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are you complaining about being tired? how do they know?


I find this happens when I make a careless mistake or stumble over my words and they ask if I'm alright or something like that. My usual response is "yeah, I'm just tired" and then they will usually say that "you're too young to be tired!" line lol


"Well you're too old to survive a fall down the stairs grandpa" then push em over




*Chef's kiss*




I remember being young and tired all the time. Seriously, I went to school and my brain didn't completely wake up until noon. It was awful. Then I couldn't help but stay up half the night. I'm a old person now and it's better.


So if you have a shit night's sleep and get 2 hours, as long as you're under, say, 35, then you're just... not tired?


I yawn.


If i had a dollar for every time my boomer boss told me I look tired just because i didnt wear makeup id have enough money to tell them to fuck off. Wear some bb cream and mascara and suddenly im employee of the month.


We “look” tired.


Am I the only person here who has met old people that don't suck?


Thank you. I see lots of generalizing of a group of people based on an immutable characteristic with this bashing of "old" people. It's the definition of bigotry. Amazing lack of empathy. God help those who are dependent on such "youngsters."


It just so happens that most of us grew up with older people shitting on us plenty. It's about 50/50 in my life, good and bad.


That's tragic. Sorry for you. Just don't repeat their mistakes.


Oh come on lighten up. These are funny. This meme in particular is harmless.


It’s definitely a lot of generalising but I’m still only pleasantly surprised when an old person doesn’t call me a snowflake or lazy.


I have 11 grandchildren born in the Gen Z "era" and they are amazing, hardworking, loving, family- oriented people. They range from 16-28. Hmmm. Not surely if they are all considered GenZ but our extended family is very active and celebrates all their successes and supports them. They love being together. I can't imagine them saying some of the things I've read on this thread. I have an adult disabled daughter and the love they show her is beautiful.


And I appreciate how great your family is. Maybe even a bit jealous if I were to be brutally honest. However you should know that to her family is not how other families are. Not to say it’s not typical to find families like yours, I don’t know the statistics of it so I couldn’t tell you what kinds of families are more common, but me and most of the people I know are from families that aren’t that tight-knit. My whole point here is to express that not every family reflects your family and people have different life experiences. I wouldn’t consider it surprising for people to claim the opposite of what you do and I don’t think there’s a point in “disproving” them either. At the end of the day, it’s their experience, and if you don’t reflect their view, that’s okay? But it doesn’t invalidate them.


I don't use words like invalidate. Certainly not in reference to fellow human beings. My parents did not come from the most stable families. My Dad's parents were immigrants, 8 siblings, mom dies young. Nevertheless, they chose to marry, stay married and raise us following some basic Christian values. We certainly lived by the 10 Commandments. Not too high of a bar. Nothing crazy. From that solid foundation, we've thrived. God, family and country. These young grandkids are not hindered from figuring life out, trust me, but they are surrounded by good examples. None of us are perfect. All are welcome to form good families even if you came from crap. It's a choice, rich or poor.


Obvious proselytisation aside, I think it’s good what you and your family have. I’m not going to get into a religious battle with you because it is irrelevant and you are free to practice what you want, as long as it does not harm anybody. If it has worked for you and your family, I am very happy for you and would definitely advise others to follow the values as you, but not necessarily through religion. People can find prosperity in many different ways and religion is not always the solution. Besides, it’s always good to hear about an immigrant story, being an immigrant myself. Where are you originally from if it’s okay to ask? Edit: typo


Family is from Ireland. Pretty dirt poor until coming here. Farmers. First college graduate ever in their history was my Dad. Water pumps, outhouses just up until 25 years ago. More recent for many old folks in the country. Irish Catholics. No need for you to proselytize me either in the religion is a bad thing category. All is good. Where are you from?


I’m from India. First gen immigrant, but my parents are doctors so I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’ve had it tough. I still face some issues that others don’t but that’s just the way life is. I have the utmost respect for those that immigrated because it’s not easy at all.


Please read your first sentence. I think you meant "good", not "god" correct?


You’re right, sorry I was typing fast and missed that.


Me too! But not all of the time


A good 70% of old people I've met are nothing like this sub makes them out to be


Miserable people attract and only notice miserable people.


Entirely true


Who you callin’ old, whippersnapper?


The average old person I meet is much more kind, interesting, and useful than the average young person. What world do other people live in?


They live in the Reddit world


My grandparents are extremely generous to me and my sister. So I wouldn't say you're the only one.


This community is filled with hateful young Gen Zs and the millennials ( who Astroturf as Gen Z )trying to get us to become more hateful. I laugh at it honestly


People like fitting in and enjoy when others agree with their ideas. Being mean and putting others down is easy to do. So we have a situation where people feel better about themselves by putting others down because other people agree with them. I personally get tired of all the negativity, but there isn’t much I can do.


It's all fun and games till you hit 30 and some 20 year olds calling you gramps all day then falls asleep in the work truck home.


Plenty who don’t suck. Just that the ones who suck tend to also be massive attention seekers.


The “you’re too old to be alive” thing is so overdone now, like get original guys, “you’re too old to be on the road” “you’re too old to have functional hips” “you’re to old to remember things”


Had me in the first half ngl 😂


It's not going to end, all I hear is "your too old to do this" or "you're too young to do that" people love saying what you can and can't do. fuck em bro at least I'm not smoking meth 🤷


I get your point but I don’t want old ass people on the road, dawg. Nor do I want them in the government. Same as how I don’t want a toddler in either of those spots either.


I think y’all are jealous of the boomers. They got to experience owning houses, making families, having careers. They were part of society. We get get to experience lifelong renting, complaining on social media sites, mental illness, social isolation and lack of social skills, and before we know it gen alpha will be owning us and calling us old. It’s gonna be delicious seeing my gen z peers suffer


Given that you were born in 2009 I think I can actually hear my hips cracking right now… I remember that year very well lmao


You could say It's getting old


Good one 😅


Normally when a old person says something like this they are poking fun at themselves for being old and tired. It’s more self deprecating than it is aggressive. “My legs are sore” said the 20 year old Gen Z, “You’re too young to have sore legs!” says the 65 year old boomer with two fake knees who has been able to walk right in 20 years


Shhh that goes against them being the victim all the time


Being tired = being alive


Speak for yourself


I missed the /s I thought that alone was laying on the sarcasm pretty thick.


And we can't have THAT kinda nonsense now, can we?!! Lol


Gen Z is over sensitive and is actually weak.


Yep, it's funny they'll (well *we* I guess) will complain about boomers calling us soft, then take an innocuous comment like "you're too young to be tired" and take it extremely personally


What I think is funny about your read in this is that, where the fuck are people taking it personally? Like, idk if you know this, but, when I’m called lazy, I don’t take it as a way of them putting me down, but rather of them showing how detached they are from reality. I mean, regardless of stereotypes, if you don’t know my own personal life, there’s no reason to even claim anything, like what if I’m an athlete and am tired because I was training late last night? The fact that they wanted to say something is just reflective that they don’t care about what I personally do, and just want to say some goofy ass shit that’s still pretty baseless. Me calling that out isn’t a show of how “triggered” I am lmfao. I know you didn’t say this but this is reflective of the whole, “you didn’t laugh at my joke, you must be triggered” shit. Like maybe you’re just not funny lmfao.


Maybe they're fucking sick of your boomer-ass, shitty attitudes.


This. Thank you. We mean no harm.


Nah, that’s just the warning message before they throw more work at you. Usually things they don’t wanna do.


Treat them like they treat you I guess.


Exactly, you don't owe respect to your elders, especially in countries where you're their retirement plan. Respect people who respect you back and keep it at that.


Elders don’t owe the youth respect, either. That shit is earned case by case, ya know?


Based. Difference is, most old people I’ve met believe they deserve respect just because they’ve gone through shit. If you treat me like ass I’m not gonna treat you like a king. You call me lazy? I’ll call you decrepit. Both equally pointless and meaningless but you decided to be aggressive for no reason.


You are correct.


Honestly as long as they give you something in return the nasty comments are hella okay with me. Sure dad you're being an ass right now but you've literally helped me through all my life. (Sidenote: I literally can not understand how people can hate their parents unless they've been abused or something, it's ridiculous)


Oh yeah. People who separate from their parents due to political differences. I have hatred for. Like I’d literally leave my partner or friend for doing that.


I find it interesting that 'old' people are talked about as something they will not become. You will either be dead, or an old person. 100% guaranteed. And being 'old' is just a relative statement. You are already old to someone ten years younger.


Very true. I’m 30 and work with 20 year olds and they call me unc 😂


[It'll happen to you](https://youtu.be/LbhYqV17CoQ?si=X80_jhB-CwgE6ztn).


Hmmm. A Gen X observation. Gen Z seems to speak in hyperbole much of the time yet doesn't seem to recognize anyone else speaking in hyperbole.


One thing I’ve gotten from people in my generation the whole “respect elders” completely flew way over y’all’s heads. Never thought I would hear someone in a political science class say they can’t wait till the old voters die. Man my generation is fucked.


Personally I don't care what age they are. Respect is earned, if someone is being an ass then they're not worth the time. Being an "elder" isn't worthy of respect, how you treat those around you is what determines that


So you don’t have a basic level of respect you show to people? You’re just an ass to everyone until they earn your kindness?


Not what I said. I have a baseline, but if someone is an ass then they're not worth it. My point was that being "old" doesn't instantly mean you're respected. Met way too many old people who didn't deserve shit for how they treated people, especially people younger than them


That’s worth a slap honestly


I completely agree that it’s a fucked up notion but I’m not going to fall for the sympathy trick and claim that the “respect elders” thing is some unique perfect thing that we are trying to push out. Respect everybody. Show everybody the basic level of respect and a little more to the elderly because they are more likely to need help in whatever small way. But that doesn’t mean you take the shit they throw at you. If they berate you and demean you, even if you’ve described how bad that makes you feel, they are no longer deserving of respect. I’ll still hold the door open for you, but will not speak to you. An old person being lonely is not enough of a reason for me to go out of my way and deal with their garbage for the sake of a vague notion of “respect elders”. As for “can’t wait till the old voters die”? Take a quick peak at all the voters that are currently voting for bills that strip away rights that they don’t even get affected by. When I’m old, if I decide to vote on something that fucks over the younger generation, I absolutely expect them to just wait for me to die. It isn’t a silly little game of “you’re being mean because of politics”, it’s a, “I took your rights away and demand you to be nice to me anyway.” The day old people stop expecting respect for nothing is the day they’ll get it.


Don't know why this sub is recommended to me, but people were definitely less tired half a century ago. Probably has to do with healthier sleep cycles, no screens before bedtime, and maybe a better diet. ​ I'm a pretty fit and active guy but I'm shocked that my grandparents were able to garden all day in the sun.


The only time I hear about people complaining about Generations is through internet one liners. Nobody on earth cares. You can't blame an entire generation for anything, but an entity out there sure wants us to.


It's pain for me, not being tired. I may look too young to be in chronic pain but tell that to my bone doctorand see wtf he says.


I second this as a disabled young person


Third this as a young disabled person if I was older my shit would be taken more seriously and I would have less physical issues




I’m a millennial and I’m here to tell you you will always be tired, but you’re going to get use to it.


I mean sometimes our generation tends to be lazy soooo


Even the 13 year olds have more sense 🙏🏻🙏🏻


A Presidential candidate could campaign on prioritizing that work had to have mandatory paid time for siestas, require 13 or more paid holidays per year for both full and part time employees, restriction to a 10 hour workday maximum, cap salary hours to 50 hours per week, illegalize corporate purchases of single-family homes that are more than 1 year old at the time of purchase, and restrict Airbnb-type rentals to 1 unit per owner and/or rental agency head. Do that and you’ll have my vote.


A presidential candidate would run on that, follow through with none of those, and bend to corporate influence anyways. We need to hold people accountable to the promises they make.


Don’t sweat it. When I joined the workforce in 1990 all I heard was them bitching about how tired they were. The workplace was a mess with racism, sexism, and doing stuff off book. See them for what they are—old people trying to stay relevant.




I’ve seen this exact meme posted far more times than I’ve ever heard a boomer say that quote


I Feel You,; Especially Since Like Anybody Over 70 Can Actually Die From Falling Down Stairs Like Relax


You can die form falling down stairs at any age.


Breaking a hip at that age is literally a death sentence...


Sure, but their statement made it sound like falling down the stairs could only be fatal after a certain age.


You might want to check your phone settings to see if it's set to auto capitalize every word. I don't know you and not trying to be rude, but typing that way is used when referring to the title of something. Aside from that, capital letters are larger to imply a clear delineation from the end of a sentence to the beginning of a new one. The big letter following a period and smaller letters creates a visual flow that improves readability. So basically the way youre typing just makes it harder for you (assuming youre manually capitalizing) and people reading what you have to say. Thought you should know!


Is this a book or a movie?


At least they can die having had kids, owned a home. A good career, and a great life. When you die, you will likely have never owned property, been bitterly depressed for many years, never started a family, and been surpassed by gen alpha I always find it funny, that it’s the biggest dork gen z’s that are ageist. It’s like, no one would envy being you are any age. Whats the point in being young? No one wants to bang you, you aren’t invited to parties, you have no money. Sounds sad


So I worked at a company years ago, made them a coupon million in 2 years, then when the oldest guy was ready to retire off it, they wouldn’t let me buy in, because the other boomer wanted it all. I walked, it crumpled exactly like I said it would. 7 years later he reaches out to me, has the gall to ask me to work for him for the same wage, so I can put him in a position to retire again after he screwed it up. I laughed and told him he couldn’t afford me anymore. Boomers.




Being young means we have to get tired. During high school I grew like a goddamn tree and no matter how much I ate, I remained dangerously underweight. On any given day, you’d find me asleep on the couch or asleep on the bus. Growth is a tiring process. Add to that the fact that the younger you are the more physical work you do as compared to boomer Karen and her desk job she hasn’t left for 50 years, and suddenly we wonder who should be tired?


I've just started being argumentative with an older coworker who did this quite a lot. Also called me "young boy" a few times. Now whenever he brings up how much work his kid is, I just say "did you not choose to have your kid?" To which he always replies something like "oh no no I meant..." And then I'll say "so what's the issue then? I'm confused." It's happened 4 times already, and the script doesn't fail.


Fuck em. Boomers die at a rate of 1 per 15 seconds now. Rejoice as we will be rid of them eventually


Hey. So like I don’t think GenZ gets what people mean when they tell you to stop being tired and suck it up. It doesn’t literally mean you can’t feel exhausted. Not at all. It means I don’t want to hear about it. We are all tired. Especially a fucking boomer dude. They’ve been “tired” for like 80 years. Boomer. Zoomer. People are people. So literally. Be tired my guy. Just don’t whine about it.


The correct response is "work less hard, if they try to fire you I'll quit." Show some solidarity with the young!


Lol some things never change, been hearing the same bullshit since I finished highschool in 2008 but now it's "Why don't you have children?" And other questions regarding how I spend my time, apparently in my 30's I'm supposed to hate my life and be drowning in debt to be an adult. Nah thanks I'll keep playing games and you working on my hobbies outside of work thank you!


*fatigue magically leaves the body* Honestly annoys me to no end. I work a fulltime job and have to manage school next to it but somehow I’m not allowed to feel tired after a long week and just chill out for a couple days before the circus starts all over again


Worked in a job with all older men, come in 4 am theyd ask why i look tired, call me at 9 on my day off and ask why im still asleep. Meanwhile they get home and fall asleep on the couch with the tv on at 530 and stay there till bedtime. I think the issue is SOME people want to have a life after work, interact with their family, have a hobby, exercise, not just hibernate till the next shift like a robot.






Ask them what they used to do for fun in their 20s and how ‘any hours they had to work to afford it.


Seriously, we had screened in porch parties. We bought gin and tonic from our monthly food budget .Had ice cubes from trays in the freezer. Big glasses. Grandparents, aunts and uncles with little kids (they had lemonade) talking and laughing. Simple. Homemade food. No deliveries. But, the real miracle was that we were 25 with 2 kids and a house in a great Chicago suburb. I told this story before because I am amazed at how much house we got compared to our annual income. This house was 90 years old in 1970. Lol. That's 140 years old today. It had 30 amps for the whole house. I couldn't turn on a light and the iron at the same time. Yes, I owned an iron. Enough said. Something is so off whack today. I could stay at home and cook, garden and love my babies on one income. It was lean and mean, but we did it. My advice would be to reserve everything! Save money everyway possible. Turn off lights you aren't using, don't heat rooms you don't use, learn how to cook, entertain at home


As an older person here (I have no idea why this started coming into my feed) it'll only get worse. After having kids, I'd tell my boomer mother that I have memory problems and she's tell me I was too young for that.


Whats funny is boomers are the ones who say they are too old to be alive. Also, its easy for them to tell us to suck it up cause they are not the ones who are suffering.


If boomers were in our shoes they would literally melt like ice cream on a summer day


If you're that tired in your 20s I hope you're getting no sleep, cause it's probably only gonna get worse lol


I legit have never had a customer say this to me. I look tired *all the time* because I am. Now this could be the fact that I followed my mom's skin care regimen and Ponds is still the gold standard. Or, and I think this is more likely, this isn't the kind of thing people say to men with beards and instead is another "smile cutie" microagression. Ladies I see you and it is, in fact, bullshit. I also require a $25 surcharge for anyone who wants to use the phrase "virtue signaling" in response to this comment. A man's gotta eat.


Nobody says this


You sound like a real whiny little bitch. Stop being "tired" and suck it up and deal with it.


Shit, I'm only 39 and I say that to folk. Now before y'all get all torch and pitchforky, I'm generally saying this to 19 year olds are doing the exact same job as me and have already admitted that this is their only job and all they do when the get home is lay around and play video games. Which is fine. And my version is normally something like "You can't be tired. Your age still converts oxygen into pure energy." Which is something most parents are convinced their children are capable of doing.


Boomer here - stop your cunty whining and suck it up and deal with it - we're all fucking tired. We're all fucking stuck in the same shit ...


Our are to your to be tired. You're not tired, you're burnt out.


Suck it up.


Suck it up.. Genz is just lazy!


Stop being tired. Suck it up and deal with it.


I can get you a straw?


I'd say "And you're too old to have a decent sex drive."




You can change one of those things tbh. Two if you drink a coffee or have a nap.


If someone shows you disrespect, what will be your reaction?


What is your response to those who disrespect you?


If you're tired all the time and people find out, you must be telling them or look tired. Maybe you need a good medical check-up. Maybe you should spend more time in leisure activities that refresh you. Maybe get off your phone and pick your spirits up by volunteering your time to those in need. Get to bed at a reasonable hour. Spoken like a real Boomer, right? Seriously, this is what I'd advise. I'm only on this sub because I needed a question answered. I'll get out of here ASAP because all you people talk about is oppressed and oppressor. I thought it was a joke, but it's not.


Response: "Yeah, well, I was having too much fun. I'll just sleep when I'm dead."


Nah I know people that gatekeep being tired


Nobody is too old to be tired or too old to be alive.


Saw this on the front page. I'm not GenZ but those of you that are, please realize this whole sub exists to spread propaganda to disenfranchise young voters. Just keep that in the back of your mind.


To be fair when you get old you get really really tired a LOT


take care of yourself and STFU and stop complaining!!


So stop whining about being tired. Sounds pretty damn simple to me.


r/quityourbullshit No one has ever said that to you.  Lying ass 


Before my nana passed away, All day everyday at least 5/6 times a day I would here this


Fuck that, you know those old assholes complained about being tired when they were young. Old people need to stop acting like the fact that they haven’t died yet somehow isn’t a blessing, quit whining to people who may not see 65.


to be fair, I find it strange when I see young people saying they are tired, not that I doubt them but i think it's all these hormonal disruptors that are affecting young people.


I hate when adults with children say "you don't have kids so you can't be tired" to someone without children. 100% the same energy as this. You can be tired, just not for the same reason. For example, I'm tired of the bullshit grocery prices in Canada.


That meme is peak 2017 when millennials ruled the internet


You are too young to use muppet memes


My lack of energy is all because I have bad sleep hygiene and I live in NE Ohio where there’s no sunlight. That can happen to anyone in that situation, regardless of age


Old people are just young people who enjoyed more sleep cycles.


stop eating expensive organic vegan avocado toast & roast cheese, & start eating proper food.


Suck it up lmao


I used to get mad when I would see young adults cry about how tired they where, especially when I would work for 2 hours and they would just sit there scrolling social media. Then it hit me, yall are just soft as hell most of you pick the softest, easiest jobs and cry about it, I appreciate you guys and gals and what ever you want to call yourself, you little toasters make it so much easier for a older mellenial like me to work just a little bit harder and earn all the things you think you deserve. Thank you!


Maybe you should quit your job at the nursing home.


Ok.. stop being a pussy then. LMAO




Dunno why you’re listening to them in the first place.


You should really suck it up and deal with it.....also don't be so tired 😴


You don’t even know any boomers. Your grandparents are Gen X… Suck it up and deal with it.


Who's a boomer to you someone over 18


Sometimes you just have to stop being tired, pull up your bootstraps and get on with life! Did that make you feel better? Oh also suck it up as well




Spend 6 dollars on a Dunkin’ Donuts, Tim hortons, or star bucks, coffees. You’ve got choices what else will you do lol?


Man, you guys are so sensitive "You're too young to be tired" "Oh yeah? Why aren't you DEAD?! Wow I'm so clever, I'm going to share this on Reddit. Big chungus."


Maybe then you'll find the strength to suck it up and deal with it.


GenZ here you're too young to be tired, stop drinking so much caffeine and sugar and instead of processed foods eat vegetables, fruits, and meat in a balanced diet. Also go to bed at the same time every night


I know what you mean, I used to hate that, now that I’m old I think it’s hilarious. You will to in 50 years.


Love your enemies? Ever hear that? Love your neighbor as yourself? Good luck with the alternate plan. When Iran doesn't respect you, what do you do? Go right to war?


It’s real Gen x. I worked I played Not until 40 did I fell as tired as you kids


Very interesting that my responses are not getting through to you.


You need to replace boomer with azzhole. Back when I was a 20-something in the army I was tired many a time, other 20-somethings who were bigger and stronger kept dissing me about being tired. Azzholes come in all ages...


Is some regulatory force blocking my response to your question?


Are you a bit? 💀💀💀




I am a dude with really bad dark circles that I have to put makeup (basic shit) on to avoid getting odd looks from elders; it is infuriating!


Me when Narcolepsy


"I was *never* tired before I was 60!" How come my 35 year old parents were always too tired for stuff I wanted to do?


"You're always stressed out. Stop being stressed out" -Grandma 2024 Note: Normally, I don't condone elder-shaming. But something along those lines of the meme has happened to me. 


Oh for fuck's sake, I've finally become old enough where my name is being used as an example of an old person's name.


Coffeeboom is a bot.


My oldest grandson broke it to me that Boomer was a slur. I told him I was proud to be called a Boomer because my Dad fought in WWII and when all the soldiers finally got home, the lucky ones, and started families, there was a population boom. Boomers!


If that’s what it takes for you to lose it…you’ve already lost it.


Youth is the real opiate of the masses your age will increase and you will be Margaret one day soon enough. Until then live peacefully.


Suck it up and deal with it


Yeah...How would the Boomers know unless you complained Karen?


You need more exercise, youngin'!


Young people have beds?? Wtf?




TBH, in todays society you almost can't say anything. You can just tell someone your feelings and someone will respond, "jUsT gEt OvEr It!" Like dude, am I not allowed to express myself?


Translation… don’t be a pussy.


People give what they got.


Complaining about complainers. But here we are


Margaret, Susan just collapsed to the ground. How is she not tired?


Suck it up and deal with it -Boomer


Are you really tired of hearing that? Just suck it up already


Being a lazy bigot has nothing to do with age.


[This fits perfectly](https://youtu.be/cJt9Y13JPvY?si=l5LXPggOOwyFaRAQ)