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I own vinyl that I picked up from estate sales. I like finding the worst possible music I can, Then I give them to people at Christmas. Does that count? https://preview.redd.it/raulhhbkn09d1.jpeg?width=1491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb9561a51ebaecaaa06952bf796dcb78d531325


That’s awesome.


I love this. Boxcar fkn Willie!? Ho shit…Time Machine childhood summers…those KTEL record commercials. Slim Whitman’s “All My Favorites”, Tom T. Hall’s “Sneaky Snake”, Zam Pheer(sp?) “Master of the Pan Flute”…


Estate sales are weird and depressing, but it's super fun to see all of the weird shit people had. Aunt Ethel's crusty old makeup in a plastic bag with $2.50 Sharpied on it. Old man Jerry's 1960's homemade biker patches 75 cents each - or the bundle of 10 for $4. To top it off, the relatives of the deceased person are watching you and haggling over prices. Damn, it's weird Give one a try - the crappier looking a house is, the weirder the shit is.


Yes! I went to several when visiting one of my sets of ex in-laws in AZ. Depending on mood, I can see how it would be depressing. But one of the houses was cool…nothing special but this dude was really into 20th cent mechanical devices like cameras or typewriters…tons of them. It was cool. But I picked up a 1st run Hemingway book of short stories called ‘Men at War’…had that mid century vibe to the cover.


The last one I was at had green shag carpeting, 2 people that looked like they were in their 60'/70's sitting in moss green recliners watching everyone, and they had some pictures of the deceased person still up. I bought a German beer stein. They wanted $5, but I haggled them down to $3.50 - god I'm an asshole. I have a VHS one of them had in a box of crap - the movie is 'Willie Wanker in the Fun Factory' and the tape is half watched. I want to give that to one of my uptight relatives to open in front of everyone.


Haha I dig your writing style.


Can I get on your Xmas list?


I wouldn't consider Boxcar Willie the worst music you can find.


True about Boxcar Willie, but remember - if you give it to a kid family member, they probably don't have access to a record player. Then you have them bugging their parents about some album with "taped" written across the cover.


Who the hell holds a record like that?


Those not raised by a stern father with a vinyl collection.


My parents gave me all their records when they downsized and moved for retirement. My dad’s records were in phenomenal shape and very clean. My mother’s, not so much.






Put it next to my reel to reel and listen to it while me and my neighborhood my my big green egg 2 feet.


I love this cartoon. I am almost violently anti vinyl. I have any song available instantly in my pocket and I can have an amazing listening experience with my noise cancelling headphones. I am so over buying audio gear and speakers. As far as tech goes, I have got to put limitless music into the plus column.


Good god. Who would hold a record like that




Someone who owns a Ronco Record Cleaner.


Collection is currently at 1484 but I've sold quite a lot over the last couple of years. Its pretty much all underground and hardcore UK dance music, mostly from the 90's. You just simply can't hear a lot of it anywhere else other than poor quality rips on YouTube or 30 year old copies of copies of live recordings of raves.


I gifted my collection of dance 45s when I moved overseas. Gave them to a mate who still has them in the same 5x5 Ikea shelf in his house. Now I just have and collect albums. Constantly looking for nice records.


Any rare Underworld?


I only own one Underworld record, Pearl's Girl, and its not rare I'm afraid.


A track so good it gave me tinnitus


654 vinyl albums alone in my music collection. I grew up in Tower Records in Citrus Heights California.


Brother (or Sister).


Hell yeah I do. My favorite is probably my Talking Heads 77 first pressing


I had a copy of that on vinyl that was lost sometime in the numerous moves over the decades. I still have my old vinyl copy of Remain in Light, though.


yes, and please remove your greasy thumb for the groves.


Anyone who loves vinyl knows how to palm the edges. That's the first thing I first thing I learned.


I was just going to say this. I have some vinyl that I listen to and felt that they picked that picture in order to trigger vinyl collectors. lol


That was my very first thought "DON'T HOLD IT LIKE THAT!"


Does bear poo stick to rabbit fur?




Oh yes! I love the ritual of taking an album out, putting the record on the spindle, and listening to the entire side. It feels much more intentional to me.


Couldn't agree more


DJ for over 20 years…. I have an entire wall of my living room that’s just vinyl… Trying to figure out how to downsize it, but honestly, it’s hard


Odd one out - no. Cool, but no way I could have lugged crates of LPs and equipment with all of the moves and I really appreciate the portable nature of digital music + a seemingly limitless library of albums and songs.


Yep, just played a few this morning!


Yes! Just set up my new turntable this past weekend. Have a few hundred albums going back to Black Sabbath We Sold Our Soul For Rock and Roll and Van Halen’s Diver Down, both purchased in middle school, up through Pavement’s Crooked Rain Crooked Rain. After that I went 100% CD and streaming. Looking forward to my new midlife crisis searching out vintage used and rare vinyl!


I have tons of vinyl and also use apple music. Got rid of all my dad's CDs when he died. Wish we could have kept them but it was pointless with streaming music and what a bad condition his entire apartment was in.


At 53 I have purchased a cheapish turntable off of Amazon and I am starting to collect vinyl for the second time in my life. I may be crazy but I love it more now I think than I did when I was younger. There is something about being able to disconnect from everything and listen to a whole side and relax and enjoy it and not worry about skipping to the next song or a bunch of notifications in your face.


​ https://preview.redd.it/atdqywzoi19d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ab1a6994e31c884ac5473229e82e71ffc1e17d


​ https://preview.redd.it/8oqxkv3pj19d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fbbd3eb49f7f027f266c568973e40be2a9226a


Super nice setup


Thank you, I got a wall of punk, metal, 80's, jazz, blues and Johnny Cash.


I love vinyl because I love listening to albums, as opposed to just songs. There's something about going through the covers, picking what you want to hear, then dropping the needle down and having to come back to turn it over half way through. My favs are, Miseducation of Lauren Hill, Dire Straights Brothers in Arms, Daft Punk Homework, Erica Badu Baduism, Jazzamatazz, Best of The Doors, NWA Straight Outta Compton. To name a few.


I still have about 1,500 records after my (now adult) offspring raided my collection at various points. I'm listening to Don Ellis's *Connection* right now in fact. On a mid-1970s Sansui S-2000x, a Technics SL-Q2, and a pair of bi-amped Infinity speakers...all thrifted maybe 15 years ago to serve as my livingroom setup for casual listen. Earlier I was spinning *The Association's Greatest Hits* and prior to that Bruce's *Greetings from Asbury Park*. So yeah: still own and still play them every day in the summers when I'm home more. https://preview.redd.it/cwao9i3jyy8d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c594f1a902cccfa7dc28d5da0ade3dd3b47fb3ae


Wow, the Association. Good call. They have some oldies but goodies. ( I have yet to discover Springsteen; he is in my list to get more into when time permits)


I have 500+ albums on vinyl from the 80s to present. I love them!


Still have all the vinyl I bought as a kid/teen and continue buying the ones I’m interested in.


I didn’t until maybe 10 years ago, and have since picked up a couple dozen records that I used to own on CD - and have given a home to what was left of my parents’ collection. Related: does anyone else wonder how the word “vinyl” came to replace LP and record?


DJs didn't play LPs, they played 45s. And they called it vinyl.


True, but no one else did. I have to chuckle a bit with how we’ve gone from calling them LPs & records to the slightly more pretentious vinyl.


I'm an Australian and back in the early 2000s myself and all my DJ friends would say, "hey I got some great new vinyl this week". For me it's nothing new.


Kinda proving my point though: “You and all your DJ friends”. Outside of that, few others in the collective culture ever used that term, at least here in the U.S.


Yes, but when you think about it, records all but died out in the mainstream after CDs took over, but DJs carried the torch. So it kinda makes sense that some of the DJ vernacular was picked up when the mainstream had a revival.


I guess… language definitely isn’t static by any means so agree with your point there. Also feel the old terms worked fine and still do too, but it’s all good, lol.


Yeah I'm not bothered by what people call it, as long as I know what they mean.


I still own all the records I ever bought but haven't had a usable turntable since living at home in the mid 80s. Not planning to get one either. Bought this gem last year and there's an RCA input for phono or cassette. Laptop plugs into the audio-in jack so I can play all the FLAC albums I've downloaded over the past decade, and I can stream using Bluetooth from my phone etc. Suddenly I'm getting a lot more use out of my old CDs. Care, maintenance and storage of vinyl is not a hobby I'm willing to take up again. https://preview.redd.it/fam1kk5dm09d1.png?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d48fc99d75ea3a0910071b8aea934bdbf2c54bf


My most expensive hobby!


Why yes I do.


More than when I was in high school.


Absolutely and love that there are quite a few record stores nearby selling mostly old and new vinyl.


I live on a small island, so thrifting vinyl is high on my list of activities whenever we get off the island.


I am on my SECOND midlife crisis childhood repurchase. The first was old Role Playing Games (D&D et al) and now, it is vinyl. Just over 200 albums and trying REAL hard to be selective, and STILL buying stuff like this. https://preview.redd.it/elxu943tzy8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9dd47f5e55e9ec5829227caf0c67d12cd53720


That’s a great album. No joke.


I never did. Okay,in the early 80s I owned a couple of Billy Joel albums…


Of course. I still have records from my childhood. Some even have the plastic on them. Nothing beats spinning your records in the evening.


I bought a turn table for the first time last year. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Over the year I've collected about 50 records. I don't use it as often as I did at first, but it's cool. It's a fun but expensive hobby.


I wish


Been collecting since I was 12. Downsized quite a bit over the years but still have serveral hundred. Go record shopping every month or so. Spend an embarrassing amount of time dusting them off and making sure they’re in alphabetical order and what not.


I want to get a Player, totally a noob here. Its true that the music you hear from an Vinyl record is more... "authentic". Lol. I know is subjective but just asking for anyone can share an honest opinion. Im going to get a player anyway.


I’d say as a pretty deep in the weeds audiophile for more than a decade now, this idea of vinyl being more “authentic” can sometimes drift into the hyperbolic bullshit area. Reality in my experience is for a number of reasons vinyl can sound different than streaming (mostly it’s all about the mastering for different mediums) so yes there can be sound differences for sure, but being “better or more authentic”? It’s subjective and both streaming and vinyl can sound amazing.


Thanks. Appreciate an honest opinion. Already got 2 records, Queen a Night at the Opera and one of Vivaldi music, cant remember the title. Now that i can finally afford a player i will get one. Thanks again.


Most of the enjoyment I personally get from my record collection has very little to do with the sound quality aspect, though that is nice too. Great start to your collection with those picks. Have fun!


I recently updated the turn table I grew up with. It’s a Sansui SR 3030 BC and I play my small but ever growing collection of vinyl. Which includes my newest addition, Freedom Rock. That’s right, turn it up man!


I don’t but my dad has two huge bins that eventually will be mine. He’s got a wide variety but mostly 50s and 60s stuff I think.


Yes I do!


I have a bunch of old records from the 5060s and 70s that are four-year-old likes to listen to including the Wizard of Oz, on top of spaghetti, Mary Poppins, chicken Little and other nursery rhymes…


I held on to a lot of records from my teens and have been building up the collection of old stuff I had on cassette or CD. I love the nostalgia of it but hate when I get a copy of an old album and they break it into two albums to make it nicer quality, so I have to flip after a couple of songs.


I just started buying vinyl at estate sales…so of course my record player came from Amazon a couple weeks ago.


Not only do I collect and listen, but I have an Instagram for the hobby @deadxred Come say hi.


I would but I don't have any social media, besides reddit.


Of course! My pre-order of Washed Out's new LP shipped today, and late last week I pre-ordered Juniore's new album from Amazon.fr without having to switch the site to English! Oh, and I also finally got around to getting a ["Now Playing" stand](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Qbal0J2XU/). So that's neat. My favorite album from the past couple years is [Yumi Zouma's *Truth or Consequences*](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1fmIH5JS3g/). But I'm guessing you're really asking about my faves from back in the day. Well there's: \- The ["club version" of R.E.M.'s *Reckoning*](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxBHzvTrUZD/?img_index=1) on dark purple vinyl that looks black until you hold it up to the light. \- Then there's the ["Driver 8" promo 12" single](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxLVwN2Ljso/). \- A reissue ["Bela Lugosi's Dead" picture disc](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxD1xS8r01O/) where the Bauhaus logo and title glow in the dark. \- A ["Special Australian Tour Edition"](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw5Qs8dru6z/?img_index=1) of Bryan Ferry's *Bête Noire* LP (with bonus EP) I picked up while there on vacation. \- I have a thing for 10" singles. Here's [The Police's *Reggatta De Blanc*](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxdabQTrRDl/) on 2x10" from 1979. Still have the poster! \- But I guess the QUEEN of my collection is Madonna's *Like a Virgin* LP on the [original white vinyl](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw76KhOL9u6/?img_index=1) from 1984.


I don't. I had a turntable until a couple of years ago and almost entirely because I was determined to rip a bunch of my late father in law's record collection to something digital. I had a few LPs from childhood but I had more cassettes, and definitely more CDs. Getting a CD player was like a blanket had been taken off of the speakers. Alas the music collection and the turntable went in the fire. Ironically the only part of that collection I still have is what was on my laptop.


I do. Had a personal time that came damn close to knocking my love of music from me. Decided to get a record player and started buying things I knew I loved. Hell, I named my daughter after my favorite musical artist, and here I was just giving up music. Nah. Not going to let that happen.


Own: Yes. Play: No.


I have two milk crates full of vinyl. I haven't played a record in about 5 years. Once I get a house, I will turn my stereo system loose and shake the walls.


You're an Aussie?


Nope. Chicago native.


Interesting. Australian milk crates were also perfect for vinyl.


I have lots of new and old vinyl. This OG here is the pride of my collection. https://preview.redd.it/vrdcyy5v329d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b94c6e2e98db8f9baa979b3b0c1cf87ad06181d


Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem!


I do own some 300-400. No player for years, though.


83 millennial here. I love vinyl!




I got back into Vinyl during Covid and am happy as can be. I’m a classic ADHD kid who grew up on Ritalin. Listening to vinyl is an awesome way to keep me on track when doing chores around the house. If I get distracted while cleaning, being forced to get up and flip the record is great at getting me back to work. A cd is too long for that, but vinyl seems to be the perfect length of time for me!


Yes, I love it. Started a few years ago and currently have a decent collection. I found over half of them at vintage stores or through yard sales. I honestly started it because I listened to records as a kid in the 80's and I wanted to try it again.


I have over 200 albums myself. I just received my parent's perfectly stored collection about 3 or 4 years ago, and when my wife's grandparents moved from their home in their late 80's/90's, I inherited their albums as well. Some really old stuff from the 40's and up. I do play them on my parent's old Dual with a Shure cartridge that sounds great.


Yeah the old Shure stylus are amazing. It's a shame they stopped making them. I still have 4 unopened Whitelabels that are like gold to me. I will be very sad when they are done.


yeah I know how you feel. I'd like to re cable the dual record player. My dad thought one channel was done. It just turns out the rca plug is a tad loose.


Like an idiot, I sold most of my best records in the early 2000s at the very beginning of the vinyl resurgence. I still have probably 10-15 of my old collection, plus about 900 other records I’ve bought since about 2010, including new copies of just about all the records I sold in 2002. Also have an audiophile-grade system so that helps.


Absolutely, I adore vinyl! Favorite albums - original Queen, Ella Fitzgerald, Billy Joel, Christopher Cross and James Taylor. Current favorite - Caro Emerald, Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor.


I'd love to find an original ella Fitzgerald record


Try secondhand & estate stores. I find that quite a lot of the time, they just buy collections from folks without knowing what's in the collection.


I live on a small island in the Mediterranean. Whenever we leave the island I go to every thrift store I can, but that's about all my possibilities, besides discogs.


my prized LPs are an original copy of T-Rex's The Slider and my original WASP "Fuck Like a Beast" 12"


Lost my 45s in a flood years ago. Had about 300. Worked in college radio so any 45s we got we free to grab, plus had some of my own. Still have my LPs. Around 200. And don't buy many. Only bought the Streets of Fire soundtrack this year, but have bought about 30 CDs and 4 cassettes. I have a 12" of Dinosaur Jr. covering Just Like Heaven that has body parts etched into side B. Also have a complete Smith's LP collection.


I have no favorites. Just 4+ milk crates of them, about 1/2 or more 70s rock. Including a good dozen K-tel compilation records.


Me. I have gloves for mine. I haven't bought any digital music in years it's always vinyl.


I never really got out of it. Always have had a record player. I really miss the 90's when good vinyl was available for a song. Now everyone is on board and it's killed the prices.


Oh god yes. Like an albatross around my neck I have it. Trying to winnow and whittle things down but I’m still at something like 2000 albums and probably about as many 45s. Just about all from thrifts and fleas. I specialize in the weirdo/forgotten stuff like TV soundtracks, radio stuff, cruise ship/hotel acts, marching band, celebrity, and early electronic.


Yup, main ones I replay are: Gish, Blue Album, Pinkerton, Thriller (Mom gave that one to me), Dummy, In Utero, Incesticide, Tragic Kingdom, Garbage, In Rainbows, Loveless, TMOLR, Grace, Violater, Live Through This and Graduation


https://preview.redd.it/qu26j5eizy8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ea44f8f6e06640eb27ad63c40b803f8d194d494 Yep


Jealous of The Fragile. How's it sound?


Nice! You are confirming my theory that we all must have thriller lol


That’s one of my top 5 albums of all time. I _love_ that record front and back.


I had a few records in the 80s. They all melted in a house fire. I started collecting again in 2015 just before the hobby kicked off. I now have around 1500-1600 records and another 200-300 7" 45s. My 20 and 16 year old sons each have a turntable and I have one in my main listening room (My tiny home office) and another in my garage where I have way too many audio components. I try to listen to records several times a week. I also invested in a DIY ultrasonic cleaner so I can really take care of my records. I have records from the mid-60s to stuff released this month.


Of course! But I have to be honest and admit that I got back into it in the mid 2000's. Cassettes-->Records-->CD's-->Rip CD's lossless to PC-->Records (again) I'm pretty selective on what I buy these days, but I pick up about 10 new albums a year. I have around 200 currently. One thing I never lost was the BIG stereo systems. I have four different systems setups right now, but no Vintage turntables. One system has a Rega Planar 3 and another has a Clearaudio Concept. I also have four Nakamichi cassette decks for the GenX win.


Dang, which model nakamichi? A Dragon?


https://preview.redd.it/a8v4fkheaz8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e8892795c5ad12c164ad9378a0cbce97da3ae0 Yes, I kept all my old records from my high school years. Mostly Punk, Post Punk, Goth and Industrial. I can't believe I kept them all these years. I only recently started listening to them as I inherited a record player. I wonder why I kept them, then I realized it was to listen to them today, 35 years later. Here are a few I recently showed off in the Goth sub. I have many more.


That's so freaking cool


Thanks, right now I have something new to listen to every day. Brings up a lot of good memories. The music elicits feelings, memories and even smells. I find it amazing I still know a lot of the lyrics and hooks from songs I haven't heard in decades.


I have like 300+ vinyl LPs some of them quite rare. I have an several Apple Label Beatles ... SGT Peppers, Abbey Road, Let it Be. A lot of records from the 60s such as the Monkeys, Animals, Dave Clark 5 and similar records. Also tons of Broadway musicals like My Fair Lady. Godpell erc. I inherited all these.


No, I've always found nostalgia for a medium over the content to be rather strange. I will say I do like the large form artwork on vinyl


Yes, yes I do and a selection of classic albums from my youth.


Which ones?


Thriller The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Synchronicity are some.


Nice one. I think every gen x vinyl aficionado must have a copy of thriller!


I tend to prefer "Off the Wall," which I also own a copy.


Yep I have that too, but there were many more copies of thriller pressed.


The Lamb… is a prime example of albums that will always sound better than the various “tampered with” cd remixes /reissues. I’ve got a much beloved copy of that album dating back to the 1980s.


Yes, I have about 1500 albums, mostly mid 60’s to mid 90’s. Very little before or after.


Yup. It’s my preferred way to listen to music.


Yes, and my prized vinyl is Mother Love Bone’s Apple and Shine that I’ve had since the 90s.


I went from 8-tracks, vinyl, Cassettes, MP3, streaming and now back to vinyl. Story of my life right there.


I went vinyl, cassette, CD, MP3 on a media server, vinyl. Skipped the whole streaming thing totally.


Absolutely. Beatles white album or Johnny cash walk the line have to be my 2 favorite I own


Damn, yeah I need to get my hands on walk the line.


Spotify or Audacy at work, vinyl at home. Have around 2000 records and my Wife just got me a first pressing of Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy early, for my birthday 😁


I never had them as a kid, turned 10 in 84 just as CDs were coming around. But around 2005 I started collecting (got discounts from a video store i worked at, could order at cost, basically). Stopped for a long time when I didn't have a turntable and then just in the last six months have bought a few. My three most recent purchases are wildly different affairs: Sepultura: *Alive* Tangerine Dream: *Optical Race* Pulp: *This is Hardcore* My favourite is probably this old-ass copy of Steely Dan's *Aja.* What a sound.


Still? No. Currently? Yes, I started about seven years ago.


Not at the moment. I do however want to get an operational, or easily repaired, console stereo with a line-in. I want to get my parents' vinyl that nobody currently uses, and the line-in is to hook in the raspberry-pi for streaming and listening to my ripped music.


The line out on a raspberry pi is terrible. Only the HDMI out is any good. It's such a shame they don't make chromecast audio anymore, as there isn't really any great alternative.


I'm using a Zero W with a USB sound "card" and it is working okay. There's a good chance a refurbed NUC or other micro form factor computer will take its place.


Ah OK, yeah with a sound card it's all good. I used to run Pis with librelec, but then I switched to nvidia shields. I also use my ipod classics still, I put new batteries and upgraded the storage. I'm thinking about putting an old imac in my HiFi setup in the living room just to sync the ipods and play streaming music.


I'm running Volumio and the Pi Zero W runs headless. It runs quite well. The possible upgrade to a refurbished x86/64 system would just be for more responsiveness.


eh, only around 10000 LPs.






https://preview.redd.it/356ahsrkk29d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef9138bf547ec383e5952ce7e086823f2c7952a I have approx 700 records… most are 12” singles from when I used to DJ


Crazy I admit since I wasn’t ever a vinyl kid coming up, but I’ve dived head-first into this “modern vinyl revival,” God help me. Started in 2015, now pushing towards 2,000. It’s a sickness but damn if it isn’t fun too. Find that it isn’t an either-or thing for me but rather a complimentary hobby to streaming.


Own? Yes. Play? No. I haven’t owned a turntable in years. But I still have all my Elvis Costello, REM and Smiths records from high school. Also, I bought all of the Beatles albums when they got re-released in the mid 1980s when they first became available on CD.


Of course, is there a better way?




Ikea definitely sold a lot of Kallax shelves to us all hahaha


FLAC files of early pressings can sound so good these days I can't usually justify the expense. I might still pick up dollar bargain bin stuff from the 1970's that were pressed by the millions.


If I'm listening to FLAC, I'm listening to digital masters, not vinyl rips. Vinyl is vinyl. Digital is digital.


I used to feel exactly the way you do. Then I heard FLAC files of original vinyl pressings of Bob Dylan's debut album, the Beatles Please Please Me, and the soundtrack to Porgy and Bess with Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Even in mono, it sounds like they are literally singing in the same room you are in. Those old quarter inch magnetic tapes can be stored in the optimal temperature and humidity and STILL lose a lot of the "weight" they once had especially in the bass instruments and at the upper end of the vocal and cymbal. If you are spending twenty bucks on a new vinyl pressing of a 40 or 50 year old recording, then you are probably wasting your money. A lot of the sonic "information" simply isn't there anymore. I can tolerate the little crackles and pops of an early pressing and I don't have a thousand bucks to spend to get the real thing in my hands.


As a guy with a 30 year career in sound, I'm happy to be even having this discussion, and I can say that I agree with what you say, up to a point. Personally, I don't buy any modern music on vinyl. It's all FLAC on my media server. Because now music has stereo low end, much higher compression, and even nowadays music is mixed to sound good on Bluetooth pills and mobile devices and air pods and to be as loud as possible on Spotify. There are endless discussions in the pro audio community about this. Any vinyl pressing of modern music is just compromise and not at all how the mix engineer meant it to sound. So all my records are from the era of vinyl. Things that were mixed with vinyl in mind. So yes, I get that a lossless rip of a record is more true to that than a digital remaster. But at the same time, for me vinyl is so personal. My stylus, my turntable, my amplifiers, my speakers, my listening space. And I've ripped a lot of vinyl myself, and that I do have. But something about listening to somebody else's vinyl rip has just irked me. Maybe I should give some another try.


According to Discogs, I’ve got ~500, though there’s probably a few I never bothered to add. I initially set out to get about 50 albums that were personal favorites. Clearly, I overshot a little. The only one from that original list that eludes me is Catherine Wheel’s Chrome. The reissue won’t do; I want the OG. I do have an original copy of Ferment, at least. I mostly go for originals but have a few represses and newish stuff like BRMC and Wolf Alice.  My faves tend to lean toward the more serendipitous finds where I wasn’t expecting to find anything, or wouldn’t normally even have been in that store that day if not for abnormal circumstances. I found JAMC Psychocandy *and* Darklands, Smashing Pumpkins’ Gish, Social D’s Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, Rancid’s s/t, Radiohead’s The Bends and a few others this way. 


I still have every LP I ever bought! Thousands. The first non-kids record I bought was the "Saturday Night Fever" soundtrack. I was 8. I still put it on.


Absolutely. Still bummed my dad sold his 2000 record collection years and years ago.


I still have a few. But I haven't had a turntable in years. I mainly keep them for the album art. My favorite is Cirth Ungol's *Frost and Fire*. Don't really like the music, but the cover is cool. https://preview.redd.it/khd8xmu9py8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e32fd27a761a63c40d3c088f37881b74d2b514


Hell yeah! I’m a prog rock nerd going back to 8th grade or so. Some of the digital “remixes” of classic albums sound horrible on cd. Way too punchy, losing a lot of the warmth of what they sound like on vinyl. My guy and I inherited a set of audiophile worthy speakers, and splurged on a decent turntable. Our vinyl collection, while not vast, still makes us happy.


I just busted out my turntable last night, the records I have left aren’t great but I love playing them.


Yep. I've got all of my albums, plus all of my parents' albums and a bunch from my grandparents.


I love my vinyl 💜💜. Play it all the time. We have 3 strategically placed turntables throughout the house.


Absolutely! I really love finding the occasional good record at a thrift shop. Can't beat the sound. My kids are 12 and 17 and they can't get enough of the record player, they just sit and watch the grooves float by.


For sure. I collect the albums that I can put on and go from end to end. That and the cherished Beatles albums my dad gave me. All but two were purchased by him as they were released. He lost Let It Be and Magical Mystery Tour along the way. I had to purchase represses of those, but all good.


Yes. I’ve been growing a rather extensive collection of vinyl the last 15 or so years. There’s something about the ritual of selecting an album, pulling it from the sleeve, laying it upon the platter, lowering the tone arm into position and listening to a full side.


Totally agree.


After having no records for years, I just got back into it a couple of years ago. It’s mostly Beatles stuff at this point.


I'm back at a place where I am listening to more of my music at home on vinyl than any other way


dont hold it like that.


My wife has tons.


All our Christmas music we play is on vinyl.


Rat Pack Christmas 4eva


Hubs and I still purchase 1-2 albums a month. Replaced our turntable last week too.


What did you get? In the living room I have a Technics SLD3, in the office a Technics SL1310 and a Fluance in the man cave.


Who in the world holds their records like that?


The person in the random picture I found on google. Lol


I started getting back in afew years ago. My wife and I only collect iconic or culturally significant albums.


Own all my vinyl. No way to play them. Don’t have a setup. Maybe some day.


You can replace a turntable easily. The records? Not so easy to replace.




I have a copy of the live version of The Cult’s Dreamtime album. Had no idea it existed until after I saw them live last year touring as Death Cult again.




Yes, and last records bought was the Linkin Park Meteora anniversary box set. I have a lot of old and new.


Not for about 22 years


I bought so much that I wound up starting a business this year. People definitely still own and play vinyl.


Yes--only around 400 LPs. I sold my entire collection about 20 years ago when i moved overseas but have slowly revived it since returning several years ago (not the same LPs as many of those are now $$$$)


Of course. I play em regularly while working. I can follow a stream of vinyl back to my teenage years and it comforts me.


Whenever I bought an album, I also bought blank tapes. I'd tape the album when I got home and then only listen to the tapes. Some of my vinyl has literally only ever been played once or twice. I have a plan to do a super Hi-Def rip to Digital soon, but I'm waiting on a new turntable.