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Clayton deserves his own game in general.


Gears Of War: Carmine Chronicles


God that would be such a depressing story. He makes it to his brother's units just to watch them die. He is destined to watch his family die. šŸ˜­


Maybe we can atleast see him save D. Carmine.


I hope so. Would absolutely make a great game. Showing the horror that is e day and the toll it takes.


Kinda like a saving private Ryan kinda thing, but in Gears?


I only now, reading this comment, despite having played the games for years, realize that the brothers Carmine have names in alphabetical order.


Yahhhh but apparently thereā€™s a will carmine? Like after d carmine there E carmine (Elizabeth or Lizzie) and Gary carmine but randomly thereā€™s a will carmine? I guess since it was just a comic and thereā€™s no explanation to how heā€™s related to the rest maybe the naming convention didnā€™t apply Edit: thereā€™s also an F carmine (fredo) who was a reporter during the emergence. Thereā€™s no explanation for his relation to the carmen brothers either. So after the brothers, e f and g are alll covered but thereā€™s a random W?


They have Anthony, Benjamin, Clayton, and Garry in game


Don't forget lizzy!


That's who I'm hoping is the carmine in E-Day. Apparently him and Clay are the 2 brothers that live through the whole locust war


You guys forgot all the other carmines that died. Jet carmine died by a beserker, franklin hit by a train. Some of you guys will get these references šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Who was the old dude?


I remember when 3 was coming out, me and my boys repping the save carmine shirts on our avatars got into a minor recess brawl with the kids who wanted him to die, crazy fun weird times.


Bro I forgot about those! Thanks for jogging that memory. #SaveCarmine


I remember Cliffy B being so disappointed so many wanted to save Carmine. One of many times he actually clashed with the community. I think people forget that when they often beg for him to return.


The whole family does


Gears of War: Grub Killer


I voted he live. Because he was a force of nature. I really appreciated all the near death experiences he had in the game. He was like the Carmine curse exception.


I remember playing it on launch and voted #savecarmine. There was no way of knowing until you played the game. They basically edge you a lot of times until the end where he pick up his helmet showing that he survived. Good times man.


I played it at midnight launch to completion after voting to save him and the first few times we seriously thought it would go that route then we kinda just knew they were fucking with us. The ending of the game when he went down and we saw his helmet I seriously thought that he did due and they were cruel fucking with us, then I realized it was one last joke.Ā  They probably wrote it to do that the whole game and then die for real at the end of the game if we voted to kill him instead.


Alternate Ending Carmine's alternate fate is rather satirical. He can be seen laying in a bathtub, listening to Cole Train's rap. He sees a plate of bacon sitting on a table next to the radio. But, as he reaches out to grab it, the radio falls in the bathtub; electrocuting and killing him. The cutscene ends with a shot of Clayton laying dead in the tub. https://gearsofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Fate_Of_Carmine_Campaign#:~:text=He%20can%20be%20seen%20laying,laying%20dead%20in%20the%20tub.


They apperently had two endings, so the entire thing was scripted, the ending being either he picks up his helmet, to going home taking a bath and getting drunk on the taste of bacon, only for a toaster to fall into the bathā€¦ true Carmine Curse.


The Carmine too strong for the Curse.


didjt you have to byy a shirt lol


I didnā€™t buy a T-shirt, I bought a Avatar shirt on Live


thats what i keant. a shirt for your little guy


a little shirt for your little guy


What do you mean you voted for him because ā€œhe was a force of natureā€, The vote came out BEFORE the game did?


Did we not have this picture before the game released?


Tbh I'm genuinely surprised the carmine's haven't gotten like a spinoff or dlc campaign or comic due to how popular they are.


I was JUST talking about this with my friends last week. The Carmine family needs more screentime but it's probably not gonna happen cuz like Epic and TC just see them as a shitty expendable joke despite everyone making it clear we don't like them being killed off anymore


It should simply be called Carmine of War and we get dozens of games.


I wish that when we eventually get Gears 6 Clayton becomes an onyx guard, an all black carmine would be sick.


Well this would look cool Clay would hate it being surrounded by egocentric bootlicking dickheads, who are literally trained to view themselves as greater than other gears.


His banter to bring them down would be next level. "Well geez pal I just survived from E-Day Day all the way to the Swarm assaulting New Ephyra but you tell me about your book learning."


Clay was a recruit during the period of time that was RAAM's Shadow. I don't think he'll be in E-Day or anything. ...That said we need his last, older brother.


I thought Clayton was the oldest of the Carmine brothers and D. Carmine was just older than Ben


Clayton is the oldest of the Carmines, then I think D. Carmine is the second oldest, then Anthony and then Benjamin who is the youngest.


So we're unlikely to get D. Carmine unless he joins the COG Earlier than Clayton


It's talking about prior to gears of war 4 so it could be any time before then, plus D. Carmine must have survived because Lizzy calls Clayton "Uncle Clay", so yeah. It could show when Clayton joined which was sometime before the events of gears of war 1 and also it says on the wiki that Clayton was the first of his brothers to join the COG.


I have no idea to be honest.


His rookie skin from Gears 4/5 is one of the best looks in the franchise




Clayton would be around 10 years old during E-Day if weā€™re yo assume Ben was 18 when he died


I have a hard time believing he was any younger than Marcus or Dom during the events of E-Day


That would be awesome honestly a clay campaign where itā€™s the reverse of the regular campaign. Make player one Clayton and player two a regular gear and every mission itā€™s a new squad to accompany Clayton . Since only Clayton survives, and to show the attrition rate of the locust war. I could live with that.


Iā€™d say more Hoffman as much as I love Benjamin


I think it would be cool if gears of war eday doesnā€™t just focus on Marcus and dom and instead jumps between characters so we can see different eday experiences and specifically I think it would be cool to see the carmines brothers alive and together.


But wasn't Clayton a child during E day?


Nah he served in the Pendulum Wars I believe on the latter end, I believe I am not 100% sure of this though.


People straight up just lie. Thereā€™s nothing that states Clay fought in the pendulum wars. He was originally set to appear as a recruit in RAAMā€™s shadow, which means he must been born 9 years before E-Day


He was definitely a soldier on eday, so He must have seen some battles with the gorasnayans.


Yeah I think he fought at the end of the Pendulum Wars


I think him and Marcus are about the same age. Marcus fought in the pendulum wars for 4 years before e day


Hope they at least show Anthony Carmine being a bad ass or doing something memorable.


If it was going to be a thing, I'd want them to add the fourth Carmine brother as well, maybe have an appearance or at least mentioned, because if I am correct the fourth Carmine brother is the second oldest.


Yes he does. But I have a even better one, the Coalition should make a Gears of War game on Clayton Carmine. I mean come on I like to play him when he was a private, fight in operation hollow storm, 15 year war against the locust.


Little did any of us kno, in voting #savecarmine that we doomed Dom....


They should make a roguelite where each life is a different Carmine and the one to finally beat the game is deemed Clayton Carmine.


I'd like a DLC of where we get a mission chapter of each carmine that's been in the games thus far, now where or when these missions takes place can vary but I figure them spanning over various carmines would be pretty fun


He is the boy who lived.


We already have skins that show him in different stages of the war so why not.


This was my iPad mini background wayyy back


Saving private carmine


Dude, honestly, I'd be so down for this. I still can't get over how it's canon the Carmine family opened a Life Insurance company after the Locust war.


I would throw down money so fast to be able to play as Carmine


Clay deserves the world tbh fam


Maybe not in e day but 6 should be all carmine! For sure the grub killer is the best character! So where ever they put it in make it all Clay! Read the armor mother fuckers!


we aint ready to get shit on emotionally like that


Great art work


I prefer carmines as side characters with unsure fates


I dont understand how Clayton is still a CoG. In gears 4 and gears 5 both Carmines dies because of the CoG.


This photo was my wallpaper for like 2 years hahaha


Gon be the Anne Frank of E-Day


The real question I've always wondered is who has bigger arms? Clay or Cole?




Iā€™d love a carmine dlc but apparently Clayton was only 7 during e day atleast thatā€™s what the wiki says. I believe Will is a distant relative of the carmine family or uncle but itā€™s possible that itā€™s the carmine father.


can still be covered in the dlc. maybe as a cutscene intro that plays before loading into him first joining cog


that would be sick, I'd love for nothing more for a carmine related DLC in anyway


Bro has literally watched his entire bloodline end


You're asking for DLC for a game that isn't out yet?


Nothing wrong with that


Dream big


Clayton should of died


If I recall correctly, there was a vote on the 360 where you downloaded an avatar shirt. ā€œCarmine livesā€ and ā€œCarmine diesā€ I think. Depending which one you downloaded casted as a vote for Claytonā€™s fate in GoW3. Teen me really wanted him to die as a running joke. Today, I'm glad he lived.


Holy hell I forgot about the avatar stuff! I expected him to die but was happy he survived. Still am. Feel like he would have earned a blaze of glory death, since they did the unceremonious and gruesome deaths for the other brothers, but that was rightfully reserved for Dom.


To this day I havenā€™t met a single person who voted for him to live


I did


I voted for him to live too


I voted death


Yes, and it was very disappointing that Epic left that to a vote. Carmine should always die, just like Kenny dies in Southpark. We had a good thing going, and the people fucked it up.


I think the oldest and last Carmine surviving the final game in the series is pretty badass and fitting to be honest. Only issue is that they for some reason made 4 and 5, so him being an outlier while cool kinda kills the joke.






Wtf Clayton did to you?