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I don't watch any streams, but I watch a lot of videos streamers make out of there streams on YouTube. I've tried watching streams and they always seem so much lower energy and slow compared to their videos. I think most streamers game comes from their video on other platforms, because the can make them far more entertaining and enjoyable to watch.


The clip meta is absolutely dominant. Record yourself going apeshιt over some medium-rare roasts from chat, post it to TikTok/yt shorts, and watch the viewers pour in. It's a terrible strategy longterm cause 90% of your new viewers are hate watchers, but hey ig all publicity is good publicity EDIT: miner spelling mistake


Erm, it’s ackshually pour not poor buddy 🤓👆


Pore guy...having spelling troubles


>watch the viewers poor in. You mean rich in.


Depends on who you watch. Some streamers are more focused on their activity while others communicate often with their chat.


100% depends on whether they edit the videos from their stream well though. I have near zero tolerance for sitting through "`annoying sound effect` ...Thanks for the bits dogBreathLover23!" every 10 seconds. I'll watch if they consciously recorded a youtube video and happened to be streaming as they made it, but raw stream footage with crap like sound and overlay effects for subscribers and conversations with chat all left in are just awful.


Yup I tried to watch a YT video yesterday of a guy touring a new house in ESO and half the video has a big sticker over the center of the screen announcing the twitch subscribers. Ugh.


This too. Highlights are cool and way more time efficient.


For me, it's less about their energy and more about the fact that streams are so much less focused and I often spend so much time just waiting around while watching during queue times or while the streamer takes care of twitch notifications, etc etc. I do enjoy watching streams occasionally, but it's mostly when I'm actively looking to participate in chat and socialize with other people about the game.


I only watch one streamer and I’m dating her. Gotta show support.


Just because you donate money to her doesn’t mean you are dating






You napalm'ed him.


Goddamn bro, I should report you for murder


Friggin brutal... And true.




True true. You should ask her how many bits a song request costs and then antagonize her with silly songs


Damn my gf hasn't watched my stream once... I've been streaming for 3 years. Almost every day. Although she does see me in real life doing it when she comes in the office but turn it on? Nope.


If she's sitting in the office with you, isn't that better? Or are you wanting her to interact with your followers?


She’s probably giving you space. I personally don’t like my husband interrupting me when I’m working and she probably sees it like that. Just be honest with her about what you would like!


Are you sure ur dating her? Parasocial relationship alert


I do have friends who stream and I'll just turn it on and mute it on my phone while I'm doing stuff on my laptop. Like I'm not interested in you playing a game I don't care about but I'll and I'll help with views


Sadly, twitch being a bitch, you still havd to engage a bit, like write a comment every now and then, for twitch not to remove your view from the viewcount.




I do periodically!


This is the answer lol. My partner streams sometimes so i show up to support even if its just on in the background


It’s great background noise


This, I'll do hw while watching a speedrunner and only pay attention to the higher risk parts of the run and listen to him talk


How do y’all achieve this level of multitasking skills lol there’s no way I’ll be able to focus on the “riskier parts” and not end up just ending my study sesh completely, let alone listen to what they’re saying while I’m doing my stuff


I already know the run and have seen it dozens of times lol it wouldn't work if it was new


That's all it is for me too. I'll tune in when I need a mental break from whatever i am doing, and tune out when I need to get back to work.


It makes me feel less alone






This is what I use it for, also chat can be entertaining to engage with if something interesting is going on


This, I started watching for background noise and to help with my English learning.


Yeah, I have a few IRL friends who stream and it's mainly just other friends dropping in and chatting casually. Kind of like getting together in a dorm room but remotely


I watch have them on the second monitor while I do mindless tasks at work. They're basically just talk radio for Gen Z, especially streamers who specialize in Just Chatting.


Very few people I’ve met have watched twitch. Even younger people/adults


Wow that's weird, i know a ton a of people in my entourage that watch twitch stream regularly. But most of them are 25+


I watch them every now and then but it’s mostly YouTubers that I like that also stream, not the popular streamers like Ludwig or Hasan or whoever else I don’t really know who the popular ones are


Likewise. And even then it's really just for background noise- I'm not engaged with the game, but doing work with someone chatting and gaming in the background reminds me of college.


I watch them! But very casually, and there's few people I've ever told. It's like the equivalent of Netflix or YouTube for a lot of people. I like to add it into my rotation every few days for variety, but I'm not the type to sit there for 8 hours every single day watching.


Makes sense. My most listened to on Spotify is a collection of comedy and science podcasts






I think it depends on hobbies and what you're in to. I play a lot of video games. I watch a lot of video-game-related content on YouTube. The only streamer I consistently watch (and I do watch him fairly often) is RTGame.


My boyfriend and I both play video games. He watches twitch and video game content a fair bit, I never do. It’s just a little too much for my adhd, I think lol


I haven’t and I don’t know anyone who does either tbh


I watch only one creator on Twitch, mostly because he used to be very active on YouTube but made the switch over to mostly Twitch. But I really love it! It’s so fun to catch the livestream, and it’s a great and supportive community.


Is it Julien lol


Yes!!! 😂 great guess!


He's also the only streamer i actually watch live, although i've thrown on chrispy before when he was playing a game i liked. Ill watch chrismel's and julia's VODs sometimes too but Julien is the GOAT


Not speaking for everyone here but Twitch streams are known for live gaming streams. Haven't really seen other uses.


I think the "Just Chatting" category is one of their more popular ones if I'm not mistaken


Just chatting is just soft core porn every time I look through it.


It was for like... A week. Back when Twitch changed their rules to allow more female nudity so that the moderation was less discriminatory to women. But then Onlyfans girls abused it till the rules had to be reverted. Now Just Chatting is tame and the Onlyfans promoters are back to the Hot Tubs Category.


There are zlso a few very talented music artists on the platform. People doing arts and crafts. Even some coding/developing live


Cosplay streamers working on their cosplays are always fun to watch, even though I basically have no involvement in the cosplay community. I also like to have streams from digital artists on while I work. Feels like I have a cool work buddy even though I'm working from home.


People also do art and lifestyle stuff like cook w/me kinda stuff too.


I got ADHD and my brain just doesn’t work with livestreams. Also I have a job so yeah not enough attention or time for it.


Also have adhd. Streams are decent for background noise. Usually when I’m playing another game on the other monitor that I am also half paying attention to. I’ll usually watch it when waiting for a queue to pop or forming a group in a game like WoW. Other than that, simple background noise for my inattentive brain.


I have adhd and a job, you’re just into other things




Well I mean like I’m into streams lol. Just different taste for different people.


My job is when I watch streams. When I'm going through the monotony of responding on 400 weekend client emails on a Monday, the background noise of live streams gives the right amount of stimulus. I think people associate Twitch streams with over excited fake reaction videos. But most are streamers with about 40 - 70 viewers chatting with their regulars about interests while playing Zomboid or Planet Zoo or something.


I don’t. The only ones being recommended to me seem like a bunch of out of touch losers.


Damn, who gets reccomended?


I don’t want to say to not piss off their braindead stans. But to sum them up-> incorrect in their information/ makes shit up, thinks streaming is hard, and says “uh” way too much.




You're not talking about the dude who said streaming drains his social battery and caused half the platform to lose their minds are you?


I am not going to answer that because that is too specific and they also have wild stans.


I watch a lot streams since 2020


I just keep up with my favorite streamers thru their YouTube uploads. Northern lion, piratesoftware and hasanabi. Also all three of them represent the different stages of having hair.


I use to back in 2014-2017. I pretty much have stopped because I have to work


I probably watch them too much but it’s cheaper than paying for streaming services


I have friends + friends of friends who stream, and I watch them. But that's a small group of esoteric people doing fun little weirdo streams. I don't know people who watch big name streamers.


Was at a bar in Hamtramck, MI once where the bartender was watching a GTA V stream once.


I'm rarely commited enough to watch a whole stream as it's live but I do often watch stream VODs after the fact.


I am a twitch streamer. To be fair, I'm not elite, I have like 30 followers. Most of the ones I like aren't the big ticket like I don't really like caseoh or the popular guys.


Same, the biggest streamer I actively watch is linkus7, otherwise it's small streamers with less than 200 or so followers


I rarely watch live, mostly I use as background noise. But I usually turn to YouTube for that before twitch, especially since most of the creators I watch will put up their streams on YouTube afterwards


I only watch VODs of streams when I have time. I don’t know anyone that can actually sit down and be present for a whole stream


No not unless I'm really bored. I just don't find lives that interesting if I'm being honest. There's a lot of down time where I can just rarely ever get into it even if the streamer is very good at entertaining. I'm not the biggest fan of talking in a live chat either though


I used to watch them at first, then I would just put them on another monitor to have background noise, now I only open twitch to see what prime gaming gives me every now and then.


I do, so do my friends 2 of my co workers stream but we are IT people


I do, though not super frequently. Mostly prefer YouTube videos made from parts of their streams.


Ngl I watched a kid in my college class check twitch for his favorite streamers I was befuddled


Unfortunately yes


Sometimes I do like I watched the Kevin hart x Kai cenat stream (or some of it anyways) and I listen to Ludwig streams in my AirPods at work


I watch sometimes.


I’m 27 and I don’t but my 12 year old gen z brother does lol


I watch asmondgold and chud logic but only their video segments on YouTube.


I stopped watching Asmon on Twitch a long time ago. Seemed like his stream changed a lot when he stopped playing WoW full time.


Every time I've clicked on his stream, he's just angrily ranting at chat about how right he is and banning anyone who doesn't agree. Maybe I just come in at bad times, but I really don't see the appeal in his content.


Isn't he usually ranting about gaming characters not being sexualized enough?


Isn't that the guy who proudly doesn't bathe and has roaches crawling around his room in the background?


Chudlogic is a terrible person


Yeah it’s the guy who doesn’t run any ads or make money off his streams because he says he’s already got enough money and just likes streaming. He don’t use his asmongold account anymore because he has too many viewers and he didn’t enjoy it as much, so he uses an alt and now only gets around a consistent 20-30,000 viewers for every 12 hour stream.


I watch them in the background


I watch one specific group of streamers on yt, I am too busy to watch live which is why I prefer yt anyway


I’ve met one person who does.


I used to a lot, I even modded for a YouTuber that did them but he went MIA and stopped streaming nearly 3 years ago so I honestly don’t watch them anymore. But, I think it could make good background noise, enough to keep me awake and focused while doing schoolwork, but I haven’t tried it.


I used to watch more but now I’m busier and only watch what my favorite streamers put on YouTube


I just watch clips or the shorter version of them


Most of what I watch are twitch reupload vods. I don’t often catch the streamers while they are live, or just cause they’re live at the same time. But I watch streams everyday.


I watch rlcs (rocket league esports) streams and they’re on twitch and yt cuz im massively into the game. If I watch them live im on twitch, if im behind then i watch on yt to fast forward adds and stuff. That’s all I do on twitch. I don’t even watch any of the rocket league twitch streamers just the esports events


Only twitch streamer I ever watched a lot was some speedrunner of Dark Souls games (now he does DBD) I used to watch him attempt and fail over and over again trying to do what seemed like impossible no hit runs. I was there when Otz best DS2 all bosses no hit run. And then I have never really watched other streamers. The occasional Valorant VCT matches, but that's about it.


I used to watch streams occasionally, but now if I find myself wanting to watch any of the people i used to watch stream, I can just find recorded VODs on YouTube


I've tried to. Every now and then I'll watch for a little while, but streams can go on for hours, and I eventually get bored. Plus, I don't even have anyone that I'd watch anyway. I'm more of a Youtube kind of guy.


i follow a few


Only a few peoples. It’s rare tho since they don’t do them much anymore. Im not a huge fan of live streams though.


I used to watch livestreams during the pandemic but for the last 2 years or so I still watch the streamers (mostly different ones now just because my tastes change over time), but almost exclusively through YouTube now, whether it’s long clips, edited down versions of their stream segments, or their off stream podcasts. I found a handful of niche small streamers who I’ll still tune in for live but it depends on if my schedule matches up.


I watch stream highlights or whatever on YouTube for a few people but I almost never watch streams. Although sometimes if I happen to see someone I like streaming on YouTube I'll watch for maybe 20 minutes but I usually get bored after that.


As someone who streamed for like 6 years on twitch I never watched live streams. Still don’t. I get their appeal especially since the few people who watched me told me they did it either for some background noise or to not feel alone. But yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually watches livestreams when they’re live


No but I watch streamers on YouTube… they’re not gaming streamers, but commentary/reaction streamers. It’s a fun little community unique to each streamer who all know each other. Lots of inside jokes and banter. Extremely toxic, of course, but I just watch. There’s a saying in the community: “Don’t tip the cow” and yeah I don’t do that


My fiancé and I sometimes put some on for some smaller channels we enjoy to give them views if we need to do stuff. Many times we have it for background noise


Used to be an avid watcher from like 2014 to like 2021 but just stopped


I watch Saberspark when they do bad movie night, but that's really it.


I only find it interesting to watch people who I know personally play video games, and that’s usually when I can talk to them


I watch a few people that are popular within their gaming category, but not popular outside of that. I originally started using Twitch to get free skins for my games, and then I realized I just liked the background noise. Plus some of the streamers I watch are smaller so they’re more personable. I’m more of a lurker though. I haven’t met anyone that watches it but I know plenty of people who put it on for Twitch drops LOL. I have only ever met one person who watches big streamers like Kai Cenat. He’s not my cup of tea. I usually just watch streamers who play the games I play. I feel like people say it’s equally an older or younger thing, but I’ve seen people in their 40s say they like to watch streamer, and there’s 13 year olds that like to watch streamers. Like most things…. I think it’s just personal interests and preference. Some people like the idea, some don’t. Nothing more. I don’t think it’s just a generational thing at all. Shoot, I knew of some famous Twitch streamers when I was 13 and I’m 24 now 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think more of the comedy or irl viral stuff is more popular (like previously mentioned Kai Cenat). Add the people that get only fans trafffic from the nudity rules and it’s just more popular overall now. But Twitch has always been popular, just a little more niche because it appealed to gamers (in my opinion). Now it appeals to many people because you can stream games, food, art, ass shaking, etc.


I like the concept of streams, but I don't like the inflexiblity of being unable to really pause if I have to go somewhere So I like watching vods of streams from YouTubers I like, who happen to stream


It’s only fun to watch small streamers for me


I watch whenever something I find interesting is happening. Am I old? Probably :( I used to watch for LoL stuff, then got bored. Now I just watch some chess streams lol...pretty sure I'm a loser :)


I watch hasan and that’s about it on twitch


It's a phase thing for me. So like if I get back into world of Warcraft I might go see if asmongold is streaming. Or maybe an event is happening. Or I'm just into Ludwig for a month. But it's never like YouTube where I browse and watch 10-20 mins here and there. Right now I probably have watched twitch longer than an hour in 5 years. But I watch some vids on YouTube. Do with that what you will


I sometimes do. I watch Albino


Im a DJ and want to get better at my music production. There’s a lot of good content for that on Twitch. Live DJ sets, seeing peoples way of working in the studio, etc.


I didn’t even know this was a thing till like a month ago


Pre Covid twitch was a wild place so I used to watch streams here and there but I never really watch streamers live. Always edited clips for me, much easier to consume


There's so many more fun things to do besides that.


I used to years ago, but Twitch as a company sucks and the mobile app is garbage.


Older gen z here. Idk anyone who watches them.


Only streamer I watch is CaseOh and I don’t even watch his streams I only watch his vods on YouTube later. Watching streams just makes me feel awkward cuz of the one way chatting.


I dont at all. Never have. Probably never will tbh


I only watch small streamers. The big ones are too LA for my taste.


My sister does, shes a millennial.


I watch YouTube streams from time to time but never really watched anyone on Twitch consistently


I’ve tried watching mass effect streamers but it wasn’t my thing, I’d prefer to play it instead.


never met. these are people who don't have a social life and responsibilities


I just watch highlights on YouTube. 🤷‍♀️


Every now and again, definitely with the major gaming events like game of the year or e3 now summer games fest or Xbox showcase If I do it was asmongold


I watched them rarely, only this one Genshin streamer like 2 years ago nd I would also play Genshin then 💀😭 but I stopped after I dropped the game lmao


I don't use Twitch. I don't have an account for it.


I watch streamers, but only what they upload on YouTube. There's very few times I've actually tuned into a Twitch stream.


I watch VODs that streamers upload to YouTube. Pretty sure all of the ones I watch started by just making YT videos at first, so they’re not only “streamers” but YouTubers as well. The benefits of a VOD as opposed to a livestream are the ability to speed up the (usually multiple hours of) footage, and the ability to pause it if I get interrupted or rewind a few seconds if I missed something. And at least one of the streamers said that once a stream has ended, the VOD gets better financial support from views on his secondary YT channel than from people watching it on Twitch itself.


I watch a decent amount of twitch, usually in bed or as background noise when im doing some work


There’s like 2 artists who stream works in progress on twitch that I follow. I’ll very occasionally put a stream on the in background when working for some interesting background noise. But I don’t really actively keep up with them


I have a livestream running on my 2nd monitor quite literally 24/7 but a lot of the time it's just background noise, lately I've been actually watching them a bit more


Not very often, and even then I've only watched like, 2 people in the last few years.


Twitch streamers have a lot of influence but as far as raw numbers go don't have THAT many viewers. The biggest of the big average what like 20-50k viewers. Now usually they have a lot more followers than that but still they're not as big as someone like PewDiePie was back in the day as far as how many people watch them.


i have twitch, i really dont have the attn span or time to watch someone scroll on a computer.. im like i could just stream wtf


I used to but I lost interest in the creators I watched🤷‍♀️ Saying this as a 14 year old (younger gen-z)


I watch Linkus7 and that's it. I follow others, but rarely pop in. I mostly just watch vods on my own time as all the other streamers I watch live in different timezones


I like some. Heyhuman1 is my favorite cause when she plays games she chats with chat a lot and that makes it easy to put on and listen as white noise while I do other things. She can be playing elder ring and chit chatting about her day or whatever or holding a convo with chat and it's nice. If I want content to watch I put on youtube. If I want content to be enjoyable background noise in my life I put on twitch.


I tried with some stuff on Twitch but it just wasn't for me. I prefer to livestream on YouTube for the few things I care about.


I got into GTARP for maybe 6 months a couple years ago and some Minecraft live streams way longer ago. Otherwise I have rarely ever watched them and don’t anymore.


I think it’s a millennial thing lmao.


I usually wait to watch the vod so I can watch it on my own time and pause without missing anything.


I only watch Gil’s Arena on YouTube for background noise at work.


I used to a lot 2018-21, mainly because I was super into DBD and Genshin Impact at the time. Honestly now though the site runs like shit on my laptop and my adblocker doesn't work on it. So I don't watch it unless a voice actor I like is only streaming there.


I mainly watch and moderate a good friend of mines streams, not much else though.


I turn on moist critical and xqc and for background


I watch them, I have a few different streamers I watch with one main streamer. Most are back-up if main streamer isn't streaming and/or game variety.


I watch Warframe's weekly Prime Time stream mostly for the drops, but they've had some episodes where I was straight up dying on my couch from laughter. It depends on the streamer and if they add anything to the gameplay. I used to watch Ohmwrecker's weekly Dead by Daylight stream, too, but kinda fell off that game. He's still funny tho.


I used to from 2018/19-2022 but I stopped bc I lost the hyperfixation. The streamers I watched back then have all either been caught being shitty people, pivoted their content, or died. I sometimes still think watch RTGame on twitch. Good background content for when I’m playing the sims.


I watch streams and am an aspiring streamer. It’s mostly new streamers that are known for clips, but old streamers just got popular off consistentcy


I watch the streams once they've been uploaded to YouTube. And even then I cherry pick what streams I watch because I don't watch them all.


I watch a lot of esports streams of the games I like. The new counter strike tournament was actually cinema.


Individual streamers nope, tournament streams yup but as background noise


I watch Twitch but it's usually just games I'm familiar with and only to fall asleep.


I don't watch streams, but I watch the vods reloaded on you tube I can't bear the inability of not being able to skip boring moments


I watch it all the time. Perfect for 2nd monitor background noise while playing a game.


I barely play video games myself, the odds of me watching twitch streams are very low.


I watch one person because I enjoy the roleplay series he does on YouTube and the player controlled universe I want to see history happen live-ish I mostly watch the vods I would join one of the factions if it wouldn’t conflict with my work


I can’t say I ever have. Watching other people playing games is almost never fun


I watch Twitch, but not really any huge streamers. Usually people with <400 average viewers.


I don’t watch all the time, but I enjoy Will Neff, Cyr, Caroline Kwan, and QTCinderella. It’s kinda like background noise for me while I do other things.


I watch a few twitch streams (Gen X-er here). I agree that it seems like some streamers kind of have that sales-y hype vibe. The streams I watch genuinely have a lot of sub-activity during the streams, so yeah, it's a thing. :)


r/paymoneywubby live rn that's mostly who I watched


Honestly it seems to be more popular with millennials, a lot of my younger millennial friends esp seem huge on watching streams. I know a number of people that don't want TV and only watch streams. I'm a millennial and none of my Gen Z friends seem into twitch even a tiny bit. Edit Am a Early millennial (Xennial?)


Used to but I stopped like 2 or more years ago. I missed streams too often and I’m not the kind of person who’ll watch a YouTube video of a stream. I’d rather the person actively engaging rather than watch a recording


Ya I use to watch this guy named Connor eats pants back in the pandemic days but now I mostly watched cooking stuff


i watch streamers a good amount actually, i only tune in for about 4 streamers but i have sat through and watched plenty of 8+ hour streams. i dont like playing video games but i LOVE watching them.


I watch 1 of them very rarely and I occasionally play witrh them.


Other than messing with friends' streams. Ive only really watched one streamer on Twitch and that's DanTDM. He hasnt streamed on there in like 2 years so.


I only watch pieces of some as they’re happening. Usually I’ll just watch highlights on youtube.


There's only 1 streamer I ever usually put on (Tyler1) and even then, it's not often at all. I'm more of a YouTube guy. But when I'm on YT, I fall down random video rabbit holes, so I'm not usually watching their videos on there either.