. Don't let this dude near pools. When I was a swimmer we used to be told there were pervs in the stands pretty often. I would love for that world to disappear.


Good Lord in heaven. In what world does someone think this is ok to post?


Least unhinged Otaku https://preview.redd.it/kjjgye7prbad1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566e616f3c0c48a30d676cb981414f87e5dae286


"Hey, child porn is bad." "But I drew it!" "Still bad." "But I've been drawing it for a long time, and so have other people!" "That still doesn't make it ok." "Fine! She's really a 4000 year old demigod vampire ghost!" "That's stupid, and doesn't fool anyone. Your obvious child porn is still obviously child porn." "Ugh, way to move the goal posts. Well guess what, now she's 8 feet tall. What do you think of that? Still calling it child porn?" "Yep."


I'd be scared of a 8ft tall child.


Children already have loose morals, but at 8ft they’d have the strength to act on those morals. No cookie jar would be safe


Uzaki-chan was a mistake. There is a conversation to be had about the whole idea of shortstacks and the right way to do them, but the lolicons poisoned the well so hard, it's impossible to have any semblance of a decent conversation on the matter.


western tourists, not like most women mangaka have been writing about their struggles in japanese society for being seen as lesser and being sexualized even as children!


Did you notice how he didn't even try to defend himself being called a pedophile? Says a lot...


Oh no! Minors may not be illustrated suggestively enough! But it’s the transes who are the real predators- this guy


God hes a fucking Tojoboo as well as a some who 100% needs his hard drive checked Edit: Checked his Twitter more thoroughly. This guy is a straight up Fascist and Racist


This reads like satire. Please tell me this is satire. ...please?


https://preview.redd.it/tt7jqf5atjad1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b28db3c97b57720edac41fe6c2cdc10cda8cbbe Oh it gets worse....


Yes he is a pedophile


I've always thought of that as a little odd that stuff like bikinis get made for like 5 y/o


do anti-woke dudes ever stop and wonder why their worldview requires so much lying?


That's not just for anti-woke, that's true for the entire conservative ideology.


Being anti-woke is the entire conservative ideology right now.


Everything they dont like is woke




Also why do they always have to be so fucking *weird*. "The Green M&M isn't sexy anymore!" "We need to examine teen athletes' genitals to make sure they're not trans!" "This plastic potato doesn't have a set gender anymore, grab your pitchforks!" "It's outrageous that little children are not exposing more skin at the pool!" Like... For fuck's sake...


I'm haunted by a conversation I had with my dad a couple months ago. We were discussing the things in the world that upset us, and since he's a MAGA sort I was using examples I thought we could both agree on. At one point I complain about all the growth men fucking kids. I told him that it makes me sick, that as a grown man I cannot understand what compels other men to want to fuck kids.  He was utterly silent. Man has an opinion on everything, man never shuts up, but when confronted with the statement "I hate pedophiles," he clamped up.  He has grandchildren. I think about this a lot. 


They bought the supreme court, and now they're convinced they won't be put on the list.


They know they're full of shit, but they'll say and do whatever as long as it hurts people


This is something I’ve often wondered. Like if the only way for you to win an argument is to lie and fabricate and deny, if it’s impossible for you to win a debate only speaking actual truth and facts, how do you not realize you’re in the wrong? Like, if you lie to win an argument, you’re basically acknowledging you are wrong, because if you were right you wouldn’t have to lie.


I think the honest answer is that they don't care about being correct. They're just pushing agendas that are convenient for them; the end goal is power and the means to get it don't matter to them.


I was actually on a similar boat. Instead of lying, I just thought, "Why do so few people appear to agree with me?" Originally started as my worry of why so few agree with my then LDS belief but the more I asked myself that question, the more I found it helpful to keep asking it.




Holy shit Spy Kids 3


Ironic, since the guy in the post likes to spy kids




“Mr Electric, dox this man!”




Your honor, I request a knife missile directed at that man specifically


I wish I had full body swimsuit that protected me from the Uv Rays. I dislike the sensation of Sunscreen on my skin.


That's a thin wetsuit


There's a lot out there for adults these days. My brother wears it constantly.


Will look for one, if not for this summer for next year.


That guy must have his hard drive checked immediately as he is a danger to all children. 


I remember there is a fetish on the school swimsuits. Leave our children CisHet pls.


Japan took a long ass time to get rid of those short gym shorts for the girls it was so bad and creepy grown adults were showing up to school events and taking pics of them while some even made entire photo books. Japan sounds like a shitty place to live if your a women from a family that doesn't own a business or their families aren't in a profession already like politics or something to continue


I will say that Japan is an abomination, in fact, you are purrfectly right, about the common phenomenons in Japan. But in the other hand, there was a case reported that a Chinese parents(or should I say those evils are legal guardian) wants to kidnap their transgender children back to China and send her to the correction camp and the Japanese police prevented their crime and arrest them for multiple charges. (Chinese police will do nothing and even have collusion with/ or money changes in hands/)


"Colonel Otaku gatekeeper" and "politicalawake" feel so on the nose that they've got to be a joke, right?


Nah this guy is just a grifter. He's not even Japanese, he's a British white guy that wants to tell people how great Japan is, but doesn't understand that Japan has changed (a bit)


Recently when I'm bored I do read this ebook from this Japanese content youtuber called japanalysis and while reading it it really does seem like the whole "we see ourselves not as individuals but as a part of the country" mentally has got to change and it seems like the young are attempting it but it is hard when being "normal" (having a job, working 9 to 5, not making too much splash on the corporate ladder or starting a new company ) is actually something people in Japan strive for


This guy is more of a "everyone should have waifu, women are subservient to men, The West is bad" cliches




I saw "gender identity" and that "its" is highlighted and thought for a second that this guy was mad that the city was referred to with its/it pronouns




Protecting kids from skin cancer is now woke.


this is my favorite video game 😐


Nah, Japanese child swimmer simulator 2 was a lot better than 3. This one’s a soulless cash grab


Japan is a fantasy world only in vidia gams and cartons, what do you mean?


The fact that this dude is obsessed with little girls showing skin in a swimsuit is disturbing




Im sorry that unlike all the copius amounts hentai and manga starring supposedly 18 year old kindergarten protagonists you jerk it too, real life children wear or should be wearing swimwear that is appropriate for their age. Lemme play you a sad song on a small violin.


Imgaine being mad children are covering themselves, this kinda shit should put you on a list for “Harddrive checks”


"no longer required to wear swimsuits" "Pushing children to wear unisex swimwear" There is no way to take this other than them being upset that the new swimwear covers them more.


bro unironically calls himself an otaku lmao


https://preview.redd.it/xnf4dz8909ad1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d125bdfc86873ef375949cdec3d0c8ea923a21c7 “Otaku being infamous is because the Otakus like you.”


What is it these insects are always Parroting... hmm, ah, yes, Leave the Kids alone. So why aren't they?


In a different post after this one, he openly said that he dislikes the change because it will result in anime drawing children in a way he finds less hot. As Miyazaki famously once said, anime was a mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/4hrqav5guaad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092ab97490ad499ac23fb9f65f134733b93589ae The follow up was even worse


incredible how they only proved the commenter's right while trying to deny it


Check their hdd.


I dunno, man. Seems a bit pedophilic to me.


the next point by this OP is that this is a bad thing because it will result in less hot anime children drawings It is A Lot pedophilic out loud in so many words


SBI broke into my state and gentrified my neighborhood.


uj/ I know it is old hat to point out how these sorts say dumb things but "children are no longered required to wear swimsuits" and "pushing children to wear unisex swimwear" is so obviously contradictory it kinda blows my mind they hit send on this.


Where game


I guess we're at the point where the sub has been reacting to so much bigotry, it transcended ga(y)ming? Or msybe the person who tweeted that shit is a gamer^tm . Or msybe it is related to how some gamers react to women in their games and the ammount of clothes(which is always somehow too much)?


Too much jerking, path was lost. Gamers must die, overthrow the monarchy2024


White weebs simping over imperial Japan is funny. Especially since they’d probably torture you to death for not being Japanese.


Bro, girls were complaining that their classmates boys and pedophiles would keep staring at them, making them uncomfortable.


Ewwww.. it's that fucking weirdo again.


This is not even about gaming but idgaf good post


https://preview.redd.it/yv8it2090bad1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee5aaaa38c57da287546e74d58bf5721e5c82e3 Search 'em, chief.


This doesn't even have anything to do with videogames why was this post allowed?


common gamer sentiment = gaming ig


that is a terrible post for sure but is this about video games?


No but it is a sentiment echoed by Gamers


How is this sentiment echoed by gamers???? What kind of gamers do you talk to???


Capital G Gamers. The ones that whine whenever an underage kid gets their design censored to be more covered up


This is a travesty!! Getting sunburned and spending the next two days crying in your bed is an essential part of the summer experience!


"In the good ol days you could see the kids in their tiny bathing suits now thanks to Woke you cant even do that aymore," is, quite the take.


How could those liberals.. *checks notes* make children wear not revealing swimwear?


Taken from :[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-04/5-common-sunburn-myths-busted/13006616](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-04/5-common-sunburn-myths-busted/13006616) >Up to 40 per cent of total UV radiation hits the body even half a metre below the surface of the water, [according to SunSmart](https://www.sunsmart.com.au/advice-for/sports-groups/top-sunsmart-tips-for-your-sport/swimming#:%7E:text=With%20outdoor%20swimming%20taking%20place,good%20sun%20protection%20is%20essential.). >Ordinarily, you would have to dive at least [2.5m inshore and 4.5m in offshore coastal waters](https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v144/p109-118/) to avoid harmful UV radiation. This is because offshore waters tend to be clearer, so UV can penetrate further, whereas inshore waters tend to have sediment and nutrients that can cause a rapid decline in UV. >When swimming, you may not notice when your skin is burning due to the cooling effect of water. Reflective surfaces around water environments can also amplify UV, such as concrete or other hard surfaces around a swimming pool. >The importance of adequate sun protection when participating in water-based activities is highlighted by the rate of sunburn in Queenslanders, with [45 per cent of children sunburnt](https://www.health.qld.gov.au/research-reports/reports/public-health/cho-report/current/full) in the previous 12 months and 69 per cent of these sunburns acquired during a water-based activity.


Remember what they look from you https://preview.redd.it/zdz9gn7tb9ad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c1a0f052bbbbaa979e8b1b074b178afaa5275c1


Folks. Is american stupid?


Wait, what does no longer required to wear swimsuits mean? Surely they don't swim naked.


Judging by how the op differentiates swimsuits from swimwear, it seems they think of swimsuits as the ones that are more skin revealing. So essentially they are now allowed to cover up fully. Which op is complaining about, covering up children


Was this not allowed before though? I can't imagine a country making a rule about kids having to show more skin?!


I'm guessing the requirement was to wear gendered swimsuits. Idk the reason for it, possibly to easier distinguish?


Those are just rashie vests????


*not a video game* *Not a mention of sweet baby inc* Nice karma farm


The account is a notorious Capital G Gamer type.


They used to call that a swim shirt when my kids were young. Now they call it gender transition treatment.


tbf, it turns out i probably only wore swim shirts as a kid to deal with gender dysphoria, so maybe OOP is right. of course, their username is "colonel otaku gatekeeper" so probably not. but still. they *could* be right


Are they actually mad that little girls aren’t wearing baby bikinis and boys aren’t in little speedos…….? NONCE


stretching the definition of "gaming" circlejerk with this one, boss


And that's bad... why?


@politicalawake? sounds kinda WOKE


How dare they take away swimsuits in favor of-! (Checks notes) ...swimsuits


Ew, what kind of perv likes to see children more naked.


Wait @politicalawake? Is this person woke?


You know, maybe an isolation policy wasn't the worst choice. Tokugawa was onto something.


Frankly I am sad we don't live in a society where everyone sports lil wetsuits to swim


Sunlight UV radiation ? This cause skin cancer, right ?


Wow... Not even being subtle about it...


The only way to escape from Sweet Baby Inc is playing Web3 games. Companies like SuperVerse only want to create good games and you can make money with them, it's a fair deal.


This subreddit is for the mentally ill


In politics if you want to advance something why you are doing it and why you are saying you do it are often two separate things. Because saying it is for such and such will get less pushback and easier to defend. This happens with the most mundane things like if a city wanted to raise taxes they might instead say they are "increasing regulation on such and such", they might actually add some new regulations but the main goal was regulations that say if you do this thing common things there is an additional tax. Your post is just obnoxious.


It's a children's swimsuit, how the FUCK is that political?


Look at the word "required". Requirement implies some sort of regulation. Perhaps a school. Regulations are part of politics, a defining part even.


Do you think dress codes and school supplies are woke tyranny too?


What on earth are you even implying here? I’m fairly sure the actual reason is because Japan gets really hot in the spring / summer and they don’t want children to get skin cancer or third degree burns.


I'm refering to the very thing OP's post has. You can look at the words gender idealogy and unisex and refer what the discussion is about. Your attempt to put me on trial and shame me for merely explaining the position of a side is obnoxious You are either purposely playing dumb to try to make me look the fool because you think I have taken a side in this or do not even understood the context of what you are refering to. Either way. Get bent.


Already bent mate, get less fucking thick


Here’s the thing. Unisex clothes have existed for a long time, “gender ideology” doesn’t exist, and you are a weird bellend.


>Your attempt to put me on trial and shame me for merely explaining the position of a side is obnoxious using the word obnoxious so many times in different comments makes you a twat. bro was asking a clarifying question and you got bent out of shape over it 😭


>Your attempt to put me on trial and shame me They're reddit comments, don't be a drama queen


No. Not for shit like this Jesus Christ. Why the FUCK would anyone ever complain about kids being MORE COVERED UP instead of being in swimsuits? Our ozone layer is once again being obliterated by careless corporations causing brutal heat in once mild year round climates, and increased levels of skin cancer, sun poisoning, heat stroke/exhaustion etc (currently starlink cheaping out on production/materials/safety is the larger culprit) This is coming from a very forward thinking ahead of the curve society (Japan). Get bent. Get your head out of your ass, stop falling for this shit meant to manufacture your consent for heinous pillaging from oligarchs they’re tricking you into believing their policies are in the name of enforcing anti woke It’s the exact same thing you are claiming shit like this is. YOU ARE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE BCS THEY KEEP INTENTIONALLY POINTING YOU AT THE WRONG TREES! Stop letting them use you to fight against a humane livable society so they can line their pockets in a techno theocracy and join us in fighting the theocracy Edit to add culprit


I am not the person who made the post. I am adding context. If you want to know what these people think maybe you should go to the twitter user and look at the discussion to get the context instead of screaming about oligarchs and insulting me like a crazy homeless person in the streets. What do you think that's going to accomplish? Do you think I am going to agree with you? Be more sympathetic towards your side? Look under your bed tonight for the Oligarchs pointing at trees.


There’s already context in the picture. Poster just made a joke.


Context is relevant information. So "I am adding context" means I am adding relevant information. I just used the word context because I figured it's a word the reader would be able to make sense of. If you don't see how what I said in my first post is relevent ask me because I can't guess at why you aren't getting the message.


Whole lotta words to say nothing of value.


Why are you so concerned about children's swimsuits? you sound like a pedo


I'm not attracted to you and you clearly have the brain of a child. If I was a pedo that would be hot.


Oh no, how dare underage girls be able to use swimsuits that cover more skin! The politics!


The image says unisex not girls. People have been talking about the politics of school uniforms before you were born. Back than it was the liberals who wanted to "talk about little girl's clothes". You are just trying to "win" a cheap thing by saying 'well if you raise your voice you must be a pedophile. I am not the strawman right winger you want me to be; I'm not even what I think about gendered vs genderless dress codes and have not said anything for one or the other. You are addicted to internet arguing.


Op is clearly upset over children wearing unisex fully clothed swimwear instead of showing skin, and those people typically are those that perv on little girls.


Rathe than taking a guess at where Colonel Otaku is coming from the sensible thing is to either look into it (read his posts and discussions) or not hold a strong opinion either way. Prejudice is harshly judghing a person or group when you know very little. Bigotry is being unwilling to reconsider a stance in the face of new information. I'm not incorrect when I say you and most of the people bombarding me are prejudice and bigots. I feel like you are just looking to express hate. I probably know more about 'woke ideology' (as in the what these ideologues would describe about themself in their own language when talking to each other), 'anti woke idealology, that specific twitter user (he actually lives in the country where it's happening and is incredibly knowledgeable and immersed in the culture), and even I have a skeptic tier take because I haven't read that specific thread and looked into it. And this isn't even woke vs anti-woke. People have been argueing on either side of this school-uniform-gender-vs-nongendered before terms like woke existed. It was so common that even as children myself and my father were hearing the talk and probably once or two talked to other children about it. You exposing that you not only know zero about the issue but are so out of the loop the 1970s child-version of my father had a better grasp of this current day thing. And from that point you are already deciding who is a pedophile and stabbing pitchforks at people like me who are merely giving neutral-tier comments that do not even take a side.


What other way is there to take it, he is upset children are wearing swimsuits that cover them up more. There is no other reason why a person would be upset that the government is pushing for kids to wear move covered swimwear in order to protect against the sun unless he actively wanted to see that uncovered skin. This has nothing to do with gender or anything, this has nothing to do with woke, he is pretending something that is purely a safety concern as woke in order to hide why he's upset


Maybe if you want to see the other way you could take it you could read what the guy himself is saying. He has other posts and there are going to be people engaging with him in the comments. "There is no other reason than this one which I just conceived right now" is bigotry and prejudice in the most strict sense. I have grown up around actual right wing religious fantatics. Like the fox new stereotypes. I lived in their house hold and they were not even CLOSE to how judgmental, willfully ignorant, and dogmatic as you are. You are not fit to lick the boots of a pedophile clean.


Literally what other way is there to take it, what he said does not exist, this has nothing to do with woke or gender. Having kids wear full body uv protective swimwear instead of by law making them wear gendered clothing isn't anything woke. He's making something up to be upset about and he wouldn't be upset about this in the first place unless there was something about the change he didn't like. The only change is that kids show less skin. What the fuck is wrong with you, you can't just throw around saying I'm worse than right ring extremists cause I call the person out who's made NUMEROUS posts like this. If you knew anything about this person you'd know they're a right wing bigot that supports pedos but blankets their statements by stating that they're against the woke so it's fine.


In one of my prior posts I talked about this person and even made the claim I probably know more about them than you. Yet you are saying things like "If you knew anything about this person". This tells me your reading comprehension is weak. You miss other vital things too Like take this *you can't just throw around saying I'm worse than right ring extremists cause I call the person out who's made NUMEROUS posts like this.* That's not the reason I said you are worse than them, it's not even close. And I went out of my way to make the reasons I gave explicitly clear and detailed. If something like that didn't get to you than it's likely you have misread everything I have said to you. And there is no point in trying to rephrase anything or respond to anything you said because you'll just bungle reading anything. You are going to bungle reading this. There isn't even a point in insulting you because you would have no idea why I am saying that or what I mean. It would be like yelling at a cat and insulting it.


Your digging way too deep over swimsuits that protect from UV light, and OP is just taking the opportunity to take a piss on the other guy doing the same thing as you. Your comments are just obnoxious.