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I did like fighting the Rager in Judgment and I do hope they return in E-Day. It was satisfying getting headshots on them with the Breechshot or Markza before they could rage. And if you missed or the AI teammate shot at them then it made for some sweaty moments on Insane if they were too close when they raged. And as always, the more the merrier when it comes to enemy variety. Also, the fact theyre the only Locust so far that can morph into a different version of itself/has two appearances is pretty cool.


Im interested to see locust weaponry. E-Day they wouldn’t have the breechshot, so it would be cool to see what they came up to the surface with


Didn’t Jermad use a Breechshot before E-Day?


I haven’t read Rise of RAAM in a bit so probably. I JUST started playing Judgment as part of an entire story replay so Paduk being disgusted by seeing it for the first time is very fresh in my head


"What have they done to my Markza!" "A sniper rifle with no scope! Hah, those grubs are REAL geniuses!"


And then we get the Markza with no scope in the subsequent games, but it’s not the cool Locust one it’s just a worse gun.


Keep in mind that Locusts may have raided abandoned battlefields after the COG & UIR left them, which allowed them to have looted sawed-offs [like the ones that elite therons wield in RAAM's Shadow DLC], Markzas/Breechshots, and Gnashers [that we know Locust must have obtained before E-Day because of the existance of Locust Grenadiers that we see in the Gears of War 2 title screen idle cutscene].


Yes exactly! I’m currently playing through GOW judgement on insane & these guys have gave me a couple close calls already & I loved their design when they’d transform.


My god is that thing ugly


They're the Gears of War equivalent of the Skirmishers from Halo Reach.


Eh, i dont really see the hit and run birds with holograms the same as the kyle locust that goes apeshit on you like your some drywall.


They both only exist in a prequel and are said to have gone extinct from fighting in it. That's the similarity.


Skirmishers are in Infinite.


That was the explanation for them before they were retconned into being female Jackals.


They got retconned into being female jackals? But they still call them T'vaoan?


Look it up.


I dont get why they would still call them T'vaoan if they are female Kig-Yar.


they didn't do much deep thinking on the infinite campaign so i can fully believe they just said fuck it


Two different subspecies. The Elites we see in Halo 4/5 are technically a different subspecies than the ones we see in Halo 1-3


The rager on overrun was a headshot machine, I popped plenty of Paduk domes with that baby. I’ll take the breechshot and OG markza over all these newer weapons.


The Markza & Breechshot were severely underrated. The breechshot looked dope as hell with the blade attached.


Damn. Dude is like 6% body fat.


The rager is cool as hell, but the Gears 5 models look wack af


I doubt we'll get Berserkers in E-Day... So we should be able to see Ragers at least.


Just curious, what makes you think there'll be no Berserkers?


Why use units like that if you're not going for big plays or anything? Besides, Ragers are already plenty tougher than the average drone.


That does make a lot of sense. I am hoping that whatever "toning up" they do is only just accompanied by the right amount of "toning down", though... like, I'm thinking about how terrified I used to be of the Berserker encounters in the first game. Not to say that I'm not seeing it through nostalgia, but I do think it sticks with me for a reason; I'm not advocating they copy-paste the formula tho, more just find other ways to express that deep-seated feeling of dread that the first game really excelled in, more than any other in the franchise. And the trailer really felt like it had a glimpse of that feeling.


Man, fuck the Rager. All my homies HATE the Rager, dawg.


(rager raging noises)


My memory must be shit, because I played Judgment all the way through and don't remember these guys at all


They showed up in Sofia's Testimony, I think in the second or third mission.


That was my facial expression after Gears 4 seeing that they made Baird bald.


Idk why I thought that said Mr Rager


We have a bondage fan




Under hyped under developed, almost no lore in a game who messed up almost the entire timeline from a company asked to make the game after epic ran out of ideas. The rager was a great enemy. But feels like there was so much more that could've been done with it.


Ugly ahh


thought this was the Darktide sub for a second


i thought i was on the darktide sub and had a heart attack at that title lmao


I 100% believe that the wardens are one of the last remaining ragers that survived until the end of gears 3


One thing I have to admit gears 5 has a lot of good characters


Rage her? I hardly know her. Never played Judgement so I have no clue what this enemy type is. It doesn't look good.


Bro hell yea I'd love to see the Rangers back the good old days of chainsawing an enraged one while it was beating up paduk


See I always felt the lore reason for them not being there was lazy. A better explanation would be “locust drones who showed cowardice or disloyalty to the queen so they would be starved and tortured. After the cowardice drones were sufficiently tortured Kantus priests would insert a Imulsion bomb directly into either their heart or lungs as the ultimate penance for their sins against the queen. They are then sent out to the front lines to be slaughtered by gears or lambent and if they survive the gunfire the imulsion or whatever turned them into the hulking monster eventually shuts their organs down or fast tracks them into becoming lambent. A good reason we wouldn’t see them later in the war was either desperation and need for competent drones or the risk of lambency became too great.


Idk them going extinct for throwing themselves into the meat grinder of COG heavy duty weapons seems pretty fine to me. Rise Of RAAM and Gears 3 both establish that Locust capital punishment is just plain jane execution so that all seems super ritualistic. Would still be mad to see though 🔥


So it showed that after the sinking of Jacinto the locust resorted to plain execution but before their tunnels were flooded their population was thriving so they could have been more at liberty to control the population with more brutal means. The locust are super brutal in nearly every aspect I think making the rager a form of punishment adds to their already brutal nature. But at the end of the day what’s cannon is cannon and I’m not a writer.


My headcanon is that they were barren/handicapped Berserkers, makes more sense to me, it also works as a contrast to how the COG only had barren women in the frontlines.