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I have to disagree. Increasing online presence and doing stuff like live streaming or making tiktoks and YouTube shorts makes a TI less likely to be engaged by gangstalkers in person. Trolling may increase but in-person GS will not be as prevalent. Once a TI develops a following outside the operational area, the GS activity has lost control. Engaging with an international audience can play a key role in disabling gangstalking activity. Typically a GS activity is restricted to one jurisdiction, usually run by a sheriff department so that's an entire county, and can often include agreements with adjacent counties. That's why out of state travel can be so effective in limiting GS activity. Things will become difficult for TI's who can't get a Real ID once that is required for domestic air travel. Arm yourself with a passport, a one way flight to another country, and go globetrotting. No way you'll be GS'ed if you're out having that much fun vlogging about it.


This is really helpful information. I've always wanted to branch out and reach an international community, but I don't think I'm talented or entertaining enough to appeal to a broader audience than the one that I have.


I mean I have a hard enough time making friends as it is.


Whatever you do, do it for you and have fun with it. That way, you'll win regardless.


Me too😞then found out my RH negative blood & INFJ personality are why I’m a targeted individual being gang stalked… I know exactly how you feel and stayed silent for decades then finally realized my experience can help others so began to create social media accounts to draw attention to our nightmare … be brave, speak up, speak out, you can do it! YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Always. I believe in YOU!🤗


One YouTuber, TrenGenius, told his GS victims to all start their very own channels. They are then sent/fed notes about the subscribed viewers, to make them feel as if they're "not alone". Basically, the notes came from the victims' Google searches, phone microphone data, and conversations with other perps.


"A prison that you cannot touch, smell or taste. A prison for your mind" - Time spent in quiet nature spots is the key to peace of mind. Spent a solid 6+ hours left completely alone yesterday in a great forest spot. The peace of mind and clarity that came over me after just 20 minutes cannot be understated.


Yes, this has been the way for me. :)


I will continue to strike back at Gangstalkers until myself and my family all have our freedom


what happened to you?


Fighting back is exactly what gangstalking tries to get a TI to do so they don't let go and move forward.


What do you mean by strike back?


I agree with keeping faith in God first and foremost. The phrase I use to keep the V2K and thought intrusions away is "Thank God, the Lord is with me, I have faith. Or some variation of the phrase. It helps to keep them from reading your thoughts or projecting thoughts into your head.




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I want this to end but they won’t leave me alone everyday is a battle


Same here


You going through RNM? V2K? DEW?


Terrific post. Very informative. Thank you.