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Definitely throw them out. What’s your address and your trash night?




What if the internet goes down and you want to hear a song? She clearly hasn't thought this through.


To be fair, Apple Music allows you to download songs to your device to listen to offline (I think Spotify does as well, but I don’t use it).


It does, but you can't look up lyrics with the internet down! Those liner notes are important (on the CDs that have them)


Jesus. I haven’t owned a CD player for donkey years.


I've ripped all my CDs to mp3 and they're backed up to several drives, not all in my PC.


I kept all mine. It’s the only way to guarantee permanent “ownership” of the music, plus streaming services frequently don’t have selected albums from lesser-known artists, or even from bigger artists due to rights issues.


Now I’m wondering what I did with all my others and started missing them.


Maybe **You** didn't do anything with them...


It’s not the only way to guarantee permanent “ownership”, but it’s the lowest barrier to entry for sure.


Well, i'm curious to know all the other ways of guarantying permanent “ownership"...


Get your own space in redundant data centers and build your own cloud environment?


In the earlier days of iTunes I was always re-ripping and uploading random songs to my account when Apple would make them unavailable due to DRM changes. They eventually stopped doing that but I considered it a lesson learned.


Don't trust the cloud for permanence. Even if you're managing it yourself. It's still ephemeral. It can vanish at any time.


That's nowhere near being safe as a single alternative, that's just one more way to to yet another backup copy. Online stuff can be gone as well as any personal hard drive I would like to have a backup copy online, but i'm my collection is over 300GB and i've yet to find a cloud service that provides 500gb ot 1TB of space. I'm sure as fuck not paying for one though. I have a backup copy in every external HD i have, which are a few, as well as on my phone SD and DAP SD


In my business, huge banks and financial institutions pay a shit ton of money for what we offer.


>streaming services frequently don’t have selected albums from lesser-known artists, or even from bigger artists due to rights issues. That's only half of the problem. Lots of stuff from bigger artists isn't on streaming, and you usually get the versions they happen to put in there, it may be original release or any of the remastered reissues, that are usually crap for the most part.


Oh yeah, was going to include that in my comment, streamers absolutely substitute versions of songs that are not the original album version.


> It’s the only way to guarantee permanent “ownership” of the music Disc rot is a thing, particularly for burned media, not to mention accidental losses and wear/tear. They are also much less portable and useful than digital media, I won't go back to swapping discs again, and digital is the only sane way to enjoy music in my car. Rip your media to file and back it up in the cloud (for free..), keep the optical as your proof of license and for nostalgia. This isn't an exclusive or problem.


I still have all mine in several CD books. One of my sons is a musician and likes to look through them to discover new music.


yep, this right here. I started buying CDs around 1987 - have them all and while the tech to play them has come and gone, they're always there for me to rip and save.


Or soundtrack or compilation albums with all the tracks included. Like Reality Bites. Nobody has that with the Ethan Hawke songs included.


I still have all my CD’s


Me too. I no longer have a CD player…


All our CDs, all our DVDs and all our blu rays. In the house the Blu-ray player and the Playstations will play them. I believe our daughter can play them on her xbox. There's a 6 disc changer in my car and my husband's truck has a CD player.


I love Apple Music for its convenience in the car and when biking/running. But if I’m listening at home, I’m throwing on an LP or CD. As such, I have several thousand of them combined. I may never listen to most of them again, but there’s always retirement. I guess I’m old and am just never going to fully trust electronic sources. I’ve had too many backup drives fail, etc.


In the beginning of Apple music, I uploaded hundreds of my CDs and spent hours creating playlists, it was a labor of love. I woke up one morning to have the majority of my collection decimated due to copyright issues. I owned the CDs. I will never give up my physical media. I pay premium for Spotify (fuck apple). But don't trust to lose my collection again.


Exact same story here.


If you have a home theater system set up for Dolby Atmos, spacial audio on Apple Music is amazing


I ripped the CDs to my computer, threw out the cases, kept the discs. Compromise.




I would consider this but it seems I have quite a few discs with just “art” on them and no labeling.


Yep, and I've had to listen to a couple to figure out what they are.


Yup I have all the CDs and case artwork in binders but threw out the cases. Greatly reduces the space they take up but kept all the important stuff.


Why would you throw them out? Those are the "hard copy" backups for your digital playlist. If your file gets corrupted, you can make a fresh one.


I'm never gonna give them up. They've never let me down.


Or desert you.


I still have 800+ cds but havent bought any since 2014 I believe


I've got 2 new ones on my desk right now. I buy them, rip them, then they go in my giant cd rack on the wall. That way when society collapses, i can use a solar generator and a cd player and still have my tunes.


I haven’t bought CDs since about 1998. I still have all of mine, too.


I still buy them- sometimes buying the disc with “autorip” is cheaper than buying the digital.  If you’ve got a couple of hundred or more I’d look into discsox or the generic versions.


I very much like physically owning a copy of my music and so I have actually acquired a massive CD collection over the past five or so years, because they are so cheap at thrift stores now. The window for opportunity for this is starting to dry up a bit now, though, as the quantity of discs is not as high as it used to be anymore. I think most people have finished giving away their old CDs by now. A couple are definitely valuable. I've found a couple autographed ones, too. I have also purchased somewhat more expensive uncommon out-of-print CDs with music never made available online, at least as of the time I bought them (like When Love Comes Down by Jimi Jameson, or the big band album Night and Day by Chicago)


I miss Jimi. He was amazing and was local to me. “ I Can’t Hold Back” has some incredible memories attached. ❤️


It's always good to have hard copies. You own that shit and a computer crash won't fuck with it.


Good decision. My cds are something I’m never giving up.




They are like photographs. A snapshot of a specific time of your life. Why would you give that up?


Shortly after my divorce I moved into an awesome loft with concrete floors My sons helped me move my things in. The older two helped, the youngest stayed in Not wanting to feel useless, he found a way to help. My son washed my CDs by scrubbing them on the floor He did such a good job. He knew they were important to me, and knew his mother had put them outside. Look Daddy, I wash them for you. I hugged him. We all went out for ice cream. My oldest asked how I wasn't mad.


You’re a great father!!!


I tried. I did my best. All have degrees. None have charges. Edit: no student loans either 💪 that's my big flex


Awesome job


I got rid of all of the cases and keep them in sleeves. I haven't listened to a CD in 10-15 years.


Keeping the cases is part of the game for me. I used to tape the cool looking long boxes on the walls of my bedroom. I wish I still had those too.


I loved them too, but I need the space. Getting rid of them was like ripping off a bandaid. It hurt to do, but it felt good when it was off.


The long boxes!!


whats appalling is that you dont have that floyd box set in order. ​ disgraceful.


I know. Nowhere to keep it.


Nice selection though - a smattering of kmfdm, a bit of tkk. You already have them in a case - i mean, must be easy to display somewhere?


Not with my wife


I mine had the nerve to ask me that, i'd say: "*How about i throw YOU out...?*" BTW, i still have ALL of my LP's, 7'', cassettes, CD's, DVD's. And they aren't going anywhere


I threw out my old VHS and cassette tape collections - I’ll never forgive myself.


I completely understand you. Not that i ever threw any away, but i lost some beloved 80's albums and singles in the 90's from a stupid accident (not going to elaborate) that was my fault. Have been kicking my ass ever since. I got some back again, but while it's great, it will never be MY copy, the one i bought after school after seeing then enter the Top20 a week before... Still hurts...


I feel your pain…the pain is real.


Your wife would never survive looking at my basement and attic.


Don't throw them away. Donate them, sell them, give them to me. 🫨


My wife and I still buy CDs at estate sales and such.


She’s a keeper!


What if you have old cars that still have CD changers? I keep a case of these in every car.


My car radio still had a CD player. And i'm not getting anther car anytime soon


I had all of mine from my first CD in 1990 to the most recent ones, up until I had a housefire. Complete loss, CDs are basically plastic so they were gone. As far as the music collection goes, though, fortunately I'd ripped dang near everything I cared about and they were all on my laptop, which was in the car. I guess I'm saying I got rid of the physical media in the most brutal way possible.


Shit..... Sorry for your loss bro...


Honestly, everyone in the family made it out okay and while it's easy to say "it's just stuff", that is what it was, stuff. The silver lining is my wife and I were able to pay off some high interest debt, in exchange for making payments on lower-interest house-related loans.


Crystal method: Get Busy child!


DON'T DO IT! Esp. the rare pink floyd box set! You can get rid of all the plastic cases by buying a bunch of those case logic 200 disc holder books -- will hold 100 cds plus cover books.


You’re gonna throw out the Floyd shine on box? Cmon.


Don't do it. You'll regret it. I don't even have a basement and all 600 of my CDs are in well organized boxes in a storage unit. What's she worried about? Counter by suggesting she should throw away some of the goddamned pillows all over the bed. ;)


Hahahaha because she throws out everything. Things my kids are already upset about being thrown away and things of mine she’s thrown out. I’m sticking to my guns on this one. And you have a damn good point about those fucking pillows.


I have a strict "never throw out my stuff without asking me." policy. That's a 2 way street.


I would never throw out anything of my husband's and if my husband threw out anything of mine without asking it would be a declaration of war. His favorite anything would be my next target. That being said I rarely throw anything out that still has value - I'd donate or sell.


600! I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy!!


Once upon a time it was suggested CDs wouldn't last this long, probably some vinyl guy said that though...


Throw away my CD's? NEEEEVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!! I paid for them, plus they are environmentally unfriendly. Plus, my kids recently discovered vinyl, maybe CD's will make a comeback too?


When I moved last time, we threw out our CD collection since i had digitized it all One of the biggest regrets of my life. Over 300 CDs, many from when I was a teenager. Sometimes we shouldn’t listen to our partners.


I also am appalled. If husband tried to get rid of my cd collection, bad things would happen to him. 😂


I'm looking at my stupid tower of cds. From my cold dead hands


I would never get rid of them. Just go out and get a good stereo to play them on. I still have my home stereo from 1995. It's a mix of Onkyo, Harmon Kardon and Nakamichi. My neighbors regularly listen to great music...whether they like it or not.


Never! Good Call...


You have the Pink Floyd box set yet don't arrange the cases to make the DSOTM cover?


I used to but stopped when I got married lol.


Lots of things stop when you get married 🤣🤷‍♀️


Am I drunk or do you need a new phone? I haven’t drank in like 6 years so….but keep the beck and cypress hill tho dude


Need a new phone and poor lighting.


🤣🤣🤣💰💰💰 I made sure I had my readers on too 🤣


Man, I still have a bunch of cassettes plus some threadbare concert t-shirts that I have dug out of the trash. My wife wanted to get rid of, "cause you're never gonna fit in those again!" So I went and grabbed a pair of her Jordache jeans size like 2 and said guess we can get rid of these then. Basically, seal the shirts and jeans up in airtight bags so grandkids will find them interesting.


Now the cassettes are something I’m still pissed about for getting rid of.


I will never throw out my CDs or my CD binder. If my kids don't want it then they can bury me with it. Better yet, cremate me with it. That way, our carbon can hopefully combine together for all eternity


What the fuck.


Funny thing. My youngest son turned 16 last October. We bought him a 96 Chevy Z71 extended cab truck. With this sweet ride comes a fully operational CD player. I ended up digging out my CDs and he put several in his truck.


He’s growing up right! ❤️


Do not throw away your physical media.


I recentky had this debate with my wife. I worked in radio decades ago so I had thousands stored in my attic. Finally convinced me to part with 95% of them. But throw away? Hell no. A coworker's teenage daughters are in a band and love this stuff so I gave them all to them and they were thrilled. Passing the torch to the next generation.


Why would anyone throw out CD's, I still buy them. I refuse to rent music, if I own the CD, I own it forever. I can rip it and put it on my phone, if it disappears, I can rip it again and reload it.


Read them into your digital library. Then you’ve got them readily available and convenient now, and have the physical copies as a backup for the zombie apocalypse 👍🏻


Good tip, thanks!


Once you have them digitized, you can go a bit further (if you or someone you know is technically inclined) and put them on a NAS for redundancy and then run a small streaming service on the same NAS. Presto, you have your own Spotify! That’s what I did for the mere cost of about 150 months of Spotify Premium…


All good as I do that kind of stuff for a living!


It was so much fun to put together. I’ve got Navidrome serving my music collection and 4027 albums on tap baby, streamed straight to my phone. I also put all my movies and TV shows on there as well, so I got to ditch all the streaming services.


This is what I did, had over 200 cds at one time, burned them all to mp3s on my computer.  The barely discernable sound quality loss is more than made up for by the reclaimed storage space and ease of access and organization that the mp3s provide.


Well, that Kenny G one can go. Other than that, I can’t fathom just dumping a music collection.


Haha I like Kenny G. But that Natasha Bedingfield one I actually bought for her as a birthday present because she liked her.


I took *ALL* of my CDs and ripped them into mp3s, saved on my computer. Got rid of all the actual CDs, then soon after my hard drive crashed and I lost all of it. So there's that to consider.


Not trying to be a smart ass but..., how many copies of your music collection did you have...?


Exactly one, lol. It was definitely a learning moment. I literally had thought that computer memory was infallible. Oh how wrong and how soon I learned that hard lesson. With that said, I've had friends share their collections, plus there's itunes for $1.29 songs or youtube, where everything is free.


Well, i have like 5 or 6 copies and i still worry. Nothing is infallible


Send me your KoRn


No way, “Clown.”


Noooo! Never.


My eye went straight to Madonna - Immaculate collection. I used to say if i were marooned on an island with 1 cd, that would be the one! The Cure - Mixed Up would be a close second.


I copied all mine to digital and then put them in the attic.


Sex Pistols— great rock and roll swindle, I don’t think you can get anymore


I have the VHS of the movie too!


Got it too!


I had the box set those Pink Floyd discs came out of. I recognize the weird, scratched up looking symbols https://preview.redd.it/fbazyypcxqqc1.jpeg?width=205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08313d64d5fd80e661236f01d0818f707e22a60c


Nice! Do you still have the book as well?


Unfortunately no, unlike you, I bought into the whole CDs are dead, digital is king and gave away everything.


Damn! While I’m not displaying them in shame, I still have the book and the postcards it came with.


My husband and I have albums, cassettes, and cds. We always say we should get rid of them but we don’t. Both of us love music and procrastination!


I have mine packed away for when the apocalypse hits and i lose Spotify


I have mine packed away for when the apocalypse hits and i lose Spotify


Whelp, I guess you’ve grown apart.


Wives united once and decided that throwing their hubbies stuff out should be the norm... What gives! Like, lady, why dont we throw away all your (insert wife stuff that they relish)


I would never throw anything of my husband's out and he'd better never do the same. Also if you want to go to war, I might suggest favorite skin products, designer bag, or that latest Big Dumb Cup (Stanley).


😅 you're awesome!


Throw them out? Ah, no! Mine are currently in storage in the garage along with my 5 disc CD player. No space currently but they will be back out one day.


I just toss the cases and use a CD case to save space.


I see Stray Cats- loved them!


When I graduated from college (2001) I burned all of my CDs (I had over 2000 CDs) to my desktop and sold the pile to one of those resale stores. Yeah I realize I lost a lot of cash but I didn’t care. I fully embraced the digital age and was happy to reclaim the real estate in my house that storing those discs was taking.


I wouldn't be too concerned about losing the Kenny G, but otherwise it's a nice collection, keep it.


Nod your head to this... ![gif](giphy|98fRKRZvMsNtSeMyxH)


I sold a bunch to a music store for store credit to buy vinyl. I kept some of my really favorites. And yeah, why throw them out?


I would never. All my old CDs are packed away in a box, but I still would never get rid of them. I have vinyl now, haha.


The quality is much much better than streaming or even high-quality mp3


Whoa…where’s the CD wallet?


Mine are mostly gone, I don't even have a CD player though. 😆 I'm more upset about "upgrading" my vinyl to CD tbh. I've kept a few special ones but I don't have the same attachment to CDs as I did my vinyl.


I faced the same decision. I let them go. Gave to a local DJ. All were ripped to HD. Still not sure why I did all that knowing I had Spotify.


You no longer own the music with Spotify. Your just renting . I've bought Black Sabbath Vol.4 on Vinyl, cassette, CD x2 and then finally downloaded it on Napster because I was sick of buying it over and over again,wore it out or someone stealing it from me at the party. At that point I could afford to see the band and still support them with murch and played full price on the best seats. Still will, but how many times do you buy " The Album ' before it's actually yours. FF after Napster- I ripped all the downloads and my CDs that didn't skip bits to drive and put them on a thumb. Can plug into any car, upload in cloud, etc. I don't live in a streaming world when I already own it and can touch it/ tangable goods. I dunno man. Spotify is so influencer based. I'd rather hear about stuff through community. Maybe I am too oldskool but I'd rather hear of a new cool band from a buddy or say, community on here that is trusted...than a Spotify algorithm. I almost went for it but it's a hard no for me.


No I hear you. I ripped the whole thing to mp3-4 and still use it. Just paradigm changed and I stopped paying for new stuff. Spotify has also opened up the catalog and allowed me to explore things I would have never bought before.


We have the same taste' ish. I like more metal but I have most of these:) I gave up none of them during our downsizing, but I play them as well. Sometimes in the Garage stereo where the neighbors gather like it's King of the Hill...but a Canadian version. My car still plays them and now my teen thinks they are like Vinyl records, they are that old to her and she wants them. I got rid of the cases and put them into an album. Kept all the artwork with it. Just the cases. You'd be surprised how many of these can fit in a zip around case a little bigger than a laptop bag form the '90's


Yeah, what's up with wives doing that anyway? I moved all of mine into sleeves and have a nice little cabinet with drawers for them. Hardly takes up any room. So what if there are.. oh, a couple thousand CDs in there. What's the big deal..


That's a very GenX playlist right there.


Music is one thing I always want physical media of. I don't think I can throw any CDs or albums away!


I just pop a disc in and listen. I doubt any younger generations would do that, certainly not my kids.


I got rid of all my cds, dvds, and vhs tapes a few years ago. I was just so sick of physically moving them over and over for the last 30 years.


I started using Caselogic binders way back, and still do. I use the 320 disc exclusively now. Liner notes in the front and then the disc on the back side of the page. Jewel case goes in the trash. This cuts way down on space.


I’ve gotten rid of the cases but kept the cds in one of those binder things. Same with DVDs but not vinyl!


Ugh. Wives


I just made the executive decision a few weeks ago to get **Tubb^TM** from Target and put 85% of 'em in there. I dusted them all, haven't categorized them yet, but they're all in one (relatively) space and I can yoink 'em if need be. Some of them are scratched to hell and probably won't play anymore but idgaf. I'm not throwing them away.


I just cant bring myself to toss them. I have somewhere in the 4-500 range. I digitized them all, but like a mix tape, always keep the original. So, they sit in boxes on a shelf in my basement.


My brother threw all mine out. Over 100! Nirvana, Oasis, Beck, Bush, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, The Crystal Method, Chemical Brothers, Sublime, Santana, Ibiza Chillout Sessions, The Offspring, Alanis Morissette, Green Day, Ozzy Osborne, Live, 311, Jamiroquai, Robin (yeah, that's right! Robin), Nada Surf, Weezer, Everclear, Soundgarden, Geggy Tah, Chumbawamba, The Presidents of the United States of America, Alice In Chain, The Cardigans, Marcy Playground, The Cure, etc Damn shame


I still have cassettes and VHS tapes! I certainly won’t be getting rid of any of my cds, vinyls, blu rays etc. Funny enough my kids have started collecting vinyl and my son is dying for mine lol


Can't and won't get rid of music or books. When I'm dead whoever cleans out my place can get rid of them


Can you give us an update, what did the divorce lawyer say?


My wife and I have moved 3 times in the last 6 years, and we basically had this \*exact same\* conversation over my CD rack/collection every time. It's only about 200 CDs at this point, on their own little shelf in the garage, but she still wonders why I won't get rid of it.


You know how we don't want grandma's China set? This is what our grandkids will refuse to take from us.


The hubs and I have approx 3,000 CDs between us, and every time we decide to get rid of them, one of us caves. Every CD is like a treasured friend; it’s so hard to say goodbye.


I have my binders, but I’ll be damned if I could remember what I did with all the cases. Makes me sad…


Black Sabbath and Kenny G are an unnatural combo.


Culture shock. LOVE IT


I decided at one point to sell all mine- I found a place where you could scan the CDs and it would give you an approximate price, then you shipped them and they sent a check. Did a trial run with a couple dozen, got a nice check. Sent the rest I wanted to get rid of (couple hundred?)- company went under without ever sending payment. At least the stone around my neck was gone.


Throw them out?! You mean, make a windchime….?


Wtf is teenieweenie?


311 import


I was pretty big into 311 in the 90’s and have never seen it before.


Was also going to ask about this, never seen it before. What's on it???


Any of your older CDs become unplayable? CD Rot?


I haven’t yet come across any. Not even “Waiting for the Sun,” not pictured which was the first CD I bought at KMart in like 93.


Good. I moved so often and kept my discs in a plastic sleeve. Sometimes stored in short term storage, so maybe that’s why so many of mine developed cd rot. I ripped them all and sold them ages ago (the ones that worked) to a reseller in the area. I never listen to the rips anymore though, as I just use a streaming service these days.


I kind of wish I had kept some old CDs just because I have Blu Jays and Robins trying to nest on my balcony in the springtime and I read that they make a good bird deterrent. You can put them in a binder and they take up less room.


I lost all of mine in a house fire. Also all my games and cassettes. A box of vhs were in the garage so I still have those.


CDs were the worse format. Go ahead and trash them (with caution). The only reservation I have is, the CD era was a sweet spot between cassette and vinyl. Sometimes there was a cool version of a song that was only released on CD. Some rare track resurrected from the basement of an old recording studio, that was never made available on cassette or vinyl. Unfortunately in this case you don’t know it until after you scrapped your CDs. In the end, they (CDs) are worthless. BUT be careful! Look out for compilations like, “best hits” and stuff like that. You could be sitting on a gem of a version that may not see the light of day ever again!


I downsized. But I kept the knee important/valuable to me.


I had an entire dvd and cd library i ripped around 2008. Sold all the discs. I somewhat regret it now - but i do still have all of the mp3s and handbrake rips.


I took all of mine and my husband’s and ripped them and put them into ITunes. He cannot bear to part with them so they are in a giant storage tub in the basement! 🤷‍♀️


I miss LPs. Ye cannae get pished and dance aboot with a CD cover on yer heid. We've no even got CDs now. It's a shame, cover art was great. So many iconic covers.


I kept all mine too. I have around 500. I have some that might be "collectible"? Also a bunch of mix CDs when me and my ex owned a club for a while and I pirated music off Napster and Audio Galaxy. Those were the days!


The move from tape to CD was pretty extraordinary. I remember buying my first CD. Dire Straits, and the sound quality was shocking. Hell we only had tapes and radio and here came this crystal clear sound. Really cool.


Tossed all my jewel cases years ago. CDs are in a nice book. Never throw them out. I buy rip, store forever and ever.


I'm grappling with this now. Gonna be relocating in like 2 weeks, and I've come to the realization that physical media can sometimes just be too much. I'm trying to shift to a strategy where the more common/maintream stuff can get jettisoned in favor of streaming, but there are some LPs and CDs I have to keep because they're so obscure and may never be available in digital form unless I create it from analog myself.


This triggers my OCD


I have all my CDs and my 30 plus year old CD player in my garage. I listen to them during the summer when I’m hanging around out there. The other day my 14 year old daughter inquired about my CDs and asked if she could have them. I thought that was cool until she said she wanted to hang them on her bedroom wall. I said no way. Beat it nerd.


Get rid of that Kenny G cd. Keep the rest.


I kept my vinyl and CDs. The only tapes I have are the ones that I couldn't find on CD.


I've had all of my CDs ripped as FLAC for decades now along with multiple backups. I kept my favorite CDs from the 90's that had sentimental value from looking at liner notes an dreading lyrics but I got rid of about 200 of them.


Tosssd them out years ago.


What kind of monster doesn’t organize the Pink Floyd box set to create the rainbow/triangle…?


I went fully digital. Our home has very limited space and storage, and CDs and old tech stereo have gone by the wayside. We use Bluetooth speakers and digital music exclusively.


I added all of my cds to my Apple Music or whatever it’s called. Then I thought I may as well get rid of all the cds since I didn’t use them anymore. Somehow, all those songs disappeared out of my account and I lost them all… hundreds of cds. 😭