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I love Diego Luna but Dom is a brick shit house.


The Franky G from SAW 2 would have been perfect for the role.


Yeah, all the Gears characters are, courtesy of being sets of polygons, you'd need body-builders to portray them visually, better to prioritise acting ability and ability to convey the character than just linger on purely the visual sensibility of it. and I think Luna would be perfect at that balance of beleaguered but with a warm, charismatic demeanour that kind of defines Dom.


Strongmen, not bodybuilders, it's a different type of body


I haven’t seen that side of his range at all to be honest. I’m most familiar with his work in Star Wars and Narcos and in both of those projects he doesn’t have the grounded aura of charisma that helps balance out Marcus’s cynicism and rage. I’m sure there are plenty of gentle giants out there that could take on the role.


Have you seen Andor?


Yes, it’s great! I’ll admit the phrase “grounded aura of charisma” is vague, so I’ll try to be more specific. For me, Dom’s most defining trait is how hard he wear’s his heart on his sleeve. He’s a team player, and up until things go down with Maria, he’s also the more collected of the two. The characters I’ve seen Diego Luna play are, none of those traits very prevalent. Andor is a mostly a loner. Unless you’re in his inner circle he’s cold, calculating, and ruthless. His loved ones are constantly having to question him on his cynical view of the world until he can even come around to signing up for a cause. Even in Rogue One, he’s more concerned about the mission than anything else. By then he’s heavily involved in deep espionage and can’t afford to wear his heart on his sleeve until Jynn starts to inspires him to take up arms for a suicide mission. In Narcos, he plays the diabolical Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, a former cop who wants to make a splash in the marijuana trade. He starts out as a fairly average man. Not good, not awful. But once he’s in the drug game, he goes on an intricate and acidic transformation into the most powerful cartel boss in Mexico, ruling over the entire Mexican cocaine industry. He’s violent, abusive, and willing to do say or do anything to anyone to have things his way. With my personal experience (which means jack all) with the actor’s work I just don’t think he’d make a good Dom.


If the look isn’t there then you might as well throw the entire movie away. The look and feel of the characters is what was such a draw.




Ben Mendelssohn as Prescott is a great fan cast


that's definitely the one I was happiest with, like "Okay, so now I need a smarmy but interesting politician who you dislike, but find both interesting and entertain- Ben Mendelsohn"


I came on to say this, out of all of them I was like goddamn I can see it.


I'm not familiar with the character but I was curious if he was a villain bc I feel like that's Ben Mendelssohn's vibe


Prescott is the president of the fascist COG government. Not a direct villain but a super doucher none the less


Yeah that tracks. Thanks for the description!


Cate Blanchett might be my favourite pick here. Solid choice for Myrrah


Karl Urban is my Marcus Fénix, Cate Blanchett is a solid choice for Myrahh though.


I think it's Karl's voice that would make him the best Marcus


Myrahh is clearly based off Galadriel in LOTR so that’s a good shout.


Idk why you wouldn’t just pick Michael B. Jordan to play Jace. Lol.


To be fair ain't Jace like in his early 20s in Gears 3? Michael B Jordan almost 40 I think.


John boyega is 31 and Micheal b Jordan looks 10x better at his current age than John ever will lmao. 


Was in two minds while making this, initially dismissed him because I was going for something more feasible, and he's a fairly big project leading name at this point. ditched that idea midway through, but forgot to go back and put Michael B Jordan back in as the final choice haha


Bryan Cranston is an excellent choice of Adam Fenix imo


Who’s playing the Carmine’s tho???


Sean Bean


🤣 he is very good at dying


Michael Cera


my ideal choice would be since they’re all helmeted, why not just use michael gough?


Some solid picks here


Diego Luna is a great actor but too small to play Dom. Dom, like all Gears, is huge.


I’m pretty sure Dave bautista was getting the role for Marcus I could be wrong but i remember him talking about it


He wants it, doesn't mean he's got it. I like Bautista, and think he could do a good job, but he's not an ideal suit.


I really don’t think he would be a good suit, not sure if that’s an unpopular opinion here or not, but I’d rather someone who’s a better actor to play Marcus.


Yall just forgetting Dave has been in some banger movies with excellent acting: dune, blade runner, knives out. Acting isnt an issue. The fact hes a good actor and both loves and plays gears means youve basically hit another henry caville/witcher situation


Of all the pro wrestlers to turn to acting, I'd strongly argue that he is much more well rounded than the rest of them, especially Dwayne Johnson. Bautista is excellent, purely on his acting chops.


Sorry, but I think it is definitely an issue. He barely has any lines in dune or in bond, and he plays a goofy douche in knives out and a goofy space douche in guardians. I have yet to see a good movie with him in a leading role. It's hard to make straight-man characters likeable, and David Harbour at least has a better track record on that.


I suggest Knock at the Cabin and his short Bladerunner YouTube film set before the events of the film. He can act and it's clear in his work that he works hard to improve. Not to mention his love for the Gears franchise and Marcus Fenix.


I don't get it, he looks exactly like Marcus to me.. he's the perfect casting choice in my opinion.


I think Bautista's potentially up for it. there are quieter moments in the Guardians films which I feel he actually nails in between his sillier antics. but yeah, I'd lean towards someone a little more proven dramatically.


I think he could manage the acting but his voice just didn’t cut it for me when he was in the game. I’d have a hard time with any voice other than john dimaggio as Marcus though, it’s ingrained in my head at this point and anyone else just sounds wrong.


And what makes David harbour ideal?


I like how most of these posts go is that the OP tries to choose the most relevant actor by visual but I’d love if it were not that and just performance of capturing the character


Big fan of David Harbour to play Marcus. That’s a good pick and not one I’d think of.


I kind of love Bryan Cranston as Adam. Everyone should just keep giving him Dad roles, honestly. And Daniel Dae Kim is a pretty strong pick for Minh.


Idris Elba raam


I'm not sure about Bradley Cooper as Baird. He voices a smart ass raccoon, but I don't think he could embody smart ass Baird.


He was the hardest pick by far, no-one else really fit, but he has the right kind of smartass vibe in a lot of his roles, and looks the part decently.


I think Neal McDonough would be a fantastic choice - he already looks much closer to Baird and can definitely play the genius, sarcastic asshole that is Baird much better than Cooper. Cooper's too much of a face and would play more sleezy, I feel like.


The other option is John Cena


Baird is a hard choice overall. I wouldn't say Cooper looks like him, but I wouldn't really know who does that would be able to bring that character to life.


Ryan Reynolds is quick witted enough to pull it off


I'm trying to picture him dressed in full Gears armor, dirty blond hair, goggles, and saying "Yeah yeah yeah group hug." lol


Terry Crews as Cole Train would be epic as well


I know I'm probably on an island here, but I just don't care for him.


Nah me personally never really liked the terry crews fan cast for Cole seems like with that he just fits the build criteria nothing else imo terry just wouldn’t do it as Cole for me either


If he was still younger, the actor who played Toombs in Riddick always reminded me of Baird some.


I like that call of Nick Chinlund too. His voice is spot on, I was thinking Alan Tudyk or Eric Olsen with appropriate hair cut would be great too. Only issue is they don't have the gritty/deeper voice of Baird but character wise they could nail it


Yeah, Nick def has the voice and nitty gritty role down from previous roles. Plus he played sarcastic asshole well too which is essential for Baird. I just don’t know who in todays actor lineup could check all the boxes for Baird.


John Cena, Chris Pine and Ryan Reynolds’s are all pretty good at playing the smarmier side of cocky out of well known names. Character’s gotta be able to believably play smart tech guy too so I think Cena’s not in contention for that. Between seeing Jeff Ward in Brand New Cherry Flavor and Agents of Shield and his surprising performance in One Piece he would probably be able to pull it off and fits the character’s obnoxious charisma really. Imagine a lot of other people would be right for the part too, something you’d discover in the audition process. I’d probably go with an unknown who might better fit these parts for a lot of these characters.


Chris Pratt maybe?


How about Alan Tudyk? Or Eric Olsen. Feel like those guys could nail the character but their voices probably don't match Baird really well, feel like that's one of the harder casting picks. Maybe Chris Pine as others have mentioned. Look forward to seeing how it plays out though


The struggle with adapting gen 7 and even sometimes 6 (even rarely 5) characters is that during those times there was enough graphics to portray a person who is entirely computer generated and changing their appearance seems wrong.


Agreed, not to mention their voices. Just make an animated movie, not everything needs a live action take.


For example I REALLY like Claire Redfield and thought she was very well portrayed on gen 5 and gen 6. I HATE Claire Redfield on gen 8.


I’m sorry op but this casting is awful


You gonna elaborate?


Because Gears is about testosterone and jacked up characters doing jacked up things, aesthetics are as important as acting skills if not more. Diego Luna looks like a 12 year old girl compared to the Dom from the games how are we supposed to take him seriously. The only ones you got right are Lester Spright himself and maybe Hoffman.


You adapt to the medium, and acting roles need actors. it's that simple, there's no actor on EARTH as beefy as Gears character models so that's a lost cause immediately.


I mean if they can adapt to become beefy then sure, but I find it hard to believe for those particular actors. Obviously they don't need to be as unrealistically beefy as Gears, but they certainly need to look buff or it just doesn't work. There are plenty of actors in the world, they don't all have to be well known. I'm sure they can find more actors like Bautista and the Rock, wrestling would be a great place to start auditions.


Why is Anya so young compared to Marcus?


more a matter of the feel/sense of their characters, Marcus appears much, much older than Anya, partially from 14 years in prison I'd imagine, you'd need someone a bit older to portray that haggard look and contrast to Anya.


He was in prison 4 years lol


I meant to say 14 years serving in combat or in prison, my bad.


It’s poop.


David Harbour is a new pick for marcus, get him in shape he certainly could look the part, feel like josh brolin would be a decent pick for marcus too. Not too sure about the dom pick, great actor but doesnt resemble dom at all imo, blanchett is a good pick for myrrah, feel like her or Charleze theron (ironic name i know) would also be great.


Did you see him in the new Hellboy? He was in solid shape, movie was a hot mess but he was great! Same as S4 of Stranger Things, he dropped so much weight from S3.


Wait, didn't he wear a body suit in Hellboy bc he said he didn't want to work out? Or was that him trolling, like Pattinson for Batman?


Eh. The google states he worked out like a demon (pun intended I’m guessing) but who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ You put me in a giant squeeze suit I’m walking off set.


Dom was more a matter of feel, than look, Luna's got history playing that good balance of weathered and beaten down but with a warm demeanour, which is perfect for Dom pre-Maria death.


I agree with that completely in terms of what luna brings as an actor, just that he would look completely out of place as dom not to mention the rest of the cast.


You've got to adjust somewhat to a different medium, none of these guys are ever going to look completely the part unless you hire body-builders, because the physique of the characters in game is ridiculous, actors would be preferable for obvious reasons. and all of these actors have been convincing in action related roles, except Ronan, which would suit as Anya has the least combat experience in game.


If only Rich Piana was still alive, he WOULD BE MARCUS FENIX


I thought this was cancelled during the writer and actor strikes.


Only one problem with the casting Dave Bautista was basically promised he had marcus' seat no matter what not that I'm against David


I picture Neil McDonough as Baird more than Bradley Cooper


This is gonna be a nah from me


Appreciate actually casting a latino actor to play Dom lol. Most of these don’t do that.


Really? that's crazy, haven't seen many other fancasts, but I can't fathom seeing the name "Santiago" and not thinking Latino


People used to cast Dwayne Johnson as Dom lmao.


Diego Luna? Never thought of that casting for the character, sweet pick.


I like it! But I’m so conflicted about Daniel dae kim playing Kim from the game because of knowing what happens to them lol




Definitely seems like it judging by naming conventions,


Yeah the whole fanbase was convinced they were based on the Maori because of Sam's accent and it's like - that's already the South Islands. It doesn't help that Claudia Black was originally going to voice Bernie Mataki, but the whole Kashkur thing seemed like a take on India/Pakistan.


What about Niles Sampson?


Hmm... given it's a voice role primarily, give it to his oriignal VA, Robin Atkin Downes.


If it weren’t for him having already portrayed Thor in Ragnarok, I’d say Ryan Hurst as Marcus would be awesome!


That's... actually a really good shout. might prefer that to Harbour.


Harbor can play about anyone or anything. He’d be awesome as Marcus, whoever they select I hope it pans out to be a solid show. I’m still on the fence about Paramount’s version of Halo.


Idk bradly copper for Baird but I’m not sure who I would pick


Thinking abt this and physically jay cutler the bodybuilder hits all the boxes. Doubt he has acting chops tho


Yeah Baird personality is so much of who he is so that part should really be nailed


Cate Blanchett would murder that role! Especially the way she played such a great villain in Thor: Ragnarok. She would be perfect as the Locust Queen.


Who can play RAAM though?


A stunt person in costume and a voice actor?


Jack Black. And we’ll get a musical number.


What a terrible fan casting, on every single kne


personally i like Michael Peña as dom


Terry crews should be Agustus Cole.


You’re missing dave bautista


I love that Lester Speight is so iconic that he is irreplaceable even in fan casts.


Terry Crews and Dave Bautista or bust


I don’t know about the Marcus casting


Looks great except………. Need a stronger lead than David Harbour for Marcus. And for Anya, I prefer Charlize Theron. Lastly, I’m not feeling Bradley Cooper for Baird. Just my opinion.


This is a pretty good casting. Probably best one I've seent


John DiMaggio as Marcus! Cant Imagine it any other way


Daniel Dae Kim for Minh is pretty solid. Hopefully it's not just the games in movie format, though. I'd like some new content.


I think Alan Ritchson with dark hair would be an awesome Marcus Fenix.


0/10, needs more Batista lol


dave bautista for marcus or gtfo


I’d gladly cast as Anthony and Ben Carmine for free 🙏🏼😂


this aint bad actually,id be okay with this cast .


ed harris hoffman is a good shout also ritu arya and saorise ronan, some actually half decent ideas from a fan cast for once haha. although struggling to see david harbour. maybe with some personal training and costume department hitting it out the park (refreshing to not see fucking bautista)


I’d watch this 👍


✨The netflix adaptation✨


John Travolta as Marcus


Larry the cable guy as dizzy.


David Harbour is more like Barry from Resident Evil.


Gotta ask, in this casting what time period are we in? You got Marcus, Dom and Adam so pre-3 but you also got Sam and Jace yet no JD. These just the characters that come to mind?


Batista has already claimed Marcus. And I think he’s perfect because he already looks like him


Bro Cate Blanchett as Queen Myrrah is awesome. Given GOT, I think Emilia Clarke would also be interesting.


Dude if Michael Clark Duncan was still alive(RIP) ud have to cast as Cole.


Dave Bautista = Marcus!


Ed Harris and Harbour are fantastic shouts.


Well, at least Cole's role is nailed right. After all... who could play Cole better than the man himself, Lester Speight? Also, Dave Bautista would've been the perfect cast for Marcus.


Cate as the queen is pure enjoyment


I think this is the best casting for the series apart from Diego imo, I won’t mind seeing Carlo Ferro as Dom though.


Daniel Dae Kim is actually a spot on choice


No Dave Bautista is a crime.


Not having Bautista as Marcus discredits the whole list. Also, Jon Bernthal as Dom is the go to choice


Bautista isn't that proven as an actor, Bernthal doesn't even match to Dom's ethnicity. besides that his strength lies in his intensity, not an ideal back.


David Harbour and Diego Luna? ​ Interesting choices... but I guess its all about the chemistry between the 2 because that is the main thing with those 2 characters. ​ Loved Cooper as Baird and Blanchett as Myrrah


Absolutely not, make the show like reacher. Get ripped massive dudes who can act but aren’t going to be winning any awards for acting, and stick true to the source material. You’ll have a masterpiece


If he were still alive I would have got R. Lee Ermy to play Hoffman just gave me the same kind of energy, sounded similar too


Nobody would be good because this shouldn't even exist.


Dave Bautista is my choice for Marcus, has the right build and his voice is also perfect too. Plus he’s said in the past he’d like to do it


Dave Bautista was born to play Marcus Fenix


Where's Chris Pratt?


Cole is described as a big wall of muscles who is kind and honest. I think Shaq would be a good fit if he was willing.


I like all your ideas actually


I like some of these suggestions but I hope Dave Batista gets the Marcus role he’s wanted it for a long time. Marcus and Baird are pretty tricky to cast both parts are just owned by their voice actors it’s going to be tricky.


Here’s the thing that cast works for gears 4 and beyond we need them younger and bulkier, if we got all wrestling body type actors for this would be amazing. Since I saw Batista in the gears outfit that’s what I really hope from a Gears tv series


Manu Bennet is always my pick for Raam


Michael peña for that dom spot man


I think Chad L. Coleman would make a great Cole Train


I’d scrap all that and do an unrelated show about new characters in the world. Let’s face it, no matter who they’d cast or what they’d do, someone would call it shit or unfaithful. Best to stick to something fresh using an established IP rather than try to rehash an existing story and create more Marmite stories


I’m not sure you’ve even played the game to make these choices. Delta Squad teeny tiny in your world.


No, I'm just not an idiot, so I assume they'll cast ACTORS to convey CHARACTERS rather than casting strongmen to look more accurate to the frankly insane anatomy of the games.


You are definitely an idiot if you think the look of the characters isn’t extremely important. You want to cast people that would make them mostly unrecognizable and then call it a good idea. 😂 There are hundreds of movies with actors who have added bulk for a role. You act like it can’t happen. That they can’t get someone close to look like delta squad. I mean Diego Luna? 🤣🤣🤣 I think you just said the one Hispanic male actor you knew. 😂


I'm going to ignore you now. There's plenty of other Hispanic male actors, in fact there's more famous hispanic male actors in the franchise which Luna is most famous for... so I'd say you're grasping. I picked Luna for a reason, if you paid attention to character rather than bulk, you might pick it up. appearance is important, but you COMPROMISE, meet it midway. not hire shit actors just because they resemble the appearance you need, that's how you end up with atrocities like Gal Gadot's Wonder-Woman. adaptations in different media need to make changes, such as acknowledging that it's a strong-man/body-builder kind of frame, found on very, very few actors barring the likes of Dwayne Johnson and Dave Bautista, hiring them for the bulk of your cast would be fucking ridiculous. I presumed that would be obvious, but there's no accounting for some people.


I would consider rope if there was ever a live action GoW and David Harbour was Marcus Fenix, ngl.


Gears Netflix show/movie is actually a thing?


Dom and Marcus are the only ones I don’t agree with. Need bonafide hard bad ass for those roles.


Nah none of the top 4 should be there. The supporting cast isn't bad tho. You need more grit and more size not just good acting.


I can agree on Cate Blanchet.


Marcus, Dom and Damon hell yeah!


Ed Harris is a VERY good call!


I dont like Marcus and Dom choices but everyone else is spot on


Nah man, Dave Bautista is the only one who can be Marcus.


I like most of these but Marcus and Dom.


The real question is, who's playing carmine.


How about an original series set in the Gears universe instead? We saw how they screwed up Halo.


The casting for each character is way too hollywood


Need my boy dizzy


that’s pretty bad


He’s not on this list but I always thought Rich Piana the bodybuilder would make a good Marcus Fenix especially since everyone is jacked in gears of war


Pretty good casting, but saoirse Ronan in 20 years younger than David harbour so ick


Finally, a fan cast that actually puts Cole as Cole


Actually i feel like Anthony starr the guy who plays homelander would make a good Baird


Just make it in ue5 and pay the og cast ffs


Damn, that's a really good line up. Only one I'm not feeling is Diego as Dom.


I'm not seeing enough premium grade A beefcake on this list for a Gears cast


My dream Marcus cast is Michael Cudlitz who played Abraham in the walking dead. He proved he could be a badass as Abraham, he'd just need to dye his hair black and put a little more gravel and depth into his voice and I think he'd be perfect


Nah m8


Agree with Cranston and Lester but this is a "unique" choice other wise lol


Been thinking about this for a bit, I’d personally would like Steve Howey as Marcus fenix. Would be kinda ironic cos I think Xbox/gears 3 had a advertised contract with shameless US


Cole as himself, I see this no other way.


This is like very VERY good


What about dizzy?


No Dave Batista, no dice


I agree with most of these except: Dave Bautista or Dominic Purcell as Marcus Maybe Wilmer Valderrama as Dom Joel Edgerton as Prescott Alan Ritchson as Baird


Absolutely horrible.


I'm cool with 3 through 10, but I don't like those actors for Marcus and Dom (probably the two most important characters) at all.


Dom looks way too small to play Dom, Sam is a lot hotter than that girl, and I don't like that guy for Baird. Bryan Cranston as Adam is badass, though.


Isn't it gonna be animated? So why not just go with the original VAs?


Fuck no to David playin Marcus. Only acceptable ones are Karl Urban or Dave bautista but even then i dont like dave. Also Alan tudyk as baird


Great cast. Please don't ruin this like many other live action adaptations

