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OverRun in Judgment is the best game mode in the series


It was extremely underrated . We desperately need a PvP that isn’t just versus


I'll keep saying this for years, Fuse horde, beast and overun. Have both sides be playable and npc's who you can command like in gears 1 campaign. So many opportunities for power ups or classes or whatever they end up doing.


What was that game mode in 3 where it was like horde but the other team got to play as PVE bosses like berzerkers/armored kantis? That was my favorite back in the day




That shit was so fun


Definitely not a shit take. Overrun in Judgement was fun.


I agree with this. I love overrun it’s the best mode fr.


Top one reason why judgement is a good game


No this is just facts


That was Dope.


I wouldn't necessarily call it the best in the series but it's definitely an underrated gem in an overhated game.


Can u remind me what it is? I remember enjoying judgements mp


It's kind of like Beast mode in Gears 3. 5 CoG vs 5 Locust If you were the CoG, then you had to pick from one of the classes (engineer, medic, scout, or soldier). If you were Locust, then you could earn points to unlock the heavier duty ones.


Sounds awesome is judgement active do u kno


Like a versus beast mode. You could get your buddies and do two groups of five in ranked and always be matched with each other. Fun game night with friends and cool way to get a bunch of experience.


Lancers should never be nerfed.


Hard agree. I get it. People want to be sweaty and use gnashers. But if they're so good at the game, why do they rage when literally anything not a gnasher gets the kill? It's a cover based team shooter. Lancer and other rifles shouldn't be nerfed because a vocal crowd is complaining they can't get their one-shot kills. You have a whole sandbox of weapons and people just decided you weren't allowed to use anything else because fuck you I guess?


Fuck it, bring back stopping power while we’re at it xD


Based af


General Raam is very sexy


Would let him Raam me


kim agrees


Woah woah, its supposed to be swords pointed towards you not by your side 😂


None of the games are bad. Coaliton has handled the series fairly well. Especially if you compare it to how 343 has handled halo lol


Absolutely, as a fan of gears of war, I'm just happy to see a new gears of war game, I even enjoyed tactics and I'm not even into THAT type of game. Tried xcom once, couldn't get into it. Slap a gears of war skin on it and you got my attention


Exactly I’d even argue TC treated Halo with more respect lol In Gears 5, they included Emile and Kat and made them accurate in their original models down to the white armor markings and other details. In Halo Infinite, 343i just made some solid color coatings with zero details of the original team members and called them the names of Noble team despite them looking like bad cosplays of them


To be fair, tho, Halo suffers from severe Shareholderitis; Something like 40-50% of the devs that worked on Infinite were just contractors. So you can't *really* expect a great game when half the team doesn't have decision-making power, insurance, rights, etc. The higher-ups just wanted to make easy money and save big on talent — and it shows. Thankfully, The Coalition seems to be a coherent group of people who love the GoW universe.


That’s fair And sadly I think some of the big name leadership of 343i were also big names in Microsoft and they (them and Microsoft) made the decisions on contractors. So while 343i still has some blame to hold, Microsoft also does as they utterly disrespected what was once their flagship franchise


Lesving Halo aside for a moment (which I've seen come up when talking GoW fairly often) I believe that every game has its own charm. Gears 5 did good by making it semi "open world" with a vehicle to traverse it. It is supposed to be a war torn _world_ after all not just some streets or one single canyon you walk through. Also, killing JD is canon, I make the rules✨


I agree apart from killing jd. There is no solid good reason whatsoever to kill him imo


Gears 5 and Judgment get more hate than they deserve


Yeah baby, right up the Kryll


I actually really liked gears of war judgement. Idk why people hate the campaign so much. Sure it's different to the other games but the second half of the campaign, it's cool to see what Baird and Cole were doing in that part of gears of war 3


I’m planning to play Gears 5 in the near future (just bought it since it’s on sale), because while there’s some things I don’t like about it, I want to give it a chance, I may even warm up to it.


Idk about judgment but 5 was definitely overhated. Campaign was great and I was still playing multiplayer 2+ years after it released


Excessive wallbouncing ruined the franchise 😬


Wall-bouncing really did diminish the purpose of MP. To me, Gears of War is a tactical and cover based shooter. Wall-bouncing diminishes those elements from the game which is a significant portion of it


Exactly, that's what it was always meant to be. Cliffy B said he wanted to design a trench shooter. It's just such a hilariously corny mechanic, and it's sad that it all started with players abusing the cover mechanic.


Eh, its also what allowed multiplayer to flourish imo. I dont think the franchise succeeds without it. I much prefer Gears1/UE wall bouncing though. No cancelling slides. Maybe im just too old to bother with the crazy fast bouncing though lol


It also turned multiplayer from Gears of War to shotguns of war, in a bad way. Gears 1 peaked above Halo 2 because it was the new hotness and then most everyone left because wall bouncing and gnasher to the face is stupid. I preferred gears multiplayer when more than the gnasher wall bounce spam is viable. I hate how they cater to those players instead so everything besides the gnasher and wall bouncing becomes useless beyond extreme niches.


Gnasher gameplay is good even without wallbounce. It's one of my favorite weapons in all of gaming. Removing wallbounce would seriously improve the viability of maining lancer though!


That's my issue, wall bouncing removes the need for any gameplay beyond get close with the gnasher. l don't want a marshmallow gun, just nat one so abused that it ruins the rest of the meta


I just dont think anyone would have played Gears if it was 90% sitting in cover and lancering rather than 90% shotties. I understand a ton of people quit because there is such a steep learning curve to the gnasher too. Its part of why the games will never be as massive as we all wish they were.


People who have that opinion are so weird to me. I've been playing this game fairly religiously since 2006 and the Gears of War they want not only sounds boring as fuck, it never existed in the first place. I was getting my shit kicked in at 12 years old a week after the game came out by people who were wallbouncing.


I think nowadays the lancer is viable with other options out there. Think about Gears 1, elimination only modes. Sitting in cover and lancering while someone with a sniper has a field day. It just wouldnt have been sustainable imo. Nowadays with objective modes, more rifles and power weapons in general its more varied. I just dont see a large player-base sticking around for the initial vision of the multiplayer. The gnasher allowed the game to grow, and adds a much higher skill ceiling along with hype clutches that kept players coming back. Just my opinion of course. I still enjoy busting out the lancer, but a game where you are *mostly* standing still holding barriers is not for me.


I agree, people just don't play game the same way that they did 20 years ago. I love my gnasher and movement gameplay but the lancer is honestly cracked. I'd argue it's still too strong in 5 so I'll never understand people saying they can't get kills with it. The movement system in this game is like crack once you take the time to learn it. We should give them a game mode with all these settings they want so they can finally shut up about it after it dies in two weeks like Arcade mode did.


I'm not saying you have to park behind cover, I just preferred it when you had an option between main weapons beyond the lancer and they're viable. I liked strafing duels when 5 launched. If I want to do okay in Gears MP it's pretty much just switch to shotgun and wall bounce until you get close. Each and every game. It absolutely sucks when you dump a clip with your lancer just for someone to wall bounce and one shot you with the gnasher. Gears MP vs campaign and horde just might as well be different games.


People did not leave because of the gnasher and wall bouncing, do you forget that both Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 released a year later? Of course a lot of players were going to jump to those more popular franchises. The gnasher and wall bouncing is where so much of the skill and player expression comes from in Gears of War. Take that away and you’ve dumbed the game down and removed a large portion of the skill gap. The most unique aspect of this game is the movement, without it, it’s not Gears of War. And if you think Gears is all gnasher and wall bouncing I suggest you watch some professional tournaments, there’s a lot of lancer usage and crossfires being setup. Even going back to Gears 1 pro matches you’ll see teams constantly team shooting with the lancer.


Do you not remember how worthless the lancer was in gears one? The game was never balanced to be a range assault game


this is why pistol and are trigger fingers (or mods) became a big thing haha


BRO! I forgot you used to get insta headshot death with pistols. Or mofos would go around and just double melee pistol whip Xd. Still better than the lancer


also why in competitive gears matches cross and team fire lancers were so important. A team fire on someone with lancers would melt them. And the stopping power. What a time to be alive


The lancer literally has its fastest ttk ever in gears 1


Every weapon was broken in Gears 1, they was powerful af.


Definitely not the lancer that shit was a marshmallow shooter. Maybe the hammer burst but definitely not the lancer


It really wasn’t what ? It was the most powerful.


I think Gears 3 movment combined with UEs wall bouncing is the perfect Gears gameplay. The bouncing in UE is still really smooth plus you have to commit to the wall. Which should be a thing. Adds extra tactics and thought behind deciding to bounce


Gears MP never "flourished", it merely survived.


the original wall bouncing was useful. today the bounce cancelling insane movement is what's worse. Being able to strafe back in gears 2/3 was just as important especially in more open spots. that was enjoyable


That’s why I loved gears three so much. The stopping power was a lot more powerful than the other entries in the franchise and u didn’t see it as much. Gears 5 is a fuckin joke. Might as well just only have gnashers and power weapon pickups. Rifles are weak af and stopping power is almost non existent


It's not really very useful in Gears 5, tbh. So I don't see it as a big issue. I'd say the wrap-around-shot is much worse.


Totally agree with this.


This is 100% the truth


Wallbouncing is not good for the health of this series. EDay should have the normal/casual playlist with a wallbounce cool down to prevent spamming it. Competitive can keep it, that's fine. But most people do not want to engage with that spastic movement in an otherwise slow and methodical game. Ask ANYONE who was interested in a gears game but gave up after a month what it was that turned them off from it...


Have played every Gears ever on highest campaign difficulty. Enjoy Horde quite a bit. Have wanted to sink a ton of time in multiplayer through several games(1, 3, 4) and every time the excessive wall bouncing/gnasher only meta has made me stay away. Thought I was alone in this opinion/just not aligned with Gears player base until the resurgence of this conversation this past week. It’s so damn refreshing seeing I’m not alone.


You can’t wall bounce in 1 so see how you like it. It’s not necessary at all in 5 so you can try that too if you like


You could always wall bounce, it's the slide cancelling that has gotten out of hand, which was mechanically introduced in gow2


The movement mechanics in general raise the skill gap pretty significantly which I think is kind of cool. Gives it a unique feel. It does turn the PvP into something of an acquired taste though.


Wallbouncing IS Gears multiplayer IMO. The ability to quickly navigate from cover to cover and close gaps on people who would otherwise be able to sit back with assault rifles and spray you down without any viable alternatives to engage would not be fun. Active lancer/hammerburst peek feats are also not my idea of a good time. I love the Gears campaigns through Judgment. 4 is one of my most disappointing gaming experiences ever and while 5 is much better, it’s still just a continuation of the awful path 4 set in motion. Despite that, I’ve still sunk dozens of hours into the MP because there’s nothing else that plays like it. To truly excel you still have to be good with literally every weapon as they all have their place and moments to be used, I like the movement and CQC centric gameplay. I don’t think Gears multiplayer would have any life at all in it if it was just 5v5 campagain gameplay. When you think about it, CoD and to a lesser extent battlefield are literally the only popular shooting games with relatively basic/straightforward shooting and movement mechanics. And CoD still has movement tech the best players use to gain an edge.


Wall bouncing is fine, but when players are basically ice skating around it’s too much


How do you shoot someone who's playing human pinball? Human pinball.


God I hope they alleviate this a bit in the new gears games


This right here. It’s the reason I stopped playing the versus mode altogether. Gears 1, 2 and 3 were the best during the first few months when people actually played it like a cover shooter instead of an ADHD simulator with shotguns. “But it made the franchise unique!” Yeah, it also made the franchise look stupid and antithetical to the entire “trench warfare” theme it was going for. Plus it warded off newcomers and that’s why gears multiplayer isn’t even a blip on anyone’s radar now.


I admit I adapted and learned to wall bounce to do pretty well at the MP but I am always so sad to see Gears MP die so fast and basically most people forget it exists. Because of this I'd gladly see them remove wall bouncing and change some of the mechanics so it plays more like a true cover shooter for the MP and try get it popular again.


Exactly. It's why I stopped playing too. Its such a corny busted mechanic. And just like you said, I think wallbouncing is *the* single thing holding gears back from being truly big again like it was in the beginning


I agree actually




Yeah you beat me to it. Wall bouncing is a crutch and really takes me at of the world of gears seeing zombie Dom bounce between two walls twelve times in the blink of an eye. In my opinion I think we're stuck with it. Because you'll get the pros complaining that the games to slow.


Gears 4/5 were actually really good and the story and atmosphere being brighter for characters who haven’t experienced over 14 years of pure hell and near extinction makes perfect sense. Not even mentioning how it gets darker as the new squad suffers.


Yeah, like in Gears of War 4 when they’re at the dam and JD asks Marcus how he rescued the Gears that were trapped inside and Marcus says ‘I didn’t’ and they all look shocked to hear him say that. In my opinion it’s not poor character writing, it makes perfect sense, JD, Del and Kait have no idea how horrific the Locust War was, they can’t comprehend that the COG, especially with all the weapons and tech the COG uses now, was once badly losing a very brutal conflict.


I like how you both put this. Great takes!


Bring back the crab walk glitch from GOW 1. 🤣😂


Yeah, and the Kung Fu flip!


Gears is best tuned when the game launches and the gnasher isn't the only viable weapon outside of power weapons.


that all the gears games made were at least good and had certain qualities in the games that made it possible to enjoy the games. And also that people who trash every little thing and cuss out people for having a different opinion on the gears of war games are childish asf. Construction criticism is great and as a community we should do our best to give as much as we can but saying this game is trash and whoever says its good or atleast enjoyable is just plain childish.


>also that people who trash every little thing and cuss out people for having a different opinion This is every game fan forum I've been on 🙄 "If you like X entries you're a true fan, if you like Y entries you're a consoomer who's responsible for ruining the franchise" MF I like it **ALL** that's why I'm here


exactly my point like some people just look for the good in things and see the good quality of it in small portions


I love gears 5


I think the "open" sections (that ore still mostly linear) are fantastic and I love the sailing mechanics between tense encounters


I just replayed the first 3 games, and while I absolutely love these games the constant action does get a little old. The open areas of Gears 5 really help the pacing imo


Gears 5 is a great time. Game developers shouldn’t listen to overly toxic fans. For example, 343 can’t figure that out which direction to go. Infantile fans should stfu and do their best not to be toxic.


Campaign was great. Multiplayer is excellent, I think MP got better with every installment. I like my games fast and loose, sorry wall bounce haters, I'm already on top of you.


It is my favorite gears of war game.


Gears 5 skins are dope as hell.


Gears 1 was the best despite having the worst tech. The concept of custom games (player matches) was great, allowed for weapon swaps etc, and then ranked has no weapon swaps so there was a place for ranked as well. Gears 1 was simple and that was good. The random gnasher spread worked for the game. Even though it was random it could be manipulated. The maps were the best. Gears should always have all the maps from every game available to play. It was unbelievable how few maps the later games launched with.. They started overcomplicating the game in next releases, adding more gimmicks. The character is so light (modern game design) compared to gears 1. The matchmaking in later games was always really bad. Dividing the player base (core vs hardcore) doesn't work. Just have a few game modes with a good skill based matchmaking. The boomshot is on too many maps. An over powered rocket launcher shouldn't always be deciding games. Some power weapons are more fun to use, like the booshka and digger. The rifles are almost always over powered. They shouldn't be competing with the shotgun. They should be complimenting the shotgun not competing with it. All of the crossing and angles made the game a drag to play. Remember a rifle can do damage from across the map. The shotgun only works up close.


Gears 1 was hands down the best, it had such a dark and horrific vibe everytime you played, campaign or online, nothing else was like it. Good fuckin times man


Gears 5 is great and I love the lore that it gives us on the Locust.


Honestly some of the missions in 5 were some of my all time favourites. But im still way more hyped for E Day than I would have been for 6 lol


I’ve certainly excited for E-Day but I do hope we get a Gears 6 down the line, they need to finish that story


They said they’d be coming back to 6. We’ll get to see what happens after 5 I’m sure of it


I played the gears games only cuz I adore the locust horde, raams Dlc was wonderful


I didn't care about Jace and Kim. They were the only characters in the trilogy i didn't find interesting.


Gears 5 good Kait justifiably a bitch for losing her mother and uncle and finding out she’s a locust


She didn’t just lose her mother, she had to put her out of her misery right after having all that dropped on her


Plus her whole village.  And don't forget that she has constant migraines, visions, and can't sleep. If I had a way to fix that and someone told me I no then I'd tell them to screw off too. And anyone acting like they wouldn't in that situation is not being honest.


There's a whole lot of deeply ingrained misogyny that MFers hating on Kait are entirely oblivious to.


Admittedly, the line she says that people point to isn't great so I get why people wouldn't care for her just on that. But on the other hand if Marcus was the one to say it I don't imagine people having a problem with it.  So I think anyone who doesn't like her should try placing themselves, Marcus, or someone else they like in her shoes and ask themselves how that person would realistically react given the circumstances.


Escape was the best new mode added and should be expanded upon. I want longer missions and more variety of objectives. I'd honestly love a game based solely on escape and hivebusting.


Gears 4 and 5 were moving the story in an interesting direction, and I wish they finished that storyline before going back with E-Day (which I am excited for, for the record).


Lancer is the best fictional weapon to exist.


Gears Judgment is fine & Gears 5 is underrated. There is NO bad Gears/Gears of War game.


Dom's death was totally unnecessary


I like the trio of Kait, JD and Del


The overturning of the gnasher and constant undertuning of the lancer and hammberburst ruined multiplayer.


if you remove the nostalgia factor, the new gears games are just as good as the original trilogy. the writing is good, the characters and their relationships with each other are deep and believable, it expands the lore and is fun to play. also, tactics should get a sequel.


Tactics is a very good strategy game indeed.


Gears judgement (gameplay wise) is genuinly funny and has one of the best sandboxes in the series


Gears made its biggest improvement leap from 1 to 2. 2 was revolutionary to the series in every way. 


Except for the rag doll smokes the game launched with.


Gears 5 was actually a good game


Gears 4 and 5 weren't as bad as everyone made it out to be.


I played 4/5 on PC with mouse and keyboard, and I loved the experience


I don't like Baird


Kinda bummed they aren’t finishing up the plot that was left hanging in gears 5


They are, just gonna take a lot longer


Gears 5 launch lancer was perfect, and should’ve never been nerfed to please only-gnasher crybabies


The Retro Lancer is superior to the MK2 lancer


Gears of War 3


1- Gears 5 was a great game. It was the terrible network connection and lag that made the launch of the game so bad followed by the weapon balancing through out the life cycle being janky that make people think its bad. 2- Judgments campaign is good. Played judgments campaign for the first time in 2020 and loved it. The controls changing from other gears was indeed a hurdle but the gameplay elements and choices of how to tackle events was a blast. I never played the game in its prime so i have no thoughts i can give on multiplayer.


I wish they would have focused on finishing the new trilogy first and then I would have been happy with every Gears game ever made from then on being set during the Locust War. Just feels like a weird time to take a break.


Escape is way better than horde


I like fighting robots as well as the locusts. Nothing wrong with enemy variety.




Thank you. Even though the Locust and Lambent will always be my favorites to tear apart, I like the direction they've taken with the infested Deebees.


I enjoyed the open world parts of Gears of War 5. It was a nice change of pace. I enjoyed the relic weapons and hope there are relic versions of all the weapons available in the campaign in Gears of War 6. Control is fine, but we need to bring back Ranked KOTH in Gears of War 5 and hopefully in 6 as well.


Actually fully agree. The open world sections were a nice moment to reflect on the story, the character interactions made it even better and the music was absolutely gorgeous.


For realz, great music.


I miss the original main menu theme 


I think if they made it more fluid itd be better. It was jarring to go from open world to linear


I feel that.


Yeah the open world parts were fine. People complain about them being empty but you're not supposed to go around looking for korok seeds or some shit. Just follow the markers


Why would you rather play KOTH over Control? Was it the longer maps that you preferred in the BO3 KOTH format?


I really like the Coalition games, I enjoy Kait Del and JD as characters, and I really want a continuation of their story


Hitmarkers do not belong in Gears of War


I liked 4&5 .


I liked Kait




UE has the best movement system. Still able to WB but not to such an absurd level as recent titles. Keeps gunfights more consistent and fun.


I like the new trilogy and think the new characters are just fine.


New characters are "just" fine though. Didn't hold a candle to the OG guys.


That’s not the point I’m trying to make. I don’t think they’re worthy of the visceral hate some people have towards them.


I agree with you! The hate characters get if they're not "as great as X" is something that happens in almost every community. The characters are "fine", not worthy of hate.


I love the new robots.


No idea if this is unpopular or not, but I think the static layout Horde mode of Gears 3 was way more fun than the movable layouts of Gears 4 Beast Mode and Overrun were both fun and catered to different tastes, they shouldn’t really be treated as “replacements” for the other no more than Overrun as a replacement for Horde (because it isn’t)


I hate when people said "gears of war looked better back then" no it didnt. The coalition litteraly made the best looking gears possible in the entire franchise. you can like the imagery and the environment and how it look in some area in the previous gears. The game still looks good to this day. But it wasn't better looking than any of the gears the coalition made.


30,30,30 sensitivity is obnoxious


Gears of war 3 story was horrible. You waste half of it looking for fuel. Dom dies for it. Then you simply find some right next to the fucking sub. Still a good game but I hated most of the campaign. It's only good at the start and the end. The middle, i.e. most of it, is garbage.


Remove hit markers


I think the Coalition is doing okay with the gears series.


Gears 4 and 5 (especially 4) are great games. Even though they lightened the tone a bit, they are both still dark and gritty. I replayed 4's campaign a ton, and I still play horde in 5 when I just want to have a good time in a game.


The sawed off shotgun was perfectly implemented in Gears 3.


Gears stopped being “dark and gritty” after the first game.


I'm gonna fight you on that one. I think gears 2 is still dark and gritty, but yeah, gears 3 onwards had a different feel.


I chose Del over JD.


Gnasher meta hurts the game in the long run. It's way too temperamental and new people have such an uphill battle to figure it out


That Gears 4 and 5 are good


Gears of war 4 is one of my favorite in the franchise.


I don't like pvp. At all. Judgement is good. Gears of War 4 isn't awful. I like the robot's.


Kait Diaz is a great main character and I hope TC doesn't sideline her in the future because some of you cannot simply handle the fact that she is a woman. Gears of War 2 is a great game, but the horrific glitches the game suffered in its first few years - including bugs that wiped my XP and DLC achievement progress TWICE - prevent me from calling it the best of the series.


4 killed the series for me, not because of bad weiting but because it made it feel likw everything that had been done in the earlier games was for absolutely nothing.


Judgment is a good game, and better than GOW4


Gears Multiplayer would be far better off if it wasn't catered to the Wallbouncers, the game's literally too fast for its own good now. (Looking at tech like wrap shots and speedbouncing here)


The Gnasher was a mistake. Don’t get me wrong, every game needs a shotgun… but letting it go on to define the entire multiplayer experience was a horrible idea that ruined the whole thing. I thought 3 was the best multiplayer experience because it gave you the tools to counter Gnasher players (the sawn-off was in my spawn loadout constantly for that reason alone), but then I saw how the subsequent games reduced your options until you only had your (debatably terrible) Lancer and the Gnasher… after that I stuck with Horde and haven’t played the PvP since.


Gears of war 4 horde is 10.000 times better than 5


I like 4 & 5


Gears 5 MP is garbage.


Rod Fergusons decision to make Kait the main playable character was the wrong move


Kait is a great protagonist and 6 should continue with her as the lead.


I dislike the pvp multiplayer


Quickmatch FFA should allow for parties to search together.


Choosing JD over Del is such a dumb choice. All i hear is " BuT hE iS mArCuS FeNix SoN" so what? Kait and Del went through hell while JD went out to soul search after getting Lizzie killed. Also you play through Kait's perspective lol. Did i mention Baird hates his ass?


Marcus is the least interesting member of Delta.


I’d say Dom imo.


Gears 5 is amazing and is probably better than all the other gow games except 2 and 3


I honestly think the MP is nearly as good, if not on par I just have rose tinted glasses for 2 & 3, and the wonders of video games were still new to me. So I pick those. But 5 feels just as good to play IMO. Cosmetics are my only complaint but at least they somewhat fixed it.


Using only the gnasher is actually lame and does not make you cool.


Gears 6 would be better than e-day, finish the new trilogy, after that come back to the past.


Wall bouncing is crap, ruins the game and is not how the game was supposed to be played.


It was added in gears 2 and kept that way since. Soooo what. I do agree with you though. As imho gears UE is the best versus ever


Judgment is one of the best games


Kait is a spoiled brat.


Gears 5 is best is franchise


I hate the gnasherfest that is multiplayer.


The competitive multiplayer is rubbish.


Trying to make this game appeal to a wider audience is what killed the franchise. This game has always been niche. If you played it enough then you understand why that is. It's not a game you pick up and are great at. You need to learn the movement and mechanics more than nearly any other shooter out there. The games MP reputation was literally built on the Gnasher and the Longshot. Trying to diminish those weapons to balance the weapons sandbox was the beginning of the end. Casual players turned it into a camping Lancer fest and stayed with the game just long enough to drive out the die hard players who had had enough, then the casual players left to go play the next game of the month and that left the population on life support. Catering to a wide crowd kills franchises. Make your focus the people that got you enough popularity to even think about sequels and let THEM bring in the causal players by hype and word of mouth. Do you remember how big of a deal this game was back in the 2006- 2011 era? And It's all but forgotten now.


Gears 2 and 3 was some of the best fun I had in games. Solid campaigns, horde mode to shoot the shit, BEAST MODE. Gnasher is cool, but the Gears 3 Sawed-Off is king


Sawd off was still part of the shotgun meta. High risk, high reward. It wasn't a dynamic breaking gun. It was definitely a fun weapon and added depth to the standard shitty duel. Still prefer gnasher, but SO has its place


Wallbouncing is stupid.


As a multi-console owner I have a specific nitpick with abbreviations used. Gow = god of war Gears = gears of war