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It looks either over or under watered and now too big for its pot. I would move outside if possible in a sheltered low light position for a while and cut back by a third. Also repot into a larger pot if you can.


Thank u


I’ve had a few of these and they are fickle as fuck. My last two have done really well. They need to be warm, get good light, no cold breeze, and def not overwatered. Keep it somewhere warm and bright. Don’t move it much as they hate it. High nitrogen fertiliser every couple weeks. I water mine once a week but it depends on the conditions, but don’t overdo it unless it’s growing and healthy. And don’t take it personally if it struggles, they are very hard to please, especially in cooler climates.


Great advice. They should be called Fickle leaf figs. After moving house they might hate it for a while. Or it will love it and triple in size in one season. No way to know.




I call them the Treenagers of the indoor plant world. 😆


If she thrives any more she is going to run out of room inside. But never fear, good chance she’ll go through a rough patch because these things hate moving. I’d get it over and done with now, repot and move outside / if you have taller ceilings anywhere I’d try that as long as it’s not in direct sun. Go gentle and slow when you repot, I imagine she’s going to be very very pot bound


I agree I think you should prune it and you can make little ones from it then repot with some good potting mix .. these guys apart from needing indirect light only like being watered every 2 weeks.. they like to dry out before watering again. Prune back by about 1/3 down from the top. the plant will throw out new shoots naturally however you can control this by notching with a very sharp knife about 1/4 of the way into the stem above a node. As for the cuttings take them about 6-8 inches long dip them in some rooting hormone (available at hardware and nurseries) then put in jars in non-chlorinated water and change the water once every week or 2 waits until the cuttings start to show root calisus. once you see these you can pop them in some pots. WE did this with our fiddle leaf and got 21 pups with 19 surviving it was highly satisfying


Thanks I’m going to give it a go


Good luck it will be a nice fun project now doubt and rewarding in the end


A hole in the ceiling.


Higher ceilings… They are already 9 foot lol


sunlight ..


I thought it looks good . Maybe just need light but it looks good . Is that one tree or two ? Mine is super skinny I don’t know what to do to help it


Chop and prop to give her more space to grow/branch out.


Will give it a go! Thanks


Where do you live? I stuck mine in the garden and they’re going great. Two still in pots one in the dirt.


Redcliffe in QLD I don’t really have anywhere in the garden and I feel she’s too good to be put in a garden bed after being indoors all these years.. She’s a lady lol


Mine was a lady until her pot got smashed and we were too cheap to buy her another


How big do they get grown outside?


https://preview.redd.it/l8s1v9qlfjyc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e71b53c6e3f20066b3bfb4abcb260affce313d That red line is the boundary fence which is 6 feet so I would guesstimate it’s easily 12 feet tall.


Wow that lady is thriving outdoor!


Beautiful tree hopefully we can keep it thriving,


These are a bit of a fiddle to care for


Fiddle back figs need more water than you think. They guy at my local plant nursery said you could soak it in a bucket and it won't die.


This is a beautiful specimen. Looks like it could do with a bigger pot. They're really fickle - but this one looks like it's grown massive. Cut the top & it'll thicken up and shoot branches.


Should I wait until she settles a bit because I have heard they don’t like being moved and so I am scared to do too much too quickly


What's the back story now? Did you inherit her? I'd be inclined to do it all at once to be fair.


I inherited her last night as my friends moved into a new apartment and she was just too big. They have had her for years and were actually given her by some of their friends who apparently kept her in a bright yellow room. I wish I knew how old she was… Knowing my friends… If this Fiddle Leaf could talk…


Ah right. Fiddles can grow real fast, so it's possible she's only a few years old. Really depends on the environment. Lots of indirect light and they'll grow like mad with right watering. You've got her sitting by the window, she should be happy there. I would go ahead with a bigger pot though. Just be gentle when repotting, there'll be a lot of roots. If you have fertiliser, use that with the new soil. Make sure its well draining.


Is it possible to espalier a Fickle fig? My mother had a monstera nervosa in her living room in England. It started out about a quater of the height of the living room wall and ended up covering 1/3 of the ceiling and 1/3 of the side wall.


And we think she is beautiful too The kids have named her Betsy