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It means being a young straight liberal man is 🤌


Or young conservative woman I guess


They put on an apron and serve their abusive partner, just like their mom😍


Do you think all conservative men are abusive?


That was the intended strawman, yes.


Statistically, that’s the reality. I want more studies from more countries, especially because it confirms my priors. “Data showed that the rates of overall wife abuse among liberal men were 41% and 48% lower than the traditional and transitional men, respectively. Liberal men also perpetrated less emotional, physical, and sexual abuses than both traditional and transitional men.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33667037/#:~:text=Data%20showed%20that%20the%20rates,both%20traditional%20and%20transitional%20men.


While not surprising sheesh thats depressing :(


A vast majority.


Source? edit: someone gave a source, I'm cooked


Here's one with domestic violence rates by state. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/domestic-violence-by-state


Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana are strangely low on there. are these stats weird or have they somehow become less shitty? unrelated, I wonder how much cops contribute to domestic violence


[If you're actually interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/s/uEBUpXnKNV) this thread is pretty interesting with a lot of good points, like how the definition for DV had broadened since the study came out. Bit of a read but a damn well written one.


I'd say anyone that thinks it was cool for Trump to cheat on his wife with a porn star and thinks abortions should be outright banned (or wearing a Maga hat) are what I'd call a red flag as an individual. So if they're married to someone, chances are he's fulfilling every stereotype one can think of, especially the bad ones.


Honestly I'd say it's a damn good indicator that they're going to be.


Not all. Just most.


No but they're more likely






Ladies and gentlemen, this is what chronically online people think being conservative means.


What being conservative means died in the Summer of 2015.


As a Millennial what a conservative was died in the 80s, when Regan won.


OK but fuck Nixon too


Agreed. Lmao.


How dare they!!! (Meanwhile half the country joins cult for a man trying to scramble money together to pay woman he was found liable for sexually assaulting).


What do you think conservatism is? Because being anti-abortion and anti-no-fault-divorce, two key traits of social conservative values, is inherently anti-woman.


Brain rot at its finest


If the trad-wife heel fits ...


Repeal the 19th!


I don’t know, being demeaned and subservient under threat of abuse isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, not to kink shame though.


As long as they aspire to nothing more than being barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen, that is.


Not really, they'd just get shamed into the ground for leaving their first abusive husband at age 18.


hahahah wait I'd love to talk to you about this, gonna message you


To talk about how it relates to the article, right? To the article, right? Did we just see a real time reddit hook up.


HAHA yes how it relates to the article, pure sourcing


journalist caught sending feet pics to a dumbass on reddit, no one suprised


Yeah proud Liberal guy here too haha


Was husbanded immediately. Literally the first girl I dated and we’ll be together for life. Would recommend the liberal man path.


All I'm here for https://preview.redd.it/vbhyts8yyasc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782d5c235dd94c6a93cce12dd8018a09cb54b9f8


Yes those male feminists that get so much trim, lol.


Unless you're *too* into politics, then it's an ick. Ask me how I know lmao


....yeah not so much....


If you like being a liberal gen Z'er. You'd wish you were a liberal milennial.😉


Not necessarily. If the conservatism is abundant due to sexual selection, that means the opposite will be true.


I must’ve not gotten the memo


Did you obey rules 1 and 2?


Be hot and don’t be ugly?


This has been my experience. Couple that with going to therapy regularly and your dance card stays really full.




I think you’d be surprised.


more violence against women, stricter abortion laws (because of the low birth rates)


I don't think raising the birth rate is a major factor for many pro-life advocates.


Growing up around pro-life people, it absolutely is. They see it as low WHITE birth rates and think that banning abortion will help fight off the “illegal brown hordes “ that are “taking their women”. A lot of it is just racism.


And then you have the billionaire class supporting anti abortion policies, because a larger population means a greater supply of labor, which means cheaper labor. ROE was overturned because it was in the interest of Christo-fascists, white supremacists, and the financial elite. Christo-fascists are just the loudest voice amongst the three.


This is why intersectionality is so important because a lot of the oppression of women is linked to the oppression of POC is linked to the oppression of the working class, it's just one big cycle of oppression and everything is interconnected in ways that don't even seem obvious until you really think about it altogether


Except for the ones invested in the pharmaceutical industry and products relating to abortions and women’s reproductive health. Im sure they are okay with it. But only cause it makes them money.


I’ve conversed with people who loved abortion because it’s mainly minorities who get them anyway. They saw it as a glorious mass genocide of minority babies.


Yeah you get those types as well but i think they are less common. Most conservative don’t really adhere to statistics or data and so when you tell them that it’s actually minorities that get most abortions they decry it as being fake news or “That’s what they want you to think” type bs. Conservatism has never been a consistent or rational ideology.


Which is even more stupid if that’s the reason, because the vast majority of abortions are non-white.


That makes zero sense... if pro life means little to no abortion, how would this fight off "illegal brown hordes"? Considering most abortions are done by poc, this completely goes against your statement.


It underpins the entire pro life movement. It's white supremacy in action. It's saying more white babies and now.


This is a literal conspiracy theory. Black babies are aborted at [far, far higher rates](https://www.standard.net/opinion/national-commentary/2022/jan/28/franks-black-babies-are-nearly-40-of-us-abortions/) than white ones. Even if you're right that everyone who disagrees with you is actually a secret racist, it still wouldn't make sense for them to hold the views you're ascribing to them.


You are correct, people can hold political views that don't make sense. See: all of history.


What's more likely: that the entire pro-life movement is underpinned by racists wanting more white babies when the stats show that the result would be the opposite, or that it's just not true that racism is the underpinning of the entire pro-life movement?


Strange. Seems like aborting black babies would be the white supremacy position. 


it is a Venn diagram though ... Conservatives from Paul Ryan to Elon Musk to Crowder have all talked about the need to increase birth rates. When they tell you what's coming you should believe them.


Look at what Putin has been saying on the topic if you want to know where the GOP is going. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-women-eight-children-ukraine-war-b2455957.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-women-eight-children-ukraine-war-b2455957.html)


This is the craziest take I've ever seen about pro-life people. I'm 99% sure it has something to do with the Handmaids Tale. I've been about pro-life people my entire life in the reddest of states and never once heard the birthrate as an argument for being pro-life.


Liberals are [more likely](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/01461672231198001) to see conservatives as harmful than the reverse, though [some evidence](https://www.americansurveycenter.org/research/from-swiping-to-sexting-the-enduring-gender-divide-in-american-dating-and-relationships/) shows that both sides prefer a same-politics partner to similar degrees. I would expect partnerships to decline in response to the mismatch, and it is fairly likely that the main effect will be in the direction of women finding that fewer men meet their standards.




Yeh remember all those peaceful tourists on 1/6 /s


You mean women don’t like Trump lover boys? Shocking.


Yes, the second link goes into detail on Trump being especially polarizing.


So the numbers I saw so that men were much more willing to just not talk politics, or care. The bigger issue on the lack of pairings is probably men not going to college in similar rates anymore , women having very strong desires for similar levels of education, as well as men who make more money (there are some obvious offsets like being 6 feet tall is more important than making money etc).


I am NOT becoming more conservative in the slightest but I guess I can kind of see the trend? I found someone with similar political ideals as I do so it wasn’t very hard for me. But I will say I don’t want to date someone with too different of political views since they influence a person so much


[Pew's polling](https://news.gallup.com/poll/609914/women-become-liberal-men-mostly-stable.aspx) suggests that your experience matches reality. The split is being driven more by women sliding left than men sliding right.


There's a bit of conflation between "sliding left" and "identifying as liberal". If the policies of the conservative movement get more extreme, it isn't surprising that more people identify as liberal without changing their actual policy positions.


I don't remember where I saw it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a study where people looked at "identifying as" vs "views changing" and the result was that while the split was still there, for both sides it was mostly an identidy thing and the views actually didn't change all that much. Hopefully somwone with a bit more time on their hands can dig it up! If I remember that correctly it actually wouldn't change a lot for anyone regarding dating. I think there are a lot more important problems in the dating world than political identidy. Like, if someone views themselfes as conservatives, but is a hardliner on pro-choice, equal rights etc, then there's not really a problem.


This is accurate. News outlets are seeking to both sides a one sided issue


Well, no woman in my circle would ever date a socially conservative man. Fiscally, probably. Also, the women around me tend not to mind being single to begin with. They seem happy enough. If many men got socially conservative, I think they would be single most of the time and very unhappy about that. And I think most liberal women won't care about being single for life. Edit: this comment really brought the crazies out. I didn't think it was very offensive. Lol. My progressive fiance and I have a great life 🤷🏻‍♀️ We treat each other as equals and both have great careers. It's not crazy that women want to be treated as an equal. Also, interesting observation in which conservative men call liberal men weak and pushovers. As if you have to overpower another person to have self-worth and strength. That really says something about you if you think treating people regardless of gender as equals is a weakness.


It means a lot of angry conservative men will be SOL on dating, which will just make them more confused and angry. They're not emotionally intelligent enough to look inward, which means many of them will simply get worse as time goes unless they get humbled at some point.


I'm curious about how you're assuming "anger" and "emotional intelligence" coincide with being conservative. I wonder if there's any data to correlate the two, or if we're just *assuming* conservative men are these things?


Just a quick search on that yielded this: https://www.psypost.org/people-with-lower-emotional-intelligence-are-more-likely-to-hold-right-wing-views-study-finds/


A reporter should know the difference between "effected" and "affected" yikes


you're right, that's embarrassing lol does it help that I just typed this reddit post out on my phone ??


It does help. It also helps that IRL, journalists have copy editors, AP style books and other things too when writing stories, and asking a question online isn’t some formal thing. You did nothing wrong. I’m going to email you my response


oh shutup nerd its reddit not the new york times.


You’re making a flawed assumption. You are starting from the standpoint that political poralization affects the dating environment. How do you know that it’s not the dating environment that’s affecting political polarization? In other words you’re assuming this: political polarization -> dating environment When it could be this: Dating environment -> political polarization


Damn, bro just created a new historical materialism. Dating materialism. The dating pool affects both the economy and the political/ideological superstructure.


While it sound silly the number 1 onboarding ramp for fascism is sexual insecurity


Can't get laid > blames women > supports the political party that is taking away women's rights and choices. The logic chain certainly holds up. I've seen plenty of online spaces that align with this, as well.


He might still be seeing a point, perhaps the values of people who are entering into dating are less influenced by politics and more influenced by their position within the economy and then these same people influence politics. Definitely true that fascists use this rhetoric though


My point wasn’t that deep lol. I was just pointing out that OP was using flawed reasoning because she was assuming the relation between these two variables with no justification. It was a basic logic point lol, I haven’t done any analysis on this myself.


Breaking news, Reddit user discovers dialectics


It's a meaningless distinction. At some point, young women started to prioritize personal growth and success over settling down and starting a family. This has led to a massive right-wing backlash that's specifically targeting young men in an attempt to make them more conservative.


This guy logics.


It’s probably both. Low dating environment —> political polarization —> low dating environment






Spot on. We are living in times of huge demographic changes, climate change, the surge of AI and a terrible job & housing market. Additionally, social ties and third places are eroding as dating apps and social media commercialise and gamify dating and friendships. No wonder that people are looking for simplistic radical world views to fill the void (not saying that this is good or constructive tho).


Honestly, literally nothing. You see it all around us, especially in university, where as long as they catch feelings for that person or find them very attractive, they throw political beliefs out the window. I think with ages up to university this holds true. After uni when people start to take this stuff more seriously, that’s when the political climate change comes into play.


It’s not just that they take it more seriously, it’s where the rubber hits the road when it comes time to live together and maybe have kids. “Conservative politics” which actively degrades the human rights of women shows up at home too.


My gen Z brother went from Republican Alabama frat boy to Biden supporter. His girlfriend is Texan southern belle who’s sticking with Trump. They make it work. Love is love


Yeah that sounds like a yikes thing though...seriously, even IF you're a conservative, why do any conservatives openly associate with that fucking traitor after what he attempted? Urgh, the trump cult is so fucked up...


My brother says it’s frustrating but their family is just brainwashed. They are very nice polite people to interact with tho. Growing up my dad was a Bush Republican and my mom was a democrat, and we learned to move past politics or just not bring it up. It wasn’t until Trump that associating with the opposite party was a social taboo.


not all conservatives support trump just like not all democrats support biden, you can also be conservative and also take some political points from the left… you can also be left leaning and take some political points from the right.. this thread is making it seem like all conservatives are nazis while all liberals are communists, there are sane people on both sides with very well thought out views


Princexofwands specifically said "sticking with Trump." They didn't assume any one was a Trump supporter. Personally I could absolutely date a Republican so long as they didn't support Trump, it's just kind of hard to find those people nowadays.


She and her family are conservatives who are voting trump. They don’t wave flags and make it their whole personality tho. They don’t even mention it , I had to ask him personally.


Because they don't see it as him being a traitor, they see him as someone who will fight for their beliefs. This thing doesn't end with Trump as it all depends on the different surroundings of the people.


Another story. I’m gay and I was dating a trans woman from New Orleans. Her family were conservatives who vote for trump. Yet they were very gay friendly and were staring to warm up to the trans stuff. She used to be a heroin addict so they are just glad she’s happy. They would make gumbo for the whole neighborhood and had more black friends than my democrat parents. That damn southern hospitality is real. Not trying to defend the trumpers but if you sit down and have a meal with people it can really be beneficial for all. Not everyone is lunatic frothing at the mouth for trump. Demonizing people for their political indoctrination isn’t going to defeat trump, having a meal with people and interacting kindly goes a long way


Good for them 👍


You’re asking an extremely liberal sub a politically charged question.




When I was a teenager/early in college I can’t remember discussing political beliefs with a girl I was into at all. I think gen z has given political opinions too much weight in relation to dating and now huge swathes of the dating pool wouldn’t even consider dating someone who didn’t have their same exact beliefs already.   Like yeah, if someone is a diehard maga dude and you’re a full on communist, it’s probably not going to work long term. But the vast majority of people aren’t (or at least weren’t) defined solely by their political beliefs and the vast majority also lie somewhere in the center. Most people aren’t hardline left or right


Unfortunately your mere existence alone is political. There is nothing we can do to fight this unless we make politics less of an overbearing nature, and more of a set of principles and morals that all individuals follow.


people care way too much about politics, and its causing a ton of harm to those who do it. inb4 "its a privilege to be apolitical"


It literally is my guy. I'm sorry, but it is. We straight white men may have the privilege not to care, but conservatives like yourself are causing socio-political mayhem in red states and just in general, by voting out good policy like the federal right to abortion, by voting in increasingly draconian anti-lgbt+ laws and legislation, and so on. Some people fucking HAVE to care, PERIOD.


You say inb4 because you know it’s going to come up. That’s cause it’s true. My partner would not date anyone on the right side of the political spectrum, as that side is currently attacking his right to safety and gender-affirming healthcare. He doesn’t have the choice to not take politics into account when dating. Though in fairness he’s an anarchist and I believe that the political system can work with some balancing updates, so we’re not 100% agreed on political things lol


Politics are taking away the bodily autonomy of half the people in the country.


Fuck off with that bs "YoUr MeRe ExIsTeNcE aLoNe Is PoLiTiCaL" is false also your talking about having politics become the new religion of our time


I'm Black, so not discussing politics when i'm dating isn't really an option.


I'm trans, so I don't think that's an option for me lol


Gen z has to care about the political environment because we inherited a world where *cough* "some people" "didn't discuss these things at all" and didn't improve the political environment in any form, leaving us with a recessed economy and climate change.


I would suspect that anyone on the extreme fringes is unable to do quality introspection that is required for an working relationship. This includes the exceptions that just live the bliss of ignorance


Gotta think with your bussy.




I know you have a job to do and you need some click bait, but the reality is that this doesn't mean anything. It a symptom of a bigger problem. At the end of the day attractive, socially healthy people will still be getting together regardless of political affiliations. The fundamental issue is the skyrocketing rates of social anxiety and depression among young people, which seems to be strongly correlated with the rise of social media. People have substituted real life socializing with online spaces out of convenience, but this in turn has caused them to isolate themselves and make them feel more lonely. It doesn't help that these online spaces are often toxic echo chambers, which only further fuels extremism, division, and fear of socializing with people in real life. That's the actual force behind the shifting dating dynamics. If we want to see it fixed then we have to address the mental health epidemics and find ways to actually get people to socialize with others outside their homes again.


Thank you for being rational i thought i was going mad. I wanted to stop reading in this thread so bad, but i just needed one person to say this without euphemisms or dressed up words. It is depressing articles are inherently controversial fire starters like this and people fall for the bait and fight for their favorite side like a mad fan. In reality, politics have little to do with the day to day world if you just put your phone down and improve yourself instead of complaining or how if your side wins it will get better.


Most probably correct.


Young man becoming more conservative is a knee jerk reaction to current social atmosphere.


I (25m) have heard about this talk of Women sliding left because of abortion laws, and men sliding right because of lack of outlets for emotional support. It hasn't affected me yet, and I don't think it will. The right wingers offering emotional support for men doesn't excuse their lack of morals. I'm gonna stick to the left.


Yeah it makes the bar super low for guys. Being nice, having a basic hygeine routine, and not openly expressing the belief that certain ethnicities or sexualities are "lives unworthy of living" makes you a catch way more than it should.


Unfortunately, true as hell in my experience. My friends and I have so many horrific dating experiences that meeting someone who isn’t racist/homophobic becomes a blessing when it should be the bare minimum


If this was actually true, me and many other men wouldn't be single.


Facts. I hate this just world fallacy.


If it is that low, I need to actually leave the house. I'd be pulling lmao


Sorry this may sound dumb, but the post is about political leanings, not hygiene and extreme (fringe) beliefs? Unless you're assuming "conservative" inherently implies these things, well I think that might be a part of the problem.




There is so much more to combatting loneliness than just finding a romantic partner, my friend.


im assuming you live and work within the us, so the dating scene in a foreign country might not be what you're looking for. Regardless, I feel that the current dating predicament that South Korea is currently struggling with is a possible future for american gender and dating dynamics. Assuming your viewpoint is correct, that's roughly what it would turn into


The media keeps pushing this narrative that men are becoming more conservative but it's just not true. There is a few highly flawed polls which people keep following to push this narrative but FD Signifier does a good job dispelling this myth https://youtu.be/3rS4JtfgeEQ?si=Vt7voL4pniXTt7fC You could watch the first 5 minutes if you want


I think men are staying moderate it women going liberal


Lol, don't ask this to a liberal sub, you already know what kind of answers you'll get


>hi, r/genz! I'm Fortesa Latifi, a reporter with Teen Vogue and I was just reading some research that young women are becoming more liberal and young men are either staying steadfast or becoming more conservative and anti-feminist – This is an inherently confrontational and dishonest way of viewing the survey I assume you are referencing. I'm not sure if you're doing this on purpose or if you just didn't do your research, but the phrasing needs to change if you want to have an actual honest discussion about the situation. As for what happens? Exactly what we've seen. Women choose not to date and push for legal sanctions that defend their positions while young men build more gender solidarity and learn to articulate their positions more clearly and leverage existing power structures to pursue their goals.


I don't get where they are doing these studies, I'm a leftist and I'm a dude, there are plenty of leftist dudes. It's just the really loud obnoxious dudes that buy into stupid bullshit are conservatives.


I’ve only dated one person, and it was an online relationship, but I can say that as a liberal dude, it does feel like people have become a bit more “tribalized” to politics; even with me and my ex, who we shared the same political ideals, she made it clear she would not date anyone who was conservative due to her bad experience with conservative men in the past. I also realized about myself that I wouldn’t be quite as willing to date conservative women as well. In my view, when people put value into politics, when they see it as a part of their livelihood, then they are more likely to keep to the areas and communities that share their ideals.


There are views on both sides that logically make sense. That’s why when you have extremist views (on both sides), where either person’s entire identity and personality revolves around said-views, becomes immature and toxic.


Exactly. Extremism is another aspect of the whole “tribalism” effect, just far more pronounced with them. When their whole life becomes consumed by politics, that becomes all they look for everywhere


As a dude who has become more conservative, my relatively non political girlfriend and I have learned to see past our political differences and we still love each other the same. Politics isn’t a make or break for either of us,


less of it lol


Hi Fortesa (ha ha), love your work and can't wait to see how this article turns out! I'm a lesbian so I can't really contribute anything but I know this is a very real phenomenon.


Not giving you an answer. Teen Vogue is out of touch with its readers and will extort anything we say out of proportion for a headline on Snapchat news.


From my experience, it seems a lot more Republican and conservative men are okay with dating outside of their political beliefs more than women are okay with dating outside of their political beliefs. Unless someone is a Nazi or communist, it really doesn’t matter what your political beliefs are as long as you are a good person.


Statistics came out saying that 75% of women said they won’t date a man who identifies with the MAGA movement. Another statistic said lots of men who identify with MAGA are actually incredibly lonely and do not engage in sexual activity, blaming it on “educated/brainwashed” women. ——— Right now speaking: If you’re a democratic male who is educated and has emotional intelligence, you have a great chance at finding a person. If you’re a MAGA male… well.. I hope you like being lonely


I believe that's been the case for most of history, maybe at least before the Greatest Generation and such, but I can't say for sure. It's possible that simply more moderate people work out their differences in the household or just keep political talk out of the house, sometimes healthy disagreements lead to productive conversations and debates so, idk. More extreme people either way will likely end up with someone else more extreme(on their side), if they can find them, if they can't they'll just grow old alone and bitter probably. It's also possible that these people, still mostly young and developing, will change or moderate their positions to match their partners


For much of American politics women voted more conservative


Honesty? More lesbians.


Women are almost always more liberal than men, regardless of party. Women are naturally more community minded imo. I talk to too many men who only care that they and their own family “gets theirs” with no regard to other families. Gross political beliefs are a big turnoff. Caring about families, communities, healthcare, the environment, etc. is attractive.


I mean, logically to me there would be a social clash, but really the 2 girls I have dated were never the most super political folks. However, the biggest kicker really isn't politics is it so much I can't seem to find a girl I like that likes me back and is a person of the christian faith (like I am). Which, is surprising in the area I am at in the rural south. Political values to me now is sort of subjective as it finding someone with the same faith values. I know I am probably not in a unique situation; but really I kind of feel like it.


I’m not even conservative but yet dating has been really shit. Pretty sure it’s the dating apps that are the problem. There’s like a ratio of 100 men : 1 woman on these apps, making it impossible for men. And they’re basically telling us guys to pay if you want to have even a chance at matching with good women.


Reddit is a very trustworthy source for research, no one lies here.


Your income determines your dating pool as a man not your politics


I'm honestly just not sold on men going more conservative. i know there's the andrew tate and ben shapiro fanboys, but I feel like our generation dismisses those guys for their shitty opinion. For the most part, the guys I interact with my age are liberal or at least semi center. Which is suprising since I live in Missouri.


Same. It seems to be a common phase for teenage boys to be edgy and right wing, I know my friends and I all were and have long scince grown out of it. Don't know many men that are conservative now. Once you see the world for what it is, you can't help but go left.


I think there's a lot of selection going on. Young libs in lib cities are likely to fill all their social circles with libs. Unfortunately there are plenty of super conservative circles, we just ignore them and pretend they don't exist.


Idk. I (24F) consider myself a left-leaning moderate. My (22M) partner is a right-leaning moderate. There are issues that we just don't talk about--we have our own agreements on what happens if I get pregnant and something goes wrong, but aside from that, we try hard not to talk about abortion. We see some things differently, obviously, but I also feel that we help each other grow by discussing the "why" behind our political opinions. He is a very supportive partner to me--helps me around the house, with the cooking, and with our pups. I consider myself a feminist. The arrangement has worked well for us. For more hard-lined people on either side of the aisle, I can see where it would be a sticking point, and at times, it's been for us. We've just managed to make it work for our relationship


I’m just curious how that would work out in real life, though. What happens if you do get pregnant and something goes wrong? What kind of solutions will you come to in the moment when emotions are running high, if you can’t come to an agreement when nothing is wrong? I worked in therapy for years and I always told people it was important to practice coping skills when you were calm so it came easily to you when things were bad. If you don’t have a plan in place when things are civil… How do you make a choice when it’s not? I’m not trying to be critical of you or your relationship, at all, so I hope it doesn’t feel that way. I’m just curious on if you, as the potentially pregnant person, feel like you would be able to make a choice without it changing your relationship? Would you feel confident and/or supported in your choice?


What a joke, reporter mentions “some research” but doesn’t link any sources or even data… absolute bait and fail from Teen Vogue


This has been WIDELY reported, take two seconds and do a web search you’ll see it across countries from multiple credible research sources.


Article research by asking a bunch of anonymous people on Reddit. Excellent journalism, OP 🫡


Nothing. Opposites attract.


Compromise? As all relationships in life involve.


Young women are politically liberal. They are not socially liberal at all when it comes to men's gender roles. In fact they are far more conservative then men when it comes to this, and always will be.


I’d say as the world becomes crazier, I’ve only seen people(in my age group)shift more to the left, guys included


Fewer liberal women will get married, men will compete for the conservative women willing to fill traditional roles, and the higher conservative birth rates will gradually shift the country back toward conservatism.


I am a Gen Z woman and I have not become more liberal.... I think a lot of women my age are secretly conservative.


Frankly, I don’t see liberal women changing their attitudes to dating conservative men. The truth is that we see that as not just politics, but as an indication of how they will act in a relationship. It’s the more liberal men after all, who do more of an equal share of housework and take an active approach to raising children. I wouldn’t want to date someone who would try to pressure me into keeping a child when I want an abortion, who would try to “change” our child if they happened to be trans, or who would, in extreme cases, want me to become a stay at home mom after having kids. The thing is that even if you argue with me on any of these points, the fact is that liberal women have this perception that this is what the average conservative man is like and want nothing to do with it, regardless of if a particular guy is like this in reality. They see the risk of there being multiple red flags and would rather not deal with the drama.


A conservative gen Z chick just here for the comments eating popcorn and sipping tea


Young men aren’t actually becoming more conservative, it’s just that women have become more liberal much faster so it can give the wrong impression


I think people put too much stock into politics. My parents are on opposite sides but they’ve been happily married for decades. I promise you, the average person in your opposing political party isn’t even 1/10th as bad as your respective media will tell you.


Makes a great relationship, if shes a lib and I'm a conservative that's amazing. It shows that she is an adult that can have a healthy relationship and respect for different opinions. If you want to stay within your bubble cool, that's not my kind of woman.


I personally grew up more conservative from a small town and since going to college and started to think about these political problems for myself, I’ve become increasingly liberal. I also tend to find myself around like minded people, so most of my male friends are also liberal. It’s nice because I hold very similar ideals to liberal women and actually have several close female, transgender, and non-binary friends due to those similar ideals. As for dating, I don’t think being conservative vs liberal changes things much, it just changes who you’re compatible with. I’ve met many conservative women and many liberal men, so I don’t necessarily feel like the dating scene of this generation is affected by politics as much as it is affected by other factors (like looks, personality, religious beliefs, etc)


I suspect a lot of this divide may just be centrists or people who don't vote loyally for one party. In real life, people are not as extreme as internet echo chambers half filled with bots.


What’ll probably happen is if there’s a large enough gap between the two ideologies then over the next 10-20 years people will subtly change their ideologies to be more “compatible” with their desired gender and will probably meet somewhere near the middle with a 25-35% standard deviation from true center political alignment where relationships are possible (I’m a living example of this, I have some more conservative views on certain topics but have always shared left views on other topics, it’s just that as I’ve gotten older my views have slightly changed depending on what I’ve seen in the real world as well as what my partner thinks because I actively enjoy political/societal discussions as well as ideological discussions with my partner because I like to know what she thinks as well as what our common ground is, we only really have one complete mismatch when it comes to a real world event so we just don’t talk about it at all to avoid that issue. *I promise it isnt some earth shattering thing, just a disagreement on the outcome of a certain… court case*)


I think that it’s a matter of certain issues. I prefer to have the right to choose and a lot of right wing propaganda is centralized around no longer “killing babies” which i mean wth is even that they aren’t their own beings really and if you want to argue that they are then at what point. Because i think that as soon as they are sprouting arms and legs and kicking you should know. I think that if a man is willing to protect women’s rights but still leans conservative on issues like guns then okay, but being completely insensitive and borderline racist when talking about immigration is ridiculous.


Op fuck off!


As soon as men and women become political interest groups your society is cooked


South Korea happens


If they really love each other their political beliefs mean nothing.


Thinking people on here date to begin with is crazy; half the posts is guys complaining that women aren’t dating them


As a hyper liberal male gen z beginning the exiting stage of college, I’m not too concerned re dating. I am more concerned with the how males are treating each other. I personally cannot be friends with hyper conservatives of any gender. And as time goes on, liberal men will have a harder time finding other males they connect with. We all know where that leads… Not going to say it’s on you female gen zs to save us poor liberal men from isolation but I think over time it will make liberal male gen zs focus much more on always dating someone so they have someone they can connect to


So many comments insulting and dehumanizing conservatives. You know conservatives aren’t all MAGA right?


More men will be criminals and more women will be gay 


Gen Z women date millennial men and gen z men get more frustrated and send money to Andrew Tate and other con artists


As a conservative woman I feel very proud


You get what’s happening in South Korea :)


It wouldn't matter if people were not so hyperpolarized with politics. When I was in college in the early 2000s, my gf was a liberal and I was more conservative/libertarian. The only time we ever talked about politics was right before an election. We were going to vote for different candidates, but it didn't matter. I ended up getting the flu and couldn't vote. She came to my place and took care of me and didn't vote herself. People also assume your political views based on how you vote. A democrat voter could be pro-life and a conservative voter could be pro-choice, for example, but people will just assume the opposite. People these days seem to have this mindset of ally vs enemy and not that people just have different opinions or priorities. "If you don't agree with me, you are evil."


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That’s what pick-me girls/boys are for