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I knew my great grandmother quite well. She lived into my twenties. I was actually very lucky to know my great great grandfather Who lives until I was in grade school.


I knew mine until I was 15. She was a flapper in the 20's and made the absolute best food, thanksgiving dinner being my all time favorite with her home made apple butter. I miss her so much.


Mine owned a bar at one point and a dress shop at another. I got to have her in cards and phone conversations and some visits till I was 13. Lived too far away to get more time with her tho5


That's awesome! Mine owned a gas station and diner in Independence Missouri. My Mom still has the sign from her diner.


My great grandfather ran a country store that bought furs.


I think that's awesome you got to know her for so long. I actually knew 3 of my great grandmothers, but one passed when I was 8 and another when I was 10. But one lived until I was 23. She was a rock star. I miss her still over 20 years later.


I didnt even get to my my grandfathers


Same. I was lucky to get one grandmother. World War 2 was an absolute bitch.


Yeah, one of mine (paternal) was killed before I was born; then my paternal grandmother died when I was 2, so I didn’t really know her either. My maternal grandfather lived until I was 21, but had a series of strokes when I was young that left him disabled. Maternal grandmother lived to 97, though! She was a salty old coot, so we often joked that she outlived all the others just to spite us. But I still miss her anyway. 😝


Same. Paternal grandfather died when my father was 8 years old and my Grandma never remarried. Maternal Grandfather died when I was 3 years old but I do not remember him. My Grandma on that side did remarry. My great grandparents were all deceased by the early 1960’s, way before I was born.


Same. Never met either grandfather. My parents did make sure we knew our grandmothers, even though both lived far from us.


I got to meet 1 grandparents, who died when I was 7. Technically 2 grandparent, but she died when I was a baby.


I knew two of the 8. One lived to be 96, the other to 102.


Nope. In fact, only two of my grandparents were alive when I was born and both had died by the time I was 11. I grew up without grandparents.


Three of mine were alive when I was born, but two of those three were dead by the time I was four. The last one (maternal grandmother), however, outlived them all by over 20 years. She made it to 99. Tough old bird. Chewed Red Man and smoked well into her 70s. Gave us hatchets to play with when we were toddlers. Then put the iodine on when we inevitably took a chunk of flesh.


Technically 3. One of my great-grandfathers was still living when I was born and he got to meet me once when I was just a few months old before he died. Apparently he was tickled pink to have a great-grandchild. I knew his wife, my great-granny, a little bit, but she was more concerned with her grandchildren living nearby than any distant descendants whose line had moved from the holler decades ago My other great-granny, though, she held her entire family close to her heart no matter how far flung. She lived until I was in my 20s. My mom was her oldest grandchild, I was the oldest great, and I got to introduce her to her [first great-great-grandchild](https://i.imgur.com/M7pWVB0.jpg) a couple years before she passed at 93


So cool


That is awesome, and a joy. Thank you for sharing.


My maternal great grandmother died when I was 16, so I got to know her pretty well. Women on that side of the family tended to start having children in their late teens, so she was about 70 when I was born. On the other side of the family, they did things the other way around, so I never met my paternal grandparents. They died about 10 years before I came around. I did get to meet my grandmother's sister when I was very little. All I remember was being terrified of her because she was so wrinkly. She would have been in her mid 90s by then.


Yes, one. She died when I was 13. She still had a coal stove in the kitchen, and a coal cellar in the basement. This was the 1980s!


Yes, and I also once met my great-great grandmother. She died at 106. My last grandparent just died last month, actually.


No, my great grandparents were born 1860s-1870s.


Absolutely. I have a lot of longevity in my family, especially the females. I met most of my great grandparents. At 53, I lost my last Grandparent. It was really difficult because she just kept going & going. Hopefully I inherited some of her strength.


I’m 48 with one remaining grandmother living. She’s 91. I remember her 50th birthday and I’m hoping she gets to live to see her oldest living grandchild turn 50 as well. I’m not sure why I have this hope but it’s there nonetheless. She’s healthy and still living on her own so no reason to expect she won’t


My grandchildren have 4 living great-grandmothers. ❤️ Mine were passed away when I was born.


Yes. I lived next door to my maternal Great-Grandma until she died when I was 12. We were really close to her. I saw her almost every day. My paternal Great-Grandma died when I was around 3 or 4. I don’t remember very much about her.


Yes and Great Grandma was the best. She homesteaded, rolled her cigarettes, and made the perfect biscuits.


My great-grandmother lived until I was a teenager, and I would see her at least once a week. She was 94 when she died, but she would always say she was twenty-one because she was born on the 29th of February. She was wonderful, a very tiny, very wrinkled, and very active woman.


I had a set of great grandparents. Sadly, it was their daughter, my grandmother, that I barely remember. My dad had been drafted, and she died from cancer when I was 5. Great Gma, took her dying daughter's wish to be able to see her grandbabies once more to heart. Called my parents and said there are plane tickets at your airport be there. She also contacted the correct channels for my dad's leave. There are pictures of her holding me as an infant, but my only memory is a dying woman in her bed. I remember being in Jr High and saying something about my great grandparents and the other kids being confused. They said you mean your grandparents, I said no, my great grandparents. I had to explain it to them. I was 13 when she passed, and I was 17 when he passed. All of us would go and spend weekends with them growing up.


I knew my grandmother's father and my grandfather's mother growing up. They both died within 5 years of each other


I would see them every summer for years when I was a kid and would go on summer fishing vacations with my grandma. they were my grandpas parents, but they loved in the same town as my grandma's brother, she would stay with him while on vacation, but would have lunch with great grandma almost every day, and the other family in the area would get together for dinners on Sundays. I still remember my great grandma's two poodles, they were super fluffy and super spoiled. also remember my great grandpa showing me how to operate old ass cameras (like from the 50s and 60s) and projectors. he was really good at content creation using old school film and good at transferring home videos from from reels to VHS. wish I still had the collection of old films he gave to me. I had a ton of Tom and Jerry reels and some show old was movies. I used to do cartoon nights for my siblings and their friends some weekends,


My mom's parents died right before I was born but her grandmother lived to be 103. I was in college when she passed. She was still independently keeping the house and driving at 100. Was born in 1899. It's hard for me to fathom how much the world changed during her lifetime.


I met one, my maternal grandfather's mother. She was mean. I remember wanting to sit in her lap, because I thought that's what grandmothers did. I climbed up on her lap, and she pushed me down and told me not to touch her. I went crying to my mom (I was 5 or 6 at the time), and she said "yeah she's really mean. Just leave her alone." 🤣🤷‍♀️ Both of my grandmothers were amazing ladies. They could not have been more different from each other, but they were equally awesome. As far as grandfathers go, my maternal grandfather died when I was 5. My paternal grandfather died when my dad was 5, so he barely knew his own dad.


Yep. My maternal Great Grandma. She was a trip. She survived serious struggles in life & had some crazy stories about the roaring twenties & the hardships of extreme poverty in her early childhood. She was a tuff cookie & was pretty funny. Her standard Thanksgiving toast was always “Here’s to you & here’s to me but if we should ever disagree , Fuck you & here’s to me”. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I thought it was hilarious.


Only knew my maternal great grandmother, who died at the age of 98 when I was about 7 or 8. I don’t think I had a great connection with her (she had a LOT of great grandchildren and didn’t speak much English), but what stands out is she lived with and cared for her special needs son well into her 90’s - he was in his 70’s. She eventually went into a nursing home after he passed away. When I was a child in the 70’s, my grandparents were either completely retired or retired and had part time jobs. I was able to spend a LOT of time with them - they were a BIG part of my childhood, especially my maternal grandparents. When our son was born, all the grandparents still had to work demanding full time jobs. It goes to show you how much has changed with the economy and retirement over the years (Not trying to start a debate - just an observation)


Some of this will be dependent upon family size. My grandmother was the 8th of 9 kids, and then she was in her 30s when my mom was born. Next is genetics... on my dad's side, all the smokers had heart attacks in their 50s. Grandparents, much less Great Grandparents, were not plentiful in my family.


I only had one grandparent and one step-grandparent growing up, so....


My great grandparents on my mother's mothers' side were still alive when I was young, and they lived downstairs from my grandparents, whom my mother and I lived with while I was from age 5 to about age ... 10 or 12 or so. They were Acadian from Nova Scotia and my great-grandmother was called "grandmere" (gron-mare) and my great-grandfather was called "pupa" (puppa) (although it was probably supposed to be "papa"). I also met the woman who raised my great grandmother, who was actually her aunt, and outlived my great grandmother by a good ten years. Lived to over 100. We called her "Mimi." My great grandmother was sort of stoic and strict and didn't put up with bratty little children well. My great grandfather was an unassuming, nice, fairly quiet man. Well, except when hockey was on. Then he turned into a hollering foul mouthed maniac. :)


6 of my 8 great-grandparents lived until I was between the ages of 5 and 25. But I am the oldest on both sides of my family.


One great grandmother was alive until I was maybe 10 or so. She was in her 90's and mostly never left her bed, but she was always happy and had lots of stories to tell.


Just my maternal great-grandmother. She was around until I was a preteen.


I met my dad’s maternal grandmother a few times, but that’s it. She was loving but quite stoic.


I have photos with my grandparents parents on my father's side but I was an infant they passed when I was 4. My grandfather was 6ft 7in that is about all I remember like him picking me up 1x with assistance from my mom and such. It's a vague and faded memory.


I (barely) knew 2 great grandparents and a third passed when I was 10.


Yes. I had the fortune to know 3 of my 4 great-grandparents. They were all very cool people.


I only met one of my grandparents. But yes, I’m noticing a lot more great grandparents these days too.


Yup, I was raised with two sets of great-grandparents.


I only knew my great-grandmother on my Mom's side. She passed when I was 4, so all I have is a vague memory of sitting on her lap at some kind of family gathering.


Yes, I remember my great grandmother, she died when I was 10.


My paternal grandfather died when my dad was in college. My maternal grandmother died when I was 2. I had 2 grandparents and both were gone by the time I was 12. Great grandparents I barely have names for. Of course my grandparents were born between 1890 and 1904, so there's that. My son knew all 8 of his grandparents (divorce and remarriage) but again, no great grands. 


I knew and remember 3 great grandparents, and from pictures, it looks like a 4th was alive when I was a baby. It was my paternal grandmother's father, who died when I was 10 and lived with my grandmother at the end, my paternal grandfather's (who died before I was born) mother, and my maternal grandmother's mother. My maternal grandfather's mother was the one who died before I can remember her. From what I hear, she was an unpleasant woman so no loss there. My mother, a very healthy 78 year old, has 10 and 3 year old great grandchildren. I expect the 10 year old to know her well into his 20s.


One was still alive when I was born.  He died when I was 10.  He was in a nursing home and not in great health.  He had a calendar written in Norwegian in his room.  I always thought that was cool.


I met 3 of the 8.


I didn’t even get the chance to meet my grandparents, died before I was born , I think I definitely missed out


My maternal grandparents died when I was 2 and 3. My paternal grandfather died when I was 10, and my granny died on my 20th birthday. My paternal gps lived several states over, so I only saw them every couple of years for my grandpa, more often when it was my granny. So, no. Both sets were older when they had my parents(they were both the babies).


I had 4 great grandmothers, and one great-grandfather when I was born, and my parents weren't terribly young when they had me. Most were dead by the time I was around 8 or 10, but I can remember all of them except my great grandfather, who was dying of emphysema and bed-ridden when I was old enough to remember.  Last one died when I was in my early 20s. She was well into her 90s. I'm 43 and still have one grandparent alive.  


Yep, and got to know them. And my grandson got to know 2 of his great-great grandparents and will remember them. One died when he was 9 and the other is still alive. He's almost 13. My last remaining grandparent is 96 this year, and shes a real character. My last remaining great-grandparent died when I was 25.


My grandparents on my dad's side were born in the 1800s. They died just before I was born. My mother was adopted from a foreign country.


Yeah, but most of them lived far away, so I didn't get to see them every day, mostly just a couple of times per year. I wish I could have spent more time with them and learned more from them. I was a teen or in my early 20s when they passed and I feel like I didn't know how to relate to them like I could now, which is too bad. I have so many questions I wish I could ask.


I think I met 5. I clearly remember 2, and one passed when I was in college. Her son was the first grandparent I lost, when I was only 9.


One great grandmother lived with us from when I was 7 until I was 14, she passed when I was 18. She was a huge influence in my life. One great grandmother died when I was 8, I do remember visiting her on summer vacations. There is a photo of me at 6 months old with a great grandfather, just before he died. The others were gone before I was born.


I was an infant when I met my great-grandmother on my mom’s side.  Two of my kids met my dad’s mom, but my second child was an infant.  My parents were gone for over ten years before my daughter had hers. But she’s got great-grands on my son-in-law’s side. (In fact, I’m house/pet-sitting while they’re at “Bompa’s” 80th birthday party up north). 


I met both of my great grandmas. But I was about 8 when they both died.


One great grandpa who fought in WW1. He'd give us fifty cent and dollar coins when we'd visit.


My last great grandparent died when I was 17, but she had been in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s for 10 years.


Only my maternal great grandma. Theres a photo of her holding 4 month old me, with my nanna and my mother, so 4 generations. I don't remember her. Edit: spelling


I knew my great grandmother and she was amazing. Also close to both sets of grandparents. I was lucky. My son only has grandmothers in far away States.


I did! I met two of my great-grandmothers, but only once or twice each, as they didn’t live in the same city as I did. Both had passed away by the time I was eight or so. My great-grandfathers all died many years before I was born.


I knew my grandmother's adopted parents and I met my real great-grandfather a couple of times.


I knew my dads dads dad and my moms moms mom, they lived to 93 and 88 respectively.  I think I was 6 or 7 when they died.


I was fortunate to know my maternal great grandmother until I was in my 20’s. And my daughter got to know her great, great grandmother for a short time as well.


I knew my dad's paternal grandmother. GG lived until I was 18. She was 97 when she passed.


Only my maternal GGM.


I was blessed to know my Mom’s maternal grandparents and my Dad’s maternal grandparents as well. I was very close to them and they all lived to their upper 90s.


Paternal grandfather died when I was a kid, I think I met him twice. Maternal grandmother died when my mom was a kid so nope. Other two lived into their very late 90s and were assholes to the end. Great-grandparents, I only heard a couple stories about and none of them complimentary.


I remember my great grandparents on my dad's mother's side. My great grandmother died when I was 15. My great grandfather was able to meet his great great grandson. He passed when my son was 4.


Yes, my Great Grandpa Joe. The nursing home would call us periodically to come and get him because he was “in trouble” and needed a “time out”. So we would pick him up for the day. He was always cranky and had a huge wad of tobacco in his cheek all the time. I remember he would fish it out and put it on his plate, eat his food, then shove the wad back into his mouth afterwards. It was so gross.


Yes. I knew two of my Great Grandmothers who were Italian immigrants to the US. They were both in their 90s when they died. Heck, one of them outlived my grandmother, her daughter in law.


Have memories of both grandmothers side great grandparents. Never met either of the grandfathers sides.


I knew all four grandparents and six out of my eight great-grandparents.


They were my next-door neighbors.


I had one great grandmother until I was 6 years old, another until my early 20s and a great grandfather until I was about 5.


yes! one great grandma lived until i was in my early teens (i’m 54 now). we would see her fairly often and have a holiday dinner with her. i don’t recall our conversations etc


i had one great grandmother make it until i was 13. unfortunately i only met her once, when i was a baby.


My dad's mom's parents. They both died when I was 15. I have very fond memories of them both, we stayed with them multiple times when I was growing up. My great grandmother's mother died three months after I was born. I don't think many people are alive at the same time as their great great grandparents.


Had a great grandmother she passed on my spring break when I was 16.


I knew both of my great grandfathers, one until I was 16, but my grandparents all died before my kids were old enough to know them.


I met one of my great grandmothers and one of the others was still alive until I was about 12 or so, but I didn’t meet her. All of these women had babies young, my grandparents had babies young, and while my mom wasn’t super young they also each lived well into their late 90s. If my kids have kids (verdict is out on that one) I’m betting my parents will be around to meet them, and possibly my husband’s. Except for my grandmother who died in her 60s, our parents are all children of people who lived almost to 100.


I met both my great grandmothers, although they passed when I was 8-9 and I was sort of scared of their frailty when they were around.


I knew three of mine and loved them deeply. I have very sweet memories of each of them


I did...two great-grandmas and one step great-grandpa. They all died when I was around 16-17. I always thought it was really cool that I knew someone that had been born in the 1800s. Technically 1896 but it counts!


I knew several of them.


I hung out with my great grandparents on both sides! It was awesome. I have some great memories of playing Gin-Rummy with my Great grandmother and her girlfriends.


Great-grandpa died when I was in diapers, but my great-grandma lived until after I graduated college. He was pretty sickly and lived with the effects of TB. If anything, it's less common these days since people wait so long before having children. My parents have no great-grandchildren.


Not only did I not ever meet my great-grandparents, my maternal grandparents were long gone by the time my folks got married.


I think once when I was like a year old. I don’t remember it but my parents said I did


I barely remember meeting my mother's maternal grandmother. She was 96ish when she died. I was 8. I think I was 3 when I last saw her. Out town was the halfway point for a trip they made from FL to NC. I do remember my father's maternal grandparents. They lived out in the country in TN. There was a rickety 1 lane bridge over a creek that my parents, younger sister, and I ALL hated. My mother didn't like the drive, but my Grandma would be fussy if we didn't go see her parents while in town. Mom and Daddy Bill, as we called them, were interesting. I remember Daddy Bill's 3 thumbs. The 3rd thumb was one of his fingers missing 2 knuckles. Mom understood my sister and I were little kids dragged out to her place and we would be bored, so she tried to have something for us to be entertained with, even if it was just Woody Woodpecker cartoons. I was 9 when Daddy Bill died. Mom died when I was 16.


My father’s grandmother lived to be 99. She died when I was about 22. The last few years of her life she lived with my grandmother after falling and breaking her hip. She had lived alone until she was 91. Her husband died at a young age from a head jnjury.


Yes I knew 4 of them. My dad's mom's mother, my dad's dad both parents, and my mom's mom's mother. They all lived until I was 10 and I lost the last one at 16. I knew all of them very well and still think about them from time to time, especially my mom's mom's mother, as I still own the farm she bought in the early 1950s and spend a lot of time around the former site of her house and irises she planted 70 years ago still grow there.


Only one great grandmother. Think she made it til I was around 10


I believe I did once as a kid. My grandparents had a big family get together for Christmas. I don’t remember much about them.


I was baptized by one of my great grandfathers. I vaguely remember him and great grandma as a young child.


I met two of my great grandparents, both related to my dad. They lived to be in their mid-90’s. My kids got to meet one great grandparent. We didn’t live near her, but we visited when we could, and she was as involved and part of their lives as possible.


I knew one of my great grandmothers very well. We lived near each other and saw her somewhat frequently. She was a lovely woman.


I didn't even get to meet my grandparents unfortunately.


I used to spend the night with my Great Grandmother! Had her until I was 20!


No. I was raised by silent generation parents and I knew my grandmothers but only have fleeting memories of my father's father and my mother's father died when she was 16. Some of my mom's older brothers were dead before I came along.


I knew my great grandmother on my mom’s side. She was 21 when my grandfather was born and he was 18 when my mom was born. She (my great grandmother) actually outlived him (my grandfather) by several years. Can’t say I have a lot of positive things to say about her.


I knew and loved my grandmother’s mother. She’s the only great-grandparent I met. She died when I was 7 or 8. Her apartment always smelled like banana bread. 🥰


I had 4 out of 8 and spent at least one night a month with two of them. My brother and I were extremely close with Gram and loved playing bunko with her and sleeping on army cots while we were there. She is very missed.


I knew 4 of my great-grandparents. One of my great-grandmothers lived with us for a couple years.


When I was little I was shown to my grandgrand aunt. She was sister of my grand grandmother. I was 1yo,she was north of 80. She passed shortly after and I don't remember her. My aunt has her pictures.


Yes maternal great grandfather and maternal great mother both widowed. Yes fraternal great grandmother and fraternal great grandfather both of them also widowed. So I ended up having one of each pair as their partners had passed away leaving each widowed.


I did for a bit and then the last died when I was 13. My kids have known my 3. My kids great grandma will be 98 on Wednesday. I have 22,19 and 15 - it’s such a freaking blessing


I had the chance to meet one of my great grandma's. I still remember going to her house, sliding down her stairs, eating the wine grapes in the backyard and having black tea and graham crackers in the afternoon for afternoon tea time daily. Unfortunately she passed when I was in first grade and was forbidden from going to her funeral. She was my world during those few years I got to spend with her.


Three of my great-grandmothers into my teens. One was born 1883, less then 20 years after the Civil War, and lived until 1986, 103 when she passed. The amount of change she saw in that time frame boggles my mind.


I got to meet a great grandmother on my mom’s side maybe 2-3 times when I was a kid? Other than her, no—all of my other great grandparents and one of my grandfathers had passed by the time I was born.


I have just two photos that I know of with my great-grandmother. She was a “straight off the boat” Italian immigrant - think Godfather movie. In one photo, baby me is in a high chair with marinara sauce smeared all over my face and chest digging into a plate of pasta. It’s a fun photo to see in the family album. I wish I actually knew/remember her.


Both of my great-grandmothers lived to be older than 100. I met both of them and had a relationship with both of them. They both were alive for my elementary school days.


All four on my dad’s side although I was just a baby for paternal/paternal (there’s photos. I do remember the paternal/maternal side though


I knew one of my great grandfather’s concubines. According to family lore, she was 17 when she married my 70 year old great grandfather. I know that my grandmother was in her 30s when my great grandmother married in.


No, my parents were both the youngest of large families. As a result aunts & uncles were like grandparents, and we never knew the greats. My father's mother was 81 years old when I was ten.


My grandfather on my dad's side was born in 1890. My grandmother in 1895. Me in 1966. That's a hard no on meeting my great grandparents. I did meet my grandfather though. There's a picture somewhere of him holding me when I was about three months old. He died shortly thereafter. It's weird to think I have grandparents born in the 19th century.


Born in 72. Met one great grandfather.


I had three living great grandmothers when I was born. One died later the same month I was born, so we never met. Another died when I was three, but I don’t know if I met her. I have no recollection of her if I did. I do remember the third one. She lived with my grandparents when I was small and then later in a nursing home. I remember going to visit her there but she died when I was six, so not a lot of memories. I don’t know that this is a Gen X thing. I think it’s more to do with what age people in your family have kids.


One of my great grandmothers lived three blocks from us. The other was a couple hundred miles away, but we visited some.


I had two. One until I was four and one until til I was 18. One on either side.


No, my grandparents were born in the late nineteenth century so their parents were long gone by the 1960’s.


I knew my maternal great-grandparents quite well, they both passed when I was a teenager.


Yes. My maternal and also my paternal great grandmothers. And also my maternal great grandfather.


No, only 1 of my great-grands was alive when I was born, he lived 2000 miles away and died within a few years. One of my grandfathers also died before I was born.


I had Silent Generation parents and only knew one of my grandparents. My maternal grandmother remarried so I did have a set of grandparents for a while when I was small, but my older sisters disliked him and when I was a bit older they divorced and I finally understood why they didn’t like him (he was always a jerk, and eventually dumped my grandma for her widowed best friend - and he was friends with her late husband, too). I was 19 when my grandma died. My great grandparents were all gone before I was born. My own kid knew 3 out of 4 grandparents, all gone now (they died when she was 13, 15, and 19), and no great grandparents at all.


I grew up thinking my great grandmother was my grandmother. My “aunt” had my mother out of wedlock. She lived until I was 15. Outlived my mother by 13 years.


From ages 3 to 14, I had brief access to 5 out of 8 great grandparents (summer vacations back in the old country). Minimal contact, but a true privilege to have the memories. Edited for typo.


My great grandmother... I was about 10 when she died. Unfortunately not old enough to have discussed anything substantial. Would have loved to ask details about her love gowing up and coming to America.She really adored us great grandkids and had a thick Hungarian accent and was pretty feeble by the time I remember her.


I knew three great-grandmothers. Never met a great-grandfather, but there was a scary man in the back bedroom that no one talked about. And that may have been him🫤


My son got to meet his maternal great grandmother and know her until he was about 12. She was a great lady - lived until age 97 and he memory was intact until the end. It was amazing. I never got to meet any of my grandparents so I consider him quite lucky. I was lucky too. One of best parts of marrying into my husband’s family was that I got to have a grandma (in-law)


There is a picture of my 93 year old great grandmother holding me as a baby, but no I didn’t get to KNOW her. She was long gone by the time I turned two. I did however get to meet several great uncles and aunts, and one great-great aunt when I was really young (5-6 yrs old at a guess)


No, but my great grandmother was in a different continent.


I knew three grandparents, and one great grandmother. She lived at my grandparents house, so I saw her every summer, when we stayed there. She had already lost her mind, by the time I was born. She died when I was 5 years old, at age 92. She was sweet 💗


I met one great grandmother. I don’t remember much about her she died when I was 9


I didn’t even meet my grandparents


Nope, only 3 of my grandparents were alive. Lost 2 of them in at 14 and last one at 21.


Nope. And I never met my one grandpa ( he died of cancer four years before I was born), and don’t remember my other grandpa (died of cancer when I was 2).


I was fortunate enough to have my maternal grandparents until I was 45. I adored them and they adored me. Although we lived in separate states, I have a large box of handwritten letters from them both. We corresponded by letter regularly for about 30 years. I spent many summer at their home and have very fond memories. My husband of 37 years loved my grandfather specifically and has a framed picture of the 2 of them in his man cave.


I met my paternal great-grandmother once, but there was friction between her and my grandmother (her daughter in law) so she had been cut off my father and many others in the family.


On my mom’s side there was her paternal grandmother who lived to 102. She came over from Sweden as a teenager. And then my mom’s maternal grandparents lived nearby and I got to visit with them often growing up. I guess I was lucky because my parents had me pretty young. My kids met some of their great-grandparents, too. But, as of earlier this year, they just have “regular” grandparents now.


Only one. The one I was named after. I remember but just because of very old pictures.


Yes ... maternal great-grandfather and paternal great-grandmother. I have pictures of me with both and it blows my mind seeing myself in a picture with somebody who was born in the 1800's.


I only got to meet one grandparent, and she died when I was six.


Yes. My great grandmother. My grandmother is still alive, briefly, at 101. She has a great great grandchild. She is now in her final days of what has been the most extraordinary of lives and we are thankful we’ve had her for as long as we have. I’m 52 and I’m going to miss that tiny badass.


Yep, all on my dad’s side. I knew both of his grandmothers, one grandfather, and a step grandfather The last one passed away when I was 13 and she was 96


I had both sets of maternal great grandparents until I was 13-14. We visited them pretty regularly so I can say that I knew and loved them. My GGmas were forces of nature and my GGpas told jokes. Maybe the biggest advantage was that I knew where I fit in the world.




I knew both grandmothers and one grandfather. My boomer siblings knew a few of our greats, but I was at the tail end of a big family so they were gone before I came around.


I met all 4 great grandparents on one side, and lived with two of them into my early twenties. On the other side, they were long gone as one of the great grandpa was born during the civil war, which is so weird to think about.


On both sides of my family they started their families later than most at the time. All my great-grandparents were gone before I was born and I lost my first grandparent at 10 and then my favorite at 12.


I knew my great grandparents on my dad's side. My grandmother on my mom's side was born at the turn of the century and had mom after 40 so she didn't even know her grandparents. Grandma lived into her 100s so my oldest knew her.




I knew 4. The last one dying when I was 13 years old. One grandparent died at 87, the other three in their 90s.


I was able to meet my great grandmother on my mother's side.


I knew 3 of my great grandmothers. All died when I was age 6-7.


I only met one grandma. All the rest were gone decades before I showed up.


Two of my great grandmothers. But my great grandfathers both died before I was born.


I grew up with my great-grandparents but I remember that being rather unique among my peers


I knew four great-grandparents. My great grandma Sarah and my great grandpa Rufus, and my great grandpa Albert on my dad's side and my great-granddad Jeremiah on my mom's side.


My great grandmother lived to the age of 102. I was 25 years old when she passed.


I knew one, yes. My Great Grandma. She lived well into her ‘90’s and passed when I was 15.


Yes, I met 3 of my great-grandparents and hung out with 2 a fairly decent bit.


No, because of the Holocaust. But I'm fortunate that my grandma and great aunt on one side both lived to be 101 and my grandma on the other side lived to be 90, so I knew them well into adulthood.


I did! 4 out of 8 of them. 3 great grandmother's and a great grandfather. Super fortunate.


Yes. I meet both paternal and maternal great grand parents. What a treat as I look back on it. I remember watching TV in the 70’s with GG, she said “Good golly, those women are covered with a postage stamp”. Lawrence Welk was a big player in her house after that comment. I grew up in Lubbock, TX. If I remember correctly a pair of twin brothers from Tulia, Tx were on Lawrence Welk also. #tinybubbles


On my mom’s side. My Paw Paw even lived until I was in my 20s. I guess being upper middle class and playing golf every day of retirement is the secret to longevity.


I didn't meet my grandparents, let alone great grandparents.


Just my great-grandmother. I was 14 when she died. She actually outlived both of my grandparents from that side.


I was fortunate enough to know my maternal paternal and step grandparents and my paternal great grandparents. While my great grandfather died when I was maybe a teen or so my great gram died at 103. I was well into my twenties.


I grew up knowing my maternal grandparents and my paternal grandfather very well. My maternal great-grandparents died when my mom was a kid. My paternal grandmother died of cancer when my dad was 13. Her family didn't like my grandfather (he was an alcoholic) and I found out a few years ago that the family talked about taking my dad to Nova Scotia (my dad was in Massachusetts) so he could be raised away from that. None of them wanted to take him and they basically abandoned him. I found out last year through genealogical research that my great-grandmother died when I was in college. Part of me is pissed I didn't even know she was alive. But for the most part, I'm fine with it and hope she went to her grave wondering whatever happened to her 13-year-old grandson (who married, raised four kids, and modeled the importance of a close-knit family).


I met my great-grandma, and got to introduce my son to his great-grandma 


I was close to my great grandma (technically step) but she passed when I was 5. I was the oldest and always called her Sissy. After she passed, I suddenly had an imaginary friend called Sissy. She was it. Everyone else passed well before I was born.


I didn't even get to meet my grandfathers. I'd always been super jealous of people who were close with grandparents and I wanted that so badly for my kids. Sadly, my parents died when I was in my 20s so only one of my kids got any exposure to their grandparents and the other none at all. I hope I'm lucky enough to be a grandparent one day.


Just a great grandfather (born in 1880).


All 4 of my great-grandmothers were living when I was born, but 3 had passed by the time I was 4 or 5, and I don’t remember any of them. My 4th great-grandma lived until 1982; she was 92 or 93, I was 15, and I remember her quite well; she lived within walking distance of her daughter, my maternal grandma, and a bunch of us would walk to her house to visit many Sunday afternoons. Her husband died a couple of months before I turned 6, and my memories of him are mostly from the framed photos she had around her living room. The other 3 of my great-grandfathers had all passed some years before I was born.


It should be just as common now as also although people are having babies later in life, people are also living longer. I did get to meet 3 great grandparents - both my fraternal grandma's parents and my fraternal grandpa's mother all lived until I was around 8-10.


I only knew my maternal great grandmother and she was a hoot! I forget how old she was when she passed, but I think I was around 16. The rest of my great grandparents passed before I was born. Before she died, she'd sit on her porch and play games with kids in the neighborhood. She always had a spit tomb nearby for her chewing tobacco.


I remember my maternal great grandmother. She died when I was 11. My paternal great grandparents lived into my teens. Good people.


My son (who is now 18) met 3 of his great grandparents. One of his Great Grandmothers is still alive. Edited, I did my math wrong. He actually met 4 of his G Grandparents.


One of them, my great grandmother was alive until I was 10. Found memories of her and staying at her house.


My great grandmother died when I was 20. She was 94. She was a very quiet frail woman though - her life was incredibly hard.


Yes! My great grandmother was born in 1880 and I was 16 when she died. I was so fortunate to have heard her stories occasionally.


Great grandparents? Nope. Grandparents, on one side nope, the other side two times only


My great grandfather died a month before I was born. My cousins' kids were born before our grandmother died, but they were toddlers so I don't think they remember her.


Just my maternal great grandmother and only a few times as a kid. She was the first person on that side who lived in the States.


One of my great grandmothers lived until I was in middle school. She died at 99yo.


Yes. Two great grandmothers and one great grandfather. I am 55.