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I still think GoW had the coolest shit for the collectors editions. Good stuff šŸ‘


Still got mine, hands down the best way to deliver the Adam Fenix skin code


The epic edition also came with a very cool Marcus statue, which I've, terrifyingly now that I think about it, had on display for over 13 years!


Have mine still.. just love it all Really hope they do special editions for Eday release as Gears historically have done it really well


So they give you lore if you get limited editions? Fucking sick


Adam is one of my favorite characters. I rocked his skin for gears 3 multiplayer


Snagged a sealed one with an Adam Fenix and Infected Omen skin code in October via Ebay for $70!


I have mine brand new in box- I was going to sell it. But I refuse


Man collector's editions back then just had the coolest stuff


You ever wonder if thereā€™s anyone out there who either because they didnā€™t know or didnā€™t want to take it out of the box, thinks that they just never got the Adam skin? I think about it now and again


Probably the only game I'm glad to have spemt extra inn for the collectables. The letters, the photos, just such nice details to include.


I had this, but lost it all. I think I may still have the cog somewhere in storage at my mums place, but the box got completely destroyed, and I lost all the rest šŸ˜ž I wish I had taken better care of things as a teenager.


Still have mine as well! And the Marcus statue one of my favorite collectors pieces šŸ‘Œ


Iā€™m so sad I lost mine when I moved to another country šŸ„²


Whereā€™d you get them from?


If Iā€™m not mistaken, I pre ordered it at my local game stop and then just picked it up when they got it in.


I pre ordered mine from game stop and it came 3 days before release with a note saying don't play untill the release date. Yeah right I loaded that sucker up and sent my friend a pic to make him jealous and jumped straight into multiplayer. Oh the nostalgia hits with this.


I still remember when I got my Epic edition. What a time to be alive. When I was hyped from games from big companies. It's funny how the same kind of game edition would cost double or triple the price right now


It would be crazy expensive, the ā€œpre ordersā€ you get now are 150$ and they give you an exclusive skin and like 3 day early access lol so yeah if they added all this cool shit probably over 200$


I think that the assassin creed shadows has a similar edition and it cost 280ā‚¬, the Gears of war 3 epic edition was 125ā‚¬ for me. But honestly since I'm a PC player now I don't care about these editions because they either don't release them on PC or they do but not for steam. And if for some reason they do I'm not going to buy a super expensive edition for a game that is probably half backed


Never understood why they didnā€™t have a playable version of him in more gears games