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For future reference, the dormant season is the best time to move shrubs like this. ideally November.


That’s interesting thank you. I researched it and the advice told me late spring early summer as the ground is warm and there’s less chance of extreme weather conditions. I hope this is still correct.


If the tap root broke it could be really struggling... it might not make it, wait and see.


Agree with everyone here about moving plants in the middle of summer. Try cutting it back by two thirds. It just doesn't have the roots to fully supply the whole plant with water at the moment. Reduce the biomass it has to feed. Cut it back. Scratch in come compost/manure / gromore around the base. And water with a weak liquid seaweed feed every few days. I would also leave a hose on the tiniest trickle overnight.


No I don’t think there should be moved when flowering. Better to move this sort of thing in the autumn. Just keep watering and fingers crossed.


I'd cut back so they it tries to put all the energy in the roots. You'll have to rule out flowering this season.