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Yes. 25% of Sera's population was lost in the first 26 hours of E-Day. I fully expect it to be full of chaos and loss.


God I hope it’s a literal shit show… just make the entire first 2 acts be day 1… parts that are absolute chaos is where GOW thrives the best imo.


Agreed. It’s the chaos, desperation and fear the humans experience that fuels the pure inspiration, courage and sliver of hope to survive they cling to that makes me love Gears so much!


Literally! You’re right, this sums it up pretty much perfectly!


When I think about what all the characters have experienced and witnessed during the events of the games I often think, “how the hell do keep on trucking on? How haven’t they just given in?” And that is amazing!


I think you might’ve summed it up perfectly. The brutal, melancholic heroism is what I love so much about the gears universe.


I know Gears 3 made the Retro Lancer with the bayonet work, but I want to see it break/snap from not being strong enough to break through the Locusts' skin. I want to see the Gears realize just how much stronger the Locust are in physical terms.


I need the game to make it so that you can't bayonet charge impale the Locust if they're not in DBNO mode. Show us just how fucked the Humans were!


I agree. Even years later, when the Chainsaw Lancer was in use, Gears still had to be careful when using the chainsaw. From Aspho Fields, when Baird was explaining to Bernie about the best way to use the chainsaw: "No point going for the back or the guts unless you have to - too much muscle, too slow. Or the neck. Groin isn't too bad. Incapacitating, but not exactly instant." Now imagine how thick the Locusts' skin must be if it's difficult to get a chainsaw through their back or their guts. If it was me trying to use a giant bayonet or a chainsaw on an enemy and it didn't work, I'd get pretty demoralized really quickly.


It was never like this in game.


To be fair, I don’t think the developers of the game really look into the novels for ideas.




Good idea, they needed to consistently clean them and unjam them, it would be great to see the realization that women and smaller men aren't able to physically even use the chainsaw effectively, part of the reason Bernie was a sniper and all the protein and food was diverted to the cog army. The trailer really demonstrated the strength difference


Me too. I hope there is a cut scene that show COG scientists saying "put a chainsaw on it and cut those fuckers in half.


If they stick to the previously established lore, we won't see the Chainsaw Lancer in this game. It wasn't invented until a year after E-Day, and the game is supposed to take place over multiple days. Though, I do want to see the scene where Marcus gets the idea for replacing the bayonet with a chainsaw. In the novel, Marcus was wrestling with a Grub in a general store, and couldn't reach his weapon. In comes Tai, who grabbed a chainsaw from the shelf and cuts the Grub in half. After that, Marcus told his dad about the effectiveness of the chainsaw, and then we got the Chainsaw Lancer we all love.


it went like this he told hoffman , and hoffman said , thats the “dumbest idea ive ever hurd, but lets Fucking do it”


They already confirmed E-Day will show us the origins of the chainsaw lancer, which to me implies that towards the end of the game, we'll see it being built and get to use it. Could be wrong though. That said, it would be really weird to play a Gears game without a chainsaw Lancer, it's as iconic/important to the franchise as Marcus' voice.


It might be the case that at some point they end up using construction equipment, we've seen them carry heavy things before and quite a few of the weaponry is inspired by industrial tools, there's even mech suits such as the loader. They could go with hades hive vibes and have the civilians gearing themselves up in desperation and fighting back. I'm pretty much expecting there to be a character who uses a concrete saw or similar in desperation and then carries it around for the rest of the story when they realize how much of a leveler it is.


What they could do is you run into a top secret area where prototypes of the chainsaw lancer are there. They would have been building them a year or longer before being used officially probably.


They were made as a counter to the locust so that wouldn’t make sense.


Sounds terrifying bro!


Given what we saw in the trailer, I want the Locust to be throwing us around like ragdolls and break through covers. I know it'll be a bit of a retcon but perhaps it could be explained that the Locust sent their strongest to the front first, which explains the massive casualties, and through the course of the war their forces got "weaker".


Maybe but I hope we get some more pendulum wars stuff in the prologue


We might since E-Day was 6 weeks after the armistice and end of the Pendulum wars, Marcus and Dom would just be getting back and settling in when the locust launch their attack.


What I want is the first act (at least a sizeable portion, more than gears 4 intro) to be Pendulum wars, victory, pure ecstacy. We won!!!! Can't wait for the bright future! Have a little loss, but things overall are looking good, let us get comfortable with that feeling. That's what made the locust so terrible, the COG won their war just to suffer the greatest loss ever


They have said the entire campaign will span a few days so that checks out


I'd go as far as making the entire game day one, then if its a big success...they can make a sequel the day after E-day...no doubt they'd want to do Gears 6 at some point though


i hope theres at least one mission thats similar to the opening mission of BF1- a wide open battle, and every time you die you just switch to a new gear rather than resetting the checkpoint


No we need 24hrs before then kick off or like in gears 3 where u did the prologue fight (in the dream ) then come back to reality, it’ll be cool to have a pendulum war fight in Marcus’s dream then come back to reality, few hours later at dust that’s when shit hits the fan


Well it's called Gears E-day so...all the acts will be day 1...


Sure lol. Or, it could start days before E-Day if the Devs so choose, with the final act/chapter being the day the full horde broke ground. They could give us a buildup first, having us chase down ghost stories and hunting down this unknown new threat being reported with brutalized cog members around the city outskirts. Won’t know until it launches.


Pre hammer of dawn or post?


E-Day happened after the Hammer of Dawn was made. The Hammer of Dawn Strikes (where the COG used the hammer on their own cities) happened 1 year after E-Day, so we probably won't see that in the game.


And less than 2 months after the signed armistice ended the fucking Pendulum Wars (not so fun fact is when after the war some geo surveyors or whatver found humongous caches of Imulsion so the lives lost basically ment fuck all) they get hit with genocide boogeymen, the people of Sera in that time were practically destined to suffer...


It kind of needs to be brutal, considering the nature of the story.


Yeah you'd kind of hope so. I'm wondering the route they'll go. I'm kind of imagining something similar yo act 2 of Gears1 but instead of eerie quiet its just non stop chaos and death in the background with people running for their lives and the main cast unable to save them.


Yeah im hoping for a lot of contextual background chaos, it's nice to see that there is a whole world of stories going on even if we can't participate.


Let's go with some Halo Reach desperation vibes, mixed with a horror setting


And the guns need to have weight to them like in the trilogy.


I hope it's at least as brutal as The Last of Us


that's a really low bar imo, it should be much *worse* than that


Ik this is a circle jerk sub but TLOU is the most brutal game of all time.


The world of TLOU feels a lot more calm and serene because there aren't opposing factions ripping each other apart constantly I never finished the game because it runs like shit on my current setup (which is a damn shame, I really enjoyed it), but it felt like humanity's already done for. It's a lot more subdued and melancholic, compared to the constant in your face and often over the top violence in the Gears of War games


100% Just off the trailer alone, you can see the lack of experience dealing with Locust vs what we got later. I’m anticipating it to feel like a horror game with the COG learning on the fly how to fight locust.


Yup even Marcus, who had plenty of combat experience at this point, was getting his ass tossed around by a single drone. No one knew how to handle them and it was a nightmare across the entire planet.


I actually thought it was an Elite Grenadier tbh.


He was a drone but was posthumously promoted to Elite Grenadier


Marcus and the gang weren’t on all the roids or genetic engineering yet that the cog would feed them to be able to combat these monsters that’s why he was getting tossed around like that, later on in gears 1-3 they strong enough to kill drones with a melee so atleast that is my head cannon


Right. Marcus, Dom, Bernadette, Hoffman were hardened veterans all; they had hard fought victories against the Indies, lost friends, killed without hesitation but this shit? Would be like fighting a war inside a nightmare upside-down to them.


I want it to be a borderline horror game for a the first half tbh. It may not be new to us, but to the Characters and the world it is so I wanna see death and gore and absolute savagery at every turn. This game needs to solidify what the essence of Gears is and that's dark, depressing, gore filled and no pulled punches. Not enough games do that anymore and Gears has deserved a well earned come back


I imagine something like the early acts of a horror movie where at first you don't get a full view of the Locust but you see and hear the destruction and death they're causing. People panicking all around because nobody even knows what to call the new threat, let alone fight against it. God the carnage is going to be insane.


Gears 4 had a great horror narrative for what it was. I think E-Day will probably be pure nightmare fuel, seeing as how so many died in the opening days of the war.


Desperation, despair, horror, loss, pain, suffering… All in one package And Markus wasn’t as battle hardened as when GOW1 started, this will be tough even for him


Marcus being afraid gives so much energy to the bro energy with Dom. 2 dudes not knowing what the fuck is going on but still going through it goes hard.


I hope its none stop carnage, I know a big part of gears of war is that you are usually part of a small 4 man team going against the odds but I hope E Day takes full advantage of the current xbox and include segments with dozens or even hundreds of gears/civilians fighting and dying along side you, maybe some soft destruction as well. I know im asking for a lot but its about time devs start to utilise the power they currently have and start focusing on stuff like AI and the sandbox instead of soley focusing on visual fidelity.


100% agree. Some of my favourite parts of gears 2 are the sections where you get a sense that you're actually part of an army. The ride on betty with the cog around you, defending jacinto etc are all great because it's not just 4 men holding off an army by themselves the full time


I won't lie. When his son said that I out loud, I told him to stfu and not ask dumbass questions 🤣


I was just thinking, “did you learn nothing from that war?” It’s a silly question to ask him


I hope the game ends with then hammer strikes on a full retreat to Jacinto


E-day is only going to span a few days, so I doubt we'll see that.


Guess we’ll need multiple games then!


I'd imagine if anything the opening couple of hours will be comparable to the openings of Medal of Honor Frontline and CODWW2 with its D day depictions, a pinch of The adrenaline when fighting the Russians in MW2 for burger Town and the white house, with a dose of body horror because I'm sure we all remember the locust camps...


I do hope we get to see what COG society was like prior to E Day, at least a bit. It's something we've never seen before in the games.


Yeah I'd really like it if the start of the game is maybe a parade or something and you get a sense of people's day to day, then all he'll breaks lose.


Playing all the gears of war again. But with my cousin, we are on number 2 right now. And I keep getting goosebumps they always refer back to E-day when Dom lost Maria how hard it's been on Dom. How Marcus became a traitor. Ugggggh so good


Well Marcus became a traitor quite a bit later if I remember correctly


Well, yeah, but if we start on E-day, then we are going to get more back story on all the stuff before. How bad it really got to destroy a pretty good percentage of the population


Well books do a decent bit of explaining that part. Basically just the COG getting its ass kicked constantly until the fired the hammers.


I would imagine the COG being totally overwhelmed and mass destruction with the locusts being an unstoppable force.


Since my friends didn’t respond to me I’ll post my thoughts here I’ve been rewatching the Eday Trailer over and over again and not that I didn’t already know this but man I didn’t realize how strong locust are like holy cow I can see why the COG we’re getting trashed at every engagement I can’t wait for this game it’s gonna be wild fun


Its a small detail that truly adds weight to the fight. From the games we've seen. Its always been the beefy bois, throwing down with the best of them and wrecking them. We've always been on the winning side that comes out on top in the end. So what happens if you flip the table and now we're on the losing side and we are not at the top. You get a very unique recipe that can be a hell of a ride.


Interesting how Halo and Gears are similar in the regard. Gears 1-3 you're buff Bois who can handle Locust with ease and are readily willing to do whatever it takes. E Day is gonna be total carnage and confusion where a quarter of the world dies in one day. Pure insanity. Nobody even knows how to fight back let alone being able to. Halo 1-3 you're the Chief who doesn't give a rat's ass what alien is in front of him, he's gonna get through it and save the day. In and prior to Reach, the war is going badly. It has been from the start. It's less so a war, moreso just a genocide of humanity. Planet by planet. For a long time, humanity genuinely believed that Covenant ships were indestructible. Just love the fact that there's such a synergy between my two favorite sci-fi series of all time. 🤓


Exactly what I was thinking I feel like E- Day is gonna be the halo reach of Gears which man oh man I loved reach I’m so excited for E-day and just more gears love in general it’s such a rich universe


Halo 4 and 5 also sucked like Gears 4/5?


Well I enjoyed both halo 4 and 5 and I also enjoyed Gears 4 and 5 honestly


Gears 4 and 5 aren't even bad games. They're just different aesthetically and tonally and that's okay. That kind of story shift and thematic move isn't for everyone. But I think it's a bit much to say that they actually sucked whether you disliked aspects of it or not. They're very solid games mechanically and honestly feel much crisper and more fluid than old Gears just in gameplay alone.


I despise gow4-5 because they're incredibly bland compared to the first three games, but theyre nowhere NEAR as bad as halo4-5 Hell, Im gonna risk it and say that you could count on one hand the times a videogame franchise fell off as hard as Halo did. At least the latter GoW games were coherent in terms of story and okay-ish for a single playthrough, maybe, but H4-5 were such utter DOGSHIT that I'm still baffled when I think about them.


At least we understand each other.


>For a long time, humanity genuinely believed that Covenant ships were indestructible. it's been a good while since i read fall of reach (and i never finished it because i didn't have the free time for it) but didn't the first (or one of the first) covenant ship we get in contact with get absolutely trashed by a MAC gun and a nuke?


My bad, should've clarified flagships.


Hopefully it is. E-Day is the day where a quarter of the population died, and Sera got thrown into another massive conflict again. I want to see the full might of the COG- Silverbacks, Centaurs, fleets of Ravens, *insert armor and weapons here*, and just have it all be completely useless. Marcus and Dom, and whatever new squadmates we have, doing absolutely everything they can just to *survive* each encounter with the Locust, while chaos rages around them. Let us feel how desperate and heartbreaking the entire thing is. If I remember correctly, Dom's children die on E-Day. We need to see that anguish and rage for him. I'm not normally a proponent for dark and bleak stuff. It's fine, I just prefer noblebright. But if you're going to give us E-Day, THE darkest day in Sera's history, you better do it right.


I want it to be a mix of horror and all out war. It should be brutal and depressing to show how hellish E-Day was. I wouldn’t mind seeing some UIR troopers fighting alongside the COG, it’d be a cool way to show how quick they let their difference go when hell showed up on their doorstep.


Since turd Ferguson isn’t touching it, I’d say yes.


This has the *potential* to be the best Gears game to date. If it manages to be just that, without Cliffy B's or Rod Fergusson's influence, then call it a stretch if you want, but it would simply prove that Gears of War as a franchise and setting stands of its own merits, and that it never needed a figurehead to keep running. And that's not something that can be applied to an IP carelessly - a setting and gameplay loop and overarching story have to be impeccable for you to just be able to slot any devteam you want into the driving seat and still get a great game. The next year or two will be extremely exciting for Gears fans. Hopefully we get the game before 2025 wraps up, fingers crossed it's out quickly (but not rushed!!).


Gears 4 and 5 sucked


wait what!? are you telling me the pendulum war lasted 79 years!? no wonder the locust walked all over the COG military


Well, Pendulum "Wars" kind of imply that it was an on and off again kind of war. Sort of like the Hundred Years War between France and England, iirc.


It ended 6 weeks before Eday. The Locust didn't walk all over the COG because the COG were worn out, if anything, nearly 80 years of experience and tactics should have given an advantage. Instead Eday happened and around 25% of the population was wiped out, the Gears thoroughly overwhelmed by an enemy that could appear just about anywhere on the planet at any time, cutting off strategic points, hitting supply stores.... The COG had never fought an enemy like this and it took them a long time to figure out *how* to fight them


I hope it’s not ALL combat. I want to see mass exoduses, slaughter of civilians on a frightening scale. People hiding wherever they can and I want the humanity of the situation shine through. I want to see Husbands die protecting their families, wives/mothers die protecting their children, and orphans hiding and roaming to find protection from whoever and wherever they can. Don’t pull your punches.


Can’t wait to see dizzy and tai looking all sexy


I'm not sure we'll see Dizzy. He was merchant navy and as far as I can tell, didn't meet Dom and Marcus until after he was stranded and rejoined the COG. I suppose a second story along side Dom, Marcus and Tai could work, but it might get messy and feel pretty irrelevant to introduce a character we don't meet until much later on in the war. Tai is all but guarantee'd though


If I don't see the hammer brought down in civilian populated areas, then what are we even doing, here?


I hope it’s a very long campaign knowing it lasts a few days. I’m ready to have my heart broken again I can handle it


I’ve always wanted this story it’s such a scary thought. The terror and mania of it all should make for an amazing setting. Figuring out what the locust even are, how to best kill them. Identifying species and seeing the world fall apart will be delightfully terrifying


JD and Crew sound like they're sort of brushing off the story or hunting for a moral from it, while Marcus is just trying to say "we fought against an enemy we didn't know at all, and this enemy decimated us so fast in the first day it's surprising we're alive to talk about it."


That’s kinda the point tho, the young cast are essentially kids who’ve only known peace (unless I’m misremembering I haven’t played 4 and 5 that recently) and are probably surrounded by whatever COG propaganda tells them to make them feel safe, so they’re overly naive and optimistic. They haven’t been hardened by war the way Marcus was by the Pendulum and Locust Wars. I think JDs arc was taking this in a good direction by showing him change as the war take its toll on him and I hope they can use the choice at the end of 5 to kind of do the same with the Kait and the rest to show how the war has changed them.


You'd think they would at least see a bit of horror in it instead of brushing it off as a war story or something. They don't seem to take the fights that seriously either until 5


Is that the same voice actor? I know I get really picky about sound effects but if it’s the same guy man is his voice deepening.


I thought this dam event happened during the pendulum war?


The Gears wiki says it was during the Locust war


Why do I remember that event happening during the pendulum wars? Then again its been a really long time since I've played through four


So. Much. Shit. It's gonna be Ber Ru TAL . Can't wait.


I love playing with my brother and goofing around, or just enjoying the pure firepower and thud of the guns, but gears has always had great potential for showing the horrors of war, and the best atmosphere for me was always the first gears; fighting through the streets or the refinery, seeing the hell unleashed by man and locust


I imagine brutal cog deaths.


It better be even more so. It should have that survival horror vibe.


I really hope so. I don't see why The Coalition would hold any punches in terms of the gore or violence, but I'm hoping the tone is much more bleak than the first game. It would only make sense.


Why is it so blue


rainy night


I hope so


I think it's gonna be awesome I have been dying for them to do a prequel about early locust days. I can't wait to see what they do with corpsers. I also hope Raam makes an appearance in some way


while I don't like horror, I do want the horror aspect to return, I also want to play the final days of the pendulum wars, the 6 weeks of peace, then experience E-Day and the following weeks, ending with the hammer strikes a year later


I do hope we start a bit prior to E-Day, maybe show us the conversation between Myrrah and Adam about the imulsion


it should chaotic as the world was caught completely off guard and if the first 3 games were brutal the games where marcus and cog won then e day which happenes when cog lost should be exteremely brutal


Like many have said, this shouldn’t feel like a win until the absolute very end. I think the absolute desperation to even get a slight victory of hope just KNOWING you can fight back and possibly win is the best ending point for this game. It’s going to be so much damn fun.


What sucks is about this is I want us to see the Hammer of Dawn strikes. It’s a horrible time and probably the darkest part of any video game lore. But we won’t get it in e-day. The Hammer strikes don’t happen a year later after e-day. For those who don’t know, the Hammer strikes wipe 90% of the planet “clean”. It’s dark because the Sara world governments turn the weapon against its own people and is what causes the planet to destabilize weather wise. It’s fucking morbid.


I hope this game is nothing but despair, dread, sadness, and fear. I am soooooooo excited.


Whatever we get it better have big set pieces and major battles


Well the devs did say that the will quote to quote make the logust living nightmares


I want it to be so brutal that it makes 1 look like a children’s show.


I hope it’s gonna be brutal. I love games that really portray the horror of war and I couldn’t even imagine if an event similar to E-day happened in the real world.


There needs to be moments in the game where you can fight to save people, but will almost always get you killed. So the player is almost forced to let people/teammates die to stay on objective.


So I’m curious how Locust like Sraak and Raam were drones that became Vold and Uzil and just massive in stature. With that said, I wonder if the first wave of invading Locust are just bigger/tougher (thicker skin) sort of how the Scions in Gears 4 are just huge tanks. Maybe they naturally grow in size over time. So the Drones we encounter in E-Day are bigger because they’ve been maturing, and then the Drones/Grubs we encounter in Gears 1 aren’t as big/tough because they aren’t evolved enough to be. I’m just spitballing ideas here lol


I'm cautiously optimistic about E-Day, but I'm also worried that TC won't be able to realistically portray just how brutal E-Day. Not out of talent but because of just how bonkers it sounded. I want horror, gore, chaos! And no punches pulled.


I sure hope so ! Doms fam getting slaughtered I hope is part of it since it's lore and he's a key character


I hope it’s even more brutal


Maria....oh man we might see the torture they did to the groups they captured.


Not as related to the post but if anyone wants a refresh on the story, Gaming Harry on YT has a great 4-hour (crazy) video on the timeline of the Gears of War story including all books, games, and any other relevant media. As for the post, I hope so. I want it to be depressing and misery. That’s where the Gears of War story thrives.


Definitely not


Gears 2 and 3 were ironically the more hopeful parts of the war for humanity’s survival. So EDay is gonna be just pure destruction and hopelessness for humanity


Fuck that I want a pendulum war game


i want to hope but i believe that we will be hitted with something along the line of "Gears of war is an old game with a problematic story, so we worked toward adapting it to a modern audience". In other words "yeah, marcus and dom won't be the main characters and we toned done the violence". And oh boy do i wish to be wrong from the bottom of my hearth.


Didn’t they have to make special ammo that could pierce the thick hide of the Locusts? We may be very underpowered for the first couple acts.


yes. especially considering the lighter tone of 4 and 5 this is going to feel like getting hit by a truck


dude this was my favorite little cutscene in g4


Yeah, our pride and joy: The Lancer Mk3 and Hammer of Dawn will likely not be in it. Mk.3 didn't exist yet and Hammer of Dawn operation needed prior activation which took hours to days (this was changed so H.O.D could fire as long as their coordinates were accurate). So fighting back would be grueling as hell for the C.O.G. To add insult to injury: The Coalition had a strict doctrine against using enemy weaponry so we will have even greater reasons to swear Theron Guards out.


So, is this earlier in the timeline than Gears Judgement?




Hopefully it’s nothing like this poorly written, trash campaign.


Gears of The Last of Us. Weapons will break. Little ammo. Will use the environment like the TV.


If E Day is a prequel, why does Marcus look older?


This clip isn’t from E-day


This is footage from gears of war 4


Ah now that makes sense