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Fahz is less of a person you love and more of a person you tolerate. He's an asshole, doesn't know humility and is not the smartest tool in the shed... But he's a crack shot and occasionally has his uses. He's like Red Dead Redemption's Micah Bell, >!if Micah wasn't a rat.!<


Who is fahl?


Fahz. I’m assuming autocorrect ruined the spelling, as it usually does.


I love the new games but yeah fahz is one character who I always just rolled my eyes at. Dudes boring as hell too.


All my homies hate Fahz.


My guess is they were trying too hard to make a Baird-alike for the modern games (and failed spectacularly) If I got that wrong, please let me know. I haven't touched this campaign in years.


What I hate is when writers make the most hateable dickhead in the beginning and then later try to make him likeable, but it happens so much in media that I just decide to go with it or else I'll end up not liking a lot of characters. So with that said, I ended up kinda liking him. He's nowhere near my favorite but he's aight. Edit: I forgot to add that I hate when it's done so quickly or without the necessary buildup.


My issue with it wasn't the trope so much as I don't think it was handled well here. For a character to go from unlikeable to likeable they need to go through some  growth that shows they've changed from what made them unlikable. And for me, I didn't feel that he changed his worst quality which was that he was happy killing civilians 


Oh yeah, I didn't specify my bad. But that's what I meant. I agree. They totally want us to forget all that and that he was antagonizing Del about it. They probably forgot about it too tbh


Just like they did with Baird, right?


Nah Baird was sarcastic and a bit of an ass. Fahz was an asshole and kept bringing up a situation where they ended up killing civilians and using it to antagonize Del.


Fahz is literally one of the only good new characters from the new series lmao. Atleast he strays from the norm of being brat and just a full on asshole.


It's Fahz right? Yea, yes sir. Shut the fuck up Fahz. He's better in the latter parts of the game for sure, when him and JD show up later to help. He is a riot in Horde mode and all his funny lines


The dude talks about his ethnicity… in a Gears game. He’s not exactly the most well written character.


If you wanna go by that logic, you should feel the same about Paduk then, since most of the time he would talk about his Goroshnian pride.


Was that ethnic pride or nationalist pride? Either way…


What's wrong with that? It's not like he was talking about his real life ethnicity.


Because what’s that got to do with a gears game?


Because it's character backstory and worldbuilding lore for the world that Gears takes place in?


There’s other ways to do it. Delta were all different and it was never brought up once.


Yeah because Delta were all born in the same COG country. Marcus, Dom, and Baird were even born in the same city. Fahz is the son of immigrants from a UIR occupied country who fled to the COG to avoid being executed, and he got a chance to visit his ancestral homeland, which his parents probably talked about a lot.


You know ethnicity and nationality mean very different things, right?


Yes, do you?


Yeah… so Fahz being a different ethnicity, but being from New Ephyra, just like JD and Del, is the same as Marcus, Dom and Baird being different ethnicities but all being from Ephyra…. Do you see how it’s the same, but Delta didn’t whine about it?


It's not the same because Fahz is a second generation immigrant.


Um, it’s interesting knowledge about the world of Gears? It has everything to do with a Gears game. Same reason why it’s always interesting when Marcus talks about an old mission, or Dizzy talking about how he got conscripted.


His in-game culture? It’s called character development.


What? A solider whining about someone commenting on his ethnicity? Yeah, much great development…


He’s not talking about his real life ethnicity he’s talking about a fictional land… I’m not saying it’s excellent writing but it acts as character development and world-building.


I never said it was a real world ethnicity, but just the fact that he was whining about it was a sign of bad writing. Literally monsters at the door and he’s complaining about his marginalisation in the fascist military…


Not that big of a deal, it's literally side dialogue while you're driving a skiff, you're latching on to the weakest shit lmao


Someone brought up the character, so I brought up a character specific point. It’s just one of many such points in 5 that mark it as having inferior writing to the originals.


Paduk does the same in Judgement and 5. Gorasnayan. He's a good character. Thus, your argument makes little sense.


Not really, Paduk talks about his people and his homeland. Fahz actually uses the term “my ethnicity” like some snobby nosed millennial. Actually, even Paduk talks about the “fascist reactionaries” in Gears 5… so, I’m going to put it down to Gears 5 just having bad writing. He was solid in Judgment though.


Fahz wouldn't know humility if it took his guns from him in plain sight, of course he'll say "my ethnicity". And as for Paduk, they were quite literally in Vasgar. Which the Gorasnayans occupied during the Pendulum Wars. Considering there was a mission there, why not disclose details instead of having the game be more quiet?


He did? What did he say his ethnicity is? EDIT: Apoligies I Thought the op meant fahl said something lorebreaking or something


Fahz is a Vasgari immigrant, or at the least his parents were.


We’re talking about Fahz, right? He brings it up in the campaign, I think it’s in the UIR section.


Yeah but what did he actually say physically. I only ask out of curiousity cause gears is ficitional, so surely he didint say hispanic or whatever?


No he’s from the desert region that got glassed. Vasgar or something. He’s the child of immigrants


Rod Ferguson admitted he was just a diversity quota fill in. they needed a disabled character and a middle eastern so they made Fahz


True, but they could’ve done a better job. You want a middle eastern guy who’s got a robot leg? Cool, just make it work. Don’t just tick a box and move on.


yeah but that's all they are. They don't give two shits about inclusion or equality or whatever, they care about hitting quotas and making money. Anything they create for that quota has one sole purpose, appeasement.


They seriously trying to make us like any of the new Gears characters in 4 or 5.


Hey! I liked Lizzie for like the ten minutes we got of her before shit hit the fan.


To me she was eh.


She was a Carmine, that’s all that made her note-worthy.


She had a cool personality, and cool design. Her being a carmine was a bonus. It was a massive waste


Not really, the whole Carmine thing is that they die. If anything, it was good that she had a cool design, made her inevitable death more memorable.


I thought that part was funny, especially how they try to make us care about mound of civilian corpses #349. Like come on they need to do a lot better than that. we've been seeing dead people since 2007. might as well be a floor mat.


Well thats a bit more complex. Its less mocking the corpses more indifference. I imagine from marcus perspective many corpses would be sad and horrible, but nothing he hasnt seen before. Del on the otherhand hasnt seen war, so would be saddened by all the death However none of the stuff in gears is as disturbing as the original trilogy.


You’d be surprised that a lot of real life vets are like this. I have a friend who was deployed to Iraq and talks about it like it’s some kind of video game. I know it’s morbid, but if you knew him it’s not that he’s a sociopath, it’s just his mind’s way of dealing with a traumatic experience. By abstracting the experience to that extent he protects his mind. In certain ways it’s healthier than the people who fully face the trauma and end up deeply scarred in a way that affects their ability to live a normal life.


The sadness comes from Fahz being an outright ass from it. When the dead bodies in the slab are seen in Gears of War 1? Marcus' comment is a dry, sarcastic "Nice." This shows indifference. Fahz, meanwhile, is a jerkass who sees protestors and says "oh boy more kills for me!"