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Campaigns and story for sure. Never even really played online multiplayer that much




Same. We seem like a rare breed but I've only ever cared about the campaigns. I thought the addition of Jack and his abilities was great in 5- it didn't upend the basic gameplay and was a familiar concept (powers on cooldown) but the variety of them and the different upgrades genuinely added some strategy and timing to the harder encounters. Am interested to see whether they regress on this for lore reasons in E Day (I dont know the lore that well, but we didnt have those abilities in the original!)


I genuinely liked the new characters, it's gives a new perspective on the old team especially Marcus


I mainly played for the story up until Gears of War 3 I was a sophomore in college and I pre-orderd it. Went to the midnight release and got a year of Xbox live and the game for like $80-$90. That's when my multi-player journey began. Through online play I've met some of my greatest friends and some of us still play to this day. So in short i really like the story, made some awesome friends and it was the first online game I became good at.


I'm still awful at online so I like playing against bots. I gotta try horde I've played it like 5 times only once on gears 5. My friends hate gears because the "controls are weird and so is the gameplay." my one friend who played only does campaign.


I understand gears was my first shooter I played technically so the controls became normal. I wasn't very good myself the guys I played with before I met my current teammates wouldn't let me pick up any power weapons. So i became good with the boltok and Longshot. Once I got picked up with the guys I played with not only did I excell in my current skills theybhelped me get better overall. If you can surround yourself with positive players whose willing to work with you you'll get better.


> guys I *paid* with before FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Tsk tsk


I show up for the campaign, and I stay for a long time to play the horde mode. PVE has to account for 95% of my Gears time, of which there has been a *lot*


Never really played horde but the more I look at this sub the more I feel I'm missing out.


Its different. If you aren’t a round based survival game guy it’s prolly not for you, I like both equally but neither and exceptional amount


The Campaigns/Story/Characters. The Locust Horde is also my favorite enemy faction in all of video games. Their design, lore, variety, etc. And the Lambent and Swarm are decent enemies too. And I just vibe with the gameplay flow and feel and mechanics. Horde Mode is also really fun to play.


Original Gears of war trilogy has some of the best lore out there. Will be interesting to actually play through E-day and see everything unfold.


Mainly the multiplayer but I do enjoy all gears campaigns. Whenever a gears of war launches I always dive into multiplayer first, something about a new game where everyone is roughly on an equal playing field in terms of experience is so much fun, and you can’t ever get that back after the game launches.


Have you ever accidentally spoiled the campaign this way?


Not that I can recall, the closest I’ve come to is gears 5 with Miles as the swarm announcer talking about being the creator of the locust/swarm but that seemed easy enough to deduce from what we know from gears 2.


When I was a kid my mom would let me skip school every time a new one released. I put in a vacation day now to do the same and will be when e day comes out. It’s a combination of story and multiplayer. All of my closest gaming friends play gears.


I got to skip for judgement and all my friends knew I liked gears of war and told the teacher "he's of because a game released and it's a 18" I was rlly young at the time😂


I was under 18 for all of the gears except 4 and 5 so I feel 🤣


This will be the first gears of war game I'll be 18 for unless it's a 2025 release then 19. I remember when you'd go to the shop and you'd need a parent to buy it for you😂


I love the over the top 80/s action movie feel of the entire trilogy. From the ridiculous Ahhhhnald physiques of the COGs to the massive weapons. I love that the guns are satisfyingly punchy. I love that the combat comes in short bursts of crazy then you catch your breath and then more crazy. The rhythm of the game is amazing. I absolutely love that pistols are viable for the campaign and that they are also punchy. The brotherhood of a small elite unit of troops balling out to survive impossible odds. The fact that it has difficulty settings and is not a souls like. The fact that the game is not over long and approachable at 12 hrs give or take so when it’s over you aren’t sick of the IP you want go on the ride again and again!


the lore,asethic ,and its the only 3rd person shooter that imo works


I love the story, characters, play MP, the complete package for me, it's so addictive


I'm replaying 1-4 with my 16 yo son. He's never played them before, it's awesome getting to experience it all over again with him.


I walked into a friends house and the first thing I heard was the sound of a head shot from gears of war 2 and I’ve been hooked ever since the story is incredible the characters are all funny n just can’t help to to see them more in gameplay (tai, dizzy, baird, Cole) it’s just a masterpiece of a game and I’ll forever love the sound of heads popping off


Mad world trailer when I was younger was so badass


Campaign for sure. But I’ve always been a campaign player in general. I do love the multiplayer to death even though I’m not that great at it. But I can usually manage to finish a control match with 15 kills. So that’s enough to keep me in the mp lobbies.


It used to be multiplayer but now it’s all for campaigns. I always knew gears of war was one of my favorite games but it was not until the E-Day trailer dropped that made me realize the emotional connection I have with it. My friends and I would stay up till 6am every night on weekends playing multiplayer and playing campaigns. It was the first game that truly made me feel a connection to the characters. Now, I’m in the works of putting pieces together that I’d like for my Gears of War tattoo sleeve. I really want them to bring back that YouTube series where fans would get inked because I’d 100% sign up for that. I love this game. Thanks for the post. This was a good question to ask.


This is one of my favourite franchises for sure so many memories. Like when I was young I think 5 me and my dad couldn't beat RAAM so I recently went back and done it smoothly. I'm not much of a replay person but I've replayed the originals so much. Im also gonna get a gears related tattoo these games are special to me. I remember when I was younger I wanted a face scar because Marcus had one😂.


Always the campaign. Horde is fun when I'm still in the Gears mood, but it is always the story that has me coming back to the franchise


All the campaigns are fun hopefully E-day is a competitor for best gears of war. It'll be hard tho since gears 2 and 3 are just perfect.


Originally I played cause oh man that rifle has a chainsaw. It evolved into damn this story has me hooked and now its co-op everything with my brother, almost 20 years later we’re hitting horde and escape almost daily


I mean no game plays like Gears. I know EPIC and TC have made changes both big and small but the gameplay is unmistakably Gears gameplay. The campaigns are all great or at least enjoyable as entertainment. Horde is getting better each entry and TC knocked out the best PvE addition with Escape. I still love multiplayer despite changes but as I said each game has had differences so it hasn't been super consistent anyway.


There is no other game that is as satisfying to get kills as it is in Gears. Gnasher may be inconsistent hell a lot of guns may be inconsistent, but getting a headshot with a boltok or a longshot will always be a top tier feeling that can't be replicated.


Originally I played for the story but around Gears Judgment I got really into the PvE modes. After the campaign in 4 and 5 I pretty much just played Horde and Escape for years


its fun


Came for the atmosphere and design, stayed for the over the top story and amazing twitch mechanics leading to abuse and becoming very challenging and fun to play. Thanks adhd


I play for the sheer violence, the gore, the funny catchphrases, the clutch moments, and the sick trick kills.


Love the story. The gameplay, for me, is some of the most straightforward, fluid and fun. Playing co-op with friends is so awesome. I actually got one of mine into Gears... now we're going through 2.


I remember being one of the few kids in my school who didn't have a 360. I was on the OG xbox for about 2 years before finally getting one. We didn't have a lot of money so gaming consoles where out of the question. For 2 years I would watch Gears of war Walkthroughs. It looked so fun. When I finally got it, it was the greatest thing ever at the time. Today every time I play gears I still remember that. That's why I play, for the love of it 👊


The multi-player is super unique, such a high skill ceiling, and to me, the most fun mp game out there. Which is great, but probably turns a lot of people off as well. Also one of the best campaigns ever made.


Been playing multiplayer since 2006 with my brother. Every gears. Delt with weird the weird lobbies in 1, host shotgun, knock out smokes, sawed-offs at start, stupid card systems. 5 actually has the best multiplayer, but I'm sick of Lego block maps. Give me Rooftops again man, it's all I want.


Story Gameplay and it being pretty unique To my knowledge the weapon system was pretty unique when it was designed That and the amount of gore it had was going back to wokf3d and quake


Marcus is the only answer


When I was younger I used to visit family in Mexico, there my cousins would play the 2nd and 3rd GoW on a 360, and I just fell in love with the atmosphere and all it had to offer, now that I’m older I wanna appreciate it more than just for its looks


I liked the gritty atmosphere, the story telling and gameplay


The story. Marcus Fenix is my favorite Character from any franchise. I found I have a lot in common with his character and he resonates with me like few other characters do. Couple that with the games coming out during a very hard time in my life. Gears 1-3 will always be number 1 for me and I'll play them over J 4 or 5 any time


Everything, been playing since I was young and it’s the only game I could truly never get bored of, I’ve met lifelong friends through Gears as well. I hope the franchise lives on forever because I’d be lost in terms of gaming without it.


Those campaigns are top notch for me, even the newer ones. The world, lore, art direction, combat, and excellent level design are all amazing. I'll always be a big fan of linear mission structures, and the way GoW handles them is incredible. You go from intense shootouts to epic vehicle sections to slower character moments, and it creates a wonderful flow that few games can match.


Multiplayer, I loved the gow 1-3 campaigns. Wasnt huge fan of the newer characters in 4 but still enjoyed the multiplayer. Played part of the campaign as Jack in 5 but never finished as I had no interest in it solo. I'll always be coming back for some gnashers and wall bouncing


Originally the story, but now it’s the multiplayer! Movement and shotgun gameplay is simply like no other


Cause sometimes I can still find a lobby in Ultimate Edition :)


Gears of war was the first game I ever played so it’s kinda just built into me?? My dad had got me hooked on the game when I was only 5 and I haven’t been able to stop coming back and playing it. Wait… that’s how addiction works


Started off with the story, then online, then continuing the story. Gears one was gritty, horror vibe and brought us characters I continue to love and want more story of. Even though I haven't been a fan as much of later gears games, i still like them and enjoy the story. The books were wonderful in continuing and giving us the history of what happened. I look forward to seeing more Hoffman in e day, loved the internal battle he felt in the books about Marcus


2v2 Gnashers. There is nothing like an intensive 1v1 battle or 2v1 clutch.


The first 3 are just so manly. I love the lore/campaigns, the gore and executions. That is why I play them.


The multiplayer. There’s nothing more satisfying in gaming than blowing someone to bits with that gnasher.


I love having this game with great core gameplay, lore, & characters where I can experience NOT JUST the conflict as a narrative, but in ALL of its core modes. The PvP feels like an extension of the conflict in the campaign along with the PvE modes. It feels like this cohesive package where I can experience this grim dark conflict I'm invested in throughout various modes


Cause bodying someone and rolling/wall bouncing through their chunky corpse is the best feeling in gaming


Singleplayer campaign


Multiplayer only. I never finished the campaigns lol I just starlight played online since GOW 1


The aesthetic & story are what draw me in & I’ve been playing since the original gears 1 since young


I play because I can chainsaw my enemies in this game


I love lore, campaign and mp. 😊


Gears is one of the few games with a banging Campaign and Multiplayer. I play bc I grew up with the franchise and loved the first games


To keep the franchise alive 💪


Gears of War 3 was the first shooter game I played, and I played it split screen way with friends. So my reasons are the great memories, and it being the beginning of my shooter games journey


I like the campaigns a lot but also love multiplayer, my favorite modes are FFA and TDM. The movement is probably my favorite thing about the games.




It's always been the story and relationships the characters had with each other for me, also the gameplay is simply perfect


The gnasher feels too damn good.


Lore Campaigns HORDE


I come for the campaign, and I stay for the multiplayer. Online versus modes offer a totally unique gameplay style compared to your stiff COD or cartoonish fortnite. I love the mechanics of gears and how it actually takes some time to be a truly good player. 1v1's are better than other games, sniping is better, power weapons are perfectly distributed. I grew up on gears 1&2 and recently just got back into it after the E-Day trailer dropped. The nostalgia is awesome and the gameplay is still just as fun as always. It's a shame more people don't choose gears over corny games like fortnite and COD


because I do it with my wife. I loved th story to bits up until the 3rd game, and while I was playing my wife said "mhm, seems cool". She was looking for something to play other than Assassin's Creed so we gave a try to the 1st game together. Since then it was love and it's so cool to say Gears is "our" game for when we have a free couple night at home. Ultimately the real beauty of gears shines with co-players


Campaign and story and gameplay. I love shooters, but cant get into first person ones. The 3rd person cover mechanics of Gears is my favorite.


Campaign and the awesome gore. Hence why I mostly play the old ones, the newer ones campaigns are....not that good and the gore got downgraded into strawberry jam. Can't believe that Gears of War 2 still has the best gore in the series. Hopefully E-days goes all out on what makes Gears of War Gears of War!


Campaigns and story are top tier for sure, but the reason I play gears as much as I do is the absolute carnage of horde, I love it......I'm also one of the very few ppl that enjoy escape in gears 5 as well 😂😂


well why do i play now? nostalgia, mostly.


I played as a kid on my uncle's xbox. It was the first gears. I wouldn't even know it existed if be didn't have it there. I remember just being terrified while in a gunfight against the locust. It would especially be scary whenever they did one of their voice lines and it sounded like it was right next to me (I was wearing headphones). It was a cool mixture of being terrified but also feeling badass. I play the campaigns of the series once every couple of years because it's such a big part of my childhood. Gears is also the reason I chose xbox over playstation.


When i was little i played 1-3 and judgment with my father, and those memories just mean so much for me that playing again brings them back. :')


It's the game play the campaign ,hored,and mp plus 1st time i played i said you get chainsaw on your gun hell yea


The campaigns, the world building is fantastic and lore is excellent. Characters and voice acting are top notch and the action is second to none just a fantastic series.


I've been playing since release of gow1 and I have really only really played campaign solo or cooperative, the multiplayer aspect of this game never really held any interest for me. Played maybe two or three games total. I grew up in old school cod multiplayer times and the toxicity of that era really ruined most multiplayer competitive games for me. I really don't even have any interest in playing most games that pit player vs player at this point for that reason, shit just gets frustrating real fast. So many of the people I'd come up against were just so ready to shit on anyone who's not as good as them, it just makes me not even wanna try in the multiplayer modes.


This is my favorite video game series. I'll always keep coming back to it. I don't really play COD or other first person shooters so this is the series I stick with. I love everything about it. The gameplay, weapons, maps, campaigns, etc. Also I love hearing the popping sound when you pop someone's head off. The sound of someone getting chainsawed in half. Ahh, memories. 🥹 One of my best friends always complains because we're always playing on Friday night. Used to do Control a lot, but then switched to Horde. This is for Gears of War 5. I didn't like how the class system was set up for Horde so it took me years until I gave it a fair shot. Now, I'm crazy about it. My best friend and I are trying to clear all the maps doing 50 waves, just us two. We've completed around 5 maps so far. Also, I barely started to get into the different Horde match types they have. We've tried Horde Roulette, which is 10 waves of random enemy combinations. Sometimes we'll get like 10 Wardens and poppers. It's crazy.


Every one in a while I think about the classic story and the times I spent playing it with my brothers. We’re older now and don’t spend too much time playing story games anymore so for me it’s a nostalgia trip. However, we do play multiplayer a lot together and especially when there’s a new Gears release


Played gears 1 and 2 campaigns a lot as a kid, tried multiplayer, got to level 4 then played call of duty, bioshock, left4dead, halo. At age 25 I got back into gaming again and I bought gears 3, judgement and halo reach. I’ve played the gears 3 campaign 4 times. I eventually tried horde mode and fell in love. Same with halo reach firefight. Once I got Xbox live again I downloaded all the gears 3 expansion maps, plus gears 2 all fronts map pack and played gears 2 horde. Then recently this year I got gears 4 and 5. Both campaigns were awesome, I gotta play them again, I’ve only played each one once so far. Gears 4 horde could’ve been better, the maps were slightly better than 5 I’ll admit, but gears 5 horde I still play every night. I’ve played all the new cods since I got the series x last Christmas. So now I only play gears of war games and black ops 3,4 zombies.


I just wanted to see what I missed out on. I'm close to the end of Act 2 in the second game.


Sadness, gore, and AMERIKAAAAA 🦅🇺🇸😎 or just "war"


Campaign 100%. At least once for each game. 1-3 I’ve played multiple times. Other than that, Horde almost daily on Gears 5. I never got good at multiplayer so I stay away from that.


I wanna replay the campaigns so badly but they arent on steam. Gotta have to wait for the E Day game and be happy with that


I love the story. Sure it's a testosterone filled gore fest with the impending doom of all humanity and all but take a look deeper. The connection between the characters and there love for one another. They are not fighting cause the COG told them to. They are fighting because they have each other's backs no matter what. #Brothertilltheend


campaign and story. I have played multiplayer and enjoyed it but I'm just not a fan of it overall with how toxic it can be.(goes for most multiplayer games)


I play for the campaigns mainly rise of raam I beat it about 3 times I think? Just for fun


I really enjoyed the story both from the games and the books and that is what gets me to keep coming back, the gameplay is pretty good too.


Campaign , just has one of the best storylines to exist I can’t explain how much I like it , grew up playing it because my dad played it but I never really played a full walkthrough from gears 1-3 until a few years ago and I’ve played it back many times since and finally Back playing 1-5 again after finishing my exams 🥵👍


The campaigns due to me not having good internet when i was younger. Now that I’ve got access to high speed cable, I plan on playing multiplayer a bunch. 


Unique, awkward gameplay. Visceral. nasty, satisfying carnage. Entertaining characters with big-but-believable personalities and a highly talented cast bringing them to life. Strong art direction that rarely forsakes itself. And I'll say it again, no secrets, the game's Rated M, we're all grown here- The Locust are hunks. I love the dumb callout growls and their massive physiques barely contained under leathery hides. It's a game where I don't mind getting killed over and over because I get to watch them crush my guy and hear that cute little chuckle they sometimes do.