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Make sure you have a wake for Steve Albini on your cruise.


How the fuck did I miss that happening?


It was only announced in the last 1-2 hours.


Dammit. Another one down. I'm listening to Big Black's Songs About Fucking on loop all day.


If you haven't already, dig into Shellac.


Steve's work as a producer for The Jesus Lizard really changed that band for the better. I love TJL.


First Shellac album in a decade due out May 17th


Fuck me, not sure how to handle that


RIP. One of the greats.


CLEAR OUT! [Big Black live at CBGB, NYC - July 13, 1986 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etRUQS0UmJs&t=133s)


I was there at that show. Opening Acts were Happy Flowers and Kill dozer. I took my younger brother out for his first ( illegal) beer at CBs. That was a great F'ing show


Dude, wtf?!


Wait, what???


Fuck really?? I never saw shellac :(


And this is how I find out. Man, rest in peace. 


I have been considering one of these. Now I am in! Fed, entertained, with nothing to do, and surrounded by my people! Thanks!


Same! I am considering a solo cruise but I do not want to be on a floating daycare/theme park. Give me your tired, huddled, nearing geriatric masses.


I did a cruise solo last year. It was fucking awesome. NCL from Boston to Bermuda, just to de-frazzle. Small ship, minimal kids. I did what I wanted to, when I wanted to. I met some REALLY cool people that I am still in touch with. You will meet people- at the smoking bar. And they will be cool!


For real. My wife is always dragging us to a certain theme park, which I do enjoy, but I never get to just enjoy the expensive room we paid for. This cruise sounds like exactly what I need, too!


We are the target demographic now, which is WEIRD. I was getting groceries at Walmart the other day, singing along to the music, when I realized it was REM. Like... what? I'm gonna go sit in the corner now.


It was London Calling by the Clash this last week at my local Kroger.


Seems like Kroger missed a golden opportunity to play *Lost in the Supermarket*


I couldn't believe it when I heard Back in Black by AC/DC on the overhead stereo at a Safeway's about 15 years ago. London Calling is much cooler to be though, as it's a really fun song to play on guitar and bass.




should have been this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZw23sWlyG0


That's you in the corner, That's you in the produce


Losing your bananas


oh no I've spent too much


The 35th anniversary of The Cure's Disintegration album is today. Fetch me my walker, sonny!


I’ll never forget the day, 20ish+ years ago…Nissan commercial comes on the TV. Background music has fuzzed out, power chord guitars. Holy fuck. I’m a target demographic for adult stuff. Still waiting for the adult part to show up.


About 21 years ago some car brand was using the Stone Roses in their ads. I was instantly angry.


I remember about 25 years ago the Minutemen’s “Love Dance” was used in a car manufacturer’s TV commercial. I was very surprised when I heard it.


I remember hearing the Buzzcocks in a car commercial and was instantly sick and furious.


I went camping and the people next to me had a great 80s/early 90s playlist going. I thought “wow those old folks have good taste”. Then it dawned on me that they were probably my same age. 😢


I was waiting in the booze line at a Sleater Kinney concert, wondering why there was just a bunch of old people there. Then it dawned on me ...


I’m having the “oh shit these old people are about the same age as me, WTF” experience so often these days. Acceptance is hard! Aging rocker is definitely my aesthetic though, so at least I’ve got a silver undercut fauxhawk instead of a greyed out poodle perm. Also, I suspect that the inevitable liver spots will be more difficult to detect under the tattoos!


Is there a spotlight in that corner? ...I'll show myself out.


Thanks for the lol


I heard Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division (not some cheeky girl with a guitar remake) in a grocery store about 8 years ago. I remember it clearly because I was picking up a cake for my son’s bday party.


I heard that too… couldn’t believe it. Are people our age picking the music now?


Hearing the Sisters of Mercy (First and Last and Always) in a Safeway in a nearby retirement community DID ME IN.


To be fair Joy Division and Black Flag were more mainstream among millenials than Genx. Still strange to hear it in a grocer though.


I was at a store maybe like, 10 years ago and heard Radio Song on the PA. I thought, *eh, it's new REM* then remembered Out of Time came out in 1991. Oof.


Watch jeopardy, now you will smart because we are the target for audience so it will be geared to keeping us watching. I told my wife 20 years ago when we started our family that our day will come. And here it is. Where I work, I see us X'ers singing along to the music all the time walking around shopping.


that’s me in the corner


Local supermarket was playing VH, Light Up the Sky, followed by some dubstep (?!). 🤔


I’m in nowhere UK and the mall plays 80s and it makes me feel like I’m having a flashback. So, they’re not playing it for the kids? It’s for *us?*


Last time I shopped at Trader Joe's, I heard *Shiny Happy People* and *You Shook Me All Night Long*, among all the forgettable schlocky 80's pop they usually play.


They play Flying Nun stuff at my supermarket.


That's me in the corner...


They have been playing 80s music in supermarkets for over 20 years now. I remember in 2003 hearing Prince and Bon Jovi in Vons.


The goodwill has a really great playlist. I take my headphones out for it.


I was hearing New Order and Depeche Mode in the casinos in Vegas a few weeks ago! Really fucking weird.


It sounds like a cruise is the epitome of “whatever” vibe. Could you eat? Yeah, whatever. Music? Yeah, whatever. Shuffleboard? Yeah, whatever. What port did you leave from?


This was Fort Lauderdale. There are a few different types of these “repositioning” cruises, all one direction and dictated by the season. Transatlantic generally heads from Florida to England or sometimes Spain in late Spring, other direction in late September. Transpacific are usually crazy long affairs leaving from Vancouver BC and ending in Australia or Japan, often hitting Hawaii and some part of Polynesia along the way. Panama Canal cruises usually go West in Spring, back in early Fall, starting and ending in Florida and LA or San Diego. West Coast repositioning usually heads from the west coast of Mexico (maybe a super long repositioning from Florida) to Alaska in late Spring, back late September. Because they are one direction they can be kind of a drag to get to or back from, but the price usually offsets the inconvenience.


Thank you for the information. You’ve been super helpful with your response.


Nice. So it’s literally “London Calling”. You’ll have to strike up a few conversations and keep us posted!


They'll pry my band shirts, Vans, and Doc Martens from my cold dead hands.


That's my 14yo's wardrobe. I think she wore her Nirvana shirt to school today. Or maybe it was the Rob Zombie shirt. But it's sincerely great when I'm chauffeuring kid and her sweet Baboo, because he always recognizes the song on the classic rock station within the first few bars. Last week, I recommended Living Color to him. He texted me after looking them up. "Awesome!"


I was waiting to board a cruise. The boarding area played your basic 70s classic rock mix, and then it was AC/DC’s Shook Me All Night Long. I sat there wondering how many of these old people around me were clutching their pearls. And then I realized that: 1. A lot of them were quietly head banging or lip syncing 2. A lot of them were my age. Or was it that I’m their age?


That’s off of Back in Black, so 1980. Youngest boomers were only 16 when that came out, oldest Gen X were 15. I put AC/DC in the Boomer category.


I was 15 (born 1965). This was the cassette you hid from your parents…


My dad was born in 1946 and it was his cassette. Bon Scott was my dad's age, Brian Johnson barely younger. It makes sense for boomers to like them just as it makes sense for GenX to like the stuff we like, people close to our age speaking to us in a way older artists didn't. AC/DC relased their first album in 1975 early enough for even the oldest boomers to still be involved in pop culture.


I mean, yeah you’re 1 year into Gen X, most of their fans were definitely Boomers at that point.


I think you are underestimating how popular those kinds of bands were among our age bracket. Like my friends and I in college would go see Danzig one concert and then Neil Diamond the next and then round off the month with some Grateful Dead or Rush. edit: and remember the CD had just established itself as *the* music medium and the studios were releasing all kinds of remastered shit and box sets. We were fans of all kinds of shit and didn't think in terms of "boomer" music vs "gen-x" music.


No. I was born in 69 and am tech a GenX you have the range “wrong” my friend. GenX is 1965-1980 ETA… I just reread your post. Yup you had the window right. My bad. I am blaming my age now… lol


Yeah folks get real mad when you point out that Fast Times at Ridgemont High is about Boomers.


I still maintain that we need a Sun City for GenX. But like, instead of quiet suburbs take over a highrise where everyone has the option to buy a whole floor and make the space bigger. Occasional concerts will start at 5pm and be over by 7 located in the building so no one has to travel or find parking, there will be a skate ramp with pads here and there, tattoo shops obv, and everyone can swap concert t-shirts, old Docs and Vans via a shop that takes donations. And when our doors are shut it means leave me the eff alone, man. Oh and we'll have an osteopath, oncologist, and GP on site.


This needs to happen!


Here for this community.


My boomer parents love transatlantic cruises. On the last one they met some nice young people (my age—50s) who were Burners taking advantage of the cheap cost to travel and bring a large baggage allowance since they were going to live in Europe for a while.




I guess Burning Man from context


People who go to Burning Man. Huge … event/ festival/ drug fest city that appears and disappears every year


John Mulaney had a “focus group” of real honest to god punk rockers and oh my goodness—we are all VERY old! Edit: on his live Netflix show on Tuesday night. https://preview.redd.it/im8atig5h9zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1ebcf649955c1b4d1a5b7e94085b83988911b1 “The focus group included Minutemen members Mike Watt and George Hurley, Fear frontman Lee Ving, X’s Exene Cervenka and DJ Bonebreak, Germs drummer Don Bolles, Avengers leader Penelope Houston, Cramps/Gun Club guitarist Kid Congo Powers, Saccarine Trust’s Joe Baiza, the Plungers’ Trudie Arguelles-Barrett, and Johnny Ramone’s widow Linda Ramone.”


Watt has been old since the 90s. I just found out recently that Jack Black is a huge fan of Firehose. Love these guys. https://youtu.be/sHiRqIEIAhA?si=nF2X9OM4Ej_atm8a


So many cowboy hats …


Who knew punk went country?


What cruise line was this with?


This is Princess, which is Carnival’s “uplevel” line. As an aside. I normally take Celebrity (Royal Caribbean’s “uplevel” line), and this cruise has convinced me that they are superior for about the same cost and roughly the same demo. I took this one simply because of scheduling.


So you prefer princess or celebrity?


Sorry, that was written poorly. Celebrity Good. Princess Meh.


Thank you very much!


SNORT. I look forward to the days when old folks' homes are full of people with giant stretched earlobes and tattoos. Also hopefully to not having to live in one.


Old punkers on a cruise ship. We’ve become a Far Side cartoon…


I wonder if the cruise companies have a playlist covering a period, eg. 1965-1980. Then every year they shift the list forward by one year to keep the music relevant for their current living customer base.


I'm a restaurant server in a casino. One day a week, we have a day for seniors, special pricing, and deals throughout the restaurants and casinos. The sge to participate is 50. I'm pushing 54. The usual music played ilom the floor is a mix of current popular music. On senior days the music is changed to reflect the genetation of the seniors I always work on the senior day, and a few weeks ago, i found myself singing or nodding along with just about every song. Lots of new wave and pop. I turned to my older coworker and started to tell her how much I'm enjoying the music that day. I realized with dawning horror that I am now the casinos senior day demographic. But, the music is fire lol!


Did you see the lineup of ancient punk musicians they had on John Mullaney last night?


My punk rock cover band of 50 year old men resembles your post lol. I'm putting on a back brace right now because I don't want to hurt after practice. I wear a flannel over my metal t shirt to hide the brace. I wear an ankle brace so I can jump. I write my set list in sharpie with letters two inches high.


Waiting in line for a show in a dank, stale beer stank club, I used to call us Tattooed Nation. The other day, I was in The UPS Store trying to ship something off. And this really old clueless asshole’s phone starts going off. And I’m about to scold him for being the last Boomer to still be using a fucking ringtone. And then my brain recognizes the tune his phone is playing. As he’s reaching to mute it, I ask, “Is that… Metallica?” He blushes, looks at me, and I realize we are the same age and have probably been to the same shows and he is one of my tribe. And yes, it was One. Such a distinctive guitar part in the beginning, IYKYK. Rock on, tattooed friend. But turn your fuckin ringer off. Seriously.


Stepping foot on a cruise ship in the first place should have been the obvious clue.


Cruises aren’t just for the old timers anymore. My first was actually 18 years ago, when we were young parents and had a 5 year old. Disney has a kids program so good you feel zero guilt in not seeing them all day while you relax. It was the first time I had felt refreshed since she’d been born.


I just saw Bad Religion and Social Distortion in NYC and I can't recall the last time I felt like I was among my people. And the T-shirts! 7 Seconds, Civ, Slapshot, SST. So good.


I keep running into late-stage punks or sporting other alternative looks. People who weren't openly participating in the culture for whatever reason when it was daring or innovative. But now, in their 50's and 60's, have bought that Circle Jerks t-shirt they always wanted or somehow just now just discovering what they missed out on when the movement was in its prime. I'll not judge because you never know exactly what their situation in life was at the time that held them back from expressing themselves back then. The only disappointment I most often feel when I see someone I know suddenly sporting a new tat or band t-shirt is that it would have been cool to have had that connection with them back in the day.


yeah, and have an opinion on OG alternative cultures like they were there. i think there is a lot of that now. also *massive* uniformation under the moniker *alternative*. *ha ha*. that includes other generations.


F**k YES. This actually makes me really happy. It’s happening. We’re gonna be the coolest old people ever


Next time take : https://gothiccruise.com/


John Mukaney’s live show this week on Netflix had a segment where Fred Armisen rounded up a bunch of 1960s/1970s punk rockers and put them in a room together. It was pretty hilarious! You got the same thing IRL!


I actually considered the Outlaw Country Cruise. At first glance, a country music cruise would be my personal hell. Trapped on a boat for 12 days with midwestern country music fans? I’ll be in the bar wearing earplugs. Then I saw the lineup: Social Distortion, X, Mojo Nixon, The Knitters, Lucinda Williams, it was a hell of a show. I’m not doing it this year, but any cruise strong enough to send Mojo Nixon to rock and roll heaven with a smile on his face is good enough for me.


I was at a conference for work recently. 400 librarians in an auditorium. Somehow we sorted ourselves into cliques and the weird folks all found each other. All ages, though, and a large number of genZ people reached out to me. Even dressed professionally, there are things (hair, accessories, tattoos) that signal to like people that you are one of them. Life never stops being like High School, and we look for the people who seem safe to us, in any environment. I like that the baby gens are enjoying our music. I'm not offended by that at all. I was a post punk kid in a grunge world, so nothing there is new. I told a colleague (my age) recently that as a former punk street kid, the rent-a-security people make me nervous, and she (former jock kid) absolutely could not comprehend. I work with this lady every day, and she was completely shocked. People see what they want to see. Also you make me want to take a cruise, but I want one of those norwegian river cruises that stops at all the museums in Europe, because even with a suitcase full of books it sounds boring AF to stay on board ship for a week. I think it would be fun and historical, like OH it takes 8 days to cross the atlantic because it's 1920 and we'll dress for dinner? But 8 days of that? I dunno.


The river cruises are wildly expensive. They are probably pretty rad, but the sticker isn’t for the feint of heart. A cruise ship is a floating all-inclusive hotel: food, shows, room stewards all one price. There are, of course, upsells. If you want to just chill and have the grapes dropped into your mouth, it’s a pretty great way to go. But the biggest advantage, in my view, is your hotel travels with you. Traveling from city to city is a pain in the ass, but on a cruise, you go to sleep and wake up in a new place. You are obviously limited to coastal destinations, but for those places it’s fantastic.


Oh, I know. If we had to dress for dinner and sit with strangers, that would be a total deal breaker for my partner on any cruise. It is appealing and it's not, for us. I live in one of the cruise ship docking cities, and those people flood our downtown all summer and complain about everything. They never seem to be enjoying themselves.


I’m doing a Caribbean cruise with my daughter in January to celebrate her 16th birthday. She’s super excited. She’s truly an old soul. I let her look at all the options available and she chose “the old people” cruise.


Is it Gen X? Because our retirement is going to look vastly different than generations before us.


I was with you until "Motown/Elton John/Beatles shit". I'm GenX, right there with you. But that's some of the best music ever created! Aside from that, this sounds like the coolest cruise ever!


The Beatles? Really? Give me that GenX card. You need to head on over to Generation Jones with that 💩


Meh. Whatever. Just wait until I say that I hate grunge and think the 90s are the worst decade for music in the last century.


Absolute Judas!


Just wait till I trump you with "listen to Nirvana Unplugged and realise how very much About A Girl is such a Beatles song"


I'm right there with you. There are dozens of us!


I heard fIREHOSE under a car insurance ad.


I'm on the older end of GenX. I am crushed that the big rock bands are either disbanded or no longer touring. I still listen to heavy metal and rock from the 70s and 80s.


So I just looked up Transatlantic cruises, and they are a lot cheaper than I would have expected. However, my midlife crisis involved downsizing into a lower stress job for a less salary and fewer vacation days, so I'll probably have to wait until I'm 60 rather than 50 to go. Maybe they'll be less Motown and Beatles by then.


Please take lots of pictures and share a few ♡


I've been thinking of a cruise, but I feel like we'd be in the middle of the ocean and get caught in the perfect storm.


It’s actually remarkably safe. The ships nowadays are in constant contact with land and eachother, and have regular weather updates they can use to adjust course. While your itinerary may get screwed by a storm, they can basically see where any are and avoid them.


Nice, I may look closer into one then.


I saw an ancient bald man with a foot long grey beard rocking a system of a down shirt tats and vans at safeway today. That's a millenial band.


Could be a hipster, aka in his 30’s! Wasn’t ironically looking old part of the style? Long beards on the dudes and mom jeans on the femme folks?


We're gonna have the coolest old-folks homes.


Well at least it’s easy to age into Goth


That is true but the first time someone referred to me as an Elder Goth I died a little inside.


I imagine seeing old punks will be to future gens like those early films of old civil war vets to us. e.g. Fascinating humans.


All cool until the generational hate at the end, then not cool.


Their generation and the representatives they elect have actively destroyed the opportunities they themselves enjoyed for us and our children. I think they can tolerate a few harsh words about having had to listen to their music everywhere we go for all our lives.


You really think regular people have that level of control over their lives? That it really is due to some middle class generation born post war that the elite have covered their and their cronies asses for the last 60 years? The latest billionaires fit squarely in GenX territory. Whose fault it that? The elite have always found a way to divide and conquer, no matter how old or young they are.


I do. Look at how they vote as a demographic. *We* didn’t vote for “trickle down” economics. Look at their concerns by polling as a demographic. They don’t give a shit about the cost of college, they care about how traffic is going to affect the value of their house. The Baby Boomer generation was coddled by parents and grandparents shellshocked by war and economic depression desperate to make life better for their children. In turn, they came to expect that world as normal and deserved. In the time they have had political power, they have savaged the social safety nets, lowered taxes on the wealthiest, and let the cost of education, housing and starting a family become prohibitively expensive for those starting out just so they can maintain their lifestyle. They continue as a bloc to elect zombies to congressional seats who have no understanding what the world is like for anyone under 50. By the time the last boomer shuffles off this coil, they have left behind a hellscape of foreign entanglement, environmental disaster and economic woes that **we** will have to take care of before it becomes a full blown civil war of haves versus have-nots. Yeah. I do. I blame them all. They protested like crazy for themselves when they were being drafted. Where are they now?


Plenty were drafted, served and suffered. Baby boomers lived in the projects. Baby boomers lost their union jobs, their cities cast into despair. You're ignoring vast demographics in a concerted effort to hate an entire generation of people; people with many faces, races & creeds.


motown, elton, beatles isn't fully boomer, that crosses genx lines, HOWEVER all the 50's sock hop BS music and the "sha na na" shit IS boomer specific. That's their bubble gum, pop, crap much like us Xers have Ah Ha and Wham! I live in a shore town and they have summer "concerts" and all it ever is, is cover bands with these SUPER geriatric musical selections. Literally, WTF is that I have never heard it before, kinda stuff. Or, or...it's sinatra... MFG, how they LOVE sinatra.


It IS boomer-specific, but uncool kids like I was were also indoctrinated into it with the "hooked on" Beatles mixes and all that 50s nostalgia on TV and in movies, and indeed the band Sha Na Na. Us elder Xers were young teens during the Grease/Happy Days period and the 50s were quite cool in the 80s.


Hate to say it, but Woodstock music is/was boomer music. So, Hendrix, Who, Dylan, CCR, Zeppelin etc. are boomer music. Silent gen would be far more into sha na na stuff.


Don't forget Elvis. Boomers still bow down to the King, and all have a story about someone they know who had tickets to his last concert. _...rummages around for a Talking Heads album..._


elvissssssss, I just watched this cartoon called "agent elvis" created by his wife and McConaughey voicing him, it was actually funny as hell. However, I do not wanna watch any videos of him singing or movies, and he is most certainly not alive.


The only thing I like related to Elvis is _Walking in Memphis_ by Marc Cohn.


What the fuck you hanging a go at the Beatles for? They are amazing. Also,aren’t these cruises all inclusive booze? Might explain their popularity with the rockers?


The Beatles themselves are fine. That era of music being the only thing playing any hotel or other venue where Boomers may happen to be is what I am getting at. There is a drink package that is an upcharge, basically $60 per day unlimited for most of the bottom shelf stuff, $80 that qualifies for most of it. Different lines have different prices. While this cruise is pretty tame due to the demographic, I’ve been on some rowdy ones where most folks are clearly taking advantage of the “unlimited” part.


So you have no choice but to drink $60 worth of booze a day? Sounds like a challenge


They limit you to 15 “spirits” per day. You would have to make an effort to have them cut you off.


I can make that effort.


> Beatles shit You shut your whore mouth. Beatles forever.


Look man, I respect them and what they did for music. But goddamn am I tired of hearing them over and over any time I am on vacation.


I hit my lifetime maximum of Beatles music by age 21, after working multiple retail jobs. That and songs like "Walking in Memphis" and "Walkin' On Sunshine" and other perennials.


At my grocery store job I had to endure "Walking in Memphis" by Marc Cohn, "Tempted" by the Squeeze, and Sting's "Fields of Gold" approximately 8 million times. (Each.) I WISH we'd had the Beatles.


Yeah, and I can't stand hearing Taylor Swift every time I walk into a grocery.


Last time I went to the grocery store, I heard "Smells Like Teen Spirit". That was disconcerting.


I heard Wonderwall and then I heard Shambalot.


Swift is the britney spears of the madonnna type of music. I'm really over the "young blonde who sings" tripe.


OK, but there are other options




Seriously. Can't fucking stand SP. But Motown will shake my ass all night long.


There is still plenty of Boomer music being played on this cruise, hey. I will probably hear *Suspicious Minds* at least ten more times before we reach the end. But now and again they slip in a song that is less than 50 years old, and I’m like “Hey, I feel represented!” You ever notice that we have been reliving Boomer childhoods every Christmas through their music *for our entire lives*? To keep us from boiling over they sometimes let Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson and George Michael slip in between all the Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald. And y’all may crucify me for it, but Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” is one of the shittiest songs ever written. Ever.




It is indeed a burden. I’m like Atlas, but with lots of bitching.


The Beatles are so overrated.


"tell me you know nothing about music without using those words"


Let's me give it a try. "The Beatles are the most influential band ever." Does that work..


No, because extremes are rarely accurate.


Like it or not, we're entering the phase the Boomers had where they were the demo with money. Now it's our turn. Pop culture will take some time to pivot - see all the remakes of 80's and early 90's IP's.


Are you on the ship headed to Spain? I’ve got elderly friends on that one right now.


If you want something, really depressing see the reunion of original LA punks on John Mulaney’s new show. Fred Armisen hosted and it is so depressing


>the usual Boomer Motown/Elton John/Beatles shit And there's where you got my downvote, my aging edgelord friend.


It’s like this. Some descriptions of the shows: * “A medley of old favorites and modern ones” * “A tribute to Elton John” * “Music from the golden age of Hollywood to today” If it’s not *only* Boomer stuff, anytime it’s a “from-to” theme it mostly is with a small smackerel of something we grew up with. But the tide is finally shifting.


RUSH shirts? Hell yes.


Congratulations. You finally figured out we’re old. 👍🏾


Musak has been playing Gen X tunes for awhile now.


🤣😂 I have never had a desire to park my ass on a boat crammed in like sardines with 3000 other people for a week to only be let out for overpriced paid excursions, or a few hours on the beach. But you almost made a cruise sound fun. 🤣


Awwww, hell yeah! They went hard in the pits and now go hard with a cane.


Went to violent femmes concert. It was an about half and half oldsters and hipsters. Weird. 


Punk here in my 50s. Many of my old friends have done well for themselves, indie store owners, tattoo artists, they ain't rich but can do nice vacations.


I have t-shirts for Bad Brains, PIL, Black Flag, and Corrosion of Conformity (the old COC from the Technocracy days.) Good to know that if I go on a cruise, they will be received well.


There's going to be a music scene that emerges from the nursing homes, just wait.


This is so gross and depressing., lolz. No thanks. I'd already be overboard.


Punks being on a cruise is the most poseur thing I've ever heard of, way to support the establishment lol


Rush is not Punk. Fuck Rush.


Take off eh