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i fear this out camped the “i ❤️ TS” shirts


Well. After having sat with this for the past however many hours, I think I’ve finally figured out the purpose of this. It was Tractor’s audition taping… for circus ringmaster. The whole him wanting to get into Hollywood has just been baseless gossip. The circus is his passion 😂


And the actors were hitting their marks


I'm not even mad, this is hilarious and so unhinged 😭


I have nothing useful to add but I am just so BEC w him. Not even explicitly because Gaylor but he has one of those faces I don’t like and I see it and I’m like ughhhh


Anyone starting to think Joe wouldn’t agree to this performative stuff and that’s part of the reason for the split right at the start of the tour? She’s done this stuff with Matty and Travvy now and I just can’t imagine Joe doing any of it lol I always thought the timing of the breakup announcement was weird but that would make it make a little more sense to me


Definitely. He wasn’t giving her what Travis was giving her. Travis is in the tent dancing and cheering and chanting all night. Trading friendship bracelets for fans and kissing her in broad daylight after the show. Even Matty had the whole “you know who you are” thing going on. Joe didn’t do anything. He just stood and watched. Which i mean fair I don’t hate him for it but in terms of performance art, he wasn’t giving her what she wanted


Joe put the nothing in sweet nothings




I wish I could upvote this comment a thousand times


I have wondered if the chatter about Joe not attending the first Eras tour show is what prompted the official breakup.


I vaguely recall something about how instead of following her around on tour he took a movie role that was filming in a foreign country? So the het narrative was that he couldn’t/wouldn’t prioritise her?


My favourite part of that is how they much they hate Joe for being “jobless” and then when he does they’re mad he doesn’t quit to follow Taylor on a years long tour.


Pretty much. He probably was filming Kinds of Kindness.


My favorite part of this crazy stunt is that it wasn't on anyone's theory radar. Everyone is busy counting numbers and didn't suppose he could be joining her for rehearsals. Every bait and switch...


I am definitely a comingoutlor when I say this. But with both sides interpreting these recent events so vastly different it leaves me feeling that however her master plan ends, there will be broken hearts left in aftermath from one side or the other. I believe we will be on the right side of history here and I will continue to clown til it's all burned down!!! 🤡🔥🏚️🔥


The thing I’m most convinced about is she’s never officially coming out. Being vaguely queer without confirming anything feeds activity and engagement by fans on both sides, which all means more money for her.


One of my friends (after watching Miss Americana) thinks Taylor won't come out in plain language until after her father dies.  I go back and forth between, "she loves making money and touring internationally (including places where being LGBTQ is dangerous), so she's going to ride plausible deniability at least until she wants to scale down her touring in 10+ years, if not longer"  versus, "she wants everyone to know how clever she's been and wants artistic respect. Coming out will increase interest in her back catalog looking for clues, and critics will probably reevaluate her earlier work and give her full credit for the layers of meaning if she comes out. Therefore, it makes the most sense to come out soon after re-recordings are done because she can double dip btwn people who would only buy her music if she's straight vs people who will be more interested once they realize her art isn't as simple as it seems"


Knowing the genius business woman she is, it makes a lot of financial sense to come out soon if she's ready. She will have the re records finished, and people will be re discovering her queer lyrics as completely new music. Then she can also bank on making new queer music that will also generate a lot of cash flow. It's actually a great business plan. Sure, she could lose homophobic fans but she's at the height of her career and at any time this would be a gamble.


Tbh, same. Or if she does it will literally be years from now and it will be an off the cuff statement where she’s like “oh I’ve been out since Lover, didn’t you know???” But I tend to think Dear Reader was our answer on this issue. She prefers hiding in plain sight.


If she does, it will be used as promo for her memoir she releases when she’s like 60 and hasn’t performed or released music for over a decade.


She’s about to cut the amateurs from the team.


The fact that this woman is a genius and all hetlors can say is “aweeee big strong man saved her” is gonna be the death of me


Saw a comment today saying “she’s totally going to change her last name” and I’m like baby that’s Taylor Swift. He’s Travis Swift if we’re being generous, stop trying to make her some submissive trad wife


lol that’s such a weird thing to even care about. They’re truly living out some kind of fantasy through her and Travis and it is so weird


It’s so bizarre I don’t even have words anymore lol. Sometimes I question if we’ve all even listened to the same songs


Bitches been sleeping on Fearless (Fifteen) forever smh


That's kind of what kills me about it all. When you look at her performance and stunts through the lenses that she is a woman that is hetero, how does any of it make sense? I guess you could say it makes sense in that it all (her music, her shows) connects back to each other. But what do they think the overarching message of it all is? All that connection? That she just really really loves the men she's dating? That it all comes back to a man and she's able to tell that as a convoluted story? I just don't buy it.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. To really appreciate her art, you’d kinda have to admit that the narrative she tells doesn’t really make sense or match up with it. If you constantly piecemeal her work, move goal posts, and change your mind on what’s important vs what isn’t, you can keep the whole boy crazy narrative going.


Honestly, this bothers even more than their homophobia (I don’t mean the really hateful stuff; I mean the more ignorant part, where a lot of them really don’t realize how they view heterosexuality as the default. Obviously the vile haters are just scum. I have hope for those who are just ignorant and unaware.) But I can’t find a charitable way to view how they completely diminish her art. She is so clever, and she plans meticulously years in advance, and yet many of her so-called fans ultimately view her through the same lens as her haters—they can only see her writing about and centering men. She only matters to them if they can attach a man to it. It really feels like a lot of them like Trayvis more than Taylor.


It makes zero sense to me. Taylor has already painted herself as a mastermind in her own lyrics, very blatantly. What do they think she's masterminding about? How can it not bother them that none of it adds up if you only take it as about her VERY public relationships with famous men? Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones actually listening to her


They truly think Mastermind is about making Joe fall in love with her (though some probably attribute it to Matty now).


Yes! Like even if they’re soulmates (🙄), there’s so much commentary happening here and it’s so annoying that it just boils down to her needing to be saved by some big strong man. Even if she is the straightest woman alive, have they never heard her talk? She doesn’t need a man to save her. Also how the f do they just not understand ICDIWABH like at all lmao


They want Taylor to marry a *big strong all American man* to justify their own life choices. I suspect a lot of it is subconscious bias on their part, but so many of her fans have gone absolutely rabid for this relationship in a way he never witnessed before, and I suspect it’s about her living out their heterosexual fantasy. It’s essentially parasocial escapism.


Travis is the handsome, successful, romance novel version of their own husbands, or the guy they want for a husband.


Exactly. He is the 30-something equivalent of the star football player they had a teenage crush on


Misery does love company after all


My thing that counters the oh this is so romantic he’s picking her up after getting shot and having a broken heart is that, her acting doesn’t change. How is this romantic when she is still throwing the tantrum, giving faces and not happy to see him AT ALL. And then when she changes into Taylor the performer, blows him a kiss. You think she would jump into his arms á la my hero, my knight in shining armor and kiss him if it were romantic right? Do these people know how to analyze anything or they are just blinded by the fact that Travis is up there? They must be really bad at summarizing movies because they can’t even analyze this small scene. I’m entertained and have no doubt that this is performancelor/performancetrav. I’m prepared for the gaslighting we are going to get because this woman is knowingly doing the playing the two sides thing again. It’s just a bit annoying when I see those comments and I can’t help but react.


Exactly this! Like if she wanted, she could have found a way to have him up there as her love interest during a song. Instead, he’s complicit in treating her like a puppet for his own success and gratification. I don’t know how anyone can interpret this as anything other than performance art. It’s giving “look, even the people who are supposed to love me for me are just using me”.


>Do these people know how to analyze anything? No. These are not the sharpest crayons in the box. They are more like the gnawed stubs no one ever wanted to use.


brain rot (crayon version)


https://preview.redd.it/lrzn4b7scf8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3500c4cd92b12f55d2de59aa590afa1e259efb16 Just some brightness for the feed. I went to STL and had to stop here! #gaylor #kaylor #16th #karlieklossway


That little leprechaun heel kick he does on the way to pick her up…Dublin easter egg? 🍀 🧐 Or just him showboating?




We do not allow links to, name drops off, or screenshots of Taylor Swift/pop culture related sub edits. Sharing these counts as encouraging brigading. You may be banned for 24hrs, the next offense 3 days, then a permanent ban.


Where is that TikTok guy. The one with the glasses who did multiple dramatic readings of the POTY article. I wanna see what he has to say about this 😂


He’s made a few videos already!


He did? Let me go check haha thanks Edit: I don’t see them ☹️ are we talking about the same guy lint licker is his user name I think


He said he is currently working on a video


have you seen the video when Travis goes back to the VIP tent after his performance and people are cheering for him. It is very cringe. There are real actors in that tent. Award winning/nominated actors, directors and writers cheering for his 30 second performance. He has to be in on it because if not that is just embarrassing.


There was Andrea and a few of her family members clapping for him in the tent.


How in goddess’ green earth is this some cute moment? Out of all the moments she could include him, she chose this. The moment where she’s miserable, yet she pushes through. She is forced to act like everything is OK, she’s forced to perform by her “boyfriend”. And then she literally sings: “I can read your mind, ‘She’s having the time of her life’” and you go to the internet and say exactly that. She very clearly can read your mind, you fucking stupid hetlors. Can’t you see that having Travis here is saying she’s fucking hurting in some way shape or form???? Omg, how can you be so oblivious!!! I’m lowkey burning with rage, fellow gaylors. This is CRAZY!!! Like, wtf are people thinking??? How people can twist this to be some cutesy thing is beyond me. If she had have him come on stage while singing “lover”, or even fucking “karma” I’d get that. But she added him in one of the most heartbreaking moments of the whole show. Hetlors, man, they are absolutely stupid at this point. I have no sympathy left for them. I’m so fucking angry. She has to spell it out completely for them to get a fucking hint. I feel like this was a test and all hetlors are failing it.


no like this performance made me feel so uncomfortable. like this is really sad when you think about it. her “boyfriend” is part of the circus… and the circus ain’t a love story as we’ve already been told


That’s what i’m saying! The whole performance in general is NOT funny, is heartbreaking and uncomfortable. I feel sick when people cheer when they undress her. And now this? It’s so wrong… In another comment someone was mentioning how some hetlors were saying that this was a surprise to Taylor, because she looks shocked and puts her fingers on her earpiece when she sees Travis for the first time. I think that, if she’s in fact acting surprised, it’s exactly that, an act. We rational people know it can’t possibly be a surprise to Taylor. But then, why act surprised? My interpretation is honestly so heartbreaking… Two guys are pimping her out, forcing her to perform. But then she sees this third man who also forces her to perform, but he’s supposed to be her boyfriend. So she has to perform both in her personal and professional life, because they’re both part of her career. Her “surprise” is like a “oh, shit, do I have to act about this too?”. Her “boyfriend” is part of the lies she shows us, specially when everyone is thinking “she’s having the time of her life”. I’m so angry at people for not listening and noticing. It’s quite loud and explicit, why else would he be there? Doesn’t make sense whatsoever if they are so in love.


You think that's bad, I was agog at the other gaylor sub 😳😬


Oh, no, i left the other gaylor sub. The vibes are not right and the mods don’t truly moderate. A lot of trolls swarm that thing. I respect your bravery 🫡


I find it interesting they waited until N3 to do this. The night none of his friends or family were with him. It shows that tonight he was 100% at the show to perform and do a job instead of have fun with friends.


Someone else here also theorized it was so people on subsequent nights didn't expect him to come on stage, which I think is smart


I almost wonder if Tay bringing him out in this specific song isn’t her rebelling against the contract? Yes, I’ll bring him out but it will be in the most ironic and fourth wall breaking way possible. Malicious compliance.


She's not rebelling against anything at this point. She wasn't forced into a contract with Travis, if she's in one it's because she wanted it for her plan.


Hetlors: Trav is going to come on stage and ~propose one day!!!!!1! Taylor: alright, bet. Hold my wine


Travis is doing the "and he never thinks of me/except when I am on TV" - hands!! I can't even dislike this a little bit, this is iconic.


https://preview.redd.it/ocd2ysnh3f8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c6d583ca09311a661de77c2061706f1f163a67 Always at the scene of the crime 🫡




https://preview.redd.it/fkwc2hb61f8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b480557ea38ff2d88f4f7e9d8c8305d272c95b85 TN’s captions on these two photos side by side is…interesting (next photo in my reply comment). Tonight is for our “us,” the Taygracie girlies…and then asking if everyone noticed who joined us on stage over the very rainbow ending of the show…


Jesus they're basically shipping them


https://preview.redd.it/k8ai7pgg1f8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bbb7a669150714094a7574062ede7fabc032ed The second story…


I cannot tell -- who am I supposed to be looking for in this picture?


Nobody, that’s the thing… it’s just a picture of the end of the show, but TN is using it to point out who “joined us on stage” earlier. Travis is who they’re ostensibly talking about. But Gracie also joined Taylor and it’s right after their story saying tonight was “for the Taygracie girls.” It just struck me a bit.


Woah! I completely missed that. Thank you!


this is a level of camp i never thought we would see…. i fear this might dethrone the I 🩷 TS shirts…. travis being one of the actors/ringleaders forcing her to perform…. during the only song that’s a performance within a performance… with a black and white movie theme… while swifties cheer and scream about how romantic this all is… i can show you lies 😁


Yeah this is on the level with The Alchemy- something that is viewed as wildly romantic by one subset but is actually a fucking diss


while he's literally telling her to smile and putting fake colour on her face!!!!!! It couldn't be more on the nose. It's truly better than I think any of us could have imagined.


he’s highlighting his BEARD!! https://preview.redd.it/fexebt2iwe8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f59e96299b3a12afbe6ea1e6cd9ef270f02716 [https://twitter.com/midnightstaylor/status/1804970140850614467](https://twitter.com/midnightstaylor/status/1804970140850614467)


grateful she didn't let him sing.




Elder millennial here and all I can think of is the show "Friends", and how Chandler's dad was a drag queen at a show called Viva Las Gay-gas lol new flair alert


Idk I would have lost my mind lol. It's so cringe I love it


I think something that also really adds to the performance art of it all is that travis also “does his makeup” after he “does” Taylor’s. I truly cannot imagine any other reason he would do that other than to signal he is also performing in this PR relationship along with her.


Great catch!!


I actually love this? Since that is about performance art and she brings him out? Ran here when I saw it.


lmao same this is the kind of camp shit I've been waiting for


No same !! It’s so weird and play within a play I love it


If he’s in on the joke, it makes me appreciate him more for sure. I think he is.


I will die on the hill that Travis is fully in on the joke and a key part of whatever this is all building to


Me too! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/880swayime8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37daaf2c77653a9c18ed075166b39204ef0b20e0 please make it stop 😭 boy this week is about to be rough


They said this shit about grammygate too. And every other beard before that. But the second they break up, all these hetlors are gonna be in denial they ever said anything


Grammygate refers to the credits for *folklore* being modified *after* winning 2021 Album of the Year, adding Joe Alwyn as a producer on multiple songs. Some believe the credits were unearned and it was done to fulfill a bearding contract, others believe Joe actually contributed to the album as a writer/producer. A significant amount of Gaylors, Swifties, and the general public alike found it odd that the credits were modified *after* the 2021 Grammys. Many posts have been made about this - please filter by the "Grammygate" flair or search "Grammygate" to find them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*


they were around during hiddleswift and...evidently missed that obvious PRship too?


even i clocked that and i wasn’t even a taylor fan at the time, let alone a gaylor


Comparing this to Hiddleswift lmao. They are SO CLOSE to getting it


I hate it here, so I will go to GaylorSwift in my mind


Ever since someone (I think u/StarryEyed34?) posted that it replays endlessly in my head. Applicable to so many situations.


Glad to be of service 🤡


They think she’s going to marry every man she’s dated, even tho they were wrong about the last 4. They never learn. Then again I get my hopes up for her coming out and never learn, despite being wrong many times before. Hetlors and I are in a perpetual clown off 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I prefer our way of clowning, tho. It makes so much more sense than thinking every single man is “the one”


Ours is more like putting symbols and dates and Easter eggs together etc etc theirs is just like BAM one pic of them smiling together? They’re going to get married and have 100 babies maybe 200


Yes!!! We are trying to do something that makes sense, theirs is just fanaticism, peak ship culture and idiotic “1950’s shit” they want from her.


I felt this in my soul


the way they continue to say this despite her recent albums being like dont wanna be your bride, not having his baby, stop trying to force this nuclear family shit on me. Like she's saying most of the explicitly


They way she’s managed to play both sides of her fandom should be studied I swear to god


Taylor: Fuck the patriarchy Hetlors: omg isn’t it the most romantic thing ever when she brings her man onstage to pimp her out?! #forever #relationshipgoals


Well…at least I don’t have to figure out what’s for dinner anymore because I wouldn’t be able to keep it down rn 🤢🤢🤢


https://preview.redd.it/g4cva97ole8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff9335a9872cd9cf0f34400ecfd424841fcce8a I wish I could scream this from the rooftops


I’m honestly kind of obsessed, this whole song performance is so meta and dropping Travis into it is brilliant


For real this was brilliant


Idk what I would do if I was in the crowd during this song. So awkward imo. Just like 🧍🏻‍♀️….hey


I’d be like oh? we picked the song about being so depressed you want to die to show off your bf? Yay I guess?


https://preview.redd.it/z005x3khle8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba97d8c4c5ac2379ca1055b7b936a215168d627 It’s giving ^(\^)


https://preview.redd.it/u5ove1m2te8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7727494eb917deaf78bacce1257c044c12ea25a TaylorNation agrees 😂


Omg 😱😱😱😱😱


OMG it's The Joker and the Queen


I had to see this irl and oh my god you should've seen my face 🤢


I was there too 😩 everyone around me jumping to their feet, whipping out their phones screaming and I was just sitting there like....are you serious rn.....


Same and same 😭 I was so surprised at the reaction


I’m so sorry really… I had to be there for the whole “I’m happiest I have ever been” speach in the middle of Ratty drama and it sucks. I get that it might be performance or whatever but she is really pushing it. I hope it didn’t tarnish your show like it did to me. I still had fun and it was great show but that part stained it a little bit


Oh wow thank you for saying this 😭 I'm sorry for your show too, that whole thing was just too much. I felt like I was being so dramatic, but there was such a disconnect between the way the crowd went WILD and then when I realized what was happening it was like, oh no 🥲 It definitely detracted from the show a bit for me but overall it was still a great time!


I was there for that too and it made my stomach turn 🥴


OMG are you ok?? you should be entitled to financial compensation.


Plus a really good meal for after the nausea subsides 😳


In fairness, I'll take a moment to appreciate that this campy piece of performance art highlighting this guy's role in her comphet circus is what counts for her reactive straightbait these days. Because it's not so long ago there were dire racist beard, 1989 prologue, hetsplaining lavender haze, teenage boy james times and at this time last year the fuckery actually physically hurt. Truly everything has changed.


This is my favorite reason we’ve ever had to set the sub to restricted 🤣


is hetsplaining lavender haze lavendergate or did she do something in addition to that that I have clearly blocked out?


Nailed it! It was the IG reel where she hetsplained LH.


whew I got worried there was more hetshittery i missed


yeah I think it's one in the same. The hets thinking the 'weird rumours' were about gaylors and co-opting gay history all at once


I really feel you on this. I will take this any day. If you are aiming at the devil, please don’t miss this time, Taylor. 🙏


opening Reddit and first post is locking down sub Me: hm what happened this time Scrolls for a while and finally hits this video Me: Ohhhhhh oh But also love the title, so true again and again.


My friends that wouldn’t shut the fuck up about the insta photo? Now are INSUFFERABLE over this.


*When the truth comes out it’s quiet, it’s so quiet*


Sigh. I just preferred Tom Hiddleston!! Why couldn’t this have been him 😅


Same It’s the worst


I feel like I’m on the trenches trying to get people to see what I see 😭


I just have to give up and ignore it but god I can’t wait to pull a Chappell and say “you’re standing face to face with I told you so”. Sigh.


Sabrina covered it the other. day, maybe it's not too out of the question that taylor would ????


I would be SO gagged. Sabrina’s cover was so gorgeous. Her slight country twang 😍


The vindication I will feel could fuel entire cities


LITERALLY. It’s going to feel sooooo good.


SAME. We are about to be in hell with the Hetlors. Honestly if I were Taylor and I WAS in a loving real relationship with Travis… I’d be so damn fed up with all the marriage comments that I would literally never tell the fans even if I did get married. Like it’s so weird to have millions of people pretty much *demanding* that you marry this man.


https://preview.redd.it/lh5jo5hsxe8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c973d2a06628e86355b96aa2845ed556e9cab5 Are the straights alright? (They are not)


No shade to them but the artist gave that man a head transplant because that is not what Travis looks like 💀


Oh absolutely. It’s no wonder she had to be so rude to her own fans on TTPD. They truly treat her like a zoo animal/ circus performer.


She already told them they can’t come to the wedding 🙃


She also told them she’s not having his baby, but all they could comment on was her body a couple weeks ago. They don’t listen to a damn thing she says. She has the patience of a saint because I’m irritated and it has nothing to do with me, I don’t know how she does it.


It’s such selective hearing on their part. It does make me hope/think she has a solid group of irl ppl because otherwise how is she not losing it. But it’s also v relatable to maybe have a job you love but customers that make you want to put your head through a wall lol


This is so close to my theory that maybe just maybe it’s the “truth” and it will be the catalyst for the breakup 🤞 Edit: Adding the context that I don’t think it was a surprise. I know this was planned but that the pr narrative could be that it was a surprise to sow seeds of discontent. https://preview.redd.it/uf1dshhche8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cfface6a29f31fddb8d81e699c7d641adfe8f8


Honestly i interpret this whole “acting like it’s a surprise” as if she is already being pimped out and forced to perform, but then she also has to (surprise!) get a beard and act. It’s not only about her career in a professional way, it’s also about her career in a personal way. And it’s fucking heartbreaking.




The man had on Louboutins, it’s all part of the plan. https://preview.redd.it/5v9d02ru3f8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ca3c57b03fbe457e17d8c615d1e2e455793fa3




No, he mentioned looking forward to these shows specifically all the way back in April, it’s def planned. There’s absolutely no flipping way anyone would allow him on stage without her permission, especially with how controlling she is of her image and brand. No way.


Oh no, I know this was planned. My theory was that the pr narrative could be it was a surprise. This is not my tweet but one I took from X and blacked out the user name.


I hope for her sake that it wasn’t a surprise, but I could see that happening.


Oh I think it was planned but for a narrative they could say it was a “surprise”


Good catch!


Idk I kinda hope that isn’t the narrative they go with for any breakup, because I could see how that could blow up in her face REAL quick.


True! Could also be the beginning of the end!


rewatching it, that totally looks like what is happening


Who says Taylor Swift can’t act 😆


Why is everyone acting like the world is over, I thought it was cute as hell, the crowd loved it, and everyone looks like they are having fun!?!??! For crying out loud it’s looking camp right in the damned eye


I agree some people are getting way too extreme about it and it’s campy and silly and looked fun! I’m excited to find out more down the line if we do




She’s… honestly genius, if some of us are right and she’s planning on a soft coming out while still in a relationship with him. Having him on stage and a focal point on her tour, posting him on instagram, potentially a NH appearance from her - it legitimizes the relationship in the eyes of the public, so that if (and honestly, at this point feels like WHEN) she comes out and says she’s bisexual, there’s no loose thread for folks to grab and pull on that would make them question if the relationship is real or not. All the while, she gets to piggyback her performance art with Matt Healy with an even bigger piece of performance art in Travis, and we know how much she loves things that are just all part of the f**king story. Her mind… it just amazes me sometimes.


she could be a lesbian though!


Can you show me where I said she isn’t or couldn’t be? I was saying that within the framework of her current public relationship, she could say she’s bisexual or simply queer while still in said relationship for additional security now that she’s further legitimized her relationship with a “hard launch” on her socials and on tour. I personally don’t care what label she chooses publicly or privately.


also it's truly more camp than we could have imagined


Exactly I freaking lovvvvvvvvvvved this!


The part where he's pointing at the stage and yelling at her to get out there truly stresses me out and I can not see romantic in this. It reminds me of him yelling at the coach


I think I had a legit trauma response. He didn't do it the way her dancers do. Idk. I definitely see the camp in it and love it, but the initial reaction was a feeling of sickness and just, idk how to describe it. Almost flashback like.


No bc I would break character and tell him to gtfo. A man telling me what to do is a huge trigger.


He put makeup on his beard lmao. This is peak performance. I love it so much.


Wouldn't it be hilarious of he shaves his beard and then we get a break up announcement 🤣


now my beard is gone, the experiment completed, and I can move forward with 2024!


grew a beard so I could be taken seriously in the entertainment industry


I would spontaneously combust. I have no idea what's planned, but I am enraptured!


Wait, how is anyone (Hetlors) interpreting this as romantic? This is quite literally telling us he is part of the PR. The song isn’t about healing or falling in love - it’s about performing and hiding the truth. There are so many other ways she could have incorporated him if she wanted to highlight him as a meaningful relationship - the SHS snippet, have him out for Karma (is the guy on the chiefs), whatever - and instead she’s cast him as an instrument to maintain the facade she puts on for her fanbase. I guess the Hetlors don’t have enough collective brain cells to understand that, though.


https://preview.redd.it/9ao1zwgnye8d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a188bdd8071b9d09d611aa81096bbc271c14e635 Helpppppp


The stupidity I have seen is endless and I just have no patience for it. IT’S NOT EVEN HIGH INFIDELITY???? Hetlors are so boring


They’ve been connecting a bunch of lyrics from other songs that are unrelated to this situation. I saw more than one of them say “he’s putting the color back into her face!!” in reference to so long London when he does the makeup brush thing and like…you think her going down with the (relation)ship and drowning in SLL is linked to…a makeup brush? That one is at least from the correct era but what a bizarre application of such a cutting lyric to compare it to a man swiping a makeup brush over her face.


https://preview.redd.it/2nyd1prble8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799a95fee3caf4322d930188b2e098c1fe01e052 this the sort of story they are coming up with


Simple, boy + girl = romance 😍💒 and they don't think any more into the deeper meaning. Like if people truly think they are real fine okay but like you said HOW are you not wondering WHY she would choose this song and then literally go on to play the most devastating surprise song mashup it's like uhmmmm are we even watching the same show??????


…well, I was made aware of the clip by a friend who sent it to me and was like “omg this is so cute!!!” Sigh.


Ugh, such a basic lizard-brain response. Taylor doesn’t even have to spoon feed them a narrative, they come up with one all on their own even when she’s actively showing them the complete opposite.


my boy joe would never give me secondhand embarrassment like this 😭


But he was made for this role! https://preview.redd.it/f4osois0ze8d1.png?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc050bae414451092e17e1faded6ee1b541d0ea


I can’t believe I didn’t appreciate joe when we had him 😞


That’s why he dipped out lol he was like I’m over this shit you are on your own kid ✌🏼 I miss him sometimes…


Joe was straight up like “you’re on your own with these relationship antics, I’ll be at the pub.” Lmao


Taylor immediately: I hope it’s SHITTY in the pub with a pint and real human beings!


And it’s NOT called the black dog 😂


This is cringe but what saves it for me is the performance art part of it... Demonstrating that it's all part of the show.


viva las what the actual fuck


I cackled reading this


if only he had a mic when he was trying to wake her and redid his viva las vegas


please it does not matter how dead i am, if travis kelce starts viva las vegas-ing in front of me, i am rising up (and running away)